Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...

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Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...
Registration & Program

Sunday 16 September – Wednesday 19 September 2018
 Adelaide Convention Centre – Adelaide, South Australia
Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...
 Organising Committee                        2     ORGANISING COMMITTEE
 Who Should Attend?                          2
                                                   Dr Martin Ritossa
 Welcome & Program Highlights                3     Chair, Organising Committee
                                                   Professor Gustaaf Dekker
 Call for Abstracts                          4     Chair, Scientific Program
 Keynote Speakers                            8     Dr Carmel Cocchiaro
                                                   Committee Member
 Memorial Orations & Lectures                9     Associate Professor Rosalie Grivell
                                                   Committee Member
 Pre-meeting Workshops                      10
                                                   Professor Ben Mol
 Satellite Meetings                         12     Committee Member

 Breakfast Sessions                         13     Dr Alison Munt
                                                   Social Program
 Scientific Program                         14     Professor Robert Norman
                                                   Committee Member
 Continuing Professional Development        17
                                                   Dr Robert O’Shea
 Social Program                             18     Committee Member
                                                   Dr Amanda Poprzeczny
 Venue & Host City                          20     Trainee Representative
 Accommodation                              22     Dr Elvis Seman
                                                   Committee Member
 General Information                        25     Dr Jeffrey Taylor
 Registration Information                   26     DRANZCOG Program Coordinator
                                                   Mr Mark Donato
 Registration Fees                          27     RANZCOG Director of Marketing and Membership
                                                   Mrs Anna Smaragdi
                                                   RANZCOG Events Team Lead
                                                   Ms Sara MacArthur
                                                   RANZCOG Event Coordinator
                                                   Ms Tania Back
                                                   RANZCOG SA/NT Regional Office
                                                   Ms Lee-Anne Harris
                                                   RANZCOG Sponsorship Consultant
Follow ASM developments and program updates at
                                                   WHO SHOULD ATTEND?

Keep up to date with the latest news on Facebook   •   Fellows
— search RANZCOG                                   •   Trainees
                                                   •   Diplomates
Spread the word and tweet using #RANZCOG18         •   Associate Members
                                                   •   Educational Affiliates
                                                   •   Midwives
                                                   •   Any health professional with an interest in
                                                       women’s health

Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...

The RANZCOG 2018 Annual Scientific                        Pre-meeting workshops and breakfast sessions will
Meeting (ASM) will promote, foster and                    enrich the program and with the affiliated Diplomates
                                                          Day program, meeting of the Pre-Vocational
embrace change in O&G practice and will
                                                          Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society and the
focus on the continuum of care, so as to
                                                          Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health
bridge the boundaries of specialisation.                  Meeting – there’s something for everyone.

Together with our keynote speakers – Adam Balen,          The exciting social program is one that only Adelaide
Jennifer Dietrich, Catherine Nelson-Piercy and            could put together. The meeting venue is in the heart
Peter Rosenblatt – we have developed a program            of a renewed Adelaide CBD. Hip laneways filled with
that features:                                            restaurants, cafes and bars are only a few minutes’
                                                          walk from the venue. When the meeting ends, the
•   The very latest in obstetric medicine, with updates   party begins. Stroll across to a Peel Street gin bar,
    on cardiology, endocrinology, preeclampsia and        wander into the city for some shopping, go for a
    complex obstetric surgery.                            run or a bike ride along the River Torrens, or visit the
•   New developments in fetal surveillance, prenatal      Festival Theatre. Whatever you do, don’t miss the
    diagnosis and the management of the periviable        Meeting Dinner at Adelaide Oval, the world’s most
    fetus.                                                picturesque cricket ground. The home of the day
•   A focus on paediatric and adolescent                  night test and AFL, provides the ultimate venue for
    gynaecology, with talks on medical, surgical and      catching up with old friends or dancing the night
    legal issues.                                         away with new ones.
•   Topics that promote inclusive healthcare,
    including Indigenous women’s health, perinatal        The Organising Committee invites you to Adelaide for
    mental health and a panel discussion on gender        the 2018 RANZCOG ASM. Let us be your guide to the
    issues in O&G.                                        changing, challenging and exciting world of O&G. We
•   A strong focus on gynaecology, including              hope you have an illuminating, thought-provoking
    sessions on reproductive medicine, menstrual          and memorable meeting with time to enjoy the
    disorders, prolapse surgery and a hypothetical        delights South Australia has to offer.
    addressing current controversies.
•   A global health session to highlight Indonesia, our
    most populous neighbour. Adelaide has strong
    ties with the O&G community in Indonesia and
    seeing women’s health through their eyes will be
•   A dedicated session for our newest Fellows and
    trainees, including presentations on paperless
    practice, hours of training and dealing with the
    medical board.
•   A dedicated time for the presentation of the best     Dr Martin Ritossa           Professor Gus Dekker
    abstracts during a plenary session to introduce       Chair                       Chair
    our future high flyers and to keep our Fellows        Organising Committee        Scientific Program
    abreast of the very latest research.

Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...

    Abstracts are invited for Free Communication (Oral) and Poster                Abstracts may be submitted in the
    presentations for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of             following areas of interest:
    Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting               •   Termination of Pregnancy Care
    (RANZCOG 2018 ASM) being held in Adelaide, South Australia from
                                                                                  •   Contraception
    Sunday 16 to Wednesday 19 September 2018. Abstracts are welcome
                                                                                  •   Current Influences on Women’s Health/
    on any topic relevant to women’s health; papers must not have been
                                                                                      Global Women’s Health
    published elsewhere.
                                                                                  •   Fertility and Reproductive Health

    The deadline for abstract submission is Tuesday 15 May 2018.                  •   Fetal Medicine

                                                                                  •   General Gynaecology
    Abstracts will be reviewed by the Organising Committee and will be
                                                                                  •   Prenatal Diagnosis / Ultrasound
    selected using criteria such as:
                                                                                  •   Gynaecological Endoscopy and
                                                                                      Robotic Surgery
    •   Clarity and appropriateness of the design and methods
    •   Relevance and appropriateness of the results and analysis                 •   Gynaecological Oncology and
    •   Originality and relevance of the discussion
    •   Overall quality of the abstract                                           •   Labour and Obstetric Complications
    •   Presentation of new research findings                                     •   Medical Education
    •   Utilisation of new technology in obstetrics and gynaecology
                                                                                  •   Menopause
    •   Papers that challenge current thinking in obstetrics and gynaecology
                                                                                  •   Obstetric Medicine

    All papers should be presented by the person named in the program,            •   Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology
    except in the case of illness or other extenuating circumstances (approved    •   Psychosomatic Issues in Obstetrics and
    by the Organising Committee).                                                     Gynaecology

                                                                                  •   Sexual and Reproductive Health
    Only one author per abstract can be nominated as the ‘presenting
                                                                                  •   Surgical Simulation
    author’. Please note that all presenters (Free Communication and Poster
    presentations) must register for the meeting and pay the appropriate          •   Urogynaecology

    registration fee by the early bird deadline Friday 29 June 2018. It will be
    assumed any presenter not registered by this date has withdrawn their
    abstract from the program.

                                REGISTER NOW
                   Take advantage of early bird registration —
               register before 29 June 2018 and SAVE up to 20%
Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...
KEY DATES                           PRESENTATION FORMAT
                                    Authors will be required to indicate the preferred presentation format when
Tuesday 15 May 2018                 submitting an abstract.
Deadline for receipt of abstracts   Free Communication
                                    If you wish for your abstract to be considered for a Free Communication
Thursday 14 June 2018               presentation only.
Authors notified whether            Poster
abstracts have been accepted        If you wish for your abstract to be considered for a Poster presentation only.
                                    Free Communication or Poster
Friday 29 June 2018
                                    If you wish for your abstract to be considered firstly for a Free Communication
Deadline for presenting authors     presentation and secondly for a Poster presentation (if abstract not accepted
to register                         for Free Communication presentation).

Friday 29 June 2018                 PRESENTATION TYPES
Early bird registration closes      Free Communication Presentations
                                    Free Communications will be allocated 12 minutes – 10 minutes for
16 – 19 September 2018              presentation and 2 minutes for discussion. Abstracts not selected for
RANZCOG 2018 ASM                    Free Communication may be eligible for Poster presentation. Please note
                                    that following acceptance of an abstract for Free Communication Oral
                                    presentation, the abstract shall not be presented to any other scientific body
                                    before the RANZCOG 2018 ASM.
                                    Poster Presentations
                                    The top 20 Poster presentations will be prominently displayed in the meeting
                                    venue; all other posters will be in electronic format available for viewing by
                                    delegates on the Meeting App. Full instruction of the format and display of
                                    Posters will be detailed within acceptance notifications sent to nominated
                                    presenting authors.

Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...

The presentations will be judged               1 Length                                     5 Layout and Format
onsite during the ASM. Prizes will
                                               The maximum of the main body                 • Each abstract must be prepared
be awarded for the following:                  of the abstract should be 250                   in Microsoft Word. No other
Aldo Vacca Award – Best Free                   words (i.e. excluding title).                   formats will be accepted.
Communication and Best Poster                  2 Title                                      • The title of the abstract should be
                                                                                               written in sentence case i.e. initial
During the Meeting, prizes will                The abstract title should reflect the           capital letter, followed by lower case.
be awarded to the Best Free                    main content and nature of the abstract
Communication presented and Best               while remaining as brief as possible; do     • List details of the author/s name/s
Poster Presentation displayed.                 not use abbreviations within the title.         (surname followed by initial of first
                                                                                               name with a comma separating each
RANZCOG Early Career                           3 Structure                                     author). Name of the presenting
Researcher Award                               Abstracts must be structured                    author must be underlined.
                                               using the following format; any              • List author/s affiliation/s
A prize will be awarded to the Best            abstracts not following the correct
Free Communication presented                                                                   (organisation, city, state if applicable,
                                               structure may not be accepted.                  country), separated by commas.
by an Early Career Researcher.
                                               Structure of abstract for original              Author/s and affiliation/s to be
To be eligible, the presenting author          research / systematic reviews                   linked by a superscript letter.
must be a FRANZCOG trainee or a                                                             • Please note that double spacing
RANZCOG Fellow five years or less post-
                                               •   Introduction
                                                                                               should separate the title,
Fellowship at the date of the meeting.         •   Methods                                     author/s name/s, affiliation/s
                                                                                               and body of the text.
RANZCOG Diplomate                              •   Results
Researcher Award                               •   Discussion
                                                                                            • Please refrain from using printed
                                                                                               enhancements such as italics,
A prize will be awarded to the Best                                                            underlining, bold text etc. Italics may
Free Communication presented                                                                   be used for non-English words or
by a Diplomate Researcher.                     Structure of abstract for case studies          scientific names where necessary.
To be eligible, the presenting                 •   Background                               • Figures, tables, charts and
author must be a RANZCOG                       •   Case                                        graphs are not permitted.
Diploma Trainee or a DRANZCOG                                                               • Please ensure results are detailed
/ DRANZCOG Advanced holder.                    •   Discussion
                                                                                               within the abstract (abstracts
                                                                                               must not state ‘results will be
NOTE:                                          4 Spelling and Grammar                          presented at the meeting’) and
Finalists of the RANZCOG Early Career                                                          appropriate statistical tests have
                                               All abstracts should be written in English      been used and reported.
Researcher Award and RANZCOG                   and thoroughly checked for spelling
Diplomate Researcher Award will be             and grammar before submission.               • Sources of funding should
invited to make a 10 minute presentation                                                       be indicated at the bottom of
                                               Use standard abbreviations only; place          the abstract, as applicable.
followed by a 2 minute question time.          any unusual abbreviations in brackets
Remaining applicants may be invited            after the word appears for the first         • Use generic names of drugs,
to submit a Poster presentation. To be         time within the body of the abstract,           where applicable.
considered for either researcher award,        abbreviations may be used thereafter.
                                                                                            • References should be avoided
please indicate on the online submission                                                       or, if essential, should be kept
form eligibility of the presenting author.                                                     to a minimum and presented
When submitting an abstract, prepare                                                           in Vancouver (numbered) style.
the abstract in accordance with the                                                            Note that all references will
Abstract Preparation Guidelines and                                                            be included in the maximum
                                                                                               abstract length (250 word total).
Abstract Submission Guidelines.
                                                                                            • Please note abstracts may be
                                                                                               re-formatted and edited
                                                                                               for publication in the
                                                                                               program handbook.

Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...

SUBMISSION                                                              GENERAL                                     DOUBLE–CHECK
GUIDELINES                                                              GUIDELINES                                  YOUR SUBMISSION
• All abstracts must be submitted                                       Please note that all accepted presenters    Once your submission is uploaded
    electronically via the online                                       (Free Communications and Poster             correctly, you will receive a confirmation
    submission facility (Abstract                                       presentations) must register for the        email. If you do not receive this email,
    Submission Portal) accessed on                                      meeting and pay the appropriate             your abstract has not been uploaded
    the meeting website                                                 registration fee by the early bird          correctly. The abstract will be found                                               deadline, Friday 29 June 2018.              under the ‘Edit Abstracts’ tab and you
                                                                                                                    will need to submit it correctly.
• Authors wishing to submit more                                        Please ensure the following required
    than one abstract may do so by                                      information is available before beginning   If you have any concerns, please contact
    clicking ‘New Abstract’ in the                                      the online abstract submission process:     the meeting Secretariat immediately,
    Abstract Submission Portal (please                                                                              by email to
    avoid submission of several abstracts                               • Your contact details.                     or by phone on +61 3 9907 8646.
    generated from the same study).                                     • The title of your abstract.
• Only one author per abstract can be                                   • Preferred presentation type               ACCEPTING
    nominated the ‘presenting author’.                                      (Free Communication or                  NOTIFICATION
• All submissions must be                                                   Poster Presentation).
    accompanied by a maximum 80                                                                                     Acceptance or otherwise is at
                                                                        • Name and organisation of your             the discretion of the Organising
    word biographical paragraph of                                          co-author/s, if applicable.             Committee. Notification will be sent
    the presenting author. Biographical                                                                             to the presenting author by Thursday
    details will be used by the                                         • Your (the presenting author’s)            14 June 2018. Full instructions for
    session chair for introduction                                          brief biography (maximum 80             accepted presenters will be forwarded
    purposes and may also be                                                words). Biographies are to be           on acceptance of the abstract.
    published in meeting literature.                                        written in full sentences (not dot
                                                                            points) and in third person.
• Submission of abstracts implies                                                                                   PUBLICATION IN
    the author’s agreement to publish                                   • Your abstract prepared in the format
    the abstract in the meeting                                             specified under Abstract Preparation    ANZJOG
    program handbook and other                                              Guidelines. Failure to meet the
                                                                            specified deadlines or guidelines may   Abstracts accepted for Free
    meeting literature as applicable.                                                                               Communication Poster and e-Poster
                                                                            result in exclusion from the program.
• Abstracts accepted for Free                                                                                       presentations may be put forward for
    Communication and Poster                                                                                        publication in ANZJOG (Supplement)
                                                                                                                    following the conclusion of the
    presentations may be provided upon                                  PRESENTER TERMS                             RANZCOG 2018 ASM; consent or
    request to media outlets promoting                                                                              otherwise should be indicated for
    a specific presentation. Please                                     & CONDITIONS                                each submitted abstract during the
    note that submission of abstracts                                                                               abstract submission process.
    implies the author’s consent.                                       Submission of your abstract/s implies
                                                                        you have read, understood and
                                                                        comply with the Presenter Terms and
                                                                        Conditions. These are available to          FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                                        view within the Abstract Submission
                                                                        Portal (online submission facility) at      WALDRONSMITH Management
                                                                        the time of submitting your abstract.
                                                                                                                    119 Buckhurst Street,
                                                                                                                    South Melbourne VIC 3205
                                                                                                                    T + 61 3 9907 8646
                                                                                                                    F + 61 3 9645 6322
    Abstract Sample (Case Report)
    Obstetric Solutions
    Phillips Ja, Thomas Db
        Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
        Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
    Main body of abstract text: typed in English, not exceeding 250 words, under relevant structure headings
    Background: insert text
    Case: insert text
    Discussion: insert text


Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...

                            Adam Balen                                                            Catherine Nelson-Piercy
                            MB,BS,MD,DSc,FRCOG                                                    MA,FRCP,FRCOG

Professor Adam Balen is a National Health Service Consultant and       Professor Catherine Nelson-Piercy is a Consultant Obstetric
Lead Clinician at Leeds Fertility. His special interests include all   Physician at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals Trust and Queen
aspects of PCOS, assisted conception, paediatric and adolescent        Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital in London. In 2010 she
gynaecology and disorders of sexual development.                       was awarded the title of Professor of Obstetric Medicine at
Adam was Chair of the British Fertility Society until January          King’s College London. Her undergraduate studies were at
2018, a member of the WHO Global Infertility Guidelines                King’s College, Cambridge University and St Bartholomew’s
Committee and Chair of the WHO Expert Working Group on the             Hospital. She trained as a physician, and was taught obstetric
management of PCOS. He also sits on the Council of the RCOG,           medicine by Professor Michael de Swiet.
London. He is past Chair of the ESHRE SIG on Reproductive
                                                                       Catherine is the immediate past President of the International
Endocrinology and is a member of the ESHRE Fertility Awareness
                                                                       Society of Obstetric Medicine (ISOM). She is founding co-
                                                                       editor in chief of the journal Obstetric Medicine: the medicine
As Chair of the BFS, Adam created two new national taskforces:         of pregnancy.
Fertility Preservation UK, to ensure provision of fertility
preservation, and The Fertility Education Initiative, to improve       Catherine has been involved in the development of several
the provision of education to young people about all aspects of        evidence-based National Guidelines and RCOG Green top
reproductive health. He also chairs the NHS England IVF Pricing        guidelines. She has more than 200 publications, has edited
Development Expert Advisory group.                                     five books and written the successful Handbook of Obstetric
                                                                       Medicine, now in its fifth edition. She is also one of the central
He is the author of 12 books and more than 220 peer-reviewed
                                                                       assessors for the UK Confidential Maternal Deaths Enquiry.

                            Jennifer E Dietrich                                                   Peter Rosenblatt
                            MD,MSc,FACOG,FAAP                                                     MD

Jennifer E Dietrich MD, MSc is an Associate Professor in the           Dr Peter Rosenblatt received his BA from Brown University
Department of OB/GYN and Department of Pediatrics at                   and his MD from Tufts University School of Medicine, in
Baylor College of Medicine. She is the Fellowship Director and         Boston. He completed an internship and residency in
Division Director for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology,             Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Massachusetts
and is Chief of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology at Texas           Medical School and subsequently completed a fellowship in
Children’s Hospital. She obtained her medical degree from              Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery at Brown
the Medical College of Wisconsin.                                      University.
She completed residency in OB/GYN at Baylor College of                 Since 1995, Peter has been the Director of Urogynecology
Medicine and went on to complete her Fellowship in Pediatric           and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery at Mount Auburn Hospital,
and Adolescent Gynecology (PAG) at University of Louisville.           in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He served as the Director
During fellowship, she obtained a Master’s in Public Health            of the Fellowship Program in Urogynecology and Pelvic
and Clinical Investigation.                                            Reconstructive Surgery at Mount Auburn Hospital from 1999–
                                                                       2010. He is an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology
She has been a member of North American Society for
                                                                       and Reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical School.
Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (NASPAG) for more
than a decade and is involved in several committees. She is            Peter has authored many original research papers in
also one of the past Annual Clinical and Scientific Program            urogynecology and laparoscopic surgery, and serves as
Meeting chairs. In April of 2017, she became the President of          an editorial board member and reviewer for several peer-
NASPAG. Additionally, she currently serves as the Associate            reviewed journals in obstetrics and gynaecology.
Editor in Gynecology for the Journal of Pediatric and
                                                                       He served on the Board of Directors of the American
Adolescent Gynecology.
                                                                       Urogynecologic Society (AUGS) from 2012–2014, and has
In academia, she has focused her efforts on both education             been the video chair of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons
and clinical aspects, with interests in bleeding disorders,            (SGS), AUGS, and the American Association of Gynecologic
pubertal concerns and congenital reproductive tract                    Laparoscopists.
anomalies. Because of an interest in quality and outcomes,
                                                                       He is currently the Secretary/Treasurer for the SGS. He has
she has completed Advanced Quality Improvement Training.
                                                                       invented and licensed technology to several major medical
Finally, she obtained a Mini MBA in Healthcare at Rice
                                                                       device companies, and holds 15 patents in the field of
University as she is looking for growth and innovation.
                                                                       urogynecology and general surgery.
Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...

ELLA MACKNIGHT                                                IAN MCDONALD
MEMORIAL LECTURE                                              MEMORIAL ORATION

                        Fiona Brownfoot                                               John Lynch

Dr Fiona Brownfoot is a clinician scientist and post-         John Lynch is Professor of Epidemiology and Public
doctoral fellow in the Translational Obstetrics Group         Health at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. He is
headed by Professor Stephen Tong at Mercy Perinatal,          a Visiting Professor of Epidemiology in the Bristol Medical
the University of Melbourne. She is also a consultant         School: Population Health Sciences at the University of
obstetrician and gynaecologist at the Mercy Hospital for      Bristol in the UK. He spent 20 years working in North
Women.                                                        America and before returning to Australia in 2009 he held
                                                              professorial positions at the University of Michigan in the
Since 2013 Fiona has amassed 28 publications and is first
                                                              USA, and at McGill University in Canada.
or senior author on the majority. She has been awarded
six national and five international awards for her work and   He is an internationally recognized scholar in
has attracted over $ 1,000,000 worth of research funding.     epidemiology and public health. In 2005 he was awarded
She is a co-convener of the Australian Reproduction           a Canada Research Chair in Population Health. In 2007
Update that launched in 2017 and has been on the              his work in social epidemiology and public health was
executive committee of the Society for Reproductive           recognized with an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Medical
Biology and the editorial board for the International         Science from the University of Copenhagen. In 2009 he
Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology          was awarded a prestigious National Health and Medical
as the editor for trainees. She enjoys teaching and           Research Council (NHMRC) Australia Fellowship. In 2015
supervising research projects and current has a PhD           he was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of
student and research elective students.                       Health and Medical Sciences.
Her research focus is in identifying medical treatments       He has over 300 academic publications with a Google
for preeclampsia. Excitingly the team has identified a        H index of 93. In 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 he received
number of possible medical treatments for preeclampsia.       Thomson Reuters’/Clarivate “Highly Cited Researcher”
Using primary human tissues they have demonstrated            status that places him in the top 1% of cited scientists
improvement in key aspects of the preeclampsia disease        internationally in his field.
process. Importantly these medications are safe in
                                                              In the last 5 years, he was Chief Investigator A or B on
pregnancy. The team is now progressing these concepts
                                                              over $10 million in NHMRC competitive research funding.
to clinical trial and will commence treating patients with
                                                              In total over that period, he was a Chief Investigator on
preeclampsia with these medications in Australia and
                                                              successful competitive research grants worth over $22
South Africa in 2018.
                                                              million. He leads an NHMRC funded Centre for Research
                                                              Excellence (2015–2020) called “EMPOWER: Health
                                                              systems, disadvantage and child well-being.”
                                                              He currently serves on several international, national and
                                                              local scientific advisory groups. He was an editor of the
                                                              highly ranked International Journal of Epidemiology from
                                                              His research interests include child health and
                                                              development, social and health inequality, pragmatic
                                                              RCTs and natural experiments of early life interventions,
                                                              large scale linked data systems to enhance evidence-
                                                              based public health and research that makes a difference
                                                              in improving policy, practice and service delivery.

Registration & Program - Sunday 16 September - Wednesday 19 September 2018 Adelaide Convention Centre - Adelaide, South Australia ...

                                            Pre-Meeting Workshops are scheduled for Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 September
DIPLOMATES DAYS                             2018. Please visit for the most current information and
Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 September         booking options.

Facilitators   RANZCOG GP Obstetric
               Advisory Committee
                                                                                        RANZCOG TRAINING
Venue          Riverbank Rooms 2&3,
                                             OBSTETRIC MEDICAL UPDATE                   SUPERVISORS WORKSHOP
               Adelaide Convention
               Centre                        Saturday 15 September                      Saturday 15 September

Cost           AUD $555 daily                Time:          08.00–16.00                 Time:          09.00 – 17.00

Includes       Morning Tea, Lunch,           Facilitators   Gus Dekker, Rosalie         Facilitators   Penny Holmes and
               Afternoon Tea. One                           Grivell and Amanda                         Isabelle Shroeder
               ticket to the Diplomates                     Poprzeczny
               Cocktail Reception                                                       Venue          Riverbank 6, Adelaide
               held on Saturday 15           Venue          Riverbank Room 5,                          Convention Centre
               September 2018,                              Adelaide Convention
                                                            Centre                      Cost           Free
               17.15 - 19.00
                                             Cost           AUD $555                    Includes       Morning Tea, Lunch,
Participants Limited to 75 participants                                                                Afternoon Tea
                                             Includes       Morning Tea, Lunch,
The Diplomates Day program has been                         Afternoon Tea               Participants Available to RANZCOG
prepared by the RANZCOG GP Obstetric                                                                 Training Supervisors
Advisory Committee and each day is           Participants Limited to 100 participants                  Limited to 24 participants
tailored to meet the needs of RANZCOG
Diplomates. As the program is limited to    This interactive, full day workshop will
75 participants, preference will be given                                               This all-day workshop on the role and
                                            be of interest to pre-exam O&G trainees,    responsibilities of training supervisors
to RANZCOG Diplomates, with a wait list     physician trainees, RANZCOG Fellows
to apply for other registrants.                                                         in the FRANZCOG Training Program is
                                            and all those involved in the day-to-       for new, experienced and prospective
                                            day care of women with medically            supervisors (including senior registrars
Day One: Obstetrics                         complicated pregnancies. Speakers           planning on becoming supervisors).
                                            include Professor Catherine Nelson-         The workshop includes changes to the
•   Pregnancy and Gastric Sleeve
                                            Piercy, who literally wrote the book        RANZCOG curriculum, CLIMATE (the
•   Difficult Delivery, LSCS+Pillow         on Obstetric Medicine. This will be a       College’s eLearning platform), teaching
    (Practical)                             day that will provide both the basics of    and learning behaviours, online appraisal
•   Uterine Suture, PPH LSCS, Bakri         management of medically complicated         and assessment process, how to provide
    Balloon (Practical)                     pregnancies, as well as recent advances     feedback, dealing with difficult trainees.
•   Neonatal Ventilation (Practical)        and latest evidence in the field.           It includes interactive discussion, videos
•   External Cephalic Version (ECV)                                                     and role-plays.
•   NIPT
•   Baby Check

Day Two: Gynaecology
•   Cervical Screening
•   Mesh Side Effects
•   Expert Panel on 3/4 Degree Tear,
    Incontinence Implants, Womens
•   Vulval Dermatology
•   Endometriosis


Workshop numbers are limited, so early registration is encouraged. Each workshop is subject to sufficient attendance and may be
cancelled if minimum numbers are not reached; in this event, fees paid will be fully refundable.

BIRTH MASTERCLASS                            PERINEAL TRAUMA                               RANZCOG INTRODUCTION
WORKSHOP                                     WORKSHOP                                      TO ULTRASOUND WORKSHOP
Sunday 16 September                          Sunday 16 September                           Sunday 16 September

Time:          08.00 - 17.00                 Time:           Full Day                      Time:          08.15 – 16.45

Facilitators   John Svigos (Convenor),       Facilitators    Various                       Facilitators   Janet Vaughan and
               Anthia Rallis, Andrew                                                                      Glenn Gardener
               Woods, Mojdan Vatani          Venue           TBA
               and others                                                                  Venue          Riverbank 7, Adelaide
                                             Cost            AUD $555                                     Convention Centre,
Venue          Women’s and Children’s        Includes        Morning Tea, Lunch,
               Hospital, Education                                                         Cost           AUD $555
                                                             Afternoon Tea
               Centre                                                                      Includes       Morning Tea, Lunch,
                                             Participants Limited to 60 participants                      Afternoon Tea
Cost           AUD $555

Includes       Morning Tea, Lunch,                                                         Participants Limited to 20 participants
               Afternoon Tea
                                                                                          This full day practical workshop focuses
Participants Limited to 20 participants
                                                                                          on basic ultrasound knowledge and skills.
                                                                                          This workshop fulfills the requirement
This full day workshop is specifically       RANZCOG FETAL                                for post-December 2016 FRANZCOG
designed for senior registrars and           SURVEILLANCE EDUCATION                       trainees to undertake an approved
obstetric on call consultants and for                                                     Ultrasound Workshop in the first 2 years
                                             PROGRAM (FSEP)
others wishing to refine their skills in                                                  of training.
complex vaginal birth working alongside      Sunday 16 September                          The workshop consists of 5 hours of
experienced facilitators.                                                                 live-scanning tuition and 2.5 hours
                                             Time:           09.00 – 16.00
Participants will learn how to select and                                                 of targeted lectures. The five hours
counsel women with regard to their birth     Facilitators    Mark Beaves                  of practical hands-on scanning
options in relation to planned vaginal                                                    includes training in transabdominal
breech delivery, the vaginal delivery of     Venue           Riverbank 5, Adelaide        and transvaginal imaging using a
selected twin pregnancies, rotational                        Convention Centre,           combination of pregnant women and
forceps and caesarean section at full        Cost            AUD $555                     pelvic phantoms. Five workstations are
dilatation with the impacted head                                                         organised which enables interactive
with additional stations on neonatal         Includes        Morning Tea, Lunch,          small group teaching. Each workstation
resuscitation, shoulder dystocia and                         Afternoon Tea                has a pregnant subject, an experienced
obstetric anaesthesia for complex vaginal                                                 tutor and an ultrasound machine.
birth to supplement the experience.          Participants Limited to 40 participants
                                                                                          The knowledge component includes:
In addition to simulation, there will be                                                  1.   First Trimester Pregnancy:
presentations on the evidence to support     The FSEP Full Program runs for seven              Transabdominal and Transvaginal
these procedures as well as a dedicated      hours and provides a solid foundation of          Approach and Measurement
session on trouble shooting, dealing         information for all clinicians involved in   2.   First Trimester Pregnancy: Normal
with patient demands, when to abandon        antenatal and intrapartum care. The Full          Development and Viability
attempts at vaginal birth and a discussion   program is structured to cumulatively
of difficult cases.                          build understanding. Participants in the     3.   Biometry
Excellent reference materials will be        Full program also complete the FSEP          4.   Third Trimester Pregnancy:
provided and true to its aims at inception   and MCQ assessment at the end of                  Assessment
in 2012 there will be no exams to            the session. This is our core education      5.   Documenting your Scans
be passed but instead a pleasurable          program and is suited to most clinicians
exchange of experience in a relaxed          requiring education for an update in         The practical training includes:
learning environment.                        cardiotocography.
                                                                                          1.   Hands-on Practical Session 1:
You are all very welcome to come along                                                         The Ultrasound Machine
and enjoy the experience.                                                                 2.   Hands-on Practical Session 2:
                                                                                               First Trimester Measurement
                                                                                               and Assessment using the
                                                                                          3.   Hands-on Practical Session 3:
                                                                                               Third Trimester Measurement and



Date            Sunday 16 September 2018

Time            08.30—16.00

Venue           Riverbank Room 6,
                Adelaide Convention Centre

Facilitators    Christopher Barry, Marcus Carey ,
                Jenny King, Joe Lee, Alex Mowat,
                                                           RANZCOG ABORIGINAL AND
                and John Short                             TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER
Cost            UGSA Member $400;                          WOMEN’S HEALTH (ATSI WHM)
                UGSA Non-member $450
The Lower Urinary Tract – Risk Management in
Obstetrics and Gynaecology                                 Dates           Saturday 15 September: 12.00 – 18.00
                                                           and times       (Workshops)
Litigation over urinary tract injury or dysfunction                        Sunday 16 September: 08.30 – 17.00
accounts for more than half the cases in obstetrics                        (Presentations)
and gynaecology. Diagnosis is often delayed and
management can be very complex so not surprisingly,        Venue           City Rooms 1,2 & 3,
                                                                           Adelaide Convention Centre
litigation is increased 90 fold in patients experiencing
a urinary tract injury compared to other c omplications    Facilitators    RANZCOG Aboriginal and Torres Strait
during pelvic surgery.                                                     Islander Women’s Health Committee

So what are our most common complications?                 Cost            Please visit the meeting website for
When are these more likely to occur and how can                            the full list of registration categories
                                                                           and fees
we minimise the risks? This workshop looks at pre-
operative assessment and intra-operative processes
including practical cystoscopy techniques to reduce
                                                           Four years on from a successful RANZCOG Indigenous
urinary tract trauma.
                                                           Women’s Health Meeting in South Australia, the
We will also learn from several real life medico-legal     meeting is returning to Adelaide. For the first time, this
cases: Would you have managed the situation in the         meeting will precede the RANZCOG 2018 ASM with an
same way, what were the contributory factors, how          aim to improve the health outcomes of Aboriginal and
could you prevent this in your own practice?               Torres Strait Islander women.

                                                           This is a unique opportunity for:

                                                           •   RANZCOG Fellows, Diplomates and Trainees,

                                                           •   Aboriginal Health Workers,

                                                           •   General Practitioners, and

                                                           •   Midwives

                                                           to share the latest knowledge and examine best
                                                           practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                           Women’s health. The diverse program will include
                                                           workshops and presentations designed to provoke
                                                           discussion and upskill in evidence-based obstetric and
                                                           gynaecological issues specific to Aboriginal and Torres
                                                           Strait Islander women. Topics will cover current public
                                                           health information, clinical obstetrics and gynaecology,
                                                           young women’s health and cultural issues.


  A number of Breakfast Sessions will be held throughout the meeting;
  bookings are limited and need to be made in advance. Continental breakfast
  will be served at each session.

TUESDAY                                                  WEDNESDAY

18 SEPTEMBER 2018                                        19 SEPTEMBER 2018
07.15 - 08.15                                            07.15 - 08.15

“Meet the Experts” Breakfast Session                     Breakfast Masterclass 1
                                                         Advanced Training Modules
A “Meet the Experts” Breakfast Session will be held on
the Tuesday morning.
                                                         Breakfast Masterclass 2
Delegates will have the opportunity to enjoy             Management of Iron Deficiency
discussions on various topics with the Meeting’s
keynote speakers and other members of the faculty
on a variety of topical issues in Gynaecology and        Breakfast Masterclass 3
Obstetrics.                                              Extended Preconception Screening

                                                         Breakfast Masterclass 4
                                                         Maximising Your Earnings While in Practice


Monday 17 September 2018

08.00-08.15   ASM Welcome
              Martin Ritossa
08.15-08.30   Welcome to Country
08.30-10.35   Plenary – Obstetrics in the Wild
08.30-09.15   Who Needs an Obstetric Physician
              Catherine Nelson-Piercy
09.15-09.35   The Boundaries of Obstetric Surgery – Multi-D Management of the Invasive Placenta
09.35-09.55   When You Are Way Off Course – Evaluation and Repair of Perineal Trauma
              Elizabeth Murphy
09.55-10.15   The ‘Pancreatically’ Challenged Patient – The Role of the Endocrinologist
              David McIntyre
10.15-10.35   Breaking Down Boundaries – Indigenous Women’s Health
10.35-11.05   Morning Tea
11.05-11.20   Top Ranking Abstracts
11.20-11.35   Top Ranking Abstracts
11.35-11.50   Top Ranking Abstracts
11.50-12.20   Ella Macknight Memorial Lecture
              Fiona Brownfoot
12.20-13.20   Lunch, Exhibition and Posters
13.20-15.00   It’s All About the Flow                                Uncharted Territories in Gynaecology             Free Communications
13.20-13.40   When the Rivers Run Low – Pregnancy Associated         When the Ropes Give Way – Who and How, Primary
              Cardiology Complications in the UK                     Prolapse Management
              Catherine Nelson-Piercy                                Alex Mowat
13.40-14.00   The Rusty Windmill – Pregnancy Associated              Managing Rock Falls – Management of Recurrent
              Cardiology Complications in Australia                  Prolapse
              TBA                                                    Peter Rosenblatt
14.00-14.20   The Coffee Club – Structured Cardiometabolic           Lost in the Wilderness – Investigation and
              Follow up After Complicated Pregnancies                Management of Mesh Complications
              TBA                                                    Anna Rosamilia
14.20-14.40   When the Dam Dries Up – Preeclampsia – Evolving        Looking Back – Lessons Learned from the Mesh
              Concepts                                               Journey
              Chris Redman                                           Steve Robson
14.40-15.00   Panel Discussion                                       Panel Discussion
15.00-15.30   Afternoon Tea, Exhibition and Posters
15.30-17.30   Plenary - Combatting the Elements
15.30-15.50   Way out Yonder – Mullerian Anomalies and Challenges in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
              Jennifer Dietrich
15.50-16.10   Ensuring Nutrition – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Management from Menarche to Menopause
              Adam Balen
16.10-17.30   Finding a Way - A Hypothetical Exploring Current Controversies in Gynaecology
17.30-19.00   Welcome Reception – Exhibition Hall


Tuesday 18 September 2018

07.15-08.15    “Meet the Experts” Breakfast Sessions
8.30-10.15     Plenary – The Novice Adventurer
8.30-9.15      The Evolving Landscape of the Paediatric Gynaecologist
               Jennifer Dietrich
9.15-9.35      Into the Storm – The Challenges of Menarche
               Adam Balen
9.35-9.55      Keeping on the Path – Minors and the Law, it’s More Than Just Consent
               Rebecca Deans
9.55-10.15     Shifting Sands – Testing the Waters: Contraception STIs and More in Teenagers
               Tonia Mezzini
10.15-10.45    Panel Discussion – Gender Issues in Gynaecology Practice
               Jennifer Dietrich, Adam Balen, Rebecca Deans, Tonia Mezzini
10.45-11.15    Morning Tea
11.15-11.30    Top Ranking Abstracts
11.30-11.45    Top Ranking Abstracts
11.45-12.00    Top Ranking Abstracts
12.00-12.30    Managing Complications in Laparoscopic Surgery
               Peter Rosenblatt
12.30-13.30    Lunch, Exhibition and Posters
13.30-15.15    Navigating the Uncharted Waters – The Fetus          When You Just Want to Go Home                             Free Communications
13.30-13.50    Mapping the Depths – Advances in Fetal               Alternative Routes – Radiological Treatment of PCS
               Surveillance                                         and Fibroids
               Jane Woolcock                                        Mike Wilks
13.50-14.10    From Submarines to Humans – Fetal Imaging in the     The First Aid Kit – New (and not so new) Medical
               21st Century                                         Therapies in Gynaecology
               TBA                                                  Kirsten Black
14.10-14.30    Avoiding The Quick Sand – Aneuploidy Screening       Following the Worn Path – Why Vaginal
               Peter Muller                                         Hysterectomy is the Best Choice for Women and How
                                                                    I Make it Look Easy
                                                                    Roy Watson
14.30-14.50    Surviving the Desert – Limits of Fetal Viability     Breaking New Ground – Why Laparoscopic
               TBA                                                  Hysterectomy is the Best Choice for Women and How
                                                                    I Make it Look Easy
                                                                    Jodie Semmler
14.50-15.15    Panel Discussion
15.15-15.45    Afternoon Tea, Exhibition and Posters
15.45-17.15    Travelling Abroad                                             15.45-17.05   Learning the Ropes
15.45-15.55    Introduction                                                  15.45-16.05   When You Have to Hike All Night – Hours of Training
               Gus Dekker and John Svigos                                                  Michael Gannon
15.55-16.15    Midwives Across the Globe – Challenges in Midwifery Care      16.05-16.25   Keeping the Journal – Paperless Practice – The Pitch
               TBA                                                                         TBA

16.15-16.35    A Leaky Boat - Managing Placenta Accreta in the               16.25-16.45   Before your First Expedition - Training, Quality Vs. Quantity
               Developing World                                                            Michael Permezel
               Rozi Aryananda
16.35-16.55    Flooding Waters – Management of Severe Pulmonary              16.45-17.05   The Dreaded Letter – Dealing With a Report to the Board
               Oedema                                                                      TBA
16.55-17.15    Evolving Partnership – The Global Pregnancy Collaboration
               Chris Redman
19.00 - Late   Meeting Dinner


Wednesday 19 September 2018

07.15-08.15   Breakfast Masterclasses
              Advanced Training Modules            Management of Iron Deficiency         Extended Preconception          Maximising Your Earnings
                                                                                         Screening                       While in Practice
08.30-10.15   Plenary
08.30-9.00    President’s Address
              Steve Robson
09.00-9.30    Developing Leadership in O&G
09.30-9.45    Top Ranking Abstracts
09.45-10.00   Top Ranking Abstracts
10.00-10.15   Top Ranking Abstracts
10.15-10.45   Morning Tea
10.45-12.45   Nurturing the Future Explorer                                  Obstetric Session
                                                                             Is That a Mirage?: Mental Health and Women’s Care
10.45-11.05   Infertility Treatment and Evidence for their Effectiveness     Into the Desert – Perinatal Mental Health
              Adam Balen                                                     Jane Fisher
11.05-11.25   Checking the Equipment – Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis     Assembling the Team – The Role of the Mental Health Midwife
              and Screening                                                  Tracy Semmler-Booth
              David Amor
11.25-11.45   How to Coddle an Egg – In Vitro Maturation                     Rugged Terrain – Paternal Mental Health
              Robert Hart                                                    TBA
11.45-12.05   Storing the Supplies – The Role of Embryo Freezing             Responding to the Conditions – Treating Psychiatric Conditions in
              Vuong Thi Ngoc Lan                                             Pregnancy
                                                                             Anne Sved Williams
12.05-12.25   The Changing Landscape – Manipulating the Human Genome         Lost in the Wilderness – Managing Mental Health in O&G Fellows and
              Hannah Brown                                                   Trainees
12.25-12.45   Questions                                                      Questions
12.45-13.45   Lunch, Exhibition and Posters
13.45-14.15   Ian McDonald Memorial Oration
              John Lynch
14.15-15.00   Closing Remarks and Presentation of Prizes
14.15-14.25   Closing Remarks
              Martin Ritossa
14.25-14.40   Presentation of Prizes
              Gus Dekker
14.40-14.50   Presentation of the RANZCOG 2019 ASM
              Glyn Teale
14.50-15.00   Closing of ASM


                                                     DIPLOMATES AND
MAXIMISING POINTS                                    GENERAL PRACTITIONERS
                                                     GPs attending the Meeting and/or the Diplomates
                                                     Days program can self-claim RACGP Category 2
This meeting has been approved as a RANZCOG          points at the rate of 2 points per hour; QI&CPD
accredited meeting and eligible Fellows, Associate   points are capped at 20 points per triennium. ACRRM
Members and Educational Affiliates of this College   points can be claimed at the rate of 1 points per hour;
will earn Continuing Professional Development
                                                     capped at 30 points per triennium. GPs are advised to
(CPD) points for attendance as follows:
                                                     retain details and evidence of participation for future
                                                     reference, including a certificate of attendance and a
                                                     program outline.
Full Attendance                                      Diplomates Days5
(meeting only)                  21.5 PD points
                                                     RACGP Category 1 and ACRRM PRDP/MOPS points
                                                     have been applied for.
Monday 17 September 2018        8 PD points
                                                     RURAL PROCEDURAL GRANTS
                                                     PROGRAM (RPGP)
Tuesday 18 September 2018       7.5 PD points        GPs registered and accepted into the RPGP program
                                                     may be able to claim payment for activities including
                                                     scientific conferences that they subsequently attend.
                                                     The activities must be a minimum of six hours in
Wednesday 19 September 2018 6 PD points
                                                     duration and relevant to the discipline in which they
                                                     have been registered in the program.
Attendance                      1 point per
                                                     If you deliver unsupervised obstetrics and/or surgery
Breakfast Sessions              session
                                                     in a rural or remote location, you may be eligible to
                                                     participate in the program. However to receive these
                                                     grants you must apply to register in the RPGP through
                                                     either the RACGP or through the ACRRM prior to
                                                     attending grant approved training. GPs are encouraged
                                                     to contact the RACGP or the ACRRM to confirm
                                                     whether they are eligible for program support.

                                                     To register for the Rural Procedural Grants Program
                                                     (RPGP) before attending, please visit http://www.acrrm.
                                                     grants/rpgp/types-of-claims or

                                                     Pre-Meeting Workshops
                                                     Points for Pre-Meeting workshops to be advised
                                                     once allocated.

                                                     Please refer to the meeting website for further


                                                                DIPLOMATES COCKTAIL
                                                                Saturday 15 September 2018
                                                                17.15 – 19.00
                                                                Gilbert Suite, Adelaide Convention Centre

                                                                An included function for all registered Diplomates, this
                                                                reception will be held at the Gilbert Suite of the Adelaide
                                                                Convention Centre on 15 September 2018, immediately
                                                                following the conclusion of Diplomates Day One.

                                                                This function is a prime networking opportunity, offering
                                                                the chance to meet with colleagues, the RANZCOG
                                                                President, members of the RANZCOG GP Obstetric
                                                                Advisory Committee, the RANZCOG Board and College
                                                                Council. A highlight of the reception will be the
                                                                presentation of newly certified Diplomates.

                                                                Includes:      Drinks and canapés
                                                                Cost:          Included for Diplomates Day One and Day
                                                                               Two attendees
                                                                Tickets:       Tickets are available for purchase via the
                                                                               online registration portals
                                                                Dress Code:    Smart casual

Sunday 16 September 2018
17.30 – 18.30: New Fellows & Awards Presentation
18.30 – 20.00: Cocktail Reception
Adelaide Town Hall, 128 King William Street, Adelaide

The New Fellows Presentation Ceremony and Reception
will be held at the Adelaide Town Hall on Sunday 16
September 2018. Newly elevated Fellows and recently
certified subspecialists will be joined by family and friends
to celebrate this significant milestone in their career.
This function, which is an inclusion of full delegate
registration, will also include presentation of medals for
outstanding achievements in RANZCOG examinations,
and awarding of Honorary Fellowships and College
Medals. Following the formalities, the reception will be
held at the same venue.

Includes:      Drinks and canapés
Cost:          Inclusive with full registration
Tickets:       Bookings are required in advance.
               Additional tickets are available for
               purchase via the online registration portals
Dress Code:    Smart casual

                                                              WELCOME RECEPTION
                                                              Monday 17 September 2018
                                                              17.30 – 19.00
                                                              Exhibition Halls F&G, Adelaide Convention Centre

                                                              An included function for all registered delegates, this
                                                              reception will be held in the Exhibition Hall of the
                                                              Adelaide Convention Centre on Monday 17 September
                                                              2018, immediately following the conclusion of the
                                                              plenary session.
                                                              This function is a prime networking opportunity, offering
                                                              the chance to meet with colleagues, exhibitors and
                                                              speakers while enjoying drinks and canapés.

                                                              Includes:       Drinks and canapés
                                                              Cost:           Inclusive with full registration
                                                              Dress Code:     Smart casual

Tuesday 18 September 2018
19.00 – Late
Ian McLachlan Room, Adelaide Oval,
War Memorial Drive, North

The social highlight of the meeting, the Meeting Dinner
will be held at the magnificent and historic Adelaide Oval.
Renowned as a unique venue, boasting picturesque views
over the city, St Peter’s Cathedral and more, this event
promises to be a night to remember.

Includes:      Dinner and beverages
Cost:          $175
Tickets:       Tickets are available for purchase via the
               online registration portals
Dress Code:    Lounge suit/Cocktail dress


                                                                                                    GRENFELL ST
                                                                                                  Adelaide Town Hall
                KARRAWIRRA P

                                                                       KING WILLIAM ST

                                                                                        Stamford Plaza
                                                   InterContinental Adelaide
                                                                                          Mercure Grosvenor
                                          EM O R

Adelaide Oval
                                                                                          The Playford

                                                   Adelaide Convention Centre

                                                                                          Oaks Horizons

                                                                                          Oaks Embassy
                                                                        NORTH TERRACE

               MONTEFIORE RD
                                                                                                     CURRIE ST

       The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting
       (RANZCOG 2018 ASM) will be held at Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia.

       The Adelaide Convention Centre is the perfect setting for the 2018 ASM. It is located on North Terrace, the gracious
       cultural and educational boulevard steeped in architectural history, and surrounded by a range of hotels as well as
       restaurants, theatres, the casino, shops and gardens. The Adelaide Convention Centre enjoys a global reputation for
       excellence and is consistently ranked among the world’s top convention centres.

       Adelaide Convention Centre

       North Terrace, Adelaide South Australia 5000

       T: +61 8 8212 4099



Adelaide is dynamic and inspiring, cultured and warm. Stylish, yet casual; artistic, but very down-to-earth. It’s large enough
to be cosmopolitan, yet compact enough to avoid big-city congestion, inconvenience – and cost. Renowned across
Australia as being the festival city, Adelaide’s appreciation of the arts goes hand-in-hand with a penchant for good food
and fine wine.

Situated between the beautiful Adelaide Hills and the long white beaches of the Gulf of St. Vincent, Adelaide is a
picturesque city with a population of approximately 1.2 million. With the city being settled in 1836, the city still retains
much of its simple peace and tranquillity, with the convenience and energy of a modern city.

Adelaide is best known for its biennial Arts Festival, its many churches and graceful stone buildings and being within an
hour’s drive of some of Australia’s most famous and beautiful wine producing regions including the Barossa Valley. Other
sights which have made the region famous over the years include the beautiful Kangaroo Island and the scenic Flinders Ranges.

Adelaide and South Australia in general pride themselves on offering a lower-key, but more relaxing and pleasant
experience to what can be offered by the larger Australian cities. This is supported by fabulous food and wine, a temperate
Mediterranean climate, a vibrant arts scene and exciting program of major events that make the ideal location for mixing
business with pleasure.


   WALDRONSMITH Management can coordinate your accommodation requirements for your
   visit to Adelaide. Attractive rates have been negotiated for RANZCOG 2018 ASM delegates at
   the following properties. Rates are quoted per room, per night in Australian dollars ($AUD),
   inclusive of GST and do not include breakfast, unless stated otherwise. We encourage you
   to book early to ensure availability.

The Playford –                                             Oaks Horizons Apartments –  ½
120 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000                             104 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Walking distance from the Adelaide Convention Centre:           Walking distance from the Adelaide Convention Centre:
160m Time: 2min (approx)                                        170m Time: 2min (approx)
The Playford Adelaide is a 5-star hotel with superior           Situated in the heart of the CBD, Oaks Horizons is one of
accommodation set in the heart of the city’s vibrant            Adelaide’s most contemporary buildings offering modern
North Terrace, opposite the Adelaide Convention Centre          one and two bedroom accommodation. Most apartments
and City Casino. The boutique style accommodation               have private balconies which have city views. Whether
offers the perfect blend of classical style and                 it’s for business or pleasure, guests can enjoy the hotel’s
contemporary luxury. The hotel has created a stunning           leisure facilities which include an indoor heated lap
Art Nouveau ambience, with beautifully appointed                pool, sauna, spa, plunge pool, gymnasium, tour booking
guestrooms and suites, luxurious amenities and exquisite        service, and onsite café.
                                                                1 Bedroom Apartment       $189.00 room only per night
Standard Guestroom (King Bed)       $190.00 room only per
night.                                                          Maximum number of two guests per room. Additional
                                                                persons rate of $44.00 per person per day for
PLEASE NOTE: A deposit of one night’s accommodation             accommodation applies. One Queen or King bed.
will be charged to your credit card 30 days prior to arrival.


Oaks Embassy Apartments –  ½                              Mercure Grosvenor Hotel Adelaide – 
96 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000                            125 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Walking distance from the Adelaide Convention Centre:         Walking distance from the Adelaide Convention Centre:
170m Time: 2min (approx)                                      190m Time: 3min (approx)
Oaks Embassy is ideally located in the heart of the central   Mercure Grosvenor Hotel Adelaide is a historic hotel
business district on North Terrace and is just a short        right in the middle of all the action in Adelaide. This
stroll from Adelaide’s shopping precinct, the Casino and      four-star hotel is superbly located opposite the Adelaide
the Adelaide Convention Centre. Oaks Embassy is one           Convention Centre, the Casino, Festival Centre and just
of Adelaide’s most contemporary apartment buildings           seconds from the shopping precinct of Rundle Mall.
offering spacious one, two and three bedroom fully self
contained apartments complete with laundry facilities         Mercure Standard Queen $169.00 room only per night
and executive apartments featuring private spa baths.
                                                              Mecure Superior Queen $184.00 room only per night
1 Bedroom Apartment       $189.00 room only per night

Maximum number of two guests per room. Additional
persons rate of $44.00 per person per day for
accommodation applies. 1 Queen or King bed.

                                                              Stamford Plaza – 
                                                              150 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

                                                              Walking distance from the Adelaide Convention Centre:
                                                              190m Time: 3min (approx)

                                                              Situated on North Terrace only 10 minutes from the
                                                              airport, Stamford Plaza Adelaide welcomes guests to a
                                                              stylish, centrally located event destination on Adelaide’s
                                                              key cultural boulevard. Along with numerous corporate
                                                              offices and the Convention Centre, this prime location
                                                              is just minutes from popular attractions including the
                                                              Adelaide Oval, Adelaide Casino, Parliament House,
                                                              Festival Centre, River Torrens, historic parklands, cinemas
                                                              and boutique shopping. The combination of panoramic
                                                              city and parkland views with excellent facilities and
                                                              a central location means your group will enjoy every
                                                              moment in our beautiful city.

                                                              Premier City King         $169.00 room only per night

                                                              Please note that the Stamford Plaza will require full pre-
                                                              payment for your accommodation 30 days prior to arrival.
                                                              Deposits are taken from the credit card provided upon


Change of booking and cancellation                                Credit card guarantee
All reservations are subject to the individual hotel              Credit card details are required as a guarantee for your
cancellation policies as stated in the hotel information on       accommodation booking; these details will be provided
the website. Any cancellation or change to a reservation          to the selected hotel. The credit card is not charged and
must be made in writing to the Meeting Secretariat and not        is used as a security deposit only. The final account must
directly to the hotel.                                            be settled on check-out direct with the accommodation
                                                                  venue. A tax invoice/receipt will be issued at that time.

How to book accommodation
                                                                  Payment of accommodation
Please indicate your accommodation requirements when
registering. As there is limited space available at each hotel,   The accommodation account and any incidental charges
it is important that you book early. Accommodation will           must be paid in full, directly to the hotel, on departure.
be allocated strictly in order of receipt of registration and
credit card guarantee.

                                                                  Early or late arrival
                                                                  Check in time for the meeting hotels is from 15.00. Please
Booking deadlines
                                                                  advise the Meeting Secretariat in writing if you will be
The meeting hotels impose strict block booking release            arriving before this time as you may be required to book
dates of 30 days prior to arrival; therefore, any bookings        the previous night to guarantee immediate access to your
made after 15 August 2018 will be subject to availability.        room. Please also advise the Meeting Secretariat in writing
We strongly suggest you book accommodation prior to this          if you will arrive at your hotel after 18.00, to avoid your
date.                                                             room being released.


You can also read