2019-2020 Tentative Budget - Questar III BOCES T: | F: 10 Empire State Boulevard Castleton, New York 12033

Page created by Lorraine Thornton
2019-2020 Tentative Budget - Questar III BOCES T: | F: 10 Empire State Boulevard Castleton, New York 12033
2019-2020 Tentative Budget

             Questar III BOCES
          10 Empire State Boulevard
          Castleton, New York 12033
      T: 518.477.8771 | F: 518.477.9833
March 25, 2019

Dear Colleagues:

As you prepare a budget for the 2019-2020 school year, Questar III BOCES stands
poised, ready to serve your needs and provide exceptional value through our
various shared programs and services that put our core values at the forefront of all
we do: Commitment to Excellence, Commitment to Leadership and Service, and
Commitment to Innovation.

Together, we continue to achieve economies and efficiencies, expand educational
opportunity, close gaps in student achievement, improve educational equity and
serve children of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

On behalf of the Questar III Board of Education, it is our pleasure to invite
component district school board members to our Annual Meeting on April 10th at
our conference center in Castleton. Questar III conducts an Annual Meeting to
review its tentative operating plan, in accordance with state law.

We also invite you to learn more about next year’s tentative program and service
budgets by reading this document. With BOCES as a catalyst, we will continue to
work together to offer hands-on programs and services that serve students and
districts regardless of enrollment, income or size of tax base.

Thank you for your interest and support for our continuing efforts to serve your
school districts, students and communities.

John C. Hill                                    Gladys Cruz
Board President                                 District Superintendent
Questar III BOCES                               Questar III BOCES
Table of Contents

   Executive Summary                                     4
   BOCES Overview                                        7
   How Questar III Operates                              7
   Our Changing Landscape                                8
   The Leading Edge                                      8
   How Districts Purchase Services                       9
   Paying for BOCES Services                             9
   Budget History                                       10
   Questar III Budget Philosophy                        10
   Tentative Administrative Budget                      11
   Budget Vote                                          16
   Rent and Capital Budget                              16
   Impact of Administrative, Rent and Capital Budgets   19
   Program Budgets and Highlights                       20
   Career and Technical Education                       21
   Special Education                                    23
   Itinerant Services                                   24
   General Education                                    25
   Instructional Support                                28
   District Services                                    30
   Special Aid                                          33
   Explanation of Budget Line Items                     34
   Questions and Answers                                35
   OPEB Letter from the State Education Department      36
   Boards of Education and Superintendents              37
Executive Summary

Questar III continues to manage its costs aggressively. We want to ensure that we
provide valuable services to all participating school districts.

Subject to the approval of component school boards, the administrative budget
provides for a variety of operational and support activities of the BOCES, as well as
services to school districts.
The budget chart below provides a summary of the 2019-2020 Administrative Budget
as compared to the 2018-2019 Adopted Budget. The 2019-2020 tentative
administrative budget is $194,885 below a contingency budget. The general
operations portion of the administrative budget is decreasing by 6.5 percent with 43
percent of this budget supported by other revenues generated from statewide
administrative fees, indirect charges to grants and interest income. As a result of the
increase in other revenues, the Administrative Charge to Components is
decreasing by 1.39 percent.

                           Administrative Budget Summary
                                Adopted         Tentative              Dollar       Percent
                               2018-2019       2019-2020              Change        Change
Administrative Budget – OPEB $ 3,345,603      $ 3,661,950            $ 316,347        9.46%
Administrative Budget –
 General Operations              3,000,330        2,805,445          (194,885)        -6.50%
Total Administrative Budget      6,345,933        6,467,395            121,462         1.91%
Less: Other Revenues             1,002,866        1,198,851            195,985        19.54%
Administrative Charge
 to Components                $ 5,343,067     $ 5,268,544            $(74,523)        -1.39%

The budget for a BOCES differs in several significant ways from that of a school
district. The most noticeable difference is that its total budget is a collection of several
independent budgets. Another difference is that BOCES budgets are strictly revenue-
based. That is, they are determined by the revenue generated rather than by
predetermined expenditures, as with school districts. Unlike school districts, BOCES
does not have any taxing authority.

As a result, final program budgets for the 2019-2020 fiscal year will depend upon
service requests from districts. Each tentative program budget is adjusted when there
are fluctuations in program enrollments or district participation.

Budgets for services, programs and grants make up approximately 89 percent of
Questar III’s total budget. A large percentage of services are instructional programs
that include career and technical education (CTE), special education programs and
district support services.

The 2019-2020 tentative rent and capital budget includes funding to begin the
renovations at the Rensselaer Educational Center that is anticipated to be completed
within three to five years.

The Total Budget chart, on page 6, provides a summary of expenditures by object
category and by program category and includes the following financial data:

       The 2017-2018 Actual Expenditures represents the final actual costs for that

       The 2018-2019 Adjusted Budget represents the Adopted Budget increased
        for any additional requests for services that have occurred to date. Unlike a
        school district, over the course of the year, Questar III increases its budget in
        order to account for requests of additional purchased services from
        component and non-component school districts and other BOCES.

       The 2019-2020 Tentative Budget represents Questar III’s estimate of
        purchased services based on historical trends and projected service requests.

After districts complete and approve the Final Service Requests (FSR), due by May
1st, the 2019-2020 Tentative Budget, excluding the Administrative Budget, will be
adjusted to the actual program and service requests approved.

                               State Law Requirement

New York State Law requires the Boards of Education of each of our 22 component
school districts to convene on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 to vote on the tentative
administrative budget. The administrative budget is the only portion of the BOCES
budget voted on.

Total Budget – Executive Summary

                                                  ACTUAL             ADJUSTED            TENTATIVE
                                              EXPENDITURES           BUDGET               BUDGET
             EXPENDITURE CATEGORY                 2017/18             2018/19             2019/20

 INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                       $    16,209,024    $     17,322,129    $     16,685,252

 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                         5,997,438           6,801,445           6,730,958

 EQUIPMENT                                          3,737,252           6,101,701           3,520,570

 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS                               1,838,800           2,295,993           2,062,234

 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                               2,470,378           4,800,061           3,488,687

 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS                     1,614,597           2,833,173           1,713,179

 RENTAL OF FACILITIES                               1,183,882           1,238,368           1,252,299

 PAYMENTS TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS & OTHER BOCES        12,566,899          14,855,818          15,166,977

 EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS                          10,150,571          11,892,904          12,028,404

 OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS                     3,181,463           3,345,603           3,661,950

 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL                                  500,000             500,000           1,000,000

 TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OPERATIONS & MAINT           2,083,125           2,710,090           3,358,946

 TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OTHER SERVICES               7,169,482           8,734,847           8,276,957

 TRANSFER CREDITS                                  (1,803,380)         (1,894,150)         (1,293,815)

 TOTAL                                        $    66,899,531    $     81,537,982    $     77,652,598

                                                  ACTUAL             ADJUSTED            TENTATIVE
                                              EXPENDITURES           BUDGET               BUDGET
             EXPENDITURE CATEGORY                 2017/18             2018/19             2019/20

 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION                       $     5,877,648    $      6,805,117    $      6,467,395

 CAPITAL (RENTS AND LEASES)                         1,649,529           1,683,365           2,205,217

 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION                       8,383,624          10,784,890           9,766,401

 SPECIAL EDUCATION                                 21,088,165          26,220,488          25,675,939

 ITINERANT SERVICES                                 1,627,678           2,212,045           1,901,816

 GENERAL EDUCATION                                  6,000,764           5,677,166           5,831,326

 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT                              6,908,536           8,814,952           7,987,819

 DISTRICT SUPPORT                                  10,853,404          14,205,277          13,385,789

 SPECIAL AID FUND                                   4,510,183           5,134,682           4,430,896

 TOTAL                                        $    66,899,531    $     81,537,982    $     77,652,598

BOCES Overview
Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) are public education
cooperatives that serve as extensions of local school districts. A BOCES provides
programs and services that districts are unable to offer on their own or that are more
economical to share with other districts.

Questar III BOCES serves 22 component districts (and one non-component) in
Rensselaer, Columbia and Greene counties and provides more than 280 shared
services to approximately 690 school districts and BOCES statewide.

The New York State Board of Regents and the Commissioner of Education charge
the state’s 37 District Superintendents and BOCES with providing leadership and
support to local school districts. Questar III focuses on developing the capacity of local
schools to enable students to meet the state learning standards and graduation

How Questar III Operates

Questar III BOCES’ identity is defined by our core purpose of existence and our core
values. Why do we exist? We exist to change lives, realize dreams and do together
what can’t be done alone. The core values are the foundation or backbone for how
Questar III operates; they define us. They include:

    Commitment to Excellence – Excellence equals great quality and
       workmanship. It is quality the surpasses ordinary standards.

    Commitment to Leadership and Service – Leadership equals motivating
       others to accomplish great things. Service equals meeting and exceeding
       client expectations.

    Commitment to Innovation – Innovation is about staying relevant. As an agent
       of change, what may have led to our success could be the cause of failure in
       the future. We need to adapt and evolve to meet the ever-changing
       landscape of education to serve the needs of our school districts.

Questar III BOCES provides shared educational programs to the school districts
served. Partnerships with districts allow for the delivery of a broad range of programs
and services that help meet the evolving educational needs of students. BOCES
programs and services prepare diverse populations for roles in the local, regional,
state, national and global economies, provide cost-effective shared services to
districts and initiate collaboration to close gaps in student achievement.

BOCES has been – and continues to be – an agent for change and a vehicle for family
and student choice in our public education system. Through BOCES, school districts
can provide a rich variety of learning experiences for students of all interests, ages
and abilities.

Like public school districts, Questar III is governed by a policy-making board of
education. The 11 members of the Questar III Board serve three-year terms and are
elected by component boards through a special vote held each April. Questar III Board
Members either serve or have served on local school boards. Most of them also have
experience as board presidents in their districts of residence.

Our Changing Landscape

Across our region and within the state there have been several leadership changes:
new Board of Education members, new Superintendents and new Business Officials,
among others.

In the past five years, we have seen:
     10 new superintendents;
     86 new board members;
     12 new business officials;
     12 new chairs of special education;
     55 new principals, assistant principals and deans of students;
     25 new school counselors; and
     21 new school librarians.

Questar III has developed professional learning programs to address the constant
changes and to support leaders and educators in our region.

The Leading Edge

During the summer of 2016, Questar III adopted a new framework for goal-setting,
innovation and growth called The Leading Edge. This framework – based on The
Advantage by Patrick Lencioni – requires answers to six fundamental questions about
the organization and its work:

      Why do we exist?
      How do we behave?
      What do we do?
      How will we succeed?
      What is most important right now?
      Who must do what?

Questar III gathered its executive leadership team to answer these questions and to
commit to clarity through over-communication. Ultimately, Questar III exists because
we “change lives, realize dreams and do together what can’t be done alone.” This is
the core of our existence and service to school districts and students.

At least annually, Questar III reviews The Leading Edge organizational goals. For
2018-2019, three thematic goals were developed:

      Develop the capacity of employees to serve students and school districts;
      Develop, improve and re-evaluate existing programs and services; and
      Create a healthy organizational culture.

Expanding further on the goal of developing, improving and re-evaluating existing
programs and services, Questar III:

       Monitors the regulatory environment, the New York State Education
        Department and United States Department of Education for changes;
       Collaborates with local school boards, superintendent subcommittees and
        other district leaders to identify needs and challenges; and
       Conducts research to identify school district needs and challenges and
        develops solutions for districts.

The development, improvement and re-evaluation of programs and services will
always be in direct response to district needs and challenges and to ensure that the
programs continue to align with Questar III’s core values of Commitment to
Excellence, Leadership and Service, and Innovation. Questar III works hard to involve
all stakeholders in the evaluation of programs, from the superintendent
subcommittees to various members of district leadership. This work resulted in the
establishment of a new Career and Technical Education Heavy Equipment Operations
& Maintenance program, opening at the Rensselaer Educational Center in 2019-20.
Through the re-evaluation process, one Career and Technical Education program (the
Academy for Information Technology at the Columbia-Greene Educational Center) will
be phased out over the next two years due to low enrollments and low student interest.
We also expanded or re-evaluated existing services to meet the needs of districts,
such as offering a new School Improvement Embedded Unit for Special Education
and redesigning the Bus Driver Training service.

Questar III strives to be the program of choice through its Commitment to Excellence,
Commitment to Leadership and Service, and Commitment to Innovation.

How Districts Purchase Services
All services and programs (except for administration and rent) must be requested, in
writing, each year through a final service request (FSR) process approved by local
superintendents. Therefore, districts only pay for their share of requested programs
and services. All services offered by the BOCES have gone through the approval
process of the Commissioner of Education through the submission of a proposed
programmatic and financial operating plan for each service, known formally as a
Cooperative Service Request, or “Co-Ser.”

Every year, each local board has the option to renew, increase, decrease or cancel
any service. Questar III and the component districts enter into formal contracts through
final service requests. Specified in each contract are the number and types of services
to be furnished by the BOCES, the number of students to be served, and the amount
to be paid to the BOCES. The final service requests are final and binding.

Paying for BOCES Services

Questar III has no taxing authority. It is funded by the member school districts forming
the cooperative. As an incentive to cooperate and share resources, New York State

provides aid to partially reimburse districts for participating in BOCES programs and
services. Commonly known as “BOCES Aid,” these funds are distributed to districts
based on a state-approved formula. BOCES aid for Questar III’s component districts
ranges from 36 to 79 percent, depending on each school district’s wealth ratio. Each
district’s BOCES aid rate is calculated by the State Education Department (SED),

Budget History

Questar III has been aggressive in controlling and containing costs for component
districts despite being faced with the same economic challenges as our region’s
schools. We continue to strive for fiscal responsibility, accountability and transparency
in our program and budget development efforts.

Through our shared decision-making process, we have achieved greater participation
by our component school superintendents. Superintendent subcommittees continue
their active involvement in program development and rate setting. Through this
collaborative process, new services are developed, or existing services are eliminated
and/or refined to better meet district, school and student needs. This process has
allowed Questar III to gain a better understanding of the shared services districts need
and value.

Questar III’s Budget Philosophy

Questar III’s core values - commitment to excellence, leadership and service, and
innovation - drive how we develop, refine and evaluate our programs and services as
part of our budget development process.

Through its budget development process, Questar III seeks to:

      Develop programs and services to meet the needs of our component districts
       and students in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
      Improve its capacity to deliver educational programs that support student
       achievement and high academic standards.
      Be faithful stewards and make effective use of the financial resources entrusted
       to us by our component school districts.
      Move resources, both human and financial, closer to our students and points
       of service.
      Provide the best possible service to our customers as quickly as possible.
      Increase productivity and provide districts with value for their money.

Tentative Administrative Budget

Questar III’s administrative budget supports the management, coordination and
leadership provided by the BOCES. It includes the Office of the District
Superintendent, central administrative expenses, Board of Education expenses, and
a portion of the supervisors’ and administrative personnel salaries and benefits
necessary to carry out the administrative duties of the BOCES.

                                                       ACTUAL       ADJUSTED         TENTATIVE
                                                   EXPENSES             BUDGET           BUDGET
               CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION                  2017/18          2018/19          2019/20

  INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                           $      204,658   $      203,603   $      155,533

  NON-INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                              786,673          800,237          813,800

  EQUIPMENT                                                 5,848          125,691            6,150

  SUPPLIES & MATERIALS                                     69,108           85,312           74,175

  CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                    144,161          286,379          257,772

  PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS                          289,449          565,763          296,435

  EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS                                473,043          545,561          503,220

  OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS                        3,181,463        3,345,603        3,661,950

  TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE           41,480           68,699           80,078

  TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OTHER SERVICES                    681,765          778,269          618,282

  TOTAL                                            $    5,877,648   $    6,805,117   $    6,467,395

The administrative budget also contains funding to support activities associated with
implementation of regional initiatives in advocacy, certification, communications
support, district strategic planning, emergency management, grant research,
superintendent searches, Superintendents’ Success Network (SSN), Annual Summer
Institute for Superintendents, business and operational support and professional
development for boards of education, superintendents and staff.

Next year’s proposed spending plan contains two components: (1) other post-
employment benefits (OPEB), and (2) the general administrative operations. The
increases include other post-employment benefits (OPEB), salaries and health
insurance. However, there are reductions in the following: staffing due to the
elimination of a Deputy Superintendent position, required contributions to the
Employees’ and Teachers’ Retirement Systems, and information technology provider

Questar III’s tentative administrative budget for 2019-2020 is $6,467,395, which is
$194,885 below a contingency budget. The other post-employment benefits (OPEB)
costs account for 57 percent of the total administrative budget and is increasing by
9.46 percent. The general operational costs make up the remaining 43 percent of the

budget and is decreasing by 6.5 percent. The resulting net increase for the tentative
   administrative budget is $121,462 or 1.91 percent from the previous year’s budget.
   However, the actual administrative charge to districts is $5,268,544, representing a
   decrease of $74,523 or 1.39 percent from the previous year. The administrative
   charge for individual component districts is derived from the administrative budget of
   $6,467,395 and is reduced by $1,198,851 in revenues earned from administrative fees
   for statewide services, indirect costs from grants, interest income and other
   miscellaneous revenues. These revenues support 43 percent of the general
   operations of the administrative budget.

                             Administrative Budget Summary
                                    Adopted         Tentative            Dollar       Percent
                                   2018-2019        2019-2020           Change        Change
Administrative Budget – OPEB      $ 3,345,603      $ 3,661,950         $ 316,347        9.46%
Administrative Budget –
 General Operations                  3,000,330       2,805,445          (194,885)       -6.50%
Total Administrative Budget          6,345,933       6,467,395            121,462        1.91%
Less: Other Revenues                 1,002,866       1,198,851            195,985       19.54%
Administrative Charge
 to Components                    $ 5,343,067      $ 5,268,544          $(74,523)       -1.39%

   The revenues from administrative fees charged to non-components for statewide
   services, indirect costs, interest and other miscellaneous revenues help Questar III
   contain administrative costs for its 22 component districts. As our statewide services
   grow, so does our administrative revenue (net of interest income), which in turn
   reduces administrative charges to our components. The chart below shows how these
   revenues have increased approximately 89 percent since 2010-2011.

                     Administrative Revenues (excluding interest income)
                   Year                   Revenue            Year-to-Year % Change
                  2010-11                 $603,651                     N/A
                  2011-12                 $711,015                   17.79%
                  2012-13                 $728,313                    2.43%
                  2013-14                 $769,683                    5.68%
                  2014-15                 $778,147                    1.10%
                  2015-16                 $813,252                    4.51%
                  2016-17                 $828,731                    1.90%
                  2017-18                 $844,199                    1.87%
                  2018-19                 $987,866                   17.02%
                  2019-20                $1,138,851                  15.30%

                  Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Mitigation

   Prior to the 2013-2014 school year, Questar III had a longstanding practice of setting
   aside funds to pay for the future expenses associated with the other post-employment
   benefits of our retirees. This practice, which was reported annually to school districts,
   was a fiscally conservative approach to manage post-retirement benefits. Over time,

our actuaries estimated it would have saved component school districts approximately
65 percent of our net OPEB obligation if we were allowed to fund this liability as we
do with pensions.

A Task Force of superintendents and business officials was convened after this
practice was questioned by several districts. During the course of its work the Task
Force vetted a variety of options. It also requested that the BOCES meet with the State
Education Department (SED) and the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) to seek
guidance on the issue. These meetings were held on February 12, 2013 and April 16,
2013 respectively, with the BOCES submitting materials concerning the matter to both

The SED did not object to the BOCES practice and deferred to the OSC. It took in
excess of six months to receive a response from the OSC. The OSC’s response,
received on October 11, 2013, rejected the BOCES argument on the basis that the
Comptroller establishes the accounting method to be used by local governments and
it had chosen the modified accrual method.

The Questar III Board accepted the final OPEB Report of the Task Force, dated
February 2014, at its regular meeting on April 15, 2014. This report was also shared
with districts in a letter dated July 25, 2014. Please visit www.questar.org/opeb for
OPEB materials.

In this report, the Task Force recommended that the BOCES conduct an independent
full forensic audit of the accrual to determine the source of the funds and to determine
allocations due to component districts and other entities. The Task Force
recommended that the independent audit should include three scenarios for returning
the funds to all contributors over a five, seven or 10-year period.

Based on the recommendations of the Task Force, Questar III issued an RFP for
forensic accounting of the OPEB liability and an RFP for independent legal review.
The independent forensic audit work was awarded to D’Arcangelo & Co., LLP and the
independent legal review was awarded to Hodgson Russ, LLP.

On July 24, 2014, the independent auditor and attorney presented their findings to
superintendents and business officials at a meeting held at Rensselaer City School
District. As requested, these individuals shared three scenarios, both overall and
district-specific, for liquidating the accrual over a five, seven, or 10-year period,
commencing in the 2015-2016 school year.

Following the meeting held on July 24, 2014, each district was asked to submit, in
writing, any questions or comments on the methodology along with their district’s
preference for the liquidation time period (five, seven or 10 years). Component districts
submitted questions and comments and their preference on the liquidation by August
23, 2014.

The District Superintendent indicated that funds would be liquidated based on the
majority responses of component districts. The majority of districts selected the five-
year liquidation plan.

In September 2014, the District Superintendent recommended six actions, based
upon the requirement from the OSC that the funds be liquidated and the
recommendations of the BOCES-created OPEB Task Force, the report of the
independent auditor, and the independent legal review. This information was shared
with superintendents on September 5, 2014.

These recommendations were responsive to district concerns about
“smoothing” the impact of the necessary increase in the Questar III Administrative
Budget on school district budgets over time. The recommendations also sought to
manage the required liquidation in a manner that would not result in future aid offsets
to districts (a decision that lies with the state, not Questar III).

Questar III, which consulted with SED throughout this process, submitted its
recommendations to SED for approval. A copy of the plan was also filed with the OSC.
Please see page 36 for the letter from SED accepting Questar III’s OPEB proposal.

The SED letter specified that “some of the funds identified for return to school districts
represented aidable expenses at the time the funds were collected by the BOCES,
some reconciliation must be made to avoid an overpayment of state aid.” The Questar
III Board of Education has taken the position that any reconciliation of the OPEB
liquidated funds being returned to school districts should be performed by SED. A
substantial portion of the OPEB funds collected were related to special education
services (high cost aid) and, therefore, are not BOCES aidable.

The liquidation plan, approved by SED, provides specific actions regarding the 22
component districts (and one non-component district) in the cooperative. It also
provides specific actions for other districts. These actions are described below in
further detail.

The $14,285,939.01 due to components and Hoosick Falls Central School District
would be liquidated over a five-year period based on data from the forensic audit
findings, the majority recommendation of superintendents, and the approval of the
BOCES Board. Should any credit provided to a district exceed its share of the Questar
III administrative levy in any year, the excess credit would be carried forward to the
following year until exhausted.

The $1,406,343.09 due to districts that are not part of the Questar III region would be
credited to program purchases over a five-year period. Districts due credits of less
than $10,000, would be credited in one year. These credits would be subject to the
same carry-forward procedures in the event program purchases do not exceed the
respective annual credit.

Prior to the disbursement of funds or credits, Questar III required releases from future
liability concerning the OPEB matter from any Board of Education receiving a credit.
To date, Questar III has received all 22 component releases and one non-component
release. The BOCES also received 623 out of 672 statewide school district and
BOCES releases. The 2019-2020 school year represents the fifth and final year
of the liquidation plan for OPEB.

Administrative Budget Cost Containment Strategies

In previous years, Questar III has reduced a number of positions and implemented a
vacancy control program whereby organizational needs are analyzed as vacancies
occur within the agency. In addition, the business office staff have been coordinating
and performing a number of outside services, including claims auditor, grant
management and purchasing agent (cooperative bidding), as a way to increase
revenue and decrease the share component school districts contribute to support
these positions.

Several years ago, the Questar III Board of Education adopted a compensation/salary
plan for employees not affiliated with a bargaining unit. This board-approved plan
established salary ranges and a “job rate” or salary range maximum for each position.
The compensation/salary plan is reviewed and adopted by the Board at least annually.
Questar III also implemented several cost-cutting measures related to employee
benefits, working with the Rensselaer-Columbia-Greene Health Insurance Trust to:
    Migrate all employees and retirees from the Indemnity Plan product to the PPO
       Plan product.
    Migrated from the PPO812 to the PPO816, increasing co-pays and deductibles.
    Created a sliding scale for employee contributions based on salary, ranging
       from 5 to 15 percent.
    Carved out pharmacy benefits from the health insurance plan.
    Eliminated the community rate or HMO products and migrated to an Exclusive
       Provider Organization (EPO) product to save on commissions and to benefit
       from our claims history.
    Limited coverage to employees that work at least half time.
    Issued requests for proposals for a pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) that
       resulted in a new PBM that offered lower pharmacy prices.
    Increased vendor management and oversight over our medical and pharmacy
    Automated processes when possible.

Questar III mitigated the long-term impact of post-employment benefits on our
component school districts by:
    Increasing the vesting requirement for such benefits from 10 to 15 years for
    Eliminating family health insurance coverage, leaving only single coverage
      available in retirement for employees hired after July 1, 2008.
    Matching contribution rates in retirement with those in place at time of
    Reducing instructional Local Education Agency (LEA) work (or contract work
      for the state) where we would be required to retain long-term instructional staff
      that would likely retire from Questar III with other post-retirement benefits.
    Maximizing Medicare Part D reimbursement by aggressively managing and
      auditing all parties involved in the Medicare Part D submission and
      reimbursement process.

District Superintendent Salary and Benefits

The BOCES Reform Legislation of 1993 requires the presentation of the
administrative budget as separate from the rent and capital budget (rents and leases).
The legislation limits the salary of the District Superintendent and mandates the
separate reporting of the District Superintendent salary and benefits as follows:

State of New York portion of salary and fringe:
District Superintendent Salary                                  $ 43,499
plus all Medicare and Social Security taxes

BOCES portion of salary and fringe:
District Superintendent Salary                                  $123,263
New York State Teacher Retirement                               $ 11,710
Health, Dental & Disability Insurance                           $ 28,265
Workers’ Compensation Insurance                                 $ 1,848
Unemployment Insurance                                          $    246

Budget Vote

By law, the 22 component districts’ Boards of Education within Questar III are required
to vote on the BOCES administrative budget on April 16, 2019. This is the only portion
of the BOCES budget that component districts vote on each year.

Rent and Capital Budget

Questar III occupies a number of instructional and office spaces in the tri-county
region, including space owned and leased by the BOCES. Owned spaces include the
two educational centers in Hudson and Troy, the Sackett Center in Schodack and the
office/warehouse facility at 1070 Route 9 in Castleton. All other spaces are leased.

The tentative 2019-2020 rent and capital budget includes two components: (1) rent
for leased spaces at schools and other entities and (2) transfers to capital. Rent to
other entities includes the central office building located in Schodack, Tech Valley
High School® and classrooms at colleges and other private entities for New Visions
and special education programs. Transfers to capital supports capital improvement
needs at space owned by the BOCES.

Questar III also continues to lease instructional space with school districts for special
education programs (Averill Park, Catskill, East Greenbush, Ichabod Crane,
Rensselaer, Schodack). The classroom rental rate of $7,000 per classroom (except
new construction) is established by Questar III’s Superintendents.

Over the past decade Questar III has worked with districts to better locate and cluster
appropriate space for special education students. This work has resulted in better
quality instructional space. District-based classrooms located at the Goff Middle
School and the Red Mill Elementary School in the East Greenbush Central School
District will be moving to the Maple Hill Middle School in the Schodack Central School
District over a two-year period, beginning in 2019-2020. Program operations will

become more efficient with this effort, as there is less travel for related service
personnel and resources can be deployed in a more efficient manner.

              Rensselaer Educational Center Modernization Project

Questar III recognized the need to modernize the Rensselaer Educational Center
(REC) in Troy. During the 2016-2017 fiscal year, after positive feedback was received
from Superintendents, Business Officials and Questar III’s Board of Education, an
RFP was issued for the lease of a new Center. There was an extensive RFP review
process that included a committee of Questar III board members, staff and component
district superintendents, resulting in the selection of a developer. Questar III’s Board
of Education issued a preliminary award, subject to a successful negotiation of a 20-
year lease. Unfortunately, we could not reach an agreement on the lease with the
Developer. As a result, Questar III’s Board of Education and Executive Leadership
Team remained committed to a state-of-the-art facility and have explored various
options for the Center’s replacement.

There were three options that included issuing a new RFP, revisiting a site that was
previously explored or rehabilitating the existing facility. Each option has advantages
and disadvantages.

   (1) Issue an RFP - This RFP lease option included an opportunity to have a new
       building and expand square footage. However, this option would be expensive,
       the designs had lacked creativity and the sites available had limited acreage.

   (2) Revisit the Rensselaer City School District Site - This site option previously
       explored would have provided an integrated program within a district and had
       another Questar III program housed there that would have provided ease for
       transportation. However, this option had limited acreage and the district had
       limitations on financing the project.

   (3) Renovate the existing REC - This option to rehabilitate the existing REC would
       keep the northern region career and technical education programs together –
       the property includes 23 acres on which to house the second Heavy Equipment
       program. The cost is less expensive than the RFP option and it would be a re-
       investment into property owned by the cooperative. There are also
       opportunities to break the project down into operation and maintenance
       projects versus having only capital projects, which will improve state aid for
       approximately half of our component districts. Although the REC is a 35-year-
       old building, it is structurally sound. Unfortunately, there would not be an
       opportunity to expand square footage; however, space can be redesigned for
       better utilization. Furthermore, program enrollments over the past decade do
       not justify additional square footage.

Based on the analysis of the options, a decision to rehabilitate the existing facility was
made. The project will begin in the spring/summer of 2019 and is anticipated to be
completed within three to five years. The rehabilitation will be separated into three
phases to include sitework and utilities, mechanical/plumbing, building envelope,
reconfiguration of space, fire safety, technology and electrical improvements. Phase
1 will focus on site improvements, such as utilities to improve drainage, provide new

walkways and improve the bus loop and parking. The building rehabilitation will be
   broken into two phases in order to minimize disruption to students during construction.
   Approximately half of the building will be rehabbed under Phase 2 and the remainder
   of the building under Phase 3.

   The estimated cost of the rehabilitation project is $12 million versus the previous RFP
   lease option totaling over $20 million by the end of the 20-year lease term. The project
   budget will be broken down between operation and maintenance, to be funded
   through the program budgets benefiting from the space, and the capital project fund,
   to be funded through transfers from the rent and capital budget. The capital budget
   transfers include an increase of $500,000, which is the similar annual funding level for
   the previous lease option, except the funding level under the renovation option will be
   reduced based on current capital needs after conclusion of the project. The lease
   option included this funding level for a 20-year period. Below is a summary of the rent
   and capital budget for 2019-2020, reflecting the increase in the capital transfer.

                            Rent and Capital Budget Summary
                                        Adopted         Tentative         Dollar       Percent
                                       2018-2019        2019-2020        Change        Change
Rent Budget                           $ 1,183,365      $ 1,205,217      $ 21,852         1.85%
Capital Budget                             500,000       1,000,000        500,000      100.00%
Total Rent and Capital Budget            1,683,365       2,205,217        521,852       31.00%
Less: Grant Revenues                        13,353           5,670        (7,683)      -57.54%
Total Rent and Capital Charge to
Components                            $ 1,670,012      $ 2,199,547      $ 529,535       31.71%

Impact of the Administrative, Rent and Capital Budgets

      Sections 1950 and 1951 of the NYS Education Law established BOCES and the
      requirement of member or component districts to pay a proportionate share of the
      administrative, rent and capital costs.

      School districts pay an annual assessment toward the support of the administrative
      budget based upon their Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (RWADA).
      District charges vary based upon increases or decreases in student enrollment.

      In summary, the administrative charge of $5,268,544 is decreasing by $74,523 or 1.39
      percent and the rent and capital charge of $2,199,547 is increasing by $529,535 or
      31.71 percent, primarily due to the Rensselaer Educational Center Modernization
      Project. The net administrative, rent and capital charge to components for 2019-2020
      is $7,468,091, representing an increase of $455,012 or 6.49 percent from the previous
      year’s budget. The 2019-2020 tentative administrative budget is $194,885 below
      a contingency budget.

                         Administrative, Rent and Capital Budgets Summary
                                               Adopted        Tentative     Dollar        Percent
                                              2018-2019      2019-2020     Change         Change
Administrative Budget - OPEB                $ 3,345,603     $ 3,661,950   $ 316,347         9.46%
Administrative Budget – General Operations      3,000,330      2,805,445  (194,885)        -6.50%
Total Administrative Budget                     6,345,933      6,467,395    121,462         1.91%
Less: Other Revenues                            1,002,866      1,198,851    195,985        19.54%
Administrative Charge to Components         $ 5,343,067     $ 5,268,544   $(74,523)        -1.39%

Rent Budget                               $ 1,183,365      $ 1,205,217      $ 21,852        1.85%
Capital Budget                                500,000        1,000,000       500,000      100.00%
Total Rent and Capital Budget               1,683,365        2,205,217       521,852       31.00%
Less: Grant Revenues                           13,353            5,670        (7,683)     -57.54%
Total Rent and Capital Charge to
Components                                   1,670,012        2,199,547      529,535          31.71%
Total Admin, Rent and Capital Charge to
Components                                $ 7,013,079      $ 7,468,091      $ 455,012         6.49%

Program Budgets and Highlights
The budget for a BOCES differs significantly from that of a school district. The most
noticeable difference is that a BOCES has no taxing authority. Also, the budget is a
collection of several independent budgets. Another difference is that most BOCES
budgets are strictly revenue-based. That is, they are determined by the revenue
generated by purchases of programs and services annually, rather than
predetermined expenditures. As a result, final program budgets depend upon district
requests in May of each year.

Whereas school district budgets are fixed, the demand for BOCES services leads to
staff (and thus budget) increases or decreases during the year. Services are added or
eliminated based on district needs and demand.

Questar III continues to work hard to contain costs and to minimize rate increases for
school districts. The following chart demonstrates that the majority of program rate
increases are reflective of the districts’ tax cap limitations.

                                 % of Programs with a    % of Programs with a
                                  Rate Increase ≤ 0%      Rate Increase ≤ 2%
               2015-16                  53.59%                  87.05%
               2016-17                  79.80%                  91.30%
               2017-18                  63.49%                  86.31%
               2018-19                  62.23%                  86.30%
               2019-20                  66.48%                  75.64%

Career and Technical Education

Questar III’s CTE instructional programs combine classroom learning with hands-on
training in a wide range of high-need career fields. These programs are equipped with
industry-recommended tools and equipment, have articulation agreements for
students to earn college credit, and provide opportunities for students to obtain
industry certification or credentials. All CTE programs integrate academic learning into
the CTE instruction giving students a deeper understanding of applied math, science,
and/or English Language Arts concepts and skills needed in that career area, while
affording students the opportunity to earn academic credits towards graduation

                                                 ACTUAL              ADJUSTED            TENTATIVE
                                                 EXPENSES            BUDGET               BUDGET
        CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION              2017/18             2018/19             2019/20

INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                       $       3,793,796   $      3,883,869    $       4,108,696

NON-INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                            536,403             688,387             567,954

EQUIPMENT                                             252,145           1,365,137              65,520

SUPPLIES & MATERIALS                                  316,268             393,000             352,586

CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                  334,128             533,164             503,649

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS                         72,406             138,462              84,450

PAYMENTS TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS & OTHER BOCES             58,711              47,565              36,516

EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS                             1,916,910          2,247,888            2,343,997

TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OPERATIONS & MAINT              939,237           1,341,367            1,581,961

TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OTHER SERVICES                  667,888             712,498             614,662

TRANSFER CREDITS                                     (504,268)           (566,447)           (493,590)

TOTAL                                        $       8,383,624   $     10,784,890    $       9,766,401

Our CTE programs offer high school students the opportunity to prepare for the
careers of tomorrow while earning a Regents diploma with a technical endorsement.
Students who earn a diploma with a Career and Technical Education endorsement
will have a “weighting” of two for school accountability under the new Every Student
Succeeds Act’s (ESSA) College, Career, and Civic Readiness (CCCR) Index. All
Questar III’s SED-approved CTE programs allow students to earn a technical
endorsement provided they pass a three-part technical assessment.

CTE programs include a variety of experiences that fall under New York State’s
definition for work-based learning. Many CTE programs have enough of these work-
based learning experiences for students to earn the minimum 54 work-based learning
hours for the Career Development Occupational Studies (CDOS) graduation pathway.
Students who earn a Regents diploma with the CDOS graduation pathway have a
“weighting” of one-and-a-half for school accountability under ESSA’s CCCR Index.

CTE technical assessments continue to demonstrate a high level of success with a
pass rate of 92 percent for 2018. Improvement efforts are focused on looking at
technology applications for careers in the future, supporting the acquisition of essential
workplace (also known as “soft”) skills, and ongoing instructional improvements to
better meet students’ needs.

In response to student interest (from surveys conducted in the fall of 2016 and 2018),
labor market trends, and superintendent support, Questar III has worked closely with
the Superintendent Subcommittee on Academic Programs to assess current
programs and examine future needs. This work resulted in Questar III adding a second
Heavy Equipment Operations & Maintenance Program at the Rensselaer Educational
Center, beginning in 2019-20. The Information Technology program at the Columbia-
Greene Educational Center will be phased out, due to continued low student
enrollment. Startup costs of the new program were mitigated with this program
phaseout and savings from changes in outreach methods and Perkins funding

Questar III’s four New Visions programs - Medical, Scientific Research and World
Health, STEM, and Visual and Performing Arts - continue to be in high demand. During
the 2019-20 school year, our students will not have the option of attending the New
Visions Law and Government Program given that Capital Region BOCES is phasing
out the program.

                                    Career Studies

Our Career Studies programs provide students who need an alternative learning pace,
in a smaller learning environment, the opportunity for entry-level training in a technical
area. Career Studies programs have a small student to teacher ratio (12 students to
one teacher and one teaching assistant) and are taught by certified teachers who have
substantial real-world experiences in their given trades.

All Career Studies programs focus on hands-on learning, reinforcement of content and
skills, with differentiation to assist students in the attainment of skills. Along with
teaching new skills in the career area, these programs include a variety of experiences
that fall under New York State’s definition for work-based learning. Career Studies
programs offer enough work-based learning experiences for students to earn the
minimum 54 work-based learning hours for the CDOS graduation pathway.

Students in Career Studies programs also receive integrated academic instruction
within the content of their program. This gives students a deeper understanding of the
math, science, and English Language Arts concepts and skills needed in that career
area, while providing an opportunity to earn academic credits toward graduation

Special Education
Questar III provides an array of services for students with disabilities, based on their
individual academic capabilities and social/behavioral needs in response to each
student’s individualized educational plan (IEP).

                                                  ACTUAL              ADJUSTED            TENTATIVE
                                                  EXPENSES            BUDGET               BUDGET
              SPECIAL EDUCATION                    2017/18             2018/19             2019/20

 INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                       $       7,285,202   $       7,681,420   $       7,586,953

 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                           1,077,369           1,316,727           1,302,634

 EQUIPMENT                                             265,808              99,465             102,500

 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS                                  183,874             287,172             216,400

 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                  160,481             984,427             326,368

 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS                         48,100             134,150             129,000

 PAYMENTS TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS & OTHER BOCES           1,848,065           3,540,033           3,626,353

 EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS                             4,254,703           4,844,533           4,964,312

 TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OPERATIONS & MAINT              829,957             914,930            1,350,888

 TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OTHER SERVICES                 5,134,606           6,417,631           6,070,531

 TOTAL                                        $      21,088,165   $      26,220,488   $      25,675,939

The continued focus is for programs to provide consistent high-quality instruction and
behavioral interventions and supports. Focused initiatives include aligning the mental
health curriculum with current instructional practices, as well as increasing staff
capacity to integrate mindfulness and restorative practices into their daily learning

The cost of delivering specialized programs and services varies and has increased
over time. As a result, ongoing input from the Committee on Special Education Chairs
and Superintendent Subcommittee on Academic Programs is utilized to explore more
effective and cost-effective ways to meet our students’ ever-changing needs. During
the 2018-19 school year, a Special Education Task Force was created to review
current programs, analyze data of district needs, and make recommendations for
program enhancement. Questar III is planning to enhance current 4:1:2 and 6:1:2
elementary classes with additional support services, such as a consulting psychiatric
nurse practitioner. All programs will also continue to access the support of a consulting
child psychiatrist.

In accordance with state regulations, Questar III continues to move students along the
continuum of services from a more restrictive to a less restrictive environment as
appropriate to meet their needs. For the 2019-2020 school year, two 4:1:2 elementary
classes are projected.

The number of our students in special education programs who are integrating with
the Career Studies program or CTE programs continues to increase, providing
students with the skills necessary to be college and career ready. Approximately 56
percent of our students are anticipated to graduate with a CDOS credential, and we
are looking to expand this opportunity to more of our high school level students.

Itinerant Services

Questar III staff members are shared between school districts through itinerant
services. This includes both certified and specialty support personnel. Depending on
the nature of the request or service provided, services may be provided at the local
district, a BOCES site, or at another location.

                                                  ACTUAL             ADJUSTED            TENTATIVE
                                                  EXPENSES           BUDGET               BUDGET
              ITINERANT SERVICES                   2017/18            2018/19             2019/20

 INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                       $        515,868   $        723,403    $        547,549

 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                            424,505            483,519             476,139

 EQUIPMENT                                               9,301              2,000               3,000

 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS                                    4,704             20,544               3,511

 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                   15,428             84,822              50,062

 PAYMENTS TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS & OTHER BOCES            200,655            349,826             256,359

 EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS                              405,412            500,643             505,201

 TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OPERATIONS & MAINT               31,742             40,700              16,056

 TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OTHER SERVICES                   20,063             27,238              43,939

 TRANSFER CREDITS                                            -            (20,650)                  -

 TOTAL                                        $      1,627,678   $      2,212,045    $       1,901,816

Instructional itinerant services include: consultant teaching, music therapy,
occupational therapy, orientation and mobility, physical therapy, adaptive physical
education, school psychologist, psychological counseling, speech and language
therapy, speech improvement, teacher of the blind/visually impaired, and English as
a second language. District services such as claims auditing, communications/public
information coordinator and shared facility director are also provided as itinerant

The communications/public information coordinator is the largest itinerant service. It
provides onsite support to 14 school districts in Rensselaer, Columbia and Greene

The cost of itinerant services is primarily dependent on the salaries and benefits of
the individuals providing the service. Furthermore, due to district purchases and

changes in staff, the costs of these services may have significant fluctuations from

General Education
Questar III offers a wide array of general and alternative educational offerings such as
Tech Valley High School®, distance learning, arts-in-education, pre-kindergarten, and
Odyssey of The Mind regional competitions.

                                                  ACTUAL             ADJUSTED           TENTATIVE
                                                  EXPENSES           BUDGET              BUDGET
              GENERAL EDUCATION                    2017/18            2018/19            2019/20

 INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                       $       675,931    $       727,542    $       714,216

 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL SALARIES                            50,952             53,172             54,702

 EQUIPMENT                                            205,856             30,007                   -

 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS                                 190,056            136,631            130,500

 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                  12,650             25,433             11,450

 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS                       180,109            194,317            178,600

 PAYMENTS TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS & OTHER BOCES          4,102,985          3,850,678          4,091,913

 EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS                             360,374            418,382            424,086

 TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OPERATIONS & MAINT              65,981             48,931             30,335

 TRANSFER CHARGES FROM OTHER SERVICES                 155,870            192,073            195,524

 TOTAL                                        $      6,000,764   $      5,677,166   $      5,831,326

                            Tech Valley High School® (TVHS)

TVHS continues to grow and evolve under its current leadership team. Student and
parent interest in the school is high and more districts are sending students. Along
with offering students real-world, project-based learning experiences in all their course
work, TVHS has increased both the rigor of the academics as well as the number of
opportunities available to students by adding college credit course work and access
to more course offerings online. TVHS has established partnerships with local
colleges to offer students the opportunity to earn a 60 credit Associate of Science
Degree through Excelsior College by the end of their senior year.

                                  Distance Learning

Questar III works closely with the Northeast Regional Information Center (NERIC) to
offer access to a distance learning network that expands the offerings of districts in
our cooperative. This allows participating districts to share courses that cannot be
offered in most districts and offers students the opportunity for Advanced Placement
(AP) and college courses.

Currently there are 12 local districts participating in this service. Local schools host
and receive approximately 120 courses, reaching more than 960 students throughout
the regular school year and during the summer.

Questar III, in partnership with NERIC, also increased participation to the Expanded
Distance Learning program serving seven districts. This program allows districts to
grow their existing distance learning program or start smaller scale distance learning
programs. Key components of the service include training, technical support,
scheduling and recording of daily classes. A regional committee advises the NERIC
on course planning and development.

                                   Online Learning

The Online Learning Service was developed to respond to changes to the SED’s
regulations. Districts can now grant credit to students who have completed
coursework using online learning courseware. Questar III currently works with eight
courseware vendors to offer districts choices in service plans. Eighteen districts use
the service to provide credit recovery, credit accrual, home schooling, tutoring and
Regents test preparation for more than 1,200 students.


Questar III has provided pre-kindergarten educational services for nearly three
decades, partnering with districts to create and deliver a model program. Questar III
supports two types of pre-kindergarten programs: three experimental classrooms and
two universal classrooms. The experimental program, formerly known as the targeted
program, provides developmentally appropriate instruction to classes having a
minimum of 16 four-year-old students from families that are considered economically
disadvantaged. The universal pre-kindergarten program provides developmentally
appropriate instruction to classes of 18 four-year-old students. Both programs employ
certified teachers and teaching assistants and incorporate high-quality curricula to
prepare students for future school success through strong foundational skills in early
literacy and numeracy, social interaction and kindergarten readiness skills using child-
centered activities. In some classes, Questar III also works with community-based
organizations to provide an inclusionary model for students with disabilities.

                   School Library System and Related Services

School districts may purchase shared services that assist in expanding access from
the library’s physical space to wherever students are learning. Services include:
   • Building enhanced library collections designed specifically to meet the needs
        of individual schools without unnecessarily duplicating resources across the
   • Full library automation support, including software, hardware, maintenance,
        technical support, cataloging and training.
   • Supporting all curricular areas through online resources including databases
        and instructional multimedia.
   • Providing a shared librarian for smaller districts.

This year the School Library System continues to migrate districts to Follett Destiny,
a robust automation system that reaches beyond the library walls. Follett Destiny
provides access to vetted websites, databases in one location, and a collaboration
tool for librarians, teachers, and students. In addition, the Multimedia service is adding
additional products to an enhanced service to include licensing services for streaming
video and music.

     Arts in Education, Exploratory Enrichment, and Odyssey of the Mind

Questar III coordinates arts and enrichment programs for participating districts.
Content area curriculum comes alive with the integration of such programs that allow
students to creatively engage in their learning experience. Through dance, media arts,
music, theatre, visual arts, and writing, students learn from cultural and performing
artists, authors and illustrators. Districts receive state aid on visits to aquariums,
museums and theaters, as well as in-school programs.

Odyssey of the Mind is a worldwide educational program that helps students develop
creative problem-solving skills through teamwork. Questar III is the New York State
Region 4 coordinator of this program. In recent years, this program has reaped
numerous successes as the region’s schools excelled at state and national
competitions. In fact, at least one team from Rensselaer, Columbia and Greene
counties has advanced to the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals each year since 2007.
In 2018, five teams in the region went on to the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals at
Indiana University.

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