Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...

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Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
jeudi onze février

    Reflexive Verbs and the               If you need help
          Subjunctive                      don’t forget to

• Write the date and title in your book
• Complete the activities
• Send Mrs Getty a picture of your work
Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
What we have learnt                          Theme 1
already …
                                             Daily Life
Theme 1
Clothing vocabulary
Personality description
                          Aujourd’hui… we are going to
              Déjà vu
                          1. Recap Clothing
                          2. Revise reflexive verbs for daily routine
                          3. Understand and recognise irregular
                             verbs in the present subjunctive
                          Key Skills:                                            We will learn …
                                                                                 Further Theme
                          Listening                                              Revision
                          Translation                               À l’avenir   Using Tenses in
                                                                                 our writing
Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
Edexcel Theme 1              Edexcel Theme 2               Edexcel Theme 3             Edexcel Theme 4              Edexcel Theme 5

   Theme 1: Who am I?                                                                                               Theme 5: Bringing the
                               Theme 2 : Holidays            Theme 3 : School life
  Relationships; what my                                                                     Theme 4: The              world together:
                               Holiday preferences          Description of school and
friends and family are like                                                                  Importance of
                              Holidays last / next year           school types
What makes a good friend                                                                       languages             Why sports events are
                                   Ideal holidays           What school is like and a
    My life when I was                                                                     The importance of         important / taking part
          younger                                              typical school day
                               Theme 2 : Travel and                                        learning a foreign        Why music events and
My interests and hobbies;                                                               language / languages in      festivals are important
                               tourist transactions            School subjects and
reading, music, TV, sport,                                                                   the work place
                              Means of transport and              preferences
            films                                                                                                    Global campaigns and
                                comparing ways of
  Socialising with friends                                                               Theme 4: Ambitions              good causes
                                      travelling                   School rules
and family; last week end                                                               Further study and plans      The benefits of doing
                              Holiday accommodation         School pressures on young
      /next week end                                                                        for after school             charity work
                              Holiday activities; eating              people
        Role models                                                                     Plans to go to university
                                   out; shopping              Celebrating success at
Family and its importance                                                                     Volunteering                 Theme 5 :
                               Talking about dealing                  school
                                   with problems                                              opportunities          Environmental issues
  Theme 1: Daily life:                                                                  Other training routes and
 Customs and everyday                                                                       apprenticeships           Global environmental
                              Theme 2: Town, region
   life; a typical day                                                                                                        issues
                                     and country               Theme 3: School
 Favourite food /special                                                                    Theme 4: Work            The importance of being
                              Talking about where you              activities
          meals                                                                            Jobs; careers and        ‘green and protecting the
                              live and what places are       Clubs and after school
    Going shopping                                                                      professions; choices for           environment
                                in town to see and do              activities
                                                                                               the future             How we can help the
 Social media and use of                                     School trips and visits
                                Talking about the                                         Disadvantages and         environment at home and
 technology; advantages                                     The importance of school
                              weather in three tenses                                    advantages of certain              in school
    and disadvantages                                             exchanges
                                                                                                  jobs                   How to be more
                              Talking about places you                                    Part time work jobs         ecological / access to
 Theme 1 : Cultural life                                                                 Helping at home / jobs          natural resource
                               would like to visit in the
Celebrations and festivals                                                                 around the home
Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
Task 1   5 mins

    How much vocabulary can you remember?
Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
How many did you get correct?
Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
Task 2       5 mins

 Écoutez et reliez les
 descriptions et les images.

 Trouvez le français:
 1. brightly coloured
 2. leather belt
 3. a smart jacket
 4. woollen gloves
Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
5 mins



Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
Read the notes on how to make the Present Tense                                5 mins

           les verbes réguliers au present

           ER                         IR                        RE
     (chanter – to sing)      (choisir – to choose)       (vendre – to sell)

  Je chante                Je choisis                 Je vends
  Tu chantes               Tu choisis                 Tu vends
  Il, elle, on chante      Il, elle, on choisit       Il, elle, on vend
  Nous chantons            Nous choisissons           Nous vendons
  Vous chantez             Vous choisissez            Vous vendez
  Ils, elles chantent      Ils, elles choisissent     Ils, elles vendent
Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
What do you notice about all of these?

 s’habiller        se coiffer          se laver       se fâcher        s’endormir
to get dressed    to do your hair        to wash       to get angry     to fall asleep

 se calmer       se passer de         s’ennuyer       se reposer      se préparer
 to calm down    to make do without   to get bored       to rest         to get ready

se dépêcher         se lever          s’énerver       s’entendre        s’amuser
   to hurry        to get up          to get angry     to get on         to have fun

 se rendre        se disputer         se coucher      se réveiller    se brosser les dents
                                                                        to brush your teeth
    to go            to argue          to go to bed    to wake up
Jeudi onze février Reflexive Verbs and the Subjunctive - Write the date and title in your book Complete the activities Send Mrs Getty a ...
What do you notice about all of these?

 s’habiller        se coiffer          se laver       se fâcher        s’endormir
to get dressed    to do your hair        to wash       to get angry     to fall asleep

 se calmer       se passer de         s’ennuyer       se reposer      se préparer
 to calm down    to make do without   to get bored       to rest         to get ready

se dépêcher         se lever          s’énerver       s’entendre        s’amuser
   to hurry        to get up          to get angry     to get on         to have fun

 se rendre        se disputer         se coucher      se réveiller    se brosser les dents
                                                                        to brush your teeth
    to go            to argue          to go to bed    to wake up

                             They are all reflexive verbs
Read the notes.                     5 mins
        Reflexive verbs in the present tense
              se réveiller (to wake up)

 je                 me            réveill e
                     te           réveill es
                    se            réveill e
elle    ne          se            réveill e
                    se            réveill e
                   nous           réveill ons
                   vous           réveill ez
                    se            réveill ent
                    se            réveill ent
Perfect tense with ETRE                    5 mins
                              reflexive verbs

je               me    suis                     perdu      se perdre
tu                te   es                       reposé     se reposer
il                se   est                      réveillé   se réveiller
elle              se   est                      ennuyé     s’ennuyer
        ne        se   est             pas      entendu    s’entendre
nous            nous   sommes                   disputé    se disputer
vous            vous   êtes                     amusé      s’amuser
                  se   sont                     levé       se lever
                  se   sont                     lavé       se laver

             What else can you add to the past participle?
Task 3                               10 mins

   complete the grammar activities
2 minutes – check your answers.
5 mins
                            Reflexive Verbs

go to GAMEPIN                             05909471
10 mins

Le subjonctif – the Subjunctive

   Read the notes on how and
   when to use the Subjunctive

             Grade 8 / 9
• What is the subjunctive?
• How do you form it?                                      mood!

You have already seen sentences with the subjunctive….can you think of any?

         Bien que je sois jeune, je travaille le weekend.
         Bien que ce soit difficile, il faut étudier
When do we use it?
                     We will see it most with impersonal expressions.

                     Use the subjunctive after these expressions:
When we are
 expressing      •   il faut que X…                § it’s necessary for X to
wishes/will      •   bien que…                     § although
 emotions        •   mes parents veulent que je…   § my parents want me to
   doubt         •   pour que X…                   § so that X…

 + que           •   avant que…                    § before
• The subjunctive mood expresses doubt, emotion, judgement,
  necessity or possibility.

• But the easiest way to deal with the subjunctive is to learn the set
  phrases that are followed by the subjunctive and the formation.

• A lot of the set phrases that are followed by the subjunctive have
  « que » in it but not all « que » trigger it!
subjonctif : les verbes réguliers
 Take the ‘ils’ stem in the present and add these endings:

         ER                     IR                      RE
      ils chantent          ils choisissent           ils vendent

 Je chante             Je choisisse             Je vende
 Tu chantes            Tu choisisses            Tu vendes
 Il, elle, on chante   Il, elle, on choisisse   Il, elle, on vende
 Nous chantions        Nous choisissions        Nous vendions
 Vous chantiez         Vous choisissiez         Vous vendiez
 Ils, elles chantent   Ils, elles choisissent   Ils, elles vendent
subjonctif : les verbes irréguliers

                              avoir         être        aller         faire
                              (to have)     (to be)      (to go)   (to do, to make)

               Je              aie        sois        aille        fasse
               Tu              aies       sois        ailles       fasses
Il faut que…   Il, elle, on    ait        soit        aille        fasse
Bien que…      Nous            ayons      soyons      allions      fassions
               Vous            ayez       soyez       alliez       fassiez
               Ils, elles      aient      soient      aillent      fassent
5 mins

Translate the sentences:

1. It is necessary that I do my homework =
Il faut que

2. My parents want me to be a teacher =
Mes parents veulent que

3. Translate and finish the sentence!
Although I am young……..
15 mins
languages online
Vous avez travaillé bien!

On the next slides is Extension Work if you have
time or want to practise your language skills.
Extension work
• languages online
La semaine du 8 février 2021

La Saint Valentin                           How
                                           in d to say
                                               iffer    I
                                                    ent love yo
                                                       lan g     u
                                                            u ag
                        How many languages
                        can you recognize in
                        the heart?
Can you find the 8 food love matches ?
      Write out the pairs in your book!

              lait                         tarte
    fromage           saucisse

pepperoni             salade

    tomate                             céréales

   pomme                  pizza        hot-dog
Can you find the 8 food love matches ?
      Write out the pairs in your book!

              lait                         tarte
    fromage           saucisse

pepperoni             salade

    tomate                             céréales

   pomme                  pizza        hot-dog
Tu es la tomate dans ma salade

Tu es le fromage sur mes crackers

 Tu es le pepperoni sur ma pizza

  Tu es le lait sur mes céréales

Tu es la saucisse dans mon hot-dog

Tu es le jambon dans mon sandwich

  Tu es la pomme dans ma tarte

Tu es le chocolat dans mon gâteau

 Tu es le poisson avec mes frites

    Tu es l’amour dans ma vie!
Je t’aime plus que
Tu es ma raison de          tout, mon amour!
  vivre et je veux          Nous sommes fait      Can you work out the meaning of these
 être avec toi tout          l’un pour l’autre!   Valentine messages?
     le temps!
                                                  Find the French for:

                             Salut ma chérie,     •   my dear
Salut mon amour!              Joyeuse Saint       •   I love you
 J’espère que tu                 Valentin!        •   You are the love of my life
vas bien. Je t’aime             Bisous xxx        •   We are meant for each other
                                                  •   I want to be with you all the time
                      Merci pour les              •   my love
                       fleurs et le               •   I miss you
                        chocolat,                 •   Kisses
                        je t’aime!
                                                                                  Je te manque…
                                                  Tu es ma joie, tout               J’ai le cœur
                         Je t’aimerai pour         mon bonheur et                     brisé L
                          toujours! Tu es          toute ma vie! Je                Tu es l’amour
                         mon vrai amour!             t’aime pour                     de ma vie!
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