Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You

Page created by Ross Davidson
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour

 May 25 – June 3, 2022
 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland

Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
                                                     Our Japan Quilting & Textile tour is a gateway to the
                                                     tradition that lies at the heart of Japan’s fiber-art heritage.
                                                     Hands-on workshops introduce you to Shibori at the
                                                     Narumi Shibori Museum and to Yuzen painting and
                                                     Roketsu dyeing in Kyoto studios. Additional venues include
                                                     the Kyoto Museum of Crafts and Design and Nomura
                                                     Tailor, a treasure trove of fabrics, notions, and tools.
                                                     Travel to Kawaguchi Lake. On this leg of the tour, an en
                                                     route stop at the Itchiku Kubota Museum provides a view
                                                     of the stunning Kubota Kimono Collection and majestic
                                                     Mt. Fuji.
                                                     Enjoy shopping trips to several locations in Tokyo, including
                                                     the Blue and White Shop, Quilt Party and Nippori Fabric
                                                     Cultural sites round out the tour’s itinerary. Sites include the
                                                     Fushimi Inari Shrine with its thousands of orange torri gates
                                                     and the Gion District, a Geisha quarter in Kyoto. Plus, feast
                                                     in food markets and make your own sushi on this
                                                     immersive 10-day journey.
Japan Quilting & Textile
                                                     YOUR TOUR LEADER
Tour                                                                 Known for her enthusiasm and clever
                                                                     solutions to quilting's tricky tasks, Susan
                                                                     Cleveland enjoys meeting quilters and
Tour dates: May 25 – June 3, 2022                                    teaching her techniques internationally. Her
Tour leader: Susan Cleveland                                         quilts have received eight awards at
                                                                     International Quilt Festivals in Houston and
                                                                     many other prestigious shows. Her books,
Tour price: $4,650
                                                     tools, magazine articles, TV shows, and internet classes have
Single supplement: $1,095
                                                     been making quilting’s challenges more manageable for 20
                                                     years. Susan’s classes on Bluprint/Craftsy are among the
Booking deposit: $500 per person                     most popular as they inspire quilters throughout the world.
                                                     Quilters love Susan’s Piping Hot Binding technique/tool and
Maximum places: 25                                   also her patented Prairie Pointer Tool. Don't miss out on an
                                                     opportunity to travel and laugh with Susan!
Itinerary: Kyoto (5 nights), Kawaguchi
Lake (1 night), Tokyo (3 nights)

                                                      “Imagine the amazing experience of visiting Japan with
Inquiries and Bookings:                               fellow quilters! Our itinerary has a wonderful variety of
For further information or to book this               experiences including some hands-on creating that will
                                                      surely connect us with Japanese artists in a special way.
tour, please contact Opulent Quilt
                                                      We’ll be in awe of the Japanese landscape and culture
Journeys at 877-235-3767 or                           as well as the incredible food and lovely
info@opulentquiltjourneys.com                         accommodations. Between adventures, we’ll talk quilting.
                                                      This festival is unique and not to be missed. I’m so excited
                                                      for you to join me on this very special adventure!
                                                                 -   Susan K Cleveland of PiecesBeWithYou.com

   Opulent Quilt Journeys                 info@opulentquiltjourneys.com                  opulentquiltjourneys.com
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You

                                                In Kyoto, visitors discover the cultural heart of
                                                Japan. Once the nation’s capital, this city of
                                                1.5 million residents retains and offers a sense
                                                of Old Japan. It is resplendent with temples,
                                                shrines, traditional crafts, and other must-see
                                                points of interest.

                                                Tokyo’s modern face and popular attractions
                                                make it a leading international destination,
                                                drawing 15.2 million visitors in 2019. From
                                                exquisite cuisine and museums to craft markets
                                                and the Imperial Palace East Garden, Tokyo
                                                offers a memorable blend of cultural

                                                TEXTILE WORKSHOPS
                                                Hands-on workshops in Yuzen painting and
                                                two dyeing techniques – Shibori and Roketsu
                                                wax resist – connect you with generations of
                                                Japanese craftspeople. As you work with
                                                talented artisans in studio settings, you gain a
                                                deep appreciation for these time-honored

                                                JAPANESE TEXTILES
                                                Japanese Textiles suggest the luscious silks of
                                                Kimonos and beautiful blues of indigo. There is
                                                so much more. Tokyo Nippori Fabric Town is
                                                street after street of textile bliss. Explore indigo
                                                dyer’s shops in Kyoto. Arimatsu offers Shibori in
                                                every form imaginable. Antique kimonos,
                                                Tenugui Towels, Furoshiki cloths, and Indigo are
                                                just a few things you will be tempted by.

  Opulent Quilt Journeys   info@opulentquiltjourneys.com                opulentquiltjourneys.com
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
                                Day 1 Wed May 25                                     Arrive Kyoto
                                Welcome to Japan. Meet in the hotel lobby at 9 am to meet
                                your tour leader for a visit to Japan's largest antiques market.
                                Wares ranges from tableware and ceramics to vintage film
                                posters, antique prints of ukiyo-e wood block prints, vintage
                                second-hand clothing and much more. Then visit the Kyoto
                                Museum of Crafts and Design (formerly the Kyoto Museum of
                                Traditional Crafts Fureaikan). Familiarize yourself with the
                                techniques and history of local handicrafts, and admire exhibits
                                covering dozens of categories with over 500 samples of
                                traditional crafts. For those not arriving in time, everyone will
                                meet in the lobby at 6:30pm to get acquainted and enjoy a
                                welcome dinner. (The arrival transfer from Kansai or Osaka
                                International Airport to the hotel is included.)                  (D)

                                Day 2 Thu May 26                                                Kyoto
                                This morning visit Yoshiko Jinzenji’s studio in the Mount Hiei region
                                north of Kyoto. Yoshiko Jinzenji is one of the foremost quilt artists
                                in the world. In the studio view a variety of her finished quilts,
                                homeware pieces, and yardage with her printed designs. Later,
                                participate in a Roketsu dyeing workshop using a traditional
                                wax-resist dyeing method. Yamamoto Roketsu is a family
                                operated workshop continuing this traditional Kyoto textile
                                dyeing technique. Then visit the spectacular Kinkakuji Temple,
                                known as the Golden Pavilion. The temple's stunning gold leaf
                                coating makes it one of Japan's must-see structures.               (B)

                                Day 3 Fri May 27                                               Kyoto
                                This morning visit the intriguing Fushimi Inari Shrine. The magical,
                                seemingly unending path of over 5,000 vibrant orange torii gates
                                that wind through the hills behind Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine
                                makes it one of the most popular shrines in Japan. Then visit the
                                Little Indigo Museum owned by renowned Indigo Dyeing artist
                                Hiroyuki Shindo. Next stop is Japan’s most famous rock garden,
                                and a UNESCO World Heritage site Ryoanji Temple. The garden
                                consists of a rectangular plot of pebbles surrounded by low
                                earthen walls, with 15 rocks laid out in small groups on patches
                                of moss. Next visit the iconic Nomura Tailor, filled with three floors
                                of everything for last-minute fabric shopping. End the day with
                                a walk through Kyoto’s best known Geisha quarter – Gion
                                District.                                                          (B)

                                Day 4 Sat May 28                             Kyoto-Arimatsu-Kyoto
                                Following breakfast, travel by Bullet Train to Arimatsu, the center
                                of Shibori dyeing dating back to the early 17th century. Visit the
                                Narumi Shibori Museum and participate in a Shibori-dyeing
                                workshop. Enjoy the opportunity to explore the town before
                                returning to Kyoto.                                             (B)

Opulent Quilt Journeys   info@opulentquiltjourneys.com                  opulentquiltjourneys.com
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
Day 5 Sun May 29                                               Kyoto
After breakfast, depart the hotel to visit Nishijin Textile Center to
learn more about kimonos and Nishijin’s textile tradition.
Afterward, create your own masterpiece in the Yuzen painting
workshop. Later visit Kiyomizu-dera, one of the most famous and
celebrated temples in Kyoto. Explore the well-preserved
historical district and pick up some souvenirs at Kiyomizu-Zaka
Street.                                                           (B)

Day 6 Mon May 30              Kyoto-Odawara-Kawaguchi Lake
Today travel to Kawaguchi Lake. En route, we visit the beautiful
Itchiku Kubota Museum to see the stunning Kubota Kimono
Collection. This museum contains the works of the textile artist
Itchiku Kubota who revived the traditional fabric dyeing
technique of Tsujigahana. This evening we enjoy the view of Mt.
Fuji from your onsen hotel.                               (B, D)

Day 7 Tue May 31                        Kawaguchi Lake-Tokyo
Today bid farewell to Kawaguchi Lake and travel to Tokyo. En
route, visit Fujisan World Heritage Centre. Also stop at Akie
Ginza’s remarkable Sashiko Museum in the small village of
Hinohara. Housed in a 200-year-old house, which is filled with her
sashiko work, apparel, wall hangings, handbags, jewelry, home
décor and more. Arrive in Tokyo for overnight.                 (B)

Day 8 Wed June 1                                                Tokyo
After breakfast take a stroll through the beautiful Imperial
Palace East Garden. Next wander through the busy Asakusa
district and visit the Senso-ji Temple. Then we attend a Japanese
cooking class to enjoy a Sushi making experience and lunch.
We also make a stop at Amy Katoh’s home and her special shop
- Blue and White, which houses artisan ceramics, designer
clothing, traditional textiles, fun jewelry, collectibles, and gifts.
                                                                 (B, L)

Day 9 Thu June 2                                           Tokyo
After breakfast, visit the historic Nippori Fabric Town, home to
nearly 100 shops that carry all sorts of fabric and notions. Then
enjoy a leisure stroll in Omotesando area. The main street,
Omotesando dori, is often compared to the Champs-Elysees in
Paris. Visit Meiji Jingu Inner Garden, a secret garden within the
Meiji Shrine complex. The highlight of the garden is the iris
garden, which is in full bloom from late May through late June.
Then visit Quilt Party, owned by the world-famous quilter Yoko
Saito, specializing in quilting, fabric, and patchwork materials
needed for any craft project. This evening enjoy the farewell
dinner at a local restaurant.                               (B, D)

Day 10 Fri June 3                               Depart Tokyo
Our tour ends after breakfast. Limousine bus takes you to the
airport for your onward flight.                            (B)

   Opulent Quilt Journeys                     info@opulentquiltjourneys.com   opulentquiltjourneys.com
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
Price per person (Land Tour):
                                The tour price is $4,650 per person, twin share (land content
                                only). The supplement for a twin or double room for sole use is
                                $1,095 per person. A deposit of $500 per person is required to
                                secure a place on the tour.

                                  •    Arrival & departure transfers
                                  •    Transportation in Japan including trains and chartered
                                  •    9 nights twin-share accommodation at well-appointed
                                       hotels with breakfast daily
                                  •    Meals, workshops, and entrance fees as stated in the
                                  •    An English-speaking guide throughout the trip in Japan

                                  •    International airfares to Japan
                                  •    Travel insurance
                                  •    Porterage at hotels & personal expenses
                                  •    Gratuities and anything not mentioned

                                Fitness to participate: In order to get the most from your travels
                                and keep up with the group, a reasonable level of fitness is
                                required. You will need to be able to walk for a few hours at a
                                gentle pace; use combined shower/bath facilities (it is
                                impossible to guarantee walk-in shower facilities); undertake
                                walking tours of 1-2 hours duration, including using stairs, walking
                                over cobblestones and other uneven surfaces; stand for long
                                periods in museums and other sites; embark/disembark
                                coaches, trains, and other methods of transportation without
                                assistance; handle your own luggage.

Opulent Quilt Journeys   info@opulentquiltjourneys.com                 opulentquiltjourneys.com
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
                                                          TERMS & CONDITIONS

TOUR OPERATOR: Opulent Journeys LLC is hereafter          destination, city, and dates of travel. Opulent Quilt         suppliers, the passenger agrees that neither Opulent
referred to as Opulent Quilt Journeys.                    Journeys reserves the right to substitute hotel               Quilt Journeys, nor any representatives shall be
This information is very important, please read it        accommodations of similar quality at any time without         liable for any accident, injury, including loss of life,
carefully. It is the responsibility of the traveler to    notice.                                                       damage, loss, delay, irregularity, or expenses arising
read and agree to these Terms and Conditions before       BAGGAGE: Guests are responsible and must conform              from acts of God, strikes, war, weather, quarantines,
signing up or making payment for any tours.               with all international and/or domestic air carrier            sickness, terrorist activity, government restrictions
DEPOSIT AND FINAL PAYMENT: A deposit of $500              restrictions, excess baggage fees, and are responsible        or regulations, from any act or omission of any
per person is required to confirm your booking on a       for their own luggage during the tour. We recommend           individual, firm, or corporation furnishing
tour. Final payment of the tour fee and any               one bag/suitcase per person, plus a small carry-on. We        transportation, sight-seeing, accommodations, or
additional travel will be due 75 days before              request that only one bag per person on van tours. We         any services in connection with such travel plans or
departure.                                                recommend Travel Insurance with baggage protection.           from any other occurrences what so ever. All such
                                                                                                                        expenses or losses are the responsibility of the
CANCELLATION FEES                                         PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP, PASSPORTS & VISAS: For all              passenger. By commencing travel, the passenger
If you decide to cancel your booking the following        international travel, travelers are required to provide       willingly assumes all risks and responsibilities
charges apply, based on the day we receive written        proper identification for customs and immigration. US         expected or unexpected involved with such travel.
notification:                                             citizens must have a valid passport for travel outside of     We urge purchase of travel insurance to protect
> More than 75 days before departure:                     the United States. ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE              against such risks.
  Forfeit of all deposits paid*Ⴕ                          IN YOUR NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR PASSPORT.
> 75-31 days before departure:                            Non-US citizens must consult their consulate for ID or        SEVERABILITY: The invalidity or unenforceability of
  50% of total amount due for tour*                       Visa requirements. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO               any part of this Agreement, or the invalidity of its
> 30 days or less before departure:                       OBTAIN PROPER IDENTIFICATION, PROOF OF                        application to a specific situation or circumstance,
  100% of total amount due for tour*                      CITIZENSHIP, PASSPORT AND VISAS FOR ALL TRAVEL                shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this
*You may also be liable to pay any cancellation charges   OUTSIDE OF THE USA. Passports must be valid for at            Agreement, or its application to other situations or
imposed by third parties for flights and additional       least 6 months beyond the anticipated tour end date.          circumstances. Any provision of this Agreement held
accommodation and services.                                                                                             invalid or unenforceable only in part or degree will
                                                          Passengers who are denied boarding or entry for
Ⴕ $500 per person of your deposit may be credited to      improper documentation will not be eligible for a             remain in full force and effect to the extent not held
another Opulent Quilt Journeys tour departing within 18                                                                 invalid or unenforceable.
                                                          refund of any amount. We recommend that you check
months of the original tour you booked.
                                                          with the appropriate Consulate regarding their visa           CLAIMS OR DISPUTES/ARBITRATION: In the event
UNUSED PORTIONS OF THE TOUR: No refunds or                requirements.                                                 of a dispute or claim made by the traveler
credits will be provided to travelers by Opulent Quilt    PRICES: Current tour prices are listed with each tour,        concerning, relating or referring to this Agreement,
Journeys for any unused accommodations, flights,                                                                        promotion of tour, tour inclusions, performance of
                                                          and are subject to change with the fluctuation of
services, or other itinerary features unless agreed to    currencies, supplier increases, fuel and other                Opulent Quilt Journeys, or any claim made against
in writing by both parties. We recommend Travel                                                                         Opulent Quilt Journeys, Opulent Quilt Journeys will
                                                          surcharges and other reasons beyond our control, until
Insurance.                                                full payment is received, except in the case of intra-air     make every effort to resolve said dispute or claim
TOUR CHANGES OR CANCELLATION: In the event                provided. All quoted prices include the cost of tour          between the individual parties involved. If the
that it becomes necessary or advisable, for any                                                                         dispute or claim cannot be resolved between the
                                                          operator planning and operation. Each tour lists the
reason, to alter the itinerary or arrangements,           items that are included in that specific tour. Please         traveler and Opulent Quilt Journeys, the traveler
Opulent Quilt Journeys reserves the right to make                                                                       agrees that any dispute or claim shall be resolved
                                                          refer to the tour itinerary you are joining for pricing and
such alterations without notice, if this causes           inclusions.                                                   exclusively by binding arbitration according to the
additional costs and charges, these will be the                                                                         then existing rules of the American Arbitration
                                                          TRAVELERS COMPORTMENT: Opulent Quilt Journeys                 Association in an arbitration conducted in, and
responsibility of the passenger, and must be paid at      reserves the right not to accept or retain as a tour
the time of the occurrence. Opulent Quilt Journeys                                                                      governed by the laws of Arizona, USA. In connection
                                                          participant any person whose physical/mental                  with any action or legal proceeding arising out of this
reserves the right to cancel any tour prior to            condition or general deportment impedes the                   agreement, the parties hereby specifically and
departure for any reason, and without advance             operation of the tour or affects the rights, welfare, or
notice, a full refund will be made, which constitutes                                                                   knowingly waive any rights that either party might
                                                          enjoyment of other tour participants or for any other         have to demand a jury trial.
a full settlement. Opulent Journeys LLC is not            reason. If a person is required to leave a tour it will be
responsible for any additional expenses incurred by                                                                     Upon making a deposit to Opulent Quilt Journeys, it
                                                          considered an unused portion and non-refundable,              shall constitute full knowledge, acceptance and
tour members prepaying for a cancelled tour, such         and they will be responsible for all their expenses to
as non-refundable airline tickets or passport or visa                                                                   consent by the participant to all provisions in the
                                                          return home including any rebooking fees by airlines          tour brochure; the website, General Information,
fees.                                                     and/or suppliers.                                             Terms and Conditions; the Registration Form, and all
TRIP CANCELLATION, HEATH, ACCIDENT, MEDICAL                                                                             other release forms. All participants will be required
                                                          RESPONSIBILITY: Opulent Journeys LLC, hereafter
EVACUATION & BAGGAGE INSURANCE: For your                  indicated as Opulent Quilt Journeys acts only as an           to sign this liability release form prior to embarking
protection comprehensive travel insurance is highly                                                                     on their trip.
                                                          agent for all suppliers of services, or in accepting
recommended and in the best interest of each
                                                          reservations for services on its tours. The suppliers or
traveler, to protect you before and during the trip.                                                                    Opulent Quilt Journeys advises it may vary its terms
                                                          independent contractors providing transportation,
Travel insurance is not included in the price of the                                                                    and conditions from time to time. Updated terms
                                                          accommodations and all other services are not agents
tours. If travel insurance is not purchased, a waiver                                                                   and conditions will be published on our website.
                                                          or employees of Opulent Quilt Journeys. To the extent
must be signed prior to departure.                                                                                      Please contact us if you would like to check if terms
                                                          that Opulent Quilt Journeys or its supplier is involved
HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Accommodations are                  in sale of air/or cruise transportation to you, Opulent       and conditions have changed.
in modern centrally located hotels and resort hotels.     Quilt Journeys, acts only as an agent of the air carrier
Hotels are based on availability and may vary by          and/or cruise line. By utilizing the services of all
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
TOUR NAME:        Japan Quilting & Textile Tour

                                                                        TOUR DATE:        May 25 - June 3, 2022

BOOKING FORM                                                            TOUR LEADER:      Susan Cleveland

TO SUBMIT YOUR BOOKING FORM:                                                                                  Tour code AC250522-SC
OPTION 1: Complete the form. Save, print and sign. Please scan the completed form and email it to us at info@opulentquiltjourneys.com
OPTION 2: Print the form, complete it manually and post it back to our mailing address
           Opulent Quilt Journeys, 20701 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 107-426. Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(Please provide a copy of the photo page of your passport together with this booking form)
PASSENGER 1                                                                     PASSENGER 2
Your title (Ms, Mrs, Mr, Dr etc):                                               Your title (Ms, Mrs, Mr, Dr etc):

Your full name (as it appears on your passport):                                Your full name (as it appears on your passport):

Preferred first name:               Date of birth:                              Preferred first name:               Date of birth:

Postal Address:                                                                 Postal Address:

City:                   State:            Postcode:                             City:                   State:            Postcode:
Email:                                                                          Email:

Phone:                                                                          Phone:

Cell:                                                                           Cell:

Name of next of kin (in case of emergency):                                     Name of next of kin (in case of emergency):

Relationship to you:                Contact number:                             Relationship to you:                Contact number:

Email:                                                                          Email:

Please provide a copy of the photo page of your passport together with this booking form.

I am traveling:   ☐ on my own               ☐      with a friend or family member

Name of friend or family member (if not passenger 2)

I/we would like: ☐ a single room              ☐ a twin share room (2 beds in the room)            ☐     a double room (1 bed in the room)

If a single would you like us to organize twin-share on your behalf? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Are you a smoker? ☐ Yes               ☐ No

(Please note that Single Supplement will be payable if we are unable to arrange twin-share for you)
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
Please indicate below if you have any special dietary requirements. Appropriate meals will be requested for you on group meals based on this

PASSENGER 1                                                                    PASSENGER 2
☐ I do not have any specific dietary requirements or allergies                 ☐ I do not have any specific dietary requirements or allergies

I have the following specific dietary requirements/allergies:                  I have the following specific dietary requirements/allergies:

Please indicate below if you have any serious health issue that may affect your travel insurance coverage, your physical capacity to undertake some
activities on tour or may otherwise need to be considered by the tour leader/manager during the tour.

PASSENGER 1                                                                      PASSENGER 2
☐ I do not have specific medical condition                                       ☐ I do not have specific medical condition

I have the following medical condition(s):                                       I have the following medical condition(s):

I/we plan to undertake additional travel before/after the tour and would like Opulent Quilt Journeys to organize this (please describe destinations
and length of stay required below)


PAYMENT OPTIONS                                                                    YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF BOOKING CONDITIONS
☐ Pay directly by check made payable to Opulent Quilt Journeys
                                                                                   ☐ I/we have read the information about the physical
Mail to:
                                                                                     requirements of the tour in the detailed itinerary and
Opulent Quilt Journeys
                                                                                     confirm that I/we am/are able to meet these
20701 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 107-426.
Scottsdale, AZ 85255                                                                 requirements.

☐ Pay by credit card (Please complete details below, or call                       ☐ I/we accept the conditions on page 1 of this booking
  Opulent Quilt Journeys 877-235-3767 for account details)                           form
☐ MasterCard            ☐ Visa               ☐ American Express
Card Number:                                                                       Opulent Quilt Journeys reserves the right to decline the
                                                                                   booking or terminate the holiday of any traveller.
Name on card:

Expiry Date:                    3 or 4 digit security code:                        AUTHORISATION
                                                                                   By submitting this booking form, you are agreeing to the
                                                                                   terms and conditions on page 1 of this booking form and
Card Holders Signature:                             Date:                          on our website, and the inclusions and non-inclusions
                                                                                   listed in the detailed itinerary for the tour.

(Payments by credit card will be subject to a Merchant Administration Fee          Signature:
as follows: 3% for Visa / MasterCard / American Express)

AUTHORIZATION: By submitting this booking form you are                             Date:
authorizing us to charge the cost of deposits for booking on this tour.
No further charges will be made without your prior authorization.
Japan Quilting & Textile Tour - May 25 - June 3, 2022 Tour Leader: Susan Cleveland - Pieces Be With You
Last edited on April 16th, 2022

For tour details please contact Opulent Quilt Journeys
                 Phone: 877-235-3767
 info@opulentquiltjourneys.com   opulentquiltjourneys.com
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