POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa

Page created by Kevin Carroll
POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa
Nature News
P O L K C O U N T Y C O N S E R VAT I O N   •   2019 N AT U R E P R O G R A M S A N D N E W S

                                                                          January - April 2019

POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa
CONTENTS                                      JANUARY - APRIL

            NATURE NEWS
                       MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR
                                             pg 2

                                         BOND UPDATES
                                                  pg 3

                                                       pg 4 - 5

                         VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
                                            pg 6

                                           pg 7

                        PUBLIC PROGRAMS & EVENTS
                                          pg 8 - 15

                                 EQUESTRIAN CALENDAR
                                                pg 16

                                               AREA MAP
                                                    pg 17

                         EASTER LAKE BRIDGE PLAQUES
                                               pg 18

    •   SNOWSHOES | $10/HOUR OR $40 DAILY

    To rent equpiment, contact Pingora
    Outdoors at Jester Park at:
    (515) 323.5330 or visit them online at:
    *Skis and snowshoes will only be rented if there
    is at least 4 inches of snow on the ground.

POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa
                          WINTER BRINGS
                                 Message from Polk County Conservation’s Director

     M             any nature enthusiasts are not excited with the coming cold and snowy weather. It is true that
                   most animals hibernate, estivate, or migrate, but some animals stick around, and are active all
I would encourage you to “get out there” for some healthy fresh air and see what there is to see. Minks, weasels, and
rabbits grow a new fur coat that’s warmer than their summer coat. Squirrels who were busy in the fall burying piles
of acorns will be digging up their secret caches to have a meal. Field mice, shrews, and voles build tunnels within the
longer grasses to hole up under the snow. This enables them to move around freely in the winter; but owls also have
excellent hearing and can sometimes find the small mammals, even under as much as three feet of snow!

Birds can also be plentiful. Slate-colored juncos actually migrate from the Arctic Tundra to the Midwest to enjoy our
“milder” winters. Black-capped chickadees “gang up” to protect each other from predators and will huddle together
to keep warm during snowstorms. Many woodpeckers, blue jays, and other species can be readily found around area

So get out there, enjoy the quiet, observe nature, get some great exercise hiking, snowshoeing, or skiing. We’ll see
you on the trail!

Richard Leopold,
Polk County Conservation Director

POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa

          BOND UPDATES
                                                                                                         Polk County Conservation
                                                                                                         Board Members:
                                                                                                         Jill Altringer, Grimes
                                                                                                         Diana Baratta, Ankeny
                                                                                                         Jim Cataldo, Des Moines
                                                                                                         Tom Levis, West Des Moines
                                                                                                         Lance Northway, Runnells

                                                                                                         Executive Director:
    The Latest                                                                                           Richard Leopold
    Regular Polk County Water & Land Legacy Updates
                                                                                                         Deputy Director:
                                                                                                         Douglas Romig
    TRAILS                                                                                               Nature News
    Mark C. Ackelson Trail                                                                               Volume 19, Issue 1
    Along the railing of the pedestrian bridge at Easter Lake Park, individual bridge sponsors will be
    recognized with a plaque bearing their name or company name, friend or loved ones’ name(s).          Editors
    See page 18 to purchase your bridge plaque. Plaque installations will continue every six months      Shae Rossetti, Outreach Tech
    along the pedestrian bridge.                                                                         Heidi Anderson, Naturalist

    PARKS                                                                                                Administration Office:
    Easter Lake Park                                                                                     12130 NW 128th St
    The installation of fish habitat structures made up of broken concrete and old trees along the       Granger, Iowa 50109
    lake bottom of Easter Lake is anticipated to be completed by spring. The gate valve in Easter Lake   515-323-5300
    was shut in November and the lake is in the filling process as weather permits. Improvements to
    the boat ramp parking lot will begin in early spring, along with gully bank stabilization near the   pccb_info@polkcountyiowa.gov
    south entrance.                                                                                      www.leadingyououtdoors.org

    Jester Park                                                                                          Administration Hours:
    Landscaping around the Jester Park Nature Center will begin in early spring of 2019. This work       M-F, 8 am - 4:30 pm
    will include seeding the prairie that surrounds the building and completing the bioswales near
    the parking lots.                                                                                    Jester Park Nature Center Hours:

    Yellow Banks Park                                                                                    9/4/2018 - 5/23/2019
    Construction of the three cabins at Yellow Banks Park are currently in the design phase and will     Monday - Friday | 9 am - 4 pm
    be bid in the spring. Over the winter, a vacant house on the eastern border of the property will     Saturday | 10 am - 4 pm
    be renovated into a rental house.                                                                    Sunday | Noon - 4 pm

    Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt                                                                             Follow Us on Social Media:
    Design plans for the new Natural Resources Shop at Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt have been
    finalized and are set to be re-bid in January.

POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa

Do you know a teen who wants to          young person who is looking for a
make a difference and spend time         great job outside. Not sure if working
outside? Polk County Conservation’s      outside is for you? Join a Saturday
Youth Corps pays teens to work in        volunteer day to try it out.
Iowa’s natural spaces while learning
valuable professional and personal       2019 Summer Sessions
skills.                                  Session 1: June 3 – June 28
                                         Session 2: July 8 – August 2
Crews learn leadership and teamwork
while completing service projects        Donate
such as trail maintenance and invasive   If you recognize the value of teens                                      2018 Polk County Conservation Youth
species removal. Corps members           unplugging, getting their hands dirty,                                   Corps conducting a pond study at Fort
leave with enhanced job skills,          learning to work as a team, and devel-                                   Des Moines Park.
confidence as leaders, and greater       oping an appreciation for conserva-
environmental awareness.                 tion, consider donating to support our                              Program Positions:
                                         program.                                        Crew Leader (Ages 19+) | Application Deadline: February 10
We are looking for teens and crew
leaders from diverse backgrounds to      •    $200 helps sponsor a crew                Crew Member (Ages 15 - 18) | Application Deadline: March 25
form non-residential summer crews.            member for one week.
                                                                                         For more information, visit the “Youth Corps” tab online at:
Encourage a teenager to apply or         •    Contact us to sponsor an entire                          www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org
share our program with a                      crew or to donate new tools for
                                              the program.                                          For questions, contact Janna Coulter:

                                                                             BECOME A FRIEND OF
                                                                             JESTER PARK
                                                                           Friends of Jester Park, a collaborative program of Polk County Conservation
                                                                           and the Great Outdoors Foundation, offers our biggest park fans more opportu-
                                                                           nities for outdoor fun and nature adventures — including exclusive members-
                                                                           only experiences where you’ll have access to insider “secrets” and tips to make
                                                                           the most of your Jester Park outings.

                                                                           Your membership support provides supplemental funds needed for operations
                                                                           to keep Jester Park beautiful and enhance conservation and outdoor recreation

                                                                           Choose from different membership levels:

                                                                           Nature Lover (Individual): $25 Annually
                                                                           Outdoors Family (Immediate Family): $100 Annually
                                                                           Trailblazer (Individual or Couple): $100 Annually
                                                                           Pathfinder (Individual or Couple): $1,000 Annually
                                                                           Business (Corporate Related Only): $1,000+ Annually

                                                                           Join online today at: www.GreatOutdoorsFoundation.org

POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa


                       Now accepting applications for 2019

       olk County Conservation is now accepting membership applications to
         be a part of the Polk County Conservation Advisory Committee. New
    members will begin their term in January of 2019.

    Established in 2007, the Polk County Conservation Advisory Committee’s goal is
    to provide professional feedback to Polk County Conservation staff and board
    members on various planning and programming issues. The Committee is made
    up of approximately 25 members and meets three times per year. Members are
    asked to offer their ideas and professional expertise on discussion items, gather
    public perception on various topics, and conduct external research in order to
    accomplish committee goals.

    If you are interested in serving on the Advisory Committee, please contact Kami
    Rankin at: 515.323.5363 or kami.rankin@polkcountyiowa.gov by December 21st.


                                                                                           Pictured from left to right: Missy Smith, Jester Park
                                                                                           Nature Center Clerk; Jessie Farley, Natural Resource
                                                                                           Technician; & Claudia Starr, Jester Park Equestrian
                                                                                           Center Manager.


We need volunteers! Give back to your community in a beautiful            View of the backside of the Jester Park
park setting at the Jester Park Nature Center. We are seekin              Nature Center from Discovery Trail.
dynamic volunteers to donate their time and talents, as well as
fulfill a much-needed niche at the nature center.                       Join a training session and get plugged into your family of parks and trails
                                                                        as a Jester Park Nature Center volunteer. Training for these key positions
Whether you are seeking an inspiring backdrop in which to give          will take place on the second Tuesday of each month. However, we
back to the outdoor community, are a college student looking to         understand that Tuesday mornings may not work for everyone. If you are
fulfill internship credit hours, a senior adult looking to enjoy        interested in this opportunity, but are in need of a different day/time, we
retirement, all are invited to share their unique talents and pas-      will schedule a training session that works best for you.
sion for the outdoors with park visitors entering into their adven-
ture at Jester Park.                                                    Registration is required. Contact Melissa to RSVP via e-mail at:
POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa

                                                                       TRAILS 101 WORKSHOPS
                                                                      We are excited to announce that we will be hosting workshops devoted
                                                                      to natural trails in preparation for the National Trails Day 2019. In this
                                                                      series, you will learn the nuts and bolts of trail building and maintenance,
                                                                      and how to apply that knowledge to volunteer workdays on your favorite
                                                                      county trails. There will be a classroom component followed by hands-on

                                                                      Set aside March 2, April 6, and May 4 on your calendars for this exciting
                                                                      series! Registration is required as space is limited. Keep an eye on the PCC
                                                                      Facebook page and our website calendar of events after January 2 for
                                                                      registration information.

                                   UPCOMING VOLUNTEER WORKDAYS & EVENTS

VTO Woodland Days                                                            Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
10am - 3pm                                                                   Monday, March 25 | 5 – 7:30pm
Easter Lake Park, Shelter #3 | January 4 & February 27                       Jester Park Lodge
Fort Des Moines Park, Shelter #2 | January 16 & March 22                     You and a guest are invited to join us at the Jester Park Lodge for
Yellow Banks Park, Pond | February 8 & April 10                              a special evening to celebrate your contributions to conserva-
Many amazing local companies, organizations, and schools offer               tion efforts in Polk County. The evening will consist of live music,
Volunteer Time Off (VTO) as an added benefit for their workforce.            hor d’oeuvres, dinner and a recognition/awards ceremony as we
This provides an excellent opportunity to provide those within               highlight the projects and events of 2018. Volunteers who have
their ranks with a unique way to create positive impact within               contributed 10+ hours are invited to attend.
their community. If your organization offers VTO hours, come                 Please contact conservationvolunteers@polkcountyiowa.gov to
spend it outside with PCC in a beautiful county park!                        confirm your hours and for RSVP information.

Join us as we remove invasive species such as honeysuckle, buck-             Earth Day Trash Bash
thorn, and oriental bittersweet from one of your county parks.               Friday, April 19 | Noon - 4pm
Come and go between 10am and 3pm per your allotted hours.                    Earth Day kicks off with a Bash at noon at the downtown Nollen
                                                                             Plaza with plenty of activities. After the kick-off bash and lunch,
Prairie Restoration                                                          volunteers will head to their project locations.
Saturday, January 12 | 10am - 12pm
Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt, Engeldinger Marsh                               Earth Day - Protect Our Species
Engeldinger Marsh is a rare 14,000 year old geological and                   Monday, April 22 | 10am - 3pm
ecological gem that was formed during the last ice age. Here, you            Easter Lake Park, Shelter #3
will find prairie potholes and sedge meadows as well as remark-              Our woodland flora is under heavy pressure from invasive plant
able plant and animal biodiversity within the rich habitat mosaic            species and need your help in restoring this habitat. Join us in
of Chichaqua. Join us for a winter morning of restoration as we              celebration of Earth Day through woodland conservation efforts
work to remove woody vegetation invading the land surrounding                in an urban county park as we work to remove vegetation and
the marsh.                                                                   brush threatening our native plant life. Come and go as you please
                                                                             between 10am and 3pm.
Easter Lake Restoration                                                      What To Wear
Saturday, February 16 | 10am - 12pm
                                                                             Wear long pants, sturdy closed-toe shoes, gloves (supplied if you do not
Easter Lake Park, Shelter #1                                                 have a pair), and bring a refillable water bottle.
By the spring of 2019, Easter Lake Park will feature a 5-mile trail
surrounding a newly renovated 172-acre lake that will provide                Registration Required
scenic views, habitat for wildlife, and a hub for many outdoor               Registration is required for all listed events, as detailed meeting location,
                                                                             workday information, and equipment will be provided to those registered.
recreation activities such as boating, paddling, fishing, and                *To RSVP, please fill out a volunteer application at:
swimming. Be a part of this capital project in your community by              apps.polkcountyiowa.gov/communityservices and sign up on the
contributing to restoration efforts along the lakeshore.                     calendar provided through this portal.

     *You will now be able to utilize our online portal for all your volunteer event registration, reporting, and communication needs. Please visit
              apps.polkcountyiowa.gov/communityservices to create your Conservation profile and begin signing up for events today!
   For event or volunteer portal information as well as any questions or concerns, please contact conservationvolunteers@polkcountyiowa.gov.
POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa

                                                                                                                   Brown’s Woods features over 4 miles of
                                                                                                                   soft surface trails to explore!


           “Don’t let colder temperatures keep you
               from exploring the outdoors.”
The temperatures in central Iowa may have
dropped, but that shouldn’t keep you away        Woods also offers a small amphitheater,               experience their favorite nature walks in
from getting outside to explore and enjoy        a few picnic tables, and tons of old tree             every season so they can discover the dif-
some fresh air! Have you ever noticed how        stumps.                                               ferences. But how do you make sure your
much of a better mood you are in after you                                                             entire family stays warm? Bundle up!
take a short walk on a trail or around the       The tree stumps were the perfect place
neighborhood? Brown’s Woods in West Des          for the kids to use their imaginations. They          Wearing the proper gear and layers will
Moines, Iowa is the perfect place to walk        spent a good portion of their time climbing,          make your outdoor hikes in the colder
and breathe in the fresh air any time of year.   running, and playing on the stumps. There             months much more successful. Make sure
                                                 are picnic tables nearby, which is a great            everyone is wearing gloves and hats. If you
Brown’s Woods is an urban forest nestled in      option to eat a snack or lunch.                       are looking for a good hat, wool is the way
the very southern part of West Des Moines                                                              to go. Wool socks, boots, and base layers
and is the largest of its kind in Iowa. With     Polk County Conservation also offers fun              are also important. You can never wear too
nearly 476 acres of forest and more than         programming at Brown’s Woods. Guided                  many layers is always my motto. If you get
4 miles of trails, you never know what you       hikes allow you to follow a naturalist                hot, you can take something off.
may find.                                        through the trails and learn about what
                                                 animals and plants you may see in the                 I challenge you to explore some nature trails
Our family enjoys finding fun new items and      woods.                                                as the temperatures drop in Iowa!
discussing what we see as we hike the trails.
Some items we spotted at Brown’s Woods           It can be hard to get outdoors when the                         Read more on her blog at:
were acorns, beautiful colored leaves,           temperatures begin to fall, but it is so fun to                www.DesMoinesParent.com
mushrooms, sticks, and rocks. Brown’s            hike and explore nature trails at all times of
                                                 the year. Give your kids the opportunity to       Want to be featured in a publication of Nature News? E-mail
7                                                                                                   shae.rossetti@polkcountyiowa.gov for more information.
POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa

Ages 6 -7                                    Ages 10 - 11                               Ages 12 - 16
All sessions are from 9 - 11:30 am.          All sessions are from 9 am - 3:30 pm.      All sessions are from 9 am - 3:30 pm.
Each camp is limited to 12 campers.          Each camp is limited to 12 campers.        Each camp is limited to 12 campers.
Snacks provided.                             Bring a sack lunch & water boole.          Bring a sack lunch & water boole.
                                             Snacks provided.                           Snacks provided.
• Frogs, Toads, & Snakes
  - June 25 - 26                             • Junior Naturalist Camp
                                                                                        • Shooong Camp
                                               - June 10 - 13
                                                                                          - June 20 - 21
• Wild Kraas Camp                              - June 24 - 27
                                                                                          - July 18 - 19
  - July 8 - 10
                                             • Fishing Camp
                                                                                        • Paddle Camp
                                               - July 8 - 9
Ages 8 - 9                                                                                - June 25 - 26
                                               - July 22 - 23
All sessions are from 9 am - 3:30 pm.                                                     - July 30 - 31
Each camp is limited to 12 campers.
                      water boole.
Bring a sack lunch & wa                                                                 • Survival Camp
Snacks provided.                                                                          - June 12
• Water Wonders Camp                                                                      - July 25
  - June 17 - 19
                                                                                        • Caving Camp (Over Night)
• Geology Camp                                                                            - July 25 - 26
  - July 10 - 12
                                    Registraaon for camps open on Saturday, March 2, 2019
• Inseccgaaons
                                at 8am. For pricing and more informaaon about camps, visit us
  - July 24 - 25                online at: www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org under the calendar tab.                              8
                                   *All Camps are based out of the Jester Park Nature Center.
POLK COUNTY CONSERVATION 2019 NATURE PROGRAMS AND NEWS - January - April 2019 - www.LeadingYouOutdoors.org - Polk County Iowa

    January - April Calendar
    For detailed program descriptions and specific meeting locations, visit www.leadingyououtdoors.org or call (515) 323-5339.

    3 Toddler Tales                                                          Thursday, 10 - 10:30am, Jester Park Nature Center
    Let your imagination run wild with this fun, nature-themed story         FREE. No registration required. Recommended for ages 3-6.
    time! Hear a story followed by the naturalist’s choice of an activity
    such as an animal encounter, puppets, or a craft.

    5 Snowshoe Hike                                                          Saturday, 10 - 11:30am, Thomas Mitchell Park
    Learn how fun and easy snowshoeing can be while experiencing             Saturday, 1 - 2:30pm, Yellow Banks Park
    the great outdoors. Wear warm waterproof boots. Class will be            Pre-registration required; deadline is January 2. Fee: $10.
    canceled without snow. Equipment provided.

    8 Older, Wiser, Livelier, Seniors - Iowa’s Hidden Treasures              Tuesday, 11am - 12pm, Jester Park Lodge
    Join retired Midwest Living editor-in-chief and IPTV travel program      Register for lunch only; deadline is January 4. Fee: $10.
    host Dan Kaercher for a special version of his “Iowa’s Hidden Trea-
    sures” program that delves into why Iowa is such a special state to
    call home.

    9 Mindfulness & Movement Class                                           Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:45pm, Jester Park Nature Center
    Sometimes we forget we are part of nature, sharing water and             Pre-registration required; deadline is January 7. Fee: $15.
    air with all other beings on the planet. Controlling our breath and
    moving our bodies in focused ways can bring back a connection
    with the natural world. This class will offer ways to connect with
    breath, body and the earth, regardless of experience with yoga.

    10 Coffee & Chat                                                         Thursday, 9 - 10am, Jester Park Nature Center
    Join us for coffee and conversation to learn about the latest hap-       FREE. No registration required.
    penings at the Jester Park Nature Center. This is a social hour
    meant for meeting staff and others who enjoy nature.

    12 Open Range - Archery                                                  Saturday, 10am - 12pm, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
    The archery range will be open to anyone 12 years old and older to       All equipment provided, personal bows allowed at 35lbs max draw.
    experience the sport of archery target shooting. Two trained and         FREE. No registration required.
    certified naturalist instructors will be on the range to give instruc-
    tion and assist with form and technique.

    12 Fire Cider: A Kitchen Cabinet Remedy                                  Saturday, 10:30am - 12:30pm, Jester Park Nature Center
    Fire Cider has deep roots in traditional folk medicine. This po-         Pre-registration required; deadline is January 9. Fee: $30.
    tent infusion has powerful immune boosting, anti-inflammatory,
    anti-bacterial, anti-viral and decongest properties. It is the perfect
    addition to your cabinet for those winter maladies. Instructed by
    Dr. Gayle Curtis, medical herbalist.

    12 Ice Fishing Basics                                                    Saturday, 1 - 3pm, Jester Park, meet at Shelter #5
    Learn the basics of ice fishing and get some hands-on experience.        Participants over the age of 16 need a valid fishing license.
    Bait and poles will be provided.                                         FREE. No registration required.

    15 Women in the Woods with Wine - Winter Hideaway                        Tuesday, 7 - 9pm, Jester Park Nature Center
    Head out on a hike through the woods to learn how animals are            Wear comfortable boots and warm clothing.
    spending the winter. If weather permits, we will venture out on          Pre-registration required; deadline is January 11. Fee: $15.
    snowshoes. This program is for women ages 21+ who are interest-
    ed in getting outside. Become more comfortable and knowledge-
    able about the natural world as you unwind and have fun.

              Programs with a green leaf will take place at the Jester Park Nature Center or Outdoor Recreation & Wellness Center.

      JANUARY (continued)
     16 Outdoors Afterschool                                                 Wednesday, 2:30 - 4:30pm
     Early out Wednesday and looking for something fun, active, and          Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
     educational for your teen? We’ll provide hands on activities to keep    Ages 12 and up
     your teen active and engaged. Activities will include; archery, air     FREE. No registration required.
     rifle, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, kayaking, canoeing,
     geocaching, shelter and fire building, and hiking.

     18 Owl Prowl                                                            Friday, 6 - 7pm, Jester Park Nature Center
     After a brief discussion around the campfire about these flying         Pre-registration required; deadline is January 16. Fee: $5.
     predators of the night, we’ll go for a hike and learn how to call
     three different species of owls.

     21 Critter Club                                                         Monday, 1 - 2:30pm, Jester Park Nature Center
     Come visit Jester Park Nature Center’s resident turtles, snakes, and    FREE. No registration required.
     salamanders to learn about these misunderstood animals. You may
     even get to touch a turtle or snake. This is an open house program,
     so come anytime between 1-2:30.

     26 Cross-Country Ski Basics                                             Saturday, 10am - 12pm, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
     Learn the basics of cross-country skiing and practice your skills on    Pre-registration required; deadline is January 23. Minimum age 12.
     the trails. Proper clothing, equipment, and skiing techniques will be   Fee: $10 (includes skis, boots, and poles).
     discussed before we head outside. Class will be canceled without

     31 Book Worms                                                           Thursday, 7 - 8:30pm, Plot Twist Bookstore,
     Join our book club with Naturalist Heidi Anderson to discuss The        502 N Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny
     Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.                     Pre-registration required; deadline is January 29. Fee: $5.

     1 Owl Prowl                                                             Friday, 6 - 7pm, Yellow Banks Park, tent camping area
     After a brief discussion around the campfire about these flying         Pre-registration required; deadline is January 30. Fee: $5.
     predators of the night, we’ll go for a hike and learn how to call
     three different species of owls.

     5 Older, Wiser, Livelier, Seniors - Sylvan T. Runkel                    Tuesday, 11am - 12pm, Jester Park Lodge
     Larry Stone and co-author Jon Stravers both knew and worked with        Register for lunch only; deadline is February 1. Fee: $10.
     Sylvan Runkel, and have kept his spirit alive with their book and
     programs honoring “Sylvan T. Runkel: Citizen of the Natural World.”

     7 Toddler Tales                                                         Thursday, 10 - 10:30am, Jester Park Nature Center
     Let your imagination run wild with this fun, nature-themed story        FREE. No registration required. Recommended for ages 3-6.
     time! Hear a story followed by the naturalist’s choice of an activity
     such as an animal encounter, puppets or a craft.

     9 Air Rifle & Archery Open Range                                        Saturday, 10am - 12pm, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
     The ranges will be open to anyone 12 years old and older to experi-     All equipment provided, no personal air rifles allowed. Personal
     ence the sport of target shooting. Trained and certified naturalists    bows are allowed at a 35lb max draw.
     will be on the range to give instructions and assist with form and      FREE. No registration required.

Eco Bus Trips
Step on board with Polk County Conservation Eco-bus trips as we explore the beauty of Iowa and Iowan hospitality throughout the state.
Bring a friend or come on your own and make new friends. Bring a sense of adventure and desire to reconnect with Iowa’s natural resources.
Eco-bus trips take place from April - October. Trips will be posted on the PCC website in February. On-line trip registration opens Saturday,
March 30 at 8:00 am. For more information, contact Lori Foresman-Kirpes at (515) 323-5380 or lori.foresman-kirpes@polkcountyiowa.gov.

                            Program Information & Registration: www.leadingyououtdoors.org or (515) 323-5339                                      10

      FEBRUARY (continued)
      9 Woodworking for Bats                                                 Saturday, 1 - 2:30pm, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
      Come learn why bats are important and what you can do to help          Pre-registration required, deadline is February 1. Fee: $10.
      with bat conservation. Each participant will construct a basic bat
      house to either take home or donate back to one of Polk County
      Conservation’s parks.

      9 Build a Birdhouse                                                    Saturday, 1 - 2:30am, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
      Build your own birdhouse at this hands-on woodworking work-            Pre-registration required, deadline is February 1. Fee: $15.
      shop. A simple, one-board plan will give you a quick and versatile
      house that can be customized to accommodate a variety of feath-
      ered friends that live near you. A brief discussion about placement,
      hole size, and maintenance of your birdhouse will take place before
      the construction begins.

      13 Mindfulness & Movement Class                                        Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:45pm, Jester Park Nature Center
      Sometimes we forget we are part of nature, sharing water and           Pre-registration required; deadline is February 11. Fee: $15.
      air with all other beings on the planet. Controlling our breath and
      moving our bodies in focused ways can bring back a connection
      with the natural world. This class will offer ways to connect with
      breath, body and the earth, regardless of experience with yoga.

      14 Coffee & Chat                                                       Thursday, 9 - 10am, Jester Park Nature Center
      Join us for coffee and conversation to learn about the latest hap-     FREE. No registration required.
      penings at the Jester Park Nature Center. This is a social hour
      meant for meeting staff and others who enjoy nature.

      17 Tracks & Scat                                                       Sunday, 1 - 3pm, Brown’s Woods
      Join a naturalist to explore off the beaten path as we search for      FREE. No registration required.
     JUNE    2018
      signs of wildlife in this beautiful forest.

      18 Critter Club                                                        Monday, 10:30 - 11:30am, Jester Park Nature Center
      Come visit Jester Park Nature Center’s resident turtles, snakes, and   FREE. No registration required.
      salamanders to learn about these misunderstood animals. You may
      even get to touch a turtle or snake. This is an open house program,
      so come anytime between 10:30 - 11:30.

      18 Mammals of Iowa                                                     Monday, 1 - 2pm, Jester Park Nature Center
      Join a naturalist to learn about the wild mammals of Iowa. Feel        FREE. No registration required.
      animal furs and make an animal track sheet.

      19 Women in the Woods with Wine - Love in the Wild                     Tuesday, 7 - 9pm, Jester Park Nature Center
      Animals celebrate Valentine’s Day all year round. Some of these        Pre-registration required; deadline is February 15. Fee: $15.
      mating rituals are wonderfully bizarre! Join us as we reveal the
      “love” secrets of a variety of animals. This program is for women
      ages 21+ who are interested in getting outside. Become more com-
      fortable and knowledgeable about the natural world as you unwind
      and have fun.

      20 Outdoors Afterschool                                                Wednesday, 2:30 - 4:30pm
      Early out Wednesday and looking for something fun, active, and         Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
      educational for your teen? We’ll provide hands on activities to        Ages 12 and up. FREE. No registration required.
      keep your teen active and engaged. Activities will include, archery,
      air rifle, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, kayaking, canoeing,
      geocaching, shelter and fire building, and hiking.

                Programs with a green leaf will take place at the Jester Park Nature Center or Outdoor Recreation & Wellness Center.

 FEBRUARY (continued)
23 Antler Shed Hunt                                                      Saturday, 1 - 2:30pm, Thomas Mitchell Park, meet in park shop
Learn tips on finding shed antlers and then head outside to find         FREE. No registration required.
sheds that have been hidden around the park just for you!

24 Bald Eagle Watch                                                      Sunday, 12 - 4pm, Saylorville Lake Visitor’s Center,
Stop by the Saylorville Lake Visitor’s Center to learn about bald        8250 NW Horseshoe Rd, Polk City
eagles. Afterwards, head to the Jester Park Lodge for a live eagle       & Jester Park Lodge, 11407 NW Jester Park Dr, Granger
education program.                                                       FREE. No registration required.
Jester Park Lodge hourly programs begin at 1 pm.

28 Book Worms                                                            Thursday, 7 - 8:30pm, Plot Twist Bookstore
Join our book club with Naturalist Heidi Anderson to discuss The         502 N Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny
Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohllenben.                                Pre-registration required; deadline is February 26. Fee: $5.

5 Older, Wiser, Livelier, Seniors - Start Recycling Right                Tuesday, 11am - 12pm, Jester Park Lodge
Ammon Taylor, Municipal Marketing Manager for Waste Manage-              Register for lunch only; deadline is March 1. Fee: $10.
ment, will discuss changes in the recycling industry and the need for
continued education about what can or can’t be recycled.

6 Toddler Tales                                                          Wednesday, 10 - 10:30am, Jester Park Nature Center
Let your imagination run wild with this fun, nature-themed story         FREE. No registration required. Recommended for ages 3-6.
time! Hear a story followed by the naturalist’s choice of an activity    **Note this is on a Wednesday this month due to a conflict at the
such as an animal encounter, puppets, or a craft.                        nature center on March 7.

9 Loop the Lake                                                          Saturday, 10:30 - 11:30am, Jester Park Nature Center
Join a PCC Naturalist for a leisurely hike on Discovery Trail. Learn     FREE. No registration required.
about the many unique features of this park as we “Loop the Lake”.
All ages and abilities welcome.

9 Iowa Reptiles                                                          Saturday, 1 - 2pm, Jester Park Nature Center
Discover a few of the reptiles that call Iowa home. Meet a live snake    FREE. No registration required.
and ornate box turtle.

13 Outdoors Afterschool                                                  Wednesday, 2:30 - 4:30pm
Early out Wednesday and looking for something fun, active, and           Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
educational for your teen? We’ll provide hands-on activities to keep     Ages 12 and up. FREE. No registration required.
your teen active and engaged. Activities will include, archery, air
rifle, snowshoeing, cross country-skiing, kayaking, canoeing, geo-
caching, shelter and fire building, and hiking.

13 Mindfulness & Movement Class                                          Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:45pm, Jester Park Nature Center
Sometimes we forget we are part of nature, sharing water and air         Pre-registration required; deadline is March 11. Fee: $15.
with all other beings on the planet. Controlling our breath and mov-
ing our bodies in focused ways can bring back a connection with the
natural world. This class will offer ways to connect with breath, body
and the earth, regardless of experience with yoga.

14 Coffee & Chat                                                         Thursday, 9 - 10am, Jester Park Nature Center
Join us for coffee and conversation to learn about the latest happen-    FREE. No registration required.
ings at the Jester Park Nature Center. This is a social hour meant for
meeting staff and others who enjoy nature.

                        Program Information & Registration: www.leadingyououtdoors.org or (515) 323-5339

     MARCH (continued)
     16 Woodworking for Bats                                                  Saturday, 9 - 11am, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
     Come learn why bats are important and what you can do to help            Pre-registration required; deadline March 13. Fee: $10.
     with bat conservation. Each participant will construct a basic bat
     house to either take home or donate back to one of Polk County
     Conservation’s parks.

     18 Nature Stories Songs and More                                         Monday, 10 - 11am, Jester Park Nature Center
     Join a naturalist to hear stories and sing songs as we learn about       FREE. No registration required.
     insects, decomposition, how dirt made your lunch, and more. Come
     ready to sing loud and proud, the more singers, the more fun.

     18 Critter Club                                                          Monday, 1 - 2:30pm, Jester Park Nature Center
     Come visit Jester Park Nature Center’s resident turtles, snakes, and     FREE. No registration required.
     salamanders to learn about these misunderstood animals. You may
     even get to touch a turtle or snake. This is an open house program,
     so come anytime between 1-2:30.

     19 Survivor Camp                                                         Tuesday, 9am - 3pm, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
     Spend a day having fun and staying active. We will try archery,          Pre-registration required; deadline is March 6. Ages: 10-12.
     geocaching, and fire building! Activities will take place indoors and    Fee: $30.

     19 Nature Hike                                                           Tuesday, 10 - 11am, Jester Park Nature Center
     Join us for a spring break nature hike with a naturalist as we explore   FREE. No Registration required.
     the outdoors.

     19 Women in the Woods with Wine - Spring Fling                           Tuesday, 7 - 9pm, Jester Park Nature Center
     Our program will focus on balance as we prepare for the first day        Pre-registration required; deadline is March 15. Fee: $15.
     of spring. We’ll discuss spring equinox facts, folklore, and more
     while strolling through the prairie, woodland and around the pond.
     This program is for women ages 21+ who are interested in getting
     outside. Become more comfortable and knowledgeable about the
     natural world as you unwind and have fun.

     20 Rock On and Fossil Fun                                                Wednesday, 10 - 11:30am, Jester Park Nature Center
     Join a naturalist to learn the basics about rocks and minerals.          FREE. No registration required.
     Participants will get the chance to make their own fossil to take

     20 Vernal Equinox Hike                                                   Wednesday, 4 - 5:30pm, Jester Park Nature Center
     The spring equinox (vernal equinox) marks the astronomical first         FREE. No registration required.
     day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This hike will feature
     spring equinox facts, folklore, and more!

     21 Nature Hike                                                           Thursday, 10 - 11am, Brown’s Woods
     Spring season has arrived! Explore the visible changes that can be       FREE. No registration required.
     seen in animal behaviors and plant life. This adventure shows how a
     forest bursts alive with wildlife, excitement, and activity.

     21 Wild Night Life & Hike                                                Thursday, 7:30 - 9:30pm, Jester Park, Camp Area 5
     Join us for a campfire program about the wild night life in Jester       Pre-registration required; deadline March 19. Fee: $5.
     Park. A short hike will follow as we search for some of these
     nocturnal animals.

               Programs with a green leaf will take place at the Jester Park Nature Center or Outdoor Recreation & Wellness Center.

MARCH (continued)
28 Book Worms                                                           Thursday, 7 - 8:30pm, Plot Twist Bookstore
Join our book club with Naturalist Heidi Anderson to discuss The        502 North Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny
Feather Thief by Kirk Wallace Johnson.                                  Pre-registration required; deadline is March 26. Fee: $5.

29 Rain Barrel Workshop                                                 Friday, 2 - 4pm, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
Learn how to collect and use runoff water and then make your own        Pre-registration required, deadline March 27. Minimum age 18.
55-gallon rain barrel to take home. All materials will be provided.     Fee $50.
Make sure you are able to transport your barrel back to your home
after the workshop.

2 Older, Wiser, Livelier, Seniors - Tropical Biodiversity               Tuesday, 11am - 12pm, Jester Park Lodge
The tropics are places of amazing beauty and biodiversity, filled       Register for lunch only; deadline is March 29. Fee: $10.
with plants and animals exotic and fascinating to us. Join Jim Pease
as we explore a few of those places in this presentation and talk
about why keeping them wild and diverse is important to us.

4 Toddler Tales                                                         Thursday, 10 - 10:30am, Jester Park Nature Center
Let your imagination run wild with this fun, nature-themed story        FREE. No registration required. Recommended for ages 3-6.
time! Hear a story followed by the naturalist’s choice of an activity
such as an animal encounter, puppets, or a craft.

6 Recycled Birdfeeders                                                  Saturday, 1 - 2:30pm, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
Are you looking to attract more birds to your backyard? Come learn      Pre-registration required; deadline is April 3. Fee: $5.
about some of Iowa’s favorite songbirds and what foods they love.
We will get crafty by making bird feeders out of recycled materials
to take home!

10 Mindfulness & Movement Class                                         Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:45pm, Jester Park Nature Center
Sometimes we forget we are part of nature, sharing water and            Pre-registration required; deadline is April 8. Fee: $15.
air with all other beings on the planet. Controlling our breath and
moving our bodies in focused ways can bring back a connection
with the natural world. This class will offer ways to connect with
breath, body and the earth, regardless of experience with yoga.

11 Coffee & Chat                                                        Thursday, 9 - 10am, Jester Park Nature Center
Join us for coffee and conversation to learn about the latest hap-      FREE. No registration required.
penings at the Jester Park Nature Center. This is a social hour
meant for meeting staff and others who enjoy nature.

13 Rain Barrel Workshop                                                 Saturday, 9 - 10am, Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
Learn how to collect and use runoff water and then make your own        Pre-registration required, deadline April 11. Minimum age 18.
55-gallon rain barrel to take home. All materials will be provided.     Fee $50.
Make sure you are able to transport your barrel back to your home
after the workshop.

13 Loop the Lake                                                        Saturday, 10:30 - 11:30am, Fort Des Moines Park, Shelter #3
Join a PCC Naturalist for a leisurely hike around Fort Des Moines       FREE. No registration required.
Pond. Discover the many unique features of this park as we “Loop
the Lake.”

13 Critter Club                                                         Saturday, 1 - 2:30pm, Jester Park Nature Center
Come visit Jester Park Nature Center’s resident turtles, snakes, and    FREE. No registration required. This is an open house program.
salamanders to learn about these misunderstood animals. You may         Attend anytime between 1 - 2:30pm.
even get to touch a turtle or snake.

                        Program Information & Registration: www.leadingyououtdoors.org or (515) 323-5339                                  14

      APRIL (continued)
     14 Geocache Egg Hunt                                                      Sunday, 1 - 3pm, Jester Park Nature Center
     Your family will love this new-age way of hunting eggs. Learn how to      Pre-registration required; deadline is April 10.
     use a GPS and go search the park to find the Conservation Bunny’s         Fee: $5 per collector (any child 3-14 years old.)
     nests of hidden treasures, collecting prizes and candy along the way!
     Be sure to keep an eye out for the “golden egg” containing special

     15 Hike for Health                                                        Monday, 10:30 - 11:30am, Jester Park Nature Center
     Why walk the mall when you can be enjoying the great outdoors?            FREE. No registration required.
     Hike along with this friendly group of nature lovers who walk the
     trails each month for exercise and fun.

     17 Outdoors Afterschool                                                   Wednesday, 2:30 - 4:30pm
     Early out Wednesday and looking for something fun, active, and            Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
     educational for your teen? We’ll provide hands-on activities to keep      FREE. No registration required.
     your teen active and engaged. Activities will include, archery, air
     rifle, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, kayaking, canoeing, geo-
     caching, shelter and fire building, and hiking.

     18 Natural Egg Dying                                                      Thursday, 6:30 - 7:30pm
     Your kitchen is full of natural dyes. Common food items such as red       Jester Park Outdoor Rec & Wellness Center
     cabbage, onion skins, and coffee can be used to transform plain           Pre-registration required; deadline is April 15. Fee: $5.
     white eggs into colorful Easter gems. Kids will especially love discov-
     ering all the different colors they can create -- let them experiment
     using hard-boiled eggs and bowls of cold dyes.

     18 Meditation Around Town                                                 Thursday, 6 - 7pm, Chichaqua Longhouse
     Come and enjoy the experience of sharing a simple meditation in           FREE. No registration required.
     unique settings around our beautiful community.

     22 Earth Day Stories on the Patio                                         Monday, 6:30 - 7:30pm, Jester Park Nature Center
     Celebrate Earth Day with a local storyteller on the outdoor patio at      FREE. No registration required.
     the Jester Park Nature Center.


                                 JESTER PARK EQUESTRIAN CENTER CALENDAR

Horsemanship Lessons - Ages 8+                                         Horse Drawn Sleigh Rides
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Afternoon/Evenings                        When the snow falls!
From those saddling up for their very first ride, to riders who        Join us when the snow falls and we’ll hitch up one of our draft
have ridden their entire lives, horsemanship lessons at Jester         horse teams to take your group out for a 45-minute sleigh ride
Park Equestrian Center are for everyone. This program will             through Jester Park. Even if there’s no snow, plan for a wagon
encourage you to look at horsemanship from a unique ‘horse             on wheels instead of a sleigh on runners. After all, it’s about
first’ perspective. Learn from our qualified instructors who           spending time with your loved ones, not the vehicle you’re
emphasize the importance of educating yourself about the               riding in!
horse as a whole, instead of just the act of sitting on their backs.   Pricing and availability can be found online.
We encourage our students to learn skills such as round pen-
ning, ground work, horse husbandry, and equipment utilized
while working with these amazing animals.                              Kip Fladland Horsemanship Clinic
Pricing and scheduling availability can be found online.               April - TBD | Visit our website for more information
                                                                       closer to April.
                                                                       Join us to learn from one of the area’s top horsemanship clini-
Hope From Horses                                                       cians. Kip Fladland is a nationally known clinician and a student
Orientation Dates: February 9 & April 6 | 2 - 4pm                      of horsemanship for over 23 years, learning from Ray Hunt and
Hope from Horses is a teen volunteer program designed for              Buck Brannaman. The techniques you will learn in this clinic are
teenagers, ages 14 - 18, to participate in day-to-day activities       applicable to all horse disciplines.
and events at the Equestrian Center while under supervision.
This program is based off the premise of a “working student”           Learn more about Kip Fladland at www.lariataranch.com.
program model involving training, mentorship, riding, and vol-         Pricing and scheduling availability can be found online.
unteerism. Students are required to meet certain criteria for the      *Auditors/spectators are welcomed with a $25/all day fee.
program, and must be able to commit a designated amount of
time at the facility. The program is FREE of charge to accepted        Volunteer Opportunities
                                                                       Do you love horses and want to volunteer at the Jester Park
Online registration required. Ages 14 - 18.
                                                                       Equestrian Center? We need volunteers of all types to help out
                                                                       with a wide variety of jobs and programs. Volunteers must be
                                                                       18+ to help with the horses. However, some basic barn chores
                                     Jester Park                       and special events can be assisted by minors over 14 years of
                                     Equestrian Center                 age with parental consent. No prior horse experience required.
                                     11171 NW 103 Court                View volunteer opportunities online.
                                     Granger, IA 50109
                                     (515) 999-2818
                                                                                To register for an activity or event, go to


                                                                                                              to Woodward

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NE 96th St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NE 80th St


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NE 134th St


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NE 96th St


                                                             POLK                                                                          NW 118th Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NE 126th Ave
                            14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     8
                                                              CITY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         118th Ave
                               NW 121st St

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                                                                                                                                                                                    1st St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NE 72nd St



                                                                                                          L  ake

                                                                                                                                                          Oralabor Rd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NE 78th Ave                                                                                                              5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NE 112th St
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Berwick Dr

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NE 88th St
                                                                                                                                        17                                         3
                                             141                                                                                                          NE 70th Ave

                                                                                                                                        NW 66 Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NE 62nd Ave                                                                                                                                                                                                              80
                                                                                                                                        18                                                                                         15
                GRIMES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ALTOONA 11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NE 46th Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   10                                                                                                                                                                                                   19
                                                                                      Merle Hay Road

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NE 108th St

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NE 64th St

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                                                                                            SW 63rd St

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                                                              Browns                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SE
                                                              Woods Dr                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Va
                                                                                                                                         ARMY POST RD                               Easter Lake Dr                                                        SE 64th Ave                                                                                       nd        ali

                                                                   12                                                                                                           9
                                                                                                                                                                    SE 5th St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Horseback Riding
                                                                                                                                                                                        Drinking Water

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Picnic Shelters
                                                                      Nature Center

                         1. Beaver Creek Greenbelt                                                                                                                                                                                                  11. Gay Lea Wilson Trail
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dump Station

                      Polk County Conservation
                                                                                                                                                                    Canoe Access

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Historic Site
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hiking Trail

                      11407 NW Jester Park Dr.
                                                                                                                            Boat Ramp



                                                                                                         Bike Trail

                      Granger, IA 50109
                         2. Brown’s Woods                                                                                                                                                                                                           12. Great Western Trail


                      (515) 323-5300

                         3. Carney Marsh                                                                                                                                                                                                            13. High Trestle Trail
PUBLIC AREA              4. Chichaqua   Bottoms Greenbelt
                                   ACRES/MILES                                                                                                                                                                                                      14. Jester Park
 1. Beaver Creek Greenbelt              123
                         5. Chichaqua Valley  Trail                                                                                                                                                                                                 15. Mally’s Weh Weh Neh Kee Park
 2. Brown’s Woods                       486
                         6. Easter Lake Park                                                                                                                                                                                                        16. Mark C. Ackelson Trail
 3. Carney Marsh                         40
                         7. Eagle Roost Wildlife Area                                                                                                                                                                                               17. Oralabor Gateway Trail
 4. Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt      8,000+
                         8. Engeldinger
 5. Chichaqua Valley Trail               Marsh
                                     26 mi.*                                                                                                                                                                                                        18. Sycamore Trail
 6. Easter Lake Park 9. Fort Des Moines 464  Park                                                                                                                                                                                                   19. Thomas Mitchell Park
 7. Eagle Roost Wildlife 10.
                         AreaFour Mile 357
                                        Creek Greenbelt                                                                                                                                                                                             20. Trestle to Trestle Trail
178. Engeldinger Marsh                                    214                                                                                                                                                                                       21. Yellow Banks Park
  9. Fort Des Moines Park                                 135
10. Fourmile Creek Greenbelt                              102

                    GIVE A GIFT THAT LASTS
                      EASTER LAKE BRIDGE PLAQUES

                                                                                                           Bridge plaques will be placed along the pedestrian
                                                                                                           bridge at Easter Lake Park. Purchase yours today!

The 5-mile Mark C. Ackelson Trail winding around Easter Lake                           TWO WAYS TO ORDER:
provides an ideal place for outdoor recreation and scenic
views for park visitors. The trail will have many bridges, but                         1) Complete the Bridge Plaque Request Form below. Write
the one that will be remembered by trail users is the new                              the text exactly as you would like it to appear on the Mark
440’ bridge that spans the western arm of the lake. This                               C. Ackelson Bridge. Mail the form, along with your check for
multiple span bridge mirrors the bow-string design concept                             $125, to:
of the other bridges on the trail, but the two twin piers with
observation bump-outs will make the already scenic bridge an                           Great Outdoors Foundation
enjoyable spot to pause and enjoy the quiet beauty of Easter                           P.O. Box 8071
Lake.                                                                                  Des Moines, IA 50301

Along the railing of the pedestrian bridge, individual bridge                          2) OR... order plaques for the cost of $130 online at:
plaque sponsors are recognized with a plaque bearing their                             www.greatoutdoorsfoundation.org
name or company name, friend or loved ones’ name(s).

          BRIDGE PLAQUE REQUEST FORM                                                 |         MA RK C . ACKELSON TRA IL

            Sponsor’s Name: 						Phone:


            City/State/Zip: 					Email:

                Check here to request the additional words: “In Memory of” (no added cost)

            PLAQUE TEXT LINE 1: please print clearly, maximum of 17 characters (including commas and spaces)

            PLAQUE TEXT LINE 2: please print clearly, maximum of 17 characters (including commas and spaces)

            Mail this form and your check for $125 to: Great Outdoors Foundation, PO Box 8071, Des Moines, IA 50301
            Questions, please call: (515) 323-5300. Your gift is tax deductible according to current tax law.
            Your donation confirmation email should be used as your tax deductible receipt.

Polk County Conservation                                                                                  NONPROFIT ORG.
                      12130 NW 128th Street                                                                                       U.S. POSTAGE
                      Granger, IA 50109                                                                                                PAID
                                                                                                                                    AMES, IA
                                                                                                                                 PERMIT NO. 14


Looking for a venue for your next corporate
or personal event in a beautiful park set-
ting? Consider Jester Park in Granger, Iowa!
Jester Park offers three different rental facili-
ties for private events, weddings, corporate
and holiday parties, birthday parties, or           Managed by Food with Flair Catering, the
meetings. Choose between the recently up-           Jester Park Lodge is a unique destination for
dated and expanded Jester Park Golf Course          weddings, corporate retreats, and private
Clubhouse, the secluded Jester Park Lodge,          parties. The venue is nestled in mature
or the newly built Jester Park Nature Center.       woodlands overlooking an expansive lawn
                                                    with beautiful lake views. The Jester Park
Surrounded by beautiful rolling greens, the         Lodge can seat over 250 guests with a beau-
Jester Park Golf Course Clubhouse is an             tiful, private deck overlooking Saylorville
excellent choice for your next corporate or         Lake. The indoor event space can be divided
holiday party, graduation party, reunion,           in half for smaller events. Facility rental     center offers many different areas of the build-
or birthday! The clubhouse does not host            prices change seasonally. For more informa-     ing for your next event. Rental reservations will
weddings. This venue has a private entrance         tion, visit their website at:                   begin being accepted on January 2, 2019. For
for events, a customizable floor layout             www.FoodWithFlair.com/jester-park-lodge/.       more information, visit the website at:
that seats 100+ guests, full service bar and                                                         http://www.jesterparknaturecenter.com/plan-
kitchen, and a private back patio with plenty       The heart of Jester Park, the newly built       your-visit/meetingevent-space/.
of extra seating. For more information, visit       Jester Park Nature Center is an eco-con-
their website at:                                   science building immersed in prairie and
www.JesterParkGolf.com/facility-rentals/.           surrounded by woodlands. The nature
You can also read