SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches

              TABLE OF CONTENTS
  FREE LIFE LESSONS                     3         DANCE 		                      14
  MOVIE NIGHTS                          6         YOUTH SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS    17
  LIBRARY OF THINGS                     7         FITNESS FACILITIES            17
  FUN TIMES FOR TEENS/TWEENS            7         TEXAS AIKIDO                  19
  LIBRARY ADULT ACTIVITIES              8         ADULT SPORTS                  20
  ADULT ART SERIES                      9         FAMILY EVENTS                 20
  TECHNOLOGY HELP                      10
                                                HISTORIC SITES
  BOOK-A-LIBRARIAN                     10
                                                  MUSEUMS & ACTIVITIES          21
  CLUBBING AT THE LIBRARY              11
                                                  CITY RENTALS                  22
                                                  CITY CONTACTS                 23
  CAMPS                                13

                      Nacogdoches Public Library
                                   1112 North Street
                          Monday & Thursday 9:00am - 9:00pm
                             Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
                                  9:00am - 5:30pm
                              Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm

                                            Nacogdoches Public Library

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches
 VENOMOUS AND                                         ■
                                                       NUTRITION 101: A
NON-VENOMOUS                                          SERIES OF NUTRITION
SNAKE                                                 BASICS
IDENTIFICATION                                        DATE: June 4,11,18,25
DATE: May 16                                          TIME: 6:30pm
TIME: 6:30pm                                          Join the Nacogdoches Memorial Dietetics
                                                      team for a series all about the basics of
Nacogdoches Fire Department’s Ray Cole                nutrition, how to make healthier choices,
will teach how to distinguish between                 how to decipher the dreaded food labels
venomous and nonvenomous snakes. He’ll                and so much more!
have several snakes for audience members
to see.

    TREE I.D.
DATE: June 13
TIME: 6:30pm
Texas A&M Forest Service’s John Boyette will teach how to distinguish native versus invasive
tree species, why to plant certain trees, and when and where to plant.

TIME: 6:30pm
July 18th – Financial Cybercrime, Security and Technology
Tim Leonard, Chief Information Officer at CBTx, will discuss the growing threat of cybercrimes
and help you understand the best practices for protecting your personal information, while
also covering the growing technology sector of finance.
July 25th – Personal Finance, Credit, Saving & More
A team of bankers will cover several Financial Education topics such as: personal finance
issues including budgeting, tracking and planning for your future. We will cover how to build,
maintain and repair your credit in order to best position yourself for those large purchases
in life. We will also cover the importance of saving, and some tips for creating those strong

    STORY TIME                                        ■
                                                          STEAM 4 KIDS:
DATE: Wednesdays                                      DATE: Mondays - June 3, 10, 17, 24; July
TIME: 10:00am                                         1, 8, 25, 22, 29; August 5, 12
AGES: 12 years & younger                              TIME: 5:30pm
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.                  AGES: 8-11 years; Children under 8
                                                      are welcome when accompanied by a
Introduce your child to the richness of               caregiver.
literature through stories, songs, crafts and         REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
activities. Story time helps instill a lifelong       the day before the event.
love of reading, and it is informative and
engaging for parents as well.                         STEAM is an acronym for Science,
                                                      Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. By
                                                      offering STEAM classes, the public library
    OPEN PLAY TIME                                    strives to provide an environment where
DATE: Wednesdays                                      children can become engaged in fun,
                                                      hands-on learning activities in an informal
TIME: 10:30am                                         setting.
AGES: 12 years & younger                              In June we will do all things that fly! From
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.                  rockets to planes.
Following Story Time, families are                    In July we will be working to build robots
encouraged to stick around for games,                 with a purpose.
crafts, and time with other kids and parents.         In August we will be building planets and
                                                      solar systems.

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches
                                                       LEGO® CLUB
                                                   DATE: June 15, July 20, August 17 and
DATE: June 1, July 6, August 3                     September 14
TIME: 2:30-4:00pm                                  TIME: 2:30-4:00pm
AGES: 7-17 years                                   AGES: 5-17 years
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by             REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
the day before the event.
                                                   The library has thousands of Lego® pieces
Team up with us on the library’s own               from which to build whatever you can
Minecraft server. We provide the laptops           imagine. It’s fun for the whole family!
and access to the game, and you provide the
creativity and fun. For those with a laptop
and game license, feel free to bring your          ■
                                                    KIDS NIGHT OUT:
own and join the fun. At each session, we’ll
present a new challenge, and winners will be       EARTHLING TAG
featured in their very own Minecraft video!
                                                   DATE: June 14
 SUPER TUESDAY                                     TIME: 4:00pm
                                                   AGES: 10 years & younger.
PROGRAMS                                           REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
DATE: June 4, 11, 18, 25; July 2, 9, 16, 23,       the day before each event.
30; August 6, 13                                   Try to escape the invasion and experience
TIME: 10:00am                                      various forms of tag found around the
AGES: 12 years & younger                           galaxy!
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before each event.
Every Tuesday at 10 am we’ll present a
program that will be filled with exploration
                                                       KIDS ART SERIES
and entertainment.                                 DATE: June 27, July 25, August 22
June 4: Making Music: Come out and jam             TIME: 4:00pm
June 11: Astronaut Training: Do you have           AGES: 10 years & younger
what it takes to become an astronaut?              REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
Accept the day’s challenges and find out.          the day before each event.
June 18: Cardboard Challenge: Using only
                                                   Let’s start to get artsy! We will be teaching
cardboard and tape, we will build a space
                                                   the basics to kids using several different
                                                   mediums, from watercolor to prints and
June 25: Wildlife on the Move: Bringing
                                                   clay to collages. “There are no mistakes,
Science to Life
                                                   just happy little accidents,” as Bob Ross
July 2: Launching Rockets: Make, launch,
and modify different types of rockets.
July 9: Vet Talk: Join us and the
Nacogdoches Humane Society for another
exciting talk with animals.
July 16: Touch-a-Truck: Touch, climb,
                                                       UNDER 6 EPICS
holler, and explore on all types of trucks,        DATE: June 13, July 11, Augest 8
tractors, and more.                                TIME: 4:00pm
July 23: Make a Movie. Be a Star! Star in          AGES: 6 years & younger
your own film.                                     REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
July 30: Survival Training to Intergalactic        the day before each event.
Travelers: Train to survive wherever the
universal winds carry you.                         Join us as we play to learn and learn to
August 6: Nature Investigation and                 play. EPICS is an acronym for developing
                                                   Emotional, Physical, Intellectual,
Workshop.                                          Community, Senses. We will switch
August 13: Career Fair: Come out and               between cooperative play and free play to
explore the various jobs that could be             aid in the development of these skills.
yours one day!

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches
 KIDS COOK: EAT IT                                  ■
                                                     KIDS NIGHT OUT:
COLORFUL AND FRESH                                  SOCCER STOMP
DATE: July 18                                       DATE: July 26
TIME: 5:30pm                                        TIME: 4:00pm
AGES: 12 years & younger                            AGES:10 years & younger
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by              REGISTRATION: Please register by the day
the day before each event.                          before each event.
Kids love to create and work with their own         Do you like balloons? Do you like soccer?
food. This builds autonomy for a balanced           Do you like stomping? Then this is the game
healthy diet. Join us as we do a hands-on           for you! Come out and prove your skills in
workshop with kids to create their own              stomping and evading.
healthy cuisine.

DATE: June 1
TIME: 12:00 pm
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
It’s time for the summer reading program!
We have all sorts of events for the whole
family planned for the summer. Come
                                                        FAMILY ART DAY
celebrate with us and get a glimpse of all          DATE: June 29
the fun we have in store.
                                                    TIME: 9:00am-12:00pm
 GALAXY ROCK                                        AGES: All
                                                    REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
PAINTING                                            This event will begin with a large group
DATE: June 13                                       activity called “Traveling Papers”. Adults and
TIME: 5:30pm                                        children will work together to create a visual
AGES: All                                           representation of their ideal community. We
                                                    will then break into small groups in which
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by              adults and older children will learn the basics
the day before the event.                           of mandalas and zentangles, while younger
Join the fun of hiding and finding cool art         children will move through stations that
rocks around town! We’ll celebrate our              include painting, bookmaking, printmaking,
summer theme by painting galaxies, stars,           texture rubbings, and drawing from nature.
planets, and more. All supplies will be             Facilitated by the Community Arts Center of
provided, but feel free to bring your own           East Texas.
favorite rock.
    PLAY FOR FITNESS                                CHALLENGE: BUILD A
DATE: June 22
TIME: 12:00pm-4:00pm
                                                    SPACE ROVER
AGES: All                                           DATE: July 12
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.                TIME: 4:30pm
                                                    AGES: All
Come discover fun ways to stay fit and
healthy. Play games, win great prizes and           REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
get a taste of things like yoga, tai chi,           the day before the event.
hula hoops, and line dancing. All ages are          Accept the challenge! Using cardboard and
encouraged to come and play, and there              duct tape, construct your version of a space
will be door prizes provided by participating       rover that you can then park and watch the
organizations. Facilitated by Community RX          Lego Movie: The Second Part.

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches
DATE: Augest 3
TIME: 2:30pm
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
Come switch out your lightly used clothes for a whole new wardrobe! Following a presentation
on Fast Fashion, we will be having our clothing swap. Exchange clothes, shoes, and accessories
you no longer need or seasonal wear. Items may be brought to the library one day in advance.

DATE: June 21 @ Gayla Mize Gardens, July 19 @ Lanana Creek Trail
 TIME: 10:00am
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by the day before.
Join us as we blend literature and nature to create a unique adventure. Through selected
readings, activities, and hikes, we will explore the many beautiful trails that spread throughout

DATE: August 16
TIME: 5:30pm
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register.
School’s not back in session yet! Help us celebrate a great summer with a little friendly
competition for the whole family. Announcement of the winners of the Grand Prize


                                                     THE LEGO MOVIE:
DATE: June 28
                                                    THE SECOND PART (PG)
TIME: 5:30pm                                        DATE: July 12
AGES: 13 years & up                                 TIME: 5:30pm
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by              AGES: All
the day before the event.                           REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
Join us for a great movie and enjoy popcorn         the day before the event.
and soda. Parents should accompany those            Join us for a great movie and enjoy popcorn
under 13.                                           and soda.

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches
                                                     HOW TO TRAIN YOUR
                                                    DRAGON: THE HIDDEN
                                                    WORLD (PG)
                                                    DATE: July 27
                                                    TIME: 2:30pm
                                                    AGES: All
                                                    REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                    the day before the event.
                                                    Join us for a great movie for the whole
                                                    family and enjoy popcorn and soda.

                    LIBRARY OF THINGS
Did you know that you can check out more than just books, CDs, and DVDs at the library? Now
you can check out a telescope, tabletop game, or a STEM backpack with books and activities for
kids and families. We’re adding more items all the time! Ask for them at the circulation desk, and
let us know if you have a suggestion for something you’d like to see circulating.

DATE: June 10 - July 19 (Mondays through Fridays)
TIME: 2:00pm to 3:00pm
AGES: 7 years & up
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
For the 5th year, the library will host a daily maker camp for those interested in DIY, making,
creating, crafting, hacking, tinkering, and learning.
Makers are a collaborative community of all ages who share a passion for making things and
who are engaged in experimentation, innovation and creativity. Our Makerspace merges
DIY, craft, art, electronics, programming, math, science and engineering into projects for both
young people and their mentors. Our goal is to support and grow the Maker movement in our
local community through experimental play. We aim to encourage and enable people to try
new things, learn by doing and build the confidence that comes from guided problem solving.
If you dream it, you can do it – at the public library.

 LIBRARY AFTER                                      ■
                                                     ESCAPE ROOM: ALIEN
HOURS: GLOW-IN-THE-                                 INVASION
DARK NERF BATTLE                                    DATE: June 19
DATE: June 7                                        TIME: 5:30pm
TIME: 5:30pm                                        AGES: 10-19 years
AGES: 10-19 years                                   REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by              the day before the event.
the day before the event.                           Band together to uncover the insidious plans
                                                    of an alien race before it’s too late! Follow
Use your stealth skills to evade capture at         the trail of clues and puzzles to put a halt to
this lights-out teen Nerf war in the library        the invasion.
stacks after hours.

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches
    UNICORN TEA PARTY                                 ■
                                                       YOUTH COMPUTER &
DATE: July 13                                         BUSINESS SKILLS
TIME: 2:30pm                                          DATE: July 9, July 16, July 23
AGES: 10-19 years                                     TIME: 5:30pm
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                AGES: 12-15 years.
the day before the event.                             REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
Unicorns are out-of-this-world and we’ll              July 7
celebrate them with crafts and sweet treats.          These short, hour-and-a-half classes will
Feel free to bust out your sparkliest costume         combine some life skills and basic computer
to join us.                                           skills to help teens in their school work or
                                                      their summer jobs. The topic for each class
 LIBRARY AFTER                                        is: Making Flyers and Business Cards for your
HOURS: THE                                            Summer Job- July 9th, Keeping Track of Your
                                                      Savings Using Google Sheets- July 16, and
DYSTOPIAN GAMES                                       Talking Up Your Business or School Group to
                                                      Adults- July 23. Although the classes are geared
DATE: July 19                                         toward youth ages 12-15 years, parents or their
TIME: 5:30pm                                          caregivers are welcome to attend too.
AGES: 10-19 years
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                       GALAXY ESCAPE
the day before the event.                             ROOM
Welcome to our Dystopia where you’ll be               DATE: July 26
sorted into sectors and educated in the               TIME: 5:30pm
ways of your new home. Take care. Warring
factions cause unrest and may need to be              AGES: 10-19 years
defeated. Who can you trust?                          REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                      the day before the event.
    YOUTH BUSINESS FAIR                               In space, no one can hear you scream, but
                                                      they can leave puzzles and clues for you to
DATE: July 30                                         solve to save the space station.
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 12-15 years.
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
Kids from the Boys & Girls Club and the public library (Youth Computer & Business Skills participants)
will display their business ideas. You’ll get to meet kids in our community who have gone through a
mini-camp on starting their own business.

    GALAXY SOAP                                       ■
                                                       BLUEBERRY BODY
DATE: June 4                                          SCRUB MAKE & TAKE
TIME: 5:30pm
                                                      DATE: June 7
AGES: 18 years & up.
                                                      TIME: 3:30pm
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.                             AGES: 18 years & up.
                                                      REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
We’ll use melt and pour glycerin soap and
sparkly mica to create dazzling soap bars             More Blueberry Festival weekend fun awaits
that are out-of-this-world!                           with this drop-in make and take workshop
                                                      on how to make fresh fruit body scrubs.
 BLUEBERRY BUTTER                                     ■
                                                       INDOOR GRILLING
& CREPE COOKING                                       CLASS & TASTING
CLASS                                                 DATE: June 18
DATE: June 6                                          TIME: 5:30pm
TIME: 5:30pm                                          AGES: 18 years & up.
AGES: 18 years & up.                                  REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.                  the day before the event.
Join us as we get in the spirit of Blueberry          Come hungry and learn how to grill while
Festival weekend and learn how easy it is to          avoiding the summer heat! Get recipes for
make Blueberry Butter wrapped in delicious            vegetables, main dishes, and even dessert.

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches
 ESCAPE ROOM: ALIEN                                   ■
                                                          GAME SHOW NIGHT
INVASION                                              DATE: July 13
                                                      TIME: 5:30pm
DATE: June 19
                                                      AGES: 18 years & up.
TIME: 7:30pm
                                                      REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
AGES: Ages 8 & up.                                    the day before the event.
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
June 18.                                              The Friends of the Library invite you to bring
                                                      your friends for a series of challenging,
Band together to uncover the insidious plans          but cheeky, game shows, including Family
of an alien race before it’s too late! Follow         Feud, Jeopardy, and Are You Smarter Than a
the trail of clues and puzzles to put a halt to       Librarian? Light hors d’oeuvres and wine will
the invasion.                                         be served, and children 6 and up can play
                                                      next door.
    RETRO RECIPES                                     ■
                                                       GALAXY ESCAPE
DATE: June 27                                         ROOM
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up.                                  DATE: July 26
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                TIME: 7:30 pm
the day before the event.                             AGES: 18 years & up
                                                      REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
Everything old is new again! Remember                 the day before the event.
those groovy dishes your mom served in the            In space, no one can hear you scream, but
50s, 60s, & 70s? What goes better together            they can leave puzzles and clues for you to
than nostalgia and food? Come hungry and              solve to save the space station.
try your hand at some faded classics.
                                                          FAST FASHION
    COSMIC BATH BOMBS                                 DATE: August 3
DATE: June 29                                         TIME: 1:30pm
TIME: 5:30pm                                          AGES: 16 years & up.
AGES: 18 years & up.                                  REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                      the day before the event.
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.                             Where do clothes come from and where do
                                                      they go? With four seasons and 52 micro
Join us to make beautiful glittery bath               seasons, retailers push out a ton of clothes
bombs that smell great and create a bathing           each year. Learn about the effects and the
experience that melts away all your stress            ways to create a more sustainable fashion.
and tension.                                          The clothing swap will follow the talk.

    MACRAME NECKLACES                                 ■
                                                          JUMP RING JEWELRY
DATE: June 10                                         DATE: June 15
TIME: 5:30pm                                          TIME: 2:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up.                                  AGES: 18 years & up.
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by                REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.                             the day before the event.
Macrame is making a comeback, and you’re              Come learn how to make a beautiful
going to love making a Boho-chic necklace             bracelet made of jump rings and beads. Kids
that’s perfect for summer.                            can attend Lego Club next door while you
                                                      get creative!
DATE: June 22
TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up.
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by the day before the event.
The Friends of the Library invite you to a special date night event. Bring your sweetheart or
best friend for a relaxing, no-stress painting project with light hors d’oeuvres and wine. Kids 6
and up can play next door with their own creative projects.

SUMMER2019 - City of Nacogdoches
    FABRIC DYEING                                ■
DATE: June 26
                                                 DATE: July 16
TIME: 5:30pm
                                                 TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up.
                                                 AGES: 18 years & up.
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                 REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
the day before the event.
                                                 the day before the event.
We’ll use a variety of techniques to dye
our own fabric with beautiful designs. We’ll     Learn easy, yet elegant, ways to create
provide the supplies, but if you’d like to       beautiful paper designs that can be used for
bring your own 100% cotton item to due,          decoration or stationery.
feel free.
                                                        2D FELTING
                                                    DATE: July 22
DATE: July 6
                                                    TIME: 5:30pm
TIME: 5:30pm
                                                    AGES: 18 years & up.
AGES: 18 years & up.
                                                    REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
                                                    the day before the event.
the day before the event.
                                                    Use needle felting techniques to create
Carve rubber to make your own customized            miniature landscapes that could be framed
stamps that you can use for scrapbooking,           or made into jewelry. No prior experience
art, or correspondence.                             required.
DATE: August 5
 TIME: 5:30pm
AGES: 18 years & up.
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by the day before the event.
Learn how to make a cute creature out of wool with needle felting. These make great toys for
kids or pets. No prior experience required

    MICROSOFT EXCEL                              ■   SIGNUPGENIUS CLASS
DATE: Part I: June 19, August 13                 DATE: July 29
DATE: Part II: June 26, August 20                TIME: 7:00pm
TIME: 5:45pm                                     AGES: 18 years & up.
AGES: 18 years & up.                             REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by
REGISTRATION: Free. Please register by           the day before the event.
the day before the event.                        SignUpGenius is a free website that allows
Learn how to create and use spreadsheets.        you to create sign-up sheets for potlucks,
Students must be experienced in word             concession stand volunteers, party-planning,
processing.                                      and much more. You will learn how to create
                                                 sign-up sheets and eliminate the need for
                                                 paper sheets and multiple emails going
                                                 back and forth. Must be an experienced
                                                 computer user.

Call to set up an appointment with a friendly librarian for a 15 minute to half hour one-on-one
session to learn how to use your device or get tech advice.

 COLOR ME CALM:                                   ■
                                                      COOKBOOK CLUB
ADULT COLORING                                    DATE: June 14, August 2
                                                   TIME: 6:00pm
DATE: Thursdays                                   AGES: 18 years & up.
 TIME: 5:30pm                                     REGISTRATION: Free. Please register and
AGES: 18 years & up.                              choose a recipe by the day before the
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.              event.
Coloring isn’t just for kids. Join us for         The idea is simple. Choose a recipe from the
a coloring session every week. We                 selected cookbook and make it. Then, bring
provide the materials, and all you need           it to the library Cookbook Club to taste it
to do is pull up a chair and color your           and other offerings from fellow members.
cares away!                                       Open to any and all who bring a dish.
                                                  Novices welcome!

DATE: Tuesdays (los martes)
TIME: 12:00pm
AGES: 18 years & up.
REGISTRATION: Free. No registration.
Do you know a little Spanish but never have an opportunity to practice? Would you like
to meet people and help others? This group joins English-speakers who want to learn
Spanish with Spanish-speakers who want to learn English. For one hour we take turns
speaking in English and Spanish. This is a great way to practice your comprehension and
speaking skills. All levels welcome! Si usted desea practicar su inglés, nosotros tendremos
un programa para usted. Aquí practicamos a cómo hablar inglés con personas que quieren
aprender español. Ambos grupos gozan la oportunidad de aprender más. Todos niveles de
inglés son bienvenidos.

                      READING PROGRAM
This is the third year for our annual campaign, aimed
at reaching out to citizens where they live, work and
play. Our proposal is that we all read one book at
the same time every year and share our questions,
interpretations and understanding. Sharing a
reading experience encourages communication
and broadens our appreciation of both others and
ourselves. Through a variety of discussions, lectures,
classes, interactive entertainment and immersive
events, we want to bring the community together in
conversation and enjoyment.

In 2019, we invite everyone to read the same book,
Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea. We
plan to distribute free copies of the book and
make them available in a wide selection of formats
and locations in early summer. October will kick off
a month long series of events with the partnership
of local organizations. In addition to conventional
book discussions, programs such as exhibits,
demonstrations, film screenings, parties, and more
will be offered for all ages and interests. We will
also provide related reading suitable for younger
readers, as well as teaching materials for teachers
and book club leaders. Our goal is to reach a diverse
readership, generate excitement about reading and
community, and inspire new and different ways to
experience and understand literature.

C.L. Simon
         Recreation Center
                   1112 North Street
        Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9:00pm
             Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm

             Nacogdoches Parks & Recreation

                 Please register early!
We make every effort to conduct the classes we advertise.
However, in fairness to our instructors, there is a point
when courses must be cancelled due to insufficient reg-
istration. With that in mind, please do not wait until the
last minute to sign up for a class. You could be the one
participant needed to meet the required minimum.

                  Accident Insurance
The City of Nacogdoches does not provide individual,
team, or group accident insurance for participants in
Recreation programs. We recommend that you check
with your personal agent to assure coverage. Please
report any injuries to your program supervisor.

                     Refund Policy
Persons needing to cancel out of a program may apply
for a refund at the Recreation Center prior to the starting
date of the program. Refunds will not be issued after
the first class meeting unless a written statement from a
physician is received indicating illness or disability.

AGES: 5-8 & 9-12
COST: $90/Week, $560 for all 7 weeks, Sibling Discount only applies to Weekly cost: $10
off 2nd child
REGISTRATION:May 1st until 1st day of camp if space is still available.

Arts and Crafts, weekly library & knowledge sessions, gymnastics or cheerleading.
Campers will learn all about our weekly camp theme through instructors, hands on
learning and projects.

WEEK                            CAMP                                   DATE
     Week 1                        Art Week                             June 17-21
     Week 2                     All-Star Training                       June 24-28
     Week 3                Summer Camps Got Talent                       July 8-12
     Week 4                  Hometown Superheros                         July 15-19
     Week 5                     Animal Kingdom                           July 22-26
     Week 6                  Science & Tech Week                      July 29-Aug. 2
     Week 7                       Space Camp                             Aug. 5-9

               YOUTH RECREATION
    ANIMAL ART                                  ■
                                                    PAINT THE WORLD
INSTRUCTOR:Rachel Shipp                         INSTRUCTOR:Rachel Shipp
DATE: June 4 - August 1                         DATE: June 4 - Augest 1
DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays                      DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays
TIME: 4:00-5:15pm                               TIME: 5:30-6:45pm
COST: $12/class, $50/5 class punch card, OR     COST: $12/class, $50/5 class punch card,
$125 for 14 classes                             OR $125 for 14 classes
AGES: 6+                                        AGES: 10+
DESCRIPTION: Explore different mediums          DESCRIPTION: Come experience a
and techniques as we learn to create animal     variety of painting styles, techniquest and
art. Get your hands messy and your brains       mediums. We will work with watercolors,
imagining! This class is for ages 6 & up.       acrylic and oil on different work surfaces.
                                                This class is best suited for ages 10 & up.

INSTRUCTOR: Crystal Kilmer
DATE: June 18, 20, 25, 27
      July 2, 5, 9, 11
      August 6, 8, 13, 15
TIME: Beginner: 4:45-5:30pm
      Drill Team: 5:45-6:30pm
      Advanced: 6:30-7:15pm
      Select Team: 7:15-8:00pm
COST: $30/month
DESCRIPTION: Learn fundamentals, tricks, salutes, footwork, kicks, dance, twirling and
novelty routines! Students will need a baton that fits the length of their arm. Students have
the opportunity to perform at local events throughout the year.

INSTRUCTOR: Cha-Chi Cordero
DATE: June 8- August 10 (Saturdays)
TIME: 9:30-10:15am
COST: $80/8 class punch card *punch card good for 2 kids per family
AGE: 0-5, must have caregiver present *12 student limit
DESCRIPTION: Zumbini is 45 minutes of bonding between caregiver and child. Each class
is filled with singing, dancing and various instruments. Sessions include a Zumbini bundle.
Caregiver participation required.

INSTRUCTOR: Robert Cheshire, 4th degree black belt
              LaReid Oats, 2nd degree black belt
              Jeff Cuevas, 2nd degree blackbelt
              Patrick Lewis, 2nd degree black belt
DATE: Tuesdays & Thursdays
TIME: 7:00-8:00pm
COST: $5/class OR $60/16 class punch card
AGE: 5-14
DESCRIPTION: The Junior Budoka class will focus on self-defense, anti-bullying and
personal growth. This will be done in an environment that is fun and participants will make
new friends. Participants are taught how to identify dangerous situations and strategies to
best handle them. They will also learn elements of striking, hip throws, disarmaments and
ground techniquest. Classes are taught with encouragement and recognition of strengths
and challenges of each individual as lessons are adjusted to fit the needs of the student.
Our Chief Instructor is the National Kids Program Technical Director for our organization.

                    SESSION I: JUNE 10-JULY 25
                  NO CLASSES THE WEEK OF JULY 4
                    SESSION II: JULY 29-SEPT. 9

              CLASS                 TIME          PRICE
 Tiny Tots                          4:00 - 4:45     $45
 Mini & Me                          5:00 - 5:45     $40
 Beginning Gymnastics               5:00 - 5:45     $45
 Mini & Me                          6:00 - 6:45     $40
 Tots Class                         6:00 - 6:45     $45
 Cheer & Tumble                     6:45 - 7:30     $45
 Tots Class                         4:00 - 4:45     $45
 Tumblers Class                     4:00 - 4:45     $45
 Beginning Gymnastics               5:00 - 5:54     $45
 Mini & Me                          5:00 - 5:54     $40
 Cheer & Tumble                     6:00 - 6:45     $45
 Tiny Tots                          6:00 - 6:45     $45
 Mini & Me                          4:00 - 4:45     $40
 Tumbler Class                      5:00 - 5:45     $45
 Tiny Tots                          5:00 - 5:45     $45
 Beginning Gymnastics               6:00 - 7:00     $45
 Cheer & Tumble                     7:00 - 7:45     $45
 Tots Class                         4:00 - 4:45     $45
 Tumblers Class                     5:00 - 5:45     $45
 Beginning Gymnastics               5:00 - 5:45     $45
 Tiny Tots                          6:00 - 6:45     $45
 Cheer & Tumble                     6:00 - 6:45     $45

MINI & ME: Children must be 1 - 3 years            TUMBLERS CLASS: Children must be
of age. This is an introductory level class        4.5 – 6 years of age. Gymnasts are able
designed for the very young gymnast who            to concentrate for longer periods of
requires a parent or guardian to accompany         time. This class will focus on mastering
him or her on the floor. Children will             key fundamentals and learning proper
work on advancing their motor skills and           technique on a variety of apparatus.
coordination while being introduced to a
variety of gymnastics equipment.                   BEGINNING GYMNASTICS: Children
                                                   must be 5.5 - 7 years of age. At this level
TINY TOTS: Children must be 2.5 - 4                gymnasts must be advancing from Tumblers
years of age and can be without a parent           class. This class will be mastering skills that
during the class. The primary objectives           can be put into routines as they advance
for this group are: following the teacher’s        into their next phase of gymnastics.
instruction, taking turns and playing well
with others within the gymnastics setting.         CHEER AND TUMBLING: Children
This class develops the skills featured in         will begin working on tumbling such as
the Mini & Me class and introduces more            standing backbend, round-offs, back
challenging ones.                                  walkovers, front walkovers and running
                                                   round-offs. If students are advanced the
TOTS CLASS: Children must be 3.5 – 5               class will work on more advanced tumbling
years of age. Gymnasts must be able to             skills. Stunting will be taught in if there are
follow directions and able to learn more           more than 4 students in a class.
advanced motor skills and gymnastics
skills. Each gymnast should be working to
master the skills featured in Tiny Tots and
developing the strength and coordination
for more challenging ones.

            The gymnastics area can be rented for supervised birthday parties.
                                   The fees are as follows:
                         - UP TO 12 CHILDREN: $75 for two hours
                         - 13 - 24 CHILDREN: $125 for two hours
            Parties are reserved in two hour blocks of time on Saturdays only.
                          Party times include set-up and clean-up.
                           Must be reserved at least 7 days prior.
                               Available times are as follows:
                  9:30 - 11:30AM | 12:00 - 2:00PM | 2:30 - 4:30PM

     LULLABY SERIES                               ■
                                                      TUMBLE TOTS
INSTRUCTOR: Brandi Carteright                     DATE: Mondays
DATE: 1st Mondays of each month                   TIME: 10:00-11:00am
TIME: 10:00-11:00am                               AGES: Baby - Preschooler
                                                  COST: $5/class or $20/month
AGES: Newborn to 8 months
COST: $10 per child                               DESCRIPTION: Looking for something to
DESCRIPTION: The lullaby Series of                do with your active tot? Want to chat with
three classes once a month has been               other moms? Come let your child explore,
designed for parents and caregivers of            climb and crawl in a safe environment
young children and expectant parents              while getting some time to socialize with
to introduce you to many ways in which            other moms. This open gymnastics time
lullabies are so important for children’s         is the perfect place to meet other moms
development . This series will provide you        and get your little one’s energy out while
with the chance to learn new lullabies and        improving his/her gross motor skills.
revisit familiar ones, give you new ways
to share these songs with your children           ■
                                                   GYMNASTICS OPEN
and families and ask questions about your
child’s development.                              GYM
                                                  DATE: June 14, 28, July 12, 26, August 9, 23
 FALL YOUTH                                       TIME: 5:30-7:00pm
                                                  AGES: 5-12
VOLLEYBALL                                        COST: $5 per child
REGISTRATION: July 29-Aug. 30 *Birth              DESCRIPTION: Every other Friday evening
certificate required                              bring your kiddos in to let a little energy
DIVISIONS: Girls 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14          out in the gymnastics room. No instruction
GAMES BEGIN: September 28                         will be given by staff, but kids are allowed
COST: $60/player                                  to work on skills during this time. Children
                                                  under the age of 5 are welcome but must
                                                  be accompanied by an adult.

    CONTACT: Jason Smith • EMAIL: • PHONE: (936) 221-2073
    CONTACT: Michael Montes • WEBSITE: • PHONE: (214) 208-5111
           CONTACT: Jonathon Adams • WEBSITE:

CONTACT: • EMAIL: • PHONE: (936) 560-6844

                  FITNESS FACILITIES
COST: $2/day OR $20/month
AGES: 12 years and under must have supervision by an adult 18 years of age or older
Open gym time is available for pickup basketball and indoor walking. Gym schedule
changes often so call (936) 559-2960 to check for availability.
COST: $2/day OR $20/month • AGES: 18 years & up ONLY in the weight room
The weight room may be used during C.L. Simon Recreation Center hours.
                                                        BEGINNER & BEGINNER
    ZUMBA                                              PLUS CLOGGING
INSTRUCTOR: Misti Cranford                             INSTRUCTOR: Cathy Michaels
DATE: Monday - Friday                                  DATE: Mondays
TIME: 5:30 - 6:30pm                                       Beginner: June 3 - July 8
AGES: 13 years & up                                       Beginner Plus: July 15 - August 26
COST: $5/class or $60/20 class punch card              TIME: 6:00-7:00pm
DESCRIPTION: Join us for a calorie-                    AGES: 15 years & up
burning, fun-filled cardio party! We will              COST: $40 beginner session & $45
crank up the music and let loose!                      beginner plus session
                                                       DESCRIPTION: High steppin’ and toe
                                                       tappin’ enthusiastic adults wanted! Students
                                                       will learn basic clogging steps and routines
    TABLE TENNIS                                       performed by the group throughout the year.
                                                       Clogging shoes or Keds with clogging taps
COORDINATOR: Robert Payne                              required. This is a great way to exercise while
DATE: Mondays                                          having a blast!
TIME: 5:00 - 9:00pm
AGES: 6 years & up                                     ■
                                                           EASY INTERMEDIATE
COST: $2/day
                                                       INSTRUCTOR: Cathy Michaels
DESCRIPTION: The Nacogdoches Table                     DATE: Mondays
Tennis Club (NTTC) welcomes all levels of              AGES: 15 years & up
players. NTTC promotes a family friendly               TIME: 7:00-9:00pm
atmosphere with serious minded children                COST: $7/class OR $60/10 class punch
welcome under adult supervision. Our goals             card
                                                       DESCRIPTION: High steppin’ and toe
                                                       tappin’ enthusiastic adults wanted! Students
 NY MOVES- ADULT                                       will learn basic clogging steps and routines
HIP HOP DANCE                                          performed by the group throughout the year.
                                                       Clogging shoes or Keds with clogging taps
INSTRUCTOR: Necia Young                                required. This is a great way to exercise while
DATE: Friday                                           having a blast!
TIME: 7:00pm
AGES: 18 & older
COST: $6/class
DESCRIPTION: Whether you’re looking to                INSTRUCTOR: Donna Oliver, CCI
pick up a few new moves, burn some calories,          DATE: Thursdays
meet new people or just have fun NY Moves              AGES: 15 years & up
has it all. This high energy class is designed        TIME: Intermediate: 6:15-7:15pm
to build stamina, improve musicality and              COST: $7/class OR $60/10 class punch card
memory, and build confidence. This is a basic
                                                      DESCRIPTION: High steppin’ and toe
level hip hop class and no previous dance
                                                      tappin’ enthusiastic adults wanted! Students
experience is required. Come get loose with
                                                      will learn basic clogging steps and routines
a phenomenal group of people.
                                                      performed by the group throughout the year.
                                                      Clogging shoes or Keds with clogging taps
                                                      required. This is a great way to exercise while
                                                      having blast!
DATE: Thursdays
 AGES: 15 years & up
TIME: Intermediate: 7:30-9:00pm
COST: $7/class OR $60/10 class punch card
DESCRIPTION: Rhythm Rocker Cloggers are an energetic clogging group with a family
dynamic. Performances at festivals, nursing homes, weddings (yes, weddings!), State Clogging
Convention and many more. The Lamplight Theater has become a regular and exciting place to
perform. The goals of the exhibition team are: fun, fitness and promoting the love of dance.

INSTRUCTOR: Robert Cheshire, 4th degree black belt
                LaReid Oats, 2nd degree black belt
                Jeff Cuevas, 2nd degree black belt
                Patrick Lewis, 2nd degree black belt
DATE: Tuesdays & Thursdays
 TIME: Adult: 7:00-9:00pm
AGES: 14 & up
COST: $5/class or $60/16 punch card
DESCRIPTION: Budoka for adults is comprised of Judo, Aikido, Karate and Jujitsu. Participants
learn elements of self-defense while enjoying a traditional Japanese martial art. Individuals
will learn to challenge ourselves both physically and mentally. Participants will learn aspects of
escaping from grasps, various throws (and how to land/roll safely), weapon disarms and ground

INSTRUCTOR: Jill Wheeler
DATE: Mondays & Wednesdays
TIME: 12:15 - 1:00pm
AGES: 17 years & up
COST: $7.00/class
DESCRIPTION:A fun, energetic, workout that fuses techniques from Dance, Pilates, and Yoga
that will tone, define and chisel the whole body. This class provides the perfect combination of
strength and flexibility with an added cardiovascular element utilizing the barre.

DATE: Monday & Wednesday - 5-5:50pm & 6-6:50pm
      Tuesday & Thursday - 4-4:50pm & 5-5:50pm
AGES: 7 & up
COST: $10/class or $100/month - monthly is unlimited access
DESCRIPTION: $75 Family Discount for monthly registration for additional family members
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling based martial art, whose central theme is controlling and
resisting opponents in ways that force them to submit by way of joint manipulation and chokes.
It is used for self defense, as a combat sport and physical fitness. BJJ promotes the concept that
a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using
leverage and proper technique. Benefits of BJJ include self defense, weight loss, increased self
confidence, critical thinking, humility, patience, stress relief and improved concentration.

INSTRUCTOR: Andy Manrriquez • DATE: Saturdays
TIME: Ballroom/Latin: 11:00-11:55am
       Country/Western: 12:00-12:55pm
COST: Singles: $5/class or $36/12 class punch card
        Couples: $8/class or $60/12 class punch card
        *$3 discount available for SFA & High School students
DESCRIPTION: Social dance lessons in a variety of different styles including Ballroom,
Latin, Country, Western and Swing.

 SUMMER ADULT                                   ■
                                                 SUMMER ADULT
SOFTBALL                                        FUTSAL
REGISTRATION: May 13 - June 1                   REGISTRATION: June 10 - June 29
GAMES BEGIN: June 11, no games the              GAMES BEGIN: Games will begin July 9
week of July 4th                                and will be played on Tuesday and Thursday
DIVISIONS: Church, Men’s & Co-Ed                nights. Possible Friday games if needed.
AGES: 18 & up                                   DIVISIONS: Co-Ed
COST: $385 per team, $25 late fee, No sign      AGES: 16 & up • COST: $25 per individual
ups after June 9
                                                    FALL ADULT SOCCER
    FALL ADULT SOFTBALL                         REGISTRATION: July 29-August 24
REGISTRATION: July 29 - August 24               GAMES BEGIN: Games will begin Sept. 8
GAMES BEGIN: Sept. 3                            playing on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday
DIVISIONS: Church, Men’s & Co-Ed                nights. Sept. 10 (open) playing on Tuesday,
AGES: 18 & up                                   Thursday.
COST: $385 per team, $25 late fee, No sign      DIVISIONS: Co-Ed
ups after June 9                                AGES: 18 & up
                                                COST: $55 per individual OR $550 per team

DATES: August 23 • LOCATION: Festival Park
Come spend an evening under the stars with us enjoying a fun, family friendly movie. Bring your
blanket lawn chairs, or just grab a comfortable spot in the grass.

Historic Sites Museums and Activities

                                                Nac Historic Sites

HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm
LOCATION: 304 North St.
COST: Free
The Durst-Taylor Historic House & Gardens is a circa 1835
wood-frame house & is the second oldest building in
Nacogdoches. The house sits very close to the intersection
of the old El Camino Real de los Tejas & La Calle de Norte
& was home to many early businessmen, bankers, &
political leaders including Thomas J. Rusk, Bennet Blake &
William Ochiltree. This hands-on museum includes a fully
functioning smokehouse, blacksmith shop & chicken coop
as well as heirloom gardens & a sugarcane mill.

HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm
LOCATION: 211 S. Lanana
COST: Free
The Sterne-Hoya House Museum & Library is an 1830
dogtrot house built by prominent merchant & Texas
Revolution leader, Adolphus Sterne. It was occupied by the
Sterne family until 1869 when it was sold to the von der Hoya
family. The house remained in the von der Hoya family until it
was donated to the City of Nacogdoches in 1958.

HOURS: Hours vary, so please call
Historic Sites for Depot Hours.
LOCATION: 101 Old Tyler Rd.
COST: Free
The Nacogdoches Railroad Depot was built by Southern
Pacific Railways to replace the original wooden depot &
opened on April 3 of 1911. The wooden depot was built in
May of 1910 & burned to the ground less than a year later
after it was struck by lightning. The depot remained in
service until 1954. Please call ahead for exhibit schedule.

DATE: June 1st to August 4th
LOCATION: Sterne-Hoya House Museum & Library,
Durst-Taylor Historic House & Gardens, Old University
Building, Nacogdoches Public Library, Stone Fort
Museum, Cole Art Center and Millard’s Crossing Historic
AGES: All ages
COST: Free
Explore the history of Nacogdoches by taking part in the
Nacogdoches Summer Scavenger Hunt! From June 1st to
August 4th visit the 7 participating locations and answer
trivia questions about each spot. Turn in your completed
form at any one of the locations to be entered to win an
awesome prize basket. This activity is a great way to be a
tourist in your own town this summer. Happy hunting!

DATE: June 14 & 28, July 12 & 26, August 9 & 23
TIME: 10 am - Noon
LOCATION: Nacogdoches Railroad Depot -
101 Old Tyler Rd.
AGES: 2-12 years old
COST: Free
All aboard! Join us at the historic Nacogdoches Railroad
Depot for crafts, activities, games and stories all centered
around trains and the railroad. Activities and crafts range
from playing red light, green light and making a railroad
lantern to coloring train pictures and listening to a railroad

Liberty Hall (El Camino Real Park) is available for parties, reunions, or corporate functions. The
facility has a small kitchenette and large meeting area with a maximum capacity of 75 people.
Some tables and chairs are provided.
CONTACT: C.L. Simon Recreation Center (936) 559-2960
COST: $140 for four hours and $35 for each additional hour
*Security Deposit required on the day the key is picked up. $100 without alcohol or $500 with alcohol.
*Payment must be received within 7 days of making the reservation. Cancellations made more than 7
days prior to the event will receive a full refund.

Park pavilions are available to reserve for get-togethers. There are 15 different covered pavilions
throughout the City and around Lake Nacogdoches.
CONTACT: C.L. Simon Recreation Center (936) 559-2960 COST: $10 per hour OR $50 all day
*Payment must be received within 7 days of making the reservation. Cancellations made more than 7
days prior to the event will receive a full refund.

 EMERGENCY                      ■
CALLS ONLY:                     (936) 559-2551
911                             ■
                                    I.T. DEPARTMENT
    AFTER-HOURS SERVICES        (936) 559-2531
(936) 559-2900
                                    MAIN STREET
 ADMINISTRATIVE                 (936) 559-2573
(936) 559-2502
                                    MUNICIPAL COURT
                                (936) 559-2641
(936) 560-9567
                                    PARKS & RECREATION
                                (936) 559-2960
(936) 560-5011                  ■
                                    PLANNING & ZONING
                                (936) 559-2571
(936) 560-5314                  ■
                                    POLICE DEPARTMENT
                                (936) 559-2607
(936) 559-2516                  ■
                                    PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                (936) 559-2970
(936) 559-2525                  ■
                                    PUBLIC WORKS
                                (936) 559-2583
(936) 559-2541                  ■
                                    WATER BILLING
                                (936) 559-2593
(936) 560-4443                  ■
                                    WATER UTILITIES
                                (936) 559-5046
(936) 559-2567

              PIONEER PARK                                                PECAN ACRES
     Size: 30 Acres Location: 501 Lenwood St.                     Size: 23 Acres Location: 826 Starr Ave.
   This park features 3 Group pavilions, picnic               This park features a large pecan orchard, 1
 tables, playground equipment, volleyball court,              group pavilion with electricity, picnic tables,
   open playfield, disc golf course and parking              disc golf course, playground equipment, open
                       area.                                   playfield, recreation trial, & parking area.

             MARONEY PARK
                                                              ROBERT MCCRIMMON PARK
   Size: 17½ Acres Location: 2110 Maroney Dr.
   This park features jogging-exercise trail,                    Size: 14 Acres Location: 2130 Woden Rd.
 basketball court, 1 group pavilion, playground
                                                            This park features 1 group pavilion with electricity,
 equipment, picnic tables, parking facilities and
                                                              picnic tables, playground equipment, lighted &
         Community built playground.
                                                              covered basketball court & paved access road.

              FESTIVAL PARK
     Size: 18 Acres Location: 507 S. Pecan St.
                                                             BANITA CREEK PARK NORTH
  This park features large event pavilion, open                    Size: 12 Acres Location: 501 Pearl St.
  area to accommodate event/festival set-up,
    3 group pavilions with electricity, lighted                This park features a soccer field, disc golf
 basketball court, playground equipment, picnic              course, playground equipment, group pavilion
        tables, restroom & parking area.                        with electricity, picnic tables, Dog Park
                                                             Nacogdoches, restroom, parking area, softball
     TEMPLE SPRAY STATION                                            practice field & exercise trail.

Size: 1 Acre Location: : 1100 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
                                                                       MILL POND PARK
3 shade structures with picnic tables and parking.
                                                                  Size: 26 Acres Location: 1628 John St.
             LAKESIDE PARK
                                                                 This park features 1 basketball court,
      Size: 6 Acres Location: 4800 N. Pearl St.                playground equipment, 1 group pavilion &
This park features a small pond, picnic tables &
            playground equipment.
                                                                   RITCHIE STREET PARK
                                                                  Size: 6 Acres Location: 800 Ritchie St.
        Size: 1 Acre Location: East Main St.                 This park features 1 group Pavilion, baseball
   This park features Gazebo, park benches &                practice field, landscaping exercise equipment,
                  parking area.                               basketball court & playground equipment.

                              TRAILS & LAKES
        LAKE NACOGDOCHES                                                       TRAILS
 Lake Nacogdoches is a 2210 acre reservoir located           The Nacogdoches trail system is over 8 miles of
10 miles southwest of the City on FM 225. There are         both paved & unpaved walking and/or biking paths.
  three pavilions, a swimming area, a fishing pier, &        The trails are equipped with water fountains and
  a boat ramp in the west side park. There are also          emergency phones & patrons are encouraged to
tables, a swimming area & another boat ramp on the
                                                                         enjoy the wooded scenery.
                 east side of the lake.
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