January 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
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January 2022 Weekend Mass Times Stay Connected with us! Saturday: 5:30 PM (masks required) @CBS_WL 7:30 PM Spanish Mass @ChurchoftheBlessedSacrament 2224 Sacramento Drive Sunday: West Lafayette, IN 47906 8:00 AM @CBS_WL 11:00 AM 765-463-5733 www.blessedsacramentwl.org
what he wanted me to do with it.” He began to see This Week—The Epiphany: experience God more in prayer. He experienced God’s power and he discovered God’s hidden glory A REVELATION in the Mass. What’s in a word? Quite a lot, it seems. What do we see in the Mass? It looks like a piece of We’re still in the Christmas season, which bread and a chalice of wine, but we believe that after means we’re celebrating that God became the words of consecration, God is on the altar. Listen man. We can never celebrate this enough. It is a time of to his words: “The Mass is unique to any religion, rejoicing! Rejoicing over the presence of God in Jesus because it’s the only place you can receive, not only Christ. Rejoicing that we are no longer alone, for God is the gifts our Savior gave us, but our Savior Himself, with us! Today, we celebrate The Epiphany. “Epiphany” in the Eucharist.” means an “appearance” or “manifestation”, especially of the divine. It also means a sudden and striking discovery. Quessenberry’s cancer is in remission and he did We see both of those meanings in the gospel today. return to be on the Texans’ active roster for a few years after his bout with cancer, but he is a First of all, Jesus is revealed to the three wise men. They living illustration of discovering God and uncovering represent the non-Jewish world, which was also longing His hidden glory in any circumstance. For indeed, for a savior. They wanted to see God and they found Emmanuel, God is with us at all times and in every Him. To their great joy, they see the Epiphany, the place. manifestation, of God and they fulfill their quest. Glory to God in the highest, We can also recall the other meaning of the word “Epiphany”: a sudden and striking discovery. The wise men see God. Yet, was this how they expected to see him? If we were God, how would we appear on earth? Perhaps in power and blazing light and overwhelming glory? Here the wise men find a baby. God, all-powerful, Fr. Mark Walter the creator of heaven and earth, chooses to come in Pastor weakness. God's glory is a hidden glory. When the angels appeared to the shepherds to tell them about the birth of the Savior, they said: “Glory to God in the highest.” The wise men see that glory. They have their epiphany and the true epiphany is that God's glory is a hidden glory! This is the sudden and striking discovery. God has many epiphanies for us too. He will show us His glory, and it will often be hidden. David Quessenberry, a 6-foot five-inch catholic, was an offensive tackle for the Houston Texans when he was diagnosed with cancer at 23. He describes how shocking it was, “I was scared, angry and confused, wondering why I had gotten such an awful return on my athletic investment. So much effort was put in, but something really horrible was coming in return...The diagnosis and the treatment were trying, emotional times…This is a grueling process that takes almost everything you have out of you.” However, he managed to see the hidden glory of God in the midst of clouds and suffering. He said, “There is so much down time during treatment, which I often used in order to talk to God and ask why this was happening and blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 2
Operations feat. THANK YOU! Jubilee Christmas 2021 On the morning of December 11, Church of the Blessed Sacrament hosted 30 guests with a total of 96 children for Lafayette Urban Ministry’s Jubilee Christmas program, which provides gifts of food and toys to area families in need. We were overwhelmed by generosity of many disciples who Thank you to all of those who purchased cookie dough donated food, gifts, money, and from the Knights of Columbus! $550 each will be their time and talent to create an event that was joy-filled donated to Matrix LifeCare and Gibault school! for both the participants and the volunteers! I would like to thank Monica Harris, my co-chair, and her family for their continued dedication to this ministry, as well as Fr. Seat of Wisdom Statue Update by Katie Mark and the entire parish staff for their support and assistance leading up to Jubilee. Thank you to the Before Christmas, we had an artist come in to help Knights of Columbus for providing a financial gift to us clean up and fix the Seat of Wisdom benefit Jubilee Christmas and transportation for our statue. The work done was: guests who would have been unable to attend otherwise. Cover and protect the surrounding area, as Finally, thank YOU, faith family, for shopping, baking, needed. organizing, donating, moving tables, babysitting, hosting, Overall light cleaning of the surface. preparing and serving food, wrapping, cleaning up, Scrape, sand and patch the statue, as needed. carrying gifts, packing grocery sacks, greeting guests, Infill cracks and over paint to match the driving guests, transporting the leftover gifts, and all of original color or paint and glaze the areas to the many other things that went into making the morning have a more consistent highlighted and fresher a beautiful experience. It is truly a gift to be able to serve appearance. our brothers and sisters, and I pray that our guests bring in more appropriate flesh tones therefore experienced the love of Christ through that service. the faces will no longer be consistent with the With Gratitude, colors of the rest of the statue. Brooke Folkers We intend to bring her back out on display in the new year! After Collection 12/26/2021 Loose cash…………………..$ 2,122.24 Checks/Cash………….……..$ 8,433.00 Christmas……………………$ 4,004.00 Total.......................................$14,559.24 Before THANK YOU! Total Collected for Giving Tuesday—over $1500! There were 17 blood donations made on November 30 th bringing the total donations for the year 2021 to 70! Our next blood drive will take place on February 16th blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 3
WELCOME ELIZABETH! Our new Coordinator of Adult Formation, Mission and Discipleship. Get to know Elizabeth... Top 5 Signature Strengths from Living Your Strengths Achiever, Responsibility, Belief, Context, Analytical Where are you from? I am originally from Pendleton, Indiana. After living in a variety of central Indiana cities, my family moved to Lafayette in late 2020. Family information you would like to include - family information, nieces, nephews, etc. I grew up in a large Catholic family with four brothers and one sister. Two of my brothers are Catholic priests for the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana, both serving in Carmel, my other two brothers and sister still reside near the area where we grew up. My mother resides in Indianapolis and I have 8 wonderful nieces and nephews. My husband, Brandon, and I have been married for fifteen years and we have been blessed with 6 children, Isabella (13), Kateri (12), JohnPaul (11), Gabriel (9), Cecilia (8), and Luciana (6). Hobbies I love music. I grew up performing, singing and dancing all the way through college. I am a photographer and enjoy capturing memories for friends and family, especially of my own children. I also love hiking and traveling, particularly to American and Catholic points of interest. Education, Work background After graduating from Purdue University, I began my career in inside software sales at Aprimo, Incorporated based out of Indianapolis. A few years later, I switched paths and began working for Guerin Catholic High School as it prepared to open in Hamilton County. I started with the school as the Director of Enrollment and then continued as the Director of Institutional Advancement managing both the areas of enrollment and fundrais- ing. In 2005, I was contacted by Ascension Press and offered the position of Director of the Great Adventure in Philadelphia. For 5 years, I worked with The Great Adventure (Jeff Cavins’ journey through the Bible program), T3 (the teen version of The Great Adventure Bible Timeline featuring Mark Hart), and Epic (A Journey through Church history led by Steve Weidenkopf) teams managing all of their efforts from marketing to production to development. As our family continued to grow, I left the workforce to help nurture and homeschool our children. Favorite Saint St. John Paul the Great! One of my most treasured experiences in life was traveling to Italy to be there for his earthly departure and the days that followed. Why are you excited to work at Church of the Blessed Sac- rament? I see so much potential in our parish family! I hope to help with the development of more programs for our parishioners to engage their faith and to help serve their brothers and sisters in Christ. The staff and parishioners we have met have been kind and welcoming, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve with such a wonderful team and parish family. Favorite Saint Quote or Scripture Verse “There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already con- quered. There is no cross to bear that Christ has not alreadyborn for us, and does not now bear with us.” -St. John Paul the Great blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 4
Hispanic Ministry La Familia/The ra cada niño que viene a este mundo, la Iglesia cum- ple una misión fundamental. En efecto, está llamada Family a revelar y a proponer en la historia el ejemplo y el mandato de Cristo, que ha querido poner al niño en el centro del Reino de Dios: «Dejad que los niños La familia, célula vengan a mí, ... que de ellos es el reino de los cie- primera y vital de la los»[Lc 18,16; Mt 19,14; Mc 10,14.]. sociedad He compartido algunas partes que me parecen de «El Creador del mundo es- suma importancia de la: Epi Cabrera tableció la sociedad conyugal EXHORTACIÓN APOSTÓLICA/APOSTOLIC EXHORTA- como origen y fundamento TION Hispanic Coordinator de la sociedad humana»; la FAMILIARIS CONSORTIO familia es por ello la «célula DE SU SANTIDAD/OF POPE primera y vital de la socie- JUAN PABLO II/JOHN PAUL II dad»[Vaticano II, apostoli- cam actuositatem]. La familia posee vínculos vitales y The future of humanity passes by way of the family. orgánicos con la sociedad, porque constituye su funda- It is therefore indispensable and urgent that every mento y alimento continuo mediante su función de ser- person of good will should endeavor to save and fos- vicio a la vida. En efecto, de la familia nacen los ciuda- ter the values and requirements of the family. danos, y éstos encuentran en ella la primera escuela de I feel that I must ask for a particular effort in this esas virtudes sociales, que son el alma de la vida y del field from the sons and daughters of the Church. desarrollo de la sociedad misma. Faith gives them full knowledge of God's wonderful Así la familia, en virtud de su naturaleza y vocación, le- plan: they therefore have an extra reason for caring jos de encerrarse en sí misma, se abre a las demás fa- for the reality that is the family in this time of trial milias y a la sociedad, asumiendo su función social. and of grace. ¡El futuro de la humanidad se fragua en la familia! They must show the family special love. This is an Por consiguiente es indispensable y urgente que todo injunction that calls for concrete action. hombre de buena voluntad se esfuerce por salvar y pro- Loving the family means being able to appreciate its mover los valores y exigencias de la familia. values and capabilities, fostering them always. Loving A este respecto, siento el deber de pedir un empeño the family means identifying the dangers and the particular a los hijos de la Iglesia. Ellos, que mediante la evils that menace it, in order to overcome them. Lov- fe conocen plenamente el designio maravilloso de Dios, ing the family means endeavoring to create for it an tienen una razón de más para tomar con todo interés la environment favorable for its development. The mod- realidad de la familia en este tiempo de prueba y de gra- ern Christian family is often tempted to be discour- cia. aged and is distressed at the growth of its difficulties; Deben amar de manera particular a la familia. Se trata it is an eminent form of love to give it back its rea- de una consigna concreta y exigente. sons for confidence in itself, in the riches that it pos- Amar a la familia significa saber estimar sus valores y sesses by nature and grace, and in the mission that posibilidades, promoviéndolos siempre. Amar a la familia God has entrusted to it. "Yes indeed, the families of significa individuar los peligros y males que la amena- today must be called back to their original position. zan, para poder superarlos. Amar a la familia significa They must follow Christ."[John Paul II, Letter Ap- esforzarse por crear un ambiente que favorezca su propinquat Iam, 791] desarrollo. Finalmente, una forma eminente de amor es With the creation of man and woman in His own im- dar a la familia cristiana de hoy, con frecuencia tentada age and likeness, God crowns and brings to perfec- por el desánimo y angustiada por las dificultades cre- tion the work of His hands: He calls them to a special cientes, razones de confianza en sí misma, en las pro- sharing in His love and in His power as Creator and pias riquezas de naturaleza y gracia, en la misión que Father, through their free and responsible coopera- Dios le ha confiado: «Es necesario que las familias de tion in transmitting the gift of human life: "God nuestro tiempo vuelvan a remontarse más alto. Es nece- blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and sario que sigan a Cristo»[Juan Pablo II, Carta Appropin- multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.'"[Gn 1:28.] quat iam, 791.]. Thus the fundamental task of the family is to serve En la familia, comunidad de personas, debe reservarse life, to actualize in histo- una atención especialísima al niño, desarrollando una ry the original blessing profunda estima por su dignidad personal, así como un of the Creator-that of gran respeto y un generoso servicio a sus derechos. Es- transmitting by procrea- to vale respecto a todo niño, pero adquiere una urgencia tion the divine image singular cuando el niño es pequeño y necesita de todo, from person to person. está enfermo, delicado o es minusválido. [Gn 5:1-3] Procurando y teniendo un cuidado tierno y profundo pa- blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 5 5 PAGE
Youth All High Schoolers Welcome @ Lifeteen Our last life night was Agree to Disagree. We learned how to defend our faith in a positive way, without hurting anyone. We also went through scenarios and discussed them in a group. We went through all of our morals and questioned them in a group setting. Overall it was a super fun night! Now mark your calendars and save the date because on Jan. 17th LifeTeen will be going to the ice rink! All teens are invited! Hope to see you there! ~ Denise Jacome, Core Team Member The link to register for the LifeTeen Ice Skating night is: https:// blessedsacramentwl.org/youth -group-grades-9th-12th blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 6
Evangelization Have you noticed the plants around the church? It takes a special person to keep them all alive and thriving. When I first began my position (a year and a half ago!), I was in charge of tending to, or finding someone to tend to all the plants. Weeks went by, I would forget to water them, I forgot we even had plants. I started to pray for God to send someone to tend to them, because I clearly do not have a green thumb…and along came Amelia and Robert Maxson. They both attended Alpha in the Spring of Jocelyn Alcala 2021. Amelia says they were at Mass one day and Robert was talking to Director of Fr. Mark and Amelia made her way to the corner of forgotten plants. Evangelization |Robert noticed and mentioned to Fr. Mark that Amelia takes good care of plants. Later on, Epi had asked Amelia to take care of the plants, and she began to work her magic. This is why they are all alive and thriving. In asking Amelia why she likes to take care of plants, and does such a great job at it, she responded. “Since my son died, my doctor told me that it was good therapy for me. Get involved in plants, or something to lift my spirits. That I had the need to say that I had to get up because otherwise they were going to die.”- Amelia Maxson ¿Ha notado las plantas alrededor de la iglesia? Se necesita una persona especial para mantenerlas vivas y prosperando. Cuando comencé mi puesto (¡hace un año y medio!) Estaba a cargo de atender, o encontrar a alguien que cuidara todas las plantas. Pasaron las semanas, me olvidaba de regarlas, me olvidaba que hasta teníamos plantas. Comencé a orar para que Dios enviara a alguien para atenderlas, porque claramente no tengo un dedo verde ... y vinieron Amelia y Robert Maxson. Ambos asistieron a Alpha en la primavera de 2021. Amelia dice que estaban en misa un día y Robert estaba hablando con el p. Mark y Amelia se dirigió a la esquina de las plantas olvidadas. Robert notó y le mencionó al P. “Fíjate que Amelia cuida bien las plantas”. Más tarde, Epi le pidió a Amelia que se ocupara de las plantas y ella comenzó a hacer su magia. Por eso todos están vivos y prosperando. ¿Cuándo le pregunte a Amelia, porque te gusta cuidar las plantas? Me respondió: “Desde que murió mi hijo, mi doctora me dijo que era una bueno terapia para mí. Involucrarme en las plantas, o algo que me levantara el ánimo. Que tuviera yo la necesidad de decir que tenía que levantarme porque si no se iban a mo- rir. “-Amelia Maxson THANK YOU ROB & AMELIA for your service! blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 8
Faith Formation Big thanks to all our Faith Formation Families I want to thank you for participating in our Family Faith Formation Survey. We had an overflow of participation and suggestions. We will be looking into these in detail and brainstorming ways in which we can apply changes for the benefit of all. Here are the overall results. Tanya Martinez Faith Formation Coordinator I agree 41 I disagree 11 Other 5 72% of responders are happy with our Faith Formation format. Time of the day 1 Duration of the 19 41% of responders saw the duration of our meetings as an area for improvements. meeting Language 14 Other 12 I appreciate all your support. We have an amazing family here at Blessed Sacrament. I pray your Christmas is blessed with love and joy. May you all find time for rest and play during this winter break. Merry Christmas, Tanya Martinez blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 7
Worship Dear Blessed Sacrament Christmas Choirs & Musicians: Thank Family, you to all of the Choirs and Musicians that Merry Christmas! played and sang for our Christmas Masses; I hope you all are well you all did a wonderful job. Thank you for as we continue our helping us all enter into the Christmas Christmas Season – we Season in a more meaningful way! Caleb Schultz have a whole extra week (until Dec. 9) to Pastoral Asst. for Music celebrate the Birth of & Worship Jesus Our Savior in our hearts! Please know of my continued prayers for you; please also keep me in your prayers as often as you remember. Thank You! Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass Musicians: A huge thank you is due to the musicians who helped make the Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass our best one yet! It was a joy to work with all of you! A special thank you Christmas Decorating: Thank you to all goes to Epi Cabrera for purchasing me a gaban who helped with decorating the Church and as well as to Lupita León for styling my grounds for Christmas! The spaces are mustache and gifting me a sombrero to once again very beautiful due to all of your complete the look for this special feast! time! Opportunity Christmas Décor Teardown: At the conclusion of the Christmas Season it will be time to take down Christmas Decorations and setup for Ordinary Time. Following the 11am Mass on January 9th, we will be putting away all of the Decorations and flipping our areas back. We are always grateful for many volunteers to assist with this endeavor as it cuts down on the time it takes to do so. If you’re able to help, please contact me (cschultz@dol- in.org) so that we can get the planning for this underway. Thank you & God Bless you! -Caleb blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 9
Prayer Board This Week at our Parish Masses and Mass Intentions in Bold ♥ = Special intention † = Deceased Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need, may they find consolation in your healing presence. May these Sunday, January 2 The Epiphany of the Lord special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so 8:00am Mass ♥ For the Parish join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through 11:00am Mass † Rodrigo Mosquera Arcila the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen. Patti Marczek Homelessness Monday, January 3 Adoration Chapel Those suffering with an No planned events Our Pastorate Vision Plan addiction Vocations Tuesday, January 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Reli- All who are sick and gious suffering 6:30am Into the Breach Pastorate clergy and staff 4:00pm Lifeteen Mass Rehearsal; MC Our pastorate families 5:30pm Mass † Cole Rohrabaugh 6:00pm Reconciliation 7:00pm Rosary led by KOC 7:30pm Praise Band Rehearsal;MC This week, the Sanctuary 7:30pm KOC Council Meeting; HC Candle in the church will burn for the Anderson Family Wednesday January 5 St. John Neumann, Bishop 8:30am Mass † Burt Koske Please Pray for our Parish Families 4:00pm Prayer Group; MC 6:30pm Cantor Rehearsal; MC Please pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the 7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal; MC following parishioners and their families, and always keep all 9:00pm Schola Rehearsal; MC families in your prayers. Thursday January 6 St. Andre Bessette, Religious Jan. 2 Agustin Navarro 8:30am Mass ♥ Peace in America Alvaro Navarro 12:00pm Schoenstatt Women’s/Men’s Meetings 6:30pm Schoenstatt Home, A Domestic Church; Jan. 3 Sam & Denise Newton HC Robert & Dorisse Nguimfack 7:00pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal; MC Jan. 4 Sean & Dawn Niccum Kevin & Karen Niebrugge Friday, January 7 St. Raymond of Penyafort, Priest 8:30am Mass † Belen Savre Pricto Jan. 5 Kevin & Jes Nix 9:00am Holy Hour; MC Guido & Arlene Nizzi 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet Jan. 6 Katrina Nizzi & John Torchia 6:00pm First Friday Family Holy Hour; MC 7:00pm Into the Breach-Spanish; Basement Rod & Teresa Noel Jan. 7 Larry & Shannon Oates Saturday, January 8 Jerry & Jan O’Bryan 3:30pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal; MC 4:00pm Reconciliation; Chapel Jan. 8 Juan Ochoa Perez 5:30pm Mass (Masks Required) † Eileen Stout John & Lori O’Connor 7:30pm Spanish Mass/Santa Misa † Briana Isabel Please Pray for our Priests Sunday, January 9 8:00am Mass ♥ For the Parish “Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (Name of Priest), act in 9:15am Faith Formation him, speak in and through him. Think your thoughts in his 11:00am Mass † Robert & Kathryn Schelle mind, and love through his heart. Teach, lead, and guide him always. Let him live in you, and keep him in this intimate union always. Amen.” Jan. 2 Fr. Philip Mahalic Jan. 3 Fr. John Mannion Jan. 4 Fr. Jeff Martin Jan. 5 Fr. Adam Mauman Jan. 6 Fr. Michael McKinney Jan. 7 Fr. Thomas Metzger Jan. 8 Fr. Christopher Miller blessedsacramentwl.org January 2022 • PAGE 10
PARISH STAFF Pastor Full-Time Staff Fr. Mark Walter Deacon Administrative Assistant Todd Marye, dcn.tmarye@dol-in.org Betsy Satchell, bsatchell@parish.dol-in.org In Residence Director of Evangelization Fr. Samuel Kalu Jocelyn Alcala, jalcala@dol-in.org Sacramental Records & Mass Intentions Disciple Director of Operations Wilma Brannan, wbrannan@parish.dol-in.org Katie Sanders, ksanders@parish.dol-in.org Part-Time Staff AV Tech, Denise Jacome ECHO Apprentice Diana Salgado, dsalgado@parish.dol-in.org Executive Director of Parish Life & Administration Missy Krockover, mkrockover@dol-in.org Maintenance Technician Randy Harrington, rharrington@parish.dol-in.org Faith Formation Coordinator Tanya Martinez, tmartinez@parish.dol-in.org Pastoral Asst. for Music & Worship Caleb Schultz, cschultz@dol-in.org Hispanic Coordinator Epi Cabrera, ecabrera@parish.dol-in.org PARISH MINISTRIES SACRAMENTS For more information on Sacraments visit: Advisory to the Pastor www.blessedsacramentwl.org/liturgyandsacraments Pastoral Council Chair, Sam Newton Phone: 765.463.5733 Fax: 765.497.7866 Finance Council Chair, Chad Krockover Learn about all of our ministries and find ways to stay connected at www.blessedsacramentwl.org/ministries
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