January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David

Page created by Rodney Moody
January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
Tevet 5781 ~ Shevat 5781   January 2021 - February 2021
January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
Megillah Table of Contents
Circle of Honor / January & February Schedules….....………...………….3
Rabbi’s Bulletin……………………………………………...………….....4
President’s Messages………………………………………………………5
Brotherhood Article………………………………………………………..6
Sisterhood Article…………………………………………………………..7
Message from Membership………………………………………………...8
Arza Article……………....………………………………………………...9
Library Column………..………………………………………………….10
Brotherhood Carnival Sponsors……..……………………………………..11
Mazel Tov to Karen Caplan ….………………………………………...….12
Texas Hold’Em Tournament……………………………………………….13
Dine-Out Delight…………….……………………………………………14
Blood Drive………………..……………………………………………...15
Connecting and Communicating during COVID………………………….16
Sponsor Shabbat Live Streaming Services………………………………...18
Beth David Advertising…...…………………..……………………….......20
Monthly Calendar……...............................................................................22-23
Beth David Donation Form…..…………………………………………….24
January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
Circle of Honor Members 2020 / November & December Schedules

Platinum                           Evelyn & Marvin Marshall             Deborah & Daniel Lelchuk
Gene Broscow &                     Charlie & Cathy Niederman            Dan & Patti Levin
      Rachelle Wilson              Marlyn Phillips                      Richard & Deanne Ruby
Diane Prince                       Jeffrey & Teri Roth                  Michelle &
Shirley Ross                       Edith & Hillary Smith                      David Twisselmann
Saul Zenk                          Howard & Diane Spielman              Doug &
                                                                              Jackie Caplan Wiggins
Gold                               Silver
Robert Altman &                    Hallie & Joel Berman
      Michelle Sandler             Ian & Gayle Chait
Karen Caplan                       Fran DeKovner
Sean Walter &                      Linda Hirsch
      Andrea Chait-Walter          Lynne Horn
Cathy & Cyrus Gipoor               Alan & Laurel Jarrick
Aaron & Leslie Kern                Jan Klein

           January Shabbat Schedule                                February Shabbat Schedule
Friday      1   7:00pm   Family Shabbat Service         Friday      5   7:00pm   Family Shabbat Service
Saturday    2   9:00am   Lay Led Minyan                 Saturday    6   9:00am   Body, Mind, & Spirit Shabbat
Friday      8   7:30pm   Choir Shabbat Service          Friday      12 7:30pm    Brotherhood Shabbat Service
Saturday    9   9:00am   Torah Study                    Saturday    13 9:00am    Torah Study
Friday      15 7:30pm    Shabbat Alive Service                          10:30am Tot Shabbat
Saturday    16 9:00am    Lay Led MInyan                 Friday      19 7:30pm    Shabbat Alive Service

Friday      22 7:30pm    Torah Shabbat Service          Saturday    20 9:00am    Lay Led Minyan

Saturday    23 9:00am    Lay Led Minyan                 Friday      26 7:30pm    Torah Shabbat Service

Friday      29 7:30pm    Ask the Rabbi Shabbat          Saturday    27 9:00am    Lay Led Minyan

Saturday    30 9:00am    Lay Led Minyan

                 “Please consider remembering Beth David in your will or trust.”

January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
I got the COVID Blues
                                                       Rabbi Myers                        January/February 2021

    Is it because I have at least 4 crumbled face masks in my purse at any given time? Maybe it’s the multiple bottles
of hand sanitizer that are strewn on my desk and rolling around in my car. Perhaps, it’s because I can’t go to the movie
theater or restaurants. Or is it the lack of socialization with friends, family, and congregants? It’s likely all the above
because I got the Covid blues. I’m sure you do, too. There is so much hardship, illness, anxiety and worry to fill an
ocean. And even with a vaccine just starting to be accessible, we are still deep in the depths. Despair, frustration, and
agitation inflict all of us, at some point or another, as we strive to get through the days, weeks, and months.

    Rabbi Nahman of Bratzlav, a late 18th century Hassidic rabbi, offers some perspective on times of darkness and
uncertainty. He writes in Likutei Moharan about the thick cloud at Sinai where revelation was to occur. The Israelites
saw this threatening cloud and backed away from it. When times are hard, when we are fearful, there is an instinct to
withdraw and step back. However Bratzlav says, “The hindrance is like a thick cloud, for a thick cloud is dark and a
hindrance is dark.” What is a hindrance? For Bratzlav, it is anything that obscures God’s presence. For us, hindrances
can be letdowns, moments of doubt, obstacles, challenges, and hardship. We all experience great disappointments and
lapses of hope. But what do we do when we find ourselves surrounded by darkness?

   Bratzlav teaches that “God actually hides the divine self in the hindrance.” That is, in the hardest of times, in the
darkness night in Egypt, God is there. Bratzlav says that Moses understood this and stepped into the cloud. As he
walked through it, he experiences the hidden God.

    It’s an intriguing thought. Many of us associate God when good things happen such as the birth of a child, a
majestic mountain, recovery, or the beautiful ocean. Bratzlav, however, says that God can be found especially in the
thick clouds of doubt, uncertainty, and fear. In other words, when there is sorrow and pain, God is in the darkness and
we shouldn’t step back from it, rather we need to traverse through it.

    So one has to ask oneself, “Where is God in this pandemic?” We can say in the tireless work of our health care
workers, the incredible scientists who have created multiple vaccines, and all the essential workers who keep the
grocery stores stocked and our streets safe. But we can experience God also in those precious moments of connection
when we talk with a loved one, relate to a friend on a screen, and experience a bit of goodness from another. There are
many who are using this time of darkness, to elevate their humanity by doing what they can, to help others and raise up
friends who succumb to the Covid blues. In essence, there is godliness even in hard times. There is light in darkness
and opportunity in adversity. May our hope and perseverance give us some illumination as we traverse the obscure
months ahead. May we know that God is with us even in darkness and that we are never alone. And perhaps together,
we can lessen the Covid blues knowing that there are better times to come.

January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
President’s Message

                           “Family and comfort.”
                     - Teri Roth on “What Beth David means to Us”

Strong communities support their people and the strength of our Beth David community
has never been more apparent than it was at the end of 2020. As we all know, layoffs
and declining incomes are but a few of the many challenges people around the country
and the world are facing as a result of the pandemic. For many of us, these challenges
seem distant – we see it on the news, or hear stories of friends of friends. But some in
our community were really listening last fall, and began to hear stories from our Beth
David members: stories of real hardship, months of unemployment, struggles to buy
food or make rent.

In response, quietly and behind the scenes, one of our stalwart members with a (very)
big heart moved quickly to respond. With a few text messages and phone calls, this
person procured flagship donations made anonymously. Within a week, assistance was
sent out to members. As this all took shape, it stood for me as yet another reminder of
who we are as a community. We support and look after our members. As an aside, if
you are interested in participating, please reach out to the Rabbi and she can guide you
in making an anonymous contribution as well.

With this as backdrop, let’s all take a moment to celebrate who we are and what we can
do as a Temple family. We are fortunate to have so many members of our community
who volunteer their time enhancing our worship, music, and making our technology
work. We have incredible men and women in our Brotherhood and Sisterhood creating
programs that are very meaningful. Our Caring Community reaches out in compassion
and love to those experiencing loss. And many of you take the time to call one another
helping us know that we are not alone.

This is a time where we can continue to comfort each other as we share stories, cross
paths real and virtual, and look forward to what more we can do together in the coming
months and years.

 Andrea Chait
Andrea Chait-Walter, President
January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
Beth David
January/February 2021                                                                  By Lee Netzer

As we enter the New Calendar Year, I can see light at the end of a dark tunnel, and look forward with renewed hope that
things will return to some semblance of normality in the not too distant future. In the meantime, the Brotherhood will con-
tinue to operate in pandemic mode. The latest casualty was the December 13 Chanukah celebration, which was funded by
the Brotherhood. It was originally scheduled as an in-person event outside, but with the virus raging out of control, the
only safe option was a virtual, live streamed event. Nevertheless, it was a joyous celebration, with teachings by the Rabbi,
songs by the Cantor, a very entertaining and funny magician, and a Chanukiah-making competition, with videos of the
winning entries shown. The winners were Aubree Semmelman in the child category and Keri Gee Semmelman in the adult
category. Aubree received a $25 Target gift card and Keri Gee received a $100 Cheesecake Factory gift card, which I de-
livered to them that afternoon. For those of you who didn’t get a chance to see the 30 minute performance by magician
Hayden Allcorn, I recorded a seven minute clip of his performance. To view the clip, click here.

Because the Chanukah celebration was virtual, the religious school children were unable to pick up the gift bags the Broth-
erhood prepared for them at the celebration, so we delivered them two days later. The gift bags consisted of a dreidel, sev-
eral pieces of Chanukah “gelt,” a jelly donut, and a surprise gift. Many thanks to Alan Jarrick, Greg Korduner, Jeff
LeBoff, Steve Loken, Rabbi Nancy Myers, Elaine Netzer, Charlie Niederman, and Elliot Semmelman for helping with the
deliveries, and to Steve and Elaine for helping to prepare the gift bags.
The next Brotherhood brunch, held in conjunction with Adult Education, is on January 10, 2021 at 11 a.m. on Zoom. The
subject of the Brunch is very timely and appropriate: 2021 The New Normal, From the Medical, Psychological, and Jew-
ish Point of View. Panelists include Dr. Jeffrey Seitelman, Psychiatrist; Dr. Aaron Kern, MD; and Rabbi Nancy Myers.
The Brotherhood is also offering a brunch, delivered to your door, for $11.50. For additional details, click here.

On January 31, the Brotherhood will be holding its 13 Annual Texas Hold’em Tournament, but this year, it will be a vir-

tual tournament where people can participate from the safety and comfort of their own homes. For details about the tour-
nament and how to register, click here. Sorry, but Howie’s famous French dip sandwiches will have to wait until 2022.

The Brotherhood will hold its annual Shabbat service on February 12, 2021, but as with everything during the pandemic, it
will be a virtual service. Details about the service are still being worked out. As is our tradition, I will announce the 2021
Brotherhood Man of the Year during the service.
The Brotherhood/Sisterhood Membership Dinner is on the calendar for February 6, 2021, but Sisterhood President Laurie
Schneider and I agreed to postpone it until late Spring or early Summer, with the hope that we will be able to hold it safely
outside. Similarly, the Brotherhood’s “Matzo Ball” event, featuring Douglas “The Crooner” Roegiers, comedy by Barry
Weisenberg, and a delicious Italian dinner, will have to be postponed yet again. It was originally scheduled for April 10,
2020, and is on the calendar for February 27, 2021, but we felt that we could not do justice to this in a virtual event. We
are hoping to reschedule it for later this year, once it’s safe to do so.

Every Man a Member!
Lee Netzer, President

January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
 By Laurie Schneider, Sisterhood President         January/February 2021

Anne Frank said, “What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our
lives haven’t even happened yet.”

What a beautiful quote, especially as we end a difficult 2020 and look ahead to

Sisterhood has some plans which we hope will help you to create more good days
in your lives. First, we are forming Affinity Groups. These are groups of like-minded
women, like getting together for coffee, but online. It’s a virtual way to check in,
share resources and ideas, and find meaningful connections with other women. The
affinity can be whatever you have in common. Our first group plans to focus on
food and movies and will be meeting on January 3 at 3 PM. If you are interested,
even if you missed the first meeting or want to focus on a different topic, please
send an email to sisterhood@templebethdavid.org, and we will connect you. This is
such a great way to meet with others, keep connected, and stave off the loneliness
many of us are experiencing right now.

Another program to help us all cope will be on February 18 at 7 PM, when our own
wise and dear Dr. Lois Abrams will speak about “Connecting and Communicating in
the Time of Covid-19”. Please see the flyer elsewhere in the Megillah for details and
be sure to join us for this worthwhile program.

It is my sincere wish that 2021 brings us all good health and good days! I hope to
see you soon, virtually, and eventually, in person.

With love,
Laurie Schneider
Sisterhood President

Calling all Mah Jongg players it time to buy your 2019 cards. Cards are
$9.00 for regular and $10.00 for large. To buy your card please send a check
to TBD Sisterhood with your name and address to Eileen Tobey 4427
Larwin Ave, Cypress CA 90630, until January 29, 2021.

January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
Message from Membership Chair
 Todah Rabah…..to every congregation member of Beth David. This past
 year has been filled with fear, angst, loneliness. We have found ourselves
 locked in an unimaginably small world, unable to perform the simple
 functions we have always taken for granted...grocery shopping, getting a
 haircut, going to a place of employment, meeting a friend for lunch, and
 even going to the doctor – and more painful, missing our children, our grandchildren, not being
 able to hug or touch someone, and yes, not going to Temple.

 For those of you who may not know...despite the setbacks and the fear, virtually every Beth
 David member has renewed and continued to support the Temple. It would have been easy for
 many of us to say, ‘Not this year”….but that is not what happened. Beth David is our second
 home and each and every one of you demonstrated how much the Temple means to you. You
 not only renewed, you demonstrated your love and caring by live streaming High Holy Day and
 Shabbat services, by donating whatever you could, and by continuing to support the religious
 and secular activities so important to the heart and soul of Beth David. Whew! In short, Beth
 David has made it, thanks to you!

 We are now coming to the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. We all hold our breaths as
 we wait for our turn. For some it will be soon, for others there will be a wait. But I hope you
 can imagine the prayers we will give next High Holy Days...the thanks, we hope, for being
 together again, the gratefulness for having come through this experience with our health, and
 that of our families and friends, intact, and hopefully, the great pleasure of turning OFF the
 technology, at least for a while. We do not know exactly what our Temple world will look like
 in September, but we can hope and imagine………

 Co-VPs Membership

January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
ARZA           By Charlie Niederman
Association of Reform Zionists of America
January/February 2021
                                                    Charlie Niederman, VP, Planning & Development

Isrealis are experiencing their third Covid-19              Elections have happened so often in Israel that
lockdown. The Knesset has gone so far as trying             another new one may not be news. Prime
to eliminate take out dining. Israelis are                  minister Netanyahu has refused to sign off on the
experiencing the same record setting daily case             budget and that has triggered the dissolution of
counts as we are in the US. But right now they              the current coalition.
are leading the world in per capita vaccinations.
Maybe when I write the March and April                      For a preview of a what the results for the
Megillah article both our nations will show real            election, scheduled for March 23, 2021, might
progress in the fight against the pandemic.                 look like, a poll from December 26 may give
                                                            some clues. The poll showed that Likud would
The list of Middle East and North African                   lose about 8 seats down from 36 because Gideon
nations that are normalizing relations with Isreal          Sa’ar, a former rival of Netanyahu in the Likud
now includes Bahrain, UAE, Sudan still in                   party has formed a new party called New Hope.
progress, and most recently Morocco. While the              New Hope would come in second wth 19 votes
normalizations may be positive steps for Israel,            and could form a coalition with Yesh Atid, the
since it includes exports, easy trading, and                Joint List of Arab Parties, Meretz, Yisrael
tourism, but they all come at a price. It is that           Beitenu, and Blue and White that would
price that may be a problem for the Congress and            command a 63-seat centrist majority in the
the incoming Biden administration.                          120-seat Knesset.

For Bahrain and the U. A. E. it means US high               The election results most likely will not look like
tech arms deals, some of which have caused                  the current poll, and a coalition with the Arab
concern in Israel and Congress, since those Gulf            parties is not likely, but it does show that
nations have sold arms to groups promoting                  Netanyahu’s Likud may have to look to the
terrorism.                                                  center if they hope to put together a ruling
                                                            coalition. That would be difficult at best because
The deal with Sudan is more convoluted because              he will have to win over parties whose leaders
it involves Sudan restoring sovereign immunity              have said they would not serve in a government
after it agrees to settle cases brought against it in       led by him. To further complicate matters
US courts, in part by victims of the 1988                   Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial will begin
bombing of US embassies in Kenya and                        its evidentiary phase in February, after a delay in
Tanzania. The settlement is set at $335 million             the January date.
dollaars. It also involves the US taking Sudan
off its list of countries that support terrorists.          The results of the upcoming election are likely to
                                                            be as divided as the last three elections, but if
The recent agreement with Morocco involves the              Netanyahu is not part of a ruling coalition, it may
US recognition of their claim to Western Sahara             hold together for the full 4-year term.
which Morocco annexed after a war in 1975.                  The Union for Reform Judaism is setting up a
The US is the only major nation to do so because            pilot cohort of congregations for the Israel
the annexation is not recognized by the UN.                 Leadership Network and Beth David will be part
                                                            of it. It will explore groundbreaking work to
Whether the deals made for the normalization of             make Israel a meaningful part of congregational
relations with Israel become a problem for                  life. At Beth David the congregational trips to
Congress and the new administration may have                Israel that the rabbi led are a step in that
to wait for months and by then normalization                direction. If anyone is interested in being part of
may be so well established that it will survive             a committee to promote this exciting initiative,
despite any problems with the US part of the                please contact me at cniederm@flash.net.
                                                            Charlie Niederman
January 2021 - February 2021 - Tevet 5781 Shevat 5781 - Temple Beth David
Library Column
January 2021/February 2021

The Beth David Library is currently closed due to the severity of the Pandemic.
When the Pandemic is over, and everyone is vaccinated that wants to get vaccinated
I will reopen the Library. I plan to buy the Sydney Taylor award winning and Jewish
Book Council award winning Jewish children’s books in early February after the
awards have been announced. This should be 4 or 5 new Jewish books for children
in the library.

I have set up a Jewish Book Fair. This book fair will run until further notice. The
link is https://bookshop.org/shop/bethdavid. If you want to buy a book or books
you can choose one of my selections categorized by age group or search for your
own selection. 10% of the purchase price goes back into the coffers of Beth David.
If you want to donate Jewish books to the Beth David Library, please email
library@templebethdavid.org and let me know. You can leave the books on the
black book truck in the library. Do not forget to leave your name so I know who
donated the materials.

Have a Happy Hanukkah

                                                          Michelle Sandler MLS
                                                                    Beth David
Mazel Tov to Karen Caplan’s grandson!
         Eli Fredaric Berkley

   Mazel Tov to Alex & Ben Berkley’s son, who was born
    on December 29th, 2020. His middle name is after
          his great-grandmother, Frieda Caplan.
Thank you to all those who donated for High Holy Days

Stan Abrams                      Richard & Cathy Katz             Michelle & Bob Sandler
Michelle    Acker                Tina         Kaufman             Lisa        Sandoval
Melanie & Michael Alkov          Aaron & Leslie Kern              Eric & Peggy       Schiffer
Devorah     Allen                Dorothy      Kimmel              Laurie      Schneider
Devorah     Allen-Solorio        Greg         Korduner            Tobia       Schuster-Ach
Robert      Altman               Neil & Jessica      Kornswiet    Jeffrey & Judy     Seitelman
Kimberly Baldwin                 Robert       Laham               Jenny & Michael Sheets
David       Baroway              Sidney       Laham               Lois Shernoff
Barbara     Becker               Jeff & Sue LeBoff                Murray      Siegel
Hallie & Joel     Berman         Monica       Leff                Erika       Silver
Adam        Bernstein            Deborah & Daniel Lelchuk         Nancy       Slusher
Scott & Barbara Berzak           Mickey & Mel        Lewin        Edith       Smith
Paige       Berzak               Larry & Sharon Matalon           Howard & Diane Spielman
Nancy & John      Bigley         Lisa & Ian          McCall       Florence    Sudakow
Robert      Blum                 Sidney       Melnick             Christine Taxier
Rick Blumenthal                  Thomas       Miller              Brooke      Thibault
Gary Brendzel                    David & Helene Miller            Eileen      Tobey
Rahcel & David Brenneman         Edie & Jason        Mino         Yehuda & Mary Treiger
Gene Broscow                     Robert and Nanette Minow         Michelle & David Twisselmann
Jacki Brotchner                  Irina Mirskaya                   Linda       Vizzini
Ian & Gayle Chait                Barbara      Mootchnik           Robert      Wachman
Andrea & Sean     Chait-Walter   Irma      Moskowitz              Madaline Walter
Linda & Ted       Cohen          Nancy        Myers               Marlene     Wedner
Brian       Donahue              Lee & Elaine        Netzer       Seth        Weiner
Renee       Dorfman              Mercedes & Monty                 Thea & Scott       Weintraub
Frederic    Duclos               Neves-Hatchwell (Fisher)         Sharon & Arnie Weintraub
Lori & Mark       Dunham         Charlie & Cathy Niederman        Doug &Jackie Caplan Wiggins
Leonard     Farber               Christine Overton                Laura       Wiley
Michael & Arlene Filkoff         Linda      Palitz                Walter      Zenda
Joan and David Fisher            Matt and Lisa       Paretsky
Howard & Candy Fox Tobey         Shara        Peters
Ken and Sandy     Friedman       Marlyn       Phillips
Daniel & Elise    Gary           Lester       Pink
Mitchell & Claudia Geller        Lance & Laura       Pinkham
Sarah       Gipoor               Lonnie & Debi       Pinkham
Mickey      Golden               Allan        Ratman
Ralph       Golden               Joshua       Resnick
Christina & Paul Goldman         Ilya and Zhanna Reyngold
Irwin       Greenfield           Charmayne           Roberson
Louise      Haglind              Anita        Rodal
Lynne       Horn                 Carolyn & Maury Rosenberg
Rich        Hornstein            Maury and Linda Rosenberg
Isaac & Marina Indich            Shirley      Ross
Alan & Laurel     Jarrick        Teri & Jeff     Roth
Maury and Linda Jessner          Bruce        Rothschild
David & Kam       kalish         Deanne & Richard          Ruby
Anne        Katz                 Cheryl & Lou        Rudich
                                                           FOUNDATION FUNDS
General Fund
Lee Netzer in memory of Charles Netzer
Jane Schiffer in memory of Bernice Germaine                Barbara Shanks Memorial Educational Enrich-
        in memory of Lynne Montemorra                      ment Fund
Vida Delshad in memory of Abe Delshad                      The Blumenthal Family in memory of Joan Kropf
        in memory of Bima
Greg Korduner in memory of George Brehm
Shirley Fishke in memory of Jack Fishke                    Dr. Leonard & Marjorie Brotchner Memorial
Jerrold & Ellen Korn in memory of Marvin Korn              Campership Fund
Daryl Phillips in memory of Ted Phillips                   Jacki Brotchner in memory of Pearl Roche
The Zenk Family donation                                           in memory of Henry Roche
Alex Bogomolny in memory of Ranya Bogomolny                Milton & Romelle Jelinowicz
Shirley Fishke in memory of Jack Fishke                            in memory of Harry Jelinowicz
                                                           Robert & Carole Brotchner Collen
Brotherhood Fund                                                   in memory of Chuck Brotchner
The Kalish Family in honor of the Hanukkah Carnival        Robert & Carole Collen in memory of Mark Kaufman

Sisterhood Fund                                            Lynn Front Memorial URJ Campership Fund
Shirley Ross in memory of Arlene Ross                      Richard Schoenholtz
Rachelle Wilson in memory of Stanley Trombler                      in memory of Lilyan Schoenholtz
Sandra Russakov in memory of Leevia Russakov
The Korn Family in memory of Frieda Melcer                 Rabbi Henri E. Front Memorial Scholar-in-
David & Joan Fisher in memory of Jack Brass                Residence Fund
Lynne Horn in memory of Jeanette Kull                      Arlene & Michael Filkoff
                                                                   in memory of Jacqueline Hutchins
Prayer Book Fund                                           Jerry Bleiweiss in memory of Dorothy Bleiweiss
The Niederman Family
       for a speedy recovery of Chris Taxier               Jarrick Family Scholarship Fund
                                                           The Singer Family in memory of Abraham G. Singer
ECLC Fundraising
Susan Abraham in memory of Muriel Wolkow                   The Sheila Joseph Memorial Fund
                                                           Michael & Arlene Filkoff
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund                                         in memory of Belle Wetterhahn
Carolyn, Maury, Evin, & Mahlon Rosenberg                           in memory of Celia Clark
        in memory of John Mahlon Fitzwater
Robyn & James Michaeloff in memory of Leonard Applbaum     The Morton Wedner Memorial Special Projects
David & Doris Franco in memory of Rachel Franco            Fund
The Bleiweiss Family in memory of Florence Bleiweiss       Leslie Wedner donation
The Semmelman Family in memory of Sheri Barnett            Marlene Wedner in memory of Charles Wedner
                                                                   in memory of Carole Blum
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Susan Abraham in memory of Bobbe Moss                      Maureen Broscow Memorial Fund
The Sudakow Family in memory of Roslyn Berlinghoff         Rachelle Wilson in memory of David Scharlin
                                                           Eugene Broscow in memory of Goldie Fineman
Cantor Harry & Fay Newman Memorial Choir Fund
The Minow Family in memory of Bernie Jacobs
Edith Smith in appreciation of the Choir
Michael & Arlene Alkov in memory of Dorothy Filkoff

Sponsor Friday Night Live Stream
  in honor or memory of loved ones for $180

   Contact the office for more information

tbdavid@templebethdavid.org or 714-892-6623
ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                  BETH DAVID STAFF
                                                         Nancy R. Myers
                                                         Cantorial Soloist, Nancy Linder
     * Our Religious School /                            Director of Education, Sarah Gipoor

 Youth Program is funded, in part,                       ECLC Director, Brooke Birdsall
                                                         Office Manager, Edie Mino
    by the Annual Community
                                                         B’nei Mitzvah Educator, Larry Matalon
     Campaign of the Jewish                              Temple Secretary, Charlie Do
   Federation of Greater Long                            Kitchen Supervisor, Mulu Skinner-White
  Beach & West Orange County                             Maintenance Supervisor, Scott Whiteside
                                                         Educator Emeritus, Irma Moskowitz, R.J.E.
                                                         Piano Accompanist, Rob Woyshner

             TEMPLE SUPPLIES.                                           2020 - 2021
                                                              BETH DAVID BOARD OF DIRECTORS

      The temple office buys a lot of supplies.          President, ANDREA CHAIT
   If you have any office supply store coupons,
                                                         Vice President of Operations,
 discount cards, or e-mail sales advertisements,         DAVID BAROWAY
  please share them with our office to help cut
                       costs.                            Co-Vice President of Ways & Means,
                                                         FAITH PANTEL & EILEEN TOBEY
Because of COVID-19 we have been in need of              Vice President of Finance,
                                                         NEIL KORNSWIET
masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, & Clorox wipes.
                                                         Co-Vice President of Membership,
        Thank you to all who have donated!               CRYSTAL BUSHINSKY
                                                         FLORENCE SUDAKOW
          We appreciate your support!!!
                                                         Vice President of Education,
           *Please make sure they are
           valid dates and not expired*                  Vice President of Religious Practices,
                                                         MERCEDES NEVES-HATCHWELL

         Please drop off any time!!!                     Vice President of Planning & Development
                                                         ALAN JARRICK
               Thank you!!!
                                                         Past President, ERIC SCHIFFER
                                                         Secretary, JONATHAN ROTHSCHILD
                                                         Treasurer, MARC SERLIN
                 FREE WIFI                               Building & Grounds, STEVE KAHN
             Beth David Wireless                         Social Action Trustee, ROBIN HARRISON
            Password: Shalom6100                         Co-Adult EducationTrustee,
                                                         DIANE PRINCE
                                                         CHARLIE NIEDERMAN
                                                         Publicity Co-Trustee, SARAH GIPOOR
 The Beth David Office Staff Thanks…
                                                         Youth Trustee, GAYLE CHAIT
    Gloria Schwartz for ongoing office support &
                                                         Programming Trustee, MULU HARRISON
          preparation for Shabbat services
                                                         Brotherhood President, LEE NETZER
                                                         Sisterhood President, LAURIE SCHNEIDER
                                                         Choir Presidents, PAIGE BERZAK &
                                                         CAITLIN GREENFIELD
Need Advertising?

 Call the office

SUN            MON        TUE             WED                THU              FRI            SAT
                                                                              1                2
                                                                              7:00pm           9:00am
                                                                              Family Shabbat   Lay Led
                                                                              Service          Minyan

3               4          5               6                  7               8                9
No Jewish                  No Jewish       4:30pm                             7:30pm           9:00am
School                     School          Confirmation                       Choir Shabbat    Torah Study
                                           Class                              Service

10              11         12              13                 14              15               16
                           4:15pm          4:30pm                             7:30pm           9:00am
9:00am                     Jewish School   Confirmation                       Shabbat Alive    Lay Led
Jewish School                              Class                              Service          Minyan

11:00am                                    6:30pm
Brotherhood                                Sisterhood Board
Brunch                                     Meeting

17              18         19              20                 21              22              23
No Jewish                  4:15pm          4:30pm             12:00pm         7:30pm          9:00am
School                     Jewish School   Confirmation       Lunch & Learn   Shabbat Service Lay Led
                                           Class                                              Minyan

24              25         26              27                 28              29               30
9:00am                     4:15pm          4:30pm             7:30pm          7:30pm           9:00am
Jewish School              Jewish School   Confirmation       Brotherhood     Ask the Rabbi    Lay Led
4th Grade                                  Class              Meeting         Shabbat          Minyan
Family Class
                                           Beth David
                                           Board Meeting

Blood Drive

Texas Hold’Em

Jewish School                                      22
SUN             MON        TUE             WED                THU              FRI              SAT
                1          2               3                  4               5                 6
                           4:15pm          4:30pm                             7:00pm            9:00am
                           Jewish School   Confirmation                       Family Shabbat    Body, Mind, &
                                           Class                              Service           Spirit Shabbat

7               8          9               10                 11              12                13
9:00am                     4:15pm          4:30pm                             7:30pm            9:00am
Jewish School              Jewish School   Confirmation                       Brotherhood       Torah Study
                                           Class                              Shabbat Service
                                           6:30pm                                               Tot Shabbat
                                           Sisterhood Board

14              15         16              17                 18              19                20
No Jewish                  4:15pm          4:30pm             12:00pm         7:30pm            9:00am
School                     Jewish School   Confirmation       Lunch & Learn   Shabbat ALIVE     Lay Led
                                           Class                              Service           Minyan

21              22         23              24                 25              26                27
9:00am                     4:15pm          4:30pm                             7:30pm            9:00am
Jewish School              Jewish School   Confirmation                       Torah Shabbat     Lay Led
5th Grade                                  Class                              Service           Minyan
Family Class               8:00pm
                           Programs Watch 7:30pm
                           Party          Beth David
                                          Board Meeting

28                                         30
Jewish School

        6100 Hefley Street Westminster, CA 92683                           Phone 714-892-6623                FAX 714-897-5306

                                                                    TEMPLE FUNDS
                                      Please Make Checks Payable to Temple Beth David or you can donate on line:
     Building Fund                                 Torah Fund                  Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
     General Fund                                  ECLC Fundraising            Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
     Prayer book Fund                              Brotherhood Fund            Cantor Harry & Fay Newman Memorial Choir Fund
                                                   Sisterhood Fund
Check to see if your company offers Matching Gift Contributions to employee donations. Perhaps they can double or triple the match.

                                                             FOUNDATION FUNDS
                                               Please Make Checks Payable to Temple Beth David Foundation

        Barbara Shanks Memorial Educational Enrichment Fund
          Religious school materials & scholarships for needy students             Lynn Front Memorial URJ Campership Fund
                                                                                   Camperships for TBD students to URJ camps
        Dr. Leonard & Marjorie Brotchner Memorial
        Campership Fund                                                            Wendy Schekman Memorial Library Fund
                                                                                   Maintaining and purchasing books for the Temple library
        Sending children to local Jewish residential camps
        Rabbi Henri E. Front Memorial Scholar-In-Residence                         Jarrick Family Scholarship Fund
                                                                                    Scholarships for TBD educational programs for our children
        Funding for guest speakers and other programs                              The Sheila Joseph Memorial Fund
                                                                                   Enhancing quality of life for seniors
        Irma Moskowitz Fund for Lifelong Learning
          Supplementing the educational experiences & programs at TBD              The Morton Wedner Memorial Special Projects Fund
                                                                                   Providing funding for approved TBD special projects
        Roselle & Herbert Sommer Youth Enrichment Fund
          Providing funding for approved TBD youth projects & activities           The Regina B. Front Mitzvah Fund
                                                                                   General fund to provide mitzvot large and small for the Temple
        Maureen Broscow Memorial Fund
        Providing support for TBD’s Early Childhood Learning Center
          Caplan Family Outreach Fund
          Programs to attract intermarried couples to Jewish life

                                        LASTING LEGACIES ENDOWMENT FUND
                                                       Please Make Checks Payable to Temple Beth David
                                                                Benefitting Temple Beth David

     In Memory            In Honor : ____________________________________________________________________________

      By: _____________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________
           Check Enclosed           Charge my card: _______________________________________Exp.___________ CCV________

           Amount $___________                Signature Authorization: _____________________________________________________
     Send Acknowledgement to: _____________________________________________________________________________
                  I would like to be contacted for information about my Will & Estate Planning, no obligations.

     If you are interested in sponsoring a Shabbat Oneg, the Shabbat Alive! Band, or a Synaplex in honor of your special occasion,
     please complete this form below and return it to the synagogue. If you have any questions, please call the Temple office.

   I am interested in sponsoring the following on this Date: ____________________________
   ____      SHABBAT ONEG      $300                                                     ____ SYNAPLEX                       $180
   ____      1/2 ONEG          $150
   ____      Shabbat ALIVE! Band $72

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