DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022

Page created by Valerie Hubbard
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022


       June 10 – July 3, 2022
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022

                   ALTAR BOYZ
                     Book By Kevin Del Aguila
 Music And Lyrics By Gary Adler & Michael Patrick Walker
       Conceived By Marc Kessler & Ken Davenport
Vocal Arrangements By Gary Adler & Michael Patrick Walker
    Orchestrations By Doug Katsaros & Lynne Shankel
Dance Music and Additional Arrangements By Lynne Shankel
   Original production produced by Ken Davenport & Robyn Goodman.

      Original Off-Broadway production directed by Stafford Arima.

                      Directed by Lisa Figueroa

      ALTAR BOYZ is presented by arrangement w
                                              ith Concord Theatricals.
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022
Welcome to Desert Stages Theatre!

Thank you for joining us at this performance of ALTAR BOYZ.

The young actors playing Matthew, Mark, Luke, Juan, and Abraham are
veterans of many productions here at Desert Stages Theatre. We have
watched them grow up. And now the ALTAR BOYZ and Director Lisa
Figueroa have a Guardian Angel watching over them - DST Co-Founder
Laurie Cullity. This production is dedicated to her.

If you wish to meet with your friends or cast members after the show,
please continue to do so in the food court area of the mall, so the lobby
doesn't get overcrowded. We still want to avoid large group gatherings
inside the DST lobby. Thank you for your patience as we continue to do
our best to keep you, our actors, and our staff healthy and safe.

Thank you for your support of live theatre and for your attendance at this
performance. Whether you are seeing your 100th show or your first at
DST, you are a valued member of the Desert Stages Theatre community,
and we appreciate you more than you could ever know!

Enjoy this heaven blessed production.

Ellen Versen                                Walt Versen
Executive Director                          Artistic Director
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022
Altar Boyz opened Off Broadway in March of 2005 and ran for nearly
10 years making it the 9th longest-running Off-Broadway musical of all
times. The Book was written by Kevin Del Aguila (based on an idea by
Marc J. Kessler and Ken Davenport), with music and music and lyrics
by Gary Adler and Michael Patrick Walker. It also won the Outer Critics
Circle Award for Best off Broadway musical.

After working on two dramatic musicals in a row, I was so grateful to be
given the opportunity to direct Altar Boyz. I can confidently say, we have
laughed out lout at every single rehearsal.

Taking on a 75 minute, literally non-stop, heavy dancing show was no
easy feat. I am so grateful to Nick and Jay for pushing “the boyz” in the
way they did. I will simply never forget the looks on “the boyz” faces the
first time they saw Nick, our incredible choreographer, dance!

Jeremy, Declan, Hayden, Evan, Jack, Connor, and Christopher, thank you.
For the laughs, the hard work, the positive attitudes, and mostly just be-
ing you. It was truly a pleasure.

Thank you to the crew who threw together this quirky show in a ridicu-
lously short amount of time. We literally could not have done it without

Even with it’s many awards, Altar Boyz is, in my opinion, a highly under-
rated show. I would bet that many of you in the audience have never even
heard of it. Whether you’ve seen it before or not, I can promise you these
“boyz” will have you laughing until you cry.

“So, without further ado, we present to you our own little Nativity Play….”

Lisa Figueroa
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022
Matthew...................................................................Jeremy Yampolsky
Mark...............................................................................Declan Skaggs
Luke..............................................................................Hayden Skaggs
Juan...............................................................................Evan Kaushesh
Abraham.......................................................................Jack Yampolsky
Understudies.....................................Connor Klein, Christopher Poulios

                      PRODUCTION STAFF
Director.............................................................................Lisa Figueroa
Music Director..…........................……………............………Jay Melberg
Choreographer……………………................…......................Nick Flores
Dance Captain……………………...................................Sadie Krotonsky
Stage Manager…………………………................................Connor Klein
Track Arrangement…........................……………......…Thomas Hartwell
Set Painter....……………….................................................Rick Sandifer
Costume Designer..……………….…............…........Lisa Barton Figueroa
Props Designer..…..............................................................Ally Baumlin
Lighting Designer.........…………….....................................Brady Fiscus

                          SPECIAL THANKS
                            Greasepaint Youtheatre
                                Jen Krotonsky
                   The Cast and Crew of Tuesdays with Morrie
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022
Executive Director..............................................................Ellen Versen
Artistic Director...................................................................Walt Versen
Production Associate.........................................................Ally Baumlin
Associate Artistic Advisor......................................Lisa Barton Figueroa
Box Office Manager...........................................................Linda Barton
Box Office Staff...................Brady Fiscus, Diana Gallegos, Dalton John,
                                                             Michael Lev, Karen Ebright
Graphic Designer/Webmaster............................................Dina Osinski
Theatre Rentals...................................................................Walt Versen

President.............................................................................Bill Watson
Vice President.......................................................................Mike Arko
Treasurer................................................................................Rich Rose
Member.............................................................................Lynnae Clore
Member................................................................................Walter Hall
Member................................................................................Terri Leblic
Member..........................................................................Jessica Loomis
Member.............................................................................Lori Markson

                     The use of any recording device, either audio or video, and the taking
                     of photographs, either with or without flash, is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022
                               ACT I
1. We Are The Altar Boyz
2. Rhythm In Me
3. Church Rulez
4. The Genesis of the Altar Boyz
5. The Calling
6. The Miracle Song
7. Everybody Fits
8. Something About You
9. Body Mind & Soul
10. La Vida Eternal
11. Epiphany
12. Number 918
13. I Believe
14. We Are The Altar Boyz (Remix)
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022
   JEREMY YAMPOLSKY                            Matthew
   Jeremy is "blessed" to be an Altar Boy! Previous
   credits include The Arbiter (Chess), Carl Hanratty
   (Catch Me If You Can), Bobby Strong (Urinetown),
   and William Barfèe (25th Annual…). Major thanks to
   Lisa, Nick, Jay, Thomas, the Boyz, and crew for all
   their hard work on this show. Love to Erin and my
   fam (as always). Thanks for coming, tell your friends,
   and enjoy the show!

   DECLAN SKAGGS                                 Mark
   Declan is thrilled to be working with Desert Stages
   Theatre once again. Some of his favorite roles in-
   clude Jeremy Heere in Be More Chill (DST), Chip in
   25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (GP), Zach
   in Gifted (GP), and Foreman in 12 angry Jurors (GP).
   He wants to thank Lisa, Jay, Nick, and the Boyz for
   their fantastic work on this show. Go suns.

   HAYDEN SKAGGS                                     Luke
   Hayden is thrilled to be in another great show at Des-
   ert Stages Theatre. He is 20 years old and will soon
   be entering his third year as a Filmmaking Practices
   student at Arizona State University. Other recent
   roles include Jack in Reefer Madness (Scottsdale
   Community Players) and Jon in tick, tick… BOOM!
   (Desert Stages Theater). He would like to thank Lisa,
   Jay, and Nick for helping guide the creative process,
   as well as Declan, Jeremy, Jack, Evan, Connor and
   Chris. He also wants to shout out his pet tortoise,
   George (Instagram: @tortoise_george_) for being his
   anchor in times of great trepidation. Enjoy the show!
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022
   EVAN KAUSHESH                                   Juan
   Evan is beyond excited to be doing Altar Boyz! Past
   credits include Michael in Be More Chill (DST), Chip
   Tolentino in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spell-
   ing Bee (GP), Billy Nolan in Carrie (DST), and Paul
   San Marco in A Chorus Line (DST). Evan would like
   to thank his Boyz and crew for making this show so
   amazing, and shoutout his puppy Stella for making
   him a better man!! Enjoy the show and Go Suns!!!

   JACK YAMPOLSKY                                 Abraham
   Jack is pumped to be a part of this amazing show!
   He is 18 and will be studying Sports Broadcast Jour-
   nalism at the University of Kansas in the fall. This is
   Jack’s last show before heading off to the good ol’
   midwest, and as you could probably assume, it’s very
   bittersweet. Some of his recent credits include Buck
   in Bonnie and Clyde (DST) and Mike in A Chorus Line
   (DST). Jack would like to thank Lisa, Nick, Jay, and
   Thomas for making this experience so memorable.
   He’d, lastly, like to send kisses to the Boyz in the cast
   and shoutout to Brynn, Bentley, and the rest of the
   fam for their love and support. Go Suns!
DESERT STAGES THEATRE - June 10 - July 3, 2022
   CONNOR KLEIN                         Luke Understudy
   Connor is so hyped to be apart of this show! Next
   year he’ll be up in Flagstaff studying elementary and
   special education at NAU. He wants to give a huge
   thank you to DST and Lisa for providing a safe space
   to learn and grow over the past four years. Some of
   his previous credits include, Preacher in ‘Bonnie and
   Clyde’ (DST), Jesus in ‘Godspell’ (FHYT), and Audrey
   II’s voice (DMHS). He would like to give a shoutout to
   Lisa, Nick, Jay, Thomas, and each and every one of
   the goons in the cast for slaying everyday. He would
   also like to thank his parents, big sis, and number
   one fan for always supporting him.

   CHISTOPHER POULIOS                Mark Understudies
   Christopher is 18 years old and heading off to start
   his first year of college at the University of Central
   Florida. Some of his previous roles include: Jon - Tick
   Tick Boom, Al - A Chorus Line, and Race - Newsies.
   This show has been absolute blast and an immense
   blessing from the big guy upstairs. Christopher
   would like to thank the production staff along with
   his fellow band members for making this show ab-
   solutely incredible and hopes you enjoy the show!
   Peace be with you!
    LISA FIGUEROA                                  Director
    After appearing in more than 60 productions as a
    young performer at Desert Stages, Lisa pursued her
    directing career in college at the University of Tampa
    and then graduate degree from New York University
    with a focus in directing youth theatre. Lisa has been
    directing shows at DST for almost 10 years! Jeremy,
    Declan, Hayden, Evan, Jack, Connor, and Christo-
    pher, thank you for your hard work and making me
    laugh at every rehearsal! Thank you Nick, Jay, and all
    of the DST crew! We couldn't do it without you. She
    would also like to thank her family for always sup-
    porting her in her theatre adventures.

    JAY MELBERG                              Music Director
    Jay is happy to be collaborating on my first DST pro-
    duction with the Altar Boyz! Directed over 55 mu-
    sical shows here in Arizona. Recent shows include:
    Nunsense, Grease, Million Dollar Quartet, The Bud-
    dy Holly Story. Jay currently teaches piano and voice at
    the Phoenix Center for the Arts. Thanks to Walt, Ellen,
    Lisa, and Nick for the opportunity to create a fun show
    with talented singers: Jeremy, Jack, Declan, Hayden,
    Evan, Connor and Chris! Congrats Gentlemen!
    NICK FLORES                             Choreographer
    Nick is a performer/choreographer who has taught
    and performed all around the U.S. and the UK. He has
    worked alongside MTV's America's Best Dance Crew
    winners Elektrolytes, SYTYCD choreographer Com-
    fort Fedoke, and International Choreographer Matt
    Stephanina and more. Nick was last seen perform-
    ing on the Phoenix Theatre Company stage in the
    world premiere musical of iAmericano! as "Dante",
    and choreographed for The Phoenix Theatre Com-
    pany’s production of In The Heights where he won
    “Best Choreographer” in a professional musical by Nick’s choreography credits
    also include: The Phoenix Sun’s Dance Team, Denver
    Nuggets Dance Team, EPIK Dance Company, Arizo-
    na State University (It's Only Life), the Phoenix Mer-
    cury Hip Hop Squad, Mesa Encore Center, and the
    West Coast National Tour of “The Alexander Project:
    A Tribute to the music of Hamilton.” Nick's Choreog-
    raphy was last showcased in the first ever "Choreog-
    raphy Lab" here in Arizona for the brand new musical
    Claudio Quest. His choreography can next be seen
    on The Phoenix Theatre Company stage as the Assis-
    tant Choreographer for their production of On Your
    Feet. Nick is honored to be a part of this production
    of Altar Boyz and thanks all that have been involved.
    BRADY FISCUS                        Lighting Director
    Brady is so excited to be lighting Altar Boyz! Cur-
    rently a rising senior at Arizona School for the Arts,
    Brady has worked both on and offstage all around
    the valley. Recent DST credits include lighting Be
    More Chill, Bonnie & Clyde, Carrie, and Into the
    Woods. Brady also recently stage managed Bonnie
    & Clyde, A Chorus Line, and Tick…Tick, Boom! all at
    DST. Many thanks to Lisa, Ally, Dutch Bros, and this
    entire company. Enjoy the show!
    ELLEN VERSEN                        Executive Director
    Ellen is thrilled to be the Executive Director at Desert
    Stages Theatre. She has worked many years in the
    nonprofit and arts sectors, bringing years of theater
    leadership, development, and business experience
    to the position. Together with the DST team, she
    plans to welcome new artists, participants, pa-
    trons, and supporters into the Desert Stages The-
    atre family in an effort to sustain this performing
    arts organization for many years to come. Ellen
    is especially excited to be working with her hus-
    band Walt, DST's Artistic Director! Ellen grew up
    in Pasadena, CA, and has lived in Scottsdale for
    26 years. She and Walt have two grown children, Joe
    and Emily. The entire family is fond of travel, the arts,
    and Jeopardy! Go, Irish!

    WALT VERSEN                           Artistic Director
    I have worked with and toured with Queen (w Fred-
    die Mercury), Heart, Cheap Trick, Scorpions, Super-
    tramp, Ratt, Peter Frampton, Genesis, Phil Collins,
    The GoGo's, dada, The Men, Right Said Fred, House
    of Lords, Charles and Eddie, The Escape Club, Julian
    Lennon, Tower of Power, REO Speedwagon and Ice
    Cube. BUT I am as excited to be the new Artistic
    Director at Desert Stages as I was for any of those
    extraordinary opportunities. Maybe even more. Live
    theater - Broadway style theater - has been my life-
    long favorite art form. I hope my experience and en-
    thusiasm shows through in everything I do at DST.
    As for the personal stuff ... just like the Executive
    Director above me said!
    ALLY BAUMLIN                      Production Associate
    Ally has been working in live theatre in the Valley
    for over a decade. She has been a deck hand, deck
    manager, flight captain, stage manager, props mas-
    ter, and whatever the occasion calls for. She is ec-
    static to be working with everyone here at DST as
    Production Manager, helping to bring to life every-
    one’s ideas and sparking imagination. As a man once
    said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible."

    LINDA BARTON                    Box Office Manager
    Linda has been the box office manager for the past
    10 years. She is also camp coordinator and recently
    certified as the Covid Compliance Officer. Linda‘s
    family has been celebrating Desert Stages Theatre
    magic for over 20 years. Watching children find
    their voices, seeing the magic of actors telling sto-
    ries through song and dance, is one of life’s greatest
    gifts. Linda is honored to be a very small piece of
    making that magic happen.

    DINA OSINSKI             Graphic Designer/Webmaster
    Dina is honored to have worked onstage as well as
    behind the scenes as the inhouse graphic designer
    with Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre since 2008.
    She thoroughly enjoys the opportunity to play a
    small role in all of the amazing productions that DST
    puts on year after year. When she isn't designing
    for the theatre she keeps herself very busy as the
    Creative Director for Sprouts Farmers Market, wife
    to her wonderful husband Jordan and mother to two
    beautiful girls, Natalia and Giavana.

The cast of ALTAR BOYZ enjoyed a Scottsdale Fashion Square photo shoot with photogra-
pher Jason K. Walz! The ALTAR BOYZ "Raise the Praise" tour stops at DST beginning Friday,
June 10, in the Actor's Cafe.

The cast of WILLY WONKA JUNIOR is having so much fun rehearsing for this sweet show!
Directed by Morgan Goldberg and music-directed by Luke Ottinger, the DST 2022 Youth
production of WILLY WONKA JUNIOR opens Friday, July 1, and runs through Sunday, July 10.
      Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre
          Actor's Café Production

 by Jeffrey Hatcher and Mitch Albom
  based on the book by Mitch Albom
Directed by ERIC SCHOEN

                                       iams   Bobby Havens
                             Cliff Will       as Morrie
                             as Mitch

                June 11 – July 2, 2022
Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre
       Youth Production

            Words and Music by
    Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley

          Adapted for the Stage by
 Leslie Bricusse and Timothy A. McDonald

             Based on the book
    "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"
               by Roald Dahl

         Directed by MORGAN GOLDBERG

             July 1 – 10, 2022
Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre
    Actor's Café Production

         Directed by VAN ROCKWELL

        July 22 – Aug. 14, 2022
Scottsdale Desert Stages Theatre
     Teen/Adult Production

           Directed by ELISE PALMA

         July 29 – Aug. 7, 2022

 Summer Camp

  Magic Tree House: Dinosaurs before Dark KIDS is an adapta-
tion of the first of Mary Pope Osborne’s award-winning fantasy
adventure books from the Magic Tree House book series, which
 has sold more than 100 million copies and is available in more
               than 100 countries around the world.

                               SIGN UP at
                                      CAMP PRICING:
                                          $475 per child per camp
                Call the DST box office to reserve your campers spot with a $100 deposit.
                  Full payment is due one week prior to the start date of camp session.
                                    After Care available 3-5pm $25.00
                                         Must reserve in advance.

                         June 20 – July 1, 2022

 Summer Camp

  Pooh Bear and all of his friends from the classic
 children’s books and animated film band together
      to rescue their friend, Christopher Robin.

                            SIGN UP at
                                   CAMP PRICING:
                                       $475 per child per camp
             Call the DST box office to reserve your campers spot with a $100 deposit.
               Full payment is due one week prior to the start date of camp session.
                                 After Care available 3-5pm $25.00
                                      Must reserve in advance.

                       July 5 – July 15, 2022

  Summer Camp
Ca m p 2022

  There’s trouble in River City when a fast-talking salesman
 gets his heart stolen by the town librarian in this adaptation
         of the Tony Award-winning Broadway classic.
     This show has currently been revived on Broadway
          and stars Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster!

                               SIGN UP at
                                      CAMP PRICING:
                                          $475 per child per camp
                Call the DST box office to reserve your campers spot with a $100 deposit.
                  Full payment is due one week prior to the start date of camp session.
                                    After Care available 3-5pm $25.00
                                         Must reserve in advance.

                              July 18 – 29, 2022

            Jan. 7 – 16, 2022         Apr. 8 – 17, 2022        July 1 – 10, 2022

            Feb. 4 – 13, 2022         May 6 – 15, 2022       July 29 - Aug. 7, 2022


           Mar. 4 – 20, 2022         June 3 – 12, 2022


          Jan.14 – Feb. 13, 2022   Apr. 22 – May 15, 2022   June 10 – July 3, 2022

                                   June 11 – July 2, 2022   July 22 – Aug. 14, 2022

                               2021-2022 SEASON

 Sept. 23 ‑ Oct. 9, 2022                Jan. 6 – 22, 2022                   Apr. 7 – 23, 2023              June 30 – July 16, 2023

                        TEEN                                                                         YOUNG ADULT

   Oct. 21 – 30, 2022                   Feb. 3 – 12, 2023                   May 5 – 14, 2023               July 28 – Aug. 6, 2023


Aug. 26 – Sept. 4, 2022              Nov. 18 – Dec. 18, 2022                Mar. 3 – 19, 2023                June 2 – 11, 2023

                                            ACT O R’S

Sept. 2 – 25, 2022         Oct. 15 – Nov. 6, 2022       Dec. 2 – 18, 2022        Jan. 13 – Feb. 12, 2023     Mar. 3 – Apr. 2, 2023

                                                     Apr. 21 – May 14, 2023        June 9 – July 2, 2023    July 21 – Aug. 13, 2023

                                                        2022-2023 SEASON
Desert Stages, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit performing arts theatre committed to
offering high-quality entertainment and providing a creative platform that nur-
tures each stage of an actor's development. Overseen by an independent Board
of Directors, DST fulfills its mission by offering programs and services to perform-
ing artists, youth, and the community.
Desert Stages relies on the tax-deductible contributions it receives from friends,
family, and fans to continue offering high quality artistic and educational programs
to residents of and visitors to the Valley of the Sun, especially in the communities of
Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, and Phoenix. We are extremely grateful for the generous
support that enables DST to educate, inspire, and entertain audiences of all ages.

Thank you to the following individuals and organizations who support the mis-
sion of DST. We are proud and honored to call you our Star Donors!

Diamond Star ($10,000+)                           The Edward M. Polk Family
Arizona Commission on the Arts                    Steamy Concepts Carpet and
Cowboy Bob Fun and Terri Bell                     Upholstery Cleaning +
                                                  Serena Villarreal *
Gold Star ($5,000 - $9,999)                       Bill and Anthony Watson *
Arizona Community Foundation                      Bright Star ($500 - $999)
ScottsdaleArts                                    Anonymous
Small Business Administration                     Rosemary Altuna *
                                                  Bio Chem Exterminating +
Silver Star ($2,500 - $4,999)                     Brand Names All Direct +
Michael and Nicole Arko *                         The DelGhiaccio Family *
Marti Anderson                                    In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Desert Diamond Casino West Valley                   by Johanna Enright
Network for Good                                  Estetica Cosmetic and
                                                  Reconstructive Surgery +
Angelique Restivo
                                                  Every Kid Swims +
Sprouts Farmers Market
                                                  The Falcusan Family *
The Theodore Family
                                                  Lisa and Jeremy Figueroa
                                                  In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Lucky Star ($1,000 - $2,499)
                                                    by the Horvath Family
Tom Chauncey
                                                  Chris Jones
In memory of Amanda Zeeb
                                                  William P. Kelly
  by Ben Einbinder
                                                  Dustin, Ondrea, and Sloan Petty
In memory of Amanda Zeeb
                                                  Jaine Rao *
  by Nancy Hughes
                                                  Rusty Wallace Racing +
Kaczmarek and Jojola, PLLC
                                                  Shade N Net of Arizona +
In memory of Amanda Zeeb
                                                  Sharp Data Entry +
  by the Momeyer Family
                                                  Smile Reflections +
United Healthcare Provider Services   In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Walter and Ellen Versen *               by Anonymous
The Yampolsky Family *                Debbie Atkinson
Dale Yeoman                           The Bailes Family
                                      Linda Barton *
Bronze Star ($250 - $499)             In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Bert and Jill Alanko *                  by Jake Bice
AmazonSmile                           Patrice Bonnell
AZ Color Wrap Professionals +         Valerie Brady
Sabra Barnett                         Catherine's Inc.
Victoria Bellomo *                    In memory of Amanda Zeeb
The Benavidez Family                    by your Chase Family
Laurie Bowden *                       The Clore Family
Teresa Dixon                          Liza Goerner Crisafi
The Donsker Family *                  Laurie Cullity *
The Frakes Family                     Discover Vein and Vascular Center +
The Flyer Guys +                      Deborah Doyle and the Skaggs
Lynn Golden Family *                  Family
Sara Graf                             Jeff Falcusan
The Hassler Family *                  Olivia and Ronin Feldman
Marc Hatch +                          Nilda Figueroa
Homelight                             Julie Fosgate
Iron Doors Arizona +                  In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Kendra Scott Jewelers                    by Jonathan Glass
The Kiepke Family *                   The Gottfredson Family
Donna Kidner                          The Granger/Kravetz Family
Richard Nadler and Ann Levitas        In memory of Amanda Zeeb
The Neal Family *                       by Chris Halbleib
Colleen Nelson                        Ryley and Kellen Hansen
Jennifer Parker                       Isabella Jones
The Rose Family *                     Devorah Joyce
Renu Shembekar                        In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Eugeniusz Sienkiewicz                   by Todd Kalbac
Nikki and Charles Stein               Dr. Keith and Kimberlee Haar
The Wentworth Family *                Kawaii Sushi Deer Valley +
In memory of Amanda Zeeb              In memory of Amanda Zeeb
  by Katheryn Zeeb                      by Sharon Kiepke
                                      Anita King
Shining Star ($100 - $249)            In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Linda Alba *                            by Michelle Klamm
All American Branding Solutions +     The Krotonsky Family
Amerizona Products +                  Michelle Laiss
In memory of Amanda Zeeb         Welcome Home AZ +
   by Sheri and David Kravetz    Melissa Wiegand
Kimberly MacDowell               Michelle Wilbur
Gina Magana +                    Curt Wilhem
Anita and Michael Markson        Judith Yampolsky
Sam Markson                      In memory of Amanda Zeeb
In memory of Amanda Zeeb           by the Yampolsky Family
   by Barry and Lori Markson
Michael and Lyndsey Meewes       Just Because ($1 - $99)
Dan Meiller                      AK Automotive +
Michael and Teri Momeyer         All Stone, Tile and Wood
In memory of Patricia Rhee       Restoration +
   by the Momeyer Family         Rhonda Apodaca
Jennifer Mullen                  In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Evelyn Neis *                      by the Arko Family
The Nemeth Family *              Jackie Barkworth
Gregg and Karen Olson            In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Sandra Paquet *                    by Linda Barton
Christy Raykowski                Brian and Natasha Beal +
Patricia Rhee                    Shelly Bernstein
Ilana Roga                       In memory of Amanda Zeeb
In memory of Amanda Zeeb           by Julie Blakeley
   by Ilana Roga                 Black Box Consulting +
Ryan Sheade                      Rudy Bogojevich
In memory of Amanda Zeeb         Jake Brander
   by Mary and Caitlin Simpson   Janelle Brasen
The Skaggs Family                Jim Brewer
The Social Universe +            Allan and Linda Breyer
In memory of Amanda Zeeb         Tracy Burns
   by Adriana Stinnett           Virginia Cardenas
Meg Swiatkowski                  Mandy Casale
In memory of Amanda Zeeb         Max Casale
   by Team Crego                 Charities Aid Foundation of America
Wendy Thompson                   In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Jamie Aronson Tyus                 by Chelsea and Cyril
Olga and Thomas Versen           Jimmy Clark +
Olga and Thomas Versen           In memory of Amanda Zeeb
In memory of Patricia Rhee         by the Clores
   by Walt and Ellen Versen      Carrie and Neil Codell
In memory of Amanda Zeeb         Chuck Craig
   by Ellen and Walt Versen      Jennifer Dahlstrom
Tamara Wand
Joyce Dixon                  Frances Martinez
Kathy Dooley-Watson          Paul Martinez
Anthony D'Urso               Nancy Metzger
Thomas Dyson                 Tabi Momeyer
Natalie Eal                  Natalie Neal
Nancy Ellis                  In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Rebecca Eve                    by Lisa Neppl
In memory of Amanda Zeeb     Sarah Pansing
  by the Forero Family       Krisstin Paramanandam
In memory of Amanda Zeeb     Alison Plotnik
  by the Glicksman Family    Lee Pomush
Jennifer Goma                Jessica Reed
Ethan Granger                Keiran Ringer
In memory of Amanda Zeeb     Barbara Rosen
  by the Greers              In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Mark Hackmann                  by Meryl, Rich, and Allie Rose
Joe Hammer                   In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Lizi Hartstein                 by Jan-Erik Saue
In memory of Amanda Zeeb     Renu Shembekar
  by Teresa Henderson        Alice and Don Shardlow
Daniel Herek                 Roxie Shields
Diane Hetrick                Julie Shinbaum
Lisa Hoffer                  In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Carol Janoff                   by Arian Shirakhoon
Michelle Jensen              Kristen and Brad Shroyer
Marc Kaplan                  David Simmons
Donna Kaufman                In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Sherry Kaye                    by Katy Springer
Joseph Kesgomol              Lisa Stanisch
Gurusimrin Khalsa            In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Maya King                      by Cory Steinbicker
In memory of Amanda Zeeb     Joy Bingham Strimple
  by Leah Klein              Cheryl Sucato
Bruce and Kim Kletscher      Diane Toscano
In memory of Amanda Zeeb     Wendy Thompson
  by Elizabeth Klinkenberg   Melanie Vigik
Mike and Laura Krebs         Jamie Villarreal
Kroger                       In memory of Amanda Zeeb
Mike Langley                   by Miriam Weisberg
Rona Lige                    Jeremy Yampolsky
In memory of Amanda Zeeb     Jordan Yampolsky
  by Christie Long
Kimberly MacDowell           * Member, Director's Circle
                             + iTrade Community Partner
Desert Stages gratefully recognized the following corporations that gener-
ously match their employees charitable gifts.
  American Express                      UnitedHealthcare
  CVS Caremark                          Wells Fargo
  Honeywell International Charity

Desert Stages respects the wishes of donors who make gifts and prefer to
remain anonymous. These quiet contributions ensure the continuation of the
highest quality performing arts programs that serve our artists, audiences,
and community.

Every gift to Desert Stages Theatre is greatly appreciated, and every effort is
made to list donor information accurately. If we have made an error in list-
ing your name or donation amount, please accept our sincere apology. To
request a correction, please do not hesitate to call (480) 483-1664.

Desert Stages is proud to be a member of the following civic, business, and
tourism organizations.

  Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits             Experience Scottsdale
  American Association of                    The Giving Group
  Community Theatres                         Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce
  Better Business Bureau                     Local First Arizona

The playbill for The Importance of Being Earnest will acknowledge donations
received from approximately July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.



   Dancers Domain as a studio, was specifically created to
build not only strong dancers but strong & healthy people.
People that gain confidence through our training to ensure
their successes as dancers, performers but most importantly
as productive successful members of society. Our staff takes a
personal interest in all of our dancers no matter how many
classes they are signed up for. We strive on making a personal
connection with everyone in order to ensure all of our dancers
dreams are coming true. Whether it’s becoming a professional
dancer, performer, or just someone who enjoys dance as a past
time. EVERYONE of our students is important to us.

  Call or email with any questions you may have for us.
All we want is to watch your Childrens dream come true.
And to be able to experience our dancers successes and
                                                                 13610 N. Scottsdale Rd. Suite#20
emotional growth makes it all worth while.                             Scottdale, AZ 85254


           25 IMAGE MINIMUM

             JASON K. WALZ

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