JUDICIARY TIMES - P2 - State Courts

JUDICIARY TIMES - P2 - State Courts
SEP • ISSUE 2/2021


P2                             P3                           P4
New Protection from            Mass Call 2021 — The Legal   Eighth World Congress on
Harassment Court Established   Profession Amidst the        Family Law & Children's Rights
                               Pandemic: Change and
JUDICIARY TIMES - P2 - State Courts
CONTENTS                                                                                                                                         HIGHLIGHTS


New Protection from                         02   New Protection from Harassment Court Established
Harassment Court Established
                                                  On 1 June, a new specialised court known as the Protection                   The PHC will offer victims of harassment a one-stop solution for effective and holistic recourse through a new
Mass Call 2021 — The Legal Profession       03   from Harassment Court (PHC) was established. The PHC                         simplified process with simple forms and expedited timelines for certain types of applications, including applications
Amidst the Pandemic: Change                       is dedicated to dealing with harassment matters. It will                     for Protection Orders and orders relating to falsehoods.
and Continuity                                    hear all criminal and civil matters under the Protection
Eighth World Congress on Family Law &       04   from Harassment Act (POHA).                                                  Under the simplified track, a claimant can file a claim online and at lower cost through the State Courts' Community
Children's Rights                                                                                                              Justice and Tribunals System (CJTS) that is accessible 24/7.

                                                    ABOUT THE PROTECTION
 EVENTS AND INITIATIVES                            FROM HARASSMENT COURT                                                        OVERVIEW OF THE SIMPLIFIED TRACK
                                                                                                                                 FILING OF HARASSMENT CLAIMS
Sixth Joint Judicial Conference             05                                                                                  on Community Justice and Tribunals System (CJTS)
Bilateral Meeting between Singapore         06
and Brunei Judiciaries                                                     POWERS
                                                                                                                                                                           CJTS      LOGIN TO CJTS
Justice Aedit Abdullah Delivers Speech at   06           All the criminal and civil jurisdiction of a District Court.
the International Symposium on the Rule of
Law in Financial Regulation                                                                                                                                                          COMPLETE PRE-FILING
Joint Seminar with Hainan High              07
People’s Court and Singapore Cooperation
                                                                                                                                                                           PO EPO
                                                                                                                                                                                     FILE CLAIM ONLINE
                                                          TYPES OF CASES                     TYPES OF CASES                                E-NEGOTIATION
                                                                                                                                                                           FSO MTO
                                                                                                                                                                                     Apply for PO/Damages/FSO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CASE MANAGEMENT
"Hackathon for a Better World" 2021         08            TO BE HEARD                        THAT MAY NOT                                    (optional)                                                                     CONFERENCE
                                                                                                BE HEARD                                                                               UNSUCCESSFUL
                                                              Generally, all
CAPSule Webinar Series for Family           09
                                                           harassment claims.                Harassment claims that                                      SUCCESSFUL
Justice Courts                                                                               are related to other civil
                                                          Proceedings in other
Outcome Study: CAPS Counselling Improves 10                Courts might be                   or family proceedings
                                                           transferred to the                 which the PHC thinks
Family Relationships & Children’s Well-Being                                                                                                                  OR
                                                            PHC, if there are                 would be more justly,
Making a Positive Impact on the Community 11                related matters                    expeditiously and                             WITHDRAW             APPLY TO PHC FOR                   COURT ORDER               HEARING
                                                            which should be                 economically disposed of                            CLAIM               CONSENT ORDER
Measures in Place to Improve the            12           dealt with together.                   in another court.
Courthouse Environment

                                                                                                                               Claims that can be made under the simplified track must involve only one claimant and no more than five
                                                                                                      PO EPO
 TRANSFORMATION AND                        13                    TYPES OF REMEDIES                                           respondents, be brought within two years from the date that the course of action is accrued, and not include a
  INNOVATION IN THE JUDICIARY                                                                          FSO MTO
                                                                                                                               claim for damages exceeding $20,000.
                                                      For Harassment:
                                                      • Protection Order (PO)           • Mandatory Treatment                  Parties can file a civil claim if the claim is not eligible to be made under the simplified track. They can also file
                                                      • Expedited Protection              Order (If a PO is granted)           a Magistrate’s Complaint or commence private prosecution either through a lawyer or by filing an online form
 WHAT'S NEW?                                14         Order                           • Damages
                                                                                                                               which can be accessed from the Singapore Courts website.
                                                      For False Statements:
                                                      False Statement Orders            Interim False Statement
 BEHIND THE SCENES                          17       -   Stop Publication Order        Order(s):                                 What is a specialised court?                                   What is POHA?
                                                      -   Correction Order              (only if the corresponding false
                                                                                        statement order is also applied for)      A specialised court is a court that is designated              POHA came into force on 15 November 2014.
                                                      -   Disabling Order               - Interim Stop Publication                to manage certain categories of cases. Many of                 It serves to protect and give effective redress to
                                                      -   Target Correction Order         Order                                   these courts are District Courts and Magistrates’              persons who have been harassed by communications
                                                      -   General Correction Order      - Interim Notification Order
                                                                                                                                  Courts, with examples being the Community                      or actions or have been the subject of falsehoods.
                                                                                        - Interim Disabling Order
                                                                                                                                  Criminal Court, Traffic Court and Night Courts.                Generally, the victims may apply for civil remedies
                                                                                        - Target Interim Notification
                                                                                          Order                                                                                                  against harassers or publishers of falsehoods;
                                                                                                                                                                                                 harassers are also liable to face criminal sanctions.

     1    JUDICIARY TIMES • SEP 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2
JUDICIARY TIMES - P2 - State Courts
HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                          HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                                                   Eighth World Congress on Family Law
                                                                                                                   & Children's Rights
                                                                                                                   The Eighth World Congress on Family Law and                In his keynote speech, Chief Justice Sundaresh
                                                                                                                   Children’s Rights was hosted virtually by Singapore        Menon set out his vision for therapeutic justice as
                                                                                                                   from 12 to 16 July with over 177 participants from         a means of resolving familial disputes in a holistic,
                                                                                                                   18 countries who were welcomed by President                restorative and forward-looking way. As the welfare of
                                                                                                                   Halimah Yacob.                                             a child is of paramount importance, the Chief Justice
                                                                                                                                                                              stressed the need for a system that can sensitively
                                                                                                                   The World Congress was set up with the vision of           manage and ameliorate a distressing personal and
                                                                                                                   enhancing, promoting, and protecting the rights of         familial situation for the child.
                                                                                                                   children and young people. Since its inauguration in
                                                                                                                   Sydney, Australia, in 1993, the Congress has served as     Presiding Judge of the Family Justice Courts,
                                                                                                                   a platform for public advocacy and a powerful catalyst     Justice Debbie Ong spoke on how it is critical for
                                                                                                                   for change on a wide range of matters, including           parents to fully discharge their parental responsibility
                                                                                                                   international child abduction, the legal regulation        as it is intimately entwined with the welfare of
                                                                                                                   of surrogacy, and family violence and child abuse.         the child. Justice Ong also provided a snapshot
                                                                                                                                                                              of the milestones in the Family Justice Courts’
Mass Call 2021 — The Legal Profession Amidst                                                                       Themed “Through the eyes of a Child”, the five-day         journey as well as highlighted the adoption of a
                                                                                                                   conference featured 21 plenary sessions that urged         multi-disciplinary approach and a non-adversarial
the Pandemic: Change and Continuity                                                                                the speakers and participants alike to reflect on how      system that delivers therapeutic justice for families
                                                                                                                   the international community could work towards             undergoing divorce.
The Admission of Advocates and         The Chief Justice also highlighted     The Chief Justice touched on the     greater co-operation on the movement of children,
Solicitors — Mass Call 2021 held on    the thought-provoking report by the    commitment to the core values        consider the best practices in addressing family-justice   The eighth World Congress on Family Law and
23 and 24 August, saw 457 newly        Law Society of England and Wales,      and ethics of the profession and     matters, engender conversations about international        Children’s Rights was jointly presented by the
minted Advocates and Solicitors        which offered snapshots of how the     encouraged advocates to actively     treaties and possible reform, and revisit pressing         World Congress on Family Law and Children’s
called to the Bar over three           legal landscape might change over      seek opportunities in pro bono       issues such as cyber security and human trafficking.       Rights and LAWASIA.
sessions via video conference. In      the next 30 years. It predicted that   work to help out those who have
view of the pandemic, this was         artificial intelligence would become   been shut out from having access
the second year the Mass Call          more capable of carrying out the       to justice.
was conducted using remote             lower-order tasks performed by
communication technology.              junior lawyers today and forecasted    Similarly, Mr Gregory Vijayendran,
                                       a growing need for lawyers with        S.C., the President of the Law
The first session was presided over    a multidisciplinary background         Society of Singapore, shared the
by Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon,      and outlook, who could effectively     ABCs of legal practice — Adopt,
and the subsequent sessions by         interface between the legal and non-   Build and Create, and urged the
Justices of the Court of Appeal,       legal spheres. Instead of viewing      new lawyers to undertake pro bono
Justice Judith Prakash and Justice     technology as a competitor, the        cases, making a difference to the
Tay Yong Kwang.                        Chief Justice urged lawyers to see     world of the indigent assisted.
                                       technology as a partner in service
In the Chief Justice’s speech titled   of the ends of justice.
“The Legal Profession Amidst the
Pandemic: Change and Continuity”,
he said that the pandemic had                          Scan the QR code
brought the use of technological                       to watch a video                      Scan the QR Code
                                                       highlighting key                      for Chief Justice's
tools into the mainstream of many                      messages from Chief                   full speech
legal tasks and processes, where                       Justice's speech                      https://go.gov.sg/
much of this has involved the                          https://go.gov.sg/                    mc21
migration of traditional processes                     mc21vid
to a digital format.

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JUDICIARY TIMES - P2 - State Courts
EVENTS & INITIATIVES                                                                                                          EVENTS & INITIATIVES

Sixth Joint Judicial Conference                                                                                                  Bilateral Meeting between Singapore and
                                                                                                                                 Brunei Judiciaries
                                                                                                                                 The bilateral meeting between the Chief Justice             the sixth Joint Judicial Conference. Both Chief
                                                                                                                                 of Singapore, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, and            Justices had a fruitful discussion towards deepening
                                                                                                                                 the Chief Justice of Brunei Darussalam, Dato Seri           bilateral judicial cooperation.
                                                                                                                                 Paduka Steven Chong, was held in tandem with

(From left) Chief Justice Dato Seri Paduka Steven Chong of Brunei, Chief Justice Tun Tengku Maimun binti Tuan Mat of Malaysia,
Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon of Singapore

The sixth Joint Judicial Conference (JJC), hosted by             cases: The reasons and sentencing considerations”
the Supreme Court of Brunei Darussalam, was held                 (second session), and “The rise of the machines:
on 22 July via video conference. JJC has served as               Judges vs Artificial Intelligence” (third session). Justice
a valuable platform for the Brunei, Malaysia, and                Debbie Ong led the first session as the moderator
Singapore Judiciaries to come together to affirm                 while Justice Valerie Thean and Justice Aedit Abdullah
and deepen relationships and to share views and                  represented the Supreme Court of Singapore as                   Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon of Singapore (left) and Chief Justice Dato Seri Paduka Steven Chong of Brunei (right) in
                                                                                                                                 discussion during the bilateral meeting between Singapore and Brunei
insights on the law and the administration of justice.           speakers for the second and third session respectively.
Following the welcome address by the respective                  The three Judiciaries will come together again in
Chief Justices, the panel discussions centred on the             2023 at the seventh Joint Judicial Conference that
three broad themes “Child protection in cross border             is to be hosted by the Federal Court of Malaysia.
issues” (first session), “The rise of human trafficking                                                                          Justice Aedit Abdullah Delivers Speech at the
                                                                                                                                 International Symposium on the Rule of Law in
                                                                                                                                 Financial Regulation
                                                                                                                                                                                             On 15 July, Justice Aedit Abdullah delivered a speech
                                                                                                                                                                                             via video recording at the International Symposium
                                                                                                                                                                                             on the Rule of Law in Financial Regulation organised
                                                                                                                                                                                             by the Shanghai High People's Court. The symposium
                                                                                                                                                                                             was a special event held in conjunction with the
                                                                                                                                                                                             annual Lujiazui Forum, a high-level global platform
                                                                                                                                                                                             for government officials, world financial leaders and
                                                                                                                                                                                             outstanding scholars to discuss developments relating
                                                                                                                                                                                             to international financial cooperation and financial
                                                                                                                                                                                             reforms. The theme of the symposium was “Law-
                                                                                                                                                                                             based Response to and International Cooperation
                                                                                                                                                                                             for Financial Institutional Openness”. Justice Aedit
                                                                                                                                                                                             Abdullah spoke on the importance of direct court-
                                                                                                                                                                                             to-court communication in complex financial cases
                                                                                                                                                                                             and advocated the development of bilateral or
                                                                                                                                 Justice Aedit Abdullah at the International Symposium on    multilateral court-to-court communication protocols
                                                                                                                                 the Rule of Law in Financial Regulation                     across different jurisdictions.

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EVENTS & INITIATIVES                                                                                                     EVENTS & INITIATIVES

Joint Seminar with Hainan High People’s Court and                                                                            "Hackathon for a Better World" 2021
Singapore Cooperation Programme
                                                                                                                                        HOW                                      WHEN                                    WHY
                                                                                       International Investment Treaty                  Learn-as-you-hack                        Jul to Oct 2021                         To tackle growing trend
                                                                                       Commitments” programme in                                                                                                         of online harms
                                                                                       August, which was conducted
                                                                                       under the Ministry of Foreign
                                                                                                                             Following the success of the inaugural "Hackathon for     Chief Transformation and Innovation Officer for the
                                                                                       Affairs’ Singapore Cooperation
                                                                                                                             a Better World" by DBS and the Judiciary last year,       Singapore Judiciary, Mr Tan Ken Hwee, said, “We had
                                                                                       Programme (SCP). Featuring            DBS, the Judiciary and the Ministry of Communications     a very fruitful hackathon last year, yielding practical
                                                                                       faculty members from the SJC,         and Information (MCI) have come together to organise      solutions to enhance access to justice. Some of the
                                                                                       Attorney-General’s Chambers of        a community hackathon which began on 21 July.             solutions are actually being adapted for real-world
                                                                                       Singapore, Ministry of Trade and                                                                deployment! We are pleased to jointly organise this
                                                                                       Industry Academy, and Singapore       The theme this year is “Designing a Safer, Kinder &       year’s hackathon with DBS and MCI, with a focus on
                                                                                       Management University Law             Responsible Internet for All”. With more people turning   protecting vulnerable persons from online harms.
                                                                                       Academy, the participants were        to the virtual world amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,        This is a significant challenge, as children and other
Joint Seminar with Hainan High People’s Court                                          introduced to the international       the issue of online harms, particularly against women     vulnerable persons are “digital natives” and can be
                                                                                       investment treaty regime and          and girls, has become increasingly prevalent. The         expected to use online interaction much more
As the Singapore Judicial College       Chief Judge Ma Xuetao, Deputy                  investor-state dispute settlement     hackathon aims to address these growing challenges        than previous generations. We hope to encourage
(SJC) remains steadfast in fulfilling   Divisional Registrar Justin Yeo                before they engaged the faculty       and generate innovative solutions for safer and kinder    innovative minds to explore solutions to tackle these
its primary function to support         and Deputy Chief Judge Wang                    on prevention of disputes through     online spaces in today’s digital age.                     challenges and play a part in ensuring a safer and
the Singapore Bench with quality        Hao on introductions to the SICC               negotiations and effective                                                                      more secure cyber space for everyone.”
judicial education by pivoting                                                                                               Forty teams with diverse compositions, such as
                                        and the foreign-related Civil and              compliance, as well as dealing
                                                                                                                             practising lawyers, law students, public officers,        The participants will pitch their ideas before a panel of
to online training and adopting         Commercial Courts of Hainan, how               with investor-state challenges.
                                                                                                                             and DBS employees, are challenged to “hack” one           judges on 7 October. The winners will be announced
innovative pedagogical methods          the courts operate and the cases               Earlier in July, the SJC also
                                                                                                                             of three problem statements that were developed by        on 28 October.
to hone essential judgecraft and        that are heard by them.                        conducted this year’s iteration       the organisers. Like last year, the hackathon adopts
benchskills, it also kept pace with                                                    of a staple SCP course on court       a unique “learn-as-you-hack” format where the
its international outreach despite      In a new “first”, 30 participants              technology, which saw a diverse       participants work on their problem statements over
the continued challenges posed          f ro m 2 2 j u r i s d i c t i o n s a l s o   participation of 30 representatives   two months through an iterative process.
by the present climate.                 participated in SJC’s “Managing                from 16 jurisdictions.

On 23 July, 66 judges and court
administrators from the Singapore
Judiciary, and 120 judges and
trainees from the Hainan High
People’s Court (HHPC) attended
an online seminar on international
commercial law. President of
the Singapore International
Commercial Court (SICC) Justice
Quentin Loh, President of HHPC
Justice Chen Fengchao, Dean of
SJC, Mr Foo Chee Hock, S.C. and
Executive Vice President of HHPC
Chen Wenping were among those
in attendance. Jointly organised by
the SJC and HHPC, the seminar
featured presentations by Senior
Director Mr Laurence Wong and           Managing International Investment Treaty Commitments

 7     JUDICIARY TIMES • SEP 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                           8
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EVENTS & INITIATIVES                                                                                               EVENTS & INITIATIVES

CAPSule Webinar Series for Family Justice Courts                                                                   Outcome Study: CAPS Counselling Improves Family
As the social science arm of the Family Justice Courts    The first series, titled “Using the Music of Emotions    Relationships & Children’s Well-being
(FJC), the Counselling and Psychological Services         to Help Families Dance Together”, was presented
(CAPS) is staffed with Court Family Specialists (CFSs)    by Mr Yeo Eng Kwan, Deputy Director of CAPS. The         Adversarial trial processes within the Family Justice     Compared to when they first started CAPS counselling
who are trained in specialised fields such as social      talk centred on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT),       Courts (FJC) can sometimes exacerbate the animosity       and three months after CF and CI counselling, the
work, counselling, and psychology. Within that, the       a form of therapy, which whilst largely used in couple   between divorcing parents, weaken parent-child            parents reported that their acrimony towards each
CFSs have years of work experience in many settings,      and family work, can be equally applicable to co-        relationships and harm children’s well-being. To          other reduced significantly and they felt more attached
for instance, mental health hospitals, schools, Divorce   parenting and parent-child relationships for families    ameliorate this, the FJC has adopted a therapeutic        to their children. The children reported increased
Support Specialist Agencies, Family Service Centres,      undergoing court proceedings. During the 90-minute       justice approach and alternative dispute resolution       attachment to their fathers. The parents further
and Child Protective Services. Some of the CFSs have      session, Mr Yeo brought the attendees through the        processes for family disputes by providing counselling    reported that their children’s well-being improved
lectured or developed modules for various training        basic principles of EFT, acquainted them with the five   and mediation at the Family Dispute Resolution            significantly (exhibiting fewer conduct problems,
institutions’ and universities’ specialist programmes.    "tango" moves of EFT, and before rounding up with        Division (FDR) for divorcing parents with at least one    hyperactive behaviours, peer problems and overall
                                                          a discussion on applying the concepts to the work at     minor child.                                              problems, while displaying more prosocial behaviours).
This richness and depth in the team present a good        FJC. The talk saw a total of 34 attendees, consisting                                                              CF and CI counselling appeared to affect these
opportunity for co-learning within CAPS where             of CFSs, Judicial Officers and Court Administrators.     At the FDR, Court Family Specialists (CFSs) from the      outcomes equally.
diversity of expertise, skills, and knowledge can         Feedback from participants indicated that they found     Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) adopts
be shared and deepened among CFSs, as well as             the webinar useful and aspects of EFT could be           child-focused (CF) counselling to help parents resolve    Although this was an exploratory study, the results are
for Judicial Officers and Court Administrators. The       integrated into their current work.                      underlying conflicts, communicate effectively with        encouraging: the study shows that various significant
CAPSule webinar series was subsequently conceived                                                                  each other about their children, and build consensus      positive impacts on families occurred after CI and
to meet this need and to bring about accessibility in                                                              on the interim and future care arrangements of their      CF counselling. It is heartening that the changes in
the virtual practice environment.                                                                                  children. In some cases, where parents are attuned to     acrimony, attachment and well-being occurred quickly
                                                                                                                   their children, the specialist may use child-inclusive    within a few months of counselling, even as most of
                                                                                                                   (CI) counselling and meet with each child privately.      the families may still have ongoing legal proceedings.
                                                                                                                   The specialist then shares the children’s needs and       This study suggests that CAPS counselling can help
                                                                                                                   experiences, to therapeutically help the parents move     support the FDR process in protecting, empowering,
                                                                                                                   towards a child-centric resolution of their disputes.     and restoring families.

                                                                                                                   In 2018, CAPS, in partnership with researchers from
                                                                                                                   Nanyang Technological University-National Institute
                                                                                                                   of Education, started a two-year study to understand
                                                                                                                   the effectiveness of the two counselling approaches.
                                                                                                                   A total of 432 parents and 221 children participated in
                                                                                                                   this study, out of which 318 parents and 149 children
                                                                                                                   agreed to a follow up after three months. Given the
                                                                                                                   sizable number of participants, the study was able
                                                                                                                   to statistically analyse the questionnaire responses
                                                                                                                   of the participants before and after the two CAPS
                                                                                                                   therapeutic interventions.

Attendees of the CAPSule webinar series

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EVENTS & INITIATIVES                                                                                  EVENTS & INITIATIVES

Making a Positive Impact on the Community
                                                                                                             Measures in Place to Improve the Courthouse
                                                                                                             To ensure the safety of court users and staff, the Singapore Courts have implemented various
                                                                                                             precautionary measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following are some of the
                                                                                                             measures that are currently in place to improve the courthouse environment.

                                                                                                             Air Purging
                                                                                                             Air purging is conducted
                                                                                                             daily to reduce the
                                                                                                             concentration of                                          1
                                                                                                             contaminants in the

                                                                                                                                                                                   Air Purification
In June, State Courts staff participated in a series                                                                                                                               Air purifiers are
of virtual befriending sessions with senior citizens                                                                                                                               deployed at areas with
from Lions Befrienders, Sree Narayana Mission and                                                                                              2                                   high human traffic.
Yong En Care Centre. These sessions provided the
opportunity to chat and interact with senior citizens
over fun and engaging activities such as quizzes,
colouring and craft workshops, which also enabled
the elderly participants to express their creativity                                                         Enhanced
and fine-tune their motor skills.                                                                            Cleaning Regime
From 16 to 23 July, the State Courts participated                                                            Increased frequency of
in the "Read for Books Charity Drive" organised                                                              cleaning and sanitising of                                3
by the National Library Board to raise awareness                                                             common areas and high
of reading and sharing the gift of reading with                                                              touch points such as lift
the less privileged.                                                                                         buttons, card readers
                                                                                                             and door handles.
                                                                                                                                                                                   More Protection
State Courts’ staff logged their reading hours and
uploaded pictures of themselves reading onto an         The State Courts have been actively participating                                                                          Acrylic shields are
online form to clock their participation. Some also     in the "Read for Books Charity Drive" for the past                                                                         installed at various
                                                        three years. This year, they raised 59 books, the
joined an online reading session to read together
                                                        highest number of books contributed to the charity
                                                                                                                                               4                                   locations in the
as a group to achieve the State Courts’ goal of                                                                                                                                    courthouse. Hand
donating 50 books to the two beneficiaries.             drive so far.                                                                                                              sanitisers and
                                                                                                                                                                                   disinfectants are also
                                                                                                                                                                                   readily available for
                                                                                                                                                                                   members of the public
                                                                                                                                                                                   and staff to use.

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TRANSFORMATION AND INNOVATION IN THE JUDICIARY                                                                                      WHAT'S NEW

Motor Accident Claims Online                                                                                   Innovating Amidst the Pandemic —
Members of the public involved in motor accidents can now go online to get a quick assessment, free of         Creating CAPS E-Learning Modules
charge, of who is liable and how much compensation is payable for any personal injuries suffered. This can
be done using the Motor Accident Claims Online (MACO) website.                                                 The COVID-19 pandemic brought seismic disruptions to the way the world works. The Family Justice Courts
                                                                                                               (FJC) were quick to adapt to new work routines and arrangements such as from face-to-face to remote/online
                                                                                                               interactions. At the same time, the Supreme Court’s Human Resource (HR) department and the Counselling
  MACO comprises two modules:                                                                                  and Psychological Services (CAPS) leveraged on the growing use and familiarity with online interactions, to
  • Liability simulator — assess who might be “at        •   Quantum simulator — assess what compensation      introduce more remote/online training for FJC staff through the Civil Service’s LEARN platform.
    fault” for the accident, and the percentage of           might be awarded for injuries resulting from
    liability that the party bears.                          the accident.                                     Guided by HR, CAPS developed two e-learning modules on LEARN. These modules could be used to
                                                                                                               orientate new CAPS specialists, and regularly refresh the key principles and processes that are helpful and
                                                                                                               essential for FJC staff and CAPS.

                                                                                                               These modules have improved the consistency in content, given flexibility for self-paced learning, and freed
                                                                                                               up resources for trainers and venues, allowing CAPS and the FJC to be better equipped to support families.

                                                                                                                 FIRST MODULE                                            SECOND MODULE

  MACO features a step-by-step questionnaire that:

     1     Guides the user in providing the relevant facts surrounding the accident.

     2     Simulates the accident scenario based on the user’s input.

     3     Provides a non-binding indication of the apportionment of liability between the parties involved
                                                                                                                  The first e-learning module, “Foundational              The second module is titled “Practice
           in the accident and an indicative range-estimate of damages for personal injuries claimable.
                                                                                                                  Principles for Counselling and Psychological            Fundamentals of Counselling and
                                                                                                                  Services (CAPS) officers" aims to provide a             Psychological Services (CAPS)”. It serves to
MACO can facilitate settlement of simple motor accident cases by providing reliable indications of the            better understanding of the philosophy and              explain and distinguish the different roles of
possible outcome of a potential claim, enabling the parties to engage in informed negotiations. The               guiding principles of CAPS, functions of CAPS           CAPS. The different frameworks and practice
indications can help the parties decide if they want to accept offers by insurers, or if it is worthwhile to      and the ethical responsibilities required for           strategies used by CAPS officers are also
pursue their claims in court. This can potentially save the parties time and legal costs.                         work. The module also briefly highlights the            explored, highlighting various key practices
                                                                                                                  different services provided by CAPS within              for CAPS Specialists to take note of when
MACO is an initiative by the Singapore Academy of Law in collaboration with the Singapore Courts, as part         the unique role it plays in FJC.                        working with court users.
of the "Courts of the Future IT Roadmap".

                 Access MACO at:

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WHAT'S NEW                                                                                                         WHAT'S NEW

                                                                                                                      Supreme Court is now on LinkedIn
                                                                                                                      Follow the Supreme Court on LinkedIn for the latest announcements,
                                                                                                                      informative content such as the #DoYouKnow series, and articles
                                                                                                                      on the legal industry.

The Singapore Courts Annual Report 2020 encapsulates the              Scan to view the Singapore Courts Annual                                                                                       #DoYouKnow series
                                                                                                                      Scan the QR Codes to visit and follow Supreme Court’s LinkedIn and Twitter
work and achievements of the Supreme Court, the State                    Report 2020 or download a copy at:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     A weekly series of posts by the
Courts and the Family Justice Courts in the past year.                                                                                                                                               Supreme Court on LinkedIn
                                                                                                                                                                              https://go.gov.sg/     and Twitter from June to
Technology continues to play a crucial role in the transformation                                                                      https://go.gov.sg/
                                                                                                                                          linkedinsupct                          twittersupct        August. It included fun facts,
of the Singapore Courts, enabling us to deliver effective solutions                                                                                                                                  about the former and present
for the continuous access to justice and its timely dispensation                                                                                                                                     Supreme Court buildings,
despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. In the new                                                                                                                                             other historical milestones and
normal, the Singapore Judiciary remains ready for the future.                                                                                                                                        information on court etiquette
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and court technology.

                                                                                                                      SMU Yong Pung How School of Law x
                                                                                                                      Supreme Court: Articles relating to the
                                                                                                                      Rule of Law
                                                                                                                      This is an ongoing collaboration between the Supreme Court and the
                                                                                                                      Singapore Management University (SMU) Yong Pung How School of Law.
                                                                                                                      These articles, penned by students on issues concerning the rule of law, aim
                                                                                                                      to create greater awareness of the Judiciary and legal processes. They can
                                                                                                                      be accessed via Supreme Court’s LinkedIn and on SMU’s Lexicon website.
For children who have to come to court, the experience may be intimidating                Scan the QR code to
and overwhelming. To help young court users better understand the                         view the video online
possible court events they may encounter or hear about in a Family Court
proceeding, the Family Justice Courts (FJC) have produced a children’s
video entitled "Emily's Day in the Family Justice Courts". In the animated
video, little Emily visits the FJC with her parents who are filing for divorce.
Emily is guided by Renee, a Court Family Specialist, who shows her around
and assures Emily that she can safely share her feelings, needs and wishes
in court to alleviate her stress and fear. This is a free resource that family
lawyers and parents may wish to tap on to prepare children who need to
attend court at the FJC.

 15    JUDICIARY TIMES • SEP 2021                                                                                                                                                                                               16
JUDICIARY TIMES - P2 - State Courts

                                                                                                                                part of such projects that promote     in the Family Justice Courts”.         What are the critical qualities
Behind the Scenes with Communications and                                                                                       the work of the Courts. Another        We had produced the video              that an officer in Comms or PR
                                                                                                                                project that comes to mind is the      with young court users in mind,        should have?
Public Relations Officers                                                                                                       State Courts’ "A Day in Court"         because the experience of coming
                                                                                                                                seminar, which is an outreach          to court might be intimidating and     Shirleen: The ability to work under
                                                                                                                                event targeted at secondary            overwhelming for some.                 pressure and on multiple projects at
 The Singapore Courts’ communications and public relations efforts are undertaken by the officers in                            school students to introduce                                                  any one time, meet deadlines, have
 the Supreme Court and Family Justice Courts' (FJC) Office of Public Affairs (OPA) and the State Courts’                        aspects of the criminal justice        What are some of the challenges        strong brand awareness and good
 Communications and Service Excellence Directorate (CSE). To find out more about the work they do,                              system and the role of the State       that you face?                         attention to details and accuracy
 we interviewed Christie Goh and Shirleen Lu from OPA, as well as Bryan Jacob from CSE.                                         Courts. I was in charge of planning                                           are some of the critical qualities.
                                                                                                                                and organising the seminar in          Christie: The key challenge
 Christie joined the FJC in 2017; Bryan joined the State Courts in 2017; and Shirleen joined the Supreme                        2018. I am proud of this project       is managing expectations while         Christie: I think a comms
 Court in 2020.                                                                                                                 because I had the opportunity          juggl ing mul t iple projects          officer should have excellent
                                                                                                                                to enhance the programme and           and timelines.                         communication skills, both
                                                                                                                                collaborate with colleagues from                                              orally and in writing. Abilities to
                                                                                                                                other departments to make it a         Bryan: Managing varied tasks           prioritise, plan effectively and think
                                                                                                                                memorable and meaningful event         under tight timelines is the norm      on one’s feet are also important.
                                                                                                                                for the participants. We received      in my department. At times,            The officer should have excellent
                                                                                                                                pretty good feedback that year.        they may seem to demand                interpersonal skills and creativity
                                                                                                                                                                       equal immediate attention. So          would be a plus!
                                                                                                                                Shirleen: I’m most proud of            it is important to prioritise (a
                                                                                                                                completing the Supreme Court's         “to-do list” helps) and practise       Bryan: It helps to be able to
                                                                                                                                section in the Singapore Courts        time management to get things          accommodate to different working
                                                                                                                                Annual Report 2020 together with       done. Multitasking and being the       styles as we work closely with
                                                                                                                                my colleague. Having joined the        middleman between State Courts         people of different backgrounds.
           Christie Goh                           Bryan Jacob                              Shirleen Lu                          Judiciary about six months then,       and the external stakeholders          Attention to detail is also essential
      Senior Assistant Director                  Senior Executive                       Assistant Director                      putting together an annual report      can require great effort and tact,     as we receive frequent requests
       Office of Public Affairs,             Communications & Service                 Office of Public Affairs,                 as such was a tad challenging for      especially when I endeavour to         to vet documents or evaluate
       Family Justice Courts                  Excellence Directorate,                     Supreme Court                         me. However, when it was finally       deliver my best and ensure that        creative works that are part of
                                                   State Courts                                                                 completed, I realised that my          the interests or concerns of all       our PR materials.
                                                                                                                                knowledge of the Courts and their      parties are adequately addressed.
What are your responsibilities?         looking organisations. I also         monitor media reports on matters                  processes deepened further, and                                               What keeps you going?
Christie: I work with a team of         handle all media relations and        related to the State Courts. I also               I felt a sense of achievement too.     Shirleen: I joined Supreme Court
OPA officers to drive Supreme           queries, including developing         manage the production of the                                                             shortly after Singapore exited         Bryan: Working in a team of
Court and FJC's outreach to             and executing publicity strategies,   Singapore Courts Annual Report                    C h r i s t i e : To provide self-     the Circuit Breaker. Given this,       driven individuals to meet our
key stakeholders and members            media activities and public           and Judiciary Times together with                 represented litigants with equal       I started working remotely. This       common goals!
of the public with a view of            relations materials, to build and     my colleagues from the Supreme                    access to justice, I started working   brought challenges of dealing
strengthening public trust and          maintain a positive public image      Court and FJC.                                    with the respective subject matter     with digital communications and        Christie: On the days the world
confidence in the Judiciary.            of both courts.                                                                         experts to revamp FJC’s informative    collaborations, and also adjusting     goes pear-shaped, my colleagues
                                                                              What project(s) are you most                      collaterals on court processes/        to the learning curve of the legal     are my rocks and they keep me
Shirleen: I’m part of the Public        Bryan: I support the CSE’s            proud of and why?                                 services in 2018. The collaterals      jargon and culture in the public       going. Positive feedback on the
Communications cluster in               Communications section, which                                                           were produced using simple             sector. Additionally, permeating       work we do also motivates me to
t h e O PA d i re c t o r a t e . M y   undertakes communication              Bryan: As a member of the                         language and complemented              every work organisation is the         continuously strive for the best.
key responsibilities include            activities to uphold the positive     editorial team for the Judiciary                  by infographics. To date, we           challenge of managing people
conceptualising and creating            public perception towards the         Times and the Singapore Courts                    have produced three leaflets,          and adjusting their expectations       Shirleen: I have a great, supportive
communications content as well          State Courts. My scope of work        Annual Report, I contribute ideas                 six brochures and six videos that      without lowering the bar. It is a      team here! I absolutely enjoy
as planning and implementing            includes media relations where        and articles, coordinate and review               have been well-received by both        complex yet integral aspect of         coming to work and interacting
communications campaigns to             I develop media pitches to            the content, as well as work                      litigants and practitioners within     every role as it evolves in new ways   with my teammates and colleagues.
members of the public to position       generate awareness of the State       with the internal and external                    the Family Justice community. I        and directions, often encompassing     Learning new things, acquiring
the Supreme Court and FJC as            Courts’ work and programmes,          stakeholders who are involved in                  am particularly happy with the         a wide range of skills that need to    knowledge and competencies also
forward-looking and outward-            attend to media queries, and          the production. It is fulfilling to be a          children’s video — “Emily’s Day        be learned and honed.                  adds excitement to my life!

 17    JUDICIARY TIMES • SEP 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                               18
Jointly brought to you by:

      1 Supreme Court Lane             1 Havelock Square                  3 Havelock Square
        Singapore 178879                Singapore 059724                  Singapore 059725
E: Supcourt_QSM@supcourt.gov.sg   E: contact@statecourts.gov.sg   E: FJCourts_QSM@FJCourts.gov.sg

   www.SupremeCourt.gov.sg          www.StateCourts.gov.sg        www.FamilyJusticeCourts.gov.sg
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