JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers

Page created by Howard Burns
JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center –
             Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute

        Exercise                               Education                            Expressive Arts

Families, Teens & Children                Mind, Body, Spirit                            Nutrition

     JamesCare for Life
     Supportive care programs for those diagnosed
     with cancer and their caregivers
     Cancer survivorship begins the day of diagnosis and continues throughout the balance of life.
     Living with cancer often presents many new coping challenges and impacts all areas of life.
     JamesCare for Life provides free supportive programs for those affected by cancer, including
     patients and caregivers/family members, and can be accessed from the time of diagnosis.
     Programs focus on the physical, emotional, practical and spiritual ways that life is changed by
     cancer, and are designed to empower survivors and caregivers by providing education,
     support and coping tools that aid health and well-being.

                     January–April 2022
JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
Preregistration is required at cancer.osu.edu/jcfl

Education programs                                         Expressive Arts programs
Education programs offer survivors access to some          Expressive arts can be powerful tools for healing and
of the world’s leading experts from a broad range          self-expression. JamesCare for Life Expressive Arts
of disciplines who share their knowledge and               programs provide an opportunity for survivors and
experience about the latest in cancer research,            caregivers to engage in music, art, writing and poetry
prevention, early detection, treatment, side-effect        as a way to help manage common cancer survivorship
management, survivorship and practical coping tools.       challenges and improve overall sense of well-being.
• Ask the Expert                                           Previous music or art experience isn’t required.
                                                           All art and music supplies are provided.
• Career Counseling Workshops
                                                           • Monthly “Healing Through Art” Program
• Disease-Specific Conferences and Special Events
                                                           • Half-Day Art Workshops
• Emotional Health and Coping
                                                           • Monthly Music Workshops
• Legal Rights and Protections in the Workplace
                                                           • Music Groups
• Living Well with Cancer as an LGBTQ+ Person                - Victory Choir
• Lunch & Learns: Cancer Rehabilitation                      - Victory Drummers
• Medicare 101
• Women and Sexuality
                                                           Family, Teens and Children
            Available on video at:                         programs
                                                           Family, Teens and Children programs provide a
            - Know Your Legal Rights and Protections       supportive setting where families can learn about
              in the Workplace                             cancer, talk about the challenges of a cancer diagnosis,
            - Surfing the Web to Find Quality Health       learn effective coping skills and gain knowledge
              Information                                  about healthy lifestyle choices. Children must be
                                                           accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Programs
                                                           are tailored to children between the ages of 5 and 18.
Exercise programs                                          • Ceramic Blessing Bowls – Two-part class where
                                                             families learn about the benefits of gratitude during
There is growing evidence that exercise plays an
                                                             challenging times through the creation of an art piece.
important role in improving quality of life, managing
side effects of cancer treatment and reducing cancer       • Equine (Horse) Therapy – A guided interaction with
risk. Exercise classes are eight weeks long and led          horses that provides a learning opportunity about
by certified instructors who demonstrate techniques          how cancer may affect family relationships.
that can be modified to all fitness levels. Classes are    • JamesCare Explorers – An interactive program that
designed to benefit anyone who is living with cancer,        includes a video about cancer, a tour of treatment
including those currently in treatment, coping with          areas and a family art project.
the side effects of treatment or adjusting to life after
                                                           • Family Day at COSI – An interactive program where
                                                             families perform kid-friendly experiments and learn
• Aquatic Exercise           • Nia Dance                     about how researchers create personalized
• Balance Class              • Pilates                       cancer care.
• Gentle Yoga                • Stretch for Life            • Learning from Buckeye Athletes – Programs are
                                                             held at various sports venues in partnership with
• Low-Impact Cardio          • Zumba
                                                             The Ohio State Department of Athletics. Programs
                                                             focus on a healthy lifestyle and coping with
            Available on video at:                           unexpected life circumstances.
                                                           • Mindfulness for Families – Practice mindfulness
            - Keeping the Weight Off                         techniques in a natural setting to promote healthy
                                                             coping for families.
JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
Preregistration is required at cancer.osu.edu/jcfl

• Movie Night in the ’Shoe – JamesCare for Life           is recommended for cancer survivors. Nutrition
  hosts cancer survivors and families at the Ohio State   programs are facilitated by clinical dietitians from The
  Athletics Department movie night in the                 James and provide an opportunity to learn about the
  Ohio Stadium.                                           health benefits of these foods, how to incorporate
                                                          them into your diet and gain evidence-based
            Available on video at:                        nutritional information important for a healthy lifestyle.
            go.osu.edu/jcflvideos                         • Cooking Demonstration: Living a Plant-Based
            - Mom Has Cancer: What Comes                    Lifestyle
              Next – Talking to Kids About a              • Eat Well, Live Well Email Program – Sign up
              Family Diagnosis                              anytime for this six-week online program
            - Talking with Children About a               • Hands-On Cooking Program
              Parent’s Cancer Diagnosis:
              Communicating with Your Child               • Healthy Eating for the Cancer Survivor
                                                          • Meal-Planning Workshops
A Special Book for You                                    • Monthly Nutrition Lunch-and-Learn Program
Survivors can write down special thoughts, memories       • Grocery Shopping with a Dietitian
and wishes to share with their children. To receive a
copy, go to cancer.osu.edu/familiesteenschildren.
                                                          Garden of Hope
                                                          The JamesCare for Life Garden of Hope program
Mind, Body, Spirit programs                               provides survivors and caregivers the opportunity
                                                          to harvest fresh produce and learn nutritional
Mind, Body, Spirit classes are designed to promote
                                                          information, practices and recipes that promote a
relaxation, well-being and a sense of balance in one’s
                                                          healthy lifestyle throughout cancer survivorship.
life. Explore how meditation, mindfulness, breathwork
                                                          The garden is located at The Ohio State University
and other stress-reduction techniques can provide
                                                          Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources
restoration and comfort in times of stress and illness.
                                                          Laboratory and is offered June-October. Participants
• Half-Day Mindfulness Workshops                          must attend an orientation prior to harvesting and can
• Introduction to Integrative Oncology Practices:         participate in the garden for two years.
  Acupuncture; Reflexology; Self-Shiatsu/Acupressure;
  Urban Zen Integrative Therapy                                       Available on video at:
• Mindfulness in Motion Series
                                                                      - Basics of Meal Planning
• Qigong
                                                                      - Healthy Eating for the Cancer Survivor
• Tai Chi
                                                                      - Keeping the Weight Off
• Tea and Serenity
• Urban Zen Integrative Therapy (UZIT) Series
                                                          Young adult cancer survivors
            Available on video at:
                                                          JamesCare for Life aims to support the unique
                                                          psychosocial and practical needs of young adult
            - Tips for Taming Stress During the           cancer survivors (ages of 18-39 years old) by offering
              Holidays                                    programs that focus on building peer connections with
                                                          other young cancer survivors and developing healthy
                                                          lifestyle practices that aid wellness and coping.
Nutrition programs                                        • Young Adult Monthly Meetups
Evidence shows that a diet rich in plant foods,
including fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains,
nuts and seeds, helps lower the risk for cancer and
JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
Support Groups                                      Caregiver
                   Groups are held monthly and                         Support
                   facilitated by licensed professionals               Caring for a loved one with cancer
                   from The James.                                     can present many new challenges.
                                                                       Caregivers often need as much
                   Online Support Groups                               information and support as the
                                                                       person with cancer. JamesCare
                   Brain Tumor                                         for Life programs are designed to
                                                                       support survivors and caregivers as
                   Breast/Chest Cancer                                 well as offer programs and resources for caregiver-
                                                                       specific needs.
                   Caregivers and Coffee                               • Online Caregiver Support Group
                                                                       • National Family Caregivers Month –
                   Gastrointestinal Cancers                              Special programming during November.
                   Gynecologic Cancer                                  • Grief and Loss Support – The James provides free
                                                                         grief support services to adult family members and
                   Head and Neck Cancer                                  friends after the death of a loved one. For more
                                                                         information, visit cancer.osu.edu/griefsupport
                                                                                   Video library available at:
                   Living with Advanced Cancer                                     go.osu.edu/jcflvideos
                                                                                   -   Caregiving 101
                   Lung Cancer
                                                                                   -   Caregivers in Multiple Roles
                   Prostate Cancer                                                 -   Caregiver Wellness 101
                                                                                   -   Caregivers Need Care Too:
                   Sarcoma                                                             Tips for Managing Stress
                                                                                   - Basics of Meal Planning
                   cancer.osu.edu/supportgroups                                    - Organization Tips for Caregivers
                                                                                   - Simple Strategies to Aid Your Loved
                                                                                       One with Daily Challenges

                                                                The H.O.P.E. Program connects patients
                                                                and caregivers to someone who has had a similar
                                                                experience with cancer. For more information, please
                                                                call 614-293-8771 or visit cancer.osu.edu/HOPE.

                                                           JamesCare for Life Contact Information:

JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
JAN 2022
                                                 Registration opens Nov. 1. For more information and to register,
                                                 visit cancer.osu.edu/jcfl or call JamesCare for Life at 614-293-6428.

     In light of the coronavirus pandemic, all JamesCare for Life programs will be held virtually.

               Gentle Yoga Workshops
                       Jan. 6, 6-7 p.m.
                    Jan. 18, 11 a.m.-noon

           Ask the Expert: Update on the
           Treatment of Thyroid Cancer
                     Jan. 19, 6-7:30 p.m.

       MON                    TUES                      WED                   THURS                FRI         SAT/SUN


3                      4                        5                      6                      7           8
Low Impact Cardio           Mindfulness         Healthy Eating for          Gentle Yoga
  Series Begins              Workshop          the Cancer Survivor           Workshop
     1-2 p.m.                 6-7 p.m.               1-2 p.m.                 6-7 p.m.                    9

10                     11                       12                     13                     14          15
                          Lunch & Learn:         Mindfulness in         Grief Workshop:
                          How to Start an      Motion Series Begins     First Year of Grief
                        Exercise Program           11 a.m.-noon              6-7 p.m.
                       11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.     Music Workshop:      Young Adult Monthly
                      Nia: Dancing with Joy,    Tools for Self Care    Meet Up: Simplify
                       Hope & Community           12:30-1:30 p.m.       Self-Care in the
                             6-7 p.m.                                      New Year
                                                    Meal Planning
                                                      6-7 p.m.            6-7:30 p.m.

17                     18                       19                     20                     21          22
                            Gentle Yoga             Ask the Expert:        Healing
     HOLIDAY –               Workshop               Update on the     Through Art: Quiet
    Martin Luther           11 a.m.-noon             Treatment of        Reflections:
      King Day                                      Thyroid Cancer     Looking Inward                    23
                        Support for Your
                                                      6-7:30 p.m.       6:30-7:45 p.m.
                        Career and Job
                          6-7:30 p.m.

24                     25                       26                     27                     28          29
 Living Well with        Lunch & Learn:             Introduction to    Grief Workshop:
  Cancer as an        Healthy Instant Pot™           Self-Shiatsu/    Grieving the Death
 LGBTQ+ Person          and Slow Cooker              Acupressure       of an Adult Child
     6-7 p.m.                 Meals                  Series Begins      12:30-1:30 p.m.
                      11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.             6-7 p.m.
                          Nia: Dancing
                        with Joy, Hope &
                             6-7 p.m.

JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
FEB 2022
                                                  Registration opens Dec. 1. For more information and to register, visit
                                                  cancer.osu.edu/jcfl or call JamesCare for Life at 614-293-6428.

     In light of the coronavirus pandemic, all JamesCare for Life programs will be held virtually.

    Sustaining Healthy Habits in the New Year
                         Feb. 1, 6-7 p.m.
         Ask the Expert: CAR-T Cell Therapy
                       Feb. 10, 6-7:30 p.m.
                 Cooking Demo:
        How to Prepare Plant-Based Protein
                        Feb. 16, 6-7 p.m.

        MON                     TUES                     WED                  THURS                   FRI       SAT/SUN

                          1                         2                         3                       4        5
                                 Sustaining         Women & Sexuality:       Mindfulness Workshop
                              Healthy Habits in       An Information          11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                               the New Year           Opportunity for
                                  6-7 p.m.           Cancer Survivors         Caregiver’s Grief:
    Season of Grief                                                          Grief Before the Loss
    Support Group                                     Noon-1:30 p.m.
                                                                                of a Loved One                 6
     Series Begins                                 Healthy Eating for the       12:30-1:30 p.m.
        1-2 p.m.                                     Cancer Survivor
                                                          1-2 p.m.        Gentle Yoga Workshop
                                                                                 6-7 p.m.

7                         8                         9                         10                      11       12
                          Lunch & Learn: How           Music Workshop:        Young Adult Monthly
                             to Exercise with          Tools for Healthy             Meet Up:
                          Minimal Equipment              Sleep Habits          Virtual Game Night
                          11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.      11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.          6-7:30 p.m.
                         Nia: Dancing with Joy,      Spouse/Significant
                                                                               Ask the Expert:
                          Hope & Community          Other Loss Support        CAR-T Cell Therapy
                                6-7 p.m.            Group Series Begins          6-7:30 p.m.
                                                       12:30-1:30 p.m.

14                        15                        16                        17                      18       19
                                                      Cooking Demo:             Introduction to
                                Gentle Yoga
                                                      How to Prepare           Tai Chi & QiGong
                                                    Plant-Based Protein           11 a.m.-noon
                                11 a.m.-noon
                                                          6-7 p.m.           Ask the Expert: Aging
                                                                             with Cancer Series –
                                                                              “Let’s get Palliative            20
                                                                                Care Involved!”
                                                                                  6-7:30 p.m.
                                                                             Healing Through Art:
                                                                             Creating Tranquility
                                                                                6:30-7:45 p.m.

21                        22                        23                        24                      25       26
                         Lunch & Learn: Eating                                  Know Your Legal
                            for a Healthy Gut                                Rights and Protections
                          11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                                 in the Workplace
                         Nia: Dancing with Joy,                                     6-7:30 p.m.                27
                          Hope & Community
                                6-7 p.m.

    Living Well with
     Cancer as an
    LGBTQ+ Person
        6-7 p.m.
JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
MARCH 2022                                            Registration opens Jan. 1. For more information and to register,
                                                      visit cancer.osu.edu/jcfl or call JamesCare for Life at 614-293-6428.

     In light of the coronavirus pandemic, all JamesCare for Life programs will be held virtually.

   Early Spring Gardening for Those
 that Can’t Wait for the Frost-Free Date
                    March 1, 7-8 p.m.
            Communicating with
           Your Kids About Cancer
               March 2, 6-7:30 p.m.

      MON                      TUES                    WED                    THURS                  FRI        SAT/SUN

                        1                       2                       3                       4          5
                        Mindfulness and          Healthy Eating for         Mindfulness
                         Meditation for         the Cancer Survivor          Workshop
                        Beginners Series              1-2 p.m.          11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                            1-2 p.m.             Communicating               Gentle Yoga
                                                  with Your Kids              Workshop
                           Early Spring           About Cancer                 6-7 p.m.                    6
                       Gardening for Those         6-7:30 p.m.
                        that Can’t Wait for
                       the Frost-Free Date
                             7-8 p.m.

7                       8                       9                       10                      11         12
                       Lunch & Learn: How         Music Workshop:         Cooking Demo:
                       to Manager Cancer-           Coping with            One Pot/One
                          Related Fatigue            Uncertainty            Pan Meals
                       11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.    11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.        3-4 p.m.
                       Nia: Dancing with Joy,
                       Hope & Community
                              6-7 p.m.

14                      15                      16                      17                      18         19
 Grief Workshop:             Gentle Yoga           Coping with           Healing Through
 What Makes Grief             Workshop           Change and Loss          Art: The Art of
   So Difficult?             11 a.m.-noon        Throughout Your           Mindfulness
  12:30-1:30 p.m.                               Cancer Experience         6:30-7:45 p.m.
                                                     6-7 p.m.                                              20
    Young Adult
 Monthly Meet Up:
  Music Strategies
for Managing Stress
     6-7:30 p.m.

21                      22                      23                      24                      25         26
     Urban Zen            Lunch & Learn:
Integrative Therapy      Smart Shopping
   Series Begins       11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
      6-7 p.m.            Nia: Dancing                                                                     27
                        with Joy, Hope &
                             6-7 p.m.

28                      29                      30                      31
 Living Well with                                Grief Workshop:
  Cancer as an                                   Caregiver Grief:
 LGBTQ+ Person                                    Life After Loss
     6-7 p.m.                                         6-7 p.m.
JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
APRIL 2022
                                                     Registration opens Feb. 1. For more information and to register, visit
                                                     cancer.osu.edu/jcfl or call JamesCare for Life at 614-293-6428.

     In light of the coronavirus pandemic, all JamesCare for Life programs will be held virtually.

       Young Adult Monthly Meet Up:
        Stories from Young Survivors                                                                       Garden of Hope
                April 4, 6-7:15 p.m.                                                                        Orientation
                                                                                                               April 30,
     Cooking Demo: Springtime Recipes                                                                        10-11:15 a.m.
                    April 13, 1-2 p.m.

      MON                    TUES                      WED                    THURS                  FRI           SAT/SUN

                                                                                                1             2

4                       5                       6                       7                       8             9
  Young Adult           Career Counseling        Seasons of Grief       Tai Chi for Balance
Monthly Meet Up:         Workshop: Job            Support Group             Series Begins
  Stories from          Search Strategies         Series Begins           11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Young Survivors            6-7:30 p.m.                6-7 p.m.               Mindfulness
   6-7:15 p.m.                                    Healthy Eating              Workshop                        10
                                                  for the Cancer        11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                     Survivor                Gentle Yoga
                                                      6-7 p.m.                Workshop
                                                                               6-7 p.m.

11                      12                      13                      14                      15            16
                          Lunch & Learn:          Music Workshop:
                            Bone Health           Tools for Dealing
                       11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.     with Chemo Brain
                       Nia: Dancing with Joy,   11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                       Hope & Community            Cooking Demo:
                              6-7 p.m.          Springtime Recipes
                        Career Counseling              1-2 p.m.                                               17
                        Workshop: Resume
                          Writing & Cover
                             6-7:30 p.m.

18                      19                      20                      21                      22            23
                          Gentle Yoga                                    Healing Through
                            Workshop                                      Art: Cultivating
                           11 a.m.-noon                                   Coping Skills:
                       Career Counseling                                   Garden as a
                       Workshop: Effective                                  Metaphor                          24
                       Interviewing Skills                                6:30-7:45 p.m.
                            6-7:30 p.m.

25                      26                      27                      28                      29            30
 Living Well with         Lunch & Learn:
  Cancer as an            All About Sugar                                                                      Garden of Hope
 LGBTQ+ Person         11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                                                                     Orientation
     6-7 p.m.           Career Counseling                                                                        10-11:15 a.m.
                        Workshop: Private
                        1-3 p.m. & 4-6 p.m.
                       Nia: Dancing with Joy,
                       Hope & Community
                               6-7 p.m.
JamesCare for Life Supportive care programs for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers
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