Investor & Analyst Call OSRAM Licht AG - Public tender offer for OSRAM and Investor agreement with Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group

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Investor & Analyst Call OSRAM Licht AG - Public tender offer for OSRAM and Investor agreement with Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group

Investor & Analyst Call OSRAM Licht AG

Public tender offer for OSRAM and Investor agreement with Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group

OSRAM Licht AG | July 5, 2019
Light is OSRAM
Investor & Analyst Call OSRAM Licht AG - Public tender offer for OSRAM and Investor agreement with Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group
This document has been issued by OSRAM Licht AG (the “Company” and, together with its direct and indirect subsidiaries, the "OSRAM Group").
This presentation or any part of it is for informational purposes only and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, part of any offer or invitation to sell, or
any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities in the OSRAM Group, and it is not intended to provide the basis of any investment decision
nor does it nor is it intended to form the basis of any contract for acquisition of or investment in the OSRAM Group, financial promotion, or any offer or invitation in
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same. Neither the Company nor any of its employees or advisors assume any kind of responsibility or liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information
provided herein.
The information contained in this presentation is subject to amendment, revision and updating. The final terms and further provisions regarding the takeover offer by
Luz (C-BC) Bidco GmbH to the shareholders of the Company will be set forth in the offer document which will be published upon approval of its publication by the
German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. Investors and shareholders in the Company are strongly recommended to read the offer document and all
announcements and documents published in connection with the takeover offer, since they will contain important information.
This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. In addition, our representatives may from time to time make oral
forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may include, in particular, statements about future events, future financial performance, plans, strategies,
expectations, prospects, competitive environment, regulation and supply and demand. Company has based these forward-looking statements on its current views
and expectations and on certain assumptions of which many are beyond Company’s control. These are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and factors,
including, but not limited to those described in disclosures, in particular in the sub-chapter Risks in the Annual Report. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions
could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Given these uncertainties, readers should not put undue reliance
on any forward-looking statements. The information contained in this presentation is subject to change without notice and the Company does not undertake any duty
to update the forward-looking statements, and the estimates and assumptions associated with them, except to the extent required by applicable laws and
This document is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States of America. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States of America absent
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2    OSRAM Licht AG
     Public tender offer for OSRAM | July 5, 2019
Takeover offer in a nutshell:
Management Board and Supervisory Board welcome the offer

                  35 Euro indicates a              Investor agreement with      Bain Capital and
               premium of ~23 percent                  comprehensive           The Carlyle Group
               to the 3 months VWAP                 protection guarantees      support OSRAM’s
                 – the offer is fair and               for employees,         strategy and ensure
                       attractive                         locations          investments in future

3   OSRAM Licht AG
    Public tender offer for OSRAM | July 5, 2019
Key Value Parameters
       Attractive for shareholders                      Attractive for the workforce                              Attractive for OSRAM
            High premium in a                        Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group                     Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group
      difficult market environment                       are backing the employees                             support the OSRAM Strategy

     The offered share price of €35                    Comprehensive protection clauses                    Consortium supports OSRAM’s
      represents an attractive premium of:               for employees and locations                          existing strategy of transforming into
       21.0% to the last share price*                                                                        a world-leading high-tech photonics
       22.6% to the 3M VWAP                            Partners are committed to the
                                                                                                             OSRAM will remain self-standing;
                                                         “Eckpunktepapier Zukunftskonzept
                                                                                                              Business continuity with customers,
     EV/EBITDA multiple** of approx. 9x;                Deutschland”
                                                                                                              suppliers and other stakeholders
      Enterprise value of approx. €4bn
                                                        Corporate co-determination and                      Strategic and financial support of
     Acceptance threshold of 70 percent                 existing pension plans remain                        OSRAM’s transformation and
                                                         unchanged                                            investments into future growth
                                                                                                             IP rights remain entirely with OSRAM;
                                                                                                              headquarter stays in Munich

4     OSRAM Licht AG                                 * closing price July 2, 2019
                                                     ** based on the VARA Consensus adj. EBITDA for FY20e
      Public tender offer for OSRAM | July 5, 2019
Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group are the right partners at the right time

          Bain Capital and The Carlyle Group are reliable and long-
           term oriented partners with the necessary financial power to
           support our strategy
          A partnership with Bain and Carlyle offers great opportunities
           to further sharpen our profile
          With strong entrepreneurial partners, we can drive the
           transformation forward and enter into new growth markets

5       OSRAM Licht AG
        Public tender offer for OSRAM | July 5, 2019
Milestones of a Typical Takeover Process

                                                                           Reasoned Response by

                                                                               Shareholder decision

                          1                        2                 3                  4                 5                  6

                  Public                     Submission to   Publication            Acceptance        Any other           Closing
                  transaction                & review by     of the takeover        period            approvals
                  offer                      BaFin           offer                                    (antitrust, etc.)


6   OSRAM Licht AG
    Public tender offer for OSRAM | July 5, 2019
OSRAM Group – Investor Relations

          Juliana Baron                                      Julia Klostermann
    Head of Investor Relations                               Senior Manager IR                       
       + 49 89 6213 3030                                     + 49 89 6213 4966

    Investor Relations contact

    Munich Office                        + 49 89 6213 4259



7      OSRAM Licht AG
       Public tender offer for OSRAM | July 5, 2019
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