Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse

Page created by Rene Wood
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse
info suisse
                 Publication of the Swiss Canadian Chambers of Commerce Ontario and Quebec
                Publication des Chambres de Commerce Canado-Suisse de l’Ontario et du Québec

                                              Fall / Automne 2015

                feature / Reportage:
                Agrofood / Agroalimentaire
PP : 42921030

Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse
info suisse

                                                                                                 CONTENTS / index
     Publication of the Swiss Canadian Chambers of Commerce Ontario and Quebec
    Publication des Chambres de Commerce Canado-Suisse de l’Ontario et du Québec

Feature / Reportage
Agrofood / agroalimentaire
     4 Commodity Markets - UBS
     6 Behaviour Change: Keeping it Simple = Sexy
     8 Sophie Lavaud - Everest, Summit of Desire
     9 La production de lait, une histoire familiale
    10 Shopping Hours in Canada and in Switzerland
    12 Un séjour hors du temps
    13 S.O.S. Fondue a de la Suisse dans les idées
    16 Switzerland in Figures
    19 Employers: Are Your Contractors Independent or Dependent?
    20	Did you know?

Business And Other News
Actualités économiques et d’affaires
    24	Business News
    26 Trade Fairs

Chamber News
Informations de votre Chambre
     2     President’s Message SCCC/Upcoming Events
     3     Message du Président CCCS / Événements à venir
     5     Quote of the Month
     7     Nouveaux Membres CCCS
     9     Scholarship Fund
    16     SCCC New Members
    21     Member Profile
    21     Membership Perks & Benefits
    22      Cocktail d’été de la Chambre, une nouvelle
		         tradition est née
    23      2015 Golf Tournament / Right To Play
		         SCCC Annual General Meeting
    27      Travel News

                                                                    “Let food be thy medicine
                                                                   and medicine be thy food.”
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse
Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Ontario) Inc.
                       756 Royal York Road • Toronto, Ontario M8Y 2T6
                       Tel: 416-236-0039 • Fax: 416-236-3634 • E-mail: •

    BOARD OF DIRECTORS • 2015 – 2016
                                                                   Dear Members and friends of the SCCC,
    President / Director:
    Julien Favre
    UBS Bank (Canada)
    154 University Avenue, Toronto ON M5H 3Z4
                                                                   I hope you all enjoyed a beautiful summer during which Toronto
    Tel: 416-345-7033
    Email: Website:
                                                                   offered several sport events. We first started with a very enjoyable
    Vice-President/Director:                                       golf tournament. To stay loyal to our tradition, Swiss specialties
    Sandra Leuba
    RBC Wealth Management                                          were offered throughout the course such as Raclette, Buendnerfleisch
    CINEBOXX Film & Television Inc.
    136 Curzon Street, Toronto ON M4M 3B5                          (thin slices of air-dried beef), Swiss chocolate, Swiss coffee, Caotina
    Tel: 416-616-4251
    Email:                                    chocolate powder (a newly imported Swiss product to Canada)
    Treasurer/ Director:
    Lisa Willenegger                                               and of course, the call of the players by beautiful Alphorn instruments
    Zurich Canada
    400 University Ave; Toronto, ON M5G 1S7                        played by Rene Waelti and Eva Hajda. We thank all our sponsors,
    Tel: 416-586-2887
    Email:                           supporters and participants who allowed for an enjoyable day.
    Secretary & Legal Counsel:
    Bernard Lette
                                                                   This event also resulted in a donation to “Right to Play”, a
    Lette LLP
    20 Queen Street West, #3300, P.O. Box 33, Toronto ON M5H 3R3
                                                                   Canadian charity with global reach that uses play to educate and empower
    Tel: 416-971-4898
    Email: Website:
                                                                   children and youth to overcome the effects of poverty, conflict and disease in
    Past President / Director:                                     disadvantaged communities. Later in the summer, Toronto held the PanAm and Parapan
    Ernst Notz
    Nacora                                                         games. In August, the traditional Rogers Cup took place with the women playing in Toronto
    2 Hunter Avenue, Toronto ON M6E 2C8
    Tel: 416-784-2872                                              and the men in Montreal. Our Swiss fellow compatriot Belinda Bencic marked the event by
    Directors:                                                     winning the tournament in Toronto.
    Tim Allen
    Cervinia Corp
    25 Haddington Avenue; Toronto, ON M5M 2N6
    Tel: 416-509-5219                                              Recently, our Chamber has increased its collaboration with the SBH (Swiss Business Hub) and
    Brett Berman
                                                                   SGE (Switzerland Global Enterprise). We have entered into a number of agreements to work
    IMD Alumni Club of Canada
    107 Cottingham Street, Toronto, ON M4V 1B9
                                                                   together on joint events and other potential advisory and consulting mandates.
    Tel: 416-464-9422
    Rudi Blatter                                                   Our upcoming events in October include IMD alumni event with renowned speakers sharing
    Lindt & Spruengli (Canada) Inc.
    181 University Avenue, Suite 900, Toronto ON M5H 3M7           their intellectual capital, an evening with Sophie Lavaud and her achievements of climbing
    Tel: 416-351-8566
    Email: Website:               some of the highest mountains in the world. In November, we will have our traditional
    Beat Guldimann
    Tribeca Consulting                                             dinner dance with “La Suisse Romande” as theme.
    12 Carrying Place Trail; Kettleby, ON L0G 1J0
    Tel: 905-939-8300
    Philipp Gysling
                                                                   The topic of this edition of suisse info is agro business. Food is obviously of vital importance
    Mesh Innovations Inc.
    174 Hallam Street, Toronto ON M6H 1X5
                                                                   and the survival of humanity depends on it. The growing world population and reduction in
    Tel: 416-871-8159
                                                                   farming land puts strains on the production and requires new techniques and technologies
    Website:                               to increase the efficiency of production. These developments together put inflationary
    Heidy Lawrance                                                 pressure on the cost of certain raw commodities, thus creating higher prices charged to the
    238 Willowdale Ave., North York ON M2N 4Z5
    Tel: 416-733-1827                                              consumer. On the other hand, certain commodities have benefited from increased production
    Website:                                        activities leading to a rise of supply putting downwards pressure on the prices. In addition, the
    Marianne Mian-Krenger
    Re/Max Legacy Realty Inc. Brokerage
                                                                   increasing volatile climate creates unexpected outcomes, such as the high cost of almonds due
    368 Lees Lane, Oakville, ON L6L 4S5
    Tel: W: 905-272-5000 Tel: H: 416-820-2003
                                                                   to the drought in California, and further increases the volatility which is impactful to profit
                                                                   margins of businesses and consumer prices.
    Christian Metzger
    2206 Eglinton Ave. East; Scarborough, ON M1L 4S8
    Tel: 416-288-5395                                              We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events that combine, achievements,
    Ronnie Miller                                                  networking, business and entertainment.
    Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
    2455 Meadowpine Boulevard, Mississauga ON L5N 6L7
    Tel: 905-542-5522
    Email: Website:    Yours truly,
    Christoph Oehy
    Swiss Reinsurance Company
    150 King Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 1J9
    Tel: 647-775-2443                                              Julien Favre, President SCCC (Ontario) Inc.
    Daniel Oehy
    35 East Beaver Creek Rd, Unit 6, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1B3                                       2015 COMING EVENTS
    Tel: 905-764-1121
    Email: Website:
    Alexandra Soriano
    Vertical International                                               October 8th          Special event at Innis Town Hall with Alpinist Sophie Lavaud
    324 Roselawn Avenue; Toronto ON M4R 1G1
    Tel: 647-985-7898; Cell: 647-985-7898                                October 29th         Mastering the ‘how’ of Digital Business Transformation
    Honorary Director:                                                                        Featuring IMD Professor Michael Wade
    Kathy Utigard
    Honorary Consul of Toronto                                                                Swiss Reinsurance Company Canada’s presentation facility
    193 Riverview Street, Oakville, ON L6L 5S3
    Tel: 905-845-1259                                                                         150 King St. West, 10th floor, Toronto
    Executive Assistant:
    Patricia Keller Schläpfer – SCCC                                     November 14th        Gala Dinner Dance at the King Edward Hotel
    756 Royal York Road, Toronto ON M8Y 2T6
    Tel: 416-236-0039 Fax: 416-551-1011
    E-mail: Website:
    Typesetting and Assembly:                                                             More information on
    Yasmin Stanton, YAHZZ Multimedia                                                    Sign up for our newsletter at

2    I n f o S u iss e
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse
La Chambre de commerce canado-suisse (Québec) Inc.
                                       Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Quebec) Inc.
                              3450, rue Drummond Suite 152, Montréal, QC H3G 1Y2 • Tél: 514-937-5822 • Fax: 514-954-5619 • E-mail: • Web site:

CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION / BOARD OF DIRECTORS                    Chères, chers membres,
2014 – 2015
Président / President
M. Christian G. Dubois
                                                                 Un été qui s’achève déjà ! un été qui aura été marqué par plusieurs
Président                                                        activités de la Chambre dont le tournoi de golf annuel tenu le 1er
Onix international
Tel: (514) 624 5740
                                                                 juin au célèbre Clud de golf Whitlock à Hudson, la réception de la                                      fête nationale tenue dans le nouvel l’hôtel  Alt dans Griffintown le
Secrétaire / Secretary                                           5 août dernier ainsi que le cocktail d’ouverture de la saison qui se
Me Marie Habre
Avocate / Lawyer                                                 tiendra le 30 septembre. Le conseil a également décidé d’élargir sa
Lette & Associés                                                 participation avec d’autres organismes semblables, soit par exemple
Tel: 514.871.3838, # 222
E-mail:                                          la Chambre de commerce allemande et d’offrir à nos membres la
Vice-présidents / Vice-Presidents                                possibilité de participer à leur activités tout en les invitant à en faire de même lors de nos
Mr. Bruno Setz                                                   activités. Ceci nous permettra de faire des contacts avec d’autres partenaires européens et
Tel: 514.767.5123                                                canadiens. Une participation étroite aussi avec le Swiss Business Hub situé à Montréal, qui
E-mail :                                  a d’ailleurs signé une entente de service avec la Chambre de Toronto pour les représenter
Mr. Olivier Rodriguez
Gestionnaire de portefeuille                                     sur le territoire ontarien.
Mirabaud Canada Inc.
Tel: 514.393.1690                                                Dans ce numéro qui traite de l’agro-alimentaire, il faut noter que la Suisse est un partenaire
E-mail :
Trésorier / Treasurer
                                                                 important dans les échanges commerciaux avec le Québec puisque seulement dans les
Mr. Othmar Widmer                                                produits énumérés ci-dessous, plus de $101 millions ont été importés en 2013 et je ne vous
Consultation Widmer
                                                                 apprendrez rien en vous disant que Nestlé en est probablement le grand gagnant.
Tel: 450.973.2864
Directeurs / Directors                                           Les principaux produits d’importation du Québec en provenance de la Suisse étaient les
M. Giacomo Battaglino                                            suivants :
Gérant Régional de Détail
Lindt & Spruengli (Canada) Inc.
Tel: 514.695.3392                                                            •  les boissons gazeuses non alcoolisées (7,6 % du total);  $ 40,6 M
Email:                                                  •  les chocolats, les confiseries à base de chocolat et les fruits à coque
Me Jean-Marc Ferland
Avocat                                                                          enrobés de chocolat (6,5 %); $ 33,8 M
Ferland, Marois, Lanctot                                                     •  le café torréfié, non décaféiné et décaféiné (5,1 %);  $ 26,6 M
Tel: 514.861.1110
Mr. Moritz Gruber
                                                                 Food products from Switzerland are very popular in Quebec as you can see over $100 M
Consultant                                                       in 2013 alone. One of our colleagues was telling me recently that a major Canadian food
Tel: 450.264.6278
E-mail:                                         chain had all its brand name chocolate products made by Frey a subsidiary of Migros and
Mme Marie-Josée Loiselle                                         shipped to Canada.
Nuno ID
Tel: 514.574.6641                                                Did you know that 70 Swiss companies are established in Quebec alone and employ more                                              than 8,000 people?
Mr. Jean-Aymeri de Magistris
Directeur Ventes et Marketing
Stambac International
                                                                 See you all soon
Tel : 514.564 6798
E-mail:                                   Au plaisir de vous revoir tous prochainement lors de nos évènements.
Mr. Paul Wieser
PDG pour le Canada
Busch Vacuum Technics Inc.
Tel: 450.435.6899
Directeur honoraire / Honorary Director
Mr. Beat Kaser                                                                          éVéNeMENTS / upCOMING EVENTS 2015
Consul général de Suisse
Tel: 514.932.7181
E-mail:                                         30 septembre / Septembre 30th: Cocktail d’ouverture / Opening Cocktail
Liaison au Consulat général de Suisse
Mr. Paolo Bezzola                                                       15 octobre / October 15th: Petit Déjeuner Conférence Mirabaud : Stratégie globale en
Consul                                                                                             actions et en investissements responsables
Tel: 514.932.7181
E-mail:                                                                       Breakfast Meeting Mirabaud: Global Equity and Sustainable
Conseiller juridique / Legal Counsel                                                                     investment Strategy
Lette & Associés
Tel: 514.871.3838, # 213
                                                                        4 novembre / November 4th: Soirée Fondue / Fondue Night
Responsable de l’administration / Administration Officer
Mme Noémie Dabronyi
                                                                        Information et détails/and details : ou/or (514) 937-5822
Tel : 514 937 5822

                                                                                                                                                             Summer/Été 2015   3
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse

                                                    in soybean meal and lean hogs to neutral.      year. Weak US export demand has added to
                                                                                                   them. Full marketing-year sales for 2014-15
                                                    Value to be found in wheat is relative, not    were 28% lower y/y and 2015-16 sales are
    Commodity Markets                               absolute. Wheat crops in Canada, the EU,
                                                    Russia and the US are not without their
                                                                                                   35% behind last year’s pace. A stronger USD
                                                                                                   relative to other major producer currencies has
         By Bernd Aumann, Economist, UBS AG,
                      problems. But the USDA reports indicate that   made US wheat uncompetitive, and the recent
                                                    stocks remain more than ample. For example,    price rally only worsened this situation. On the
    It’s all relative for wheat                     June US inventories were 28% higher year-on-   weather front, the El Niño threat remains, but
    • Since hitting their mid-June lows, Chicago
    wheat prices have rallied 26% as poor
    weather caught speculative accounts wrong-
    footed, leading to a short-covering rally in
    • We acknowledge quality concerns; but
    USDA June inventories and planting reports
    were bearish for US wheat.
    • We now see better value in relative
    spreads, like Kansas and French wheat
    versus Chicago wheat. So in our relative
    preference portfolio we are cutting our abso-
    lute overweight in Kansas by 2% in favor
    of a small 1% underweight to Chicago,
    funding this by shifting our underweights

4   I n f o S u iss e
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse
26% since mid-June lows, thanks mostly to
                                                                                                     weather-related speculator short covering in
                                                                                                     futures. Last week, CFTC data showed specu-
                                                                                                     lator net-shorts in futures totaling roughly
                                                                                                     -47,000 contracts, significantly less than the
                                                                                                     -72,000 contracts at the end of May. We think
                                                                                                     40,000 contracts have been covered in recent
                                                                                                     days. Historically, the 10-year average price
                                                                                                     premium between Kansas (higher protein)
                                                                                                     and Chicago wheat has been USD 13/ton;
                                                                                                     currently December pricing is USD 3/ ton. For
                                                                                                     French wheat, the premium over Chicago has
                                                                                                     been USD 20/ton, which is currently trading
                                                                                                     at a discount of USD 2.40/ton. We think
                                                                                                     current relative pricing favors no outright long
                                                                                                     positions, but exposure on a relative basis can
we think it is too early to forecast disrupted   as having a greater effect on wheat prices          take advantage of mean reversion.
production in Australia, for example. In fact,   outside the Chicago focus of the recent rally. In
in general, most Australian East Coast grain     particular, if broad wheat prices take a breather
                                                                                                             “There is no love sincerer than
areas have received solid rainfall. Unseasonal   now or even roll over, French and Kansas
heat is causing concerns in Europe and Canada,   wheat are likely to outperform Chicago on a                       the love of food.”
and with the Hard Red Winter Wheat harvest       relative basis, in our view. 
Is short covering         George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

near full swing, we see weather disruptions      exhausted? Chicago wheat prices have added



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                                                                                                            Summer/Été 2015
    Size 7.25” w X 5” H- .125” bleed - set up as 4 color file: ARM-14-04317-P1-L&H_Info_Suisse_Canada_6-9.indd                                          5
    Publication date: August 1, 2014
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse

    Behaviour Change:                                   understand how to live a happier, healthier
                                                        and more productive life. They want to be
                                                                                                                                                  you will get more of them. If you focus on the
                                                                                                                                                  possibilities, you will start seeing all of the
    Keeping it Simple = Sexy                            better parents, family members, friends,                                                  opportunities.
                                                        leaders, co-workers, and citizens.
    By Karin Lindner - July 2015                                                                                                                  Have you ever noticed how many “PCs”
                                                        If what I say is true, how can we bridge the                                              (professional complainers) are tolerated at
                                                        gap from “here” to “there”?                                                               our workplace?
    Just recently a VP of Operations said to me,
    “Karin, during good times when money is             Here are 3 simple insights for you to consider:                                           Your action:
    made nobody notices all of the unacceptable                                                                                                   a. Be aware of your own positivity first.
                                                        Positivity – How You Think:
    discrepancies that develop over a certain                                                                                                     How do you look at things? Is your language
    period of time. It is so easy to overlook poor      Everyone on the team has to understand that
                                                                                                                                                  positive or negative? Do you expect people
    attitude and collaboration challenges, but          the only thing they have 100% control over
                                                                                                                                                  to fix issues or do you expect them to find
    then all of a sudden you start feeling the          is their own attitude. What you focus on is
                                                                                                                                                  solutions? The way we speak is very powerful.
    pain.”                                              what you will get. If you focus on problems,

    He is not alone.
    Managers feel the pain. Workers feel the pain.
    Many people in our workforce are stressed
    and frustrated. Communication challenges
    make life difficult. The things that used to
    work don’t work anymore. Are we running
    out of hope?
    The problem is that management as well
    as the workforce in our organizations have
    been conditioned over time to “function” in
    a certain way and now everyone is expected
    to change. This change has to happen fast but
    where to get started? Nobody knows.
    Think about it this way. For many years the
    majority of our workforce has been in the
    passenger seat. They did what they were told
    to do, no questions asked. They were seen as
    bodies and not as minds. Now, all of a sudden
    they have to switch to the driver’s seat. Could
    this be the reason that they are fearful about
    their livelihood and as a result, resist any kind
    of change?
    Change is hard. You probably know that. It
    must be true because everyone says that                                     DE NOUVELLES PERSPECTIVES
    change is hard.
    Is there anything we can do to make the
    change process easier?
    Could it be an exciting adventure that every-
    one wants to be a part of?
    What happens if we overlook an important
    factor when we talk about making behav-                 INDÉPENDANT DEPUIS 200 ANS, MIRABAUD CONÇOIT LA DIFFÉRENCE
                                                            COMME UNE RICHESSE. C’EST POURQUOI NOS SERVICES EN WEALTH
    iourial changes?                                        MANAGEMENT, ASSET MANAGEMENT ET INTERMEDIATION S’ADAPTENT
                                                            À LA RÉALITÉ DE CHACUN.

    You want others to change but are YOU ready             ENSEMBLE, PARTAGEONS DE NOUVELLES PERSPECTIVES.                                                                                  

    to change yourself?In my opinion, most                  MIRABAUD Canada Inc. - Olivier Rodriguez / MIRABAUD Gestion Inc. - Yves Erard
                                                            1501, avenue McGill College - Bureau 2220 - Montréal (Québec) H3A 3M8 - T +1 514-393-1690 - F +1 514-875-8942
    people want to become better. They want to              MIRABAUD Canada Inc. est membre de l’Organisme canadien de réglementation du commerce des valeurs mobilières et du Fonds canadien de protection des
                                                            épargnants. Mirabaud Gestion Inc. est inscrite auprès de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers du Québec et de la Commission des valeurs mobilières de l’Ontario.

6   I n f o S u iss e
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse
We should never expect more of others than        Another example: If people on your team
we are willing to deliver ourselves.              don’t believe that they can positively impact
                                                  change at their workplace, they won’t take
b. Make others aware that their complaining
                                                  the actions that you would like to see. Most
attitude has a negative effect on the whole
                                                  of the goals in organizations are perfor-           nouveaux membres - cccs
team. No “PCs” allowed!
                                                  mance-based goals without considering
For the next 3 months make positivity a           a person’s identity. Could this be an aha
priority. Start observing how people speak to     moment?                                                   CCCS (quÉbec) INC.
each other. Be aware and make others aware
                                                  Now, can people change their beliefs? Of
Clarity – How You Express Yourself:               course they can. A belief is nothing but a
                                                  thought that we think over and over again. In
It can be difficult to express what we want,                                                                    Jake Chadwick
                                                  order to change our beliefs, we have to start
especially if we don’t know what we want.                                                                         Président
                                                  thinking different thoughts.
It seems to become even more challenging                                                                  IMD International Alumni
if we want other people to understand what        If you believe that your people can make a                Association of Montréal
we want.                                          difference, they will.                                         345 Roslyn
                                                                                                                Westmount, QC
You can be the smartest person in the room        Can you see where I am going with this?                          H3Z 2L7
but if you cannot transform your thoughts
                                                  Your action:                                  
into a meaningful message, your team won’t
understand what you are trying to say. They       a. What are your beliefs about your role in
have to know where you are going, why you         the team? How much influence do you have?
are going there and why they should come          For example: “I am the type of leader who
                                                  connects well with the people on my team.”                     Ulysse Dorioz
with you.
                                                  Please remember that you do not need to           Consultant en stratégie/ transformation
What would it be like if people would do          have a title to be a leader.                                     Desjardins
what you want them to do, not because they                                                                       Montréal, QC
                                                  b. Start proving it to yourself with incredibly
have to but because they want to?                 small and simple steps. An example of a
                                                  small win could be to schedule 1 hour a week
Your action:                                      to have a conversation with different team
a. Write down 3 positive workplace behav-         members. Get to know them. Show that you                       Natalie Hess
iours that you would like to see. If you want     care. What is going well? Where do they see                     Présidente
to see more kindness, be kind. If you want        improvement opportunities?                                     Nortesco Inc.
to see more initiative, take initiative. If you                                                                 75 Lindsay Ave
                                                  Last but not least, for the next 3 months                       Dorval, QC
want to see people take on responsibility, you    focus more on the people around you than                         H9P 2S6
must take on responsibility. Start living and     on facts and figures. What are their greatest                 514 636 6116
breathing your own expectations.                  fears and their deepest desires? As our friend   
                                                  Einstein used to say, “The definition of insan-
b.	If you observe these positive behaviours,
                                                  ity is doing the same thing over and over
acknowledge and reinforce them over and
                                                  again and expecting different results.”
over again.
                                                  In order to see different workplace behav-                  Renaud Margairaz
For the next 3 months look for the behav-         iours you have to acknowledge that you                Directeur des services-conseils
iours you want to see instead of complain-        work with human beings. Start leading by                          f.& Co
ing about the lack of them. I’ll say it again,    example. You have no right to change others                    Montréal, QC
acknowledge and reinforce. You don’t want         but you can help them to get better. People
to be a “PC”, do you?                             have to develop new habits and they will as
                                                  long as you work harder on yourself than on
Identity – What You Believe:                      them. Change starts with you! New thought
Behaviour change is based on a person’s           patterns and habits don’t form over night. Be
identity. Every person has certain beliefs        patient with yourself and others. I promise
                                                  that you will reap what you sow. If you follow
about themselves. If you believe that you
                                                  these simple steps, you will be amazed by
are not a people person, you are right. If you
                                                  the results.
believe that you can develop better people
skills, you are right as well. You can choose     At the end of the day, keeping it simple =
what to believe. How awesome is that?             sexy. Go for it before someone else does.

                                                                                                                          Summer/Été 2015     7
Info suisse - Chambre de Commerce Canado-Suisse

                                                  invites you to a private screening of the movie

                                            ON VA MARCHER SUR L’EVEREST
                                                             Everest, Summit of Desire

                        As a member of the Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce or guest, here is an opportunity to purchase
                        tickets to an exceptional evening that includes a movie screening, engaging discussion with Swiss
                        Canadian mountaineer Sophie Lavaud - flying over from Switzerland for this event only - and a reception
                        with hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Plus, each guest will leave the evening with a special gift.

                                              THURSDAY OCTOBER 8TH - 6:45 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                                 Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto

                                       TICKETS $25 for SCCC members, $30 for non SCCC members
                                      (includes a private screening, film discussion with Sophie Lavaud,
                                         special gift, tombola ticket for door prize, reception and drink)
                                                                 Seating is limited.

                                        Book your seats online at:
                                  ON VA MARCHER SUR L’EVEREST (EVEREST, SUMMIT OF DESIRE)
                                             2014 | 52 min | Feature narrative in French | English subtitles
                        The movie takes on an emotional and challenging topic - it reveals what climbing the world’s highest mountain
                        is really like and shows how modern expeditions give amateur mountaineers the chance to realize their desire
                        of Everest. The film includes outstanding footage of an ascent of the Tibetan route to Everest.
                        Sophie lavaud is one of only a dozen women worldwide who climbed 2 peaks of over 8000m in one season.
                        As a professional conference speaker, she uses her success stories and the challenges of climbing some of
                        the highest peaks in the world to illustrate important fundamental lessons learned for overcoming obstacles.

                                                                                                     Photos © Lavaud/Damilano and G. Mégevand

                                                    SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS:

8   I n f o S u iss e
La production de lait,                              Ensuite, Olivier et Andrée ont plusieurs amis
                                                    qui y sont déjà installés et finalement, le froid
une histoire familiale                              ne leur fait pas peur !                                   Scholarship Fund
By Noémie Dabronyi
                                                    C’est donc le 23 mars 1981, après avoir                         of Ontario
                                                    revendu leur ferme dans leur canton de
C’est en 1975 qu’Olivier Turin vient pour la                                                             The Swiss Canadian ­Scholarship
                                                    Vaud et prouvé au Gouvernement canadien
première fois au Canada. En vacances avec
                                                    qu’ils avaient les fonds nécessaires pour            Fund of Ontario is pleased to offer
sa femme Andrée et trois autres couples
                                                    s’installer, que la famille Turin arrive en Estrie
de paysans suisses, ils en profitent pour                                                                yearly scholarships. It is open to
                                                    où ils ont racheté une ferme laitière. Grâce
prospecter des fermes avec l’idée de venir,                                                              members of the SCCC and the
                                                    à l’aide de leur prédécesseur pendant un
un jour, s’installer au Québec. En effet, dans
                                                    mois, leur intégration se fait très facilement.      Swiss Community in Ontario.
les années 70, la situation pour les paysans
                                                    Il faut néanmoins s’habituer à prendre un
n’étant pas profitable en Suisse, ils sont des
                                                    nouveau rythme compte tenu des différences           To find out more about the
milliers à immigrer au Canada où beaucoup
                                                    climatiques. Ils déménageront par la suite,          availability and eligibility ­criteria,
de terrains sont disponibles.
                                                    plusieurs fois avant de s’installer à Compton
                                                                                                         please visit the Ontario Chamber’s
                                                    où se trouve désormais la ferme B.S. Turin.
Après 5 ans de discussion familiale, la décision                                                         website at:
est enfin prise : Andrée et Olivier traverseront
                                                    À 20 ans, Blaise est officiellement incorporé à
l’Atlantique avec leurs deux enfants, Blaise et                                                
                                                    l’entreprise de son père, puis 5 ans plus tard,
Laurence pour s’installer au Québec. Pourquoi
                                                    il se met à son propre compte avec sa femme
le Québec ? Tout d’abord, on y parle le français.
                                                    Sandra. Aujourd’hui, Olivier a pris sa retraite

                                                                                                                                 Summer/Été 2015   9

                                                                                                               Shopping Hours
                                                                                                               in Canada and in
                                                                                                               by Kurt Schläpfer

                                                                                                               Tourists and residents appreciate that shops
                                                                                                               in Canada are open 12 hours a day (or
                                                                                                               longer) and seven days a week. In contrast,
                                                                                                               visitors to Switzerland find it frustrating that
                                                                                                               shops close on Sundays and on weekdays in
                                                                                                               the early afternoon. While longer opening
                                                                                                               hours are a constant debate in Switzerland,
                                                                                                               many Canadians hardly remember the
                                                                                                               times when Canada also had a Sunday
                                                                                                               closing law.

     mais continue à travailler à la ferme de son fils   aujourd’hui environ 120 vaches d’âges                 Since 1906, Canada had a so-called Lord’s Day
     presque tous les jours. L’entreprise familiale a    différents, permettant ainsi de garantir une          Act, which prohibited business transactions
     encore de beaux jours devant elle puisque les       relève. Le lait qu’ils produisent est vendu à la      on Sundays. In 1985, the Supreme Court
     enfants de Blaise et Sandra participent, eux        Commission canadienne du lait qui s’occupe            of Canada ruled that the Lord’s Day Act
     aussi, à l’évolution de la ferme.                   de le répartir dans les diverses institutions         violates Canadians’ freedom of religion and
                                                         et créer des barrières de prix par rapport            is inconsistent with the Canadian charter. The
     La ferme de Blaise et Sandra est spécialisée        à l’international. Au niveau provincial, la           immediate consequence of this ruling was
     dans la production du lait et compte                Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec          that the ten provinces became responsible for
                                                         gère l’offre en vérifiant la qualité du lait et les   permitting Sunday shopping within their own
                                                         volumes de production.                                jurisdictions. By 1993, all provinces had passed
                                                                                                               a legislation either for restricted or open-
                                                                                                               wide Sunday shopping. However, the result
                                                                                                               is a patchwork of regulations differing widely
                                                                                                               from province to province and, in addition, by
                                                                                                               season and type of retail business.

                                                                                                               In the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta,
                                                                                                               and Saskatchewan and in all three territories,
                                                                                                               there are no restrictions at all and stores can
                                                                                                               stay open 24 hours every day. In Toronto,
                                                                                                               retail stores are required to be closed on the
                                                         En parlant avec ses amis paysans en Suisse,           following nine public holidays: New Year’s Day,
                                                         Blaise remarque des manières de travailler un         Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Victoria
                                                         peu différentes entre les deux pays mais les          Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving
                                                         tâches et les problèmes restent les mêmes.            Day, and Christmas Day. Exempt from this act
                                                                                                               are small stores with a maximum of three
                                                         Même si la décision était difficile à prendre, la     employees and gas stations. The province of
                                                         famille Turin n’a jamais regretté sa décision de      Quebec is the only province in Canada that
                                                         quitter son pays natal pour leur nouvelle terre
                                                                                                               regulates shopping hours outside of Sundays
                                                                                                               and holidays.

10   I n f o S u iss e
7 pm and on four Sundays a year. Interestingly,
                                                  In most cantons the following shop opening        almost all cantons are opposed to this law,
                                                  times apply:                                      because they say the legislation threatens
                                                  • Monday to Friday 9 am – 7 pm                    their autonomy Moreover, 16 cantons would
                                                  • Thursday (late-night opening) 9 am – 9 pm       be forced to allow more liberal opening hours
                                                  • Saturday 8 am – 5 pm.                           than they currently permit. On the other
                                                  Smaller shops even have a lunch-hour closure.     hand, supporters of the law say the longer
                                                                                                    hours respond to the needs of customers and
                                                  Two years ago, a federal parliamentarian          that the retail trade would risk serious sales
                                                  initiated a law to set uniform national opening   losses if they did not change the restrictive
                                                  hours for shops. The draft law worked out by      store opening policies. The draft law will be
                                                  the Federal Government proposes that shops        discussed in the Parliament later this year – and
                                                  across Switzerland can stay open on weekdays      in case of approval – a national referendum is
                                                  from 6 am to 8 pm, on Saturdays from 6 am to      foreseeable.
   A shop sign you hardly see in Switzerland

In reality, few stores in Canada remain
open 24/7. Exceptions are small grocery
stores and some stores of the Sobeys
chain. Typical opening hours for shopping
centres are 10 am – 9 pm from Monday
to Saturday, and 12 pm – 6 pm on Sunday.

According to the Swiss Employment Act,
working is generally allowed between 6 am
and 11 pm. Working on Sundays and on public
holidays is not permitted or requires a permit.
According to this law, shops in Switzerland can
be open Monday to Saturday from 6 am to 11
pm. However, 16 of the 26 cantons have
further restrictions. For instance, stores in
some cantons are forced to close as early as 4
pm on Saturdays and 6.30 pm on weekdays.
On the other hand, shops at petrol stations
or shops that employ family members are
allowed to stay open longer. Exceptions also
apply to airports, railway stations and tourist
resorts. 21 cantons permit shopping on up to
four Sundays per year (mostly in December).

Retailers with outlets in cantons bordering
neighbouring European countries claim that
the restrictions of shopping hours encourages
cross-border shopping. In Italy, for instance,
retail opening hours are not regulated. Shops
can be open around the clock. In Switzerland’s
neighbouring state of Baden-Württemberg, the
legal opening hours are 24 hours on weekdays
and up to three Sundays and holidays a year.

                                                                                                                               Summer/Été 2015          11

     Un séjour hors du temps                                                                          rares palaces situé au bord du lac Léman sans
                                                                                                      l’entrave d’une route ouverte à la circulation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Super Florida, avec champagne Taittinger servi
                                                                                                                                                                                                         durant le trajet, ou en limousine Tesla 100%
                                                                                                      ce qui en fait un havre de paix prompt à                                                           électrique. Le service est à disposition tous les
     Situé au cœur de la Riviera suisse, à Vevey,
                                                                                                      apaiser les esprits les plus encombrés par le                                                      soirs du festival entre 18h et 1h du matin. Le
     l’Hôtel des Trois Couronnes & Destination
                                                                                                      stress quotidien.                                                                                  bar de l’hôtel propose durant la manifestation
     Spa offre un cadre exceptionnel combinant
                                                                                                                                                                                                         de la musique live jazz bossa nova. Plusieurs
     calme, détente et découverte. Panorama.
                                                                                                      Une tradition musicale                                                                             concerts de musique classique sont également
                                                                                                                                                                                                         au programme, notamment lors du Festival de
     En entrant dans l’Hôtel des Trois Couronnes,
                                                                                                      Ouvert en 1842, l’établissement a accueilli                                                        musique classique Montreux-Vevey Septembre
     il est difficile de ne pas être frappé par son
                                                                                                      de nombreuses têtes couronnées, mais                                                               musical.
     histoire, son cadre exceptionnel et sa vue
                                                                                                      aussi de célèbres musiciens, écrivains et
     magnifique sur les Alpes et le lac Léman. Situé
                                                                                                      compositeurs comme Tchaïkovski. Cette                                                               Séjours santé personnalisés
     à moins d’une heure de l’aéroport de Genève,
                                                                                                      tradition musicale est aujourd’hui perpétuée,
     à 5 minutes du centre historique de Vevey, à
                                                                                                      notamment au travers de liens étroits établis                                                       Au sein du Puressens Spa, le visiteur pourra
     proximité de la région de la Gruyère et des
                                                                                                      au fil des ans avec le Montreux Jazz Festival.                                                      se faire du bien en choisissant un programme
     vignobles de Lavaux, il propose une Suisse
                                                                                                      A cette occasion, l’hôtel propose un forfait                                                        santé individualisé associant une cuisine
     en miniature, avec en prime une ambiance
                                                                                                      comprenant un service de transfert de Vevey à                                                       bien-être axée sur le plaisir. Afin de profiter
     digne de la Côte d’Azur. Il s’agit de l’un des
                                                                                                      Montreux en bateau de collection en bois Riva                                                       du microclimat de Vevey, le spa dispose d’une

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12   I n f o S u iss e
terrasse privative. Jacuzzi, sauna, hammam
ainsi qu’une magnifique piscine de 24
                                                      S.O.S. Fondue a de la Suisse dans les idées!
mètres de long avec musique subaquatique
complètent ce cadre de détente à la fois
intimiste et exclusif. L’hôtel propose également
une salle de fitness avec entraîneur personnel
et cours collectifs.

Richesse gastronomique

Lionel Rodriguez, Chef exécutif, prépare une                    Un exemple à quoi le «food truck» 100% suisse pourrait ressembler.
cuisine saine et sans complications, axée sur
le produit. Le restaurant gastronomique de         Fondée en 2012, la compagnie S.O.S.                          De plus en plus populaires dans les rues de
l’hôtel, une étoile au Guide Michelin, offre des   Fondue s’est petit à petit fait un nom dans                  Montréal depuis quelques années, ces
plats d’inspiration méditerranéenne ainsi que      les Laurentides mais également à Montréal                    camions de restauration de rue poussent
de nombreuses spécialités du terroir local. A      et depuis l’hiver dernier à Québec. Le                       comme des champignons aux quatre coins
la fois savoureux, esthétiques et légers, ils      succès rencontré par les sachets de fondues                  de la ville. On en dénombre une trentaine et
combinent subtilement les saveurs. De son          concoctés de manière artisanale par les                      ce chiffre va continuer à croître puisque les
côté, le restaurant le 3C mise sur la fraîcheur    propriétaires suisses de cette compagnie, les                autorités de Montréal entendent encore en
dans un esprit de partage et une ambiance          poussent à se lancer dans un nouveau défi,                   accueillir au moins le double ces prochaines
décontractée. Les deux restaurants de l’hôtel      celui de posséder un «food truck».                           années. De nombreux pays sont déjà
bénéficient de la terrasse de l’hôtel, réputée
pour être l’une des plus belles du lac Léman.

Tradition et modernité

Troisième palace le plus ancien de Suisse,
l’Hôtel des Trois Couronnes a su conserver
son âme tout en y ajoutant une touche de
modernité. Dans une ambiance romantique                                LAWYERS – AVOCATS – RECHTSANWÄLTE
et chaleureuse, ses 71 chambres et suites
combinent subtilement le contemporain et
le traditionnel. Chacune est aménagée de
manière individuelle avec une attention                                 For over 50 years, many of Europe’s largest
particulière apportée au choix des tissus. On                      corporate groups, as well as numerous small and
relèvera que près de la moitié d’entre elles
sont orientées sud, face au lac Léman. Une vue                      medium-size companies, have counted on Lette
qui plonge littéralement le visiteur au cœur
d’un tableau vivant, à la beauté rare.
                                                                       to provide them with practical, sophisticated
                                                                         and cost-effective legal advice in Canada.

                                                                                          BERNARD LETTE

Hôtel des Trois Couronnes
Rue d’Italie 49                                                                          WWW.LETTE.CA
CH-1800 Vevey;
Tél. +41 (0)21 923 32 00                               ToronTo – LeTTe LLP   MonTréaL – LeTTe & associés s.e.n.c.r.L.   Paris – LeTTe aLérion   Munich – LeTTe & Knorr

                                                                                                                                                    Summer/Été 2015      13

                                                           le dernier Montréal en Lumières. «Ces pains          «Nous attendons encore quelques réponses
                                                           remplis de notre fondue, c’est rapide et             mais j’aurai sincèrement espéré que les
                                                           excellent. C’est le produit idéal à proposer         grandes compagnies suisses basées au
                                                           dans un food truck et les gens en raffolent»,        Québec adhèrent au projet. Car on ne
                                                           précise-t-il.                                        parle pas de sommes extravagantes. A
                                                                                                                titre de comparaison, nos besoins financiers
                                                                                                                correspondent au budget nécessaire pour la
                                                           Si le projet est déjà bien avancé et que
                                                                                                                parution de trois ou quatre pages de publicité
                                                           le camion a déjà été acheté, il reste à le           dans un grand quotidien. Nous, nous serons
                                                           transformer en cuisine et à le décorer aux           visibles à l’année sur les routes et dans les rues
                                                           couleurs suisses. Ce qui représente un coût que      de Montréal. Sans compter nos présences dans
     Le premier vendredi de chaque mois, les
     camions sont rassemblés sur l’esplanade               la jeune compagnie ne peut assumer. Gérald           de nombreux festivals, été comme hiver». Une
     du stade olympique. Pas moins de 25000                ne ménage pas ses efforts pour convaincre des
     personnes viennent y manger.                          partenaires d’embarquer dans le projet.

     représentés par des camions qui mettent en            «Je mets en avant le fait que ce camion,
                                                           au-delà du simple fait de proposer des
     avant leurs gastronomies respectives. N’est-il
                                                           plats typiquement suisses, sera une sorte
     pas souhaitable et même naturel que la
                                                           d’ambassadeur de notre pays. J’aimerais que
     Suisse possède à son tour son camion? Pour
                                                           chaque suisse installé au Québec puisse en être
     Gérald Golay, fondateur de S.O.S. Fondue,             fier et s’identifier à lui. Mais je constate qu’il
     cela ne fait aucun doute. «Nous possédons             est difficile de trouver des partenaires lorsqu’il
     une importante communauté suisse et nos               s’agit de restauration. Même si je ne reçoit
     repas typiques sont connus et prisés par les          que des compliments et des encouragements
     québécois, nous pensons que ce camion                                                                      Les fameux «hot fondue» seront bien
                                                           pour ce projet, l’investissement financier reste
                                                                                                                évidemment préparés dans le camion.
     connaîtrait un vif succès» glisse celui qui a servi   timide», constate le Lausannois d’origine.
                                                                                                                Au milieu de bien d’autres mets suisses.
     des centaines de «hot fondue» pendant

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14   I n f o S u iss e
ou deux réponses sont attendues cet automne
mais quoi qu’il arrive, on ne baissera pas les
bras au sein de la petite équipe de S.O.S.
Fondue, qui devra le cas échéant se tourner
vers les banques.

Une chose est certaine, si le camion voit le jour
des effluves de fromage vont chatouiller les
narines des badauds, qui pourront se régaler
des merveilles que possède la gastronomie
rouge à croix blanche. Et Gérald et son équipe
                                                       Diamond Wave
pourront alors se féliciter d’avoir eu de la Suisse
dans les idées…
                                                            C O L L E C T I O N
S.O.S. Fondue
                                                      Our new Wave design enhances the
819 216-7000
                                                       beauty of this magnificent 7 carat                                                   diamond

                                                                MONTRÉAL · 2195 rue Crescent · 514.848.0595
Le président de S.O.S. Fondue avec le maire de
                                                               PALM BEACH · 210 Worth Avenue · 561.832.4918
Québec Régis Labeaume, grand amateur de

                                                                                                              Summer/Été 2015   15

                         Switzerland in Figures        WELCOME NEW MEMBERS

                                                           SCCC (ONTARIO) INC.
                                                          New Personal Members:
                                                                  Beat Raemy
                                                             47 White Birch Road
                                                            Toronto, ON M1N 3A7
                                                                 647 297-2815

                                                                   Eliane Joller
                                                                 Shangri-La Hotel
                                                             188 University Avenue
                                                              Toronto, ON M5H 0A3
                                                              Phone: 647-788-8871

                                                        New Entrepreneur Member:
                                                                 Mark Ryan
                                                            Via Capital Outauais
                                                         217 Montcalm, bureau 201
                                                             203 Aylmer Road
                                                            Gatineau, QC J8Y 3B7

                                                              Michael Sullivan
                                                               Dyanamic Tree
                                                              Speerstrasse 12a
                                                         CH-8832 Wilen, Switzerland
                                                         Phone: +41 (0)44 787 59 05

                                                     New corporate bronze member:
                                                                Michael Barr
                                                            USM Modular Furniture
                                                             415 Eastern Avenue
                                                            Toronto, ON M4M 1B7
                                                                416 548 7787

                                                  How to become a member of the SCCC:

                                                               Sign up online at
                                                  or contact our office at or

16   I n f o S u iss e
The Executive and Directors of the
                                                                                                                                                                         Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Ontario) Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                         under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency,
                                                                                                                                                                         Dr. Beat Nobs, Swiss Ambassador to Canada and the Bahamas
                                                                                                                                                                         cordially invite you to our

                                                                                                                                                                         SCCC 2015 DINNER DANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                       La Romandie

                                                                                                                                                                           Saturday, November 14th, 2015
                                                                                                                                                                           The Omni King Edward Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                           37 King Street East, Toronto
                                                                                                                                                                           Cocktails 7:00 pm, Dinner 8:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                                           Black Tie
                                                                                                                                                                           ENJOY AN ELEGANT EVENING IN A RELAXED ATMOSPHERE
                                                                                                                                                                           R.S.V.P. by November 6th with enclosed card

 CLIENT		: AUBERGE ST-GABRIEL                                                                                                                                                                   Communications bleublancrouge    INITIALES    DATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 STUDIO                1
 PUBLICATION                                  No ANNONCE                     TITRE                                        PARUTION                                DIMENSIONS                              COULEUR                                     No CORR.
 Info Suisse                                  ASG-035_IMP-1F                 RESTO, BAR ET DOUCES FOLIES                                                          7,25 po x 3,625 po                      4C                     MPD          20-07-11 0
         TEXTES																								DATE         DIR. ARTISTIQUE													DATE    SERVICE CLIENT													DATE         DIR. PRODUCTION												DATE                        CLIENT             DATE

                                                                                                                                                                                R e stau r a n t, bar
                                                                                                                                                                                et douc e s fo l i e s

                                                                                                                                                                                426, rue Saint-Gabriel
                                                                                                                                                                                M o n trea l Q c
                                                                                                                                                                                t 514.878.3561
                                                                                                                                                                                a u be rG e S a i n t- G abr i e l . c o M

  ASG-035_Ann_Info_Suisse_7,25x3,625.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                                                  11-07-21 10:13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Summer/Été 2015                  17
The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland combines the most beautiful panoramic rail routes
in one unique travel experience.

Employers: Are Your Contractors Independent or                                                   As well, with limited exceptions, all
Dependent? The Wrong Answer Could Cost You                                                       persons working in the construction
                                                                                                 industry (whether employers, workers or
Written by Brian Silva                                                                           contractors) must register with the WSIB.
                                                                                                 Without regard to the industry in which the
One of the benefits to employers who hire          3. Whether or not the agent has an            employer and contractor operate, the WSIB
independent contractors to assist in the              investment or interest in what are         has the authority to determine whether
workplace is that there is no obligation to           characterized as the tools relating to     an individual is an independent operator
provide reasonable notice of termination or           his service.                               or a worker of an employer. The degree
pay in lieu when the relationship ends. The        4. Whether or not the agent has               of dependence of that individual on one
danger to employers is that, like employees,     		 undertaken any risks in the business         client may result in a finding that the person
dependant contractors are in fact owed           		 sense, or, alternatively, has any            is a worker of that client, irrespective of
reasonable notice on termination and the              expectation of profit associated with      any agreement or contract between the
distinctions between an independent and          		 the delivery of his service as distinct      workplace parties. Once the individual is
dependant contractor are not always clear.            from a fixed commission.                   determined to be a worker, the “employer”
                                                   5. Whether or not the activity of the         is responsible for the payment of WSIB
A decision of the Ontario Superior Court of      		 agent is part of the business                premiums for that individual as well as all of
Justice from earlier this year demonstrates      		 organization of the principal for which      the other obligations that an employer has
just how costly mischaracterizing such           		 he works. In other words, whose              to a worker under the Workplace Safety and
relationships, whether intentionally or not,     		 business is it?                              Insurance Act.
can be for employers.
                                                 The Court found that each of the above          The lawyers at CCPartners have experience
In Keenan v. Canac Kitchens, the employer,       factors favoured the interpretation that        in all aspects of wrongful dismissal
Canac Kitchens (“Canac”), maintained what        the Keenans were dependant contractors.         claims including assisting employers with
it believed to be independent contractor         Given their 25 and 32 years of service, the     proactively and appropriately structuring
relationships with two individuals, Lawrence     Court awarded each individual substantial       work relationships.
and Marilyn Keenan, for 25 and 32 years          damages representing 26 months’ notice of
respectively. On that basis, when it came        termination.                                    Please Note: This article has been prepared
time to end the relationship, Canac did not                                                      as an informational service. It is not
provide any notice of termination or pay in      While not discussed in this case, employers     intended to constitute legal advice, a
lieu.                                            who mischaracterize independent contractor      complete statement of the law or opinion
                                                 relationships may also be faced with legal      on any subject. Although we endeavour to
Despite having written agreements with           exposure relating to the Canada Revenue         ensure the accuracy of the content, no one
Lawrence and Marilyn that purported to           Agency (“CRA”) and Workplace Safety and         should act upon the information provided
confirm they were independent contractors,       Insurance Board (“WSIB”).                       without a thorough examination of the law
the Court disagreed with the Canac’s                                                             after the facts of a specific situation are fully
characterization of the relationship and         If the CRA reviews and reclassifies an          considered.
found the individuals to be dependant            independent contractor relationship as a
contractors instead.                             dependant one, the employer could face
                                                 significant costs and penalties. For example,
In coming to its decision, the Court looked at   in some cases employers can be made
the following factors:                           to repay not only their share but also the
    1. Whether or not the agent is limited       dependant contractor’s share of Canada
        exclusively to the service of the        Pension Plan contributions, Employment
        principal.                               Insurance premiums and or withholding
    2. Whether or not the agent is subject       taxes. Penalties and interest may also be
        to the control of the principal not      levied on the under-remittance of these
        only as to the product sold, but also    taxes. Employers can also be required to
        as to when, where, and how it is         make retroactive Employer Health Tax
        sold.                                    payments. Such reclassifications by the CRA
                                                 are not rare.

                                                                                                                            Summer/Été 2015          19

     Did You Know?                                                                  Agricultural trade 2013 (Mln. Euro)

     The agriculture and agri-food industry
     contributes over $100 billion annually to
     Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP).                       Dairy and eggs
     (That’s more than the national GDP of 2/3 of
     the world’s countries).                                         Floriculture

                                                            Vegetables and Fruit
     Canada is the 5th largest agricultural
     exporter in the world, and the agriculture
                                                                    Animal Feed
     and agri-food industry employs 2.2 million
     Canadians (that’s 1 in 8 jobs).                            Cacao (products)

     Canada produceS about 80% of the world’s         Other agricultural products

     maple syrup, we are the world’s largest
                                                                               -20,000    -10,000       0             10,000      20,000       30,000      40,000
     exporter of flaxseed, canola, pulses and
     durum wheat and we’re one of the largest                                                  Import        Export
     producers of flaxseed, canola, pulses and                                                                                 Source: UN Comtrade, bewerking LEI

     durum wheat.
                                                     Agriculture also has a major impact on the         There are approximately 4 million beef
     Agriculture’s hidden marvels                    economy. Canola - now the oil of choice for        cattle in Canada. In addition, roughly 26
     Did you know the airbag in your car contains    millions around the world - was developed by       million pigs are raised in Canada each year,
     cornstarch? That diabetic test strips contain   Canadian scientists and planted by Canadian        making us the world’s third-largest exporter
     an enzyme found in horseradish? Or that         farmers. In 2013, Canada contributed 33% to        of pork products.
     some shampoo and skin care products             global canola exports.
     contain oats?                                                                                      Fruit farming began sometime between
                                                                                                        6000 and 3000 B.C. Figs were one of the first
                                                                                                        cultivated fruit crops

                                                                                                        In 1830, it took about 250 to 300 labor hours
                                                                                                        to produce 100 bushels (5 acres) of wheat.
                                                                                                        In 1975, it took just 3¾ hours.

                                                                                                        Agriculture and Agri-food Production
                                                                                                        in Atlantic Canada

                                                                                                        Some intriguing facts about the agriculture
                                                                                                        and agri-food industry in Atlantic Canada.

                                                                                                        - The world’s largest fruit farm
                                                                                                        - The world’s largest supplier of frozen
                                                                                                          wild blueberries
                                                                                                        - North America’s largest carrot processor

                                                                                                        UN Comtrade, bewerking LEI

20   I n f o S u iss e
Member Profile
Portrait d’un Membre

                                                  chocolat et de la confiserie au Canada et aux
                                                  États-Unis.                                      Membership Perks &
                                                  Dans le temps des fêtes Hermann avait
                                                  l’habitude de produire, dans sa cuisine,
                                                  des chocolats qui fondaient dans la bouche       Dear Members,
                                                  pour épater la famille et ses amis. Tous lui
                                                  conseillent alors d’ouvrir à son compte, ce      We strive to continuously improve
                                                  qu’il fit.                                       and expand the service offering to our
                                                                                                   members. As such, we are pleased to
                                                  Avec l’aide de son épouse, la petite             announce that the SCCC will be offering
                                                  chocolaterie artisanale grandit rapidement.      discounted rates on auto and home
                                                                                                   insurance to its members through
                                                  La clientèle depuis vingt-cinq ans ne cesse
                                                                                                   an exclusive SCCC group insurance
                                                  de louer la qualité du produit, l’amabilité du
                                                                                                   plan underwriting by Aviva Canada.
                                                  personnel et d’affirmer trouver le bonheur
                                                                                                   Aviva Canada is the country’s second
                                                  en mettant les pieds dans la boutique.
                                                                                                   largest property and casualty insurer
                                                                                                   and offers an extensive Claims Service
                                                  La production actuelle comprend une
                                                                                                   Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are
                                                  variété de chocolats surfins présentée soit      interested in learning how much you
                                                  en boîtes ou souvent cachée dans des             could save, call 1-877-787-7021 to get
                                                  bonbonnières en chocolat tel que bouteilles,     a quote. This latest addition expands
                                                  coffre aux trésors, cochon, violon, botte de     our current insurance offering from
CHOCOLATS SUISSES célèbre cette année             père Noël, cônes, cœurs de Saint-Valentin,       health insurance provided by Nacora
ses vingt-cinq ans d’existence à Rosemère,        œufs et animaux de Pâques et autres. On          to now also include preferred rates on
située sur la Rive-Nord de Montréal.              y trouve aussi des barres, tuiles, cigares et    auto and home insurance by Aviva.
                                                  figurines fourrées au caramel, plus un grand
Loin était-il dans l’idée de son propriétaire,    nombre de produits saisonniers notamment         Earlier this year, the SCCC also launched
Hermann Zuccatti, arrivé au Canada pour           pour Noël, Saint-Valentin et Pâques. Très        a private LinkedIn group to help our
visiter l’EXPO 67 et, comme tout bon Suisse,      populaires sont les petits œufs truffés et       members gain easy access to a broad
partir à l’aventure visiter la planète, que son   les cœurs truffés et fourrés au caramel. La      network of leaders in local, national,
commerce serait son destin....                    chocolaterie offre aussi d’autres produits de    and multi-national organizations. We
                                                  confiserie et des matières premières.            encourage that you take advantage of
                                                                                                   this great opportunity to stay connected
Suite à une formation en confiserie et
                                                  La clientèle peut également choisir parmi        with fellow members.
chocolaterie en Suisse, Hermann travaille
d’abord dans la petite usine de son père          un grand nombre d’articles-cadeaux de
                                                                                                   We are proud to offer yearly scholarship
et ensuite chez Camille Bloch comme               qualité dont plusieurs sont fabriqués par des
                                                                                                   awards. These awards are open to
suppléant du directeur de production.             artisans québécois tel que boîtes en bois,
                                                                                                   children of members of the Swiss
Arrivé au Canada, il trouve du travail chez       verres, céramique, figurines et autres.
                                                                                                   Canadian Chamber of Commerce. The
Lowney’s à Sherbrooke où il œuvre quelques                                                         deadline for scholarship applications is
années dans les départements des services                                                          July 15 for the academic year starting
techniques, recherche & développement.                                                             in the fall. We will continue to work
Après EXPO 67, il rencontre Huguette qui          Chocolats Suisses                                hard to add more benefits in the near
lui change ses idées de «Globe-trotter». Les      411, chemin de la Grande-Côte                    future.
deux se marient en juillet 1968.                  Rosemère, Québec J7A 1K9
                                                  450 621 8440
En 1975 il commence chez Le Bonbon                              For more information, please contact
Expert comme Directeur d’usine puis, après                        Patricia Keller Schläpfer at the SCCC.
un changement de propriétaire, débute
en 1981 une nouvelle carrière comme
Conseiller technique dans l’industrie du

                                                                                                                          Summer/Été 2015      21
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