The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...

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The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
The Newspaper of SRMIST

For private circulation only                                                            Volume 13 Number 5

                 The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar

             Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special Convocation.
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
2   2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5

SRM varsity honours its alumni
STAFF WRITER                         you hang out would bring out
                                     nostalgic memories. The campus
  SRM Institute of Science           is not just about the buildings
and Technology honoured 27           or roads, but it is about the
of its eminent, distinguished,       embodiment of all these memories
and notable alumni at its annual     and aspirations of the present
Alumni Day that was held             students. This is one chapter in
in the institute’s campus in         your life that cannot be forgotten.
Kattankulathur. Three other          The university or institution will
graduates were presented with        always have a big impact on the
endowment medals instituted          life of the student.”
by the 1991 batch.                      He also mentioned that at
  The day was filled with fun and    SRMIST, the management is
laughter as many reminiscences       trying to bring a balance in the
and walk down memory lane.           quality and quantity, thereby
The welcome address was              giving importance to both.
presented by Alumni Director,        “This is a family where over            Founder-Chancellor of SRMIST Dr.T.R.Paarivendhar, President of SRMIST Dr.P.Sathyanarayanan,
R Venkataramani. He urged old        one lakh members are there. Our        Vice-Chancellor of SRMIST Dr.Sandeep Sancheti, Alumni Director R.Venkataramani, Pro-Vice-Chan-
graduates to instigate awards,       Founder-Chancellor, Dr. T. R.         cellor Dr.TP.Ganesan, Registrar Dr.N.Sethuraman, and other deans and directors pose with 27 eminent,
scholarships, and mentor jobs        Paarivendhar wants everyone to                  distinguished, and notable alumni at Alumni Day held at SRMIST, Kattankulathur.
for deserving students. “Apart       connect and reach out to each
                                     other. Any institution is known       presented on the occasion. If       When I was a student here,              Sauvik Das Gupta (2010
from mentoring, you should
                                     by its alumni and the legacy of       you are alumni and would like       SRM had only two blocks              batch) It is a pleasure to come
also be a guardian. You are
                                     the alumni aids to the college/       to be part of the group log onto    now it has grown in many             back and I have fond memories
also national and international
                                     university.                  for alumni        folds. The institute has taught      of my days here. SRMIST is my
ambassador of SRMIST and
                                                                           registration and other purposes.    us to be sustainable and grow.       second home and it has given
your welfare will be taken care         Echoing a similar message,                                             Many have made a mark today          me an opportunity to do many
of by management.”                   Founder-Chancellor of SRMIST,         AWARD WINNERS
                                                                                                               and this is because of what the      things. It has made me technically
  “This is the time to rejoice       Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar said,            Distinguished category: Mr.       institution taught us. Students      strong, instilled leadership and
in the success of our past and       “This is my family meet and           Baskar Babu R (1990); Vinay         should create their own dream        management skills. It is a great
to recall and reignite those         not merely an alumni meet.            Singhal (2013), Parveen Singhal     and make them real. The seeds        platform and students should
memorable university days,” said     If the children grow well and         (2014), Shashank Vaishnav           of entrepreneurship start here.      take advantage of this. It is a
Vice-Chancellor of SRMIST Dr.        enjoy several positions that is       (2013), Vishwanathan Venkata        This is a way of contributing        golden opportunity.
Sandeep Sancheti. He added, “You     when a father will be happy.          Subrmanian (1996), Varun            to SRMIST.
                                     I am really proud to hear that        Chakravarthy (2014), Dr.                                                    Dr. Vikram PSJ (2014 batch)
are one of the biggest alumni                                                                                     Nishanth Rao (2013 batch)
                                     many are doing well. As you           Nikita Hari (2011), Deepan                                               SRM has provided me with
groups in terms of number,                                                                                     Nothing in SRM has changed
                                     grow, our university will also        Chakkravarthy (2010), Raj                                                excellent infrastructure and
diversity, sectors, activities and                                                                             and it has been a second home
                                     grow. More than that we are well      Babu (1996).                                                             life. It has made me a confident
various other things. Many of                                                                                  to me. The institute has the best
                                     recognized by every Indian and                                                                                 surgeon. I urge SRM to do more
you come from different fields,                                              Notable category: Subhash M       library and is a treasure house
                                     foreign universities both locally                                                                              medical camps.
including government, private,                                             Bhat (1995), Sauvik Das Gupta       of knowledge. I have spent
and entrepreneurship. So we          and globally.”                                                                                                    Vishwanathan Venkata
                                                                           (2010), Aditya Murgai (2011),       long hours here and this has
also need to learn from you and         Minister of Irrigation (Water      Ankit Baid (2012), Sam Anton        helped me clear civil service        Subramanian (1996 batch) It
get your feedback to improve         Resources) for Andhra Pradesh,        (2007), Dr. Vikram P.S.J (2011 &    examination. It has helped me be     is a great privilege and honour
the next generation of students.     Dr. Poluboina Anil Kumar, who         2014), Dr. Samuel Rajkumar V        a step ahead of others. Therefore    to be here. I have been regularly
Alumni are the force of any          is also an Alumni of SRMIST           (1994 & 1996), Shishir Shekhar      I urge students to read more.        coming here and I am happy to
institution and we take pride in     said, “I am honoured to be here       (2009), Rakesh Gupta (2010),                                             be associated with my Alma
naming our achievers. We are                                                                                     Sriram Muralidharan (1994          Mater. I hope many are like
                                     and thankful for SRMISt for           Mohammad Younus Omid (2014),
also setting the system which                                                                                  batch) It has been 25 years since    me and would contribute to our
                                     calling me here. I was among          Raghavendran Ramakrishnan
will be much more transparent                                                                                  my last visit to SRMIST and          institution.
                                     the second batch of students          (2008).
and helpful to others.”                                                                                        nothing has changed except for
                                     to graduate from SRM. This                                                                                       Subhash M Bhat (1995 batch)
                                                                              Eminent category: Pankaj         the development of infrastructure.
  “There is a lifelong bond          institute has taught me to handle                                                                              SRM has opened the world to
                                                                           Kumar Mishra (2011), Kritik         In a bid to give back to society
with your mother institution         failures. Because of that when I                                                                               me and was my first window to
                                                                           Abiram Govindan (1995), Arokia      we have started an orphanage
and you might want to come           lost my first two elections I was                                                                              the outside world. The campus
                                                                           Inian (1991), Sriram Muralidharan   where we shelter students and
back and do several things such      able to come back with a fighting                                                                              has changed drastically in the
                                                                           (1994), Sharanya Ari (2011),        provide them food.
as academics, employing our          spirit. Now I am the youngest                                                                                  last 25 years. There is a lot of
                                                                           Dr. Poluboina Anil Kumar Bds
graduates, entrepreneurship,         minister in AP cabinet.”                                                     Sam Anton (2007 batch)            vibrancy now and it is nice to
                                                                           (2007), Vikraman Vasudevan
research, or incubating your ideas                                                                             SRMIST is one of the best            see my Alma Mater that way.
                                       He added, “Many students            (2005), Nishanth Rao (2013),
here. You can also come forward                                                                                universities in India and I am       If you want to achieve your
                                     have come out in flourishing          K. S. Viswanathan (2015).
to donate labs, equipment, or                                                                                  fortunate for having studied         goals, it is important to pursue
                                     colours. We have been blessed
give lectures. On the other hand,                                          ALUMNI SPEAKS                       here. I was always mischievous       them diligently with hard work.
                                     with good professors and lectures.
                                                                                                               and used to be pulled up. My
SRMIST will support alumni           The pain that we go through              Arokia Inian Xavier (1991
                                                                                                               parents were also called and that       Kritik Abiram Govindan
in terms of fee concessions,         was essential and it has molded       batch) There are about two lakh
                                                                                                               is when I realized that I have       (1995 batch) You need to be
using the institute’s facilities     me to become a better person.         students from SRMIST who are
                                                                                                               to do something even it does         connected with your alumni and
and such things. If u want to see    Today I feel proud in coming          part of the alumni group. Most of
                                                                                                               not relate to academics. This        I request everyone to do so. It
more changes in SRMIST, you          back as alumni.”                      our students are all well placed
                                                                                                               place is not just for toppers but    will help in your career growth.
can also bring it to our notice.”                                          and we are all there to help the
                                       Present on the occasion was                                             for those who want to pursue         I was from the first batch and we
                                                                           upcoming generation. Apart
  President of SRMIST, Dr. P.        Pro-Vice-Chancellor of SRMIST                                             other interests. Milan gave me       had a small campus. That time
                                                                           from that the students these
Sathyanarayanan said, “It is a       Dr. TP Ganesan, Registrar Dr.                                             everything. That is how I ended      it was only 1,000 students, now
                                                                           days are a lot smarter and way
pleasure to be with all of you       N Sethuraman and other deans                                              up doing four films and I owe        SRM has grown phenomenal.
                                                                           too intelligent.
on this occasion. I am sure the      and directors. The annual report                                          it to the success of SRMIST          It is our duty to involve in our
classrooms and places where          of the alumni association was           R. Baskar Babu (1990 batch        and Milan.                           Alma Mater.
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5 3

Focus on quality
medical care: AIIMS
(Mangalagiri) President
STAFF WRITER                       attention. Quality and patient
                                   safety is the universal language
  A total of 5884 students         that is echoing attention. Many
collected their medals, ranks,     of the students should carry
and degrees amid proud             this torch as the absence of
parents in a packed hall at the    patient safety means the absence
Special Convocation held at        of preventable harm happening
SRM Institute of Science &         in health care. Our aim should
Technology, Kattankulathur         be to bring down the mortality
recently.                          rate to an acceptable minimum.
                                   Apart from prevention, you
   Chief Guest of the event Dr.
                                   should also learn from errors
T. S. Ravikumar, President
                                   and teamwork.”
of AIIMS Mangalagiri,
Andhra Pradesh congratulated         “Man-to-man, machine-to-
students for having crossed        man and machine-to-machine
this milestone. “As we are         interfaces must work for patient
stepping into 2020, a year of      safety. Unsafe care can be labeled
vision, SRMIST has given           as a disease. This is one of the
you a chance to create a new       top 10 causes of death. More
vision, so seize the day and       than half of these causes are
enjoy it.”                         preventable. Of this, one third
                                   leads to disability and even
  Urging students to make
                                   death. Diagnostic errors also add
good use of the time this
                                   to this. So whatever profession
M e m b e r- W H O G l o b a l
                                   you are taking, your aim should
Patient Safety Curriculum
                                   be to minimize errors,” said
Committee and Founding
                                   senior healthcare professional.
“Chittur Viswanathan Parvathy
Endowed Chair” - quality/            Echoing on the same line,
Patient safety, SVIMS, Tirupati    Dr. Damodar Acharya, Former-
said you are all a privileged      Chairman, AICTE, New Delhi,
lot as many do not get such        and Former Director IIT
opportunities. Make use of         Kharagpur, who was the guest
the chance this institution        of honour said, “Technology is
has to offer you.                  fast changing. There is a sea of
                                   change in it every day and it is
   “SRMIST is one place where
                                   important to be able to cope up
students can equip themselves
                                   with it. Organ replacing and
in several disciplines under
                                   drug developing are some of
one roof. You are the future
                                   the most growing sectors. It is
of knowledge. You can create
                                   important for students to grow
special things if you can think
                                   in these areas to be competent.
in multifaceted forms. You
need to have courage and              “Be open to new businesses
design something that no           and solving problems. The need
one can replicate.”                of the customers are changing
                                   and this is paving the way to new
  He gave a presentation on
                                   problems. We are now in an era of
‘Quality & Patient Safety -
                                   personalised manufacturing which
The Universal Language for
                                   is overtaking mass production.
Universal Healthcare’
                                   Soon the stores of today may
   “Artificial Intelligence,       become a thing of the past.
machine learning, deep             Smart mobility, smart city, and
learning, and big data are         smart health care, will soon be
                                                                        Dr. T. S. Ravikumar, President of AIIMS Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh presented the medals and
the future. Although India         a reality. Physical work will        degree certificates to outstanding students at the Special Convocation held at SRM Institute of Science
is gifted with many first,         reduce and this will lead to a       & Technology, Kattankulathur. Also seen are Dr. Damodar Acharya, Former-Chairman, AICTE,
we will have to adapt to the       major challenge.”                    New Delhi; Founder-Chancellor of SRMIST Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar, Vice-Chancellor of SRMIST Dr.
transformations in these fields.                                        Sandeep Sancheti, President of SRMIST Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan, Vice President Dr. R Shivakumar,
                                     He concluded by saying,
This is an opportunity for                                              Pro-Vice-Chancellor Dr. TP Ganesan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Dr. R Balasubramanian and Registrar Dr.
                                   “You have to do everything           N Sethuraman.
students at SRMIST to make
                                   yourself each time you face
a change in technology, health
                                   problems. You need to be your
care and so on. Although we                                             Dr. Sandeep Sancheti presented      Parliament Lok Sabha, Dr. T.        Dr. R Balasubramanian,
                                   own guiding light and most
have the best doctor-patient                                            the Annual Report. The              R. Paarivendhar, President of       Registrar Dr. N Sethuraman,
                                   importantly, never forget your
ratio, our infant mortality and                                         Convocation was held in the         SRMIST Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan,      Members of the Board of
                                   Alma mater, because it is the
mortality rates are still high.                                         presence of Founder-Chancellor      Vice President Dr. R Shivakumar,    Management, Members
                                   reason for your growth.”
Our health care quincunx is                                             of SRM Institute of Science &       Pro-Vice-Chancellor Dr. TP          of the Academic Council
something that needs urgent          Vice-Chancellor of SRMIST,         Technology and Member of            Ganesan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor        among others.
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
4    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5

Team SRM Green Stabilizers has won
first place in Regional Convention of
AICTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Award -19
STAFF WRITER                          first in the ‘Land category’. The
                                      winners were declared by M.
   A group of students from the       Sundaresan, Regional Officer,
Department of Civil Engineering       SRO, AICTE along with other
has brought honour to SRM             delegates nominated by AICTE
Institute of Science and              and ISTE from industry and
Technology, Kattankulathur. The       academics. The winners would
team, SRM Green Stabilizers,          now be heading to the next level
won the first place in Regional       for the National Convention of
Convention of the third edition       3rd AICTE Chhatra Vishwakarma        Pro Vice Chancellor (External Affairs) Dr. R Balasubramanian and other dignitaries unveiled the special
of AICTE Chhatra Vishwakarma          Award - 2019 that is to be held      souvenir and CD of the conference that was organised under the aegis of School of Commerce and Economics,
Award - 2019 under the ‘Land          at AICTE Headquarters, New           SRMIST.
category’. The theme of the           Delhi in the third week of
event was “How to Enhance
the Income of Village”.
                                      January 2020.
                                        Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan,
                                                                           Students exhorted to focus
  SRMIST was among the
7,000 applications received
throughout the country, out of
                                      Director (E&T), SRMIST,
                                      congratulated the winning
                                      team and mentor for their
                                                                           on business research
which 105 teams were shortlisted      efforts made to bring laurels
in the subsequent selection           to the University. Dr. K. S.         STAFF WRITER                            The Digital India campaign,       is a social need.
rounds and finally entered into       Satyanarayanan, Head of Civil                                             initiated by the Prime Minister,
                                                                                                                                                        Entrepreneurs are not born, but
the Regional Convention of            Engineering Department have            Malaysia Multimedia                is a very effective project, as
                                                                                                                                                     are created by other entrepreneurs,
Southern Region. All the teams        also complimented the winners        University Professor Dr.             all transactions are carried out
                                                                                                                                                     and keeping this in mind the
demonstrated their Prototype/         for their achievement. The student   Saravanan Muthaiyah inaugurated      digitally in developed countries,
                                                                                                                                                     Indian Entrepreneurship
Product of the solution in Regional   team consists of M Aravind,          the 2-day MERX MERCIS, the           he said and also drew attention
                                                                                                                                                     Development Institute offers
Convention organized by the           Shankar Kandasamy, Dhivya            6th International Symposium          to the implementation of the
                                                                                                                                                     training certificates on Integrated
AICTE for Southern Region             S, Kavya M and Dhaejeshwar           on Business Research at the          Fastag system in toll booths
                                                                                                                                                     Entrepreneurship to 1000 people,
recently at Hindustan Institute       K R. They were mentored              SRM Institute of Science and         that would help reduce traffic
                                                                                                                                                     they said.
of Technology and Science. The        by Chezhiyan S, Assistant            Technology, Kattankulathur.          delays.
team from SRMIST was ranked                                                                                                                             Speaking at the conference R.
                                      Professor/Civil.                       Pro Vice Chancellor (External        Stating that there was a good
                                                                                                                                                     Venkatraman, General Manager
                                                                           Affairs) Dr. R Balasubramanian       scope for business and commerce
                                                                                                                                                     of the Madras Management
                                                                           unveiled the special souvenir        students, Dr.Balasubramanian
                                                                                                                                                     Association, said e-commerce
                                                                           and CD of the conference that        exhorted the students to
                                                                                                                                                     is today making rapid strides
                                                                           was organised under the aegis        focus on business research.
                                                                                                                                                     which was not the case when
                                                                           of School of Commerce and            He also said the students can
                                                                                                                                                     it was introduced in 1996-97.
                                                                           Economics, SRMIST.                   take advantage of the various
                                                                                                                opportunities that SRMIST              He said e-commerce was a
                                                                              The conference was attended       offers in entrepreneurship and       world-wide phenomenon, and
                                                                           by more than thousand students,      skills development.                  the success of companies like
                                                                           young researchers, professors,                                            Amazon and Flipkart were mainly
                                                                           and business representatives           Speaking at the conference,
                                                                                                                                                     due to the proper research made
                                                                           from various institutions of         both Professor Dr. Saravanan
Winning Team SRM GREEN STABILIZERS with delegates of AICTE                                                                                           in the related field.
                                                                           higher education, business,          Muthaiyah and Professor
                                                                           economics, accounting, and           Dr. Raman Gujral, Professor            Additional Director General
                                                                           finance.                             and Head (Southern Region)           of National Customs Academy
                                                                                                                Entrepreneurship Development         Navneet Goel, Chennai Aachi
                                                                              At the conference, 216 research   Institute of India, said that        Educational and Research
                                                                           papers including 14 of researchers   research study called for a lot of   Foundation Dr Malathi
                                                                           from America, Australia, England,    dedication and sincerity. They       Selvakkumar and Hrudyaa
                                                                           and Indonesia were presented         appealed to the students to take     Director V Krishnamoorthy
                                                                           on the subjects of business,         up research in areas where there     also spoke at the conference.
                                                                           economics, accounting, and
                                                                           finance, corporate secretaryship.
                                                                           Out of these, 190 were accepted,
                                                                           and 33 research papers were             The conference was attended
                                                                           approved to be published in
                                                                           foreign journals.                       by more than thousand
                                                                              Professor Dr. Angayarkanni
Winning Team SRM GREEN STABILIZERS with delegates of AICTE
                                                                           welcomed the attendees while            students, young researchers,
                                                                           Professor Dr. Chitra explained the
                                                                           rationale behind the conference.        professors, and business
                                                                             Speaking after unveiling
                                                                           the conference souvenir, Dr.            representatives from various
                                                                           R Balasubramanian said the
                                                                           conference, being attended              institutions of higher education,
                                                                           by educational institutions,
                                                                           professional bodies and
                                                                           consultants, would help create
                                                                                                                   business, economics,
                                                                           opportunities for students and
                                                                           avoid exploitation in business.
                                                                                                                   accounting, and finance.
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5 5

Placement looking up @ SRMIST

   Despite all the talk about
slowdown in the economy and
cut down in hiring by major
IT firms SRM students have
received more than 7,250 offers
from 200+ companies who
visited our campus so far. The
highest number of offers PAN
India were made by TCS (1,437),
followed by Infosys (1,315),
Cognizant (1,175), and Wipro
(822). TCS also made offers to
183 students under its ‘Digital       (From L to R) Mr.Vivekanandan – Placement Officer (SRMIST),
track’, with a higher package of      Mr.Sriram S.Padmanabhan - Director – Career Centre (SRMIST);               (From L to) Ms. Anjana Ashwin - Lead Recruiter(ZF), Mr. Alduri
₹7 lakh per annum. Our students       Mr.Deevakar Kuppuswamy - Manager P Division (ZF), Dr.                      Sriram - Senior Recruiter(ZF), Dr.R.Balasubramaniam - Pro
have also bagged 1300+ dream          P. Sathyanarayanan – President (SRMIST), Mr. Arunkumar                     VC - External Affairs(SRMIST), Mr.Arunkumar Ramakrishnan
offers so far.                        Ramakrishnan - BU Leader P Division (ZF), Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan          - BU Leader P Division(ZF), Mr.Vivekanandan – Placement
                                      - Director - Engineering & Technology (SRMIST)                             Officer(SRMIST)
  ZF India visits SRM for the
First time and makes ‘Core’
Offers                                Global Management Trainee
                                      program is now initiated in India
   ZF is a global technology
                                      wherein six of our students got
company that supplies systems
                                      an opportunity to make the final
for passenger cars, commercial
                                      presentation in their Hyderabad
vehicles and industrial technology,
                                      office and one got selected for
enabling the next generation of
                                      the Global Management Trainee
mobility. The company has a
                                      program of ZF Germany.
global workforce of 1,49,000 in
230 locations across 40 countries.      ZF Global Trainee Program
ZF is one of the leading suppliers       The ZF Global Management
of technology solutions and           Trainee program is a very
services that is shaping mobility
                                      prestigious program which draws
trends in India.
                                      students from Germany, China,
  ZF India visited SRM on             and Brazil. The program makes
7th November 2019 for hiring          the new hires get acquainted with
Graduate Engineer Trainees and        the company at various domestic
Global Management Trainees.           and international locations,          exposure in different departments,   entire ZF Group. ZF provides the   various workshops and trainings
More than 200 students attended       independently complete projects,      obtain cross-functional knowledge    new incumbents with important      on presentation techniques, project
and 18 got placed as Graduate         and assume responsibility in teams.   which would enable them to           first-hand knowledge and skills    management and intercultural
Engineer Trainees. The ZF             It enables fresh-graduates get        develop networks across the          for the 21st century through       communication.

Millions strike for climate action                                                            B.KAVYA SHRUTHI                              and just about anyone who believed
                                                                                                                                           in making a difference. Participants
worldwide: A student drive                                                                      What do 35-year-old Nathan, a lawyer
                                                                                              from Houston and 8-year-old Salma, a
                                                                                                                                           marched on the streets holding signs
                                                                                                                                           with hard-hitting sayings and shouting
                                                                                              student from Dhaka have in common?           slogans. “What do we want? - Climate
                                                                                              They’re all experiencing climate change,     action; When do we want it? - Now”,
                                                                                              a monster too ugly to be indiscriminate.     was the unifying voice that groups from
                                                                                              The 20th-27th of September 2019 was          diverse lands echoed.
                                                                                              acknowledged as the ‘Global Climate             The strike was driven by the youths’
                                                                                              Strike Week’ which witnessed a massive       search for a meaningful life, who were
                                                                                              protest led by high-school and middle-       ready to sacrifice formal education to
                                                                                              school students across the globe. Millions   stand for a more pressing concern like
                                                                                              from over 185 countries took to the          climate change. Greta Thunberg herself
                                                                                              streets to draw the attention of world       took part in the strikes at New York
                                                                                              leaders towards their climate inaction       City, traveling on a solar-powered zero-
                                                                                              to keep global temperatures below 1.5        emissions sailboat. In India, strikes were
                                                                                              degrees of warming.                          organized in 13 cities, including Delhi,
                                                                                                 Inspired by the young Swedish climate     Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata,
                                                                                              activist, the strike saw students around     Kochi, Allahabad, and Kozhikode, which
                                                                                              the world organizing over 6000 events,       brought more than 10,000 protesters
                                                                                              skipping school to protest over the          together.
                                                                                              adults’ helplessness in battling climate       The climate strikes were successful
                                                                                              change. They were also joined by prolific    in demonstrating the power of unity
    Young minds, Brave souls, Fresh hopes! Climate activist Greta Thunberg joins              climate activists, scientists, indigenous    amongst humankind, and in proving
  Canadian protesters during the global climate strike in Montreal, on September 27.          tribes, techies from global corporations,    our youth’s dynamism.
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
6   2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5

                                                                        Women Empowerment and
                                                                        challenges of 21st century
                                                                        STAFF WRITER                           Congress Association - Chennai           crafting Poetry and Poster
                                                                                                               Chapter, recently at Dental              presentation were conducted
                                                                           We the women of the present         Auditorium, SRM Institute                for the girls. About 200 students
                                                                        generation have witnessed the          of Science and Technology,               actively participated in the
                                                                        changes in the society especially      Ramapuram Campus.                        events. The presentations of
                                                                        those relating to the cause of                                                  young women participants
                                                                                                                 D r. B . S u h a s i n i , C h i e f
                                                                        women during the last couple of                                                 were carefully scrutinized and
                                                                                                               Radiologist, Omandurar Govt
                                                                        years. It is a fact that during this                                            the best presentations/models
                                                                                                               Hospital, Chennai was the Chief          were consolidated by a peer
                                                                        period, the position of women
                                                                                                               Guest and Mrs.Varalakshmi,               review team. At the closure
                                                                        in India has changed in various
                                                                                                               Director, MITI Electronics Pvt           of the post-morning session,
                                                                        aspects. The constitution of India
                                                                                                               Ltd, Chennai was the Guest of            the students who got first,
                                                                        has provided equal rights and
                                                                                                               Honor for the workshop.                  second and third prize for the
                                                                        equal opportunities for its citizens
                                                                        including women. However,                The motivational talk on               English poetry competition were
                                                                        gender discrimination against          “Women as Entrepreneur”                  asked to read their poetry in the
                                                                        girls and women, high infant           was delivered by the Guest of            valedictory function. Dr Helen
                                                                        mortality rate and maternal            Honour Mrs. P. Varalakshmi               P Kavitha, HoD/Chemistry
                                                                        mortality rates and cross violence     Director, MITI Electronics               gave the vote of thanks. In her
                                                                        of women, adolescence and              Pvt Ltd, Chennai. She gave               extended vote of thanks, she
                                                                        child’s rights continue to be the      an enlightening talk on how              appreciated ISCA – Chennai
                                                                        challenges of the 21st century.        to become an entrepreneur in             Chapter for the timely financial
                                                                        Legally, women are recognized          our life by having self control          support, expressed gratitude to
                                                                        as equal to men, but the condition     in our life. Dr. B. Suhasini,            the events’ organizer, ambient
                                                                        of women is still in the clutches      Chief Radiologist, Omandurar,            audience who have volunteered
                                                                        of traditional roles assigned to       Govt Hospital, Chennai gave an           in all spheres towards the sucess
                                                                        them, since most of these women        awareness talk on breast cancer.         of the program.
                                                                        are illiterate. When India became      She also shared how to do self             In the valedictory function,
                                                                        independent, various laws were         examination to check for cancer.         Dr.L.Sudha, HoD/Physics and
                                                                        enacted to provide equal rights        She enlighted girl students and          the convener of the workshop,
                                                                        and opportunities for women.           staffs about the precautionary           and Dr.Helen P Kavitha, HoD/
                                                                        With this in view, women came          measurements to be taken for             Chemistry congratulated the
                                                                        out and took leadership in the         their health. The competitions           winners of competitions and
                                                                        field of education, health, social     such as Pot Decoration, Jewellery        awarded trophies and distributed
                                                                        work, politics, administration         making, Face painting, paper             certificates for the participants.
                                                                        and so on.

Building Engineers                                                        Mrs. Indira Gandhi rose to a
                                                                        stature of highest honour when

and Innovative ideas                                                    appointed as Prime Minister of
                                                                        India. Vijay Lakshmi Pandit,
                                                                        Sarojni Naidu, Padmaja Naidu,
STAFF WRITER                        Head, Department of Physics,        Sucheta Kripalani and Bonnily
                                    welcomed the judges and students.   Khongmen are the names of few
  B.Tech students of SRM            Coordinator of the projects         Indian ladies who have joined
IST, Ramapuram Campus               contest Dr.M.Saravanan, Assistant   higher political post and served
created Innovative Ideas of         Professor (SL.G), Department of     the country very efficiently.
different working models based      Physics introduced the judges.      Now a days we have Smt.
on the concepts of Science,                                             Sumitra Mahajan, who is the
                                      342 budding engineers and their   speaker of the LokSabha, Brinda
Engineering & Technology. This
                                    112 innovative ideas (working       Karat, Sheila Dixit, Nirmala
Competition was organized by the
                                    models) were displayed in the       Seetharaman and Mrs. Sonia             Prof. Dr. L. Sudha, Convener of the Workshop and Head of the
Forum of Sciences (The Science
                                    mini projects contest. These        Gandhi who are few women               Department of Physics, Ramapuram Campus gave the Welcome address
Association) of Department of
                                    new, original and innovative        who have made the position and         and briefed about the workshop followed by lighting of Kuthuvilakku
Physics. The forum welcomed                                                                                    by the dignitaries.
                                    ideas were analyzed and well        place in politics because of their
projects from multidisciplinary
                                    appreciated by the judges.          confidence, education and have
teams (that is, students from
one branch can join with other         About 300 Students from          shown the path to upcoming
branch students).                   nearby schools visited our campus   women leaders. Women are
                                    to see the mini projects and they   essential and integral part of the
  Dr.Somashekhar S Hiremath,
                                    were highly motivated in Science,   development process including
Associate Professor, Department
                                    Engineering & Technology on         planning, decision making and
of Mechanical Engineering,
                                    seeing the projects.                implementation.
Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras and Dr. Prahallad Padhan,      D e a n ( E & T ) a n d Vi c e      Motivating young women
Associate Professor, Department     Principal (Academic), SRM           to become a torch bearer is
of Physics, Indian Institute of     IST, Ramapuram Campus               essential for society now and
Technology Madras, Chennai,         felicitated the event. Prizes and   then, a “Workshop on Women
were invited as judges for giving   Certificates were distributed in    Empowerment” was organized
the students encouragemnt for       the Valedictory Function. The       by SRM Institute of Science
their hard work and dedication.     function came to a close with       and Technology, Ramapuram in
Dr.L.Sudha, Professor and           the National Anthem.                association with Indian Science          A few portraits of the glimpses of the workshop are shown below:
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5 7

Opportunities aplenty
in space research:
ISRO scientist
STAFF WRITER                           meteorological research, and
                                       remote medical treatment.
   Dr. V. Ramamoorthy, retired         He pointed out that remote
scientist from ISRO, explained         medical treatment is available
to students the opportunities          in 180 hospitals across the
available at ISRO and other            country. A total of 146 village
allied organisations for engineers,    hospitals have been linked to 34
science and diploma students at        multi-specialty hospitals. Also,
a seminar held at SRM Institute        thanks to satellite technology,
of Science and Technology,             education in villages has got a
Kattankulathur.                        major fillip. In 20 years’ time,
                                       space technology will surpass
  The seminar was organised by
                                       information technology. “Hence
Puthiya Thalaimurai Fountation,
                                       students should focus a lot on
Viluthukal Amaippu and its
general secretary Venkatagiri
welcomed the gathering.
                                       this field that offers plenty of
                                       opportunities,” he said.               Essay, oratorical contest on
  Speaking at the seminar
Ramamoorthy said technological
                                         The event also saw the
                                       participation of Director –
                                       Corporate Relations SRMIST
                                                                              Swachhata HI Seva at SRM
development is happening at a
rapid pace, and students should        Dr. S Ganapathy, Professor
                                       Mechanical Department A                STAFF WRITER                          was by Dr V Thirumurugan,           and submitted 59 projects to
understand the opportunities                                                                                        Associate Director (CL) and         UBA 2.0. Among 59 projects,
available in various fields.           Rajasekar and Physical Education
                                       and Sports Advisor Nandagopal.           Students of SRM College of          nodal officer –UBA.                 7 projects were approved and
But job opportunities are not                                                 Nursing SRMIST participated                                               funds were sanctioned for three
available for all, and hence those       ABOUT SRM                                                                     Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is a
                                                                              in an essay and oratorical                                                projects. One project, supply of
who graduate should become                                                                                          flagship programme of MHRD,
                                         SRM Institute of Science and         competition on UBA – Swachhata                                            RO water to school students
entrepreneurs. And that too, big                                                                                    Government of India. SRMIST
                                       Technology is accredited with          HI Seva 2019 (Ban of single                                               was completed and students
entrepreneurs.                                                                                                      has been enrolled in UBA 2.0
                                       the highest grade of A++ by            use plastic). The winners were                                            were benefited.
                                                                                                                    as participating institute and it
   Before getting into any             NAAC and graded as Category            awarded at a ceremony held at
                                                                                                                    was approved in January 2018.         As per MHRD instruction,
business, one should understand        I university with 12 B status.         the institute’s premises.
                                                                                                                    The institute has adopted five      SRMIST did a campaign for the
it in depth and take the plunge        All Engineering, Pharmacy,               The welcome address was             villages and has implemented        ban of single use of plastic in
with utmost confidence, he said.       Architecture, and MBA programs         given by Dean SRM College of          government schemes through          villages and inside the campus
  Talking about aerospace,             are approved by AICTE. SRMIST          Nursing, Dr C Kanniammal. The         technology development and          under Swachhata Hi Seva 2019.
Ramamoorthy said opportunities         has secured the third rank in the      presidential address and the prizes   customization. A group of our       Students and faculties also did
are aplenty. And a lot of work is      Atal Ranking of Institutions           were distributed by Registrar         faculties and students visited      Shramdaan and took pledge on
happening in the fields of satellite   on Innovation Achievements             Dr N Sethuraman. Felicitation         the villages, identified problems   plastic free India.
technology, communication,             (ARIIA). SRMIST is ranked
                                       globally by QS and rated by QS

                                                                              A Sporty Affair
                                       with ‘4 Star’ globally and awarded
                                       India centric QS IGAUGE
 ...opportunities                      Diamond rating.
                                         SRMIST carries out cutting
 are aplenty. And                      edge research in frontier areas
                                       with more than 224 government-
 a lot of work is                      funded research projects at an
                                       outlay of Rs. 115 Crores since            ACE’19 was a sports
 happening in the                      2007. It has 11 international
                                       patents also. The institute recently
                                                                              tournament organized by the
                                                                              Directorate of Student Affairs
 fields of satellite                   opened Sir C V Raman Research
                                       Park at an estimate of Rs 120
                                                                              for the first year students at
                                                                              SRM Institute of Science and
                                       crores with state-of-the-art           Technology. With their very
 technology,                           equipment. The facility was            first breaths of college life,                     Students in a basketball match at ACE’19
                                       opened by Hon’ble Minister of          these students were given the
 communication,                        HRD, Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal             opportunity to shape their wings
                                                                                                                    included the basketball court,
                                                                                                                    soccer ground, badminton court
                                                                                                                                                        these included both boys’ and
                                                                                                                                                        girls’ teams. 34 participants
                                       ‘Nishank’.                             and fly higher by honing their
 meteorological                           SRMIST has over 50,000
                                                                              skills. It consisted of seven
                                                                              sporting events: chess, cricket,
                                                                                                                    etc. Basketball was conducted
                                                                                                                    in two sets of five minutes
                                                                                                                                                        competed in badminton for the
                                                                                                                                                        title of the champion of ACE’19.
                                       students and nearly 3,200 faculty                                            each. Only three players were       Also, the game of wit was
 research, and                         across all the campuses offering
                                                                              soccer, basketball, badminton,
                                                                              and table tennis. These events
                                                                                                                    allowed to play in the court        fought by more than 90 chess
                                       a wide range of undergraduate,                                               from each team. Knockout            enthusiasts. The tournament
 remote medical                        postgraduate, and doctoral
                                                                              tested the participants on various
                                                                              facets like decision making,
                                                                                                                    rounds were conducted among         had two categories consisting
                                       programs in Engineering,                                                     the eight participant teams. On     of first year students from the
 treatment said                        Management, Medicine
                                       and Health Sciences, Hotel
                                                                              teamwork, accuracy, reflexes,
                                                                              and fitness.
                                                                                                                    the other hand, mini cricket
                                                                                                                    was organized on an eighteen
                                                                                                                                                        Agriculture department and
                                                                                                                                                        otherwise. The whole tournament
 Ramamoorthy                           Management, Science and
                                       Humanities, Agricultural Sciences
                                                                                The glamorous tournament
                                                                              was held recently at various
                                                                                                                    yards pitch with teams of seven
                                                                                                                    competing against each other.
                                                                                                                                                        was organized with the aim
                                                                                                                                                        to provide a platform to the
                                       and a School of Law.                   venues across the campus. These       14 teams competed in soccer;        freshmen to exhibit their talents.
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
8   2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5

No country has developed without the participation of women: FICCI official

  “The future of jobs is the
biggest challenge we are facing.
To overcome it, student-centric
learning should be adopted,
which includes teaching
entrepreneurship. Lectures/
professors should be mentors and
they should also keep learning,”
said Shobha Mishra Ghosh,
Assistant Secretary General,
FICCI, New Delhi.
  She spoke to students of
MBA, BBA, BCA, Science
& Humanities, and Science &
Technology at the fourth edition
of Dr. Paarivendhar Lecture
Series held at SRM Institute
of Science and Technology,                       Founder-Chancellor of SRMIST, Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar, honoured Assistant Secretary General, FICCI, New Delhi,
Kattankulathur. She addressed                     Shobha Mishra Ghosh, at the fourth edition of Dr. Paarivendhar Lecture Series held at SRMIST, Kattankulathur
students on the topic, ‘Future
Jobs in India and the Role of        campus interview.” “We are          form clubs and associations         climate change, exponential         insurance, textile and apparel,
Universities’.                       trying to develop and nurture       to attend such lectures. This       technologies, growing               retail. Most jobs will die away
   Welcoming the gathering           you with lots of information so     is equal to reading several         protectionism, urbanization,        and give way to 55 unique jobs
Dean, School of Management,          that you can face this world in     books. If you stop learning, you    demographic on the future jobs      roled across eight technologies
Dr. V. Ponniah said, “In future      several methods and ways. To        stop living.” Focusing on the       in India. We are now in the         such as VR, IoT, Big Data
it will be difficult to judge jobs   do this, the response of students   purpose of education, Shobha        fourth industrial revolution and    Analytics, AI, Robotic Process
and hence this lecture will          is also important. Students can     Mishra Ghosh said, “Apart from      the change from the third to the    Automation, 3D Printing, cloud
throw light on what to expect                                            knowledge, employable skills,       fourth took place in a very short   computing, social & mobile.
and how to cope up with the                                              research, and innovation, it is     time. The transition to the fifth
                                                                                                                                                    Speaking on the new age
change. Supply and demand are                                            important to evolve, be an aware    stage will be in less than three
                                                                                                                                                 pedagogy, this FICCI officer
affected by various factors. So it                                       and empathetic human being.”        years she emphasized.
                                                                                                                                                 said, “The changing paradigm
is the knowledge and expertise                                           She added that our education          “The effective working age        in our education has led to new
of the student that needs to be                                          system should contribute towards    of the population is reducing.      age pedagogy. This leads to
changed and updated.”                                                    making students a good human        The use of robots and cobots        global classrooms, experiential
                                                                         being. This implies to thinkers     is gaining more popularity          learning, and addressing diverse
   In his presidential address,
                                                                         & philosophers, entrepreneurs       thereby replacing people. Now       learners. Universities should
Founder-Chancellor of SRMIST,
                                                                         & professionals, scientists &       in developed countries, people      teach students to think and be
Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar said, “The
                                                                         researches. Everyone is talking     will spend more time on leisure     aware of what is happening
scope for the job in the future is
                                                                         about innovation. We should also    activity. This is something that    around them. The learning in this
going to change. Such lectures are
                                                                         see if this innovation is solving   we need to pay attention to as      21st century is different and the
useful than classroom teaching.
                                                                         issues and problems that we         a developing country. Soon          faculty and management should
To improve your knowledge it
                                                                         are facing. If we think students    customers are going to play a       also adopt themselves. Mentors
is important to listen to such
                                                                         are going to be passive learner,    vital role in the manufacturing     should also take up different
talks. Students should show
                                                                         then how can we think about         sector. Hence having a set of       calibers of teaching. Many
more interest as it gives ideas
                                       Ms. Shobha Mishra Ghosh           collaboration? She questioned.      skills and upskilling is the
and exposure about yourself,                                                                                                                     institutions are not adopting the
                                         delivering her lecture at                                           need of the hour.” Speaking
how to speak with people and             the fourth edition of Dr.         Talking about key global                                              latest technologies. Faculty also
                                                                                                             on how we are still lagging         should not shy from learning from
know what is happening around        Paarivendhar Lecture Series held    changes in the present scenario,
                                                                                                             behind in our education system,     students. Our system only looks
you. It could also help in your       at SRMIST, Kattankulathur.         she highlighted the impact of
                                                                                                             this FICCI official said, “Our      at the learning ability. There are
                                                                                                             education still remains in the      nine types of intelligence and
                                                                                                             second revolution stage. Only a     we should see that and harness
    “The effective working age of the population is                                                          handful of counties have moved      it accordingly. The creative
                                                                                                             on to cater to the needs of the     economy has transcended into
    reducing. The use of robots and cobots is gaining                                                        present time. Although India
                                                                                                             has advanced well in terms of
                                                                                                                                                 several sectors including IT,
                                                                                                                                                 therefore our universities should
    more popularity thereby replacing people. Now in                                                         rapid urbanisation, technology
                                                                                                             adaptation, we still need to
                                                                                                                                                 also focus on liberal education.”
                                                                                                                                                 “Women’s participation should
    developed countries, people will spend more time on                                                      harness our rural economy
                                                                                                             which contributes to 16% of
                                                                                                                                                 increase. No country in this
                                                                                                                                                 world has developed without
                                                                                                             our GDP.
    leisure activity. This is something that we need to pay                                                    Highlighting the workforce
                                                                                                                                                 the participation of women in
                                                                                                                                                 the workforce,’. She concluded.
    attention to as a developing country. Soon customers                                                     matrix 2022, she elaborated the
                                                                                                             9% would be deployed in new
                                                                                                                                                 Also present on the occasion were
                                                                                                                                                 Vice Chancellor of SRMIST

    are going to play a vital role in the manufacturing                                                      jobs that do not exist today,
                                                                                                             37% would be in jobs that
                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Sandeep Sancheti, Pro
                                                                                                                                                 VC (EA) of SRMIST Dr. R.
                                                                                                             have radically changed skill        Balasubramanian, Member of
    sector. Hence having a set of skills and upskilling is                                                   set and 54% will fall under the     the Board Prof. B. Raghavan,
                                                                                                             unchanged job category. These       Director Corporate Relations
    the need of the hour.”                                                                                   changes will primarily be in IT/    S. Ganapathy, Faculty of SOM
                                                                                                             BPO, automobile, banking and        Bhaskar, faculties, and students.
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5 9

PRIYANK KAPOOR                         with a musical performance of
ARPITA RAVI                            a band from Chennai.
ANANYA EDUPUGANTI                         The second day dawned with
PRINCE SAMUEL S                        a plethora of workshops and
                                       luminary addresses by brilliant
  A good beginning makes a             speakers such as Major Deepak
good ending. With this belief in       Rao, Bikash Sinha, Sweta
mind, Aaruush, the national-level      Ratnapura, and Anand Arni,
Techno-Management fest kick-           who talked about their respective
started its journey in its quest       journeys while also sharing
to bequeath SRMites with the           their knowledge on modern
memory of a lifetime. The fest,        intelligence and espionage,
which encompassed four days,           patriotism, valor, and cosmology.
was completely student-funded          A free workshop on the low-code
and was hyped for months at            development platform Apex was
end keeping each and every             conducted by Oracle, where
member of the SRM family               they also engaged participants
hooked on with roadshows and           with information on SQL, team
pre-fest events.                       development and other topics.
                                       The flagship event for the day
  As part of the run-up to the fest,   was the Unconference wherein 5
the Organising Committees of           panelists from various fields of
Aarush dabbled in several events       life shared their experiences. They
to nurture the fervour which           included Mr.Viraj Ghelani, famous
had gripped the campus. One            YouTuber and content writer for
of the flagship pre-fest events        channels like FilterCopy, Gobble,
was the Carnival. It transpired        etc, Ms. Zoe Siddharth, a singer,
in the Tech Park Lane wherein          social media influencer and a                           Events Galore: Snapshots of On-the-spot events from Aaruush 2019
the organizing committees of           finalist on third season of “The
all the domains of Aaruush set         Stage”, Mrs. Deepshikha Anand,
up their counters throughout           founder and CEO of SpeakIn            sun. This day also included
the area. A crowd of beaming                                                 many enlightening Luminary
young faces amidst the hustle-
                                       and author of the bestselling
                                       book “101 Lessons to be a Damn        Addresses. The crowd of budding         A crowd of beaming young
bustle made it an event worth                                                engineers was encouraged by the
attending. Among the pre-fest
events, the Tech Fair saw all
                                       Good Speaker!”, Mr. Mukund
                                       Padmanabhan, former editor of         words of Dr. Archana Sharma,
                                                                             a renowned Senior Scientist at
                                                                                                                     faces amidst the hustle-
                                       ‘The Hindu’ and Mrs. Nirali
the domains of Aaruush coming
together and showcasing their
                                       Bhatia, a Cyber-Psychologist and
                                                                             CERN Laboratory in Geneva,
                                                                             Switzerland, who played a
                                                                                                                     bustle made it an event worth
                                       co-founder of Cyber B.A.A.P
skillsets to the audience. This
event provided massive technical
                                       (Cyber Bullying Awareness,
                                                                             crucial role in the discovery
                                                                             of the Higgs Boson. One of
                                                                                                                     attending. Among the pre-fest
                                       Action and Prevention).
exposure to the first years as they
gained knowledge, had fun and            As part of the dossier of on-
                                                                             India’s leading authors, bloggers
                                                                             and motivational speakers,              events, the Tech Fair saw all
                                       the-spot events at this edition
experienced some exceptional
works by all the domains. One          of Aaruush, activities such as
                                                                             Ms. Anamika Mishra, was
                                                                             also present. India’s youngest          the domains of Aaruush coming
of the biggest pre-fest events         paintball and the mechanical          woman pilot at the age of 16,
was the Guinness World Record          bull were held. However, the          Ms Ayesha Aziz, addressed the           together and showcasing their
event, wherein Team Aaruush            highlight event of the day was        crowd too. An E-Summit was
attempted to break the world           Eric Heimdall’s astounding
                                       performance on his laser harp,
                                                                             held for aspiring entrepreneurs         skillsets to the audience
record for the largest Software                                              to talk about their journey, and
Application session. This session      a treat for both the eyes and         the Industrial Conclave had a
of Adobe Lightroom saw 900+            ears. His performance was             riveting set of panelists - Dr      of his performance. Being true        intensity, stomach-aching comedy
participants, which helped the         followed by a melodious, soulful      Jayakumar Venkatesan, Dr. Apurva    to its motto of “Assimilating         night by Abhishek Upmanyu.
team easily break the existing         rendition of songs by the famous      Jakhadi, Dr. Satyanarayanan R.      Aspirations and Instilling            Aaruush’19 came to a befitting
record.                                percussive-fingerstyle artist         Chakravarthy, Sandhya Ramesh,       Innovation”, the EXPO series          end with a glorious valedictory
                                       Samar Mehdi, which left the           Mr Vishal Latha Balakumar -         at Aaruush was conducted on           ceremony that hosted Shri.
   The first day of the much-                                                                                    all the 4 days of the fest. From      Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’,
                                       audience enthralled.                  who discussed and debated on
awaited Aarush saw World Cup                                                                                     India’s first mixed reality headset   the Union Cabinet Minister of
                                                                             the topic ‘Interstellar Voyage’.
winner Suresh Raina charming              Day 3 of Aaruush witnessed                                             to India’s first premier Hyperloop    Human Resource Development,
the audience as he addressed the       much excitement, with flagship          As Day 3 progressed, the          projects, the EXPO series was         and The Founder Chancellor
students with his motivational         events such as Turbo Drift,           atmosphere slowly filled with       a tremendous success. The last        of SRM IST, and honorable
words. The auditorium was              QuadCopter and the Autonomous         more enthusiasm as it was time      day saw the luminary addresses        Member of Parliament Shri.
resonating with screams from           Robot Challenge. Turbo Drift          for the much-anticipated Arjun      of Kargil War Veteran Sanjay          Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar. The
the audience as the crowd              was perfect for racing car            Kanungo concert, sponsored by       Malik and Former Secretary,           organizers, the committee heads
soaked in the charisma of the          enthusiasts, with the participants    Coke Studio. Students grooved       Ministry of Law and Justice, Mr.      and all the student volunteers
Chief Guest. The first day was         battling it out on the field to       along to the beautiful renditions   P.K. Malhotra. The workshops          gathered together for one last
interspersed with technical            be crowned “The Drift King”.          of Fursat, Bekhayali and feet       had their last few sessions and       time to reminisce their countless
workshops. The whole campus            Taking inspiration from the           tapping beats such as Gallan        the events concluded with their       memories and sleepless hard
was heavily lit and students           Marvel Universe, our very own         Tipsiyan and Hamma Hamma.           last rounds. The setting of the       work which they had put into
were pumped with exuberance.           Aaruush Industry conducted a          The auditorium reverberated         sun on 29th September marked          making Aaruush’19 the best of
They assiduously participated          drone championship, with many         with the sound of cheering          the beginning of the end; yet         all its forerunners, setting the
in workshops, games, and mini-         drones soaring high up in the air,    students even after the end of      the night was buzzing with            benchmark higher for years
events. The first day concluded        tearing through the shining midday    the concert; such was the impact    energy in anticipation of a high      to come.
The Founder Chancellor presenting a memento to chief Guest, Dr.T.S.Ravikumar - Dr.Damodar Acharya, Former Chairman AICTE, New Delhi at the Special ...
10    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5

                                                                                                                 The launching of Chandrayaan 2 at Satish Dhawan Space Centre

                                  Binghamton delegates at SRM Campus
                                                                                                               Chandrayaan 2: What It Means for
A New Collaboration – Binghamton University                                                                    India’s Future Space Endeavours
                                                                                                               SHIVANI ARAVINDHAN                    stellar record, will play host to
JELSIA ALEX                                                                                                                                          a series of ambitious planned
   SRM Institute of Science and          Binghamton University is very                                           As the scientists at Indian Space
                                                                                                               Research Organisation (ISRO)
                                                                                                                                                     missions, such as Gaganyaan-
                                                                                                                                                     the first manned space mission
Technology is renowned for its
collaborations with plenty of            focused on developing a strategic                                     held their breaths when they lost
                                                                                                               contact with the Vikram Lander
                                                                                                                                                     which will be carried out by
                                                                                                                                                     the agency, Shukryaaan 1 to
prestigious foreign universities
                                                                                                               of Chandrayaan 2, the silence         Venus, a solar mission Aditya
and institutions across the world.
Our institution has been signing
                                         approach to engagement with                                           back at the Bengaluru Command         L-1, launched to study the
                                                                                                               Centre was as deafening as that       outer layer of the Sun as well
MoUs with institutions both in
India as well as abroad in order         SRM, which is slated to be one of                                     of Space. The lander which
                                                                                                               was rightfully named after
                                                                                                                                                     as Chandrayaan-3. The failure
                                                                                                                                                     of the Vikram Lander can be
to ensure that students from
                                                                                                               the ‘Father of India’s Space
our institute with passion and a
panache for their subjects get the
                                         the 6 universities that they will                                     Programme’ Vikram Sarabhai,
                                                                                                                                                     a critical commentary on the
                                                                                                                                                     technical capacity to carry out
                                                                                                               was the first ever attempt by         the Gaganyaan mission which
appropriate amount of exposure
to nurture their skillset. Students      engage with in India in the future                                    any space agency to make a            cannot afford even the slightest of
                                                                                                               landing on the South Pole of the      errors where three fighter pilots
are provided with the option of
                                                                                                               lunar surface. When the ISRO          will be eventually chosen to go
applying for Foreign Exchange
                                      Elizabeth Kradjian, Assistant       that they wish to engage is in       officially confirmed their worst      into space by the year 2021. The
Programs [FEPs], Semester
                                      Dean of Strategy and External       the digital technology- one of       fear that communication with          agency will also oversee the
Abroad Programs [SAPs] and
                                      Affairs, both from Binghamton       the key strengths of Binghamton      the lander was lost, it resulted      launch of Mangalyaan 2 which
internships in collaboration
                                      University, USA visited SRM         University. The delegates met        in an overwhelming show of            will be launched into the orbit
with these institutes. Likewise,
                                      IST campus recently. This was       Mr.Kartar Singh – Director IR,       support pouring in from all           of Mars. The seven years that
students from several foreign
                                      Prof. Hari’s second visit to        Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan –            corners of the nation.                the Chandrayaan 2 orbiter is set
colleges and universities visit
                                      the campus. The meeting was         Director E & T and Dr. Sandeep                                             to spend in space will provide
our campus to experience                                                                                         Chandrayaan-2 is still
                                      scheduled was coordinated by        Sancheti – Vice Chancellor. This                                           ISRO with the essential data
the Indian work culture. It                                                                                    considered to be a successful
                                      Ms. Preeth, SAP counselor.          was followed by a meeting with                                             necessary to successfully carry
increases the variety, helps in                                                                                space initiative. Nevertheless,
assimilating and gives a lot of          Binghamton University is         the HoDs of CSE, ECE, SWE, IT        the unforeseen glitch which           out these projects. Needless to
exposure to students. Looking         very focused on developing a        and EEE departments, in order        occurred in the final crucial         say, it has also made quite a
forward to one such successful        strategic approach to engagement    to make the collaboration more       minutes of the moon landing does      positive impact upon the nation,
collaboration, two delegates –        with SRM, which is slated to        fruitful. SRM would look forward     significantly impact the future       making the adage “Failure is
Prof. Hari Shrihari, Director         be one of the 6 universities that   to many such collaborations with     space missions which are to be        the stepping stone to success”
Watson School of Engineering          they will engage with in India      various foreign universities in      carried out by ISRO. The space        resonate deeply within the youth
and Applied Sciences and Ms.          in the future. One of the areas     the upcoming years.                  agency which inarguably has a         of the nation.

Books in The Digital Era
SRISHTI CHAKRABORTY                   are stored offline. They make       as well: health issues that affect
                                      a wide variety of books from        our eyes, soaring prices and
  The internet defines digital        various genres instantaneously      the absence of the thrill and
learning as any type of learning      available given one has a sound     joy of actually turning pages
that is accompanied by technology     internet connection. Readers        to reach the conclusion of a
or by means that make effective       have the luxury of always           story. However, the positives
use of technology. Thus, e-books      having a multitude of books         outweigh the negatives by a
and by extension the mobile           available at the touch of their     gargantuan margin. In this era
applications that allow users         fingertips. Further, these apps     of digitisation, e-books and
to read books for free, online        allow people to read in dimly       these associated apps have
as well as offline, fall under        lit places, and sometimes even      unquestionably changed the way
this category.                        provide an option to adjust the     people perceive books. They have
                                      brightness. Most importantly,       provided an unconventional and
  Apps like these allow people to     they reduce the need for paper,     effective way to gain knowledge,
carry large number of books on        as books no longer have to be       a method so out of the box that
their devices without consuming       printed on paper that is obtained   people would not even have
any space at all unless they          by felling trees. There are cons    fathomed it until a few years ago.                      A common source of e-books
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 5 11

                                                                                                                  Portrayal of Women
                                                                                                                  in Indian Cinema
                                                                                                                  EASHA NAIR                            that is collectively wrong with
                                                                                                                                                        Indian cinema. The female leads
                                                                                                                    For centuries, women have           in a movie are constantly put
                                                                                                                  been suppressed and ostracised.       on display as mere show pieces
                                                                                                                  The role of a woman has been          while the entire narrative revolves
                                                                                                                  considered merely as that of a        around the male character. It
                                                                                                                  homemaker for many a century.         makes one question the very
                                                                                                                  However, come the dawn of the         foundation of such films, and
                                                                                                                  twenty-first century, women’s         wonder if the underlying issue
                                                                                                                  stand in society has changed          extends to more than just the
                                                                                                                  drastically. Even so, the image       big screen and whether the
                                                                                                                  that Indian cinema portrays of        blatant degradation of women
                                                                                                                  women is far from what one            in cinema is indicative of the
               The dignitaries at the inauguration of the SRM Oral Cancer Surgical Centre
                                                                                                                  envisions when they think             fact that they are still struggling
                                                                                                                  of well-educated girls of the         to find respect in the society.
A Book in Braille: Battling Oral Cancer                                                                           modern era.
                                                                                                                     The leading lady of the movie
PRIYANK KAPOOR                          as its chief guest. Dr. Sambandam,   witnessed the event. The highlight   “Kabir Singh”, Preeti is shown
                                        an oncologist from the United        of the event was the release of      to be meek and submissive.
   Aw a r e n e s s a b o u t l i f e   States of America, and Ms.           the book in Braille that aims        She is wholly dependent on
threatening diseases is the first       Deepa Bhatia, the CEO of             to spread awareness about oral       Kabir to look after her and is
step forward in battling them and       National Association for the         cancer among the blind. The          a classic damsel in distress.
emerging victorious. Keeping this       Blind, also graced the occasion.     impetus behind this was to           Despite being described as a
in mind, SRM Kattankulathur             Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar, MP           reach out to those whose visual      ‘rank holder’ in the film, she
Dental College (SRMKDC)                                                      impairment had prevented them        hardly has anything to her credit.
                                        and Founder Chancellor of
recently inaugurated the SRM                                                 from learning about the causes       She does not possess a voice to
                                        SRM Institute of Science and
Oral Cancer Surgical Centre. At                                              and preventive measures of           fight back when atrocities are
                                        Technology (SRMIST), Dr. P.
the auspicious opening, a book                                               oral cancer.                         inflicted upon her and throughout
                                        Sathyanarayanan, President,
focusing on oral cancer was                                                                                       the film, she is shown to be a
                                        SRMIST, Dr N. Sethuraman,              According to reports, 70% of       puppet to the protagonist’s will.
also released in Braille for the        Registrar, SRMIST, Dr. N. Vivek,     the male population in India is
visually challenged. Besides,           Dean, SRMKDC and Dr. K. T.                                                  This is not an issue with just        Kiara Advani as Preeti in the
                                                                             addicted to tobacco, the major
CDs on oral cancer awareness            Magesh, VP, SRMKDC, were                                                  a single movie, but something               movie ‘Kabir Singh’
                                                                             cause of oral cancer. This event
were also distributed among             among the other dignitaries          was an attempt to combat this
the audience.
                                        present. Headmistresses and          deadly statistics by enlightening
 The event had Thiru P. Ponniah,        headmasters from several             people on ways to fight this
Collector and District Magistrate,      government schools also              addiction.
                                                                                                                  IMF’19: A Fest for the
                                                                                                                  Queen of all Sciences
Take 2: Of Wordsmiths and Songbirds                                                                               NISHANT SAGAR                         students during their class lectures
                                                                                                                                                        in order to motivate them to
SHRAVYA SHARAN                                                                                                      The twenty-ninth Intercollegiate    pursue the subject in the future.
                                                                                                                  Mathematics Festival (IMF             IMF’19 witnessed a galaxy of
   SRM Institute of Science and                                                                                   2019) was organised by the            young budding mathematicians
Technology is a multifaceted                                                                                      Department of Mathematics,            participating in its events. The
institution that caters to the                                                                                    Faculty of Engineering and            morning after the inauguration
varying fields of interest of its                                                                                 Technology, SRM Institute             saw the preliminary stages of
student body by conducting a                                                                                      of Science and Technology,            Dumb-C and Quiz taking place
plethora of events that not only                                                                                  in the SRM Medical College            simultaneously. Crossword,
provides the students with a                                                                                      Auditorium recently.                  Puzzle, IQ and the final stages
platform to display their talents                                                                                                                       of Dumb-C and Quiz were all
                                                                                                                    Mr. R. Venkataramani, Director,
but also gives them a reprieve                                                                                                                          hosted in the afternoon. Dumb-C
                                                                                                                  Alumni Affairs, SRMIST,
from academics. Giving stage to                   Not just the mic but jaws dropped as well at                                                          was arguably the most popular
                                                                                                                  inaugurated the event and
the creatively inclined, the Jhalak                           the Jhalak Open Mic                                                                       event as 25 teams competed
                                                                                                                  set it into motion. The Chief
Open Mic 2.0 was conducted                                                                                                                              against each other with great
                                                                                                                  Guest of IMF’19 was Mr. V.
on recently in front of Tech            crowd. The audience was treated      and successfully incorporated                                              passion and intent. IMF’19
                                                                                                                  Maheshwaran, Senior Director,
Park by the Literary and Music          with the melodious voices of         and highlighted the creativity                                             witnessed an overall turnout of
                                                                                                                  Cognizant Technology Solutions,
Club. This event was open to            amazing singers and thought-         possessed by the students while                                            more than 150 students.
                                                                                                                  Chennai. In his address, he
all students of SRMIST and              provoking words of resident          simultaneously creating a buzz       highlighted the importance              The mathematics extravaganza
provided them with an outlet to         poets. Hidden talents were           amidst the crowd for Jhalak.         of mathematics in industries.         drew to a close with a prize
share their works of creativity         uncovered as words and emotions        Not only were the participants     He also emphasized upon the           distribution ceremony. Three
with others. Students swarmed           flowed free through the mic and      appreciated for their talents but    significance of mathematics           prizes were awarded for every
in numbers to get a chance to           resonated with the audience          even the audience was given an       during the manufacture of various     event and students took home
showcase their literary and             leaving a lasting impression on      entertaining evening, one that       products. Further, he requested       exciting cash prizes. IMF promises
musical talents. Their creativity       them. The second edition of the      made their day more fun and          the mathematics professors to         to return next year with fresh
and skills were warmly received         Open Mic witnessed a bigger          heightened their anticipation        explain the real-world applications   mathematical challenges and even
by an equally enthusiastic              turnout than its previous edition    for the events to come.              of mathematical concepts to the       greater energy and enthusiasm.
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