Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture

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Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
Nutrition at the NCA
Prospectus 2021-22
MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice
Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
Moving forward
Covid 19 and the 2021 MSc/PGDip in Nutritional Science and Practice
None of us know how this pandemic is going to continue to affect
us. However, since the first lock down in March 2020, we have been
                                                                                            Sally Duffin
successfully running all the nutrition teaching sessions online which                         “Teaching entirely
will continue for the foreseeable future. We will constantly review this                      online is not
as government guidance changes. The nutrition clinic has also moved                           without the
online, with both our patients and students finding many benefits with                        odd tech glitch,
                                                                              but we have embraced the
this method of consultation. Once restrictions are lifted, we plan to bring
                                                                              challenge and adapted quickly
the clinic back into College as soon as it is safe to do so but also offer
                                                                              and successfully to life online.
online consultations to clients where appropriate.                            Our nutrition clinic was up
                                                                              and running in TEAMS within
On the 2021/22 course the Access Course consolidation teaching
                                                                              two weeks of the lockdown
weekends will be taught in person if possible. We are currently looking       announcement back in March,
at how we move forward for the 2021/22 teaching year and planning             and continues to go from
for a course that has some in College teaching and some online teaching       strength to strength. Students
sessions - making this a thoroughly blended course. Updates about how         are enjoying the opportunity
we are going to teach you in 2021/22 will be sent out via our monthly         to practise in this way as most
                                                                              practitioners now offer online
e-news to potential students and via our Virtual
                                                                              consultations as part of a
Learning Environment (VLE) for students who
                                                                              nutrition service.
are studying on the Access Course.                                            Our lecturers have creatively
Karen Fallis                                                                  adapted their teaching materials
                                                                              to meet the needs of the online
Vice Principal and Course Director
                                                                              classroom, with extra rest
                                                                              breaks, ‘breakout’ rooms, and
                                                                              ‘chat’ room discussions helping
                                                                              to maintain student (and staff!)
                                                                              focus and interaction. Even when
                                                                              normal life resumes and we can
                                                                              return to the classroom, we plan
                                                                              on keeping an online element
                                                                              to the Course because it has
                                                                              worked so well!”

Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science
                      and Practice
                      Prospectus 2021-22
                      > Postgraduate loans available (MSc course only)

Principal Richard Blackwell’s introduction        4
The Northern College of Acupuncture               6
Bright futures                                    8
How we help you                                  10
Becoming a nutrition practitioner                14
What kind of people choose to study nutrition?   16
Accreditation, validation and QAA review         20
Professional membership                          21

Access Course                                    22
MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice -
                                                            Watch our nutrition course video
course overview                                  24
The modules                                      28
Course curriculum year one                       30
Course curriculum year two                       32
                                                          Get to know us
Masterclasses in year two                        34       Joining us for one of our introductory and online Q&A events
MSc Research Project year three                  36       is a great way for you to decide whether studying nutrition at
The teaching clinic                              38       the NCA is right for you.
Teaching faculty                                 40
                                                            Find out more and book your place visit
Graduate stories                                 46
The Nutrition Graduate Support Network           48
                                                            Read the NCA Blog
Support for our students                         49
Facilities and information                       50
Introductory events                              52            nutritionattheNCA
Entry requirements                               54
Applying                                         56
Costs, funding and postgraduate loans            58            nca_york
How to find us                                   60
Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
    from our College Principal
    Richard Blackwell
    It goes without saying that 2020 has been an exceptional
    and challenging year and, as for so many people, the
    Covid-19 pandemic has led us to do more online than
    ever before. Here at the NCA we already had years of
    experience of providing e-learning as part of all our courses,
    as well as running three MScs for practitioners which
    are entirely online courses. This experience helped us
    to successfully and swiftly transfer more of our teaching
    online, with live online classes replacing attendance in the
    classroom, and in addition we also worked out how to
    run our nutrition clinic online. We have learned from this
    experience that our nutrition students really like online
    classes. They value the saving of time and cost through not
    having to travel so much, and they find their learning from
    the online classes is at least as good as being present in the
    classroom. However, in more normal times our nutrition
    students equally much like being together in class at the
    College. There’s nothing quite like a chance to spend time
    with like-minded people who share your interests. So, in
    reviewing how we planned to deliver our nutrition course
    starting in 2021 we wanted to strike the right balance. We
    have responded by introducing some live online teaching
    sessions to complement the existing e-learning sessions,
    while retaining plenty of sessions in College too. We think
    you will like this combination.

    The other big development for the NCA in 2020 was the
    formation of a new partnership with the University College
    of Osteopathy (UCO), who now validate all our courses.
    We are pleased to be working closely with colleagues who

Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
understand our subject areas and who share our focus on             drawing on the best scientific evidence and helping them
educating clinical practitioners, and we anticipate much            to find motivation for positive change, is exactly what they
fruitful collaboration.                                             need.

One of the changes we made while having our nutrition               I am very proud of the high standards of student support,
course validated by UCO was to create an option for                 teaching and learning we provide at the NCA. I encourage
applicants to choose to enrol for a two year postgraduate           you to study the details of the course and read the student
diploma (PGDip) in Nutrition Science and Practice, in               and graduate comments in this prospectus and on our
addition to the option to enrol for the three year MSc. The         webpages to get a feel for this. I hope you will be inspired to
PGDip may appeal to you if you are not intending to apply           join the nutrition course here at the NCA.
for a postgraduate loan, and not interested in undertaking a
research project. On the other hand, if you intend to apply         Richard Blackwell
for a loan and/or you value the chance to engage in research        College Principal
into an area that particularly interests you, you should
choose the MSc. Whether you choose the PGDip or the
                                                                         “The NCA started out teaching acupuncture.
MSc, you will still qualify after two years to practise nutrition
                                                                         Like most traditional medicines, Chinese
and join the register (the Complementary and Natural
                                                                         medicine has always recognised that
Healthcare Council) and the professional body (the British               appropriate nutrition is an essential
Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine), with MSc              foundation of recovery from illness and
students going on to complete their research project in the              crucial for the maintenance of good health.
third year.                                                              So we are very pleased to be able to
                                                                         offer a nutrition course which brings this
There’s no doubt that more and more people are gaining
                                                                         recognition up to date by exploring the
a clearer understanding of the importance of nutrition in                large body of modern research evidence and
health. The current Covid-19 pandemic has raised interest                applying it in clinical practice.”
in many aspects of nutrition, including the role of vitamin D
in our immune response. The role of obesity and diabetes
as risk factors for severe Covid-19 infection is an important
current issue, and sitting behind the current pandemic are
all the other public health challenges we were already facing
from a range of chronic health conditions, most of which
show well established benefits from improved nutrition.
Many people want to eat better and take good care of
themselves, but are unsure what is best, or are struggling to
make a change. A personalised approach to their nutrition,

Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
The Northern College
of Acupuncture
“I would definitely recommend travelling to York.
A beautiful place, and an open environment that
supports student development.”
York is an exciting city and a great place to study! It has a
lot to offer including plenty of accommodation, shopping,
restaurants, coffee bars, cinemas and all the amenities you
would expect. Step out of our front door and you are right in
the heart of the historic centre.
Established in 1988, the Northern College of Acupuncture is a registered
charity. Since the early days the College has gone from strength to
strength. We educate nutritional therapists, acupuncturists, practitioners
of Chinese herbal medicine, and complementary therapists, and we run a
thriving and well respected teaching clinic offering nutrition, acupuncture,
Chinese herbal medicine and tuina massage to the local community.

We were the first teaching institution of any kind in the UK to offer a
University degree in acupuncture, the first to offer a Masters degree
in Chinese herbal medicine, and the first to achieve professional
accreditation for our acupuncture courses, Chinese herbal medicine and
nutrition courses. We also offer online only Masters courses for nutrition,
acupuncture and complementary therapy practitioners, who join these
courses from all over the world.

Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture






    Take a virtual tour of the College
                                                                             Easy to get to
                                                                             York is easily accessible and one of the main stops
Our building on Micklegate                                                   on the London to Edinburgh East Coast line.
in York city centre
                                                                             Rail journey times are:
A milestone for us was the move in the millennium year to                    London          1 hour 45 minutes
our beautiful Georgian building here in Micklegate, right in                 Edinburgh       2 hours 30 minutes
the heart of the historic city.                                              Glasgow         3 hours 32 minutes

Our elegant building with its sweeping staircases, high ceilings and         Peterborough 1 hour 15 minutes
airy rooms is beloved by staff, students and clinic patients. It was         Manchester      1 hour 15 minutes
adapted to our purpose by the York Conservation Trust and houses             Newcastle       1 hour
both the College and the teaching clinics. We have three large               The College is only a 10 minute walk from
teaching rooms, an extensively stocked library, IT facilities, kitchen       the station. Road links are excellent with dual
facilities, a small outside area and a car park for the clinic. The ground   carriageway links to the A1/M1 North and
floor clinic has treatment rooms, reception and a waiting area, and          South and M62 East and West. There are “park
there are staff offices and more treatment rooms on the top floor.           and ride” facilities on all the major entry roads
                                                                             and all-day city centre car parks close to the
  To read more about what to do in York

  Take a virtual tour of the NCA                                              Directions to the NCA

Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
Bright futures                                                      Lesley Markey -
                                                                    qualified 2020: “Working as
There is a growing realisation among the                            a self-employed Nutritional
general public that good nutrition is key to                        Therapist has opened up
                                                                    a whole new world. In just
good health. However, as scientific research is
                                                                    one short year I have had
published and hits the popular press, there is                      the opportunity to work with
also increasing confusion as to what is a healthy                   a large corporate client on
way to eat.                                                         several projects and with a GP
That is where our MSc/PGDip in Science and Practice                 in a 360 practice. I love the
                                                                    variety that my work brings
comes in - we teach our students how to make sense
                                                                    and working one to one is
of this ever changing evidence base. This means they
                                                                    still at the heart of what I do.
can help their clients find their way through the maze              My clients come with varying
of information and motivate them to make the changes                health needs but as time goes
needed to achieve optimal health. We are passionate                 on the focus of my work is
about a personalised approach to nutrition and our                  around weight gain during
mission to teach the future leaders in the field. Our               perimenopause /menopause.”

course has been running (and developing) for 10 years
now and our graduates are taking their quality training
into their communities and beyond - and making a real
difference to people’s lives. Our graduates work in many
                                                               Claire Murray - qualified 2019:
interesting and diverse ways including:
                                                               “IBS is my specialism and passion.
                                                               I absolutely love working with
•   Private practice
                                                               complex IBS clients and seeing their
•   Local health service collaborations                        symptoms improve, often after years
•   Creating a supplement business                             of struggling. This is my dream job
                                                               and I can’t imagine doing anything
  Combining nutrition practice with an
                                                               else now! I work online via Zoom and
  existing therapy                                             see clients from all over the UK. I also
•   Teaching                                                   mentor other nutritional therapists to
                                                               support them with their complex IBS
•   Health promotion

Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
Elena Holmes -                            Clarissa Nolan -
                         qualified 2016: “Now I am                 qualified 2016: “I work part-time
                         working as a self-employed                as a Nutritional Therapist in my
                         Nutritional Therapist, practising         busy practice, Nolan Nutrition.
                         both in York and in Selby.                Since lockdown, I have taken my
                         Besides that I give educational           practice online, although I do
                         talks and workshops and write             still see clients face-to-face. I am
                         blogs. I love this job!”                  working on starting online group
                                                                   sessions. It is a huge privilege
                                                                   to support my lovely clients to
                                                                   a better quality of life, thanks
                                                                   to a thorough foundation at the

Sam Dunkley -
qualified 2013, graduated with MSc 2017: “Completing the
masters in Nutritional Therapy was instrumental to securing        Wendy Urwin - qualified 2015:
my role as a nutritionist at the diagnostic testing company,       “I am a self-employed Nutritional
Cambridge Nutritional Sciences. For myself, this is an             Therapist with a busy practice based
absolutely dream job, allowing me to follow my passion in          in northern Scotland. Clients bring a
health and nutrition and continue to expand my knowledge on        range of health issues but increasingly
a daily basis. Thanks to you all at the NCA!”                      my work focuses on Lyme disease.
                                                                   My cases can be complex and
                                                                   challenging but very rewarding.”

Nutrition at the NCA Prospectus 2021-22 MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - Northern College of Acupuncture
How we help you to have a career you can be passionate about
These comments are from our students who                          We are a friendly and supportive College
were asked: “What would you say to friends or
colleagues about the College and the course?”                     We are small and friendly - you are not just a number at the
                                                                  NCA! We recognise each of our students as individuals and
                                                                  support and encourage you in your journey to becoming a
                                                                  nutrition practitioner.

                                                                  “I’ve found the lecturers and staff incredibly
                                                                  supportive and approachable.”

We are conveniently located
Our College is situated in a beautiful Georgian building in the
centre of historic York. York has excellent transport links and
is one of the main stops on the London to Edinburgh East
Coast Line. Only 2 hours from London, 2 hours 30 minutes
from Edinburgh and only a 10 minute walk from the station.
Road links are also excellent with a dual carriageway link
to the A1/M1 North and South and M62 East and West.
York is a vibrant city with plenty of accommodation and

“It’s a great course, jam-packed full of
information – accessibly put across in a
dynamic and enthusiastic way.”

We offer part time study
                                                                   You have busy lives, often fitting in your studies around work
                                                                   and family commitments. The course runs at weekends over
                                                                   two years - after which you are eligible to practise. In addition
                                                                   there are thirteen days’ teaching clinic attendance. Your MSc
                                                                   research project takes another year of home study supported
                                                                   by your supervisor and our Research Director.
We are committed to you
and your education                                                 “I would say that doing the course is the best
Our students’ success is our mission. Our nutrition science        thing I have done in years. I love it and
and practice course opens up a whole new perspective on            think the College is great. Few things to sort out
                                                                   but overall the passion and motivation are great.
life and you will connect with your studies on many different
                                                                   Thank you for a super year!”
levels. Once you are with us we support you every step of
the way, from walking through our door on your first day to
your graduation and on into professional practice.

“I am thoroughly enjoying and am thrilled
with the course. It is brilliantly supplementing
my knowledge as a practitioner. I am already
incorporating knowledge from the course into
clinical practice. The teaching and support is
excellent and the knowledge of staff is very
high. I value my time here immensely.”

                                               We have dedicated staff
                                               We put in a lot of time and effort so you have the best possible teaching, support and
                                               clinical experience. Our staff are already experienced practitioners as well as being very
                                               able educators, and they are all working towards a common goal - the day you walk out
                                               of our door knowing that you are a fully qualified nutrition practitioner.

                                               “The lecturers, who are all practitioners, bring a wealth of
                                               knowledge from their own practices which I think is one of the main
                                               strengths of the course.”

How we help you continued...
We have a great reputation
We take enormous pride in our College, our dedicated
hardworking students and our committed teaching
staff, who are leading practitioners in their fields. We
have a national reputation for excellence and our MSc in
Nutrition Science and Practice was the first MSc course in
the country to be accredited by the Nutritional Therapy
Education Commission (NTEC).

“The College has been amazing! I have been
amazing! I really am so grateful for the level
of support I have been given here. You are
amazing! I couldn’t have wished for a better
course, College and environment to study in.

                                                              We have a diversity of students
                                                              Students come to us to study nutrition from various
                                                              backgrounds. Some are already complementary or Western
                                                              health care practitioners, whilst others have an initial degree
                                                              (or degree level learning) and an interest in the subject.
                                                              Although their backgrounds, ages, and experience differ
                                                              greatly, they are all people who want to make a difference
                                                              and have a meaningful career.

                                                              “The power of nutrition science and practice
                                                              is inspiring and this course sets you off on the
                                                              many different roads waiting to be investigated
                                                              and explored. I am loving it!”

We teach a personalised medicine approach
                                                                  The personalised medicine approach we teach takes the
                                                                  underlying causes of illness into account. This means that you
                                                                  can get to the root cause of clients’ problems. You will also learn
                                                                  from inspirational leaders in the field of nutrition.

                                                                  “The course content and assessments are
                                                                  excellent and embedded in evidence-based
                                                                  medicine and personalised approaches, which
                                                                  is essential to push the profession forward”

We teach the skills you will need
in clinical practice
You will be experiencing nutrition consultations in our
teaching clinic from the second term of the course with
close support from our clinical supervisors. Our highly
integrated approach creates skilled and confident

“I loved being able to use the
knowledge we learned in class and see its
benefits in clinical practice.”

                                            We are committed to evidence-based nutrition research
                                            There is a growing body of good quality research showing a strong clinical benefit
                                            from nutrition practice for a range of conditions, and underpinning that there is a
                                            large amount of fundamental research into the actions of nutrients. On our Masters
                                            level course you will learn to use this evidence-based approach and apply it directly
                                            in your practice. We are strongly committed to ensuring that our students take
                                            research-based nutrition practice into their communities.

                                            “I feel very excited and enthusiastic about the next stage – writing
                                            my MSc research project and going into practice.”

Becoming a nutrition practitioner
    Earn a living in a way that engages you as a                    Why choose
    whole person and is true to your own values                     nutrition
I really enjoy learning about all the different types               and practice?
    of nutrition, and hearing the guest speakers we                 As a nutrition
       have. I also enjoy the clinics and seeing ‘real’             practitioner you
 people with proper ailments and knowing we can                     will have the
          really make a difference and help people.                 opportunity to work
                                                                    with many different
    What we teach                                                   clients who have
    At the NCA we teach nutrition science and practice and our      chronic diseases
    course is accredited by the Nutritional Therapy Education       and need to make
    Council (NTEC). NTEC accreditation lasts for three years.       changes to improve their quality of life. You will be helping
    This means that when you have completed the first two           them physically, emotionally and mentally. At the same time
    years of the course you will be eligible to apply to register   you can follow a career path that engages you as a whole
    with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council           person. A nutrition science and practice qualification, and
    (CNHC) as a Nutrition Practitioner, and to join the British     particularly a Masters degree, will also open many up other
    Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT).        varied avenues in the field of nutrition.
    Recently, doctors of Western medicine have been informed
                                                                    What a nutrition practitioner does
    that they should only be recommending nutritional therapists
                                                                    Nutrition science and practice follows the concept that
    from the CNHC register. If you are interested in studying
                                                                    we are what we eat, digest and assimilate. If any aspect of
    nutrition, but you are unsure of the path you need to take,
                                                                    this mechanism fails we could become ill. The symptoms
    the following sections will assist you in your choice.
                                                                    suffered may not be digestive in nature as faulty nutrition
                                                                    or digestion can have far reaching effects. After an initial
    Find out more here:
                                                                    assessment, an action plan is negotiated and agreed with
     NTEC                                                           the client. This may include dietary and lifestyle changes as
                                                                    the primary approach, with supplementation support and
                                                                    functional testing where necessary. Nutritional interventions
                                                                    are planned in stages to afford the best outcome for the
                                                                    client. This can really improve the quality of life for those
     CNHC                                                           suffering long term chronic disease. In fact it can turn lives
                                                                    around, not just for the client but for the entire family.

The difference between nutrition
practitioners, dieticians and nutritionists
                                                                       Graduate Marie Harrison: “The NCA gave me the
Nutrition practitioners/therapists
                                                                       opportunity to fulfil my dream of a future in nutrition. The
Nutrition practitioners, also known as nutritional therapists,
                                                                       lecturers were like attentive parents - always watching and
usually work with adults who have chronic health problems              monitoring, letting me (or making me if I was too scared to)
that conventional medicine finds difficult to treat. It is             stand on my own two feet as I took my first faltering steps
also increasingly the case that parents seek to support                into the areas of research, biochemistry and nutritional
their children with nutrition as opposed to prescription               science. If I stumbled they
                                                                       would try to catch me or, if
medications. Nutrition practitioners analyse these cases
                                                                       not, pick me up, dust me off
in terms of genetics, diet and lifestyle. This assists them to
                                                                       and tell me to give it another
agree with the client an individual health action plan which           try. I am still in awe that I was
aims to help alleviate the underlying cause rather than                able to do this - the lecturers
simply suppressing the symptoms. A nutrition consultation              told me that I could, but I just
may include dietary advice, digestive support, colon health,           didn’t have the confidence in
detoxification, avoidance of external stressors and allergens,         myself. They saw something
                                                                       in me that I couldn’t. I’m
supplements, immune support and re-balancing.
                                                                       now practising as “Principal
Dieticians                                                             Nutrition” and the business
Dieticians work principally in the National Health Service and         took off really well as soon as
are regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council.              I set up. I’m helping people
                                                                       (REALLY helping people) with
Their professional body is the British Dietetic Association.
                                                                       every consultation - AND I
A dietician uses the science of nutrition to devise eating
                                                                       LOVE IT!! Even now, I’m still surprising myself with what
plans for patients to treat medical conditions. They also              I can do, what I’ve learned and what I can do with that
work to promote good health by helping to facilitate a                 knowledge. The NCA gave me the foundations on which
positive change in food choices amongst individuals,                   to build my own research, and practice experience to
groups and communities. N.B. Only dieticians and nutrition             become a practitioner in my own right, I have finished my
practitioners are trained in clinical practice to give one-on-         Research Project and continuing to work with clients, and
                                                                       I am making my own little bit of a difference in the world.
one personal health advice. Both groups must practise with
                                                                       The future for me looks very bright (and very busy!).”
full professional indemnity insurance.
Nutritionists often work outside a clinical context in the food
industry, in research and academia, in government and other
agencies. They are qualified to provide information to the
public about food and healthy eating, but not about special
dietary needs and therapeutic effects.

What kind of people
choose to study nutrition?
You will join a highly dedicated and committed group of students
who give one another a great deal of mutual support and encouragement.

                                      The fellow students are a lovely, helpful and
                                cohesive group and there is a friendly atmosphere.

Here is what our
                                                                second year students say...

Our students range in age from their twenties to sixty-               I am a diagnostic
something and come from all walks of life. Some of our           radiographer and came to
students are already working in complementary or orthodox       nutrition practice out of an
medicine and are seeking to expand their understanding            interest and my personal
                                                                   journey using nutrition.
and their therapeutic range. Others already have a degree
(or work experience equivalent) and a passion for making a
difference with nutrition science and practice.
                                                                                    I am a chartered accountant
Recent cohorts have included a chiropractor, a sports                                   and have always been
therapist, midwife, solicitor, nurse, acupuncturist, dentist,                        interested in nutrition and
                                                                                     health and it seemed like a
administrator, veterinary nurse and women returners.
                                                                                    good time in my life to make
We find that this diverse mix creates a stimulating and
                                                                                       the move into this area.
supportive group of students. Life-long friendships are often
made, and a lot of mutual support is given along the way.
Our students bring a great deal of life and work experience             I have a degree in
with them, and we all learn from each other. Some of our             biological sciences and
                                                                      after a career break
students have already established successful careers in
                                                                     looking after children
other, completely unrelated fields. Many have had nutrition          the time was right for
consultations themselves, or have friends and relations who              a career change.
have been greatly helped.                                                                         I am looking for a
One thing is for sure - all are inspired by our holistic                                         career that follows
approach to healing underpinned by a strong and coherent                                           on from outdoor
theory based on personalised medicine and research-based                                              education.
practice. No matter what background they come from our
students are all united by one common goal - to help other
people with nutrition practice.

What kind of people choose nutrition science and practice? continued...

Earning a living once you have qualified
Some students are already practitioners and are following
the nutrition path as an adjunct to what they are already
practising to improve their clients’ outcomes. Those who
study nutrition science and practice as a new subject
generally plan to turn it into a business. Working solely
as a nutrition practitioner it helps to be eclectic in your
approach. Whilst some prefer working one-to-one
with clients, others pursue additional avenues to earn
a living, such as workshops for specific groups, weight
loss groups, presentations to the corporate sector, and        One of the dishes brought by our first year students
workshops for parents and children in schools. With our        for their “gluten free lunch”
postgraduate qualification you may find that teaching
                                                               Where are they now?
would appeal to you. There is nothing like a well-informed
and passionate tutor to inspire students. Many of our
students find that their dissertation leads them to a          “I have started my own practice. I am
                                                               amazed, as I started the course wanting to
particular specialist subject. There is no doubt that a good
                                                               learn all I could about nutrition, but I had no
marketing strategy will help enormously - we will help
                                                               plans to be in practice. It is a real testament
you to construct this. Networking is also key to becoming      to the teaching, the clinics and topics
well known and establishing a busy practice. Finding a         covered on the course, that I feel I have
multidisciplinary clinic to work from can be invaluable for    become a confident nutrition practitioner.”
As you will read in this prospectus, our graduates are able
to build interesting careers both in private practice and in   “I am now using nutrition in my existing
a wide variety of other nutrition-related careers.             practice and seeing excellent outcomes for
                                                               my clients.”

                                                               “In my own clinic, working alongside six
                                                               osteopaths within the main leisure centre in
                                                               my town.”

Graduate Harriet Rose Legge: “As a teenager I had acne and
                                          tried different medications, some helped temporarily only with
                                          the acne to return, often with additional problems. I decided to
                                          experiment with my diet and the results brought great relief. My skin
                                          became clearer, I felt happier and healthier. Since then, nutrition is
                                          something I’ve always come back to when I’ve felt out of balance; I
                                          see it as foundational to supporting health and well-being.
                                          I later decided to take my interest further and study nutrition formally.
                                          I wasn’t satisfied with reading general articles from questionable
                                          sources. My love of details made me want to go deeper into the
                                         After attending the NCA open day, I knew NCA was the right place
                                         for me. The College had a uniquely personable, welcoming and
approachable feel. The course is delivered at masters level, demonstrated through the high calibre of teaching,
assignments and extremely knowledgeable tutors. There was great emphasis on evidence-based practice
which gave me confidence in my studies.
I’m now excited to be setting up my business – Harriet Rose Nutrition, offering nutrition consultations at the
Sage Therapy Centre in Nottingham, and online video consultations for those further afield.
My underlying philosophy centres around the principles of balance, simplicity and a food-first and whole-
person approach. Particular interests include supporting skin and gut health, and stress management, through
nutrition and lifestyle. I’m also passionate about the role of nature in
supporting well-being and am fascinated by the research that is coming
out in this area.”

Accreditation, validation and QAA review
What makes us different from a University?
We are an independent College with a special atmosphere and ethos, dedicated entirely to nutrition, acupuncture and Chinese herbal
medicine. We give you a lot of support and nurture your development towards becoming a nutrition practitioner. An important part of
this is that you will join a dedicated and committed group of students, who give one another mutual support and encouragement. We
are smaller than a University department and you will find that we quickly get to know you as an individual.

The College is partnered with the        Professional accreditation                       Specific course designation
University College of Osteopathy
                                         with the Nutritional Therapy                     by the Quality Assurance
                                         Education Commission (NTEC)                      Agency (QAA)
(UCO), which validates the MSc/
                                         We were honoured to be the first nutritional     The Northern College of Acupuncture
PGDip in Nutrition Science and
                                         therapy MSc course in the UK to gain             underwent a Higher Education Review
Practice. Students starting in
                                         accreditation by the Nutritional Therapy         by the Quality Assurance Agency for
2020 and thereafter will receive
                                         Education Commission (NTEC), the                 Higher Education (QAA) and received
their degree from UCO on
                                         professional standards council for nutritional   its final report.
successful completion of their
                                         therapy. NTEC accredits courses against the
                                         National Occupational Standards (NOS) in           More about
                                                                                            QAA report
  Find out more                          Nutritional Therapy. These standards are
  about the                              developed and updated by Skills for Health,
  University                             which is the Sector Skills Council for the
  College of
  Osteopathy                             health care sector, licensed by the Secretary
                                         of State for Education and Skills.
                                         NTEC accreditation lasts for three years and
                                         re-accreditation took place in January 2019.

                                           More about NTEC

Professional membership
                                                     Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
                                                     The CNHC was set up with government support to protect the public by
                                                     providing a UK voluntary register of complementary therapists. CNHC’s register
British Association for Nutrition                    has been approved as an Accredited Voluntary Register by the Professional
and Lifestyle Medicine                               Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, which is accountable to
BANT is the professional body for nutrition          parliament. This means that the public can be further assured that the CNHC
practitioners. Its primary function is to assist     meets high standards in governance, standard-setting, education and training,
its members in attaining the highest standards       management, complaints and information. Successful completion of the first two
of integrity, knowledge, competence and              years of our MSc in Nutrition Science and Practice means you are eligible to apply
professional practice, in order to protect the       for registration with the CNHC. Registration enables applicants to demonstrate
client’s interests. All our students are required    that their training and experience meets the National Occupational Standards
to become student members of BANT at the             (NOS) for their profession.
start of the course. During your clinical practice
you will follow the BANT Code of Conduct.
                                                      More about CNHC
Student membership costs £80 during the first
year (includes £60 registration fee) and £20 the
second year. Your membership will give you
access to a comprehensive natural medicines
database which our students find very useful.
You will also receive regular mailings and
updates on what’s happening in the profession,       Office for Students
and notice of the many CPD seminars that BANT        We’re now registered with the Office for Students. This is the body set up by act of
run throughout the country. Upon successful          parliament to act as the independent regulator for all Universities and HE providers
completion of the first two years of your studies    in England and Wales. We meet the Office for Students requirements for course
you will be eligible to apply for full membership.   quality, academic standards, student support, student protection and more.

 More about BANT                                      More about Office for Students

N.B. All nutrition practitioners registered with BANT are also required to register with the CNHC and to follow and
abide by the CNHC Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics, and the BANT Professional Practice Handbook.

Nutrition Access Course 2021
The Nutrition Access Course is the          There are four course components...
preparatory course for our MSc/             1. E-learning
PGDip in Nutrition Science and              This covers the basics in biochemistry and pharmacology, nutrition, and anatomy
Practice. All our students come             and physiology. Students can start this e-learning from February 1st. You will be
to us with different backgrounds            supported by our lecturers and you will have access to the online forum which will
and skill sets, and before you              enable you to connect with the other students on the Access Course.
are accepted as a student on the
MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science               Take a look at our e-learning platform
and Practice you will be expected
to have basic knowledge in the
                                            2. Work Books
                                            •	Anatomy and Physiology
following subjects:
                                            •	Nutrition Basics
• Biochemistry and Pharmacology
                                            These workbooks are issued as part of the e-learning and you will work through
• Nutrition Basics
                                            these. Following the teaching sessions, these will be handed in and marked.
• Anatomy and Physiology
• Succeeding with your Masters              3. Teaching days in College
                                            This comprises two taught weekends at College in July and August and one
Our Nutrition Access Course has been        Saturday in September and covers:
specifically developed by our teaching
                                            •	Two days of consolidation for the Biochemistry and Pharmacology e-learning
team to bridge any gaps you may have
                                            •	One consolidation day for the Nutrition Basics e-learning
in your knowledge in order to prepare
everyone to a basic level. Most students    •	One day for the Anatomy and Physiology workbook and e-learning
are expected to complete the Access         •	One day for Succeeding with your Masters.
Course. Very occasionally we may be
able offer an exemption from a particular
                                             Read the curriculum
module and this can be discussed at
interview.                                  4. Assessment
NB: Our Nutrition Access Course is          This comprises of
not a stand-alone qualification and         • Marking of workbooks
can only be taken by students who           • Online biochemistry test
are starting our MSc course.
                                            These assessments must be passed before you can start the Masters course.

Dates for 2021
Student Sarah Cranage: “I trained as                  E-learning
             an accountant many years ago and             Access from the 1st February 2021
             always felt there was something
                                                      Taught weekends
             else I should be doing! For me the
                                                          Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th July
             journey to finally get to the NCA has
                                                          Saturday 31st July and Sunday 1st August
             taken a few years and has evolved
                                                          Saturday 4th September
             from an interest in food and health,
             to a hobby, and now it’s become my       Fees
             passion.                                 Your fees include all the teaching and learning opportunities
As I don’t have a background in science, I            provided by our teaching staff and access to our online e-learning
wasn’t certain that I’d be accepted onto the          environment, and are payable in advance of the start of the course.
course, so when I heard I had been accepted I
                                                          Fee for the whole Access Course                               £995
was over the moon. I hadn’t studied for a long
time and I started the 3 modules of the access        For students who only need to attend some of the modules the fees are:
course with some trepidation. I soon realised
                                                          Anatomy and Physiology                                        £200
I was quite literally fascinated and still can’t
                                                          Biochemistry and Pharmacology                                 £450
believe how much I learnt. The best thing is
                                                          Nutrition Basics                                              £200
that I’ve rediscovered the joy of learning after
                                                          Succeeding with your Masters                                  £145
so long.
It’s been immensely satisfying to have worked         What students say about the Nutrition
through the Access Course and now move onto           Access Course
Year 1. Because of the Covid-19 restrictions
we are being taught online at the moment. The                                                    As well as the science the
                                                             The access course was a
                                                                                                 access course provides an
e-learning is straightforward, and you can dip              challenging but rewarding
                                                                                               essential “bedding in” period
                                                             introduction to nutrition
in and out of it, which is great for me as I’m                                                to familiarise yourself with the
                                                              science and practice. A
working full time. The weekend lectures are all                                                College and e-learning and to
                                                            great, friendly and helpful
                                                                                               meet the lecturers and fellow
so interesting and I’ve been really impressed               environment to prepare us
                                                                    for the MSc.
with the knowledgeable and welcoming
We’ve already created some strong bonds in
our cohort using the online Forum, What’s App,
Teams and phone calls to help, support and just
                                                                   Talk to us
                                                      If you want to find out whether you will need to complete all or part
chat with each other and I’m looking forward to
working with this group over my MSc journey.”         of the Nutrition Access Course, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
                                                      Call Denise or Pam on 01904 343309
                                                      or e-mail:

MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice
We have developed this course to enable you to give sound, professional and evidence-based nutritional advice to
your clients once you have qualified.

    “This course is wonderful. I love the atmosphere in the College, a family feeling, warm and
    supportive, and College has been so helpful and understanding. I find nutrition science and practice
    a fascinating and wonderful subject, so I really do enjoy studying it, and being able to get a career
    that will be helpful to other people is wonderful. I do feel passionate about this!”

MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science
and Practice                                               MSc Graduate Kim Adams
                                                           - Winner of the NCA Research Project Prize 2019:
Our MSc in Nutrition Science and Practice
                                                                                     “My interest in nutrition started over 20 years ago
consists of 120 taught credits, and 60
                                                                                     when I shared an office with a dietician who was
dissertation credits. The taught course is
                                                                                     running a community food project. I loved her
modular with six modules, and each module is
                                                                                     approach of working with local community members
intertwined to gradually build your knowledge
                                                                                     to take family favourites and create healthier versions.
and clinical skills. As this is a practitioner training,
                                                                                     It really highlighted the impact that simple changes
the course is designed to ensure that at the
                                                                                     could have to improve health of whole communities.
end of the two years in class and clinic you
                                                                                     I continued a career in health and care and saw the
will be a safe, confident and evidence-based
                                                                                     increasing pressure on the nation’s health caused by
nutrition practitioner. All the modules follow a
                                                           chronic, metabolic diseases. As a nation we had fallen out of love with home
personalised medicine approach - a structured
                                                           cooking and were relying on increasing amounts of processed foods which
and holistic approach to unravelling the multiple
                                                           have an impact on our health.
factors which cause chronic disease.
                                                           Right about now you’re probably wondering why I didn’t do a Masters in Public
                                                           Health! I actually spent a long time weighing up all of the potential options
                                                           but in the end it was clear that the MSc at the NCA was the course for me. I
Our MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and                     loved the personalised approach to nutrition. Our ability to make healthy food
Practice is a weekend based course with the                choices is about so much more than knowing what to eat. Here at the NCA
taught part of the course run over two years. The          we are trained to look at the whole person. The clinical training teaches us
taught course starts in September and finishes             how to take account of everything going on in someone’s life when making
in June. While classroom teaching finishes in              recommendations. Tools that I use in clinical practice now to help my clients
June there are still compulsory clinic days in July.       achieve their goals.
Clinic runs over the summer and you can choose             The other attraction for me was the emphasis on evidence-based practice.
to do extra days to further develop your skills.           I loved having the opportunity to immerse myself in my final year research
You also have clinical experience in our nutrition         project - studying the relationship between B12 deficiency and falls. Given my
teaching clinic which runs on Mondays. Clinic              passion for research I was delighted to find out that I had been awarded the
days are allocated at the start of the academic            research prize.
year and you will attend six days in Year 1 and            If you’re thinking that Nutritional Therapy is the career for you, the MSc in
seven days in Year 2. In Year 2 you are also               Nutrition Science and Practice at the NCA is the best investment you could
expected to complete at least one practitioner
                                                           make. The mix of science and research with clinical training provides such a
observation day.
                                                           great springboard and studying at masters level helps you stand out from
This is primarily about network building.
                                                           the crowd.”

MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice - overview continued...
Course attendance summary

 Year one                          Year two                                 Year three (MSc only)

 Classroom sessions:               Classroom sessions:                      Autonomous research and writing of research project,
 Twelve weekends during term       Eleven weekends in term time.            with support from personal MSc supervisor. Plus
 time.                             One additional Saturday or Sunday        three teaching weekends and individual time with
 Optional Saturday evening         for the end of year viva examination.    your supervisor and tailored feedback from a range of
 seminars.                         Optional Saturday evening seminars.      experienced researchers and the Research Director.

 Clinic days:                      Clinic days:
 Six mandatory days                Seven mandatory days attendance in
 attendance                        teaching clinic.
 in teaching clinic.               Two practitioner observation visits.

Evening Tutorials                                                    online resources confidently. Each pre-recorded session
We offer Saturday evening tutorials which, although not              has a ‘live’ period of one to two weeks, during which you
compulsory, we strongly recommend that you attend. This              can complete the session at home, at a time that suits you,
is a chance to consolidate the learning which has taken place        answering a series of questions that will demonstrate your
within the teaching sessions. These sessions are fun and             attendance and your understanding of the material. The
interactive and popular with our students.                           tutor will be online periodically during the ‘live’ period
                                                                     to provide feedback and answer questions. Once the
  “The evening sessions have been fab and                            ‘live’ period has finished, the session remains available to
  informal and I loved the discussions.”                             watch, for revision purposes, throughout the duration of
                                                                     the course. The ‘live-streamed’ teaching session dates are
                                                                     included in the course teaching dates.
Online learning
Part of your course is delivered by a series of lectures and           Watch a sample of e-learning
demonstrations that you access at home via your computer
through a mixture of live and pre-recorded sessions. Don’t             Check that your home computer
worry if you have not accessed this kind of learning before,           is ready for e-learning
you will receive all the support and help you need to use our

MSc research project
                                                                When you have completed the first two years of the
                                                                course, you move on to the MSc research project. As well
                                                                as adding greater weight to your qualification, you will be
                                                                adding to our knowledge of nutrition science and practice
Home study
                                                                and its benefits for all. Some of our students choose not
As well as classroom learning and clinical practice there is
                                                                to complete the MSc and instead exit with a Postgraduate
also a substantial amount of home study. We recommend
                                                                Diploma in Nutrition Science and Practice after the two
three hours of home study for every hour in class and clinic.
                                                                years’ taught course. There is a detailed description of the
                                                                MSc research project process later in this prospectus.
  “I study during the day when my children
  are at school, and later in the evening after
  they have gone to bed. During the College                       “Completing my MSc research project
  year, studying must take priority over other                    has been one of the biggest achievements
  activities so it is essential that you are                      of my life.”
  committed, disciplined and enjoy it.”
                                                                Qualification to practise
                                                                Upon successful completion of the PGDip or the first two
                                                                years of the MSc you will be eligible to work as a nutrition
                                                                practitioner and apply to join the professional register at
                                                                the CHNC and the professional body BANT. Many MSc
                                                                students work on their research project while starting their

                                                                  “Through the work I am doing with my
                                                                  current clients I find myself leaning towards
                                                                  specialising in hormone imbalances. In
                                                                  particular, I am seeing the impact of stress
                                                                  hormone imbalances on everything from
                                                                  fertility to poor sports performance and
                                                                  insulin resistance.”

MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice -
course curriculum 2021/22

The modules                                                                  You will cover:
                                                                             •	Macronutrients                    •	Food safety, packaging,
                                                                             • Micronutrients                        labelling
The course is delivered in a series of modules:                                                                   •	Critical appraisal of the evidence
                                                                             • Essential fats
  Principles of Nutritional Science                                          • Amino acids
                                                                                                                  • Dietary planning
                                                                             • Digestive enzymes                  •	Risks and benefits of specific
  Personalised Approaches 1 & 2
                                                                             • Functional foods                      dietary approaches
                                                                             • Pharmacokinetic principles         •	Application of module content
  Clinical Practice 1 & 2
                                                                                                                     within personalised medicine
                                                                             • Pharmacological principles
  Nutrition Research                                                         • Detoxification pathway

                                                                               Personalised Approaches
                                                                               to Nutrition 1 & 2
  Principles of Nutritional Science
                                                                             Using the functional medicine framework you will learn to research
                                                                             possible antecedents, triggers and mediators for a wide range of
This first year module will introduce you to the fundamentals
                                                                             common conditions. Having learned this you will then apply this
of nutrition. You will explore the micro and macronutrients of
                                                                             knowledge to the analysis of increasingly complex case studies.
foods, their sources, and functions in the body. You will also learn
                                                                             Conditions seen and managed may be digestive, musculoskeletal,
to assess the nutritional needs of different population groups
                                                                             mental and emotional, immunological, hormonal or addictive in
in the context of individual dietary requirements, therapeutic
                                                                             origin. You will learn to evaluate tests on saliva, stool, blood or urine
considerations and safety. Critical appraisal of these principles
                                                                             to provide the optimal results for specific requirements. Also you
is a key feature from both holistic and evidence-based medicine
                                                                             will be introduced to critical analysis of nutrition research.
perspectives. This module will also provide you with a systematic
explanation of nutritional biochemistry, integrated within a clinical        In Year 1 you will cover:
and functional medicine context. You will be able to deepen your             •	Functional Medicine matrix        • Supplementation
understanding of pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution,                 • Digestive system                   • Fatigue
metabolism, assimilation and excretion of nutrients and drugs.               • Inflammation                       • Adrenal and thyroid
This material is crucial to understanding the evidence base as a             • Musculo-skeletal system            • Immunity
practitioner. You will also learn about, and critique, a range of            •	Food intolerance and food         •	Nutrition research and evidence
different dietary approaches such as gluten free and living foods,              allergy; gut immunology              based medicine
and develop the skill of using food as a therapeutic tool.                   • Functional testing

In Year 2 you will cover:                                           In Year 1 you will cover:
•	Eye health                    •	Gynaecological systems          •	Motivational Interviewing              play setting
•	Oral Health                      and sexual function                techniques                          •	Live teaching clinics
                                 •	Skin health                     •	NLP - Neuro-linguistic              •	Case study presentations
•	Ear, nose and throat health
                                                                       programming techniques              •	Anthropometric measurements
•	Paediatrics                   •	Nutrigenomics
                                                                    •	Transactional Analysis              •	Dietary analysis
•	Respiratory problems          •	Laboratory testing
•	PMS, pregnancy and            •	Chronic fatigue                 •	Clinical skills taught in a role-
   menopause                     •	Endocrine disease
                                                                    In Year 2 you will cover:
•	Cardiovascular disease and    •	Ageing
   metabolic syndrome                                               •	Case study reviews                  • Business Skills
                                 •	Cancer
                                                                    •	Live teaching clinics
•	Mental and emotional          •	Auto-immunity
                                                                      Nutrition Research
  Clinical Practice 1 & 2
                                                                    This module will enable you to critically appraise different research
The clinic modules cover the practical application of theoretical   approaches, and methods of evaluation in research into nutrition.
knowledge in a live clinic setting using the personalised           You will learn how to critically evaluate scientific papers, debate
medicine approach. Skills gained will include learning specific     methodological issues and critique data and interpretations. This
motivational techniques to help effect change, nutritional          module prepares you to be an effective practitioner who can
case taking, determining any appropriate tests, formulating         interrogate the evidence base to ensure sound and up to date
appropriate nutritional advice plans, giving dietary advice,        dietary recommendations. It also provides you with the necessary
recommending nutritional supplements if appropriate, and            skills needed to undertake the MSc dissertation in your third year.
considering possible interactions and safety. You will also gain    In Years 1 & 2 you will cover:
experience in administering the College’s clinical outcomes         •	The rationale for evidence-         • Statistical research tools
research and audit process.                                            based nutrition                     •	Ethics and challenges in
                                                                    •	Research methods: quantitative         nutrition research
                                                                       and qualitative; audit, research    •	Identifying a research topic and
                                                                       and service evaluation                 designing research protocols
                                                                    • Literature skills                    •	Planning and preparing a
                                                                    • Critical appraisal                      research project

MSc/PGDip in Nutrition Science and Practice -
how the course progresses
Year One                                                                        second term you will take part in our three day clinic teaching long
                                                                                weekend, to prepare you for work in the teaching clinic. This leads
You will cover the following modules:                                           on to you formally attending the teaching clinic, initially observing
  Principles of Nutritional Science                                             second year students running the consultations and joining in with
                                                                                the case analysis discussions. As your experience builds towards
The Principles of Nutritional Science module features substantially             the end of the first year you will be ready to manage a consultation
in your first year. It will build on the learning outcomes covered              yourself, with close support from the clinical supervisor. Between
on the Access Course which you will find particularly relevant                  client appointments you will also be researching and completing
when you start to see real clients in the clinic. It will also help you         a ‘strategy’ sheet for the client’s next visit to clinic. This helps to
to understand the more scientific aspects such as biochemistry,                 focus your learning and ‘personalise’ the information you give
metabolic pathways and drug and nutrient pathways of                            to your clients. Dietary evaluation also covers measuring the
assimilation and excretion. This will then build into pharmacology              body (anthropometrics) in order to work out specific nutritional
and drug/ nutrient/herb interactions in the later modules. You will             requirements; and dietary analysis using the Nutritics software.
also learn about different types of diets, their potential uses and
limitations. This module forms the foundations on which to build
your nutritional knowledge and skills for the rest of the course.
                                                                                Features of the first year
                                                                                Practical sessions
  Personalised Approaches                                                       We provide lots of opportunities for practical application of your
  to Nutrition 1                                                                learning. Our students really enjoy the themed lunchtime sessions
In this module you will learn how to use the “functional medicine               where each person brings a dish and its recipe. We all share the
matrix” to analyse cases and develop a functional nutrition                     lunch and recipes, which can be added to your portfolio so you
approach to the conditions that you will see as a nutrition                     have a ready-made collection when you graduate. It is a great
practitioner.                                                                   opportunity for networking, sharing ideas and generally getting to
                                                                                know one another. The themes we have for the lunches are living
  Clinical Practice 1                                                           foods, gluten-free and dairy-free. You are expected to follow these
                                                                                particular dietary approaches for a week prior to the lunch so you
It is essential as a practitioner to have effective interpersonal skills        can share your experiences and get a feel for what you may ask a
which enable clients to make realistic and sustainable dietary                  client to undertake.
and lifestyle changes. This module will introduce you to the
principles of motivational interviewing, transactional analysis and             E-learning
NLP and there will be opportunity to practise these skills in the               Throughout the first year, there are a number of pre-recorded
classroom. You will also have the opportunity to observe videos                 e-learning sessions which are available via our online learning
of clinic consultations during the first term. At the beginning of the          platform. These sessions are usually ‘live’ for 2 weeks, during

You can also read