INFECTIOUS DISEASE SYMPOSIUM - 2023 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, April 21, 2023 Sheraton Overland Park Hotel

Page created by Armando Norman
INFECTIOUS DISEASE SYMPOSIUM - 2023 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, April 21, 2023 Sheraton Overland Park Hotel

         8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
      Friday, April 21, 2023
  Sheraton Overland Park Hotel

INFECTIOUS DISEASE SYMPOSIUM - 2023 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, April 21, 2023 Sheraton Overland Park Hotel

                                         PROGRAM OVERVIEW
                                         The purpose of this symposium is to provide primary members of the healthcare team
                                         with the tools and knowledge needed to identify and treat various infectious disease
                                         conditions of their patients.

                                         PROGRAM AGENDA
                                         7:15 a.m.       Registration and Continental Breakfast

                                         7:55 a.m.       Welcome and Introduction
                                         		              Moderators: Dr. Joel P. McKinsey and Dr. David S. McKinsey

                                         8:00 a.m. Victoria A. Poplin, MD
                                         		“Tick-Borne Infections”

                                         9:00 a.m. Joel P. McKinsey, MD
                                         		“Influenza Update”

                                         10:00 a.m.      Break

                                         10:30 a.m.      Jared Frisby, DO
                                         		              “Past, Present, and Future of HIV”

                                         11:30 a.m.      Lunch

                                         12:30 p.m. Jennifer A. McKinsey, MD
                                         		         “Optimizing Antibiotic Treatment of Common Outpatient
                                         		Pediatric Infections”

                                         1:30 p.m.       David S. McKinsey, MD
                                         		              “Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Clostridioides Difficile Infection“

                                         2:30 p.m.       Break

                                         2:45 p.m. Lucas J. Volcelka, DO
                                         		“Monkey Pox”

                                         3:45 p.m.       Summary and Evaluation

                                         4:00 p.m.       Adjournment

                                         TARGET AUDIENCE
                                         The target audience includes Primary Care Providers (Internists and Family Medicine
                                         Physicians), Infection Control Practitioners, Advance Practice Nurses, Nurses in Acute and
                                         Ambulatory Care Settings, and Allied Health Professionals.
INFECTIOUS DISEASE SYMPOSIUM - 2023 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, April 21, 2023 Sheraton Overland Park Hotel

At the conclusion of this activity, attendees should be able to:           JARED FRISBY, DO            DAVID S. MCKINSEY, MD          JENNIFER MCKINSEY, MD
                                                                           Metro Infectious            Metro Infectious               Children’s Mercy
• Discuss the changes of HIV management from the past to current           Disease Consultants         Disease Consultants            Kansas City

• Describe the current and future trends of HIV treatment

• Discuss recent trends in Influenza epidemic

• Review the prevention and treatment of Influenza

• Discuss recent trends in tick-borne infections in the United States

• Describe the diagnostic approach to tick-borne infections that are
  endemic in Missouri and Kansas

• Discuss opportunities to optimize antibiotic use for common
  outpatient pediatric infections
                                                                           JOEL P. MCKINSEY, MD        VICTORIA A. POPLIN, MD        LUCAS J. VOLCELKA, DO
• Discuss the supporting evidence for and use of delayed antibiotic        Metro Infectious            University of Kansas          Metro Infectious
  prescribing for acute otitis media, including safety net antibiotic 		   Disease Consultants         Medical Center                Disease Consultants
  prescriptions (SNAP)

• Describe the recommended approach to diagnosis of C.
  difficile infection

• Discuss potential treatment options for C. difficile
                                                                           PLANNING COMMITTEE
• Discuss the recent global outbreak of Monkey Pox
                                                                               DAVID S. MCKINSEY, MD                   CYNTHIA A. RANDAZZO
• Discuss the prevention and treatment of Monkey Pox                           Metro Infectious                        The Research Foundation
                                                                               Disease Consultants
                                                                                                                       RUTH SMERCHEK, MNM
                                                                               JOEL P. MCKINSEY, MD                    Kansas City Southwest Clinical
                                                                               Metro Infectious                        Society
                                                                               Disease Consultants
INFECTIOUS DISEASE SYMPOSIUM - 2023 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, April 21, 2023 Sheraton Overland Park Hotel
DISCLOSURE OF FACULTY AND                                                          REGISTRATION FORM
PROVIDER RELATIONSHIPS                                                             Name    ______________________________________________________________________________________
All faculty and planning committee members participating in this course
are required to disclose to participants any relationship, including financial     Degree/Certificate    ______________________ Specialty/Profession ________________________________
interest or affiliation with a commercial company. Full disclosure of faculty &
planning committee relationships will be made available to participants in         Address   ______________________________________________________________________________________
conference materials.
                                                                                   City   ____________________________________________     State   ____________ ZIP ______________________

ACCREDITATION STATEMENT                                                            Hospital/Facility   _____________________________________________________________________________
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with
accreditation requirements and policies of the Missouri State Medical              Office Number   ________________________________ Home Number _________________________________
Association through the joint providership of Kansas City Southwest Clinical
Society and The Ed Bixby Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education              Email   _______________________________________________________________________________________
at Research Medical Center, and The Research Foundation. Kansas City
Southwest Clinical Society is accredited by the Missouri State Medical              I need a vegetarian lunch.
Association to provide continuing medical education to physicians.                  I need a gluten-free lunch.
                                                                                   Go to to pay online or make check payable to The Research
CME CREDIT STATEMENT                                                               Foundation and mail completed application with payment to 2316 E. Meyer Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64132.

The Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society designates this live activity for a
                                                                                   Registration Fees: (after March 30, please add $20 to your registration fee)
maximum of 6 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) ™. Physicians should claim only
the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in this activity.
                                                                                    $100 – Physicians ($120 after March 30)
                                                                                    $90 – Research Medical Center Physicians and Honorary Physicians ($110 after March 30)
                                                                                    $80 – Nurses, Residents and Allied Health Professionals ($100 after March 30)
CNE CREDIT STATEMENT                                                               Please charge my:       Visa  MasterCard  Discover  American Express
HCA MidAmerica Clinical Education is approved as a provider of continuing
education in nursing by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course
                                                                                   Card Number    _________________________________________________________________________________
offering is approved for 7.5 contact hours for RN, LPN, or LMHT re-licensure.
Kansas State Provider No. LT0312-1221. The course planners and presenters          Expiration Date ____________ ____________Security Code _______________________________________
certify that they have no affiliations with, or involvement in, any organization
or entity with any financial interest in the subject matter or materials           Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________
discussed in this presentation.
                                                                                   For questions, contact The Research Foundation at 816-276-4218 or

Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society, The Ed Bixby Institute for
Postgraduate Medical Education at Research Medical Center and The                  REGISTRATION INFORMATION
Research Foundation comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and            The seminar is open to physicians and other health professionals. Advance
will make reasonable accommodation. Registrants with disabilities requiring        registration and payment are required in order to confirm your reservation.
accommodation should advise The Research Foundation in advance of the              Registration is limited to seating capacity. Registration ends on April 18 at 4 p.m.
seminar so we can address your needs.                                              Walk-in registrants will be accepted based on seating availability. Replacements/
                                                                                   substitutes will be accepted with advance notice to The Research Foundation.
                                                                                   On-site substitutes must have the original registrant’s confirmation slip with
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                                    them for admittance. Please use the registration form to register in advance.
The Research Foundation would like to also acknowledge the JB Reynolds             Please make checks payable to The Research Foundation, 2316 E. Meyer Blvd.,
Foundation and the Research Medical Center Medical Staff for providing             Kansas City, MO 64132. There will be a $25 processing fee for those requesting a
educational grant support.                                                         refund. No cancellations with refunds allowed after March 30. You may also go to
                                                                          to pay online. For more information,
Printing courtesy of HCA Midwest Health                                            please call The Research Foundation at 816-276-4218. For the convenience of those
                                                                                   attending, lunch and breaks are provided at no additional cost. As the temperature
                                                                                   in the room may vary, it is advisable to bring a jacket to ensure your comfort during
                                                                                   the sessions.
2316 E. Meyer Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64132

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Friday, April 21
Sheraton Overland
Park Hotel

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