How to Make the Most out of EPIC

Page created by Jesse Gonzales
How to Make the Most out of EPIC
How to Make the
Most out of EPIC
NUS Module Code: HI5104 TGS Number: TGS-2021005401

27 April 2022 (Wednesday) 9.00am – 4.30pm                                       Mode of Delivery: Online
Mode of Delivery: In-Person (Venue: TBA)

Registration Period: 30 Sep - 7 Nov 2021

This module aims to equip healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses and allied health staff,
who have been using EPIC as an Electronic Medical Record system, with enhanced skills and
knowledge to fully utilise the functionalities within EPIC.

The aim of this module is to increase productivity within the healthcare delivery system, reduce
unnecessary screen time and provide the most optimal integrated patient care. Interprofessional
collaboration can be strengthened through case-based discussions which can lead to
improvements in workflows and patient care.

Who Should Attend
 Healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses and allied health staff

    Existing employee of a healthcare institution
    At least 3 to 6 months of user experience with the EPIC system

  This stackable module leads to an Executive Certificate in Healthcare Improvement
  via Informatics. Enquire with us to find out more.

                For Self-Funded Participants              For Enquiries & Corporate Registrations

               CLICK HERE TO REGISTER                     Contact Evelyn at

         Please note that the scheduled course run will proceed only if the minimum class size is met.
How to Make the Most out of EPIC
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:

1. Utilise several QuickWin Features within EPIC
    Perform a rapid Chart Search
    Set default home workspace
    Optimise main toolbar for personal usage
    Enter visit diagnosis efficiently
    Know and be aware of keyboard shortcuts which can speed up work

2. Utilise SmartPhrases and Smartlinks Individually and at a Department Level
    Create and edit SmartPhrases, including the use of SmartLinks
    Share these SmartPhrases with colleagues

3. Utilise SmartLists
    Create and edit SmartLists for personal productivity
    Share personal SmartLists with colleagues

4. Set up Letters as a Means of Communication within EPIC
    Set up individual letter templates for productivity and clearer communication

5. Customise Preference List
    Customise personal preference lists for efficient ordering

6. Set up Smartsets/Order Sets
    Customize and personalise Smartsets / Order Sets, which will help clinicians work through a
    patient encounter efficiently

7. Set up Personal Dashboard
    How to configure and customise personal dashboards within EPIC

8. Appreciate Healthcare More from a Patient’s Perspective –
Crucial Interprofessional Elements
    Using patient examples to bring across what would be required from each discipline
    (doctors, nurses, allied health) at each particular point

Mode of Assessment

              For Self-Funded Participants             For Enquiries & Corporate Registrations

            CLICK HERE TO REGISTER                     Contact Evelyn at

      Please note that the scheduled course run will proceed only if the minimum class size is met.
How to Make the Most out of EPIC
Programme | 27 APR 2022

Time                                                 Topics
                    Medical                          Nursing                           Allied Health
9.00am             Combined Introduction & Inter-Professional Collaboration Workflows
10.45am                                              Break
11.00am            Quick Wins                      Quick Wins                          Quick Wins

11.45am          SmartPhrases,       Customisation of Workspace                 Flowsheets and Navigator
             SmartLinks & SmartLists    and Workload Acuity
12.30pm                                               Lunch
1.30pm           Practise & Build!                Smart Tools for                  Practise & Build!
2.15pm       SmartSets & Order Sets               Documentation                            +
                                                         +                     SmartLinks, SmartPhrases,
3.00pm         Preference Lists &                 Practise & Build!                   SmartText
                Referral Letters                                                           +
                                                                                   Customised Sets

3.30pm                                                Break
3.45pm           Practise & Build!                Practise & Build!                    Practise & Build!

4.30pm                                        Q&A and Closing Remarks

End of Module

Our Trainers (Medical)
                      Assoc Prof Terry Pan
                      Senior Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, NUH
                         Has a keen interest in health professional education, especially with the use of
                         simulation and technology as an educational tool in healthcare and
                         healthcare informatics
                         Concurrently serves as Director of Informatics and is assisting with the
                         implementation of a new healthcare informatics system at the hospital

                       Dr Oh Han Boon
                       Consultant, General Surgery, NTFGH & Jurong Medical Centre
                       Associate Chairman, Medical Board (Informatics)
                        Concurrently serves as Deputy Chief Medical Informatics Officer at NTFGH
                         NUHS Lead for the Ambulatory and Surgical modules for the Next-Generation
                         Electronic Medical Record (NGEMR)
                         Special interests include the areas of surgical informatics, artificial intelligence
                         and medical technology
                         EPIC-certified Advanced Physician Builder

              For Self-Funded Participants               For Enquiries & Corporate Registrations

             CLICK HERE TO REGISTER                       Contact Evelyn at

       Please note that the scheduled course run will proceed only if the minimum class size is met.
How to Make the Most out of EPIC
Our Trainers (Medical)

                  Dr Jason Chen
                  Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore

                     Concurrently serves as Clinical Lecturer, Department of Medicine, NUS Medicine
                     Special interests in the areas of interventional Cardiology and medical informatics
                     EPIC-certified Advanced Physician Builder

Our Trainers (Nursing)

                    Ms Subashini Angusamy
                    Assistant Nurse Clinician, Nursing Administration, NUHS
                      7 years of experience in Nursing Informatics and Electronic Medical Records
                      Responsible for implementing nursing informatics projects that determine the
                      value of hospital care
                      Certified in Epic Care Clinical Documentation and a subject matter expert in the
                      same module
                      Principal Trainer who teaches the NGEMR-Inpatient module at NUHS

Our Trainers (Allied Health)

                    Ms Lee Chiew Lan
                    Head, Physiotherapy and Senior Principal Physiotherapist, NTFGH

                       Possesses a MSc Med (Pain Management) (Aus)
                       Areas of interest include musculoskeletal physiotherapy and pain management

                     Ms Yong Huiting
                     Senior Occupational Therapist, NTFGH
                        Possesses a MA Occupational Therapy (US)
                        Certified Physical Work Performance Evaluator
                        Areas of interest include neurological, geriatric and cognitive rehabilitation

           For Self-Funded Participants              For Enquiries & Corporate Registrations

          CLICK HERE TO REGISTER                     Contact Evelyn at

    Please note that the scheduled course run will proceed only if the minimum class size is met.
How to Make the Most out of EPIC
Course Fees

                                                                                              Learners must
                                                                                              record at least
                                                                                              75% attendance
                                                                                              and pass all
                                                                                              components to
                                                                                              be eligible for
                                                                                              SSG funding

 1. All self-sponsored Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit to pay for the course.
   Visit the SkillsFuture Credits website to select the course.
 2. Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES) - Singaporeans aged 40 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of
   the course fee.
 3. Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS) - SME-sponsored employees (Singapore Citizens and PRs) may
   enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fee.


This module is stackable and completion of 3 other modules will lead to an Executive Certificate in
Healthcare Improvement via Informatics. Enquire with us to find out more.

 HI5101: Health Informatics & Data Visualisation 27 - 28 Jan 2022

                                     +                                                          Executive
HI5102: How Informatics can Enable 'Value                                                     Certificate in
                                                             21 – 22 Apr 2022
Based Healthcare'
                                     +                                                       Improvement
HI5103: Quality Improvement in Healthcare                     9 - 10 Apr 2022                via Informatics
                                                                                      * Maximum candidature period
HI5104: How to Make the Most out of EPIC                          27 Apr 2022           for the Executive Certificate
                                                                                          programme is 24 months

               For Self-Funded Participants                  For Enquiries & Corporate Registrations

             CLICK HERE TO REGISTER                          Contact Evelyn at

      Please note that the scheduled course run will proceed only if the minimum class size is met.
How to Make the Most out of EPIC How to Make the Most out of EPIC
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