Industry Insights A roundup of noteworthy foodservice findings for the week of May 2, 2022

Page created by Regina Taylor
Industry Insights A roundup of noteworthy foodservice findings for the week of May 2, 2022
A roundup of noteworthy foodservice findings
for the week of May 2, 2022
Industry Insights A roundup of noteworthy foodservice findings for the week of May 2, 2022
© 2022 Technomic, Inc.
                                                                                                                           TOP 500 CHAIN RESTAURANTS
                                                                                                                         NOTABLE RANKING IMPROVEMENTS

Top 500 Chain                                                                                           Chain Name                       Chain Rank   Change vs. 2019

Rankings Reshuffle
                                                                                                        Wendy’s                          5            +2 Spots

                                                                                                        Dunkin’                          6            +2 Spots
                                                                                                        Sonic Drive-In                   11           +2 Spots
                                                                                                        Popeyes                          15           +5 Spots

Turbulent operating conditions                             First Watch registered the largest jump      Dairy Queen                      17           +4 Spots
throughout 2021 and 2020 ushered in a                      among full-service chains, rising 17 spots
                                                                                                        Culver’s                         30           +8 Spots
slew of ranking shifts among the                           since 2019 to land at spot No. 67 in this
industry’s largest chains, according to                    year’s ranking. The breakfast chain has      Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers   33           +9 Spots
the recently released 2022 Top 500                         grown from 368 locations in 2019 to 435
                                                           by the end of 2021.                          Jersey Mike’s Subs               39           +8 Spots
Chain Restaurant Report.
Among top 100-ranked chains, Dutch                                                                      Firehouse Subs                   50           +8 Spots
Bros. Coffee and Tropical Smoothie Cafe                                                                 Tropical Smoothie Cafe           52           +28 Spots
have notched the largest ranking jumps
since 2019, climbing a net total of 30 and                                                              Dutch Bros. Coffee               55           +30 Spots
28 positions, respectively.
                                                                                                        Marco’s Pizza                    56           +15 Spots
Dutch Bros. Coffee expanded its store
footprint by 22% in 2021, following a 19%                                                               Freddy’s Frozen Custard &
                                                                                                                                         66           +20 Spots
increase the prior year. The drive-thru                                                                 Steakburgers
coffee chain expects to continue store
                                                                                                        First Watch                      67           +17 Spots
development in 2022, with plans to open
125 additional new units during the year.                                                               Smoothie King                    76           +20 Spots

Sources: Technomic Ignite Company featuring the Technomic 2022 Top 500 Chain Restaurant Report

© 2022 Technomic, Inc.                                                                                                                                                  3
IGNITE MENU                                                                        K E Y Y O Y TA K E AWAY S

                                                                                   U.S. Overall                             National Accounts

Q1 2022 Food and                                                                   Among the fastest-growing dishes
                                                                                   are grain salad appetizer (+83%)
                                                                                   and Latin-inspired salad appetizer
                                                                                                                            The Top 500-ranked U.S. menus
                                                                                                                            saw a drop in overall menu items
                                                                                                                            (-2%) but saw some notable

Beverage Insights
                                                                                   (+54%), both of which are                increases in value meal dishes
                                                                                   showcasing global ingredients such       across dayparts, including breakfast
                                                                                   as farro, black beans and Mexican        value meals (+79%), burger value
                                                                                   corn.                                    meals (+64%) and sandwich value
                                                                                                                            meals (+44%).
                                                                                   Senior menus (-6%) decreased
                                                                                   overall, with drops in several protein   Side add-ons (+8%) increased,
The Q1 2022 Ignite menu data is live on     Let’s take a look at some of the key
                                                                                   categories such as senior beef dish      more specifically protein add-ons
Ignite, including newly updated college     categories showing growth and
                                                                                   (-11%) and senior chicken dish           (+15%), starch add-ons (+12%) and
and university and food truck menus,        declines year over year.
                                                                                   (-12%). Senior buffet offerings          vegetable add-ons (+12%). Among
which Technomic releases on a yearly
                                                                                   (+8%), however, saw an increase,         the protein add-ons, an increase of
                                                                                   indicating a shift away from core        more premium proteins (such as
Overall, menu items have increased                                                 menu entree availability toward a        lobster) stood out.
year over year (+2%) and are slightly                                              variety of options.
higher (+1%) than pre-pandemic (Q4                                                                                          The fastest-growing ingredients list
2019) levels, when dine-in was fully                                               Within the college and university        indicates an increase of global
available and menus were significantly                                             segment, menus are heavily               applications within the Top 500,
larger. This is a welcomed change after                                            trending toward plant-based              with growth in ramen noodles
several quarters where overall item                                                alternatives with significant growth     (+50%), queso blanco (+32%), udon
count continued to be significantly lower                                          in dishes such as imitation meat         noodles (+31%) and a variety of
than pre-pandemic quarters.                                                        sandwich (+500%) and tofu                chile-based sauces.
                                                                                   sandwich (+333%).
                                                                                                                            Chicken thigh (+47%) growth on
                                                                                   Food truck menus are expanding           menus indicates continued use of
                                                                                   add-on options (+7%). Toppings           cheaper cuts to offset increased
                                                                                   (+7%) saw growth overall, including      protein costs, particularly among the
Source: Technomic Ignite Menu                                                      the addition of bacon and                Top 500 chains.
Image Source: Shutterstock                                                         caramelized onions to staple menu
© 2022 Technomic, Inc.                                                                                                                                          4
IGNITE CONSUMER                                                                                               DRIVERS TO PURCHASING SANDWICHES FROM

Sandwich Quality and                                                                               Easy to eat on the go                               31%

Convenience Prioritized                                                                                    Quality/taste                              30%

Over Low Pricing
                                                                                                      Available at a
                                                                                                    convenient location

                                                                                                              A craving                        25%
Recent data from Technomic’s 2022                         purchase sandwiches more often if
U.S. Sandwich Consumer Trend Report                       there was a snack size or smaller
suggests that foodservice operators will                  option available.*                           Can be prepared
need to balance quality and                                                                                                                    25%
convenience to increase purchases.
The chart to the right shows that even                                                                        Low price                  19%
amidst the pandemic and inflation,
consumers continue to prioritize quality
over low price. In order to justify
                                                                                                           Overall value                18%
charging a higher price, operators will
need to write menu descriptions that
tout quality and premium ingredients.
                                                                                                         Healthy option                 18%
Additionally, operators can play with
portion sizes to draw in consumers, with
25% strongly agreeing that they would                                                                 Large portion size         11%

                                                                                                         Signature item          11%
*Base: 854 consumers who eat sandwiches
**Base: 677 consumers who eat sandwiches from restaurants
Source: Technomic Ignite Consumer featuring the Technomic 2022 US Sandwich Consumer Trend Report

© 2022 Technomic, Inc.                                                                                                                                       5

Indonesia's Chain Restaurant
Growth in Overdrive
The world’s fourth-largest population                    Kopi Kenangan
and largest Muslim-majority nation
                                                         It’s hard to talk about Indonesia’s
doesn't always get the spotlight nearby
                                                         modern restaurant industry without
markets China and South Korea
                                                         starting with this emerging player.
receive as a hotspot for chain
                                                         Founded in 2017, this fast-growing
restaurant growth.                                                                                 entry into Indonesia and recently inked   MCO—one of Technomic’s 200 Global
                                                         coffee chain grew nearly 40% in 2020
                                                                                                   an expanded agreement with its            Restaurant Groups to Know—to
But this Southeast Asian country has                     amid the worst of the pandemic
                                                                                                   franchisee there to reach 120 units by    develop an undisclosed number of
huge potential from a foodservice                        environment, taking its store count to
                                                                                                   2028. That would put Wingstop among       shops in Indonesia over the coming
perspective and many chains are                          about 425. For 2022, Kopi Kenangan
                                                                                                   the ranks of Indonesia’s chicken          years.
poised for massive growth in a market                    plans to add another 400 units, which
                                                                                                   leaders including Rocket Chicken, KFC,
that until recently did not even have a                  would make it the second-largest                                                    Only Technomic tracks restaurant chain
                                                                                                   CFC and Richeese Factory.
brand bigger than a thousand units.                      restaurant chain overall in the market.                                             news and trends daily across 25
                                                                                                   Subway                                    countries in a dozen languages to keep
Here’s a breakdown of growth-minded                      Wingstop
                                                                                                                                             clients informed and ahead of their
chains’ current plans:                                                                             The American sandwich giant recently
                                                         The U.S.-based chicken specialist has                                               competition. Learn more now.
                                                                                                   inked a deal with a highly regarded
                                                         grown to 50 locations since its 2014

Source: Technomic Global Foodservice Navigator Program
Image Source: Shutterstock

© 2022 Technomic, Inc.                                                                                                                                                            6
WA N T M O R E I N S I G H T S ?

                                                                                                          Since 1966, we have
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                                    See where restaurant chains       Pinpoint the latest menu trends
                                                                                                           produced in-depth
   report delivered to              are, how many units they have     and see what’s on the horizon.    research focused on the
     you bi-weekly!                 and how well they’re doing.
                                                                                                          foodservice industry.
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                                                                                                         We provide insights into consumer,
                                                                                                            industry and menu trends in
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                                                                                                         Our team of experts helps leaders
 Ignite Consumer                    Global Foodservice                                                     in the industry make complex
 Get to know your customers’        Navigator                                                             business decisions, set strategy
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 and visit occasion metrics.        from menu trends to consumers,
 Explore>>                          in 25 countries. Explore>>
                                                                                                        Have questions about this report?
                                                                                                              Reach out to us today.


© 2022 Technomic, Inc.
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