Page created by Kristen Bowers


                      UNIVERSIDAD SAN PABLO-CEU

Type of Institution                                       UNIVERSITY

About Universidad CEU San Pablo                             ABOUT

Vice- Rectorate for Internationalization -                  OFFICE
International Mobility Office
Campus                                                     CAMPUS

                             ACADEMIC INFORMATION

Academic Calendar                                         CALENDAR

Academic Offer - Architecture                           ACADEMIC OFFER

Academic Offer - Engineering                            ACADEMIC OFFER

Grading system                                          GRADING SYSTEM

Information on your School                                 SCHOOLS


-    The academic offer available at the following links:

                                        Academic Offer- Architecture
                                        Academic Offer - Engineering
-    In the academic year 2021-22 the following subjects are not available:

    SIGMA    DEGREE                       Name of the subject              Period                 Language of
    code                                                                   Start S1: 06/09/2021    instruction
                                                                           Start S2: 07/02/2022
    17563    Biomedical Engineering       Projects in Biomedical                                    Spanish
             Degree                       Engineering I
    17569    Biomedical Engineering       Projects in Biomedical                                    English
             Degree                       Engineering II
    17582    Biomedical Engineering       Projects in Biomedical                                    English
             Degree                       Engineering III
    17574    Biomedical Engineering       Practicum                                                Spanish /
             Degree                                                                                 English
    17580    Biomedical Engineering       Final Degree Project                                      English
    17490    Information Systems          Practicum                                                 Spanish
             Engineering Degree
    17489    Information Systems          Final Degree Project                                      Spanish
             Engineering Degree
    17537    Telecommunication            Projects, normative and                                   Spanish
             Systems Engineering          regulation
    17538    Telecommunication            Practicum                                                 Spanish
             Systems Engineering
    17539    Telecommunication            Final Degree Project                                      Spanish
             Systems Engineering
    17419    Degree in Architecture       Restitución y Representación                              Spanish
                                          de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad
    17421    Degree in Architecture       Nuevos Materiales en la                                   Spanish
    17422    Degree in Architecture       Taller Informático de                                     Spanish
    17424    Degree in Architecture       Taller de Acústica                                        Spanish
    17425    Degree in Architecture       Taller de Arquitectura                                    Spanish
    17428    Degree in Architecture       Diseño Industrial                                         Spanish

    17429    Degree in Architecture       Arquitectura Efímera                                      Spanish

    17417    Degree in Architecture       Final Degree Project

-   The University does not guarantee that the student can enrol in the chosen subjects if there is a limitation
    of the number of places available for academic reasons or due to COVID safety distances in the
    classroom. In the event that the student cannot enrol in some of the subjects chosen, once they have
    arrived at the CEU San Pablo University, the Academic Coordinator of International Relations of the
    Faculty will advise them to look for alternative subjects and modify their enrolment.
-   Some groups may have a limited number of available places for incoming mobility students. Places will
    be assigned following registration order.

-   Other observations to take into account:
        o   The student should review the course descriptions to know what previous knowledge is
            needed to take them.
        o   Choosing courses from more than two consecutive academic years is not recommended in
            engineering degrees, to avoid schedule overlap.
        o   Although the previous table refers to single degrees, mobility students cannot take the courses
            Practicum or Final Degree Project from the double degrees either.
        o   Courses from Exclusive Master programs (Títulos Propios) are not included in the Architecture
            mobility programme. This includes Photoshop and Revit courses. Students can register
            through fee payment but they cannot be included in the Learning Agreement for Studies.
        o   The program Grado de Arquitectura+Master de Interiores is not included in the Architecture
            mobility programme.


Student Services                                               SERVICES

Student Guidance                                              GUIDANCE

Language Center                                              LANGUAGES

Career Center                                                INTERNSHIPS

Student Clubs                                                   CLUBS

Ombuds Person                                               OMBUS PERSON

Pastoral                                                      PASTORAL

Library                                                        LIBRARY

European Documentation Centre                          EUROPEAN DOCUMENTATION

Different Abilities                                       DIFFERENT ABILITIES

Medical Service                                                SERVICE

Learning Facilities and Resources                             FACILITIES

Sports & Leisure Facilities                                    LEISURE

Facilities for Students with Disabilities or Special

                           ACCESS TO VIRTUAL CAMPUS

                              MORE USEFUL INFORMATION

Accommodation & Housing                                    ACCOMMODATION

Cost of Living                                                  COSTS

Health Insurance                                          HEALTH INSURANCE

                                                                                SHORTNAME +                                                                            SHORTNAME +          ECTS
YEAR      CODE           COURSE IN SPANISH                                      GROUP                PERIOD COURSE IN ENGLISH                                          GROUP         PERIOD CREDITS

1                17346   Análisis de Formas Arquitectónicas I                   AF1        1.02      S1       Architectural Form Analysis I                            AF1b   1.01   S1     6
                 17347   Geometría Descriptiva I                                GD1        1.02      S1       Descriptive Geometry I                                   GD1b   1.01   S1     6
                 17348   Introducción a la Arquitectura                         FM1        1.02      S1       Fundamentals of Mathematics in Architecture I            FM1b   1.01   S1     3
                 17349   Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Arquitectura I           FF1        1.02      S1       Fundamentals of Physics in Architecture I                FF1b   1.01   S1     3
                 17350   Fundamentos Físicos de la Arquitectura I               IAR        1.02      S1       Introduction to Architecture                             IARb   1.01   S1     6
                 17358   Claves de Historia y Literatura                        CHL        1.02      S1       Key Aspects of Contemporary History and Literature       CHLb   1.01   S1     6
                 17352   Análisis de Formas Arquitectónicas II                  AF2        1.02      S2       Architectural Form Analysis II                           AF2b   1.01   S2     6
                 17353   Geometría Descriptiva II                               GD2        1.02      S2       Descriptive Geometry II                                  GD2b   1.01   S2     6
                 17354   Dibujo Arquitectónico I                                DA1        1.02      S2       Architectural Drawing I                                  DA1b   1.01   S2     6
                 17355   Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Arquitectura II          FM2        1.02      S2       Fundamentals of Mathematics in Architecture II           FM2b   1.01   S2     3
                 17356   Fundamentos Físicos de la Arquitectura II              FF2        1.02      S2       Fundamentals of Physics in Architecture II               FF2b   1.01   S2     3
                 17359   Arquitectura y Sociedad                                AyS        1.02      S2       Architecture and Society                                 AySb   1.01   S2     6

2                17360   Proyectos Arquitectónicos I                            PR1        2.02      S1       Architectural Design I                                   PR1b   2.01   S1     6
                 17361   Dibujo Arquitectónico II                               DA2        2.02      S1       Architectural Drawing II                                 DA2b   2.01   S1     6
                 17362   Mecánica de Sólidos                                    MEC        2.02      S1       Solid Mechanics                                          MECb   2.01   S1     6
                 17363   Materiales de Construcción                             MCO        2.02      S1       Building Construction Materials                          MCOb   2.01   S1     6
                 17364   Introducción al Urbanismo I                            IU1        2.02      S1       Urban Theory I                                           IU1b   2.01   S1     3
                 17365   Historia del Arquitectura I                            HA1        2.02      S1       History of Architecture I                                HA1b   2.01   S1     3
                 17366   Proyectos Arquitectónicos II                           PR2        2.02      S2       Architectural Design II                                  PR2b   2.01   S2     6
                 17367   Dibujo y Geometría Aplicada                            DGA        2.02      S2       Drawing and Geometry                                     DGAb   2.01   S2     3
                 17368   Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Arquitectura III         FM3        2.02      S2       Fundamentals of Mathematics in Architecture III          FM3b   2.01   S2     6
                 17369   Sistemas Estructurales                                 SES        2.02      S2       Structural Systems                                       SESb   2.01   S2     6
                 17370   Introducción al Urbanismo II                           IU2        2.02      S2       Urban Theory II                                          IU2b   2.01   S2     3
                 17371   Historia del Arquitectura II                           HA2        2.02      S2       History of Architecture II                               HA2b   2.01   S2     6

3               17372 Proyectos Arquitectónicos III                            PR3        3.02       S1        Architectural Design III                                PR3b   3.01   S1     6
                17373 Sistemas Constructivos I                                 SC1        3.02       S1        Building Construction I                                 SC1b   3.01   S1     3
                17374 Análisis de Estructuras I                                AE1        3.02       S1        Structural Analysis I                                   AE1b   3.01   S1     3
                17375 Técnicas de Acondicionamiento                            TEC        3.02       S1        Environmental Systems                                   TECb   3.01   S1     6
                17376 Diseño Urbano I                                          DU1        3.02       S1        Urban Design I                                          DU1b   3.01   S1     3
                17378 Proyectos Arquitectónicos IV                             PR4        3.02       S2        Architectural Design IV                                 PR4b   3.01   S2     6
                17379 Sistemas Constructivos II                                SC2        3.02       S2        Building Construction II                                SC2b   3.01   S2     6
                17380 Análisis de Estructuras II                               AE2        3.02       S2        Structural Analysis II                                  AE2b   3.01   S2     3
                17381 Electrotecnia y Luminotecnia                             ELE        3.02       S1        Electrical and Lighting Systems                         ELEb   3.01   S2     6
                17382 Diseño Urbano II                                         DU2        3.02       S2        Urban Design II                                         DU2b   3.01   S2     3
                17383 Historia de la Arquitectura III                          HA3        3.02       S2        History of Architecture III                             HA3b   3.01   S2     6
                17384 Doctrina Social de la Iglesia                            DSI        3.02       S2        Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church                  DSIb   3.01   S1     6
*Es posible que en algunos de los grupos haya un número muy limitado de plazas disponibles para estudiantes incoming. Se otorgarán por estricto orden de solicitud *
*Some groups may have a limited amount of available places for incoming mobility students. Places will be assigned following registration order
                                                                                   SHORTNAME +                                                                         SHORTNAME +               ECTS
YEAR         CODE           COURSE IN SPANISH                                      GROUP             PERIOD COURSE IN ENGLISH                                          GROUP              PERIOD CREDITS

4                   17385   Proyectos Arquitectónicos V                            PR5       4.02    S1       Architectural Design V                                   PR5b     4.01      S1     6
                    17387   Instalaciones y Servicios Técnicos                     IST       4.02    S1       Mechanical Systems                                       ISTb     4.01      S1     6
                    17388   Planeamiento Urbano I                                  PL1       4.02    S1       Urban Planning I                                         group not available       3
                    17389   Historia de la Arquitectura IV                         HA4       4.02    S1       History of Architecture IV                               HA4b     4.01      S1     3
                    17392   Análisis Constructivo                                  ACO       4.02    S1       Building Construction Analysis                           ACOb     4.01      S1     6
                    17397   Ética                                                  ETI       4.02    S1       Ethics                                                   ETIb     4.01      S1     6
                    17400   Dimensionado de Estructuras I                          DE1       4.02    S1       Dimensioning of Structures I                             DE1b     4.01      S1     3
                    17391   Proyectos Arquitectónicos VI                           PR6       4.02    S2       Architectural design VI                                  PR6b     4.01      S2     6
                    17394   Planeamiento Urbano II                                 PL2       4.02    S2       Urban Planning II                                        group not available       3
                    17395   Composición Arquitectónica                             COM       4.02    S2       Architectural Composition                                COMb     4.01      S2     6
                    17398   Oficio del Arquitecto                                  OFA       4.02    S2       Professional Practice                                    OFAb     4.01      S2     6
                    17399   Proyecto Constructivo: Montaje                         PCM       4.02    S2       Building construction design. Assembly                   PCMb     4.01      S2     3
                    17401   Dimensionado de Estructuras II                         DE2       4.02    S2       Dimensioning of Structures II                            DE2b     4.01      S2     3

5                   17402   Proyectos Arquitectónicos VII                          PR7       5.02    S1       Architectural Design VII                                 PR7b     5.01      S1     6
                    17404   Proyecto Urbano y Territorial I                        PU1       5.02    S1       City and Territorial Planning I                          PU1b     5.01      S1     3
                    17406   Taller de Innovación Arquitectónica                    TIA       5.02    S1       Architectural Innovation Workshop                        TIAb     5.01      S2     6
                    17413   Arquitectura Legal                                     LEG       5.02    S1       Legal Architecture                                       LEGb     5.01      S1     3
                    17414   Proyecto Constructivo: Prototipos                      PCP       5.02    S1       Building Construction Design: Prototypes                 PCPb     5.01      S1     6
                    17415   Cimentaciones                                          CIM       5.02    S1       Foundations                                              CIMb     5.01      S1     3
                    17407   Proyectos Arquitectónicos VIII                         PR8       5.02    S2       Architectural Design VIII                                PR8b     5.01      S2     6
                    17409   Proyecto de Estructuras de Edificación                 PES       5.02    S1       Design of Building Structures                            PESb     5.01      S2     6
                    17410   Proyecto de Instalaciones                              PIN       5.02    S1       Design of Environmental Mechanical Systems               PINb     5.01      S2     6
                    17411   Proyecto Urbano y Territorial II                       PU2       5.02    S2       City and Territorial Planning II                         PU2b     5.01      S2     3
                    17416   Deontología Profesional                                DEO       5.02    S2       Deontology                                               DEOb     5.01      S2     3

5 elective
                    17418   Dibujo del Natural                                     DIN       ‐       S1/S2    workshop course taught in Spanish. A1 level recommended                            3
                    17420   Teoría y Técnicas de la Restauración                   TTR       ‐       S2       workshop course taught in Spanish. B1 level recommended                            3
                    17423   Estructuras Especiales                                 EES       ‐       S2       workshop course taught in Spanish. B1 level recommended                            3
                    17426   Arquitectura del Paisaje                               AP        ‐       S2       workshop course taught in Spanish. B1 level recommended                            3
                    17427   Urbanismo y Ciudad Contemporánea                       UCC       ‐       S1       workshop course taught in Spanish. B1 level recommended                            3
                    19970 Smart Cities                                                               S1/S2    Spanish first semester, English second semester. To be confirmed availability      3
                            Restitución y Representación de la Arquitectura y la
                17419       Ciudad                                                 not in offer                                                                                                  3
                17421       Nuevos Materiales en la Construcción                   not in offer                                                                                                  3
                17422       Taller Informático de Estructuras                      not in offer                                                                                                  3
                17424       Taller de Acústica Arquitectónica                      not in offer                                                                                                  3
                17425       Taller de Arquitectura Bioclimática                    not in offer                                                                                                  3
                17428       Diseño Industrial                                      not in offer                                                                                                  3
                17429       Arquitectura Efímera                                   not in offer                                                                                                  3
                17430 Prácticas Externas I                                                                                                                                                       3
                17431 Prácticas Externas II                                                                                                                                                      3
*Es posible que en algunos de los grupos haya un número muy limitado de plazas disponibles para estudiantes incoming. Se otorgarán por estricto orden de solicitud *
*Some groups may have a limited amount of available places for incoming mobility students. Places will be assigned following registration order
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