IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon

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IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon

                                                                              IN ACTION
                                                                                                                               ISSUE III

           Closing the Employment Gap – Creating Career
               Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals
                                                                                                                  Stradley Ronon
                                                                                                                  The Precisionists,
                                                                                                                  Inc. and its
                                                                                                                  nonprofit arm,
                                                                                                                  The Precision
                                                                                                                  in Wilmington,
                                                                                                                  Delaware, which
                                                                                                                  prepares and trains
                                                                                                                  individuals for
                                                                                                                  jobs in the
                                                                                                                  technology field.

                                                                                                                  Shown (left) is a
                                                                                                                  Precision Institute
                                                                                                                  assessment class.

       oday, one in 54 people is on                                                           … .” As a result, Matt’s many talents
       the autism spectrum. While                                                             were not being utilized, and his skills
       these neurodiverse individuals                                                         were going unused. That is until he
offer various skills and abilities to                                                         landed at The Precision Institute (TPI),
businesses and communities – visual                                                           a benefit corporation that creates jobs
and logical thinking, evidence-based                                                          for individuals across a broad range of
decision-making, energy and passion,                                                          disabilities. The company is focused
curiosity, and problem-solving – 80%                                                          on working with those on the autism
of Americans with autism are either                                                           spectrum and disabled veterans and
unemployed or underemployed. The                                                              creating 10,000 jobs for people with
                                              Matt N. and Ernie Dianastasis at the
reason for this striking figure is not                                                        disabilities by 2025.
                                              Neurodiversity at Work event hosted by The
that these individuals are unqualified        Graham Group in Philadelphia in 2019.
for employment; it is because the                                                             From Concept to Inception
typical process to gain employment            Matt N. is one such neurodiverse                After leading one of the largest
puts neurodiverse candidates at a             individual who had trouble finding              information technology companies in
disadvantage. Put simply, traditional         employment due to difficulty with, for          Delaware, Ernie Dianastasis, founder
hiring and interview practices can            example, forming social relationships,          and CEO of TPI, piloted the idea of
negatively impact neurodiverse job            conveying emotions or making eye                the program in 2016. His vision was
candidates because many of these              contact. “After I got my degrees, I             to employ individuals who have often
individuals do not perform well in            couldn’t land a job, and in four years of       been overlooked by the corporate
traditional job interviews.                   job searching, only had one interview                                   continued on page 5

        Stradley Ronon | | Pennsylvania | Washington, DC | New York | New Jersey | Illinois | Delaware
IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon

In honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Stradley
Ronon hosted an external event with clients and the Stradley
community, “The Intersection of Activism & the Law – A
Conversation With Simon Tam,” which took place on May
11 with moderators Deborah Hong and Brian Seaman.
Simon Tam is an author, musician and speaker and is the
founder of The Slants and The Slants Foundation. He found
himself thrust into the spotlight when his all-Asian American
rock band, The Slants, was denied a trademark for its name
because it was considered “disparaging” to Asian Americans.
At this presentation, Simon Tam shared the story of how his        In just the past year,                 Wednesday,
                                                                                                              there have April           been 7more than 3,800
trademark battle took him all the way to the U.S. Supreme                                       12–1:30 p.m. EDT (via Zoom)
                                                                   recorded incidents of racially motivated hate crimes
Court, how he unexpectedly became a racial justice activist        against
                                                                           Please join us for the third installment of this series designed to foster honest
                                                                                this community
                                                                           conversations        about inclusion and    – equity
                                                                                                                           an increase               of more
                                                                                                                                   and how to identify     and combat  than 150%
                                                                           institutional racism.
and how he dedicated his life to expanding civil liberties         compared            with        the      year       before.           To    address         the     remarkable
                                                                           During the session, we will address the following issues:
for diverse people across the nation. Simon was joined by          rise, Stradley
                                                                           • Why the long   Ronon          hosted
                                                                                                  history of  violence and  the     third installment
                                                                                                                                discrimination                         of our
                                                                                                                                                   against Asian Americans
guitarist Joe X. Jiang, a musician and filmmaker, who serves       Understanding                Inclusivity series, which was titled “Unpacking
                                                                              in the United States is widely unknown;
                                                                           • Why there has been a sharp increase in violence against Asian Americans
as the vice chair at The Slants Foundation.                        the Riseinin  theAnti-Asian
                                                                                      last year; and         Violence.” This session was designed to
                                                                   foster •honest            conversations
                                                                              Why it is challenging        to establish that
                                                                              Asian Americans is racially motivated.
                                                                                                                            aboutthe sharp the    riseinin
                                                                                                                                              increase        recorded
                                                                                                                                                          violence    against incidents

                                                                   of racially     motivated
                                                                           In preparation,                  hatethat
                                                                                                 we recommend          crimes
                                                                                                                            you listen against        members
                                                                                                                                          to a short, 25-minute    podcast   of the Asian
                                                                           released last week by the New York Times, which provides invaluable
                                                                   American        andabout
                                                                           information         Pacific       Islander
                                                                                                     this violence’s    historycommunity.
                                                                                                                                  and current status. It The
                                                                                                                                                           can be event
                                                                           by clicking here.
                                                                   place on April 7 and was attended by 70 members of the firm,
                                                                   including       attorneys,               business            professionals              and      firm leaders.
                                                                           Space is limited, so please respond by April 5 to reserve your spot. Confirmed registrants will receive
                                                                           a calendar  invitation with a Zoom  link before the event. For non-exempt business professionals,
                                                                           please clock out for lunch before the session begins. HR will make any adjustments to your time card
                                                                              that exceed your one-hour lunch break — there is no need to make-up the time.
                                                                              If you have any questions, contact Heather Godley at ext. 8768. You may also email the committee

                                                                   THE ACT OF CLAIMING AN IDENTITY CAN
                                                                              members at

                                                                                                       Diversity & Inclusion Town Hall Committee

                                                                   BE TRANSFORMATIONAL. IT CAN
                                                                   PROVIDE HEALING AND EMPOWERMENT.
SIMON TAM                         JOE X. JIANG                     — SIMON TAM

   WHAT WE’VE DONE RECENTLY                                                                                           CPR DIVERSITY PLEDGE
                                                                                                                 The firm is pleased to announce it
                                                                                                                 has joined members of the legal and
                                                                                                                 corporate communities to further its
                                                                                                                 commitment to support the inclusion
                                                                                                                 of diverse mediators and arbitrators
                                                                                                                 through the signing of the International
                                                                                                                 Institute for Conflict Prevention &
                                                                                                                 Resolution’s (CPR) Diversity Pledge. Law
                                                                                                                 firm signatories to the pledge agree
                                                                                                                 to discuss the value of diversity and
                                                                                                                 inclusion among those who mediate and
                                                                                                                 arbitrate client disputes.

                                                                                                                 Senior counsel at Stradley Ronon and
                                                                                                                 member of CPR’s National Panel of
                                                                                                                 Distinguished Neutrals Bennett G.
                                                                                                                 Picker said, “By encouraging law firms,
                                                                                                                 corporations and CPR to take this action,
Celebrated Black History Month by highlighting people and organizations “Making                                  we can help push the proverbial needle
History Today” through impactful grassroots activities, community engagement and                                 and create a pipeline of diverse neutrals,
inclusivity efforts. Among those individuals and organizations spotlighted were 1.                               including women, persons of color,
Malcolm Kenyatta, 2. Terrill Haigler, 3. Just the Beginning – A Pipeline Organization                            members of the LGBTQ community and
and 4. Ala Stanford, M.D.                                                                                        disabled persons.”

2 • D & I In Action • Issue III
IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon

       he first known Pride flag – sewn      to the disease. Some flags contain          of the broader queer community. We
       by Gilbert Baker – debuted at         the stars from the U.S. flag with the       are not centralized; we have no leader;
       the June 1978 San Francisco Gay       six rainbow stripes in place of the         and our understanding of the world,
Freedom Day Parade. Baker was urged          13 red and white stripes. And South         ourselves and each other is constantly
by Harvey Milk, an early gay activist        African activists blended the traditional   evolving. While many people recognize
and firebrand, to construct a flag to        rainbow flag with the South African         only the six-stripe rainbow flag because
symbolize the value and dignity of what      national flag.                              it is anchored in their own experience,
was then called “the gay community.”                                                     the evolution of Pride flags encourages
                                             In just the past four years, there have     all of us to keep examining who we are,
The first iteration of the flag contained    been two major changes to the flag,         what we stand for and what work still
eight stripes, each a separate color of      both of which reflect the desire of the     needs to be done.
the rainbow plus hot pink. Demand for        queer community to become more
flags increased after Milk’s assassination   inclusive. First, during Pride Month
in November 1978, and hot pink was           2017, the city of Philadelphia unveiled       ABOUT THE AUTHOR
removed due to the unavailability            a rainbow flag with black and brown
of fabric in that color. The following       stripes added to the traditional six to
year, the San Francisco Pride parade         represent people of color in the queer
organizers removed another stripe.           community, whose voices and concerns
The six-stripe version, with each stripe     were often disregarded. This flag is
having a separate meaning, would             shown in image B.
become the historical standard of the
Pride flag for the next several decades.     And even more recently, the flag
This flag is shown in image A.               evolved once again to embrace trans
                                             members of the community through
There have always been variations            the inclusion of light blue, pink and
of the Pride flag, with each version         white stripes. These stripes reflect          Kevin Aldridge is a
reflecting our history while striving        the transgender Pride flag created by
                                                                                           paralegal in the Litigation
for increased awareness of our diverse       Monica Helms in 1999. This flag is shown
community. For example, during the           in image C.
                                                                                           Department. He lives in
height of the AIDS epidemic, some                                                          South Philly with his fiancé
flags were made with a black stripe to       The mutability of Pride flags is a            and their three cats.
memorialize those who succumbed              testament to the strength and diversity

    A.  The “original” Pride Flag
          by Gilbert Baker: red (life),                                                       C. The 2019 flag, which
                                                   B. T he 2017 flag, which
          orange (healing), yellow                                                               includes the stripes
                                                        reflects a more inclusive
          (sunlight), green (nature), blue                                                       representing the trans
                                                        vision of pride.
          (serenity) and purple (spirit).                                                        community.

3 • D & I In Action • Issue III
IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon
AWARDS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS                                                             2021 DIVERSITY
                                                                                          FELLOWSHIP RECIPIENT
                          Shareda Coleman     engagement, philanthropy and
                          Selected to Serve   education events to further the
                          on Six-Person       progress of women who have chosen                   STRADLEY RONON
                          Leadership          finance as a career and enables their
                          Council for the     positive influence over pre-career
                          Meritas Black       young women.
                          Lawyers Forum                                                              2021
                                              100 Women in Finance’s nearly 20,000
                      Associate               registered members strengthen the
                      Shareda Coleman         global finance industry by empowering
                                                                                          Stradley is pleased to announce
has been selected to serve on the             women to achieve their professional
                                                                                          that Zunara Ishtaiq is the recipient
Leadership Council for the Meritas            potential at each career stage.
                                                                                          of its 2021 Diversity Fellowship.
Black Lawyers Forum, an infrastructure
for Black attorneys within Meritas to                                                     Zunara is a second-year law student
create global connections, facilitate                              Jamie M.               at Rutgers Law School and hopes to
mentorship, increase visibility and form                           Gershkow               focus on corporate and securities
a worldwide community. As a mid-level                              Participates in        law because, in her own words,
associate and social justice advocate,                             ‘Ring the Bell for     “both of these practice areas play
Coleman is committed to amplifying                                 Gender Equality’       a central role in our country’s
the conversation surrounding racial                                Ceremony at            economy and society.”
equity in the legal community.                                     Nasdaq
                                                                                          As the diversity fellow, Zunara
“The Forum provides us with a                                         Partner Jamie       will have the opportunity to gain
dynamic platform to enhance                                           M. Gershkow         hands-on experience working both
mentorship and professional                   participated in the seventh annual          at the firm and in-house by splitting
development opportunities for Black           “Ring the Bell for Gender Equality”         her summer between Stradley
lawyers,” Coleman explains. “I’m              initiative. The bell-ringing ceremonies     Ronon and one of the firm’s most
honored to help lead this initiative          are a partnership among U.N. Women,         valued clients, Aberdeen Standard
not only to provide Black lawyers with        Women in ETFs, International Finance        Investments. In addition to gaining
greater visibility but also to provide        Corporation, Sustainable Stock              practical experience, Zunara receives
a safe space to discuss, advocate and         Exchanges Initiative, U.N. Global           mentorship and financial support in
address issues of importance to our           Compact and the World Federation            the form of a $10,000 scholarship.
community on a global scale.”                 of Exchanges, the aim of which is
                                              to bring attention to the pivotal
                                              role that the private sector can            PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS
                          Aliza S. Dominey    play in advancing gender equality           JOURNAL
                          Joins the           and to raise awareness about the
                          100 Women           business case for women’s economic        Stradley Ronon Attorneys Lead
                          in Finance          empowerment.                              D&I in the Financial Industry
                          Washington, DC,                                               Discussion With the Philadelphia
                          Committee           Gershkow is co-head of events and         Business Journal
                                              education of Women in ETFs New
                    Associate Aliza           York, a nonprofit organization that       Matthew R. DiClemente, co-chair of
                    S. Dominey has            seeks to bring together people to         the firm’s investment management
                    been selected to          champion goals of diversity, equality     group, and Brian Seaman, chief diversity
the 100 Women in Finance Washington,          and inclusion in the exchange-traded      officer and counsel at the firm, served
DC, Education Committee. Through              funds’ industry.                          as panelists at the Philadelphia Business
her role, Dominey helps plan peer                                                       Journal event “Diversity and Inclusion in
                                                                                        Philadelphia’s Financial Industry” on
                                                                                        Feb. 11. DiClemente and Seaman
                                                                                        discussed how the financial services
     STRADLEY RONON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION                                             industry can move toward a more
              WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP                                                       diverse and inclusive future. Read the
                                                                                        full piece here.

4 • D & I In Action • Issue III
IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon

                                  Dean V. Krishna, a partner and member of the firm’s tax group, shares advice for students seeking
                                  a career in law, his recent career accomplishment (joining the firm’s partnership in January 2021) and
                                  the area of practice he looks forward to developing. Watch both videos here and here.

                                  “One of the areas of practice I have enjoyed developing has been our
                                  investment management M&A practice. Investment management is part of the
                                  DNA of Stradley, and to combine that with our M&A practice, to help founders
                                  and institutions do M&A deals in a way that few, if any, other firms are able
                                  to do, has been tremendously rewarding.”

Closing the Employment Gap
continued from page 1

community – simply because their                   TPI, the firm immediately offered its         obvious – since the creation of The
skill sets didn’t shine through in a               assistance through Chairman Emeritus          Precision Institute, 80% of its job
typical interview process. The program             William Sasso to help navigate                candidates have received offers
catapulted into reality when Jack                  the legal processes of creating TPI’s         from its business partner, TPI, and
Markell, former governor of Delaware               nonprofit arm, The Precision Institute.       the retention rate after one year of
and former head of the National                    The institute assesses and trains             employment is 90%.
Governors Association, selected                    individuals impacted by autism and
“employment of people with disabilities            other developmental disabilities and          Finding Purpose Today
for a better bottom line” as the No.               prepares them to enter the workforce          The power of work has transformed
1 issue all governors across the U.S.              in technology and business services           lives in our local communities and
would focus on for the 2012-13 term.               positions throughout the U.S. The             across the country. TPI has employed
As part of that effort, Markell called             institute’s signature Assessment &            160 people since launching in 2016.
on all 50 governors to do a better job                                                           “The Precision Institute embraces
of increasing job opportunities for                                                              your differences and sees them as
people with disabilities, stating that                                                           assets. They take into consideration
“employing people with disabilities                                                              the whole you, not just what is on
is not about charity, but it’s about                                                             paper or how you appear at face
what’s in the business’s best interest.”                                                         value. They even find talents you
Dianastasis worked alongside Markell                                                             didn’t know you had,” said Amy
and recruited the CEO of Specialisterne,                                                         L., one of The Precision Institute’s
Thorkil Sonne, to join the effort. Sonne,                                                        success stories and employees.
an expert from Denmark, developed                  Training Program, which serves as a
an approach to find, assess and train              multiweek “job interview,” includes           Creating job opportunities for our
people on the autism spectrum in IT                an in-depth three- or four-week               neurodiverse community has given
jobs. After piloting these innovative              assessment and training program that          many individuals hope, independence
concepts, Dianastasis quickly created              teaches valuable technical skills and         and power in their daily lives.
40 positions in a year, including                  workplace readiness skills. In addition,      TPI’s business model for disability
roles in software development, data                the institute also works closely with its     employment and its persistence in
management, documentation and                      client partners to define the project         changing the workplace landscape
digitization, and quality control.                 work and deliverables to ensure that          with the goal of employing 10,000
                                                   associates and teams will be successful.      people is a mission everyone at Stradley
The Stradley Connection                            Most importantly, the institute looks         Ronon can get behind. To learn more
Stradley Ronon has a long-standing                 beyond the autism diagnosis and               about TPI and The Precision Institute,
tradition of serving not only our clients          developmental disability to identify          please visit and
but also the communities in which we               each candidate’s motivation and     
work and live. Upon learning about                 unique attributes. And its success is

5 • D & I In Action • Issue III
IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon
For more information on Stradley Ronon’s diversity and inclusion
                          efforts, please contact Brian Seaman at
                                or 215.564.8171 or visit

         Information contained in this publication should not be construed as legal advice or opinion or as a substitute
for the advice of counsel. The enclosed materials may have been abridged from other sources. They are provided for educational
            and informational purposes for the use of clients and others who may be interested in the subject matter.

                                                           Pennsylvania | Washington, DC | New York
                                                           New Jersey | Illinois | Delaware

                                                                                                      © 2021 Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP
IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon IN ACTION Closing the Employment Gap - Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Individuals - Stradley Ronon
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