Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019

Page created by Brandon Marshall
Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack
                  February 2019

                             Bournville Primary School
                                           Selworthy Road
                                        Weston super Mare,
                                      North Somerset BS23 3ST
                     Bournville Primary School is part of the Extend Learning Academies Network

                              Closing Date Noon Thursday 14th March 2019

Extend Learning Academies Network. Registered address: School House, Selworthy Road, Weston-super-Mare BS23 3ST. A
charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (Company number: 10896504)
Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019

   Welcome from the Chair of Governors and CEO of ELAN
   An introduction to Bournville Primary School
   Our Aims and Values
   Job description
   Person specification
   Job advertisement
   Application process
   Safeguarding

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Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
Welcome from the Chair of Governors and CEO of ELAN
Dear Candidate,

On behalf of the pupils, parents, staff and governors, we would like to thank you for your
interest in the role of Deputy Head Teacher at Bournville Primary School. The post will be
vacant in September 2019.

The school has long been recognised as being a vibrant and welcoming place where everyone
is treated as a uniquely talented individual. We strive to ensure that every member of our
school community is able to achieve their best and to promote a love of learning that we hope
will stay with our pupils long after they have left us. The governing body works closely with the
school; there is a supportive relationship, but one where challenge is welcomed to enable the
school to build on its existing foundations. The school also has the benefit of support from the
ELAN central team which consists of: Operations, HR, Chief Finance Officer, Finance
Manager, Estates Manager, Education Welfare Officer and School Improvement Lead.

The following are provided from the core service charge:

      Financial management and accounting - order and invoice process and support to
      HR- qualified HR advice, support and management
      HR transactional, contract management, recruitment, training
      Full Payroll services
      Operational software and licences PSF/PSP
      Health and Safety guidance and co-ordination
      Contract negotiation, procurement and alignment
      Estate management, advice and support
      Management of capital projects
      ELAN Board and Local Governing Body support and guidance
      School Improvement
      PR & Marketing
      Grant intelligence and applications
      Restructuring advice
      Education Welfare Officer
      SEMH
      Cognition and Learning Support

Bournville Primary School is rooted in the local community. The school is driven and guided
by its Aims and Values which are published in full within this application pack.

We welcome visits from prospective applicants. To make an appointment to visit the school
please contact the school office on: 01934 427130. To discuss the role further please contact
Adam Matthews, ELAN CEO by contacting Sarah Edwards, PA to the CEO or telephone Sarah on 01934 427134.

We look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Matthews          and    Denise Hunt
CEO of ELAN                   Chair of Governors

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Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
Introduction to Bournville Primary School

Bournville Primary school sits in the heart of the Bournville community in Weston super Mare.
The school is a larger than average primary providing for children from 2-11 years old, located
in an area of high social deprivation. Our current PAN is 525.

Bournville Primary opened on its current site in 2010 and offers a superb, well resourced
environment for children to access inspirational and engaging learning experiences. The
school provides an extensive Early Years provision including a 2-year-old nursery and pre-

At Bournville we offer children a wide, experiential curriculum and our dedicated staff work
skilfully to tailor learning specifically for the needs of all pupils. We believe that developing
the whole child is vital to ensuring they succeed and develop a world outlook, growth mind-set
and enthusiasm that prepares them for the next step in their lives. That is why, alongside
offering our children the best education and instilling a lifelong passion for learning, we provide
many varied and high aspirational opportunities for all of our children in their time at our school.

At Bournville we are committed to the development of teaching and offering responsive
learning opportunities that help children to move on at every stage. Our teachers are
encouraged to be reflective in their practise and work closely with middle and senior leaders
to improve and develop their teaching. We strive for the highest standards and always aim to
keep up to date with the most current educational thinking and research so that children are
provided the best possible experience in and out of the classroom.

We are looking for a Deputy Head Teacher who is an accomplished senior or middle leader
ready for school-wide leadership or a current career-minded Deputy Head Teacher who is
looking to take up an exciting new challenge in a new environment.

You will:

       Have the children’s best interests at heart at all times
       Have high expectations of yourself and others
       Have the ability to enthuse, engage, motivate and challenge both pupils and staff
       Be able to demonstrate and encourage a growth mind-set
       Maintain and target the highest aspirations for all
       Have a love of learning and research
       Be committed to pedagogical development
       Have the desire to deliver excellence
       Have the necessary attributes to engage with parents and the wider community.

Initially, the key strategic role of the Deputy Head Teacher will be to lead and drive school
improvement and development in addition to the many other duties and responsibilities of the

This will involve:

       Strategic planning
       Working alongside The Beach Teaching School staff and SLE’s
       Systematic monitoring and evaluation
       Reporting to governors
       Working with the MAT school improvement lead
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Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
   Working within, and developing the School’s SMT
       Reviewing and developing school administration systems and practices.

As an urban school, we face and overcome a number of challenges; these include an above
average proportion of:

       Disabled pupils and those with special educational needs
       Pupils known to be eligible for support through the pupil premium
       Pupil facing high levels of social deprivation.

The new Deputy Head Teacher will bring dynamic, innovative ideas that will influence how we
can develop our curriculum to benefit and inspire all learners. You will bring a strong
knowledge of positive behaviour management strategies and knowledge of working alongside
outside agencies including SEN and Social Care. In return, we will offer you a cohesive,
hardworking and welcoming team, who value each other and recognise the importance of
supporting one another in an exciting, fresh work environment. We work hard but we also
know how to have fun too, benefitting you, the staff and our children.

As a member of our school you will have the opportunity to work with kind, hardworking and
appreciative children with positive learning behaviours.

As an employee of the Extend Learning Academies Network you will gain the opportunity to:

       Work in close supportive cross school networks to share best practice and achieve
       Receive high quality CPD (including NPQ’s)
       Belong to and interact with the wider school community
       Become an SLE and work for the Teaching School
       Support and work with other schools inside and outside of the MAT
       Join the Future Leaders group.

Visits are warmly encouraged and can be arranged by contacting the Headteacher, Mrs Marie
Berry on 01934 427130.

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Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
Aims and Values

We provide a happy, secure and caring environment where children can reach their full
potential. We encourage them to have enquiring minds, take pride in their achievements and
have respect for moral and personal values. This is achieved in partnership with parents –
an essential element in any child’s development and the many partnerships we have
developed with businesses, educational institutions, research centres, local primary schools
and community groups.

We try to make our school a place that children love to come to, and a community to which
they enjoy belonging. Our aim is to raise children’s aspirations and enable them to
achieve their highest potential, through providing:
– A stimulating environment in which to learn and play
– A welcoming, caring community which supports pupils from all backgrounds, and of all
– An open, honest partnership between school and parents, with strong communication
between the two
– A school where we encourage and inspire confident learners to be ambitious in their goals,
and strive to achieve their full potential
– A happy atmosphere that makes each day at school a pleasure
– A valued part of the local community, offering resources and opportunities to all.
We offer creative and aspirational learning opportunities that excite, enrich and inspire, to
encourage your child to be successful now and in the future. The staff and governors at
Bournville Primary School are fully committed to providing the best possible education for
our children.

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Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
Job Description

                                     Deputy Head Teacher

Salary                     Leadership (Range 10 - 14 dependent upon experience)

Hours/Weeks per year Full Time

Reporting to               Headteacher

Functional Relationships

Headteacher, SLT, Local Governing Body, School Staff, Parents, Headteacher/Heads of
School of other trust schools, Central Services Team, external agencies, DfE, LA, RSC

                                       Purpose of Role

Supported by the Local Governing Body, Senior Management Team, school staff,
School Improvement Team, ELAN staff and other agencies the Deputy Headteacher
will assist the Headteacher to build a strong strategic direction for the school.

Under the overall direction of the Headteacher the Deputy Headteacher will play a lead role

        Helping to formulate the aims, objectives of the schools and establishing the policies
         through which they are to be achieved
        Being responsible for the standards and curriculum of all pupils including
         monitoring of progress towards achievement
        Proactively managing staff and resources as necessary
        Taking full responsibility for the school in the absence of the headteacher
        Carrying out the professional duties of a teacher as required
        Taking responsibility for child protection issues as appropriate
        Taking responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children
         within the school
        Collaborating with colleagues across ELAN and the wider educational
         community to improve outcomes for young people
        Maintaining and developing their own understanding of current practice and
         thinking that will inform and shape the strategic development of the school.
        Carrying out the duties of this post in line with the remit outlined in the
         current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document
        Be proactive in liasing & communicating with parents to build positive
         relationships and improve outcomes for young children

                            Principle Duties and Responsibilities

        In partnership with the headteacher, manage school resources
        Ensure high standards in pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, social and
         physical development to prepare them for their future
        Lead by example to motivate and work with others
        Assist the Headteacher in implementing and maintaining the school’s development
         plan, including school improvement, business and finance
        In partnership with the Headteacher, lead by example when implementing and
         managing change
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Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
   Promote a culture of inclusion within the school community where all views are valued
        and taken in to account
       Continue to develop an organisation in which all the staff recognise that they are
        accountable for the success of the school.
       Evaluate and review of the effectiveness of the school’s policies, priorities and targets
        and take action as necessary
       Ensure the ethos, vision, values and principles of ELAN are reflected in those of the
       Work across ELAN to improve and develop the outcomes of all pupils
       Play an active role in supporting other schools across ELAN, including those that are
        sponsored and require intensive support.
       Take a lead in developing the school behaviour policy

                                  Specific Responsibilities

Teaching and Learning

The Deputy Headteacher will:

   Work with the Senior Management Team, ELAN Central Team and all stakeholders to
    sustain effective teaching and learning throughout the school.
   Work with the Headteacher to raise standards through staff performance management
   Use benchmarking and evidence-based best practice to set targets for service delivery
    and improvement
   Create and maintain an environment which promotes and secures excellent teaching,
    effective learning and high standards of achievement, behaviour and a passion for
   Work with the Local Governing Body and Senior Management Team to determine,
    organise and implement the curriculum, curriculum decelopment and its assessment,
    routinely monitoring and evaluating in order to identify and share good practice and act
    on areas for improvement
   Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and standards of learning and achievement
    of all pupils across the school, including those with special needs, in order to set and
    meet challenging, realistic targets for achievement
   Develop and maintain effective links with the local community to extend the curriculum
    and enhance teaching and learning
   Maintain and develop the school’s effective partnership with parents/carers and the wider
    community to support and improve pupils’ achievement and personal development.
   Deliver training and support for staff as necessary
   Work in partnership with the headteacher in managing the school through strategic
    planning and the formulation of policy and delivery of strategy, ensuring management
    decisions are implemented
   Take a lead role in Pedagogical development across the school
   Work alongside Leadership team, teachers & Governors to analyse data at school and
    MAT level to develop strategic school imporvement


The Deputy Headteacher will:

       maximise the contribution of staff to improving the quality of education provided and
        standards achieved and ensure effective working relationships are in place
        throughout the school

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Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
   plan, allocate, support and evaluate the work of teams and individuals ensuring clear
       delegation of tasks and responsibility
      implement and sustain effective systems for management of staff performance,
       including appraisal
      motivate and enable all staff to develop expertise in their respective roles through
       high-quality continuous professional development
      identify and nurture talent to enable effective leadership development and succession
      sustain motivation of self and other staff
      lead by example, demonstrate and ensure the continuous commitment by all staff to
       help keep the children and young people in the care of the school safe.

Resource Management

The Deputy Headteacher will:

      Work with the Headteacher, Governing Body and Senior Management Team
       to recruit staff of the highest quality, complying at all times with safer
       recruitment practice
      Work with the Senior Management Team to deploy all staff effectively in order to
       ensure the highest quality of education is provided
      Organise and support the induction of staff new to the school and those being trained
       within the school
      Participate as required in the selection and appointment of teaching and support
       staff, including overseeing the work of supply staff/trainees/volunteers in the school in
       the absence of the headteacher
      Work with the headteacher to deliver an appropriate programme of professional
       development for all staff including quality coaching and mentoring, in line with the
       school improvement plan and performance management
      Take responsibility and accountability for identified areas of leadership


The Deputy Headteacher will:

   •   Ensure the school operates as an organisation in which all staff recognise that they
       are accountable for its success and are clear as to how they contribute to this
   •   Support the staff and governing body in fulfilling their responsibilities with regard to
       the school’s performance and standards
   •   Be responsible for staff appraisals
   •   Ensure the day-to-day effective organisation and running of the school including the
       deployment of staff as appropriate
   •   Support the headteacher in presenting an accurate account of the school’s
       performance in a form appropriate for ELAN, the Local Governing Body,
       pupils, parents/carers, the local community and OFSTED
   •   Promote and protect the health and safety welfare of pupils and staff
   •   Take responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young
       people within the school
   •   Ensure accurate and up-to-date records are compiled, maintained and
       audited to satisfy legal and operational requirements including those relating
       to safeguarding
   •   Be a proactive and effective member of the senior leadership team
   •   To undertake any professional duties, reasonably delegated by the headteacher

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Deputy Head Teacher Application Pack February 2019
Other Duties and Responsibilities

The Deputy Headteacher will work within the framework of national legislation and in
accordance with the provisions of the School teachers’ pay and conditions document.
In addition the post is subject to compliance with:
• School policies and guidelines on the curriculum
• School and ELAN policies and procedures
• DfE Teachers’ standards
• the Conditions of Service for School Teachers in England and Wales and with any locally
    agreed conditions of employment
• Keeping children safe in education: for schools and colleges

This is not an exhaustive list and changes to both the job description and duties may occur.


Please refer to the person specification for full details. Please note all original qualification
certificates will need to be presented on the day of interview for verification and production of
these certificates forms part of the conditional offer checks.

                                     Further Information

Probation This post is subject to a 6 month probation period

Scale Point: All staff start at the first scale point within their salary grade. Annual increments
may be paid until the top of scale is reached, dependent upon individual performance

Pension: The post holder will be automatically enrolled in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme
(TPS). ELAN pays a contribution of salary into the TPS.

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Personal Specification – Deputy Headteacher

      Category                 Essential                          Desirable

1. Qualifications/    Qualified teacher status       Postgraduate level qualification
   Professional       Evidence of continuing         SLE or similar status
   Development         professional development
                       relating to school             NPQ or other leadership training
                       leadership and                    Experience of working with
                       management, and                   other
                       curriculum/teaching and           schools/organisations/agencies
                       learning and improvement
                                                      Experience of
                      Ability to identify own         leading/coordinating professional
                       learning needs and to           development opportunities
                       support others in
                       identifying their learning    

2. Experience         Successful experience of       Teaching experience in at least
                       leading one or more             2 of the 3 key stages.
                       subject core areas             Experience as DH, AH or team
                      An expert teacher               leader
                      Evidence of collaborative      Experience of Ofsted inspection
                       working                         in a leadership capacity
                      People management skills       Supporting and working with
                                                       other schools

3. Strategic          Ability to articulate and      Knowledge of the role of the
   Leadership          share a vision of primary       local governing body
                       education within the           Evidence of successful strategic
                       context of the school’s         whole school leadership
                       vision and mission
                      Ability to inspire and
                       motivate staff, pupils,
                       parents and governors to
                       achieve the aims of the
                      Evidence of successful
                       strategies for planning,
                       implementing, monitoring
                       and evaluation school
                      Ability to analyse data,
                       develop strategic plans,
                       set targets and

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Category               Essential                            Desirable
                       monitor/evaluate progress
                       towards these
                     Knowledge of what
                      constitutes quality in
                      educational provision, the
                      characteristics of effective
                      schools and strategies for
                      raising standards and the
                      achievement of all pupils
                     Understanding of and
                      commitment to promoting
                      and safeguarding the
                      welfare of pupils

4. Teaching and      A secure understanding of       Understanding of successful
   Learning           the requirements of the          teaching and learning across the
                      National Curriculum and          entire curriculum across all key
                      Early Years development          stages
                     Knowledge and                   Successful experience in
                      experience of a range of         creating an effective learning
                      successful teaching and          environment and in developing
                      learning strategies to           and implementing policy and
                      meet the needs of all            practice relating to behaviour
                      pupils                           management at whole school
                     A secure understanding of        level.
                      assessment strategies           Whole school curriculum
                      and the use of                   leadership
                      assessment to inform the        Promoting SMSC of pupils
                      next stages of learning          across the curriculum
                     Experience of effective
                      monitoring and evaluation
                      of teaching and learning
                     Secure knowledge of
                      statutory requirements
                      relating to the curriculum
                      and assessment
                     Understanding of the
                      characteristics of an
                      effective learning
                      environment and the key
                      elements of successful
                      behaviour management

5. Leading and       Experience of working           Experience of working with
   Managing Staff     and leading staff teams          governors to enable them to fulfil
                     Ability to delegate work         whole school responsibilities
                      and support colleagues in       Successful involvement in staff
                      undertaking                      recruitment,
                      responsibilities                 appointment/induction,

                                    Page 12 of 17
Category                  Essential                         Desirable
                        Experience of                  Understanding of how financial
                         performance                     and resource management
                         management and                  enable a school to achieve its
                         supporting the                  educational priorities
                         professional development       Leadership of middle
                         of colleagues                   management / phase leaders
                        Understanding of effective
                         resource planning and
                        Leadership of teaching
                        Ability to communicate         Experience of presenting reports
6. Accountability        effectively, orally and in      to governors
                         writing to a range of          Understanding the criteria for the
                         audiences – e.g. staff,         evaluation of finance and
                         pupils, parents,                budgets
                                                        Leading sessions to inform
                        Experience of effective         parents
                         whole school self-
                         evaluation and                 Experience of offering challenge
                         improvement strategies          and support to improve
                        Ability to provide clear
                         information and advice to
                         staff and governors
                        Secure understanding of
                         current practice in

7. Skills, Qualities    High quality teaching
   & Abilities           skills                              Embrace educational
                        Strong commitment to the             research and look outwards
                         mission statement                    in order to continually drive
                        High expectations of
                         pupils’ learning and
                        Strong commitment to
                         school improvement and
                         raising achievement for all
                        Ability to build and
                         maintain good
                        Ability to remain positive
                         and enthusiastic when
                         working under pressure
                        Ability to organise work,
                         prioritise tasks, make
                         decisions and manage
                         time effectively

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Category            Essential                             Desirable
                   Empathy with children
                   Good communication
                   Good interpersonal skills
                   Stamina and resilience
                   Effective ICT skills

8. References      Positive recommendation        Professional reference without
                    in professional references      reservations.
                                                   Strong positive examples of
                                                    leadership impact

9. Safeguarding    Extend Learning                  Experience working with multi-
                    Academies Network is              agencies and managing
                    committed to                      safeguarding casework.
                    safeguarding and
                    promoting the welfare of
                    children and young
                    people and expects all
                    staff to share this
                    commitment. An
                    enhanced CRB check is
                    required for all successful

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                                Deputy Head Teacher
                         Extend Learning Academies Network

School                        Bournville Primary School.
Hours                         Full Time
Contract                      Permanent From September 2019
Salary                        Leadership 10 – 14 (actual scale point depends on

A fantastic opportunity has arisen at Bournville Primary School. We are looking to recruit a
Deputy Headteacher to join our friendly team in September 2019

The successful candidate will be a career-minded, experienced school leader who is looking
for greater responsibility and career progression. You will be working closely with the
Headteacher and other staff to promote the vision and ethos of the school and have plenty of
opportunities to express yourself and introduce new ideas to shape its future. Leading by
example, you’ll be confident in modelling good practice, developing positive and productive
relationships with children, parents, staff and others and in supporting training and
development within the rest of the team.

Bournville Primary School utilises the whole curriculum for learning, delivering a relevant
series of linked experiences that create a learning journey for our children. Through this, we
engage our children, fire imagination, promote creative flair and set high aspirations to foster
a life-long love of learning.

We are looking for someone who:

      Has high expectations of themselves, the people they work with and the children in
       their care
      Has a sense of purpose and is wholly committed to improving the future for our
      Inspires, innovates and motivates others to achieve amazing things
      Is committed to working within our learning community of schools both inside and
       outside of our MAT
      Has the skills and ability to lead school improvement and is committed to excellence
      Continually develops their practice
      Can embrace and become part of the community we serve

At Bournville, we are committed to working with others to provide the best for our
community. One of the many benefits of belonging to an academy trust is the opportunity
children and staff get to work closely with those from other schools. Our system of Learning
Networks allows staff the time to work across the MAT to inform, innovate, develop and
improve practice for all. Bournville is the designated school attached to The Beach National
Teaching School, another successful and initiative arm of our MAT; giving staff the
opportunity to take part in systems leadership work, receive high quality CPD, observe best
practice and interact with others from across the country.

There will be a 2 day selection process; applicants will need to make sure they are available
for both interview dates listed below. Additionally, as part of the selection process, we would
like to visit shortlisted candidates in their current school environment.

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Please have a look at our school and other ELAN school websites to get a taste of who we
are and what we do. We welcome and encourage informal discussions and visits to our school.
Visits are warmly encouraged and can be arranged by contacting the School office on 01934

Bournville Primary School is part of the Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN) and we
are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expect all staff to share this commitment. This post is subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure.

Further details and an application pack are available from the school office, on the school
website or ELAN’s website

Completed application forms and a covering letter should be returned to

Closing Date              12.00 Noon – Thursday 14th March
Interview Date            Tues 26th and Weds 27th March 2019 (it will be a 2 day selection
                          process so applicants will need to make sure that they are
                          available for both dates)
Address                   Selworthy Road, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23

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Application Process

Closing date for applications: Noon - Thursday 14th March 2019

Shortlisting will take place on week commencing 18th March 2019. Shortlisted candidates will
be informed of the range of activities that will form the selection process in advance of their

In terms of process, given the critical nature of this role, there will be a two day selection
process and you will need to make sure they are available for both interview dates listed below.
Additionally as part of this process we would want to visit shortlisted candidates in their current
school environment.

Interviews: The assessment and interviews will take place on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday
27th March 2019

Further details and an application pack are available from the ELAN website

Completed application forms should be returned to along with a
covering letter.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Bournville Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our
recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. This post is subject to an
enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Reference checks will also be
performed prior to interview.

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