Implications of Ground Dwelling Ants on Sustainable Soil Fertility in Nagpur City - sersc

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Implications of Ground Dwelling Ants on Sustainable Soil Fertility in Nagpur City - sersc
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
                                                    Vol.11, No. 2, (2020), pp. 496–502

Implications of Ground Dwelling Ants on Sustainable Soil Fertility in
                         Nagpur City.
                                      Seema G. Kadu

                   Assistant Professor in Department of Zoology
                 S.S.E.S. Amt’s, Science College, Congress Nagar,
                   R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur, MS, India

        An ant represents a unique focal group having the potential to be used as
biological indicators. Different ant species navigate across all the trophic levels in search
of architecture of vegetation, dead twigs on soil for nesting. Different ant species navigate
across all the trophic levels in search of architecture of vegetation, dead twigs on soil for
nesting. An ant represents a unique focal group having the potential to be used as
biological indicators. Soil homogenization and mounding are mainly influence the
vegetation with below ground plant parameters. The maximum population of ant species
effects on the physical and biological properties of soil greatly. Also, the movement of
particles from lower horizons to the surface area by ant aids affects the mixing of organic
and mineral fractions of the soil to increase the fertility. The faeces of ants are the basis for
the formation of soil aggregates and humus, which physically stabilize the soil and increase
its porosity to store nutrients. In Nagpur city ant species biodiversity is incredibly high
summarizes the information about most frequently observed ground dwelling ant genus of
ants, Crematogaster, Solenopsis and Pheidolegeton under the Subfamily Myrmicinae.
Present study analysed the physicochemical characteristics of ant mounds soil of these
genera of ants related to soil fertility and plant growth.

Keywords: Ant, porosity, nutrients, fertility, Crematogaster, Solenopsis and Pheidolegeton.


As plants grow, they consume nutrients in the soil. As the mineral content depletes in the
soil, they need to be replenished. This is where the organisms living in the soil play their
part by helping in the decomposition and transportation of nutrients to be used by plants.
Some ants like weaver ants, pharaoh ants, wood cutter ant and carpenter ant species
construct their nest in the soil to deposit their food and egg laying playing an important role
in the basic nutrient cycle of the soil. As some wood ants are keystone species in woodland
ecosystems, with effects on the community structure of local invertebrates as well as
providing a food source for predators (Hughes and Broome, 2007). There are different ant
species shows burrowing activity among these the ants species under subfamilies

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
                                                   Vol.11, No. 2, (2020), pp. 496–502

Dolichoderinae, Myrmicinae, Pseudomyrmicinae, Ponerinae, Formicinae, are the
important in soil tilting during nest building. These ants genera plays important role to
create porous soil, provide better aeration, improves the moisture content and helps in the
transfer of organic materials into the soil. Among these species some genera, Iridomyrmex,
Tapinoma, Camponotus, Oecophylla, Paratrechina, Aphaenogaster, Crematogaster
Solenopsis, Pachycondyla, are the polymorphic hymenopterans utilizes the plant residues,
animal manure or other organic materials to build up their nest colony (Frouz et al., 2003).
Nest construction results in modification of soil structure, increasing porosity (Frouz and
Jilková, 2008) and accumulation of food and detritus makes nests hotspots of nutrient
exchange (Domisch et al., 2009). The nests constructed by these ants support high levels of
biodiversity, including many species that are dependent on the nests as habitat (Wagner and
Jones 2005).    This organic material decomposed by bacteria, fungi and converts the
complex organic matter into simple components (Eldridge and Pickard, 1994). Effects on
the soil vary between ant species; substantial variation can be found in the same species
living in different conditions. The increase in concentration of Potassium and phosphorus
and neutral pH represent an ideal indicator for experiments targeting soil ecosystems
(Lafleur, 2005). The reduced simple organic components are again carried by the ants in to
excavated nest underground the soil where they are further being absorbed by the plants
roots as growth nutrients (Cammerat et al, 2002). The population of these ants genera are
directly effects on the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil through the
modification of soil profile, aeration, drainage and density and are therefore able to
influence the energy and nutrient cycles and to act as ecological engineers (Folgarait, 1998;
Frouz and Jilkova, 2008). Further research is needed to link production, ecosystem
services, and biological conservation (Bennett & Balvanera 2007). Environmental service
payments are increasingly applied as incentives for some regulating ecosystem services
such as carbon capture and hydrological control through forest conservation, silvopastoral
systems, agroforestry, and reforestation within tropical regions (Montagnini & Nair 2004).

Material and Method

    This experiment was conducted to find out whether the fauna inhabiting the soil will
help with soil fertility and plant growth. The experiment was carried out in different region of
Nagpur city(MS). The five different experimental areas were studied where maximum
population of different ant genera under subfamily Myrmicinae are observed. The soil sample
collected from roof of the plant and tested in the laboratory in college using Soil Testing Kit.
We organized the information available from a previous inventory undertaken in such mound
areas to analyse soil nutrients of soil. The soil sample collected from the roof of the ant

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
                                                     Vol.11, No. 2, (2020), pp. 496–502

mound nest and tested in the college laboratory using Soil Testing Kit. The concentration of
N, P(PO4,), S, K+and C (organic) and pH of the soil tests measure in ppm.

A.   Experimental Design

     This experiment was conducted by sampling the ground dwelling ant species
inhabiting the soil for nest building. The ant mound soil of different genera observed near
the maximum vegetation areas and biomantling of compact soil was collected as a soil
sample from five experimental areas, denoted as A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5. The
undisturbed area lacking or abandoned ant mounds were also studied as comparative check
as control sample as A-C.

B.   Analysis of Soil Sample

     The soil sample collected from the roof of the ant mound nest from experimental plots
analysed in laboratory of college under the optimum conditions using standardised soil
testing kits. The phosphorus concentration in soil tests measured as ortho-phosphate (PO4-
P) also performed ammonium acetate extraction method to analyse potassium (K+)
concentration in ppm. The concentration of N, P(PO4,), S, Mg2+, K+ and C (organic) and
pH of the soil tests measure in ppm. The soil sample from collected from control areas also
studied as check.

Results and Discussion

        The ant genera, Crematogaster, Solenopsis and Pheidolegeton in the given
experimental plots shows ground dwelling, burrowing activity among some important ants
genera under subfamily Myrmicinae. These ants genera plays important role to create porous
soil, provide better aeration, improves the moisture content and helps in the transfer
of organic materials into the soil. The present study shows increasing concentrations of soil
micro nutrients, N, P(PO4,), S, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+ and C (organic) and pH in the collected soil
sample as compared to experimental Control site (Table -1 and Figure-1). The growth of
plant population was also shows sustainable growth ratio near the experimental sites as
compared to Control site, A-C. It was observed that the ant mound soil collected from
sustainable experimental regions, shows variable accumulation of the soil micronutrients as
compared to the control soil sample. The experimental site A-1 to A-5 shows increasing
concentrations of soil micro nutrients such as, N, P(PO4,), S, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+ and C
(organic) and pH in the soil sample as compared to Control site, A-C (Table -1, Figure -1).
The hypothesis was made depending upon the present study that the presence of ground
dwelling ant genera, Crematogaster, Solenopsis and Pheidolegeton under the Subfamily
Myrmicinae excavated the below gorund soil which is ultimately provide a better
environment for the plant growth.
ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
                                                    Vol.11, No. 2, (2020), pp. 496–502


        The burrowing activity of the ant genera helps to penetrates water up to the plants
roots (Domisch, 2006). The ants also help in spreading the plants seeds during these soil
mining. Ant-mediated chemical changes of soil are represented mainly by a shift of pH
towards neutral and an increase in nutrient content (mostly Potassium and phosphorus) in ant
nest-affected soil (Frouz and Jilkova, 2008). These effects correspond with accumulation of
food in the nests and the effect on biological processes, such as hastening of decomposition
rate( Kadu, 2010, 2014). Effects on biological soil properties may be connected with
increased or decreased microbial activity, which is affected by accumulation of organic
matter and internal nest temperature and especially moisture (Eldridge and Myers1998). At
field moisture, microbial biomass Carbon and Nitrogen were significantly more concentrated
in ant nests at all experimental study sites (A-1 to A-5) as compared to control sites (Frouz et
al., 2008). The soil becomes naturally moistened in the form of nest soils and had higher
capacity for microbial growth than soils from other microhabitats (Wagner and Jones, 2005).
They help in the recycling of decomposed materials which increase soil porosity and may
cause separation of soil particles according to their size. Some of the ants eat other insects
and caterpillars that are harmful to the plants and will help nourish the soil with their
processed food (Barsagade et al., 2013). Effects on the soil vary between ant species;
substantial variation can be found in the same species living in different conditions. The
increase in concentration of Potassium and phosphorus and neutral pH represent an ideal
indicator for experiments targeting soil ecosystems (Lafleur, 2005). The present study shows
burrowing habitat and mining activity among some ant genera under subfamilies
Dolichoderinae, Myrmicinae, Pseudomyrmicinae, Ponerinae, Formicinae, are very important
to play important role to create porous soil, provide better aeration, improves the moisture
content and helps in the transfer of organic materials into the soil to fertilize the soil in many
ways (Frouz etal., 2003). In this study, we compared nutrient exploitation by spruce seedlings
growing in substrates from abandoned ant nests (i.e., local nutrient-rich hots-pots) vs. from
the control soil floor area (Ohashi et al., 2007). From the above study it is concluded that
different ant genera involved in nest building nests impact on the ecosystems by creating
highly concentrated patches of soil nutrients could affect biogeochemical cycling rates and
plant community dynamics. However, this study is the first to document the direct linkage of
select nutrient availability in ant mound soils as well as soil bioturbation with enhanced
nutrient levels expressed in perimeter vegetation. A new conservation paradigm must
incorporate human-modified landscapes in assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem
services, planning of corridors and buffer zones, and restoration of degraded lands.

ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
                                                       Vol.11, No. 2, (2020), pp. 496–502


Author greatly thankful to Dr. D.B. Tembhare , Ex. Prof. and Head of Department of
Zoology, Campus and Dr. D. D. Barsagade, Reader, Department of Zoology, RTM Nagpur
Unv. Nagpur.

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ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRC
Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
                                                            Vol.11, No. 2, (2020), pp. 496–502

                                                TABLE I.

         Concentrations of Soil Micronutrients in Ant Mound Soil of Species under the
         Subfamily- Myrmicinae collected from occupied Nest at different Experimental
         Plots (A-1 to A-5 and Control).

S.    Subfamily       Genera          Conc. in      A-1     A-2     A-3     A-4      A-5    Control A-C
                                    Soil (µg/gm)

1.    Myrmic                          pH (H20)       4.1    4.3      3.8     4.1     3.9           6.2
                       rothneyi       N%             0.5    0.56    0.49     0.66    0.58         0.35

                    (Forel, 1892)     P(PO4)*       14.2    13.8    14.6     14.6    14.5          9.8

                                      S(SO42)*       22      25      26       21      28          20.45

                                      Mg2+           69      73      74       71      68           55

                                      Ca2+           445    425     452      412     460          332

                                      K+             302    290     285      315     308          225

                                      C%             6.2    5.82     5.9     6.6     6.4          4.52

                                      pH (H20)       4.2    4.4      4.6     4.9     4.7           6.2
                  invicta (Buren,     N%            0.41    0.53    0.43     0.46    0.58         0.35
                                      P(PO4)*       12.2    12.8    13.6     12.6    13.5          8.8

                                      S(SO42)**      24      22      23       21      29          15.45

                                      Mg2+           58      53      54       61      59           35

                                      Ca2+           415    395     422      415     405          212

                                      K+             282    250     265      215     208          165

                                      C%             5.2    5.4      5.1     6.1     5.8          3.12

                                      pH (H20)       5.2    5.3      5.7     5.9     5.5           6.8
                  indica (Mayr        N %**         0.32    0.38    0.37     0.31    0.39         0.21
                                      P(PO4)*       10.2    11.1    11.2     11.6    11.3          6.8

                                      S(SO42)*       20     21.5    20.8     21.2    22.5         14.5

                                      Mg2+**        55.1    51.5    50.2      51      55           25

         ISSN: 2005-4289 IJDRC
         Copyright ⓒ2020 SERSC
International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
                                                 Vol.11, No. 2, (2020), pp. 496–502

                            Ca2+*        385     342     322      372     305          235

                            K+           482     153     165      185     175          192

                            C %***        4.8     4.4     4.7      5.1     4.8         2.12

*** P
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