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of Newtonian determinism, is all the more audacious given that, at that nomenon can be predicted 3–4 months ahead. Weather and climate time, there were few routine observations of the state of the atmosphere, prediction skill are intimately linked, because accurate climate predic- INTRODUCTION no computers, and little understanding of whether the weather possesses tion needs a good representation of weather phenomena and their stat- any significant degree of predictability. But today, more than 100 years istics, as the underlying physical laws apply to all prediction time ranges. later, this paradigm translates into solving daily a system of nonlinear This Review explains the fundamental scientific basis of numerical NWP: differential equations “Q A at aboutUIET R EVOLUTION half a billion points ” per time step between weather prediction (NWP) before highlighting three areas from which the initial time and weeks to months ahead, and accounting for dynamic, the largest benefit in predictive skill has been obtained in the past— thermodynamic, radiative and chemical processes working on scales physical process representation, ensemble forecasting and model initi- from hundreds of metres to thousands of kilometres and from seconds alization. These are also the areas that present the most challenging to weeks. • Weather forecasting has gradually increased in science questions in the next decade, but the vision of running A touchstone of scientific knowledge and understanding is the ability accuracy, due to: to predict accurately the outcome of an experiment. In meteorology, this Day 3 NH Day 5 NH Day 7 NH Day 10 NH translates Vastthe • into advances accuracy ofinthe numerical representation weather forecast. of In addition, today’s Day 3 SH Day 5 SH Day 7 SH Day 10 SH 98.5 numerical atmospheric weather predictions also enable physics the forecastermethods and numerical to assess quan- titatively the degree of confidence users should have in any particular 95.5 forecast. Large • This network is a story of data of profound andcollection fundamental from satellites scientific success 90 Forecast skill (%) built upon the application of the classical laws of physics. Clearly the • Supercomputing power success has required technological acumen as well as scientific advances 80 Is it possible to stretch these improvements even and• vision. 70 further Accurate by applying forecasts save lives,modern machine learning support emergency management and 60 mitigation of impacts and prevent economic losses from high-impact techniques? 50 weather, and they create substantial financial revenue—for example, in 40 energy, agriculture, transport and recreational sectors. Their substantial benefits far outweigh the costs of investing in the essential scientific 30 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009 2013 research, super-computing facilities and satellite and other obser- 3 Year vational programmes that are needed to produce such forecasts . Bauer et al. (2015) These scientific and technological developments have led to increas- Figure 1 | A measure of forecast skill at three-, five-, seven- and ten-day ing weather forecast skill over the past 40 years. Importantly, this skill ranges, computed over the extra-tropical northern and southern can be objectively and quantitatively assessed, as every day we compare hemispheres. Forecast skill is the correlation between the forecasts and the JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT verifying analysis of the height of the 500-hPa level, expressed as the anomaly the forecast with what actually occurs. For example, forecast skill in the 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES with respect toFOR the climatological ML AND AI IN height. WEATHER ValuesAND greater than 60% CLIMATE indicate MODELING range from 3 to 10 days ahead has been increasing by about one day per useful forecasts, while those greater than 80% represent a high degree of 2
INTRODUCTION EXPLOSION IN APPLICATION OF ML IN METEOROLOGY • Post-processing NWP models (Rasp and Lerch 2018) High-resolution truth model • Identification and prediction of extreme weather Low-resolution model with ML physics events (Racah et al. 2017, Lagerquist et al. 2019, Low-resolution model Herman and Schumacher 2018) • Improving physical parameterizations in NWP models, and improving their computational efficiency (Rasp et al. 2018, Brenowitz and Bretherton 2018, McGibbon and Bretherton 2019) Rasp et al. (2018) JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 3
INTRODUCTION WHAT IF MACHINES COULD PREDICT THE EVOLUTION OF THE ENTIRE ATMOSPHERE? • We developed our Deep Learning Weather Prediction (DLWP) model • Use deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on a cubed sphere grid • While this is essentially replacing NWP models with deep learning, there are important caveats • only a few variables: not a complete forecast • subject to using training data dependent on state-of-the-art data assimilation JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 4
INTRODUCTION Indefinitely iterable predictions for every 6 hours Observed states Predicted states Predicted states at two times at two times at two times x(t – 6) ˜ – 6, t) x(t Algorithm ˜ + 6, t + 12) y(t Algorithm ˜ + 18, t + 24) y(t ... x(t) 2 2 2 2 y(t + 6) y(t + 12) y(t + 18) y(t + 24) J1 = – + – J2 = – + – x(t + 6) x(t + 12) x(t + 18) x(t + 24) 2 2 2 2 J = J1 + J2 Trained to minimize the error over a 24-hour forecast JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 5
DLWP ALGORITHM CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS • CNNs • are ideally suited for “images” on a grid • account for local spatial correlations • identify patterns, edges, shapes • However, equirectangular (latitude-longitude) images have heavy distortion near the poles JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 6
INTRODUCTION 64 3×3 convolution 2×2 average pooling 2×2 up-sampling skip connection 1×1 conv s Preserves fine-scale information le ca ls ia at 128 sp e pl ti ul m at n io at m or nf 256 si te ora rp co In JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 8
INTRODUCTION DATA • ECMWF ERA5 input fields (6) • Prescribed fields (3) • ~1.4º resolution; 6-hourly time step • TOA incoming solar radiation • Z500 , Z1000 • land-sea mask • 300–700 hPa thickness • topography • 2-m temperature • Data sets • T850 • Train: 1979–2012; validate: 2013–16 • Total column water vapor • Evaluate: twice weekly in 2017–18 JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 9
ML MODEL DLWP produces realistic, albeit smoothed, Colors: 500-hPa geopotential height, dkm atmospheric Contours: 1000-hPa geopotential height, every 100 m, dashed=negative states. JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 10
DLWP ENSEMBLE Can our DLWP model form the basis for a good-performing large ensemble prediction system? • DLWP is inferior to NWP models. Why bother? • The larger the ensemble, the better! • DLWP has a significant computational advantage • How long would it take to run a 1000- member ensemble of 1-month forecasts at 1.5º resolution? • 10 minutes • Single workstation with GPU • In comparison, a comparable dynamical model would take about 16 days Morris MacMatzen / Getty via Vox JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 11
DLWP ENSEMBLE OBTAINING CORRECT ENSEMBLE SPREAD NWP DLWP • Perturb initial conditions • Perturb initial conditions Observation uncertainty • Ensemble 4DVAR • ERA5 ensemble • SVD • NOT optimal! • Stochastically perturbed • Random seeds in training parameterization tendencies • random data sampling Model uncertainty (SPPT) • random weight • Stochastic KE backscatter initialization (SKEB) • “swapping” physics JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 12
DLWP ENSEMBLE DLWP VERSUS THE ECMWF ENSEMBLE DLWP ECMWF 9 prognostic 3-D variables, Variables 6 2-D variables 91 vertical levels Resolution ~160 km ~18 km (36 km after day 15) Other physics 3 prescribed inputs Many parameterizations Coupled models None Ocean, wave, sea ice Initial condition perturbations 10 (ERA5) 50 (SVD/4DVAR) Model perturbations 32 “stochastic” CNNs stochastic physics perturbations Ensemble size 320 (+ control) 50 (+ control) JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 13
0.2 0.5 Average forecast error in 500-hPa geopotential 0.0 0.0 Root-mean-squared error Anomaly correlation coefficient 1.0 5 Worse Better a) e) b) f) 1000 1000 0.8 4 800 800 0.6 3 Z500 RMSE T850 RMSE ACC ACC 600 600 2–3 days 500 Z850 0.4 T 2 400 400 DLWP control DLWP grand ensemble ECMWF S2S control 0.2 1 200 200 ECMWF S2S ensemble Worse Better Persistence Climatology 0.0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 forecast day 1.0 forecast day 3.5 c) d) 3.0 The DLWP ensemble only lags the state-of-the-art0.8 ECMWF ensemble by 2-3 days’ lead time. 2.5 JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES 0.6 FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 2.0 14 E
0.2 0.5 Average forecast error in 500-hPa geopotential 0.0 0.0 Root-mean-squared error Anomaly correlation coefficient 1.0 5 Worse Better a) e) b) f) 1000 1000 0.8 4 800 800 0.6 3 Z500 RMSE T850 RMSE ACC ACC 600 600 2–3 days 500 Z850 0.4 T 2 400 400 DLWP control DLWP grand ensemble ECMWF S2S control 0.2 1 200 200 ECMWF S2S ensemble Worse Better Persistence Climatology 0.0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 forecast day 1.0 forecast day 3.5 c) d) 3.0 The DLWP ensemble only lags the state-of-the-art0.8 ECMWF ensemble by 2-3 days’ lead time. 2.5 JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES 0.6 FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 2.0 14 E
DLWP FOR S2S Can our large ensemble produce skillful sub-seasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasts? Potential applications of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions 317 (a) WEATHER FORECASTS predictability comes from initial atmospheric conditions S2S PREDICTIONS predictability comes from initial atmospheric conditions, monitoring the land/sea/ice conditions, the stratosphere excellent and other sources SEASONAL OUTLOOKS predictability comes primarily from FORECAST SKILL good sea-surface temperature conditions; accuracy is dependent on ENSO state fair White et al. (2017) poor zero Daily values 1–10 days Weekly averages 10–30 days Monthly or seasonal averages 30–90+ days FORECAST RANGE JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT (b) USER NEEDS FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES Reliable and actionable information for decision-making 15
DLWP FOR S2S SUB-SEASONAL-TO-SEASONAL FORECASTING Potential applications of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions • DLWP cannot be expected to compete with the (a) WEATHER FORECASTS predictability comes from initial state-of-the-art atmospheric conditions S2S PREDICTIONS • DLWP is lacking predictability comes from initial atmospheric conditions, monitoring the • an ocean model excellent land/sea/ice conditions, the stratosphere and other sources SEASONAL OUTLOOKS • land surface parameters e.g. soil moisture predictability comes primarily from FORECAST SKILL good sea-surface temperature conditions; accuracy is dependent on ENSO state • sea ice fair • We also do not forecast precipitation with the current model iteration poor • Cannot represent physics of MJO or ENSO zero Daily values 1–10 days Weekly averages 10–30 days Monthly or seasonal averages 30–90+ days FORECAST RANGE (b) USER NEEDS JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT Reliable and actionable information for decision-making 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 16
DLWP FOR S2S PROBABILISTIC SKILL SCORES OF S2S FORECASTS • Ranked probability skill score (RPSS) • Three equally-probable terciles relative to a 1981–2010 climatology • below-, near-, and above-normal • Forecast probability is the fraction of ensemble members • Evaluate squared error of forecast probability versus observed category • Normalize relative to random chance prediction • Perfect score is 1, higher is better, negative score is no skill relative to random chance JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 17
DLWP FOR S2S PROBABILISTIC SKILL SCORES OF S2S FORECASTS • Ranked probability skill score (RPSS) • Three equally-probable terciles relative to a 1981–2010 climatology • below-, near-, and above-normal • Forecast probability is the fraction of ensemble members Land points only • Evaluate squared error of forecast probability versus observed category • Normalize relative to random chance prediction • Perfect score is 1, higher is better, negative score is no skill relative to random chance JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 18
While most skill comes from the tropics, the DLWP ensemble Week 3 has positive skill scores over nearly all land masses. Weeks 5-6 JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 19
DLWP fails to predict the onset of ENSO patterns in forecasts Week 3 initialized in boreal autumn. Weeks 5-6 JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 20
CONCLUSIONS 1.0 a) 1000 0.8 TAKE-AWAYS 800 0.6 Z500 RMSE Z500 ACC 600 0.4 400 DLWP control DLWP grand ensemble ECMWF S2S control 0.2 200 ECMWF S2S ensemble Persistence Climatology 0.0 0 3.5 1.0 c) • Purely data-driven algorithms (CNNs) can produce realistic, indefinitely- 3.0 2.5 0.8 stable global weather forecasts with skill that only lags the state-of-the-art 0.6 2.0 T2 RMSE T2 ACC 1.5 0.4 ECMWF model by 2-3 days of lead time. 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 By leveraging initial-condition perturbations and the internal randomness 0.0 • 5 e) 1.0 of the CNN training process it is possible to produce a high-performing 0.8 4 0.6 3 ensemble of data-driven weather models that requires several orders of T850 RMSE T850 ACC 0.4 2 magnitude less computation power than comparable dynamical models. 1 0.2 0.0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 For weekly-averaged forecasts in the S2S forecast range, a notable skill forecast day • gap for dynamical models, our data-driven ensemble model has useful skill relative to climatology and persistence. It is not far behind the state- of-the-art ECMWF ensemble. JONATHAN WEYN, MICROSOFT 2021 JOINT IS-ENES3/ESIWACE2 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ML AND AI IN WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELING 21
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