Immaculate Conception Parish
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Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish A Catholic Community Inviting People to Follow Christ April 10, 2022 - Palm Sunday Of The Passion Of The Lord My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? “He humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him.” - Philippians 2:8-9 Love God Serve Others Make Disciples
Immaculate Conception Parish 2 Contact Us : 773.775.3833 Parish Office Hours: Parish Website: : : 7211 W. Talcott Avenue Monday-Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Chicago, IL. 60631 Saturday: 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. School Website: Sunday: Closed : : Social Media Facebook: Twitch: View our Masses, connect with fellow Membership-free platform where all are parishioners, and access exclusive articles and welcome to view our Masses and access content. Simply search “Immaculate content. Conception Parish Chicago (Talcott)” and Visit us at request to join our online community. Mass and Sacrament Schedule Weekend Mass Schedule: Weekday Mass Schedule: Confessions: Saturday Vigil @ 5:00 P.M. Online Sunday mornings Sunday Mass @ 8:30 A.M. Wednesdays @ 8:30 A.M. (School Mass) from 9:30 A.M.-10:15 A.M. Sunday Mass @ 10:30 A.M.* (Worship with us virtually on our (offered every Sunday during Lent) (*Our 10:30 A.M. Mass is also Facebook Page or Twitch) Baptisms: livestreamed) 2nd & 4th Sundays of In-Person Capacity limits have been lifted each month @ Noon Monday through Friday @ 8:30 A.M. and reservations are no longer (except during Lent) First Friday Mass @ 5:30 P.M. each required. Masks are now optional. month followed by Adoration of the Adoration & Vespers: All are welcome! Blessed Sacrament & Benediction from 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each Church open for private prayer: 6:00-7:00 P.M. month from 6:00-7:00 P.M. Monday-Friday: 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Saturdays: 10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. Donate Church & Special Collections: School: Interested in supporting our parish, specific Interested in supporting Catholic Education for ministries and projects? both present and future generations? Please consider giving online at Give Central: Please donate to our Endowment Fund (via Give Central) or support efforts by our Holy Name Men’s Club and Parents Club posted on our Offertory envelopes can also be mailed in or Social Media or featured in our bulletin. dropped off at our Parish Office.
Immaculate Conception Parish 3 Confessions - Sunday @ 9:30 A.M. This Sunday, April 10th (Palm Sunday), we will offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation from 9:30 until 10:30 A.M. (or as needed.) Please note: this will be your final opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to the Sacred Triduum and Easter Sunday. Walk Every Step With Christ During Holy Week: April 9th - April 17th Catholic Charities Lenten Food Drive Our Lenten Food Drive to benefit the Catholic Charities Food Pantry in Des Plaines (located at 1717 Rand Road) concludes on Palm Sunday, April 10th. Both food and monetary donations will be gratefully accepted. Please deposit all food donations in the collection boxes located in the Vestibule of our Church. Monetary donations will also be accepted via Give Central. Please scan the following QR Code with your phone to donate: Many thanks to all those who have generously contributed to our Food Drive throughout the Lenten Season! Eric Shank & Natalie Fischer Barry & Linda Womack Anita Cikvari James Falkman Welcome to all visitors and guests! Interested in joining our IC Parish family? Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of Holy Week: Mass @ 8:30 A.M. Register @ Holy Thursday, Good Friday & Holy Saturday: Morning Prayer @ 8:30 A.M.
Immaculate Conception Parish 4 Reflections From Fr. Robert Carlton: Good Friday As we start another Holy Week and Triduum, a good challenge for us can be to try and genuinely reflect upon in our prayer what each of these days really represents and what message the Gospel writers are trying to impart in their representations of them. To do this, it can be helpful to read, to the extent possible, commentaries or some scholarly material on the readings. Otherwise, it is very easy to miss the deeper meaning and the richness of the passages. This is true for all the days of Holy Week but especially, I think, for Good Friday. One of the challenges with the story of Good Friday is that it can be reduced too easily to simply “Jesus died for our sins,” which is something that Catholics are told so many times that it probably loses most of its meaning. However, if this was all that there was to the story, then the Gospel writers likely would not have spent so much time telling it and may very well have left out several details that are included in those stories. From my perspective, one detail that appears to be very significant in this story, and one that may have been left out and is often overlooked, is that of the figure of Barabbas. John’s Gospel makes a passing reference to Barabbas, pointing out simply that he was a revolutionary and that the crowd wanted him released over Jesus. This would seem a rather curious choice unless one knew more of the details about Barabbas. Indeed, if you were to read the story in the other Gospels (particularly in Matthew), there are more details given about Barabbas. His name is not just Barabbas but is rather Jesus Barabbas, which means fully Jesus son of the father, as opposed to Jesus of Nazareth, the son of the Father. Mark and Luke in their Gospels also point out that Barabbas was someone who was involved in a riot, which probably means that he was involved in trying to overthrow the Roman government. In addition to this, the leaders of the community, “the chief priests and the elders” were urging the people in the crowd to ask for Barabbas to be released. So, to do what St. Ignatius would have suggested with a story such as this, place yourself in the crowd in this story and imagine you are faced with the same choice that the crowd was. On one hand, there is Jesus Barabbas, a figure who at least attempted to try and do something against the Roman government, striving to bring a better life to the people in the here and now. On the other hand, there is Jesus of Nazareth, who did not stand up to the Romans in the same way. This kind of choice is still with us today: as the Pope has talked about, do you follow the ones who worship power, status and money or follow the one who states we should trust in God over material things? If you were in the crowd, what would you decide and why specifically might you choose Jesus of Nazareth over Jesus Barabbas? There are no easy answers to this choice or these questions except to say that the Gospel writers are getting at a lot more here than simply that Jesus died for our sins. - Fr. Robert ICPC Spring Gala: “IC-The Place To Be” - Friday, April 29th @ 6:30 P.M. After a two year hiatus, Immaculate Conception Parents Club is proud to announce the return of our Spring Gala, “IC –The Place To Be” which will be held on Friday, April 29th from 6:30 P.M. until 11:00 P.M. @ The Lido Banquet Hall (5504 N. Milwaukee Avenue—Chicago.) Entry Tickets may be purchased through our Spring Gala Hand Bid site: ($75.00 per ticket: includes entry fee, heavy hor d'oeuvres and an open bar.) As space is limited, please be certain to RSVP by Monday, April 11th if you are interested in joining us. Spring Gala Cash Raffle Tickets may be purchased via SmartTuition: ($25.00 per ticket) Grand Prize: $5,000 2nd Prize: $1,000 3rd Prize: $500 (Winner need not be present at the time of drawing on Friday, April 29 th.) Members of our IC Parents Club will also have Spring Gala Cash Raffle Tickets & Basket Raffle Tickets available for purchase in the Vestibule of our Church after all Masses on the weekend of April 23rd & 24th. Questions? Please contact Mary Ellen or Nicole via email at Join us for an evening of fun, friendship, and fundraising in support of Immaculate Conception School!
Immaculate Conception Parish 5 Welcome To Mrs. McMorrow’s 4 Year Old Preschool Class Over the course of the past couple of weeks, we have been discussing the Season of Spring. An important message the children have learned during that time, was that we grow as Children of God, with God as our root. The stem represents our parents and family members, the leaves are our community and their handprint is the beautiful flower God has created. Mrs. Mahoney’s First Grade Class Mrs. Mahoney's first grade class has been learning about the Seven Sacraments. As a class, we started studying about the First Sacrament of Baptism. Our students enjoyed learning about their own Baptism by creating a poster to commemorate this special moment in their lives.
Immaculate Conception Parish 6 Please join our parish family in prayer … For those who are sick: Tom Altman Lila Gehner Ashton Peterson Paul Amandes Bonnie Jean Gorski Leo Pfest Arnold B. Deacon Ron Gronek Mary Potwora Deacon Mike Bednarz Ofelia Hernandez Helen Rasmussen Robert Behrman Kevin Jaburek Rosaleen Reilly Sonia M. B. Wayne Kinzie, Sr. Bill Remblake Roberta Berger Craig Kloss Joe Rispoli John Bozek Maureen McGee Kogen Pia Rizza Vince Caeti Lillian Kohut David Rodriguez Mary Cali Katherine Kreuser Elaine Schatz Zita Castro Anthony Lapash Jennie Sekula Donna Chaplin Benny Martinez Don Skorey Marie Conway Edwin Martinez Edward Stanczyk James Covello Frank Martinez Wivina Stremel Ronnie Cunningham Gerry Michalek, Jr. Alma T. Paige Dicks Molly Morris Donna Tisdale Margarita DiSalvo Veronica Murillo Camilla Trevino Paula Drew Timothy Murray Steven P. Trifilio Ozzie D’Souza Brendan Nelson Peter Vandenbergh Dorothy D’Souza Anne O’Brien Mary Ellen Vanderman Richard Flanagan John O’Brien Henry Wagener Lord, Hear Our Prayer... Brooke Foreman Jackie O’Koniewski Miss Westhoff Patricia Furgat David Olson Rita Zambon For our faithful departed: Lorelei Ann Goodman (Wife of Patrick) “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.” For those who serve our country: U.S. Army - SSgt. John Francis Mikita, Sgt. Kevin Whalen, SSgt Martine Makita, Chris Dash, Pvt. Jason G. Cavanaugh, Major Christopher Walsh, Capt. Benjamin Monson, 1 st Lt. Katherine D. Hartnett, SPC Michael J. Stone, Pvt. Charlie Cruz Pappas, Thomas Treslo, National Guard Specialist 4th Class U.S. Navy - CMDR Michael Brasseur, LCDR Christopher Jenkins, PO Thomas T. Tudisco U.S. Air Force - John Christopher Ocasio, Major Laurel Walsh, Major Paul H. Kolk, LT. COL. Michael O’Koniewski; Captain Colleen Bernal U.S. Marines - Sean Gronset, PFC Sebastian L. Rivera, Jr., PFC Christopher Hughes, PFC Algene D. Porticos, LCpl Daniel Wieczorek Please contact our Parish Office when these service people return home safely. If you are a veteran or know a veteran, the Archdiocese of Chicago has a website located at that provides information that can be of assistance.
Immaculate Conception Parish 7 April 10th through April 16th Mass Intentions: Our Sanctuary Lamp is burning this week Sunday, April 10th for the repose of the soul of through Sunday, April 17th Sophie Sunday, April 10th– Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Sikorski 5:00 P.M. (Saturday) - Gaetana “Donna” Bova; Stanislaw (on her 15th Anniversary) Swiderski; and George Buschauer 8:30 A.M.—Dan Bridges; Helena & Edward Bieniewski; and Mike, Mary, Nora, & Megan Leahy (Living) 10:30 A.M.—Larry Martin, Jr.; Elizabeth Serafin; Michael Kelly; David Joseph Anglin; Pasqua & Cosmo Dalessandro; April 10th through April 15th Pasquale & Cecilia Demarinis; Francis & Moira Cross; Nancy Our Blessed Mother Votive is burning this Kanoon (Living); Vickie Caro (Living); and The People of the week for the prayer intention of Parish Monday, April 11th – Monday of Holy Week 8:30 A.M. — Rosemary Lacey (Living) Tuesday, April 12th - Tuesday of Holy Week Maureen 8:30 A.M. — Sr. Mary Pat Cummings (on her 1st Anniversary) McGee Kogen Wednesday, April 13th – Wednesday of Holy Week 8:30 A.M. —James Nelson Thursday, April 14th – Thursday of Holy Week (Holy Thursday) Requested by: The McGee Family 7:00 P.M.— Evening Mass of The Lord’s Supper Friday, April 15th - Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good April 10th through April 15th Friday) Our St. Joseph Votive is burning 7:00 P.M.—Passion of The Lord this week for the prayer intention of Saturday, April 16th - Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) 8:30 P.M.—The Easter Vigil in The Holy Night Sunday, April 17th – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Claudine Lord Merino 8:30 A.M.– Ada Acevedo; Frank & Estelle Lunski; Claudette (on her Birthday) Panfil; Stanislaw Swiderski; Dan Bridges; Lourdes Baltazar; Francis & Moira Cross; and Stefania & Walenty Poniecki 10:30 A.M.— Edward Labuz; Sophie Sikorski (on her 15th Requested by: Erma Kinzie Anniversary); Sr. Mary Julianne Maciuszek, C.R.; Cardinal George; Tom Tudisco; Dorothy & Frank Tudisco; Eleanor Pope Tweet of the Week... Brissette (on her 16th Anniversary); Jose Juachon; Claudine Merino (on her 56th Birthday) (Living); Arlene Matusiak (on her “#Lent invites us to conversion, to a change in 80th Birthday) (Living); Carol Moritz (on her Birthday) (Living); mindset, so that life’s truth and and The People of the Parish beauty may be found not so much in possessing as in 12:30 P.M.—Alejandro Maldonado giving, not so much in accumulating as in sowing and sharing goodness.”
Immaculate Conception Parish 8 St. Joseph Table Wrap-Up Over 200 parishioners enjoyed delicious treats at our St. Joseph Table on Saturday, March 19th from Allegretti Bakery, Amici, Amitabul, Biagio, Colletti’s, Dino’s, Eli’s Cheesecake Factory, Kappy’s, Nonno Pino, Palermo Bakery, Pasta D’Arte, Red Apple, Red Lobster, RoccoVino, Suparossa, Tava Fresh Taste of India, Zia’s, and our IC Community. Magician Joe Bennett entertained the crowd and our IC Art Teacher, Lisa Arreguin, provided beautiful masterpieces created by our talented students as eye candy for dessert for all to enjoy at our 37 th annual family friendly event! Many thanks to our sponsors, who made it all possible: Gold Donors of $1,000: Attorney John Pembroke & Associates. Silver Donors of $500: Amazing Grace Senior Living, IL State Rep. Brad Stephens & Knights of Columbus Council #4338 Bronze Donors of $200: Cumberland Chapels and Erma & Wayne Kinzie. Honorable Mention of $100: Cooney Funeral Home, Don Sebastian Realty Company, Friends of Anthony Napolitano, Kolbus-May Funeral Home, Deacon Rick & Carol Moritz/Robert Altman, Smith-Corcoran Funeral Home, Suerth Funeral Home, and Ursula Piechowski. Special thanks for Blessing of the Food: Fr. Matt Heinrich and Deacon Rick Moritz. Cookies: Nancy & Phil Chiaramonte, Theresa & Frank Chiusolo. Flower Donations/Drivers: Carmen Warfield, Cheryl Covello, Cheryl Howe, Denis Zamirowski, Laura Delana, Rob Lohman, and Rosemary Lacey. Balloon Donation: Dennis Jaburek. Supplies/wine: IC Men’s Club and Terri & Don Baumgartner. Front-Door/Ticket Sales: Sister Christine, Nancy Kanoon, Marilyn Sadowski, Susan Serb. Set-Up/Server/Clean-Up: Claudia Kech, Darlene Mroz, Don & Fran Smith, Dorina & Richard Spiering, Jim Semmler, Jocelyn Lim, Joseph Howe, Josephine Bernero, Kyle & Tyler Chmielowski, Lyn Christy, Ted Szabo, Leah Thiel & Elizabeth Via, and our IC 7th Grade Students. We are still collecting donations. Please make your check payable to: IC Men’s Club, write SJT Donation on memo line and kindly drop it off at our Parish Office by April 25, 2022. To donate using Zelle, enter email address: Save the date of April 26, 2022, for an Appreciation Dinner at Amici located at 7620 N. Milwaukee in Niles from 6:00-8:00 P.M. for workers of our March 19, 2022 St. Joseph Table event, as well as for volunteers for our March 19, 2023 event! All are welcome to join us! Please contact Deacon Mike at: 847.361.9766 to RSVP or with questions on donations. - Deacon Mike Pontifical Good Friday Collection Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religious education. This special collection also helps to preserve the sacred shrines. Christians in the Holy Land were hit particularly hard during the pandemic as most of them depend on pilgrimages to work. In these times of crisis, the Pontifical Good Friday Collection is also necessary to meet the basic needs of the People of God still living in this Land where the Church was born. When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become an instrument of peace and join with Catholics around the world in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. Please be generous (if you are able.) For more information about Christians in the Holy Land, please visit:
Immaculate Conception Parish 9 Gospel Meditation - Encourage a Deeper Understanding of Scripture Pope St. John Paul II rightly taught, “To believe in Jesus is to accept what he says, even when it runs contrary to what others are saying. It means rejecting the lure of sin, however attractive it may be, in order to set out on a difficult path of Gospel virtues.” Acceptance, rejection, suffering, betrayal, fear, reluctance, persecution, and painful, undeserved and unjust death are all played out in dramatic fashion today. Jesus spoke of God’s unconditional love, mercy, and forgiveness. Who doesn’t like hearing about love, especially God’s? Jesus did not have backs turned on him, face intense suffering, and succumb to a horrific death because he spoke of God’s love. All of those things occurred because of the implications of actually believing in God’s love. God’s love comes with an intimate and equal bond with love of neighbor. This moves the believer outward to truly see their brothers and sisters as equals and compels them to work for a world that mirrors God’s kingdom: a world based on justice, peace, mercy, and forgiveness. Sometimes, people want to keep God’s love to themselves and use it solely for their own benefit. When they only want to use God’s love to justify their own intentions and for their own projects, problems occur. Sin makes something hurtful, destructive, and self-serving look very attractive and justifiable. The lure of sin creates friends who begin to believe the lie that the sin expounds. This is what happened on Calvary. When you begin actually doing what Jesus is saying and translate love into action, it inevitably will upset popular and longstanding conventions and structures. Many of these serve to protect status, foster personal gain and success, and further divide those who have from those who do not. Most people who hear the Gospel are attracted to what they hear, at first. When they realize that it means standing apart from popular opinion, even if that opinion is against the Gospel and sinful, they cower back in fear and join the throngs shouting, “Crucify him!” There is an ambivalence found in many believers as they struggle with whether their belief is strong enough “to set out on the difficult path of Gospel virtues.” It takes a lot of courage to admit that the system is broken. It takes even more courage to point out the sin. And it takes an unbreakable love of God to then accept the consequences of doing so. ©LPi Ministry Schedules: Sacred Triduum (April 14th -16th ) & Easter Sunday, April 17th Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:30 P.M. Mass of the Lord’s Supper Passion of the Lord Easter Vigil Presiders Fr. Robert Carlton Fr. Robert Fedek Fr. Matthew Heinrich Lectors E. Kinzie & L. Beckman E. Kinzie & N. Kremer E. Kinzie, J. Lim & N. Kremer Cantors Vocal Quintet &Violin Vocal Quintet &Violin Vocal Sextet, String Septet & Guitar Extraordinary R. Kopec E. Kinzie J. Campbell Ministers Altar Servers J. Losik; O. Magruder; O. Magruder; E. Peters; T. Cox; I. Cox; K. Yau N. Rahlfs O. Magruder Easter Sunday Easter Sunday Easter Sunday 8:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 12:30 P.M. Presiders Fr. Robert Carlton Fr. Matthew Heinrich Fr. Matthew Heinrich Lectors N. Kremer J. Lim L. Beckman Cantors Vocal Quintet, String Septet & Vocal Quintet, String Septet & Vocal Quintet, String Septet & Guitar Guitar Guitar Extraordinary D. Sebastian R. Siciliano J. Campbell Ministers Altar Servers K. Catomer; E. Miehlich; P. Beckman; E. Carroll; M. Eaglin; S. Eaglin; B. Yak J. Edwards N. Eaglin
Immaculate Conception Parish 10 Our Parish Staff: *: Fr. Matthew Heinrich, Pastor Fr. Robert Carlton, Associate Pastor Fr. Robert Fedek, Weekend Assistant Deacon Rick & Carol Moritz Deacon Ronald & Connie Gronek Deacon Michael Bednarz Vincent Kennedy, Director of Operations Scott Will, Director of Worship Melissa Anna, Office Administration & Communications/ Bulletin Editor Elizabeth Doyle, Assistant Director of Music Marilyn Sadowski, Receptionist Bernadette Anna, Parish Sacristan Michael La Haye, Head of Maintenance Our School Staff: Sue Canzoneri, Principal Tina Fitzgerald, Assistant Principal Julie Szwedo, Religious Education Coordinator Lisa Kessler, School Accountant Mary Haley, School Secretary What’s Happening @ IC… Monday, April 11th — Your Gifts to God and Parish... 7:00-8:30 P.M.—Alpha Team Winter Session Wrap-Up & Celebration Dinner; RA If you plan to move from our parish, please notify 7:00-8:30 P.M.—Overtones Rehearsal; CH our Parish Office at least three months prior to Tuesday, April 12th - 7:30-9:00 P.M.—Parents Club Spring Gala Planning Committee Mtg.; your change of address. Also, if you will be away NWCR from home for more than 3 months, please contact Wednesday, April 13th— us so that your envelopes can be stopped during 2:00-3:30 P.M.—Choristers Rehearsal; CH that time period. If you have transitioned to Thursday, April 14th— Holy Thursday (School Spring Break Begins) 8:30 A.M.—Morning Prayer; CH electronic giving and still receive offertory 7:00 P.M.—Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper; CH envelopes, please contact our Parish Office so that Friday, April 15th—Good Friday (Parish Office Closed) we can discontinue your receiving of envelopes. 8:30 A.M.—Morning Prayer; CH 3:00 P.M.—Stations of the Cross; CH Parish Registration: Please contact our Parish 7:00 P.M.—Passion of the Lord Service; CH Office at 773.775.3833 or visit our parish website at Saturday, April 16th— Holy Saturday to join our parish family. 8:30 A.M.—Morning Prayer; CH 1:00 P.M.—Easter Basket Blessing; CH 7:00-8:00 P.M.—Music Ministry Dress Rehearsal; CH Bulletin Deadline: ‘Tis the season for early deadlines! 8:30 P.M.—The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night; CH All submissions must be received at least 2 weeks in Sunday, April 17th— Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord advance of desired bulletin now through the 8:30 A.M.—Mass; CH end of April. Bulletin submissions are 10:30 A.M.—Mass; CH 12:30 P.M.—Mass; CH accepted via email at:
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