Page created by Dawn Ortega
About Us
    UK Sports Training is an award-winning training provider based in Essex,
    providing fitness courses throughout the UK. We specialise in
    Personal Training and Sports Massage courses.

    We are committed to providing the highest quality training at the best value,
    for those looking to progress into the Health and Fitness industry. We offer
    a variety of courses, including the Level 3 Diploma in Fitness
    Instructing and Personal Training and the Level 3 Diploma in Sports
    Massage Therapy.

    Funding and finance options are available to use throughout our courses.

    As part of our training we are dedicated to helping you into your new career,
    and offer support following course completion, along with tips and advice
    on how to make the most of your career.

    We have an outstanding staffing profile and all our teachers have extensive
    knowledge, experience and qualifications in the Health and Fitness industry.
    Each teacher is extremely proactive, enthusiastic and supportive, and will
    guide you through every step of your course.

    We look forward to seeing you on our next course!

    UK Sports Training (UKST) aims to provide a professional, knowledgeable and enjoyable training
    experience for all its students. We aim to enhance the careers of those already working in their
    desired roles and to equip new learners with the knowledge and skills needed to embark on a new and
    successful career within the Health and Fitness Industry.

2   Funding is available on our fast track, class-based courses only.
    Personal Training                     Sports Massage
    Become A Personal Trainer      4      Become A Sports Massage Therapist    21

    Course Overview                5      Course Overview                     22-23

    Study Options                  7      Study Options                        24

    Student Journey: Fast Track    8      Southend SMT Course Dates 2022       25

    Student Journey: Online        9      Fees & Funding                       26

    Course Dates 2022             10-11
                                          Additional Information
    Fees & Funding                 12

    Preparing For Life As A PT     13     Combined Course Offer                27

    PT Earning Potential		         14     Student Support                      28

    UK Wide Training Venues        15     Student Success Story               29-34

    Romford Training Venue         16     Career Support		                     35

    London Training Venue          17     The FitPro Hub                       36

    Southend Training Venue        18     Guaranteed Interviews                37

    Hull Training Venue            19     How To Register                      38

    Liverpool Training Venue       20

Become A Personal Trainer
    If you love fitness, then becoming a Personal Trainer will be the best career choice you’ll ever make.

    Working with a wide range of people from all backgrounds, you will be making a difference to people’s lives
    for the better. This could be helping someone achieve a weight loss goal, improving a client’s health or
    preparing someone for a marathon; the list goes on and the mixture of clients you meet makes this one of
    the most exciting careers to have.

Course Overview
                                                                         This qualification is the UK’s most widely recognised Personal Training
                 Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training (RQF)          qualification and it’s absolutely essential if you want to start your own
                                                                         PT Business or work as a trainer in a Gym or Health/Leisure Centre.
            Anatomy and physiology for exercise and health
                                                                         Supported by our industry experts, we offer the most up to date
     Applying principles of nutrition to a physical activity programme
                                                                         resources, train you in realistic working environments and help you
               Programming personal training with clients                gain job opportunities.
                   Delivering personal training sessions
                                                                         Our tutors are experts in their field and will work with you to help you
                                                                         achieve your goals. The course is very in depth and our teachers have
           Level 2 Certificate in Fitness instructing (Gym)
                                                                         come up with unique ways to make your learning journey fun and
                  Anatomy and physiology for exercise
     Know how to support clients in exercise and physical activity
          Health, safety and welfare in a fitness environment
                Principles of exercise, fitness and health
                       Planning gym-based exercise
                      Instructing gym-based exercise

Entry Requirements                                                       Assessments
     There are no specific entry requirements but some experience of gym-     Multiple choice exams
     based exercises, including free weights, is highly recommended. You      Worksheets
     will need to demonstrate a good level of English and maths as there      Practical observations
     is an element of communication (discussing, presenting, reading and      Coursework/portfolio of evidence
     writing) involved.

     The course requires physical exertion and individual participation is
     essential; therefore, a degree of physical fitness is necessary.

Study Options
    STUDY OPTION                            DETAILS
                                            Our Fast Track Weekday courses are a mixture of practical workshops at our training venue combined with webinar
                                            attendance from home.

                                            This course takes around 8 weeks to complete; however, some students can finish with 6 weeks.

    FAST TRACK WEEKDAY COURSES              This study option is ideal for people who want to get qualified quickly and who can commit to a couple of days in the
                                            classroom during weekdays.

                                            Study now pay later via various funding options.

                                            Check out our venues: Romford, London, Southend, Hull & Liverpool.
                                            Our Fast Track Weekend courses are a mixture of practical workshops at our training venue combined with webinar
                                            attendance from home.

                                            This course takes around 8 weeks to complete; however, some students can finish with 6 weeks.
    FAST TRACK WEEKEND COURSES              This study option is ideal for people who want to get qualified quickly and who can commit to weekends in the classroom.

                                            Study now pay later via various funding options.

                                            Check out our venues: Romford, London, Southend, Hull & Liverpool.
                                            Upon enrolling onto this course you will be assigned a dedicated tutor who will support you throughout your training.
                                            Your tutor will schedule weekly video calls to discuss your progress as well as be on hand to answer questions and offer
                                            guidance whenever needed.

    FLEXIBLE BLENDED LEARNING: HOME STUDY   You will also gain full access to our interactive e-learning platform which will guide you through your course and test your
                                            knowledge. You will also be sent webinars and digital manuals to aid your learning.

                                            Your dedicated tutor will also arrange practical workshops with you in a gym so that you can practice/learn the practical
                                            elements of the course. This will then give you confidence for when your practical assessments take place.
                                            Funding are not available for this course but take advantage of our finance
                                            options or discounted early bird offer!

                    Fast Track Weekday & Weekend


                                              STEP 1                       STEP 2                               STEP 3
                                   Pre Course Assessments to    You will need to complete,           You will receive your
                                    ensure course is suitable     sign and send back ALL          learning resources, online
                                         for you & ukst              enrolment forms             webinars, e-learning & manuals

                 STEP 7                       STEP 6                       STEP 5                                          STEP 4

                                     Complete Anatomy and       Complete Level 2 Fitness                      Full introduction with
       Complete Gym Instructor
                                   Physiology & Principles of    Instructing Portfolio                        your classroom tutor
        practical assessments
                                    Exercise multiple choice
                                                                                      YOU’RE READY TO START

                 STEP 8                      STEP 9                       STEP 10                           STEP 11
        Complete Level 3 Fitness   Complete portfolio with a      Complete Anatomy and            Complete Personal Trainer
         Instructing Portfolio       real client prior to       Physiology & Principles of          practical assessments
                                         assessment               Nutrition worksheets
                                                                                                      YOU’RE LEVEL 3 QUALIFIED


                   Flexible Blended Learning - Home Study


                                              STEP 1                       STEP 2                             STEP 3
                                   Pre Course Assessments to    You will need to complete,           You will receive your
                                    ensure course is suitable     sign and send back ALL          learning resources, online
                                         for you & ukst              enrolment forms             webinars, e-learning & manuals

                STEP 7                        STEP 6                       STEP 5                                        STEP 4

                                     Complete Anatomy and        Complete Level 2 Fitness             Your support tutor will be in contact
       Complete Gym Instructor
                                   Physiology & Principles of    Instructing Portfolio via               within 24 hours to provide an
        practical assessments
                                     Exercise worksheets        home study & tutor support          introduction, timetable and course plan

                                                                                      YOU’RE READY TO START

                STEP 8                        STEP 9                      STEP 10
                                                                                                YOU’RE LEVEL 3 QUALIFIED
       Complete Level 3 Fitness      Complete Anatomy and       Complete Personal Trainer
       Instructing Portfolio via   Physiology & Principles of     practical assessments
      home study & tutor support     Nutrition worksheets



Please note: The end date is always one week after the last practical day due to re-sits and marking purposes.

You will be required to attend online webinars each week to support your theory learning.

                 Weekday Course                  Weekend Course                  Weekday Course
     COURSE      Start: Thursday 10th March 22   Start: Saturday 12th March 22   Start: Monday 7th March 22
                 End: Friday 22nd April 22       End: Sunday 24th April 22       End: Tuesday 19th April 22

     TIMES       10am – 5pm                      9am – 4pm                       10am – 5pm

                 LONDON                          LONDON                          ROMFORD
                 Southbank Club                  Southbank Club                  David Lloyd, Gidea Park
                 1) Thursday 10th March          1) Saturday 12th March          1) Monday 7th March
                 2) Friday 11th March            2) Sunday 13th March            2) Tuesday 8th March

     LEVEL 2
                 3) Thursday 17th March          3) Saturday 19th March          3) Monday 14th March
                 4) Friday 18th March            4) Sunday 20th March            4) Tuesday 15th March

                 5) Thursday 24th March          5) Saturday 26th March          5) Monday 21st March
                 6) Friday 25th March            6) Sunday 27th March            6) Tuesday 22nd March
                 7) Thursday 31st March          7) Saturday 2nd April           7) Monday 28th March
                 8) Friday 1st April             8) Sunday 3rd April             8) Tuesday 29th March

     LEVEL 3
                 9) Thursday 7th April           9) Saturday 9th April           9) Monday 4th April
                 10) Friday 8th April            10) Sunday 10th April           10) Tuesday 5th April

                 11) Thursday 14th April         11) Saturday 16th April         11) Monday 11th April
                 12) Friday 15th April           12) Sunday 17th April           12) Tuesday 12th April

Please note: The end date is always one week after the last practical day due to re-sits and marking purposes.

You will be required to attend online webinars each week to support your theory learning.

                 Weekday Course                Weekday Course                  Weekend Course
     COURSE      Start: Monday 7th March 22    Start: Thursday 10th March 22   Start: Saturday 12th March 22
                 End: Wednesday 6th April 22   End: Friday 22nd April 22       End: Sunday 24th April 22

     TIMES       10am – 5pm                    10am – 5pm                      9am – 4pm

                 SOUTHEND                      ROMFORD                         ROMFORD
                 The Hive Enterprise Centre    David Lloyd, Gidea Park         David Lloyd, Gidea Park
                                               1) Thursday 10th March          1) Saturday 12th March
                 1) Monday 7th March
                                               2) Friday 11th March            2) Sunday 13th March
                 2) Tuesday 8th March
     LEVEL 2     3) Wednesday 9th March
                                               3) Thursday 17th March          3) Saturday 19th March
                                               4) Friday 18th March            4) Sunday 20th March
     DATES       4) Monday 14th March
                 5) Tuesday 15th March
                                               5) Thursday 24th March          5) Saturday 26th March
                 6) Wednesday 16th March
                                               6) Friday 25th March            6) Sunday 27th March
                                               7) Thursday 31st March          7) Saturday 2nd April
                 7) Monday 21st March
                                               8) Friday 1st April             8) Sunday 3rd April
                 8) Tuesday 22nd March
     LEVEL 3     9) Wednesday 23rd March
                                               9) Thursday 7th April           9) Saturday 9th April
                                               10) Friday 8th April            10) Sunday 10th April
     DATES       10) Monday 28th March
                 11) Tuesday 29th March
                                               11) Thursday 14th April         11) Saturday 16th April
                 12) Wednesday 30th March
                                               12) Friday 15th April           12) Sunday 17th April

Personal Trainer
 Fees & Funding
 Tuition Fee
     Level 3 Personal Trainer Course £2,882

 Finance Plans
     We have a variety of 0% interest free finance plans available.
     Pay as little as £72.05 per month for 36 months!


 Funding Options
 If you would like to attend one of our Fast Track Classroom courses, we
 have access to various funding options. Some funding options allow you
 to complete your course and not pay anything back until reaching certain
 income thresholds.


      Early Bird Discount
      If you pay the balance in full before your course, you can take
      advantage of our Early Bird Discount and pay only £2,495,
      saving a massive £387.

                                    REGISTER NOW
Preparing for
 life as a PT
     So, you have landed that dream job in the gym or successfully
     started your own Personal Training Business and now it’s time to
     attract and work with clients to build your business. We will help
     you do this by providing tips and advice such us:

         Creating a positive first impression

         Overcoming rejection e.g. when a client says No

         How to build a client base

         Tips on your first month as a Personal Trainer

         Keeping clients motivated

     The above is just a handful of tips we will provide, there will be
     much more so that you can become the best personal trainer you
     can and inspire others and change lives.

PT Earning Potential*
                                                         WEEKLY INCOME MONTHLY INCOME                      ANNUAL INCOME
                                   DAILY INCOME             5 DAYS        4 WEEKS                             48 WEEKS

      2 PT SESSIONS                       £70                    £350                   £1,400                   £16,800
      3 PT SESSIONS                      £105                    £525                   £2,100                   £25,200
      4 PT SESSIONS                      £140                    £700                   £2,800                   £33,600
      5 PT SESSIONS                      £175                    £875                   £3,500                   £42,000
      6 PT SESSIONS                      £210                   £1,050                  £4,200                   £50,400

     * Indicative earnings based on an hourly rate of £35. Representative example only. Individual earnings will vary.

UK Wide Training Venues
     Wherever you are in the UK, we can help turn your dream of becoming a
     Personal Trainer into reality.

     Our Online Level 3 Personal Trainer course can be completed in the
     comfort of your own home with the support and guidance of our expert

     In addition to the support you will receive during your course, your tutor
     will invite you to attend practical workshops to build your experience and
     confidence in preparation for your assessments. Practical workshops can
     be completed in locations throughout the UK. Your tutor will contact you to
     arrange these workshops at a time and location.

     Alternatively, you can choose to study at one of our training venues, such
     as Romford, London, Southend, Hull & Liverpool. More information is available
     about each venue on the following pages.

     Enrol for immediate start
     CALL: 0800 612 5721 | 07387 374529


Romford Training Centre
Our Romford courses are run from David Lloyd at Gidea Park and is conveniently close to the Gallows
Corner flyover and half a mile from Gidea Park train station.

This gym boasts a super-modern gym with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts and much
more. This is a fantastic environment to start your career as a Personal Trainer, and you will have full
access to the gym during your learning, so you can keep up with your fitness schedule whilst studying.

Our Personal Trainer courses take place in a live gym environment, giving you first-hand experience of
what is to come in your career.

Next Course Start Dates
                                                CLICK HER                                                      David Lloyd
 Weekday Course                                           E                                                Squirrels Heath Lane
                                               FOR COUR
 Start: Monday 7th March 22                             SE                                                 Gidea Park, Romford
 End: Tuesday 19th April 22                    BREAKDO                                                             Essex
                                                       WN                                                       RM11 2DY
 Weekday Course
 Start: Thursday 10th March 22
 End: Friday 22nd April 22

London Training Centre
     Our London courses are run from Southbank Club, London’s largest squash and fitness club,
     conveniently located in Lambeth with fantastic public transport links and secure bike storage facilities.

     Southbank Club remains one of the few family-run Independents in London. A converted cinema is now
     a state-of-the-art gym which boasts 40ft high ceilings which give it a feeling of spaciousness. Arranged
     over three levels this club offers a Cardio Zone packed with the latest equipment, extensive Free
     Weights & training machines plus a Functional Fitness Zone making it an excellent environment to start
     your career as a Personal Trainer. During your course you will have full access to the club, so you can
     keep up with your fitness schedule whilst studying.

     Our Personal Trainer courses take place in a live gym environment, giving you first-hand experience of
     what is to come in your career.

     We provide a private classroom away from the gym floor to concentrate on your theory learning and use           Southbank Club
     of the gym to demonstrate the practical elements.                                                           124-130 Wandsworth Rd
     Next Course Start Dates                               CLICK HER
                                                                                                                       SW8 2LD
                                                          FOR COUR
      Weekday Course                                         DATES
      Start: Thursday 10th March 22                       BREAKDO
      End: Friday 22nd April 22

      Weekend Course
      Start: Saturday 12th March 22
      End: Sunday 24th April 22

Southend Training Centre
     Embark on your personal trainer career at our Southend, Essex training venue.

     Our personal trainer course in Southend is delivered from The Gym in Southend and is close to the
     Southend Victoria Train Station. The bright and spacious gym boats 42 cardio machines, a huge free
     weights area, a functional training area and weight machines.

     This is an excellent environment to start your career as a Personal Trainer, and you will have full access
     to the gym during your course classroom days to ensure you keep up with your fitness schedule whilst

     Our Personal Trainer courses take place in a live gym environment, giving you first-hand experience of
     what is to come in your career.

     We provide a private classroom away from the gym floor to concentrate on your theory learning and use          The Gym Group Southend,
     of the gym to demonstrate the practical elements.                                                            Unit 3 London Road Retail Park,
     Next PT Course Start Dates                                                                                              SS1 1PA.

      Weekday Course
      Start: Monday 31st January 22
      End: Wednesday 2nd March 22

     Next SMT Course Start Dates
      Weekday Course
      Start: Thursday 3rd March 22
      End: Thursday 31st March 22

Hull Training Centre
Our flexible pt course is located in Hessle Road, Hull, at the Fit24 gym. This gym has been voted
amongst the best gyms in the city and north of the UK by the national fitness awards, making it an ideal
location to kickstart your career as a personal trainer.

Your training will take place in a live gym environment, providing you with real-life experience. This will
help build your confidence as you start your new personal training career.

Next Course Start Dates
                                                                                                              554 Hessle Road,
 INTEREST.                                                                                                        HU3 5BL

Liverpool Training Centre
Our flexible pt course is located in Wavertree Liverpool at the Training Station 2 gym. This gym is known
as Liverpool’s top strength and conditioning facility and is a fantastic location to kickstart your career as
a personal trainer.

Your training will take place in a live gym environment, providing you with real-life experience. This will
help build your confidence and set you up as you start your new personal training career.

Next Course Start Dates
                                                                                                                Training station2,
                                                                                                                  Alfred street,
 INTEREST.                                                                                                           L15 2JJ

Become A Sports Massage Therapist
 Add a new string to your Fit Pro Bow, Sports Massage Therapy starts here!

 If you have an injured client you effectively lose that person until they are recovered, unless you can
 assist their recovery with Sports Massage Therapy, an accreditation that allows you to care for more
 clients immediately.

 With more people turning to exercise than ever before, injuries are becoming common place. Help turn
 your passion into something even more meaningful by assisting sport enthusiasts or professionals
 back to fitness.
Course Overview
                      Sports Massage Therapy Level 3

        (Unit 1) Anatomy and Physiology for Sports Massage
              (Unit 2) Principles of Health and Fitness
     (Unit 3) Understand the principles of soft tissue dysfunction
          (Unit 4) Professional practice in Sports Massage
                (Unit 5) Sports Massage Treatments

 Sports Massage incorporates many skills including individual client
 assessment, massage, soft tissue techniques and post treatment
 advice to manage and rehabilitate the various soft tissues of the
 body. It provides multiple benefits for your clients, whether to
 alleviate aches and pains or simply to ease the stresses of modern
 day life! Treatments can be carried out for pre, post and inter-event,
 maintenance and restorative purposes using a range of massage
 techniques. This course will enable you to become a sports massage
 therapist and the course will allow you to understand the effect and
 benefits of massage to assist in dealing with injury and training

 Resources and Clothing
 You are expected to wear clothing suitable for being massaged in
 whilst practicing on each other (shorts, vests, crop tops etc). You are
 required to provide your own towels and we recommend bringing in
 3 large towels. These will get messy so make sure they’re not your

Entry Requirements                                                                          Assessments
      It would be desirable to HOLD at least one of the following to start this course.          Multiple choice question paper
                                                                                                 Practical observations
      Level 3 Diploma In Personal Training                                                       Workbook
      Any massage qualification - (for example, Indian Head Massage, Swedish Body Massage etc)   Worksheets
      Sports Science qualification
      Relevant work experience

Study Options
     This course is delivered at our training venue over weekends to
     provide flexible studying options, ideal if you have other commitments
     such as working full time.

     The course takes around 5 weeks to complete, however, some
     students can finish sooner. You must attend ALL practical sessions so
     please ensure you don’t have any prior commitments before enrolling.

     You will also gain full access to our interactive e-learning platform
     which will guide you through your course and test your knowledge.
     You will also be sent webinars and digital manuals to aid your

     During the course, you will be asked to provide coursework which is
     expected to be handed in on the day your tutor sets throughout the

     This course is currently delivered in our Southend venue.

     Enrol for immediate start
     CALL: 0800 612 5721 | 07387 374529


Please note: The end date is always one week after the last practical day due to re-sits and marking purposes.

You will be required to attend online webinars each week to support your theory learning.

                 Weekday Course
     COURSE      Start: Thursday 3rd March 22
                 End: Thursday 31st March 22

     TIMES       10am – 5pm

                  The Hive Enterprise Centre

                 1) Thursday 3rd March
     PRACTICAL   2) Thursday 10th March
     DATES       3) Thursday 17th March
                 4) Thursday 24th March

Sports Massage
 Fees & Funding
 Tuition Fee
     Sports Massage Therapy Level 3 £2,225

 Finance Plans
     We have a variety of 0% interest free finance plans available here.
     Pay as little as £55.62 per month for 36 months!


     Funding Options
     If you would like to attend our Sports Massage Therapy courses, we have
     access to various funding options. Some funding options allow you to
     complete your course and not pay anything back until reaching certain
     income thresholds.


      Early Bird Discount
      If you pay the balance in full before your course, you can take
      advantage of our Early Bird Discount and pay only £1,800,
      saving a massive £425.

                                       REGISTER NOW
Combined Course Offer
      Early Bird Discount
      If you enrol for both the Level 3 Personal Trainer Course & Sports Massage Therapy
      together we can offer an early bird discount.

      If you pay the balance in full before your course, you can take advantage of our Early Bird
      Discount and pay only £4,295 RRP £5,107, saving you a massive £812.

      This offer is only available to students who pay for both courses upfront - only open to finance
      or funding at the full price of £5,107.

Student Support
     We are committed to supporting all students through your training. We are always on hand if you have any questions or need guidance.

             Tutor Support                                                                                       Career Support

       Our tutors are always on hand if                                                                     We are dedicated to helping you
       you get stuck with something or
                                                                   E-Learning                                flourish in your new career. Our
     just need to bounce some ideas off                                                                    team are on hand to help you with
      someone. You will be assigned a                                                                      updating your CV, providing advice
     dedicated tutor upon registering for                                                                 for interviews and helping you find a
      your course who you can contact                  You will have access to our advanced                         job once qualified.
           via email and telephone.                     e-Learning platform which takes you
                                                         through your course step by step.
                                                          See it as an interactive text book
          Telephone Support                              which you can access at any point                         Email Support
                                                                 during your course.

     If you need help at any point during                                                                    Just as our telephone support. If
     your training, just pick up the phone                                                                you have any questions during your
      and give us a call. We are here to                                                                   training, ping us an email and we’ll
                      help!                                                                                          get back to you.

Student Success Stories
                                  Kerri’s Success Story                                                                         Justin’s Success Story
                                  Started with no relevant qualifications after completing                                      From Basketball Coach to becoming one of the highest
                                  our extensive course Kerri now works in one of London’s                                       paid PT’s in the whole of The David Lloyd Gym Group.
                                  leading gyms!

                                    READ MORE                                                                                      READ MORE

     Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?                    Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?
     I was working in a school, supporting students with additional educational needs.            Before becoming a PT, I was coaching basketball in an elite basketball program in Hertfordshire.
     I adored my job and got on well with everyone. I was into going to the gym and had           As basketball was a big passion of mine I wanted to give back to the game that gave me a lot of
     been for a while. I was enjoying fitness because it was helping me transform my body         life lessons. However, I knew I wanted to teach but preferred the times when I was teaching 1 to 1
     and allow it to do things I’d never been able to do before. I also love the way it helps     rather than a big group of people. So that led me nicely into wanting to do Personal Training.
     with mental health - I found it helped me in times of sadness and trauma and provided        Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
     a form of escape. The gym had very quickly become my happy place. I love helping
     people - that is evident from my previous job. It seemed like the obvious future career      One of my friends mentioned the company to me in passing during a conversation many months
     for me would be to train to become a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer so I could      previous and when I was looking for someone to do my course with, I weighed up my options
     help others in an environment I am extremely passionate about.                               between Premiere Fitness, YMCA and UK Sports Training and we know how that song and dance
     Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
                                                                                                  Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?
     I worked out at David Lloyd Clubs and had seen the tutors and pupils in the gym
     wearing their UK Sports Training tops. It seemed like a sign that I’d been considering       The learning process was fairly straight forward, very structured and was very well delivered. I put
     doing the course for a while and was unsure where to start, and here was the                 that all down to the UK Sports Team but It’s the valiant effort from Lucy, the class teacher, spear
     opportunity literally right in front of me! Everyone always looked happy and like they       heading the show, that I have to thank for where I am. She Placed a lot of faith in me and my abilities,
     were having fun and the tutors looked approachable which was good.                           having someone there in your corner from the start is a big help and found her teaching very easy
                                                                                                  to follow and have it stick in my mind.
 Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?
                                                                                                  If any new students are lucky enough to get Lucy as their teacher, just know that you’re in great
     I enjoyed the whole course although I did get myself stressed, worrying I wasn’t going
                                                                                                  hands as long as you put in the work as well.
     to do well! I am a natural worrier! My tutor (Denise) was brilliant. You could contact her
     any time and she’d get back to you as soon as she could. She was very supportive.
     Funnily enough, when I was younger, I didn’t like science. It seemed confusing to me.
     However, I really embraced the theory side of the course and flourished when learning
     about Anatomy and Physiology. I enjoyed the practical side too, but knew that I would
     because of my love of working out. I went on to obtain 100% in my Level 2 Anatomy
     and Physiology exam and 98% in my Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology exam which
     I’m extremely proud of!
Student Success Stories
                                 Mel’s Success Story                                                                         Jeffrey’s Success Story
                                 A stay at home mum suffering from mental health issues to                                   After working as a chef for 3 years Jeffrey knew he had to
                                 fully qualified personal trainer!                                                           follow his passion and become a personal trainer.

                                   READ MORE                                                                                    READ MORE

     Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?                 Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?
     I was a stay at home mum who was continuously battling a mental illness, however          Before I decide to make the switch over to personal training I was working as a sous chef in central
     I found exercise to help greatly. After this discovery I began to take numerous classes   London in a Korean restaurant, I know it sounds a bit different because my past history has always
     at the gym, took up long distance running, which then resulted in a 9 1/2 stone weight    been around sports. I studied sports science in college then went and done sports therapy in
     loss and a passion for fitness.                                                           university so heading up in a restaurant in central London was a surprise for me too, after 3 years
                                                                                               of that I decided I had to make the switch and a friend recommended I get into personal training as
     Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?                                               I would really enjoy it and the rest as you say is history.
     I chose UK Sports Training as I was a body for a friend’s exam and found the              Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
     experience as a whole to be very pleasant. The environment, staff and people there
     were amazing, and I came home that day inspired. After that I desired to become a         A friend of mine done the course with UK sport’s and told me how good the tutors was and how fun
     PT however I lacked the confidence, due to my struggles with mental illness and still     they made it so it was a little easier to take it in and learn the course so I thought I definitely have
     being a plus sized lady. Through talking with Denise and Kristi, they gave me the         to do it with them and also you could get it funded too so I had no excuse not to go through with it.
     confidence and ensured me the support I needed with my mental health.
     Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?                 Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?

     I thoroughly enjoyed learning with UK Sports because of the amazing people who            The learning was intense especially with young children at home, but fun, the classroom was really
     continued to support me, who were not treating me as a burden. I loved the theory         fun. I met some amazing people.
     side of the course the most due to what an excellent tutor Denise had been. She gave
     us visuals and rhymes to assist our learning, and overall taught us in an extremely       Which bit did I most enjoy? ummm well everything about it was great learning something new,
     effective way. Denise and Jon were very supportive even though I made it difficult or     and that feeling of accomplishment when I had passed all my exams for the ETM and PT courses!
     challenging at times for them (with my anxiety attacks) yet they continued to help me.    Meeting new people and finding something I really enjoy doing!
     Overall learning with UK Sports has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Student Success Stories
                                Carly’s Success Story                                                                      Joelle’s Success Story
                                Mum of two went from working as a Chef to becoming a                                       Joelle went from working for Transport for London to setting
                                Personal Trainer and now works from home doing a job she                                   up her own Personal Training business.

                                  READ MORE                                                                                   READ MORE

     Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?               Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?
     I was a chef for 10 years then took a two year break whilst I had my two young          Before becoming a Personal Trainer, I worked for Transport for London (TfL).
                                                                                             Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
     Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
                                                                                             After looking around for a few months, I chose UK Sports Training because of the variety of payment
     I chose UK Sports Training firstly because I had been going to Denise Carter’s body     options they offered, location of the course and the days suited me perfectly.
     balance classes for a few years and she had approached me about doing the ETM
     course which I did then from there I decided to do the PT course.                       Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?

     Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?               I found learning with UK Sports Training very supportive, understanding and encouraging. From Jon
                                                                                             at the office to our tutor, Denise, they were all phenomenal. I didn’t only get support in class; I could
     The learning was intense especially with young children at home, but fun, the           also contact Denise anytime during the week if I needed help with my work.
     classroom was really fun. I met some amazing people.
                                                                                             As a class of 10 students, Denise gave each individual the support and praise we needed which kept
     Which bit did I most enjoy? ummm well everything about it was great learning            us pushing to achieve our goals. Denise managed to balance teaching us in such a way that the
     something new, and that feeling of accomplishment when I had passed all my exams        course was educational and entertaining. She is full of knowledge and good energy, this motivated
     for the ETM and PT courses! Meeting new people and finding something I really enjoy     us to keep going and push beyond our comfort zones.
                                                                                             I really enjoyed leaning new theories, techniques, and teaching points themost. I also valued getting
     Q4 – What are you doing now that you have qualified as a Personal Trainer?
                                                                                             to know my classmates as we exchanged knowledge and shared experiences.
     So from my ETM course I have my own class running at one gym (spin) which I have
     done an add on course for. I have a maternity leave cover (LBT) which I have had for
     a few months now and is going well and I am on the books for cover at a few gyms
     and receive cover classes every week (LBT, Body conditioning, Total toning, Aerobics,
     Step aerobics).

     As for my PT course I have converted my summer house into a gym I have two clients
     so far!

Student Success Stories
                                 Grace’s Success Story                                                                       Phil’s Success Story
                                 After finding a love for sports, Grace decided to become a                                  Phil went from working as a Senior manager to becoming a
                                 Personal Trainer.                                                                           Personal Trainer and proving it’s never too late to do what
                                                                                                                             you love.

                                   READ MORE                                                                                   READ MORE

     Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?                  Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?
     I completed the Six Pack Revolution in April 2019 and found a love for sport that was      I spent 15 years as a senior manager at a blue chip DIY retailer and was not enjoying certain
     unreal. I wanted to help others achieve goals just like I have.                            aspects and wanted to combine fitness with the elements I was missing and thus decided to retrain
                                                                                                as a Personal Trainer.
     Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
                                                                                                Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
     I chose UK Sports Training because I had been recommended by a friend.
                                                                                                I started seeing Facebook advertising for UK Sports training alongside other training providers
     Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?                  and I researched them all and what I found was UK Sports Training was for me, an outstanding
                                                                                                proposition not only in the training provided but previous PT’s experience that had been through the
     The tutor Denise was amazing, her way of teaching was brilliant. I enjoyed the practical
                                                                                                training and how great the experience was.
     assessments as well as the classroom-based learning.
     Q4 – What are you doing now that you have qualified as a Personal Trainer?                 I was able to discuss my needs and this helped me make the decision I was even supported through
                                                                                                the funding options, course materials and venue was also outstanding.
     I have a job lined up in a gym and I’m also going to do private personal training for
     the public.                                                                                Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?

     Q5 – What advice would you give anyone looking to start a career in Personal               Without a doubt the quality of the trainer was outstanding, Denise was fun and engaging but super
     Training?                                                                                  knowledgeable and the added bonus of a great training location. There was not a part that was not
                                                                                                enjoyable every day was fun and packed with knowledge.
     Just do it! UK Sports Training is an amazing company who support you 100%! It
     opens up a world of opportunity.

Student Success Stories
                                  Monika’s Success Story                                                                         Rohit’s Success Story
                                  Working in Admin to becoming a Personal Trainer, Monika                                        From working as an administrator to starting his own
                                  is now considering working in Indonesia as a PT.                                               Personal Training Business.

                                     READ MORE                                                                                      READ MORE

     Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?                     Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?
     I was working in Admin within the Head of Operations team, basically 9-5, but fitness         Working in Administration at a Sports Leisure Centre.
     always has been the biggest passion for me and everyone around me was saying this
                                                                                                   Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
     is what you should do so here I am.
     Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?                                                   Passionate about a career in Fitness and I was recommended by a friend from work to go with UK
                                                                                                   Sports Training.
     I was researching a lot and I wanted to find the best college and when I requested
     more info from UK Sports Training they were very easy, professional and with so               Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?
     many amazing reviews etc so it was easy for me.                                               Overall I had an amazing experience and enjoyed every part of the learning journey and practically
     Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?                     using the skills I had learned and applying them practically on the Gym floor which ultimately prepared
                                                                                                   me as a Personal Trainer.
     Our tutor Steve has made the journey so so easy for us all. I enrolled on the part-time
     course which was sometimes tough but I never felt over confused or even panic I               Q4 – What are you doing now that you have qualified as a Personal Trainer?
     wouldn’t be to finish. The most enjoyable part was on the gym floor. At the start, I didn’t   I am now in my 6 month as a Personal Trainer and am currently working at The Gym Group at
     have a lot of confidence but my confidence grew and I started loving the practical part,      Chadwell Heath whom have a partnership with UK Sports Training.
     it was really fun.
     Q4 – What are you doing now that you have qualified as a Personal Trainer?                    As soon as I qualified I pretty much did not waste any time and used my skills that I had learnt and
                                                                                                   started my career, I have to give a lot of credit to UK Sports training that helped facilitate an interview
     I secured a job with DW Fitness First which I am loving and I’m also considering taking       with The Gym Group.
     an internship to get more experience as a PT for the “be active project” in Indonesia
     which I was offered after receiving my PT qualification.
     Q5 – What advice would you give anyone looking to start a career in Personal
     If fitness is your passion and you cannot think about anything else then don’t be afraid
     and become a PT. Don’t wait! You can help change someone’s future and that feeling
     is unforgettable. Do it!

Student Success Stories
                                 Kel’s Success Story
                                 Kel approached us while he held a job with his local
                                 government, aiding and supporting residents of his town
                                 with any issues or concerns. Kel had – and still has! – other
                                 dreams, though; ambitions that revolve around a career in
                                 the fitness industry.

                                      READ MORE

     Q1 – What were you doing before you decided to become a Personal Trainer?
     I was and currently still am, working for Local Government providing support and
     customer service to local residents.
     Q2 – Why did you choose UK Sports Training?
     UKST was recommended to me by and friend and offered funded courses.
 Q3 – How did you find learning with us and what parts did you most enjoy?
 Learning with UKST was excellent. The tutors were great and had fantastic knowledge
 and support throughout. The online e-learning was very user friendly and provided
 further understanding of the information supplied in the LAP’s.

     Q4 – What are your future plans and ambitions now that you have qualified
     as a Personal Trainer?
 I am currently in full-time employment whilst building my PT business around
 this and training clients accordingly. My ambition for the future is to have my own
 successful gym and develop my own line of clothing and supplements.

     Q5 – What advice would you give anyone looking to start a career in Personal
     Simple - Do it! Although my career is only just beginning, I know the future holds great
     things for me and those who are considering a career in the fitness industry also.
     I would advise anyone who is thinking about a career as a PT to just simply do it.
     You won’t regret the endless possibilities and enjoyment you can achieve by helping
     people reach their goals.

Career support
     CV Tips & Advice
     At UK Sports Training we know that having a professional CV is the first step to landing that big job interview. We will provide you
     with in depth tips and advice on how to pull together an amazing CV that will have employers inspired and impressed so that you
     have the opportunity to impress in person at a job interview.

     Interview Tips & Advice
     So, you have impressed the employer with your CV and now they have invited you in to attend an interview. In this section we will
     provide you with helpful tips on how to land that dream job and also the type of questions employers will ask you so that you can be
     fully prepared for all the questions.

     Start your own Business in Personal Training
     We know that many people become Personal Trainers because of the freedom to become your own boss and have the dream of
     having a successful business. At UK Sports Training we will provide you with all the steps on how to set up your business from
     taking out public liability insurance to registering your business name.

     Personal Training Jobs
     As a successful training provider in the UK we are approached by a number of gyms that are looking for gym instructors and
     personal trainers. We love helping our students start their career, to date we have placed many students in a number of
     well-established gyms like David Lloyd, Fitness First, Bannatyne’s and many more…

     Guaranteed Interviews
     We are working very hard with a number of Major gym chains so that we can offer all our students the chance to have a guaranteed
     interview once qualified as a Level 3 Personal Trainer.

The FitPro Hub Membership
As part of our commitment to helping you kickstart your career as a Personal Trainer, UK Sports Training has partnered with The FitPro Hub.

The FitPro Hub was born from a passion for helping ambitious fitness professionals get the support and guidance they need to succeed within
the fitness industry. Their subscription-based memberships include a whole host of benefits, including exclusive deals and support.

Take a look at all the perks below.

        Professional Branded Logo & Website                                Resources
        Kickstart your business with a professionally
                                                                                                                 Exclusive Member Discounts
                                                          The resource area is packed with documents          Why pay full price if you don’t need to?
        designed logo and bespoke website created
                                                            such as consultation forms and PARQs, to        The FitPro Hub have negotiated exclusive
         by a team of marketing professionals. This
                                                          name a few, to help you provide a professional   discounts with top suppliers giving you huge
       package is full of features to help you get seen
                                                               and informed service to your clients.       savings off gym equipment, branded clothing
                      by more clients.
                                                                                                                          and much more!

                      Online Courses                                       Job Board
          It is essential to stay up to date with the                                                                Live Events & Training
                                                               Connect with employers through the           Attend exclusive, members-only live events
        latest trends and innovations. The members-
                                                           members-only exclusive job board. You will       and training seminars. Once restrictions are
        only online course area provides interactive
                                                           also have access to advice and guidance to      lifted, The FitPro Hub will be arranging events
          training in various subject areas to help
                                                          help you build the perfect CV and prepare for    with guest appearances and insights from key
              support you and your business.
                                                                            interviews.                    influential & successful fitness professionals.

                                                             CHECK OUT THEIR MEMBERSHIPS
Guaranteed Interviews
     Find your next position with help from UKST.

     We have partnered with various gyms and leisure clubs to offer guaranteed job interviews (based on availability & location).

How to Register
     Start doing something you love and register today.

     Our team are here to answer any questions you have.

               TEXT                                CALL                          CLICK TO                    EMAIL
           07950 950320                        0800 612 5721                  SCHEDULE A CALL
                                               07950 950320

                                                               CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

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