Mathletics and the England National Curriculum 2014

Page created by Martin Santiago
Mathletics and the England National Curriculum 2014
Mathletics and the
England National Curriculum
Mathletics and the England National Curriculum 2014
Primary National
                                    Curriculum for England

Mathletics and the Primary England
National Curriculum 2014
 This alignment document lists all Mathletics curriculum activities, eBooks and Live Mathletics levels
 associated with each ‘England 2014 NC’ course, and demonstrates how these fit within the Early Years
 Foundation Stage and the England National Curriculum programmes of study.

 As new activities are developed, this document will be updated. You can download the latest version from
 the training and support portal:


   Content                                                                    Page
   Framework and Curriculum Overview                                            1

   Progression and Attainment with Mathletics                                   3

   Reception                                                                    4

   Year 1                                                                       5

   Year 2                                                                       8

   Year 3                                                                       13

   Year 4                                                                       19

   Year 5                                                                       25

   Year 6                                                                       32

   KS1 Performance Descriptors                                                  39

   KS2 Performance Descriptors                                                  43
Mathletics and the England National Curriculum 2014
Primary National
                                         Curriculum for England

 The Early Years Foundation Stage

Overarching principles:

   “Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident
    and self-assured.

   Children learning to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

   Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to
    their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or

   Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. The framework covers the
    education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special
    educational needs and disabilities.”

  Mathletics provides a nurturing, secure and fun learning environment for children to embark
  on mathematics learning. Children explore Mathletics activities and games at their own pace,
  gaining recognition for their achievements as they progress.

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Mathletics and the England National Curriculum 2014
Primary National
                                          Curriculum for England

              The Primary Curriculum

The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

   “Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice
    with increasingly complex problems over time, so that all pupils develop conceptual understanding and
    the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.”

    Curriculum activities and Live Mathletics develop fluency in recalling and applying
    mathematical knowledge through practice with increasingly harder activities. The student
    support centre and features such as the concept search help to develop conceptual
    understanding through interactive explanations and walk-throughs.

   “Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations,
    and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.”

    Reasoning activities are provided through Mathletics curriculum activities and eBooks which
    encourage children to explore relationships and develop arguments and justifications.

   “Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and onon-routine problems
    with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and
    persevering in seeking solutions.”

    Pupils develop problem-solving skills and demonstrate depth of mathematical knowledge
    through problem-solving activities and games in curriculum activities, eBooks and the ‘Problem-
    solving Centre’.

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Mathletics and the England National Curriculum 2014
Primary National
                                        Curriculum for England

      Progression and Attainment

We have created a reference framework for attainment and progress based on the National
Curriculum for England and the Test Assessment Framework. A document showing the
progression across the Mathletics curriculum framework for key stages 1 and 2 can be found here.

This framework is linked to Mathletics performance descriptors which aim to describe the typical
characteristics of children whose test performance is at the threshold of the expected standard for
that key stage. The performance descriptor only reflects the elements of the programme of
study that can be assessed in a written test. These have been developed using guidance from
the Standards & Testing Agency.

You’ll find references to Mathletics performance descriptors in the curriculum reports associated
with Mathletics Assessments.

View progression across the curriculum framework for key stages 1 and 2 here.

View Mathletics performance descriptors for keys stages 1 and 2 here.

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Primary National
                                                  Curriculum for England

   The Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework states:

   “Mathematics involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in
   counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtract problems;
   and to describe shapes, spaces and measures.”

Expectation                            Activities & Live Mathletics                             eBooks
                                       Numbers to 30:                 Numbers to 30:
ELGNu1 Children count reliably
                                       Concept of zero                More or Less?
with numbers from 1 to 20, place                                                                YR Numbers & Patterns:
                                       Count to 5                     Order Numbers to 10
them in order and say which                                                                     Numbers to 10
                                       How Many?                      Order Numbers to 20
number is one more or one less                                                                  Numbers to 20
                                       How many dots?                 Time, Money and Data:
than a given number.
                                       Matching Numbers to 10         Who has the goods?

                                                                      Operations with Number:
ELGNu2 Using quantities and            Operations with Number:
                                                                      Model Subtraction         YR Operations with
objects, they add and subtract two     Adding to 5
                                                                      Subtracting from 5        Number:
single-digit numbers and count on      Adding to Ten
                                                                      Subtracting from Ten      Addition & Subtraction
or back to find the answer.            Model Addition
                                                                      Live Mathletics L1

                                                                                                YR Operations with
                                                                                                Number: Addition &
ELGNu3 They solve problems,
                                       Operations with Number:                                  Subtraction
including doubling, halving and
                                       Share the Treasure                                       Grouping & Sharing
                                                                                                YR Numbers & Patterns:
                                                                                                Number Relationships
Space, Shape & Measure
                                       Balancing Act
                                                                                                YR Measurement:
ELGSSM1 Children use everyday          Comparing Length               Time, Money & Data:
language to talk about size, weight,   Everyday Length                Days of the Week
capacity, position, distance, time     Everyday Mass                  Who has the Goods?
                                                                                                Volume & Capacity
and money to compare quantities        Filling Fast!                  Same and Different
                                                                                                YR Time, Money & Data:
and objects and to solve problems.     Hot or Cold?                   Sort It
                                                                                                Time, Money
                                       How Full?
                                       Which holds more?
ELGSSM2 They recognise, create         Colour Patterns                                          YR Numbers & Patterns:
and describe patterns.                 Complete the Pattern                                     Patterns & Rules
                                       Missing it!
ELGSSM3 They explore                   Collect Simple Shapes                                    YR Space & Shape:
characteristics of everyday objects    Collect the Shapes             Space & Shape:            2D Shape
and shapes and use mathematical        Match the Object               Simple Patterns           3D Shape
language to describe them.             Where is it?                                             Position

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Primary National
                                                Curriculum for England

                              KS1: Years 1 & 2

The national curriculum states:

“The principal focus of mathematics teaching in key stage 1 is to ensure that pupils develop
confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. This should involve
working with numerals, words and the four operations, including with practical resources [for example,
concrete objects and measuring tools].”

                                                    Year 1
Expectation                   Activities & Live Mathletics                                         eBooks
Number: Place Value
1N1a Count to and across                                        Numbers to 100:
                              Numbers to 50:                                                       Y1 Numbers:
100, forwards and                                               Before, After and Between to 100
                              Before, After and Between to 20                                      Numbers to 20
backwards, beginning with 0                                     Going Down
                              Counting Backwards                                                   Numbers to 50
or 1, or from any given                                         Going Up
                              Counting Forwards                                                    Numbers to 100
number.                                                         Number Lines

                                                                                                   Y1 Numbers:
                              Grouping & Sharing:               Number & Fractions:
                                                                                                   Numbers to 20
1N1b Count in multiples of    Groups of Five                    Counting by Fives
                                                                                                   Numbers to 50
twos, fives and tens.         Groups of Ten                     Counting by Tens
                                                                                                   Numbers to 100
                              Groups of Two                     Counting by Twos
                                                                                                   Skip Counting
                              Numbers to 50:                                                       Y1 Numbers:
                                                                Numbers to 100:
1N2a Count, read and write    1 to 30                                                              Numbers to 20
                                                                Before, After and Between to 100
numbers to 100 in             Before, After and Between to 20                                      Numbers to 50
                                                                Going Down
numerals.                     Counting Backwards                                                   Numbers to 100
                                                                Going Up
                              Counting Forward                                                     Skip Counting

                              Numbers to 50:                    Numbers to 100:                    Y1 Numbers:
1N2b Given a number,
                              Before, After and Between to 20   Before, After and Between to 100   Numbers to 20
identify one more and one
                              Counting Backwards                Going Down                         Numbers to 50
                              Counting Forwards                 Going Up                           Numbers to 100

                              Numbers to 50:
1N2c Read and write                                                                                Y1 Numbers:
                              Matching Numbers to 10
numbers from 1 to 20 in                                                                            Numbers to 20
                              Matching Numbers to 20
numerals and words.
1N4 Identify and represent
                              Data, Time & Money:
numbers using objects and
                              More or Less?                     Numbers to 100:                    Y1 Numbers:
pictorial representations
                              Who has the goods?                Arranging numbers                  Numbers to 20
including the number line,
                              Numbers to 50:                    Making Numbers Count               Numbers to 50
and use the language of:
                              1 to 30                           Number Lines                       Numbers to 100
equal to, more than, less
                              Making Teen Numbers
than (fewer), most, least.

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                                                    Year 1

Expectation                           Activities & Live Mathletics                             eBooks
Number: Addition & Subtraction
                                      Addition & Subtraction:        Addition & Subtraction:
                                                                                               Y1 Operations with
1C1 Represent and use number          Addictive Addition             Balance Additions to 20
bonds and related subtraction         Adding to make 5 & 10          Subtracting from Ten
                                                                                               Addition; Subtraction;
facts within 20.                      Balance numbers to 10          Subtraction Facts to 18
                                                                                               Addition & Subtraction
                                      Balance numbers to 20          Live Mathletics L1, 2
                                      Addition & Subtraction:
                                                                     Addition & Subtraction:
                                      Addictive Addition
                                                                     Balance Additions to 20   Y1 Operations with
1C2a Add and subtract one-digit       Adding to make 5 & 10
                                                                     Simple Subtraction        Numbers:
and two-digit numbers to 20,          Addition
                                                                     Subtracting from Ten      Addition; Subtraction;
including zero.                       Addition Facts
                                                                     Subtraction Facts to 18   Addition & Subtraction
                                      Balance numbers to 10
                                                                     Live Mathletics L1, 2
                                      Balance numbers to 20
                                      Addition & Subtraction:        Addition & Subtraction:
1C2b Read, write and interpret                                                                 Y1 Operations with
                                      Addictive Addition             Simple Subtraction
mathematical statements involving                                                              Numbers:
                                      Addition                       Subtracting from Ten
addition (+), subtraction (-) and                                                              Addition; Subtraction;
                                      Addition Facts                 Subtraction Facts to 18
equals (=) signs.                                                                              Addition & Subtraction
                                      Balance numbers to 10          Live Mathletics L1, 2
1C4 Solve one-step problems that
                                      Addition & Subtraction:
involve addition and subtraction,                                    Grouping & Sharing:       Y1 Operations with
                                      Add and Subtract Problems
using concrete objects and                                           Groups of Five            Numbers:
                                      Balance Additions to 20
pictorial representations, and                                       Groups of Ten             Addition; Subtraction;
                                      Balance numbers to 10
missing number problems such as                                      Groups of Two             Addition & Subtraction
                                      Balance numbers to 20
7 =_ - 9.
Number: Multiplication & Division
1C8 Solve one-step problems           Grouping & Sharing:
involving multiplication and          Groups of Five                                           Y1 Operations with
division, by calculating the answer   Groups of Ten                                            Numbers:
using concrete objects, pictorial     Groups of Two                                            Multiplication
representations and arrays with       Multiplication Arrays                                    Division
the support of the teacher.           Share the Treasure
Number: Fractions
                                      Number & Fractions
1F1a Recognise, find and name a
                                      Halves                           Grouping & Sharing      Y1 Numbers:
half as one of two equal parts of
                                      Halves and Quarters              Share the Treasure      Fractions
an object, shape or quantity.
                                      Is it half?
1F1b Recognise, find and name a
                                      Number & Fractions               Grouping & Sharing      Y2 Numbers:
quarter as one of four equal parts
                                      Halves and Quarters              Share the Treasure      Fractions
of an object, shape or quantity.

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                                                    Curriculum for England

                                                      Year 1

Expectation                                 Activities & Live Mathletics                       eBooks
1M1 Compare, describe and solve
practical problems for: lengths and
                                                                       Measurement             Y1 Measurement:
heights (e.g. long/short, longer/shorter,   Data, Time & Money
                                                                       Comparing Volume        Length, Mass, Volume &
tall/short, double/half); mass or weight    More or Less?
                                                                       Everyday Length         Capacity
(e.g. heavy/light, heavier than, lighter    Sort It
                                                                       Filling Fast!           Y1 Chance & Data:
than); capacity/volume (full/empty,         Who has the Goods?
                                                                       Which Holds More?       Data
more than, less than, quarter); and
time (quicker, slower, earlier, later)
                                                                       Measurement             Y1 Measurement:
1M2 Measure and begin to record the         Data, Time & Money
                                                                       Comparing Length        Length, Mass, Volume &
following: lengths and heights;             Half Hour Times
                                                                       Everyday Length         Capacity
mass/weight; capacity and volume;           Hour Times
                                                                       Everyday Mass           Y1 Chance & Data:
and time (hours, minutes, seconds).
                                                                       Which measuring tool?   Data
1M3 Recognise and know the value of                                                            Y1 Time & Money:
                                            Data, Time & Money
different denominations of coins and                                                           Money
                                            Everyday Money

1M4a Tell the time to the hour and half     Data, Time & Money
                                                                                               Y1 Time & Money:
past the hour and draw the hands on a       Half Hour Times
clock face to show these times.             Hour Times
1M4b Sequence events in
chronological order using language          Data, Time & Money
                                                                                               Y1 Time & Money:
such as: before and after, next, first,     Days of the Week
today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning,
afternoon and evening.
1M4c Recognise and use language             Data, Time & Money                                 Y1 Time & Money:
relating to dates, including days of the    Days of the Week                                   Time
week, weeks, months and years.              Months of the Year

Geometry: Properties of Shapes
1G1a Recognise and name common              Space & Shape                                      Y1 Shape & Space:
2-D shapes [e.g. rectangles (including      Collect Simple Shapes                              2D Shape, 3D Shape,
squares), circles and triangles].                                                              Position

1G1b Recognise and name common 3-           Space & Shape                                      Y1 Shape & Space:
D shapes [e.g. cuboids (including           Collect the Objects 1                              2D Shape, 3D Shape,
cubes), pyramids and spheres].              Match the Solid 1                                  Position

Geometry: Position and Direction
1P2 Describe position, directions and       Space & Shape                                      Y1 Shape & Space:
movements, including half, quarter and      Flip, Slide, Turn                                  Position
three-quarter turns.                        Where is it?

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Primary National
                                                Curriculum for England

                                                 Year 2

Expectation                     Activities & Live Mathletics                                    eBooks
Number: Place Value
                                Numbers – Skip Counting
                                                                 Multiply & Divide
                                10 More, 10 Less
                                                                 Dividing Fives
                                Count by Fives                                                  Y1 Numbers:
                                                                 Dividing Tens
2N1 Count in steps of 2, 3,     Count by Tens                                                   Skip Counting
                                                                 Dividing Twos
and 5 from 0, and in tens       Count by Twos
from any number, forward or     Skip Counting
                                                                 Patterns & Relationships        Y2 Numbers:
                                                                 Count Forwards Patterns        Skip Counting
backward.                       Numbers 1
                                                                 Count Backwards Patterns
                                Number Lines
                                                                 Live Mathletics L3:
                                Numbers 2
                                                                 2s, 5s, and 10s also 3s & 4s
                                Number Line Order

2N2a Read and write             Numbers 1:                                                      Y1 Numbers:
numbers to at least 100 in      Matching Numbers to 20                                          Numbers to 100
numerals and in words           Reading Numbers to 30                                           Place Value to 99
                                Numbers 1:                       Numbers 1:
2N2b Compare and order
                                Before, After & Between to 100   Compare Numbers to 100         Y1 Numbers:
numbers from 0 up to 100;
                                Compare Numbers to 20            Numbers 2:                     Place Value to 99
use  and = signs
                                                                 Arranging Numbers
                                Numbers 2:
2N3 Recognise the place
                                Make Big Numbers Count                                          Y1 Numbers:
value of each digit in a two-
                                Make Numbers Count                                              Place Value to 99
digit number (tens, ones).
                                Place value 1
                                                                 Numbers 2:                     Y1 Numbers:
2N4 Identify, represent and
                                                                 Make Big Numbers Count         Place Value to 99
estimate numbers using          Numbers 1:
                                                                 Make Numbers Count             Y2 Numbers:
different representations,      Number Lines
                                                                 Number Line Order              Number Sense
including the number line.
                                                                 Place value 1

                                                                                                Y1 Numbers:
                                                                                                Numbers to 100
2N6 Use place value and         Numbers 1:
                                                                 Numbers 2:                     Place Value to 99
number facts to solve           1st to 31st
                                                                 Ordinal Numbers                Ordinal Numbers
                                                                                                Y2 Numbers:
                                                                                                Number Sense

Number: Addition & Subtraction
2C1a Recall and use addition    Add & Subtract
                                                                 Add & Subtract                 Y2 Operations with
and subtraction facts to 20     Addictive Addition
                                                                 Simple Subtraction             Numbers: Addition,
fluently, and derive and use    Complements to 10, 20, 50
                                                                 Live Mathletics L1, 2          Subtraction
related facts up to 100.        Balance numbers to 20

2C1b Add and subtract
numbers mentally, including:    Add & Subtract                   Add & Subtract
a two-digit number and ones,    10More, 10 Less                  Simple Subtraction             Y2 Operations with
a two-digit number and tens,    Fact Families: Add & Subtract    Add 2 numbers using bonds to   Numbers: Addition,
two two-digit numbers,          Magic Mental Addition            10                             Subtraction
adding three one-digit          Magic Mental Subtraction         Live Mathletics L1, 2

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Primary National
                                                    Curriculum for England

                                                    Year 2

Expectation                               Activities & Live Mathletics                                 eBooks
Number: Addition & Subtraction
2C2 Add and subtract numbers              Add & Subtract
                                                                            Add & Subtract
using concrete objects, pictorial         Addictive Addition
                                                                            Repartition to Subtract    Y2 Operations with
representations, including: a two-digit   Bar Model Problems 1
                                                                            Subtract Numbers           Numbers:
number and ones, a two-digit number       Complements to 10, 20, 50
                                                                            Patterns & Relationships   Addition; Subtraction
and tens, two two-digit numbers,          Magic Mental Addition
                                                                            Adding In Any Order
adding three one-digit numbers.           Magic Mental Subtraction
2C3 Recognise and use the inverse                                                                      Y2 Operations with
                                          Add & Subtract
relationship between addition and                                                                      Numbers: Addition,
                                          Balance numbers to 20
subtraction and use this to check                                                                      Subtraction
                                          Fact Families: Add and Subtract
calculations and missing number
                                          Related Facts 1
2C4 Solve problems with addition
                                                                     Numbers - Skip Counting
and subtraction: using concrete           Add & Subtract:                                              Y2 Operations with
                                                                     Count Backward Patterns
objects and pictorial representations,    Bar Model Problems                                           Numbers: Addition;
                                                                     Count Forward Patterns
including those involving numbers,        Problems: Add and                                            Subtraction
                                                                     Time & Money
quantities and measures; applying         Subtract 1                                                   Y2 Numbers:
                                                                     How much Change? (GBP)
their increasing knowledge of mental                                                                   Skip Counting
                                                                     Who has the Money? (GBP)
and written methods.

2C9a Show that addition of two            Add & Subtract                                               Y2 Operations with
numbers can be done in any order          Balance numbers to 20      Patterns & Relationships          Numbers:
(commutative) and subtraction of one      Fact Families: Add and     Adding In Any Order               Addition; Subtraction
number from another cannot.               Subtract

Number: Multiplication & Division
                                          Multiply & Divide       Multiply & Divide
                                                                                                       Y2: Operations with
2C6 Recall and use multiplication         Dividing Fives          Groups of Two
                                                                                                       Numbers: Multiplication;
and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10    Dividing Tens           Numbers 2
multiplication tables, including          Dividing Twos           Odd and Even Numbers 1
                                                                                                       Y2: Numbers:
recognising odd and even numbers.         Groups of Five          Live Mathletics L3:
                                                                                                       Skip Counting
                                          Groups of Ten           2s, 5s, and 10s also 3s & 4s

                                                                                                       Y2 Operations with
2C7 Calculate mathematical
                                                                                                       Numbers: Multiplication,
statements for multiplication and
division within the multiplication        Multiply & Divide
                                                                  Live Mathletics L3                   Y3 Multiplication &
tables and write them using the           Multiplication Arrays
multiplication (×), division (÷) and
                                                                                                       Introducing Multiplication
equals (=) signs.
                                                                                                       Y2 Operations with
2C8 Solve problems involving
multiplication and division using
                                                                                                       Multiplication, Division
materials, arrays, repeated addition,     Numbers – Fractions
                                                                                                       Y3 Multiplication &
mental methods, and multiplication        Divide Into Equal Groups
and division facts, including problems
                                                                                                       Games and
in contexts.

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                                                   Curriculum for England

                                                    Year 2

Expectation                             Activities & Live Mathletics      eBooks
Number: Multiplication & Division
                                                                          Y2 Operations with Number:
2C9b Show that multiplication of
                                                                          Y2 Patterns & Relationships:
two numbers can be done in any
                                                                          Patterns & Rules
order (commutative) and division of
                                                                          Y3 Multiplication & Division:
one number by another cannot.
                                                                          Introducing Multiplication
Number: Fractions
                                        Numbers – Fractions
2F1a Recognise, find, name and          Divide Into Equal Groups          Y2 Numbers:
write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4   Fractions of a Collection         Fractions
of a length, shape, set of objects or   Halves and Quarters               Y3 Fractions:
quantity.                               Model Fractions                   Introducing Fractions
                                        Part-Whole Rods 1
                                                                          Y2 Numbers:
                                        Numbers – Fractions               Fractions
2F1b Write simple fractions e.g. 1/2
                                        Divide Into Equal Groups          Y3 Fractions:
of 6 = 3.
                                        Model Fractions                   Introducing Fractions
                                                                          Types of Fractions
                                                                          Y2 Numbers:
2F2 Recognise the equivalence of
                                                                          Y3 Fractions:
2/4 and 1/2.
                                                                          Introducing Fractions
                                                                          Types of Fractions
2M1 Compare and order lengths,                                            Y2 Measurement:
mass, volume/capacity and record                                          Length, Mass, Volume and
the results using >, < and =                                              Capacity

2M2 Choose and use appropriate
standard units to estimate and
measure length/height in any
                                        How Full?
direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g);                                            Y2 Measurement:
                                        How Heavy?
temperature (°C); capacity                                                Length, Mass, Volume and
                                        How Long is That?
(litres/ml) to the nearest                                                Capacity
appropriate unit, using rulers,
                                        Using a Litre
scales, thermometers and
measuring vessels.
2M3a Recognise and use symbols
                                        Time & Money
for pounds (£) and pence (p);                                             Y2 Time & Money:
                                        How much change? GBP
combine amounts to make a                                                 Money
                                        Who has the Money? GBP
particular value.

2M3b Find different combinations
                                        Time & Money                      Y2 Time & Money:
of coins that equal the same
                                        Who has the Money? GBP            Money
amounts of money.

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                                                    Year 2

Expectation                                Activities & Live Mathletics   eBooks
2M4a Tell and write the time to five       Time & Money
minutes, including quarter past/to the     Five Minute Times              Y2 Time & Money:
hour and draw the hands on a clock         Quarter to & Quarter Past      Time
face to show these times.                  Tell Time to the Half Hour
                                           Time & Money
2M4b Compare and sequence                                                 Y2 Time & Money:
                                           Days of the Week
intervals of time.                                                        Time
                                           Months of the Year
                                                                          Y2 Time & Money:
2M4c Know the number of minutes in
an hour and the number of hours in a
                                                                          Y3 Time:
2M9 Solve simple problems in a
                                           Time & Money
practical context involving addition and                                  Y2 Time & Money:
                                           How Much Change? GBP
subtraction of money of the same unit,                                    Money
                                           Who has the Money? GBP
including giving change.
Geometry: Properties of Shapes
                                           Space & Shape
2G1a Compare and sort common 2-D                                          Y2 Space & Shape:
                                           Collect the Shapes 1
shapes and everyday objects.                                              3D Space

                                           Space & Shape
2G1b Compare and sort 3-D shapes                                          Y2 Space & Shape:
                                           Collect the Objects
and everyday objects.                                                     3D Shape
                                           Match the Solid 1
2G2a Identify and describe the             Space & Shape
properties of 2-D shapes, including the    Collect the Shapes 1           Y2 Space & Shape:
number of sides and line symmetry in       Count Sides and Corners        2D Space
a vertical line.                           Symmetry
                                           Space & Shape
2G2b Identify and describe the             Faces, Edges and Vertices
                                                                          Y2 Space & Shape:
properties of 3-D shapes, including the    How many Corners?
                                                                          3D Space
number of edges, vertices and faces.       How many Edges?
                                           How many Faces?
2G3 Identify 2-D shapes on the
surface of 3-D shapes, for example a       Space & Shape                  Y2 Space & Shape:
circle on a cylinder and a triangle on a   Relate Shapes and Solids       3D Space

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                                                    Year 2

Expectation                                   Activities & Live Mathletics               eBooks
Geometry: Position and Direction
                                                                                         Y1 Patterns &
                                              Patterns & Relationships
2P1 Order and arrange combinations of         Colour Patterns
                                                                                         Patterns and Rules
mathematical objects in patterns and          Complete the Pattern
                                                                                         Y2 Patterns &
sequences.                                    Missing it!
                                              Pattern Error
                                                                                         Patterns and Rules
2P2 Use mathematical vocabulary to
describe position, direction and
movement, including movement in a
                                              Flip, Slide, Turn                          Y2 Space & Shape:
straight line and distinguishing between
                                              Following Directions                       Position
rotation as a turn and in terms of right
                                              Left or Right?
angles for quarter, half and three-quarter
turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise).
                                              Chance & Data                              Y1 Chance and Data:
2S1 Interpret and construct simple                                       Chance & Data
                                              Column Graphs                              Data
pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams                                 Sorting Data
                                              More or Less?                              Y2 Chance and Data:
and simple tables.                                                       Tallies
                                              Picture Graphs                             Data

2S2 Ask and answer simple questions by        Chance & Data                              Y1 Chance and Data:
                                                                         Chance & Data
counting the number of objects in each        Column Graphs                              Data
                                                                         Sorting Data
category and sorting the categories by        More or Less?                              Y2 Chance and Data:
quantity.                                     Picture Graphs                             Data

                                              Chance & Data                              Y1 Chance and Data:
                                                                         Chance & Data
2S3 Ask and answer questions about            Column Graphs                              Data
                                                                         Sorting Data
totalling and comparing categorical data.     More or Less?                              Y2 Chance and Data:
                                              Picture Graphs                             Data

                                             Year 2

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                                                 Curriculum for England

  Lower Key Stage 2: Years 3 & 4

The national curriculum states:

“The principal focus of mathematics teaching in lower key stage 2 is to ensure that pupils become
increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the
concept of place value. This should ensure that pupils develop efficient written and mental methods
and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.”

                                                Year 3
Expectation                        Activities & Live Mathletics                             eBooks
Number: Place Value
                                   Patterns & Relationships
                                                                  Multiply & Divide
3N1b Count from 0 in multiples     Skip Counting
                                                                  Groups of Four
of 4, 8, 50 and 100                Skip Counting with Coins
                                                                  Groups of Eight
                                   Live Mathletics L3
                                   Reading & Understanding        Reading & Understanding
3N2a Compare and order                                                                      Y3 Reading and
                                   Whole Number                   Whole Number
numbers up to 1000; read and                                                                Understanding Whole
                                   Ascending Order                Number Lines
write numbers up to 1000 in                                                                 Numbers:
                                   Compare Numbers to 100         Which is bigger?
numerals and in words.                                                                      Looking at Whole Numbers
                                   Descending Order               Which is smaller?

                                   Reading & Understanding Whole Number
3N2b Find 10 or 100 more or
                                   10 More, 10 Less
less than a given number.

                                   Reading & Understanding Whole Number
3N3 Recognise the place value      Model Numbers
of each digit in a three-digit     Partition and Rename 1
number (hundreds, tens, ones).     Place Value 2
                                   Place Value of Whole Numbers
                                   Reading & Understanding Whole Number
                                                                                            Y3 Reading and
3N4 Identify, represent and        Model Numbers
                                                                                            Understanding Whole
estimate numbers using different   Number Lines
representations.                   Partition and rename 1
                                                                                            Round and Estimate
                                   Place value 2
                                                                                            Y3 Reading and
                                                                                            Understanding Whole
3N6 Solve number problems and      Problem-solving
practical problems involving       Fit the Conditions 1
                                                                                            Looking at Whole Numbers
these ideas.                       Missing Numbers 1
                                                                                            Place Value of Whole

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                                                  Year 3

Expectation                   Activities & Live Mathletics                                     eBooks
Number: Addition & Subtraction
3C1 Add and subtract          Add & Subtract - Mental        Add & Subtract - Mental
                                                                                               Y3 Addition and Subtraction:
numbers mentally              Commutative Property of        Magic Mental Addition
                                                                                               Addition Mental Strategies
including: a three-digit      Addition                       Magic Mental Subtraction
                                                                                               Subtraction Mental Strategies
number and ones, a            Complements to 10, 20, 50      Missing Numbers
                                                                                               Y4 Addition and Subtraction:
three-digit number and        Complements to 50 and 100      Pyramid Puzzles 1
                                                                                               Addition Mental Strategies
tens, a three-digit number    Estimate Differences           Live Mathletics L1, 2, 3, and 4
                                                                                               Subtraction Mental Strategies
and hundreds.                 Estimate Sums                  (some content in L4)

                              Add & Subtract - Written 1     Add & Subtract - Written 2
                              2-Digit Differences            2-Digit Differences: Regroup
                              3-Digit Differences            Add 3-Digit Numbers: Regroup
3C2 Add and subtract          Add 3-Digit Numbers            Add Multi-Digit Numbers 1
                                                                                               Y3 Addition and Subtraction:
numbers with up to three      Add Three 2-Digit Numbers      Add Numbers: Regroup a Ten
                                                                                               Written Methods
digits using formal written   Add Two 2-Digit Numbers        Add Three 2-Digit Numbers:
                                                                                               Y4 Addition and Subtraction:
methods of columnar           Column Addition                Regroup
                                                                                               Written Methods
addition and subtraction.     Column Subtraction             Add Two 2-Digit Numbers:
                              Columns That Add               Regroup
                              Columns that Subtract          Strategies for Column Addition
                              Subtract Numbers               Subtract Numbers: Regroup
3C3 Estimate the answer                                                                        Y3 Reading and
                              Add & Subtract - Mental Strategies
to a calculation and use                                                                       Understanding Whole
                              Estimate Differences
inverse operations to                                                                          Numbers:
                              Estimate Sums
check answers.                                                                                 Round and Estimate
                                                             Add & Subtract - Written
                                                                                               Y3 Patterns and
3C4 Solve problems,           Patterns & Relationships       Find the Missing Number 1
including missing number      Commutative Property of        Problem-Solving
                                                                                               Equations and Equivalence
problems using number         Addition                       Bar Model Problems 2
                                                                                               Y3 Addition and Subtraction:
facts, place value, and       Add & Subtract - Mental        I am thinking of a number!
more complex addition         Missing Numbers                Fit the Conditions 1
and subtraction.              Pyramid Puzzles 1              Missing Numbers 1
                                                                                               Addition and Subtraction
                                                             Problems: Add & Subtract
Number: Multiplication & Division
                                                                                               Y3 Multiplication and
                              Multiply & Divide              Multiply & Divide
3C6 Recall and use                                                                             Division:
                              Dividing Eights                Groups of Four
multiplication and division                                                                    Multiplication Facts
                              Dividing Fours                 Groups of Three
facts for the 3, 4 and 8                                                                       Y4 Multiplication and
                              Dividing Threes                Times tables
multiplication tables.                                                                         Division:
                              Groups of Eight                Live Mathletics L3
                                                                                               Multiplication Facts

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                                                    Year 3

Expectation                               Activities & Live Mathletics                                eBooks
Number: Multiplication & Division
                                                                                                      Y3 Multiplication & Division:
3C7 Write and calculate                                                                               Introducing Multiplication
mathematical statements for                                                                           Mental Multiplication
                                          Multiply & Divide
multiplication and division using the                                                                 Strategies
                                          Multiply Multiples of 10
multiplication tables that they know,                                                                 Division
                                          Multiply: 1-Digit Number
including for two-digit numbers                                                                       Y4 Multiplication & Division:
                                          Related Facts 2
times one-digit numbers, using                                                                        Using Known Facts
                                          Times Tables
mental and progressing to formal                                                                      Written Methods
written methods.                                                                                      Mental Division Strategies

                                                                                                      Y3 Multiplication & Division:
3C8 Solve problems, including             Problem-solving                                             Mental Multiplication
missing number problems, involving        Bar Model Problems 2                                        Strategies
multiplication and division, including    I am Thinking of a Number!                                  Division
integer scaling problems and              Fill the jars                                               Multiplication Strategies
correspondence problems in which n        Multiply & Divide                                           Games and Investigations
objects are connected to m objects.       Related Facts 2                                             Y4 Multiplication & Division:
                                                                                                      Games and Investigations
Number: Fractions
3F1a Count up and down in tenths;
                                                                                                      Y3 Fractions:
recognise that tenths arise from
                                                                                                      Types of Fractions
dividing an object into 10 equal parts
                                                                                                      Y4 Fractions:
and in dividing one-digit numbers or
                                                                                                      Types of Fractions
quantities by 10.
3F1b Recognise, find and write            Fill the jars!                                              Y3 Fractions:
                                                                         Part-Whole Rods 2
fractions of a discrete set of objects:   Fraction Fruit Sets                                         Introducing Fractions
                                                                         Partition Into Equal Parts
unit fractions and non-unit fractions     Fraction of an Amount                                       Y4 Fractions:
                                                                         Thirds and Sixths
with small denominators.                  Fractions of a Collection                                   Working with Fractions
                                                                         What Fraction is Shaded?
                                          Model Fractions

                                                                                                      Y3 Fractions:
3F1c Recognise and use fractions as                                                                   Introducing Fractions
                                          Counting with Fractions on a Number Line
numbers: unit fractions and non-unit                                                                  Types of Fractions
                                          Fraction of an Amount
fractions with small denominators.                                                                    Y4 Fractions:
                                          Identifying Fractions on a Number Line
                                                                                                      Types of Fractions

                                                                                                      Y4 Fractions:
3F2 Recognise and show, using             Fractions
                                                                                                      Working with Fractions
diagrams, equivalent fractions with       Equivalent Fraction Wall 1
                                                                                                      Y5: Fractions:
small denominators.                       Shading Equivalent Fractions
                                                                                                      Types of Fractions

                                                                                                      Y3 Fractions:
3F3 Compare and order unit                Fractions
                                                                                                      Introducing Fractions
fractions and fractions with the same     Comparing Fractions 1 & 1a
                                                                                                      Y4 Fractions:
denominators.                             Counting with Fractions on a Number Line
                                                                                                      Working with Fractions

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                                               Year 3

Expectation                           Activities and Live Mathletics             eBooks
Number: Fractions
3F4 Add and subtract fractions with
                                      Add Subtract Fractions 1                   Y5 Fractions:
the same denominator within one
                                      Add: Common Denominator                    Calculating
whole (e.g. 5/7 + 1/7 = 6/7).
                                      Subtract: Common Denominator

                                                                                 Y4 Fractions:
                                      Counting with Fractions on a Number Line
3F10 Solve problems that involve                                                 Working with Fractions
                                      Fraction Fruit Stes 1
fractions.                                                                       Y5 Fractions:
                                      Part-Whole Rods 2
                                      Partition Into Equal Parts

                                                                                 Y3 Measurement:
Y3M1a Compare lengths
                                                                                 Units of Length

                                                                                 Y3 Measurement
3M1b Compare mass (kg/g).

                                                                                 Y3 Measurement
3M1c Compare volume/ capacity
                                                                                 Volume and Capacity

                                                                                 Y3 Measurement:
3M2a Measure lengths (m/cm/mm).       How Long is That?
                                                                                 Units of Length
                                      Measuring Length

                                      Measurement                                Y3 Measurement
3M2b Measure mass (kg/g).
                                      How Heavy?                                 Mass

                                                                                 Y3 Measurement
3M2c Measure volume/capacity
                                                                                 Volume and Capacity
                                      What is the Time?
3M4a Tell and write the time from                                                Y3 Time
                                      Tell Time to the Half Hour
an analogue clock: 12-hour clocks.                                               Telling Time
                                      Five Minute Times
                                      Quarter to and Quarter past

3M4b Tell and write the time from                                                Y3 Time
an analogue clock: 24-hour clocks.                                               Telling Time

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                                                Year 3

Expectation                               Activities and Live Mathletics   eBooks
3M4c Tell and write the time from an
analogue clock, including using Roman
numerals from I to XII.
3M4d Estimate and read time with
increasing accuracy to the nearest
                                          24 Hour Time
minute; record and compare time in                                         Y3 Time:
                                          Five Minute Times
terms of seconds, minutes, hours and                                       Telling Time
                                          Quarter to and Quarter Past
o’clock; use vocabulary such as                                            Measuring Time
                                          Tell Time to the Half Hour
a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and
                                          What is the Time?
3M4e Know the number of seconds in a
                                          Time                             Y3 Time
minute and the number of days in each
                                          Using a Calendar                 Measuring Time
month, year and leap year.

3M4f Compare durations of events, for
                                                                           Y3 Time
example to calculate the time taken by
                                                                           Measuring Time
particular events or tasks.
                                                                           Y3 Measurement:
3M7 Measure the perimeter of simple                                        Units of Length
2-D shapes.                                                                Y4: Measurement:
                                                                           Y3 Addition and Subtraction:
3M9a Add and subtract amounts of          Add & Subtract – Money
money to give change, using both £ and    How much Change?
                                                                           Y4 Addition and Subtraction:
p in practical contexts.                  Money

3M9b Add and subtract lengths

3M9c Add and subtract mass (kg/g).

3M9d Add and subtract
volume/capacity (l/ml).

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                                                   Year 3

Expectation                          Activities and Live Mathletics                eBooks
Geometry: Properties of Shapes
                                     Space & Shape
3G2 Identify horizontal and
                                     Sides, Angles & Diagonals                     Y3 Space, Shape and Position:
vertical lines and pairs of
                                     What Line am I?                               Lines and Angles
perpendicular and parallel lines.
                                                                                   Y2 Shape
                                                                                   2D Space
3G3a Draw 2-D shapes.                                                              3D Space
                                                                                   Y3 Space, Shape and Position:
                                                                                   Investigating 3D shapes
                                     Space & Shape                                 Y2 Shape
3G3b Make3-D shapes using
                                     Collect the Objects                           2D Space
modelling materials; recognise 3-
                                     Faces, Edges and Vertices 1                   3D Space
D shapes in different orientations
                                     Faces, Edges and Vertices 2                   Y3 Space, Shape and Position:
and describe them.
                                     Match the Solid 2                             Investigating 3D shapes

                                                                                   Y3 Space, Shape and Position:
3G4a Recognise that angles are       Space & Shape
                                                                                   Lines and Angles
a property of shape or a             Sides, Angles & Diagonals
                                                                                   Y4 Space, Shape and Position:
description of a turn.               Right Angles Relation
                                                                                   Lines, Angles and Shapes

3G4b Identify right angles,
recognise that two right angles
                                                                                   Y3 Space, Shape and Position:
make a half-turn, three make
                                     Space & Shape                                 Lines and Angles
three quarters of a turn and four
                                     Right Angle Relation                          Y4 Space, Shape and Position:
a complete turn; identify whether
                                                                                   Lines, Angles and Shapes
angles are greater than or less
than a right angle.
                                     Chance & Data
                                                                   Chance & Data
3S1 Interpret and present data       Bar Chart
                                                                   Pictographs     Y3 Chance and Data:
using bar charts, pictograms and     Caroll Diagram
                                                                   Sorting Data    Data
tables.                              Interpreting Tables
                                     Making Graphs
3S2 Solve one-step and two-
                                     Chance & Data
step questions such as ‘How                                                        Y3 Chance and Data:
                                     Add & Subtract Using Graphs
many more?’ and ‘How many                                                          Data
                                     Bar Chart
fewer?’ using information                                                          Y4 Chance and Data:
                                     Interpreting Tables
presented in scaled bar charts,                                                    Data
pictograms and tables.

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                                                  Year 4

Expectation                          Activities and Live Mathletics                              eBooks
Number: Place Value
                                     Multiplication & Division
4N1 Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9,                                 Fit the Conditions 1
                                     Groups of Nine
25 and 1000.                                                       Live Mathletics L4
                                     Groups of Seven
                                     Groups of Six
                                     Whole Numbers
                                     Greater Than or Less Than?                              Y3 & 4: Reading &
4N2a Order and compare
                                     Put in Order 1                                          Understanding Whole Numbers:
numbers beyond 1000.
                                     Which is Greater?                                       Looking at Whole Numbers
                                     Which is Less?

4N2b Find 1000 more or less
than a given number.

                                     Whole Numbers – Place Value & Rounding
4N3a Recognise the place value
                                     Expanding Numbers                                       Y3 & 4: Reading &
of each digit in a four-digit
                                     Partition and rename 2                                  Understanding Whole Numbers:
number (thousands, hundreds,
                                     Place value 3                                           Place Value of Whole Numbers
tens, and ones).
                                     Place Value to Thousands
4N3b Read Roman numerals to
100 (I to C) and know that over
time, the numeral system
changed to include the concept
of zero and place value.
                                                                                             Y4: Reading & Understanding
                                     Elapsed Time
4N4a Identify, represent and                                      Length, Perimeter & Area   Whole Numbers:
                                     Using Timetables
estimate numbers using different                                  Measuring Length           Round and Estimate
representations.                                                  Operations with Length     Y4: Chance & Data:
                                     Interpreting Tables
                                     Reading From a Bar Chart

                                     Place Value & Rounding
                                                                  Add & Subtract – Mental
                                     Nearest 10?                                             Y3 & 4: Reading &
4N4b Round any number to the                                      Strategies
                                     Nearest 100?                                            Understanding Whole Numbers:
nearest 10, 100 or 1000.                                          Estimate Differences
                                     Nearest 1000?                                           Round and Estimate
                                                                  Estimate Sums
                                     Rounding Numbers

                                                                                             Y6: Reading and Understanding
4N5 Count backwards through          Whole Numbers
                                                                                             Whole Numbers:
zero to include negative numbers.    Integers on a Number Line
                                                                                             Types of Numbers

4N6 Solve number and practical                                                               Y3: Reading and Understanding
                                     Find the Missing Number 1
problems that involve all of the                                                             Whole Numbers:
                                     Fit the Conditions 1
above and with increasingly large                                                            Looking at Whole Numbers
                                     I am Thinking of a Number!
positive numbers.                                                                            Place Value of Whole Numbers
                                     Missing Numbers 1
                                                                                             Round and Estimate
                                     Missing Numbers 2

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                                                    Year 4

Expectation                         Activities and Live Mathletics                                  eBooks
Number: Addition & Subtraction
                                    Add & Subtract – Mental
                                                                      Add & Subtract - Written
                                    Bump Add and Subtract
                                    Pyramid Puzzles 2
4C2 Add and subtract                                                  Adding Colossal Columns
                                    Split Add and Subtract
numbers with up to 4 digits                                           Strategies for Column
                                    Add & Subtract - Written
using the formal written                                              Addition                     Y4: Addition & Subtraction:
                                    3-Digit Differences with Zeros
methods of columnar addition                                          Subtracting Colossal         Written Methods
                                    Add 3-Digit Numbers
and subtraction where                                                 Columns
                                    Add 3-Digit Numbers:
appropriate.                                                          Problem-solving
                                                                      Problems: Add and Subtract
                                    Add Three 3-Digit Numbers:
                                                                      Live Mathletics L4, 5
                                                                                                   Y4: Reading &
4C3 Estimate and use inverse        Add & Subtract – Mental
                                                                                                   Understanding Whole
operations to check answers to      Estimate Differences
a calculation.                      Estimate Sums
                                                                                                   Round and Estimate
                                    Add & Subtract - Mental
4C4 Solve addition and              Pyramid Puzzles 2                                              Y4: Addition & Subtraction:
subtraction two-step problems       Add & Subtract - Written                                       Addition Mental Strategies
in contexts, deciding which         Add Three 3-Digit Numbers: Regroup                             Subtraction Mental Strategies
operations and methods to use       Problem-solving                                                Y5: Addition & Subtraction:
and why.                            I am Thinking of a Number!                                     Written Methods
                                    Problems: Add and Subtract 2

Number: Multiplication & Division
                                    Multiplication & Division        Multiplication & Division
                                    Facts                            Facts                         Y4: Multiplication & Division:
4C6a Recall multiplication and
                                    Dividing Nines                   Groups of Six                 Multiplication Facts
division facts for multiplication
                                    Dividing Sevens                  Groups of Nine                Using Known Facts
tables up to 12 × 12.
                                    Dividing Sixes                   Groups of Seven
                                    Times Tables                     Live Mathletics L3, 4, 5
                                                                                                   Y3: Multiplication & Division:
4C6b Use place value, known         Multiplication & Division
                                                                                                   Introducing Multiplication
and derived facts to multiply       Mental Methods Division
                                                                     Problem-solving               Y4: Multiplication & Division:
and divide mentally including:      Mental Methods
                                                                     Problems: Times and Divide    Mental Multiplication
multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing    Multiplication
by 1; multiplying three numbers.    Related Facts 2
                                                                                                   Mental Division Strategies
                                                                                                   Y4: Multiplication & Division:
                                                                                                   Games and Investigations
                                                                                                   Mental Multiplication
4C6c Recognise and use
                                    Problem-solving                  Multiplication & Division     Mental Division Strategies
factor pairs and commutativity
                                    Problems: Times and Divide       Related Facts 2               Using Known Facts
in mental calculations.
                                                                                                   Y5: Multiplication & Division:
                                                                                                   Mental Multiplication
                                                                                                   Mental Division Strategies

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                                                     Year 4

Expectation                              Activities and Live Mathletics      eBooks
Number: Calculation
                                         Multiplication & Division
4C7 Multiply two-digit and three-        Grid Methods 1
                                                                             Y5: Multiplication & Division:
digit numbers by a one-digit             Multiply: 1-Digit Number
                                                                             Written Methods
number using formal written layout.      Multiply: 1-Digit Number, Regroup
                                         Multiply: 2-Digit by 1-Digit
4C8 Solve problems involving
multiplying and adding, including
                                                                             Y3&4: Multiplication &
using the distributive law to multiply
                                         Problem-solving                     Division:
two digit numbers by one digit,
                                         I am Thinking of a Number!          Games and Investigations
integer scaling problems and
                                         Problems: Times and Divide          Y4: Patterns and Functions:
harder correspondence problems
                                                                             Patterns and Functions
such as how n objects are
connected to m objects.

Number: Fractions
                                                                             Y3: Fractions
4F1 Count up and down in
                                                                             Types of Fractions
hundredths; recognise that
                                                                             Y4&5: Fractions
hundredths arise when dividing an
                                                                             Fractions, Decimals and
object by a hundred and dividing
tenths by ten.
                                                                             Types of Fractions

4F2 Recognise and show, using            Fractions
                                                                             Y4&5: Fractions
diagrams, families of common             Equivalent Fraction Wall 2
                                                                             Types of Fractions
equivalent fractions.                    Shading Equivalent Fractions

                                                                             Y5: Fractions, Decimals and
4F4 Add and subtract fractions           Add Like Fractions
with the same denominator.               Common Denominator
                                         One take Fraction

                                                                             Y3: Fractions
                                                                             Types of Fractions
4F6a Recognise and write decimal
                                                                             Y4: Fractions
equivalents to ¼ ½ ¾.
                                                                             Fractions, Decimals and

                                                                             Y3: Fractions
4F6b Recognise and write decimal                                             Types of Fractions
equivalents of any number of                                                 Y4: Fractions
                                         Decimal Place Value
tenths or hundredths.                                                        Fractions, Decimals and

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                                                     Year 4

Expectation                                  Activities and Live Mathletics   eBooks
Number: Fractions
                                                                              Y5: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
4F7 Round decimals with one decimal          Fractions                        Fractions, Decimals and Percentages)
place to the nearest whole number.           Comparing Decimals 1             Y6: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
                                                                              Decimal Fractions

                                                                              Y4: Fractions
4F8 Compare numbers with the same
                                             Fractions                        Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
number of decimal places up to two
                                             Comparing Decimals 1             Y5: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
decimal places.
                                                                              Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

4F9 Find the effect of dividing a one-                                        Y4: Fractions
or two-digit number by 10 and 100,                                            Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
identifying the value of the digits in the                                    Y4: Multiplication and Division:
                                             Decimal Place Value
answer as units, tenths and                                                   Mental Multiplication Strategies
hundredths.                                                                   Mental Division Strategies
4F10a Solve problems involving
increasingly harder fractions to             Fractions                        Y4: Fractions
calculate quantities, and fractions to       Counting with Fractions on a     Working with Fractions
divide quantities, including non-unit        Number Line                      Y5: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
fractions where the answer is a whole        Fraction Fruit Sets 2            Calculating
                                                                              Y4: Addition & Subtraction:
4F10b Solve simple measure and
                                             Length, Perimeter and Area       Money
money problems involving fractions
                                             Operations with Length           Y4: Fractions:
and decimals to two decimal places.
                                                                              Working with Fractions

                                                                              Y4: Length, Perimeter & Area:
                                                                              Units of Length
                                                                              Y4: Volume, Capacity & Mass:
4M1 Compare different measures,                                               Volume, Capacity and Mass
including money in pounds and pence.                                          Y4: Addition & Subtraction:
                                                                              Y4: Time
                                                                              Measuring Time
                                                                              Y4: Length, Perimeter & Area:
                                                                              Units of Length
                                                                              Y4: Volume, Capacity & Mass:
4M2 Estimate different measures,
                                                                              Volume, Capacity and Mass
including money in pounds and pence.
                                                                              Y4: Addition & Subtraction:
                                                                              Y4: Coin Count
                                                                              Y4: Time
4M4a Read, write and convert time                                             Telling Time
between analogue and digital 12-hour                                          Measuring Time
                                             Elapsed Time
clocks.                                                                       Y5: Time:
                                                                              Measuring Time

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                                                 Year 4

Expectation                           Activities and Live Mathletics                      eBooks
                                                                                          Y4: Time
4M4b Read, write and convert          Time                                                Telling Time
time between analogue and digital     24 Hour Time                                        Measuring Time
24-hour clocks.                       What Time Will It Be?                               Y5: Time:
                                                                                          Measuring Time
                                                                                          Y4: Time
4M4c Solve problems involving                                                             Telling Time
                                      Elapsed Time
converting from hours to minutes;                                                         Measuring Time
                                      Hours and Minutes            Live Mathletics L5
minutes to seconds; years to                                                              Y5: Time:
                                      Using Timetables
months; weeks to days.                                                                    Measuring Time
                                      What Time Will it Be?
                                                                                          Calculating Time
                                      Length, Perimeter & Area   Units of
                                                                                          Y4: Length, Perimeter & Area:
                                      Operations with Length     Measurement
                                                                                          Units of Length
                                      Units of Measurement       Litre Conversions
                                                                                          Y4: Volume, Capacity & Mass:
4M5 Convert between different         Centimetres & metres       Metres and
                                                                                          Volume, Capacity and Mass
units of measure (e.g. kilometre to   Converting cm and mm       Kilometres
                                                                                          Y4: Time:
metre; hour to minute).               Grams and Kilograms        Millilitres and Litres
                                                                                          Measuring Time
                                      Grams and Milligrams       Time
                                                                                          Y5 Length, Perimeter and Area:
                                      Kilogram Conversions       Hours and Minutes
                                                                                          Units of Length
                                      Kilometre Conversions      Live Mathletics L5
                                      Length, Perimeter & Area
4M7a Measure and calculate the
                                      Measuring Length
perimeter of a rectilinear figure                                                         Y4&5: Length, Perimeter & Area:
                                      Perimeter of Shapes
(including squares) in centimetres                                                        Perimeter
                                      Perimeter squares and
and metres.
                                      rectangles 1
                                      Length, Perimeter & Area
4M7b Find the area of rectilinear     Area of Shapes                                      Y4&5: Length, Perimeter & Area:
shapes by counting squares.           Biggest Shape                                       Area
                                      Equal Areas
4M9 Calculate different measures,                                                         Y4: Addition & Subtraction
                                      Length, Perimeter & Area
including money in pounds and                                                             Money
                                      Operations with Length
pence.                                                                                    Y4: Coin Count

Geometry: Properties of Shapes
                                      Space & Shape
                                      Collect more shapes
4G2a Compare and classify                                                                 Y4: Space & Shape:
                                      Collect the Objects 2
geometric shapes, including                                                               Lines, angles and shapes
                                      Collect the polygons
quadrilaterals and triangles, based                                                       Y5: Geometry:
                                      Triangle Tasters
on their properties and sizes.                                                            2D Shapes
                                      Length, Perimeter & Area
                                      Equal Areas
                                                                                          Y3: Space, Shape & Position:
4G2b Identify lines of symmetry in    Space & Shape
                                                                                          Investigating 2D Shapes
2-D shapes presented in different     Symmetry
                                                                                          Y4: Space & Shape:
orientations.                         Symmetry or Not?
                                                                                          Lines, angles and shapes

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                                                   Year 4
Expectation                            Activities and Live Mathletics     eBooks
Geometry: Properties of Shapes
                                                                          Y3: Space, Shape and Position:
4G2c Complete a simple
                                                                          Investigating 2D Shapes
symmetric figure with respect to a
                                                                          Y4: Space and Shape:
specific line of symmetry.
                                                                          Lines, angles and shapes
4G4 Identify acute and obtuse          Space & Shape
                                                                          Y4: Space and Shape:
angles and compare and order           Classifying Angles
                                                                          Lines, angles and shapes
angles up to two right angles by       Equal Angles
size.                                  What Type of Angle?
Geometry: Position & Direction
                                                                          Y4: Space and Shape:
4P2 Describe movements between
                                       Position                           Position
positions as translations of a given
                                       Following Directions               Y5: Position
unit to the left/right and up/down.
                                                                          Spatial Orientation
4P3a Describe positions on a 2-D       Coordinate Graphs: 1st Quadrant
                                                                          Y4: Space and Shape:
grid as coordinates in the first       Coordinate Meeting Place
quadrant.                              Map Coordinates
                                       Using a Key
                                                                          Y4: Space and Shape:
4P3b Plot specified points and         Position
draw sides to complete a given         Coordinate Meeting Place
                                                                          Y5: Position
polygon.                               Using a Key
4S1 Interpret and present discrete     Data
                                                                          Y4: Chance and Data:
and continuous data using              Compound Bar Chart
appropriate graphical methods,         Interpreting Tables
                                                                          Y5: Data Representation:
including bar charts and time          Reading from a Bar Chart
                                                                          Types of Graphs
graphs.                                Venn Diagram 1
4S2 Solve comparison, sum and
                                                                          Y4: Chance and Data:
difference problems using              Data
information presented in bar           Add and Subtract Using Graphs
                                                                          Y5: Data Representation:
charts, pictograms, tables and         Compound Bar Chart
                                                                          Types of Graphs
other graphs.

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Primary National
                                                Curriculum for England

     Upper Key Stage 2 – Years 5 & 6

   The national curriculum states:

   “The principal focus of mathematics teaching in upper key stage 2 is to ensure that pupils extend
   their understanding of the number system and place value to include larger integers. This should
   develop the connections that pupils make between multiplication and division with fractions,
   decimals, percentages and ratio.”

                                                 Year 5
Expectation                     Activities and Live Mathletics                           eBooks
Number: Place Value
                                                                                         Y5: Reading & Understanding
5N1 Count forwards or                                                                    Whole Numbers:
backwards in steps of powers    Patterns and Algebra                                     Looking at Whole Numbers
of 10 for any given number up   Pick the Next Number                                     Place Value of Whole Numbers
to 1 000 000.                                                                            Y5: Addition & Subtraction:
                                                                                         Mental Strategies

5N2 Read, write, order and                                                               Y5: Reading & Understanding
                                Reading & Understanding Whole Number
compare numbers to at least                                                              Whole Numbers:
                                Integers on a Number Line
1 000 000 and determine                                                                  Looking at Whole Numbers
                                Numbers from Words to Digits 1
the value of each digit.                                                                 Place Value of Whole Numbers

                                Reading & Understanding Whole Number                     Y5: Reading & Understanding
5N3a Determine the value of
                                Expanded Notation                                        Whole Numbers:
each digit in numbers up to 1
                                Partition and Rename 3                                   Looking at Whole Numbers
000 000.
                                Place Value to Millions                                  Place Value of Whole Numbers

5N3b Read Roman numerals
                                Whole Number                                             Y6: Reading & Understanding
to 1000 (M) and recognise
                                Convert from Roman Numerals                              Whole Numbers:
years written in Roman
                                Convert to Roman Numerals                                Types of Numbers

                                Whole Number
                                                              Multiply & Divide –
5N4 Round any number up         Rounding Numbers
                                                              Mental Strategies          Y5: Reading & Understanding
to 1 000 000 to the nearest     Add and Subtract
                                                              Estimate Products          Whole Numbers:
10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and       Estimate Differences
                                                              Estimation: Multiply and   Round and Estimate
100 000.                        Estimate Sums
                                Estimation: Add & Subtract
5N5 Interpret negative
numbers in context, count                                                                Y6: Reading & Understanding
                                Reading & Understanding Whole Number
forwards and backwards with                                                              Whole Numbers:
                                Integers on a Number Line
positive and negative whole                                                              Types of Numbers
numbers through zero.

     For guides, training and support visit                                                 25
Primary National
                                                  Curriculum for England

                                                 Year 5
Expectation                      Activities and Live Mathletics                                eBooks
Number: Place Value
                                                                                               Y5: Reading & Understanding
                                                                     Add & Subtract
                                                                                               Whole Numbers:
                                 Multiplication & Division Facts     Estimate Differences
                                                                                               Looking at Whole Numbers
5N6 Solve number problems        Compatible Numbers                  Estimate Sums
                                                                                               Place Value of Whole Numbers
and practical problems that      Multiply & Divide – Mental          Estimation: Add &
                                                                                               Round and Estimate
involve all of the above.        Estimate Products                   Subtract
                                                                                               Y6: Reading & Understanding
                                 Estimation: Multiply & Divide       Find the Missing Number
                                                                                               Whole Numbers:
                                                                                               Types of Numbers

Number: Addition & Subtraction
                                 Add and Subtract
                                 Compensation - Add                                             Y5: Addition & Subtraction:
5C1 Add and subtract
                                 Compensation - Subtract                                        Mental Strategies
numbers mentally with
                                 Jump Add and Subtract                                          Y6: Addition & Subtraction:
increasingly large numbers.
                                 Split Add and Subtract                                         Mental Strategies
                                 Live Mathletics L5

                                 Add and Subtract
5C2 Add and subtract whole
                                 3-Digit Differences: 1 Regrouping                              Y5: Addition & Subtraction:
numbers with more than 4
                                 Add 3-Digit Numbers: Regroup                                   Written Methods
digits, including using formal
                                 Add Multi-Digit Numbers 2                                      Y6: Addition & Subtraction:
written methods (columnar
                                 Adding Colossal Columns                                        Written Methods
addition and subtraction).
                                 Subtracting Colossal Columns

                                 Add and Subtract
                                 Estimation: Add & Subtract
5C3 Use rounding to check
                                 Reading & Understanding Whole Number                           Y5: Reading & Understanding
answers to calculations and
                                 Rounding Numbers                                               Whole Numbers:
determine, in the context of a
                                 Calculating with Fractions                                     Round and Estimate
problem, levels of accuracy.
                                 Estimate Decimal Sums 1
                                 Estimate Decimal Differences 1

                                 Patterns & Algebra
                                 Decreasing Patterns                                            Y5: Addition & Subtraction:
5C4 Solve addition and
                                 Describing Patterns                                            Mental Strategies
subtraction multi-step
                                 Increasing Patterns 1                                          Written Methods
problems in contexts,
                                 Problem-solving                                                Y6: Addition & Subtraction:
deciding which operations
                                 Magic Symbols 1                                                Mental Strategies
and methods to use and why.
                                 Problems: Add and Subtract 1                                   Written Methods
                                 Problems: Add and Subtract 2

     For guides, training and support visit                                                       26
Primary National
                                                    Curriculum for England

                                                   Year 5

Expectation                       Activities and Live Mathletics                                        eBooks
Number: Multiplication & Division
5C5a Identify multiples and       Multiplication and Division           Multiply & Divide – Mental
factors, including finding all    Facts                                 Divisibility Tests (2, 5, 10)
                                                                                                        Y5: Multiplication & Division
factor pairs of a number, and     Fact Families: Multiply & Divide      Divisibility Tests (3, 4, 9)
                                                                                                        Mental Strategies
common factors of two             Factors                               Live Mathletics L5
numbers.                          Multiples
5C5b Know and use the                                                                                   Y6: Reading &
vocabulary of prime numbers,      Reading & Understanding Whole Number                                  Understanding Whole
prime factors and composite       Prime or Composite?                                                   Numbers:
(non-prime) numbers.                                                                                    Types of Numbers
5C5c Establish whether a                                                                                Y6: Reading &
number up to 100 is prime         Reading & Understanding Whole Number                                  Understanding Whole
and recall prime numbers up       Prime or Composite?                                                   Numbers:
to 19.                                                                                                  Types of Numbers
5C5d Recognise and use
                                                                                                        Y7: Whole Numbers:
square numbers and cube
                                                                                                        How does it work?
numbers, and the notation for
           2              3
squared ( ) and cubed ( ).
                                  Multiply & Divide – Mental
                                  Divisibility Tests (2, 5, 10)       Multiplication & Division Facts
5C6a Multiply and divide                                                                                Y5&6: Multiplication &
                                  Divisibility Tests (3, 4, 9)        Division Facts
numbers mentally drawing                                                                                Division
                                  Estimation: Multiply & Divide       Multiplication Facts
upon known facts.                                                                                       Mental Strategies
                                  Mental Methods Division 1           Live Mathletics L4, 5
                                  Mental Methods Multiplication

5C6b Multiply and divide
                                  Multiply & Divide – Mental Strategies                                 Y5&6: Multiplication &
whole numbers and those
                                  Dividing by 10, 100, 1000                                             Division
involving decimals by 10, 100
                                  Multiplying by 10, 100, and 1000                                      Mental Strategies
and 1000.

5C7a Multiply numbers up to
                                  Multiply & Divide – Written
4 digits by a one- or two-digit                                      Multiply & Divide – Written
                                  Contracted Multiplication                                             Y5&6: Multiplication &
number using a formal written                                        Multiply: 2-Digit Number,
                                  Grid Methods 2                                                        Division
method, including long                                               Regroup
                                  Grid Methods 3                                                        Written Methods
multiplication for two-digit                                         Short Multiplication
                                  Long Multiplication

5C7b Divide numbers up to 4
digits by a one-digit number
                                  Multiply & Divide – Written Methods                                   Y5&6: Multiplication and
using the formal written
                                  Remainders by Tables                                                  Division
method of short division and
                                  Short Division                                                        Written Methods
interpret remainders
appropriately for the context.

5C8a Solve problems
                                  Multiplication and Division Facts
involving multiplication and                                                                            Y5: Multiplication and
                                  Fact Families: Multiply and Divide
division including using their                                                                          Division
knowledge of factors and                                                                                Puzzles and Investigations
                                  Problems: Multiply and Divide
multiples, squares and cubes.

     For guides, training and support visit                                                              27
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