A new Lidl store Balls Road East, Birkenhead - Statement of Community Involvement
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A new Lidl store Balls Road East, Birkenhead ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Statement of Community Involvement 28 July 2015 On behalf of
CONTENTS Executive summary 3 Introduction 3 About Resolve Public Affairs 3 Background 3 Consultation is key 4 National planning policy 4 Local planning policy 4 The proposals 5 Community consultation 5 Informing local residents, stakeholders and the public 5 Stakeholder engagement 6 Stakeholder reception & public exhibition 6 Publicity 6 Presenting the proposals 7 Stakeholder reception 7 Public exhibition 7 Exhibition Materials 8 Boards 8 Leaflet 9 Feedback and further engagement 10 Feedback 11 Other feedback and scheme amends 12 Summary 12 APPENDICES 13 Appendix 1 – Introductory letter (Residents/Businesses) 14 Appendix 2 – Introductory letter (Stakeholders) 15 Appendix 3 – Media coverage – Wirral Globe 16 Appendix 4 – Media coverage – Liverpool Echo 17 Appendix 5 – Media coverage – Liverpool Echo (post-event) 19 Appendix 6 – Oxton Society website 21 Appendix 7 – Boards 22 Appendix 8 – Consultation leaflet 27 Appendix 9 – Follow-up letter 28 Appendix 10 – Comments received to date 29 2
Executive summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This Statement of Community Involvement (or Summary of Consultation) outlines the pre- application public consultation activity regarding Lidl’s proposals for a new store on land off Balls Road East, Birkenhead. In summary, the consultation to date has involved: A letter and invitation to a public exhibition was sent to 172 residential and commercial properties in total A well-attended public exhibition and stakeholder reception An information leaflet with tear-off freepost feedback form was delivered to 2,500 households Editorial coverage to promote the public exhibition in the Liverpool Echo and Wirral Globe A Freephone and email contact to enable ongoing engagement Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This statement has been prepared by Resolve Public Affairs on behalf of Lidl UK GmbH (Lidl). This document is to accompany the planning application for the proposed development of a new Lidl store on land off Balls Road East, Birkenhead. Lidl places great importance on public consultation and has paid close attention to the criteria set out in Wirral Borough Council’s own Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) on pre-application public engagement. The consultation undertaken was transparent and inclusive and every effort has been made to encourage feedback from the local community. Lidl will continue to consult with, and accept feedback from, the local community and other stakeholders throughout the planning process. All feedback to date has been considered by the development team and changes have been made to the proposals where appropriate and possible. About Resolve Public Affairs ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Resolve Public Affairs is a communications consultancy dedicated to delivering inclusive community and stakeholder consultation to support planning applications and development projects. Lidl appointed Resolve Public Affairs to lead their community engagement on this project. Background …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Since opening their first foodstore in Germany in 1973, Lidl have rapidly developed their store network and business model throughout Europe with over 9,000 stores in over 26 European countries. Lidl entered the UK market in 1994, with an ambitious expansion programme. To date, through the hard work and dedication of their team, they have successfully opened over 600 stores throughout the UK. 3
This site is the parcel of land between Balls Road East, Oxton Road, Penrith Street and Turner Street. Much of the site has been derelict for a number of years and these proposals represent an opportunity to regenerate this underused site. Consultation is key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… National and local government encourage developers to consult with local communities and stakeholders before submitting a planning application. Consultation and communication with local communities is an important element of the planning process. It is important that local communities are made fully aware of proposals affecting their area and are provided with opportunities to view any plans and discuss issues with the developers or their professional team. This process should also enable the community to provide feedback. As responsible developers, Lidl are keen to engage with the community throughout the planning process. National Planning Policy Framework ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Paragraph 188 of the National Planning Policy Framework places emphasis on improving communication and engagement at pre-application stage. It advises that: ‘Early engagement has significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning application system for all parties. Good quality pre-application discussion enables better coordination between public and private resources and improved outcomes for the community’. Paragraph 189 states the local authority should: ‘Encourage any applicant who are not already required to do so by law, to engage with the local community before submitting their applications’. As Paragraph 190 suggests, ‘the more issues that can be resolved at pre-application stage, the greater the benefits’. Local Planning Policy – Wirral Borough Council’s SCI …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Wirral Borough Council (WBC) adopted a revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) on 10 March 2014. The local authority ‘strongly encourages landowners and developers to undertake pre- application community consultation’. According to Paragraph 4.58 of WBC’s SCI, the advantages of early involvement of the local community include: Allowing proposals to be explained before minds are made up on the basis of what can often be inaccurate second-hand information; Assistance in gauging community support and obtaining accurate local information; Clarification of the issues at debate, providing greater certainty and transparency, saving time later in the decision-making process; and 4
The delivery of a more acceptable development. The SCI further states in Paragraph 4.62, that the Council believe this proposal would benefit from pre-application community involvement as outlined in Table 4 – Threshold for Pre-application community involvement. Substantial engagement with the local community and stakeholders was undertaken in relation to Lidl’s application. All consultation thus far has been both inclusive and transparent. The proposals ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The proposals would provide: A new 1,424 sq. m. (net sales) Lidl store Around 40 new full and part-time job opportunities for local people 126 car parking spaces, providing 90 minutes free parking enabling linked trips with other shops and services in the area Cycle parking spaces The regeneration of a derelict site Community consultation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… An accessible public and stakeholder consultation has been carried out prior to the submission of the planning application. Informing local residents, stakeholders and the public On 1 July 2015, before the proposals were launched in the media, residents and businesses nearby were informed of the plans and forthcoming consultation via letter, see Appendix 1. A total of 172 letters were issued to the wider area via Royal Mail, inviting recipients to the public exhibition on Wednesday 8 July (3pm – 7pm) at the Wirral Christian Centre Church, Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead. The letter introduced the proposals for a new Lidl foodstore and provided contact details for Resolve Public Affairs, including an email address and Freephone number. Stakeholders, including the local ward councillors, local MP and Wirral Chamber of Commerce, were invited to attend a stakeholder preview event, held before the plans went on public display, see Appendix 2. The stakeholder preview was also held on Wednesday 8 July (2pm – 3pm) at the Wirral Christian Centre Church. All correspondence provided contact details for Resolve Public Affairs, including an email address and Freephone number. A number of local residents have contacted Resolve to ask questions prior to and following the public exhibition. 5
Stakeholder engagement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In addition to local residents and businesses, key stakeholders, with a likely interest in the proposals were also identified. All key stakeholders were invited via letter or email to attend the preview event and public exhibition. Stakeholders were also offered the opportunity to arrange a meeting. Key stakeholders identified and contacted included: Leader of Wirral Borough Council / Birkenhead and Tranmere ward councillor, Cllr Phil Davies Ward councillors, Councillor Pat Cleary and Councillor Jean Stapleton Neighbouring ward councillors for Oxton, Councillor Alan Brighouse, Councillor Pat Williams and Councillor Paul Doughty MP for Birkenhead, Rt Hon Frank Field MP Chair of Wirral Chamber of Commerce / Deputy Chair of Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, Mr Asif Hamid Stakeholder liaison will continue throughout the planning process. Stakeholder reception & public exhibition ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The stakeholder reception and public exhibition was held at the Wirral Christian Centre Church on Woodchurch Road. This location was chosen as it is close to the site, easily accessible and DDA compliant. The development proposals were displayed on 6 A1 boards. Attendees were provided with a consultation leaflet with a tear-off freepost feedback form, which they could fill in and provide comments on the proposals. Members of the development team were on hand to answer any questions and discuss the proposals. Publicity In addition to writing directly to stakeholders, neighbouring businesses, and residents in close proximity to the site, the public exhibition was publicised widely in the local media, ensuring as many people were aware of the event as possible. Details of the public exhibition were covered editorially on 3 July 2015 in the Wirral Globe (see Appendix 3) and Liverpool Echo (see Appendix 4), as well as their respective social media outlets. Following the public exhibition, further editorial coverage was gained in the Liverpool Echo (see Appendix 5) and the Oxton Society posted a link via their website, Facebook and Twitter asking for people’s comments on the proposals (see Appendix 6). 6
Presenting the proposals The aim of the consultation event was to enable the local community to view the proposals and to discuss them with the development team. Senior representatives from Lidl (Property) and representatives from Resolve Public Affairs were available to speak with visitors about the proposals. The events were ‘drop-in’ sessions to enable people to attend when convenient to them. Stakeholder reception WEDNESDAY 8 JULY (2PM – 3PM): WIRRAL CHRISTIAN CENTRE CHURCH, WOODCHURCH ROAD, BIRKENHEAD, CH41 2UF An invitation only preview event was held for stakeholders on Wednesday 8 July between 2pm and 3pm, at the Wirral Christian Centre Church in Birkenhead. The event was to enable stakeholders to view the plans and to speak to members of the development team before the wider public. A total of eight stakeholders were invited to the stakeholder preview via a letter issued on 1 July 2015. Ward Councillors Pat Cleary and Jean Stapleton attended the event. Allan Brame also attended the exhibition on behalf of the neighbouring Liberal Democrat ward councillors for Oxton. Public exhibition: residents / wider public WEDNESDAY 8 JULY (3PM – 7PM): WIRRAL CHRISTIAN CENTRE CHURCH, WOODCHURCH ROAD, BIRKENHEAD, CH41 2UF Those that were invited to the stakeholder reception were also invited to attend the public exhibition. In addition, a letter was issued to 164 properties to invite them to the event. A total of 108 people attended, including a number of representatives from the Oxton Society and business owners on Oxton Road. 7
Exhibition materials …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Boards At the exhibition the proposals were displayed on 6 A1 boards, see below and Appendix 7. Additional materials provided at both events included: consultation leaflets, pens, a ballot box and A1 boards directing people to the exhibition. 8
Consultation leaflets Consultation leaflets with Freepost feedback forms were available for people to take away and return comments on the plans at a later date. The leaflet provided a summary of the proposals in a simple and accessible format, as well as a mechanism for feedback. The leaflet included the following sections: ‘The Proposals’, ‘The Site’, ‘Have your say’, ‘Next steps’ and tear-off feedback form. The feedback form could be completed at the event and posted in the comment box, or returned at a later date using the Freepost address provided. The form established whether the respondent was ‘generally in favour’ of Lidl’s proposals with three tick-box options, Agree, Disagree or Not sure. Additional space was also provided for comments. See overleaf and Appendix 8. 9
Feedback and further engagement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… People were given several ways in which they could provide their feedback and have their say, or to find out more information, including: Freepost feedback form Email – emily.pattinson@resolvepublicaffairs.co.uk A Freephone consultation hotline Following the exhibition, leaflets with Freepost feedback forms were distributed door-to-door to 2,000 households in the wider community – see map below. This enabled those who could not attend the public exhibition to view the proposals and have their say. A follow-up letter was also issued to the 172 residential and commercial properties as well as stakeholders originally invited to the exhibition. The letter enclosed a copy of the consultation leaflet and information regarding how to provide feedback. Contact details including an email address and Freephone number were also provided, see Appendix 9. MAP: The highlighted area shows the approximate area of the 2,000 households 10
Feedback As of 24 July 2015, 251 people have provided feedback via forms left at the public exhibition, in the post or via email. All comments received to date can be found at Appendix 10. Of the feedback received: Analysis of feedback responses 241 (96%) are in favour 6 (2%) are against and Disagree Not sure 3 (1%) are not sure 3% 1% 1 (1%) did not state a preference Agree Disagree Not sure Agree 96% The main reasons given to support the proposals, either verbally at the public exhibition, through the Freephone line, by email or via feedback forms included: Regeneration of a derelict site: “The site has been an eyesore and a disgrace for so long that it is good to think it might once again be used for some productive purpose.” More jobs: “Fantastic news, give preference to local people for employment.” Beneficial for neighbouring businesses: “This will give us access to local shopping within walking distance and should help regenerate other shops and business along Oxton Road and Balls Road.” Investment: “It will certainly improve the 'Oxton corridor' hopefully encouraging other businesses to invest in the area.” Convenience: “This will be very handy for me on my bus route. It saves having to go on a further longer bus ride to Rock Ferry.” Comments from neighbouring residents and businesses included: “Agree totally, 90 min free parking would be amazing” – Oxton Road business owner “Good for the area get it built fast I back onto it as well will improve the area.” – Oxton Road business owner “I look forward to have the choice to shop at Lidl on my doorstep. Also it is creating employment this area needs! Also hope that it will bring security to the area as now the ground is used for gangs drinking. Best wishes for success in this application” – Windermere Court resident 11
“This is good news, we deserve good value shops by us. The amount of parking spaces is fab and the jobs a real bonus.” – Mount Grove resident Support from key stakeholders Support for the proposals has been received from ward Councillors, Jean Stapleton and Phil Davies, and the Rt Hon Frank Field MP. Other feedback and scheme amendments Improved pedestrian access A number of people at the public exhibition suggested a secondary pedestrian access to the store. As a result of feedback, pedestrian access to the store would be improved and a new route will be created from Balls Road East to the store, in close proximity to the existing bus stop. Improved cycle parking for employees and customers As a result of feedback and to encourage more sustainable modes of transport for employees, an internal cycle storage area had been introduced into the proposals. Customer cycle parking has been improved with the introduction of ‘Sheffield’ cycle stand rather than cycle clips that were originally proposed. A secondary vehicular access from Penrith Street It was suggested that a secondary access or access/egress point was created from Penrith Street. Lidl has considered this option, however believe that the singular access/egress point on Oxton Road is the best and safest solution. Penrith Street is primarily a residential area and an access here could potentially impact on residential amenity. In addition, the store’s service area is situated towards the south-east corner of the store and so there could be conflict between customer vehicles and delivery vehicles, should there be an access point on Penrith Street. Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A full consultation exercise has been undertaken in support of this planning application, producing responses from 251 people to date. The public exhibition was well-publicised and well attended. Appropriate materials were made available so those who wished to do so, had the opportunity to provide their feedback in person, by post and via email. The project team have made themselves fully available to stakeholders, residents and local businesses to discuss the plans further. The community consultation has demonstrated significant support for the proposals with 96% of respondents stating they agree with Lidl’s proposals. A majority of people welcomed the prospect of regenerating a ‘derelict eyesore’ and bringing more employment opportunities to Birkenhead. Feedback is still being received and engagement with the community will continue throughout the development process. 12
Appendices 13
Appendix 1: Introductory letter / invitation to public exhibition (residents) 14
Appendix 2: Introductory letter / invitation to stakeholder preview event (stakeholders) 15
Appendix 3: Media coverage, Wirral Globe (3 July 2015) 16
Appendix 4: Media coverage, Liverpool Echo (4 July 2015) 17
Appendix 4: continued 18
Appendix 5: Media coverage, post exhibition, Liverpool Echo (10 July 2015) 19
Appendix 6: Oxton Society website 21
Appendix 7: Exhibition boards displayed at event 22
Appendix 8: Consultation leaflet 27
Appendix 9: Follow-up letter 28
Appendix 10: Feedback received to date I strongly welcome this development. It will enhance the environment and hopefully be a catalyst for the further regeneration of the whole of this area. It has long been awaited. I'm so pleased that plans finally have been presented and I hope they will proceed swiftly. Unfortunately I couldn't join you at this week's public event as I was in Parliament for the Chancellor's Budget statement. But may I please ask what was the outcome of the event? Agree totally, 90 min free parking would be amazing. Have waited many years to see this site redeveloped. Long time coming the sooner the better. Fantastic. Can't come quicker, thank you. I think it's a good idea. I am in favour for a Lidl, just want we want. This is good news, we deserve good value shops by us. The amount of parking spaces is fab and the jobs a real bonus. About time the land was built on. I look forward to the area having some investment, it has been needed for a long time and as I said to the lovely lady I loathe ASDA so any store which will give them the competition they have removed from Birkenhead is very welcomed! The sooner the better. Will be good for Birkenhead and provide more jobs. We need a new store rather than having to shop at ASDA. My only concern is traffic congestion on Oxton Road. The traffic lights area is already an accident area. i) Oxton Road - Balls Road East is a busy junction - what about cars turning right onto Oxton Road ii) why not have a second entrance/exit onto Penrith Street/Turner Street. Need to look at traffic congestion?? I am concerned about delivery times from Lidl replenishment service. There are domestic dwellings close by and anti-social delivery hours would not be appreciated by the occupants. What about traffic issues on this road? I agree to Lidl, we do need another supermarket in this area it is much needed. Let's hope it goes ahead. Thank you. The land at present is an eyesore and it will look much better. We need a supermarket here. I think and hope that this proposal becomes a reality. It will certainly improve the 'Oxton corridor' hopefully encouraging other businesses to invest in the area. Look forward to seeing a 'super' store! Good Luck! Can only improve the area and in particular Oxton in general. Will be a first class addition. Nice to see this wasteland being put to good use. Plus competition for ASDA. A very good idea, good luck with your application. Removes a major derelict site on the gateway to the Oxton Conservation Area. Provide good value shopping for the poorer communities close to the site. Very convenient. Lidl store in Birkenhead, thanks. 29
A welcome addition to the area, improving an eyesore creating employment. Plus a great supermarket in itself. Good luck to all concerned with Lidl. Is it possible to create a crossing for pedestrians from the main car park to the store to enable a safer crossing? I look forward to shopping in your new store. I think it is an excellent proposal, and will help to regenerate the whole Oxton Road area The site is an eyesore and needs redevelopment. The retail activity could help Oxton Road. The elevation to Oxton Road of the proposed new store, needs special attention. It is a prominent location and faces a recently restored listed building - it cannot be the normal 'Lidl shed'. The back of the store towards Borough Road will be at high level (because of the changes of level across the site). This needs careful thought. I think a Lidl store would be a good asset for the town centre. Both for jobs and competition with ASDA. Strongly agree! This will be very handy for me on my bus route. It saves having to go on a further longer bus ride to Rockferry. The site has been an eye sore and a disgrace for so long that it is good to think it might once again be used for some productive purpose. Anything to improve the area has my vote. I believe a new store will benefit the existing businesses in Oxton Road. This would have a huge positive impact on the neighbourhood. I believe Lidl in Birkenhead/Oxton would be very much appreciated since the closure of Netto some years ago. Plus regeneration and new jobs - yes, yes, yes to Lidl in Birkenhead. As soon as you can please! I think the development of the derelict old squash club site on corner of Balls road is an excellent idea in every respect. In the first instance, I am very much in favour of the development of the site in question and happy for it to be a Lidl store. Should regenerate the area somewhat and make shopping just a bit more convenient. There are plenty of existing supermarkets within a mile or so; and there are good locally- owned shops in Oxton village. We don’t need another supermarket; but we do need to keep our small businesses. The number of new jobs with Lidl might be about the same as the number of old jobs with small shops, lost. It may not be difficult to throw up objections to the proposal, though I guess they might be common to the erection and operation of such a store in most urban settings around the country. But my feeling is that the benefits in terms of regeneration and local economic improvements as listed far outweigh these. The area has been a scene of dereliction for many years. The opportunity for putting this in the past seems too good to miss. I agree with the proposal. I agree with this proposed development it is needed in the area and is also generous, considerate and will get rid of a long standing eyesore. I'm in favour! I think a Lidl store there will be a good amenity for the area, particularly as it is a competitively priced one and will provide local employment. It will have a significant effect on the convenience store businesses on Oxton, Balls and Woodchurch roads though. I am generally in favour of Lidl’s proposal for a new store in Birkenhead. Bring it on, this company is providing better value for money than its competitors. I fully support it. I agree with the proposal to build a Lidl store in Oxton. 30
Waitrose, would be a brand best suited to Oxton village Lidl is a brand aimed at lower income households I believe this brand will have an impact on the property values in Oxton the history of Oxton was one of wealth so putting a budget brand in the middle of the village does not work. I agree. I am in favour of this store in that position. Balls Rd / Oxton Rd. I agree with the proposed site. We are completely in favour of Lidl's proposal for a new store in Birkenhead. This would be an asset in a very run-down area. People in this area will welcome Lidl's new store, first easy to get to, prices differ to other big stores. It will also bring jobs to the area and the site will get shut of an eye sore. The site of land will be ideal for a Lidl store. Plus it will give the job market a much needed boost. We hope Lidl will be given the go ahead to build a store in Birkenhead. We will be looking forward to shopping there. Will the store sell food, clothes, toys, flowers, household goods, stationary etc.?? Great news it's a good move for local residents and the people of Birkenhead. We're very pleased your planning on opening a Lidl store, we have been in this district for 48 years, so it will be very welcoming, and plus it will create 40 new jobs. Lidl stores the price is right. Excellent idea - great news. I feel it would be a great asset to this area and would be beneficial to the less well off as to providing affordable food. I am in favour. Yes I would prefer a shop on wasteland than nothing there. Yes please! As soon as possible. Yes I would agree to this plan as long as I can have a full time jobs, use email above. I have 10 years’ experience in retail and very reliable. A good move to improve the area and provide good shopping facilities. The area in question has been an eyesore for far too long. Any improvement should be supported. Lidl is a reputable company and should be welcomed and thanked for bringing employment to the area. I wish them every success. We are very pleased, your planning on opening a Lidl store, we have been in the district for 48 years, so it will be very welcoming and plus it will create 40 new jobs. I would be very happy to see a new Lidl store open in Birkenhead. We need a decent shop up this end of town. I don't feel Birkenhead needs yet another supermarket. The land may be put to better use e.g. houses / play area / small shops. The traffic down this road, Alfred Road will be greatly increased. It is already a busy cut-through road and a Lidl (or indeed other superstore) would make this road very busy with traffic going to and from the store. Traffic on Oxton Road will be very congested. Can't wait! Particularly enjoy European country food themes - especially Greek! Bring on the tinned octopus! This would be good for all the community as we will all benefit in one way or another. It's good for business and business brings jobs and opportunities. It's all good, love it. Good idea. I think it's very good for locals, jobs etc. But not giving my personal details as it's an open paper. Not sure if you have thought of feedbacker's data security. About time. 31
Perfect place for new store. We don't need another supermarket in our area. We have too many already. We absolutely don't need any more cars in the planned area of development - accessing the main roads at the traffic light junction is difficult enough now. I will be opposing your planning application. A new store will provide much needed jobs and enhance a run-down area. This is a great opportunity for jobs and to make that derelict site gone which is awful to look at. Also be handy to shop at, I am always running out of food supplies. Bring it on. We are absolutely delighted that a new Lidl store could be built. We only live 5 minutes away it would be in an excellent locality as there are no more supermarkets anywhere near. I am sure the other local residents will agree. Wishing you good luck in your venture. All the best. I agree that a Lidl store in Birkenhead would be beneficial to the local people in and around Birkenhead. I have been shopping many times in the Rockferry Lidl and they can't be beaten on quality of products and on the low prices. They are even a match for Aldi as well as the other big supermarkets. I hope the store at Birkenhead does get the go ahead from the council. Good luck. Why not use the old Netto store in Whetstone Lane/Borough Road rather than have an empty store doing nothing. I agree with the proposal to build a new store at Balls Road. I agree with the proposal for the new Lidl store. I am in favour of the building of a new Lidl's store on land off Balls Road East because food costs less at Lidl. I would be very happy with a Lidl being built. All it has been for the last few years is for people to throw rubbish on and old furniture on it. I hope planning is agreed for the new store. Good luck. Yes I agree to having an Aldi it will make new jobs for people and it would do great for the people around here for shopping. Will bring more business to the area. Great to bring more jobs to the area and develop the waste land. Sick of the place looking a dump. I strongly believe this is what the area needs as the waste land is just a mess and everyone just uses it as a dumping ground. This Lidl will favour the community, making it easier for people to get the products they need at the best price. Will give more jobs and make the area a lot nicer to look at. It will also benefit the small businesses as they will see them on their travels to Lidl. Would be good for the community and other businesses. The store would be great as it would be right over the road. The sooner the better. I look forward to have the choice to shop at Lidl on my doorstep. Also it is creating employment this area needs! Also hope that it will bring security to the area as now the ground is used for gangs drinking. Best wishes for success in this application. Look forward to new Lidl store opening. Will be very pleased to have a store near me. I can't wait for the area to look more welcoming than derelict. I am pleased to see the regeneration of this waste land. The store will provide provisions sadly lacking in the locality and also opportunities for employment. 32
The quicker it is built and opened the better after all the rumours that have been flying around. I agree with the proposed store. Redevelopment of the site and adjacent area is long overdue. I agree. This is to say that my partner and myself are very much in favour of the proposed development. It is difficult to think of a better and more appropriate use to which the land could be put. I have already voiced my opinion to Pat Williams the Liberal Councillor in the past week about the proposed development, I'm very much against it. I believe there was already plans for houses / apartments to be built but unfortunately the developer has withdrawn the application. It should be a housing development not a super market. I am generally in favour. Agree. Anything will be an improvement but what happened to the "Oxton Gateway?" I am very much in favour of Lidl’s proposal for a new store in Birkenhead. I think it would be a very good use of the space and would encourage people to the upper end of the town. It also brings much needed jobs. As a resident of Oxton, I am generally in favour of this proposal as it may help to regenerate a chronically run-down area of the town. Thank you. Look forward to seeing your new store. Think that this could only improve area and give alternative to the ASDA. Job should be given priority to local CH42-41 persons if possible. Total agree in the development of what has been an eyesore for years and Lidl is more than welcome. I think this store will be a valuable addition to the local community and greatly improve the overall visual appearance of this run down area. This will give us access to local shopping within walking distance and should help regenerate other shops and business along Oxton Road and Balls Road. This should also help local employment and already has good public transport links. I would favour this retail development over any residential use in this already densely populated area. Excellent position. Looking forward to another great cheap supermarket in Birkenhead. Lidl would be great for the community, not only bringing employment opportunities but regeneration and a new way to shop. That would be fantastic I hope it happens. Make the area look better and create job which is good, also more shopping choice. Hope it successful application. Look forward to it. Very welcome. It will provide competition for expensive small shops. Good luck at the planning meeting, hope everything goes well. Having a Lidl so close to my homes is a great benefit to me. The site has been derelict for a long time. The proposals are reasonable and it would be a good thing for everybody. It would be a bonus for all of the resident's nearby and surrounding areas. I welcome the new store. Would be nice and local for some bargains. Welcome. 33
I think it would be great to have a Lidl it will be so handy for where I live. It would make the place look better too as that site puts the place down am all for it. Excellent! Most definitely yes! It will also generate business for the local shops on Oxton Road. I'm classed as disabled and this will be brilliant for me as now I have to travel to Rockferry or Prenton (Aldi's). Please do it ASAP! It's about time something was done. I think this is a great idea. The area needs regeneration and some decent supermarket shopping in the area would be useful. I hope it goes ahead. A little concerned about overspill of cars as we will then have difficulty in parking outside our property. Would welcome a good store near to home. Would be delighted to see this derelict site obliterated. I think it’s a great idea. The sooner the better. Site has been an eyesore for too long. Cannot happen soon enough. Oh, thank God, at last, well needed. I am broadly in favour if there is sufficient parking and people do not park outside my house in order to make you a profit! I would strongly agree, the convenience of a store would be excellent. The main issue for me is ensuring that the jobs are for Oxton people prioritising those within a 1 mile radius. Unemployment in the immediate area is higher than anywhere else in the Wirral, therefore locals should benefit. The negative are the aesthetics. It has prospects for offering jobs to people. The land looks a sight for sore eyes at the moment. You have not put opening times on this feedback form - why? I cannot be in favour if it is going to be open after 9pm. Concerned of increase in traffic narrow part of road proposed for entrance/exit. Parking - some nights I can't park my car even in Brimstage Street (where I live) never mind outside my house. Looking forward to it. Birkenhead needs this now Netto has gone. Will be good for the regeneration of the area and jobs. Need a store with easy access parking but also good design features so doesn't look like a warehouse. Being an avid Lidl fan and shopper at your store. As your nearest store is some distance away from my homes, one on my doorstep would be great and extremely convenient. You got the full blessing from myself and family. So go ahead and build it quick! P.S. hope your open before Christmas. I have used your Lidl store at St Paul's Road, Tranmere since day one what a wonderful place to shop, beautiful food everything one needs in the one place. Moving nearer to my home (over the road) suits me down to the ground. Bring it on as soon as possible, it will be the best thing to happen to this area since sliced bread. We feel that Birkenhead, Balls Road, needs this as it will improve the ugly site which has been left for years, it will also create employment in the area. Best bit of news for Oxton area in ages - I hope the shop does well and leads to further development in the area, Hurrah! About time. Glad someone is building on this dumping ground. Better than waste land where drunks congregate. The store will be good for the community and easy access for customers. It will be fantastic for the regeneration of the area. 34
Will be very handy to have a supermarket on our doorstep. Hopefully it will help to regenerate the Oxton Road area speaking on a personal level as a pensioner I dread the trek into Birkenhead for shopping. Very hilly, with infrequent bus service. What a great idea! 100% sure. Can't wait weekly shop made easier without the hassle of town centre. We would like to see Lidl there. The entrance/exit on Oxton Road may be a problem! Entrance on Balls Road East? This area has been 'crying-out' to be put to good use for too long. Good idea. This piece of land has long been an eyesore as a development like this can only help improve the area and help with local unemployment. About time this eyesore was built on, and a large Lidl with parking will hopefully bring more business to the area and hopefully some regeneration. Upgrading of facilities in area. Good to bring work and money to the area - it needs tidying up but will the area be policed because there are some undesirables around this part of Birkenhead who are drawn to bright lights! I shop in Lidl when I am in Germany and used to shop in Tranmere I would again if in Birkenhead and the plot is ideal as it stands now it’s an eyesore. Easy for me to get my shopping. This is an exceptional prospect for an area that has needed redeveloping for 2 decades now. There isn't a perspective you could look at this from and think it isn't the fantastic proposition that it is. This area needs/deserves this investment. Not to mention the job opportunities that it'd create. Yes, Yes, Yes, the sooner the better. Fantastic news, give preference to local people for employment. It will be good to see the derelict plot of land put to use. A Lidl store is somethink that it needed as there is not one around this area and by the time you find one all the good stuff has been snapped up. A Lidl store would be great as we have to buy food and stuff at full price and then you see same stuff at Lidl cheaper and as there is no store around Birkenhead Town don't fair and I'm disabled. Good for the area get it built fast I back onto it as well will improve the area. Good luck. 3 mins walk from my home. Go for it. As a member of the Oxton society I have been made aware that the public is being consulted about a new Lidl store on the corner of Balls Road East and Oxton Road. As the site has been derelict for some time it would be good to put it to better use and create jobs, therefore I agree in principal with the statement. “I am generally in favour of Lidl’s proposal for a new store in Birkenhead” However, I am concerned over the entrance and exit to the store. It is a very busy junction already and having to cope with additional traffic could cause jams and blockages, (similar to those in Heswall as a result of the Marks & Spencer food store). Brilliant. I am very happy with this proposal. Hopeful it will improve the area at top of Oxton Road. 35
Can I voice my support for the above supermarket on the derelict site at the top of Balls Road. I think it would be well supported and also do away with a large expanse of derelict land which is unsightly. I agree to the proposal. I think it much needed to get rid of that eyesore of waste land for years it would bring much needed jobs to the area. It would be great to have a Lidl store in that area. Excellent idea. I am already a Lidl customer at the moment I have to drive to Rock Ferry branch. It will be far more convenient for me to walk around the corner. However I do find it strange that you got planning permission for a site far more suitable for housing. When there is a very similar site in the form of the empty ex Netto purpose built supermarket in Argle Street. I am most definitely in favour of the new Lidl opening. We are currently in a poor state of economy, Lidl will create jobs for local people, cheap food and is all round a fantastic idea for our community. I think there might be problems because of the heavy traffic already a problem at peak times by the traffic lights at the Oxton Road/Balls Road East junction. I would like Lidl's to open a new store in Birkenhead because we need a cheap supermarket here. It is good use of a derelict site my only fear is it is such a busy junction because of the lights it will be difficult to exit and enter. Maybe pedestrian lights would work giving the opportunity to get in and out. It would make an eyesore productive. Not wanted. We already have small shops in Oxton Road, we have ample food stores in area. This will again hurt local people not only with money taken locally but the noise and light to nearby houses so I suggest you build your unwanted store elsewhere. Think it would be better for traffic flow if entrance was Turner Street/Penrith Street and exit on Oxton Road. Very pleased to hear that finally we will have a decent store on that horrible eyesore. Would be better than yet another block of flats! I think a Lidl would be great in this area, as the nearest other Lidl is in Rock Ferry, so this would be handy for myself. I think it will be fantastic for the community! Having lived in this area for 28 years I would welcome your store. This area would benefit from not only a food retail store but also not to have to see this proposed site of dereliction which does nothing to instil any confidence in anyone moving into the area. There is a huge residential population and no retail stores within a mile radius. Thank you. A good idea, ticks a lot of boxes. Would be pleasing to the eye if some trees were planted. Great idea, will be a great for the community. 36
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