Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times

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Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times
                                               3000 copies distributed FREE every month &
                                               now home delivered to Canungra & Beechmont.

                    Illinbah Island!
                    Residents trapped when road
                           washed away
                          STORY, PAGE 5

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Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times
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Page 2                                                                                                                   The Canungra Times – March 2022
Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times

 Bringing Sunshine into Students’ Lives
                              School’s Special Educa-         “Dogs can help stu-
   By Keer Moriarty
                              tion Room) and he began      dents to decrease learn-
   Going to school just       further training with a      ing anxiety, resulting in
became a little more          local dog trainer before     improved learning out-
appealing, with the ar-       coming to school.            comes,” she said.
rival of Canungra State          “The introduction to         “They can provide an
School’s therapy dog,         school is a slow process,”   increase in engagement
Sunny.                        said El.                     between teacher and stu-
   The program is the            “I started bringing       dent to assist in not only
brainchild of Canungra        Sunny into the school        being an intrinsic moti-
State School Teacher          grounds early in the         vator to encourage and
Aide, El Hogan.               morning, to get him used     support       participation,
   Currently studying a       to the environment.”         but in learning to enter
Bachelor of Education            The next step in Sun-     into more trusting rela-
specialising in Inclusivity   ny’s training was to         tionships and express
and Special Education, El     spend small amounts of       their feelings through the
was certain that a ther-      time in Principal Cindi      dog’s non-judgemental
apy dog would make a          Dare’s office each day,      and unconditional love.”
difference to Canungra        getting used to people          “In addition, students
students.                     coming and going.            and staff can experience
   She researched breeds         Sunny has just started    health benefits such as
for some time, before de-     working with students        reductions in blood pres-
ciding on a Labradoodle       and El says it has made a    sure, increased oxytocin
or Labrador.                  huge difference already.     levels (love and bonding),
   By chance, animal             “He has worked well       a decrease in cortisol lev-
trainer and close friend,     with students who are        els (a stress hormone), as
Zelie Bullen came across      anxious about going to       well as countless other
a young Labrador who          class or being at school,”   physiological and emo-
had been trained as a         she said.                    tional responses.”
medical assistance dog           “After 15 minutes with       “He will be an amazing      Canungra State School students, Ty, Grace and Coco
and needed to be rehom-       Sunny, patting him and       resource to staff, students      with Sunny the therapy dog. Photo: El Hogan.
ed.                           talking, they are far more   and families.”
   El had just lost her be-   relaxed and happy to go         Additionally, Sunny         dents to meet Sunny.         with El and her children
loved 17 year old border      to learning time.”           and El will complete             “Sunny is so soft and
                                                                                                                       watching Netflix on the
collie so the timing and         Canungra State School     further intensive training     cuddly. He makes me
the breed were just right.    Principal, Cindi Dare,       courses through Therapy        happy.”                      couch, playing at the park
   She named the dog          said research on the pres-   Dogs Australia in June.          When he is not at
                                                                                                                       and swimming in Ca-
Sunny, after the Sunshine     ence of dogs in schools         Year One student, Ty        school, Sunny is a much
Room (Canungra State          shows a range of benefits.   was one of the first stu-      loved family pet, at home    nungra Creek.

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The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                           Page 3
Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times
HUMANS of                                                      By Keer Moriarty

                                                                Photo by Katie

    John Harrison is one of the most generous people you will ever meet.
     His commitment to his family and the community knows no bounds.
    His first love is his wife of 38 years, Maria and his family, but Canungra
                         Bowls Club is also high on the list.

   Originally from New          They were only show       all here.
South Wales, John            dogs, friendly as, they’d       How did you end up
moved to Coomera             let people in.               in Canungra?
during the 1974 floods          And what was Maria           Took on a dairy farm
at the age of 14.            doing there?                 at Toe Holt Road. We
   We were on a dairy           Visiting her friend.      had two grandkids by
farm, I’ve been on dairy        John and Maria had        the time we moved
farms virtually all my       their first daughter,        here.
life, until I decided to     Kylie, a year after they        So your kids all end-
take people on (refer-       first met, and four          ed up coming out here,
ring to his position as      more children in the         following you?
Caretaker at Canungra        ensuing years                   Yep.
Sport and Recreation            We had Paula 13              Did you get involved
Grounds camping).            months later, Angela         with the Canungra
   How old were you          18 months later, Brian       Bowls Club straight                               John Harrison
when you met your            24 months later, then        away?                         President just has to be      Yes it’s good for the
wife, Maria?                 Nicole 24 months later.         When I finished dair-      nice to people, and I’m Club. A lot of local
   I was 17, at Advance-        You had a lot of little   ying and just ran the         always nice to people, people now book din-
town pub.                    kids - what was that         beef I decided to try so-     well I try my best to be.  ners there and barefoot
   The people who ran        like?                        cial bowls on a Thurs-          The Bowls Club has bowls.
Advancetown pub, she            It was brilliant!         day night.                    jumped in when some-          When the bushfires
was best friends with           Were you a hands on          How did that pro-          thing is needed, and happened in 2019 what
their daughter. I was        Dad, changing nappies        gress from there to the       a lot of that has come did the Club do?
working at the pub           and everything?              involvement you have          from you, Shane Ste-          We made burgers
then, with my German            Yep, as long as they      now?                          venson and Brian Lau- and were a drop off
Shepherds, doing se-         were only wet ones.             Sucker (laughs).           rence.
                                                                                                                   point for meals for peo-
curity.                         Never changed a              I just met a lot of nice     Yep, me, Shane and
                                                                                                                   ple. Just helped out
   Did you breed Ger-        dirty nappy in my life -     people, like I’ve done in     Brian.     When I first
man Shepherds?               23 grandkids and still       Canungra. That’s why I        started there, there was where we could.
                             never changed a dirty        doubt I’d ever leave.         bowls once a month,           When you look on
   Yes, I used to show
them.                        nappy. It’s the only            I was Games Director       every other Sunday was your life, what are the
   I had to sleep at the     thing I don’t do.            for years and now Pres-       just social. We only had best things that have
pub otherwise the dogs          Your kids and grand-      ident - Men’s President       a fixed game once a happened?
wouldn’t protect any-        kids are a big part of       and Club President.           month.                        The best things in my
body, they’d lick people     your life, do they all          How do you get time          We pushed for more, life are my kids and my
to death.                    live close?                  to do that?                   now we’re just flat out.   grandkids.
   They’d only protect          Five live down the           Well, I’m not Games          Is that a good thing -      Any favourites?
the place if slept inside.   Coast and the rest are       Director any more. The        you are all volunteers!       Nah!

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Page 4                                                                                                    The Canungra Times – March 2022
Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times

Illinbah Cut Off - Road Washed Away
                                 home about 9.30am.”                conditions improve and
   By Keer Moriarty
                                    “Shortly after that we          it is estimated it will take
   Residents and visi-           had a deluge of rain and           two to three days to re-
tors in the Illinbah and         the causeway was gone.”            build.
Flying Fox valleys were             “We’ve never been in               Bec Croker has lived in
trapped after a temporary        this situation, we have            the area for three years.
side track at the Flying         floods all the time; in               With her son and hus-
Fox Bridge bypass was            2016 we had landslides             band working away she
washed away on 24 Feb-           that covered the bridge,           is concerned about how
ruary.                           but we’ve always had               they will get home.
   The timber bridge had         bridges you could get                 “We don’t mind being
been removed and a new           across, once you wait for          flooded in, it happens
bridge was under con-            the water to go down.”             from time to time. But
struction, but heavy rain-          Trish said she has              being completely cut off
fall completely washed           never been in a situation          is horrible.”
out one section of the           where guests have been                Bec and her family are
bypass, leaving residents        unable to get in or out.           supposed to go away on
isolated.                           “It is a huge impact on         holidays on Wednesday,
   Trish Wilson of Coun-         my business.”                      but she is not sure wheth-
try Mile Escape had                 There are 163 prop-             er she will be able to get
driven across the track          erties in the area that            out by then.                         Glen Mahony and Luke Corcoran get supplies from
at 9.30am, and realised          are now isolated by the               “I kept my daughter                   the flying fox in Illinbah. Photo: Supplied.
guests due to return home        event.                             home from school on
would not be able to get            A Council spokesper-            Wednesday in case she              Council’s contractors in-         Construction to up-
across.                          son said that reinstating          couldn’t get back in.”             tended to reconstruct a grade the bridge com-
   “I went across in my          a temporary side track                “I think it is poor             temporary access bridge menced in November
four wheel drive and the         to prove safe access for           planning and timing by             where the old side track
potholes were 60 centi-          residents is a priority for        Council with the building          was to allow access. This 2021 and the project was
metres deep,” said Trish.        work crews.                        of that bridge during the          was scheduled for comple- planned for completion in
                                    Works are planned to            storm season.”                     tion by Thursday 3 March. April 2022.
   “I went into town to
get some things, and was         commence as soon as                   At the time of print,                  MORE FLOOD COVERAGE, PAGE 15

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The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                                      Page 5
Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times

                  4275 Collective - Bringing Creatives Together
                                                                                                       the group will become in-      use.”
                             By Keer Moriarty
                                                                                                       volved with Scenic Rim            The Collective would
                    A new association                                                                  Regional Council’s mural       display and sell their
                 aimed at connecting local                                                             strategy and they have         work from the gallery
                 creatives and artists is in                                                           applied for funding for        and members would also
                 its infancy, with big plans                                                           seven murals.                  staff it for limited hours.
                 for the future.                                                                          “We’d like to do them,         “If it was very success-
                    Organiser      Courtney                                                            not just on Council build-     ful we would then be able
                 Guerin said the t4275                                                                 ings, but we are hoping        to look at staffing the gal-
                 Collective way for peo-                                                               some private owners in         lery.”
                 ple who make things                                                                   town would be excited to          The space doesn’t need
                 with their hands and their                                                            have a mural.”                 to be new or spacious,
                 souls to come together                                                                   All of the murals will      part of the excitement
                 as a group and have the                                                               be themed on Canungra’s
                                                                                                                                      would be making the
                 power of a group.                                                                     past, present and future
                    “Whether that is ap-                                                                                              space their own.
                                                                                                       featuring Australian flora
                 plying for funding, often                                                                                               “We are creatives -
                                                                                                       and fauna.
                 you have to be an incor-
                 porated association to
                                                                                                          The aspirations of the
                                                                                                       group go even further,
                                                                                                                                   ALL-NEW GWM UTE
                                                                                                                                      give us an ugly old space
                                                                                                                                      and we will make it beau-

                                                                                                                               UP FOR THE
                 apply for funding; getting                                                            with the ultimate goal of      tiful!”
                 better pricing on materi-                                                             finding a home for the            “Ultimately we think
                 als, there are benefits to                                                            4275 Collective.               that having a stronger arts

                 us coming together,” said                                                                “We all live in Ca-         community in Canungra
                 Ms Guerin.                                                                            nungra, alot of us work        is good for artists and
                    The first gathering of                                                             in Canungra, but none of       also good for Canungra,”
                 the 4275 Collective saw                                                               us can show our work in        said Courtney.
                 12 new members join and                                                               Canungra.”                        For more information
                 a lot of positive discus-                                                                “So we are working          about the 4275 Collective
                 sion for future plans.                                                                towards   getting a gallery
                                                                                                             Jolion                   contact Ms Guerin on            The first 4275 Collective meeting
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                 Page 6
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                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Canungra Times – March 2022
Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times

New Fine Arts Pavilion for Canungra Showground
                              ty to design and deliver          ety Inc - $3,850,000
   By Keer Moriarty
                              projects that they desired        – Construction of a
   A new Fine Arts Pa-        and that would deliver a          multipurpose arena.
vilion for Canungra           long-term legacy for res-    5.   Griffith University -
Showground is amongst         idents.                           $249,446 – Deliver a
13 projects to be fund-         “This funding is an             bushfire response pro-
ed under the Australian       investment in the Sce-            gram.
Government’s        Black     nic Rim, from Aratula to     6.   Queensland Univer-
Summer Bushfire Recov-        Beechmont, and it will            sity of Technology
ery Grants Program (BS-       support every element of          - $290,140 - Under-
BRGP).                        our ongoing recovery,”            take prebushfire as-
   The Fine Arts Pavilion,    Mr Buchholz said.                 sessments of build-
affectionately known as         Under the grants, the           ings, understand why
the Possum Hut, was de-       Scenic Rim local gov-             they were damaged,
molished several years        ernment area received             investigate their re-
ago due to termite dam-       funding for 13 projects,          silience in future
age and the Fine Arts en-     including:                        bushfires and propose
                              1. Canungra AH&I So-              evidence-based retro-       Roly Ethell and Sharon Rafferty of Canungra AH&I
tries have been housed in
                                 ciety - $544,134 - Re-         fitting solutions.                  Society welcome the grant funding.
makeshift facilities ever
                                 build Fine Arts pavil-    7.   Rathdowney          and                 Photo: Katherine O’Brien.
   The facility will also        ion.                           District      Memorial         Deliver a festival.     are not designed to re-
be used as a community        2. Moriarty Park Com-             Grounds Association -      10.The Long Sunset -        place the significant loss
hall and potential recov-        munity Sporting Cen-           $591,000 – Construct           $200,000 – Large out-   of property, or erase the
ery centre in the event of       tre Inc - $302,704 –           a flexible-use commu-          door music event.       horrific memories of the
natural disaster or emer-        Build change rooms at          nity resource centre.      11. Binna Burra Lodge -     fires, these funds are de-
gency.                           Moriarty Park.            8.   Tamborine        Moun-         $2,000,000 - Build a
   Federal Member for         3. Aratula Community              tain Community -               new Lodge.              signed to build resilience
Wright, Scott Buchholz           Sports Centre Inc -            $361,200 – Construc-         Mr Buchholz said the      and rebuild our commu-
said the grants program          $32,300 – Installation         tion of new fire trails.   funded projects were        nity.”
was about giving the             of a cold room .          9.   ESCAPE in the Sce-         community driven.               Beechmont Shares in
community the capaci-         4. Boonah Show Soci-              nic Rim - $100,000 –         “While these funds        Recovery Funding, page 22.

                                                                                                        FOOD, FIRE
                mangal gr           asado

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The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                           Page 7
Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times
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Page 8                                                                                       The Canungra Times – March 2022
Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times

Stinson Crash Remembered
By Susie Cunningham           chanan and his brother
                              played a significant part
   The legendary local        in the rescue, was also at
story of the Stinson res-     the event with her sons
cue has lived on in the       Paul and Ray Buchanan
many memories shared at       and her daughter Diane
an 85th anniversary event     Ardrey.
at Stinson Park.                 Ray Buchanan spoke
   On 19 November, 85         about his father’s in-
years to the day since        volvement in the Stinson
the Stinson Airliner VH       rescue, and the family
UHH crashed in the wilds      had historic items and
of Lamington National         documents on display.
Park, history aficiona-          Other descendants of
dos and descendants of
                              rescuers at the event in-
the rescuers gathered to
                              cluded Percy Arthy, Rob
remember at the event,
                              Cawley, Bruce Stephens,                        Descendants and family of the Stinson rescuers.
organised by Beaudesert
Historical Society.           Mary Rohan, Dave Tom-        his insights into the Stin-   did not survive.             of milking the cows,
   Bernard      O’Reilly’s    merup, Jeanette Johns-       son story.                       “Both Joe Binstead and    tending the farm, as well
daughter Rhelma Kenny,        son,    Kathy     Nelson,       Beaudesert Historical      John Proud recovered and     as continuing to raise the
who will be 90 in Octo-       Megan Kenny, Graham          Society President Mark        lived long lives thanks to   children, and performing
ber, captivated the au-       Stephens and Leshaan         Plunkett reflected on the     the amazing rescue ef-       their normal day to day
dience with her story of      Bright.                      phenomenal rescue of          forts of Bernard O’Reilly    duties. The rescue effort
what it was like as a small      John Schindler, who       survivors Joe Binstead        and the local community      couldn’t have been done
child to see her dad go off   made the documentary         and John Proud through        people,” he said.            without them and each
to lead the rescue.           “Miracle of the Moun-        extremely tough terrain          “Many men left their      and every one of them,
   Dinah Buchanan, who        tains”, reminisced about     and held a minute’s si-       farms for the rescue ef-     contributed to a positive
was a child when her          his time with survivor       lence for the pilot, co-pi-   fort, relying on their       outcome for the two sur-
future husband Roy Bu-        John Proud and shared        lot and passengers who        wives to take up the tasks   vivors.”

The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                          Page 9
Illinbah Island! Island! - Residents trapped when - Canungra Times

‘The Tesla Man’
             Alan Durston
28 November 1946 - 8 February 2022
   Alan Durston’s one         for me”.
wish was to have been             Joining the Navy on
born in Wales, but for        27 August 1965, Alan
some reason he popped         became Leading Hand
out in Bushey, England        in the first year, which
on Thursday 28 Novem-         allowed him more elite
ber 1946.                     opportunities.
   As a young lad be-             He served for nine
ing only eight years old      years including voyages
growing up near London,       that saw him in the Mid-
he use to travel alone on     dle East, Hawaii, Asia
the trains.                   and including Vietnam
   The family left South      with the US 7th fleet on
Hampton in 1958 when          board the HMAS Perth
Alan was 11, they trav-       II.
elled across the world            During this time, they
and they finally settled in   came under enemy fire.
Wynnum, on the east side          At the age of 22, while    Alan Durston (right) in the HMAS Perth Ops Room. Photo: ABHP Jon Gageler.
of Brisbane.                  sailing with the HMAS
                                                            at the Oakey Army Avi-           He acquired special            Alan retired on what
   His schooling was cut      Derwent the captain an-
                                                            ator Base as the annual       privileges which allowed       he called heaven on
short at the age of 14 and    nounced Durston has the
                                                            maintenance programmer        him sit in the old radar       earth, where movies were
he found work as a paint-     con (control) of the ship
                                                            for Blackhawk, Iroquois       chair once again.              made, he could fly free on
er, working between the       for 20 minutes and ev-
                                                            and Loach helicopters.           Alan then completed a       his aeroshute, he could
original Canungra Army        erything on the ship went
                                                               The sergeant said          course and then became a       break trees and crash
Base wooden houses and        quiet.
                                                            one day, “You were in         Defence Facilitator.           with his neighbors into
out as far as Charleville.        After his Navy service,
                                                            the Navy, weren’t you?           His final journey was       the Coomera river (in the
   During his older teen-     Alan started out as a linee
                                                            What clearance did you        as a public servant at the     middle of winter) - but he
age years, he would sit       (laying telephone lines)
                                                            have?”                        Intelligence in Victoria       was still on his property
watching sailors laugh-       with Telecom which
                                                               Alan answered “Well I      Barracks in Sydney.            of course.
ing while walking past        eventually saw him ad-
                                                            was Crypto 5”.                   He had the privilege           The crash into the Coo-
with girls hanging off        vance to a technical in-
                                                               The sergeant stated        as a civilian to live in the   mera River was the lead
their arms. That’s when       structor.
                                                            that there was a job going    Sergeant’s Mess when           story in the Gold Coast
he thought “that’s the life       He commenced work
                                                            at Canungra in Intelli-       the World Trade Centre         Bulletin.
                                                            gence.                        Tower’s came down on              Alan made it onto the
                                                               He offered Alan a truck    11 September.                  news headlines wheth-
                                                            to drive from where he           It was just after 1am       er on the TV, radio, air
                                                            was based in Oakey and        in Australia and all hell      crashes, the apparent sur-
                                                            told him to drive to Ca-      broke loose with Alan
                                                                                                                         vival of the lovely flying
                                                            nungra for the interview.     hearing rapid gun fire and
                                                                                                                         foxes and of course the
                                                               That was in 1998, and      machine guns going off.
                                                                                                                         daytime photos of UFOs.
                                                            where he met his now             Abruptly awoken and
                                                                                                                            The ambulance offi-
                                                            wife Carol. They were         half-awake at this time,
                                                            together for over 23          he took off running to the     cers from Canungra had a
                                                            years.                        main gates yelling “The        name for him because he
                                                               Once in DINCI (the         enemy is here where is         was kind of a ‘frequent
                                                            intelligence department       the ammunition stored!’        flyer’.
                                                            at Canungra) he acquired         They explained to him          They nicknamed him
                                                            further high level security   that they were filming a       The Tesla Man, as he was
                                                            clearances.                   moving next door and no        a man of the future with
                                                               Work life changed          ammunition was stored          the Tesla car he drove.
                                                            again, and Alan found         on base.                          Alan was a man who
                                                            himself working back for         This is when he final-      always had a smile on
                                                            the Navy at the Defence       ly realised that he was        his face every morning
                                                            Centre with joint fuels       dressed only in his jocks.     no matter how he felt or
                                                            and lubricants (refuel-          Wearing his favourite       looked.
                                                            ing of ships) during the      trilby hat, Alan was often        He is remembered by
                                                            Timor War.                    asked, “Are you a spy?”        his wife, Carol, children
                                                               He was given the op-          Alan never confirmed        and grandchildren as a
                                                            portunity to be on board      or denied if he was or         brave and proud man
                                                            HMAS Perth II for her         could be, which left           who had an influence on
  Alan Durston in his aerochute. Photo: Supplied.           final voyage into Sydney.     many of us guessing.           so many.

Page 10                                                                                                         The Canungra Times – March 2022

Real Estate at All Time High
                               Bundaberg area, and

  But is it
                                they are now mort-
                                gage free.
                                    “It allowed us to

  making                        own our own house
                                 and hubby doesn’t

                                 have to work full
                                 time as he has a foot
                                  injury,” said Cass.

   leave?                            For locals who
                                  rent, it has been a
                                  difficult and uncer-
                                  tain time.
   By Keer Moriarty   re-
                            ports the median rental
   The property mar-        price for a four bedroom
ket across Australia has    home in Canungra is cur-
boomed in the last few      rently $633 per week.
years, and Canungra is no      Alesia and Greg Mc-
exception.                  Cabe moved to Canungra
                            from Sydney in 2003.
   In some streets, house
                               They became involved
prices have almost dou-
                            in the community, Greg           Canungra’s property market boom has had varying effects for local people.
bled since 2018, leaving
                            spent 11 years in the
some long term locals de-   auxiliary fire service           “When they got older,     within a couple of years    where to live.”
ciding whether they can     and Alesia helped with        they got a bit bored but     they had to move again.        After three weeks they
stay or leave.              Moriarty Park bookings        we got them involved in         “We had nowhere to       managed to rent a house
   According to reales-     and was active with the       sport and took them fish-    go, there were no rentals   at Tamborine., the median     Canungra Owls Soccer          ing at the Coast.”           at all,” said Alesia.          Alesia described the
property price in 2013      Club.                            In 2013, Alesia and          “Outside of Canungra,    move as devastating.
was $403,500, compared         Thirteen years later       Greg tried to get a loan     people were offering           “We weren’t in a posi-
to $650,000 in 2021.        they , left the town they     to buy the house they        more money than the rent    tion to buy a house at the
   Craig and Cass Roscar-   love unable to find a rent-   were renting in Picnic       or offering a year’s rent   time so you just have to
el sold their Wonglepong    al property at any price.     Place but because it was     in advance.”                deal with these things.”
property in July 2021.         “Back then it was a        classed as semi-rural the       “We were stuck camp-        “It’s absolutely heart-
   The high local proper-   quaint little town were       bank would not lend.         ing - we were homeless      breaking, I thought I was
ty market allowed them      you could raise your             They managed to find a    for three weeks because     going to live and die in
to buy a property in the    kids,” said Alesia.           rental in King Street, but   we couldn’t find any-       that place.”

   The Shoe Vault
    35 Christie Street,
        Canungra                                                                        Come in and
    M: 0400 477 818                                                                    have a look!

         Cute winter
        boots arriving
        IN STORE NOW

The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                      Page 11

                                                                                                                Have You r Say !
                                                                                              Email: or post to: 1/1 Lawton Lane,
                                                                                                                Canungra QLD 4275

                                                                                       Scare crow Festiv al
      Keer Moriarty                                                                              Dear Editor,
                                                                                                 Is the Tamborine Mountain Scarecrow Festival still on? The answer is

                  From My Window
             Thank you all round
   Another challenge with floods washing away the
                                                                                              in what format is still undecided. The Scarecrow trail is definitely on and
                                                                                              are 11th to 20th September. Advertisements in papers, web site and face
                                                                                              will be appearing in early June providing all the detail. We hope to have
                                                                                                                                                                                 yes but
                                                                                                                                                                               the dates
                                                                                                                                                                               a special
 Flying Fox causeway, leaving residents                      trapped.
                                                with Keer Moriarty, Editor guest on the Mountain who may open the festival and then provide an activity for
   These guys are used to be flooded in for up to a                                          families on Saturday 12th September. The Lantern Parade and other activities
 week, howeverStill           Printin
                       not having          a g...
                                              road once the creek                            subject to the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. We have set a date of 1st
 went down added    It istodifficult
                              an already         stressful
                                         to explain      the situation.
                                                              feeling I had with the                                                                                             August
                                                                                             for a decision.
   Fortunately   newspowerthat 100outagesregionalin theNewsarea Corpwere
                                                                       papers stopped            The talk of Scarecrow Town is who will be the winner this year? We
 short-lived (soprinting
                    far) and  in some
                                  a restructu
                                                   re thatlocals     werepapers with
                                                             sees these                                                                                                         can put
                                                                                             smiles back on faces by putting scarecrows out on the trail and entering the
 able to rig uponline
                  a flying presence
                                fox toonly.get supplies across for                                                                                                              compe-
                                                                                             titions. We are sure that Scarecrow Senior Poetry will be on and children
 those who wereIt not   is sad
                             wellfor  stocked.
                                           communities who will lose their                                                                                                     can take
                                                                                             part in their Colouring In and Poetry competitions.
   Thank youlocal       newspap
                   to Grant       and  er.JoYears
                                               Kelly     forthe
                                                      ago,    designing
                                                                 local paper was the
                                                                                                Entry is free and Entry Forms will be at various locations around the Mountain
 the flying foxbackbone
                   that helped  of a so commun
                                            many ity. people.
                                                           The people who owned
                the paper Hotel,                                                             and   on our web site for those off the Mountain who are coming to engage.
   Also to Canungra              and theCanungra
                                               people who   Takeaway,
                                                                 worked there were
                involved                                                                        So, the message is: put huge coloured circles around the 11-20 Septemb
 Canungra FoodWorks,           in their
                                            communHardware            and their finger
                                                        ities, they had                                                                                                            er on
               on the                                                                       your calendars, get your planning hats on for making a Scarecrow display
 the pharmacy       whopulse  all and
                                    wentthey  outknewof their    way in
                                                          the people     tothe towns.                                                                                          or visit-
                   No doubt                                                                 ing the Mountain. If visiting, consider an overnight stay, enjoy our fabulous
 assist people with        phone   thisorders
                                          is still- true
                                                               local they
                                                                     journalists - but                                                                                           sunset
               how many                                                                     and visit some of our attractions.
 were short staffed       and of      thosepressure
                                  under        jobs willthemselves.
                                                            be shed in the move to
               digital?                                                                         The Committee is keen to have a festival in whatever format is possible because
   There were      a number of people who went above
                   What     will     the                                                    it brings the community together and that is what we will need by Septemb
 and beyond during this situation and quickly         keeping     of townships look                                                                                              er.
                                                                                                So, please plan on producing a scarecrow or visiting and staying on the
 jumped in tolike?help. How can truth be disseminated without this                                                                                                              Moun-
                                                                                            tain and, if we can get the
   Rebecca grassroot
                Torrens,s vehicle
                                Kelly Casey of news?and        Monique
                                                           Because    it is easy to seeAlex Coop, A Year’s Worth         of Chips
                                                                                                                            lanternwinner    Hannah
                                                                                                                                    parade and   otherGraham
                                                                                                                                                       activitiesand  Summer
                                                                                                                                                                  up and  running, we
                                                                                            will  do so.                      Thompson
 Morcus all thatset upa report
                            delivery aboutservices
                                               the refurbish
                                                          to get    food,
                                                                 ment   of the soccer

                                                                          The Ideal Winner!
 medication club’s
               and animal canteensupplies
                                       or ‘whattowe    residents
                                                           did in thewho pandemic’ is
                                                                                            Nigel Waistell
 were cut offreal     and true,
                 ‘across             but who will remember this when they
                             the pond’.
               are women
                     relegatedwere   to thealsoarchives                                     Scarecrow Coordinator, Tamborine Mountain Chamber of Commerce
   These three                                      very ofinvolved      in
                                                               the internet?    Where
              are the pictures
 bushfire assistance        and recoveryto cut out effort   and are
                                                      and keep          al-fridge? Or
                                                                   on the

                                                                                                             Letters to the Edito r
 ways the first          jump   of in
                                           matter?there is an emer-                                                 handed the winnings over away’s Facebook and
                  TheorCanungr                                                        By Keer Moriarty              to her daughter, Hannah, Instagram social media
 gency situation,            when asomething
                                           Times belongs  is needed
                                                                to me, to but really it
 support the belongs
               community.  to the Theycommun   areitytruly
                                                       and angels.
                                                             I’ll keep doing whatWhen I     Canungra      Take-     who is a big fan of chips. pages, with runners up
                                                                                               The Canungra Times welcomes letters on topics of general interest
   The othercan      to make
                 person           sure that
                             I wanted        to continue
                                        Cr Vir-                                                    “Because           Hannah prizes for Most Com-          to our
                                                                                  away started    a promotion
 ginia West who   In the    wordsand
                       opened           of George
                                             staffed Bernard
                                                        the CanungraShaw: “I am      of                             doesn’t eat anything ex- ments, Best Comment
                                                                                  to win a year’s
                                                                                                       can beofsent by post or email and should be less than 250 words.
              the opinion
 School of Arts                  that my life
                      Hall overnight            onbelongs
                                                     Sundayto27  theFeb-
                                                                      whole commu-                                  cept chips,” said Ange.            and Best Gif.
                                                                                  chips, theyPlease
                                                                                                           have the writer’s
                                                                                                                        “Chips   name
                                                                                                                                   and  (for  publication),
                                                                                                                                          vegemi-            addresswas
                                                                                                                                                         Hannah       anddelighted
             nity and
 ruary as a Place          as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it
                       of Refuge.
             whatever        I  can.
                                                                                  imaginednumbersthe . Email
                                                                                                                    te to: or post to
                                                                                                                        sandwiches.      I  have  a    with  the  win,  saying    she
   I had a lot of calls and messages   I want    to be thorough
                                                          from people
                                                                    ly used up when
             I die,    forcould
                            the harder        I work    the more I live.”
                                                                                  would be soThe    Canungra Times, 1/1 Lawton Lane, Canungra QLD 4275.
                                                                                                 ideal.             very   fussy  eater.”              loves    chips,   especially
 asking where     they                go that     night.                                       The views and comments expressed in Letters to the Editor and are those
   As soon as it was announced the Hall was                                         Angela Harrison        won          The competition was from Canungra Take-                  of the
                                                                                           writer and not necessarily those of this newspaper.
 opened, people seemed to be much calmer. Thank-                                  the competition, but run on Canungra Take- away!

 fully there was not a great need for it but I per-
 sonally appreciate Cr West’s commitment           to 2005
                                      Established May the
 community in doing this.

                                                                                                                      O.W.L. Wholefoods
    I’m pretty sure1 that
                      Lawton Lane,inCanungra
                          is not              QLD 4275.
                                     the Councillor   po-
            Phone: 5543 5532, Mobile: 0407 671 286
 sition description.
                  Web Site:
                  Distribution: 4,000 copies distributed monthly to:                                                          Organics with Love
 Letters to the Editor
                 • Canungra - letterbox delivery, Canungra Hotel,
                   Canungra FoodWorks, Caltex
                                                                                                                                       Fruit & Vegetables
                 • Beechmont - letterbox delivery, Beechmont General                                                                      Dairy Products
 The Canungra TimesStore, welcomes
                            The Flyingletters
                                        Beanfrom residents or
 visitors to the •area  on topics
                   Tamborin        of general   interest  to our readers.                                                        Meat,    Bread and Groceries
                               e Village  - Shell   Service  Station,
 Letters can be sent
 250 words. Please
                         by post  or email  and   should   be  less
                   Mathilda’s Service Station, Tamborine Hardware
                • Beaudese            writer’s name
                                   - Beaudese
                                                       (for publication),
                                                  rt News,   Brisbane Street
                                                                                                                        Phone Orders Welcome
 address and telephone       number. e - Tamborine Mountain
                • Mount Tamborin
 Email letters to:     Canungra Times is distributed       or post
                                                                    to first Friday of
                                                                                                                     Phone: 0402 647 631
                                                               on the                                                Shop 1/8 Kidston Street, Canungra
                each    month.
 The Canungra Times, 1/1 Lawton Lane, Canungra QLD 4275.                                          -
                Cover Photo: .
 The views and comments expressed            in Letters to the Editor are
 those of the Page
               writer and14not necessarily those of this newspaper.                  The Canungra Times - June 2020

Page 12                                                                                                                                  The Canungra Times – March 2022

Have Your Say on Canungra’s Future
                                  “With our region’s
   By Keer Moriarty
                               population growth fore-
   Canungra        residents   cast to increase to more
only have until 6 March        than 67,000 people by
to have their say about the    2041, requiring more
future growth of the town      than 7,600 new jobs and
and the Scenic Rim area.       around 11,000 additional
   Community         consul-   dwellings, it’s vital we
tation on Scenic Rim           have strategies to guide
Regional Council’s first       and manage this growth,”
draft Growth Manage-           he said.
ment Strategy closes on           Items specific to Ca-
6 March 2022, with few         nungra in the draft Growth
responses received from        Management         Strategy
the community.                 included the need “for a
   Council’s        Growth     range of housing types to
Management          Strategy   meet the projected needs
Engagement Report dat-         of the population, includ-
ed 18 January 2022 stated      ing any increased demand
only 348 responses have        for dwellings to accom-
been received.                 modate smaller house-
   Over half of these re-      holds and retirement and
sponses were from Tam-         residential care facilities
borine Village or Tambo-       in Canungra by 2041”.
rine Mountain. Less than          The Canungra bypass
30 responses have been         is also discussed in the re-
received from Beaudesert       port, stating that Christie
residents.                     Street is currently experi-
   The responses received      encing increasing traffic,
indicated an aversion to       lack of parking and poor
multiple dwellings (units      pedestrian access.
and townhouses) and de-           “The delivery of the
tached housing on small-       Canungra Bypass ... will
er lots (less than 500m2),     alleviate congestion and
and diminishing support        improve amenity in the
for detached housing on        town centre”.                  Canungra Study Area - from Draft Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041
lots of less than 700m2.          To have your say on-
   Scenic Rim Mayor            line on the future of
Greg Christensen said          Canungra, visit https://
                                                                                                                        NEW OPENING
                                                                                                          PAR             HOURS
                                                                                                        PLATT TY
this second phase of com-      letstalk.scenicrim.qld.
munity consultation was
                                                                                                      & CAT ERS         11am to 8.30pm
critical to refine the final   ment-strategy before 6                                                      E            7 DAYS A WEEK
strategy.                      March 2022.                                                             OPTIORING

                                                                                 H Online ordering now available H
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                                                                           BIRTHDAY SPECIALS!!                28 Christie St, Canungra

The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                   Page 13

Helping You in Your Home
   Sascha Watson is a registered nurse     needs.
who has dedicated her life to caring          She has experience in nursing
for others.                                homes and working with the elderly
   She started nursing when she            in a hospital setting.
joined the Air Force in 1998, as an           “I have a great rapport with the el-
enrolled nurse.                            derly and enjoy caring for them.”
   She finished her Bachelor of Nurs-         Scenic Rim Nursing Care is a reg-
ing in 2006 and then did her post-         istered NDIS provider and can assist
graduate study in Rural and Remote         people on NDIS plans who want help
Nursing, which is where her interest       to achieve their goals.
lies.                                         Sascha will also help with shop-
   Sascha started Scenic Rim Nursing       ping, taking clients on outings and
Care to help care for local people in      home duties such as gardening or
their own home, allowing them to
                                           meal preparation.
stay in their homes for longer.
                                              Her easygoing, friendly demeanor
   “Understandably, a lot of people
                                           allows her to get along with people
want to stay in their own homes and
remain independent,” said Sasha.           from all backgrounds and she enjoys
   “If I can help them achieve this        communicating with her clients and
through community nursing, and as          their peers.
an NDIS provider, I am more than              “It doesn’t have to be high level
happy to do so.”                           nursing, if it is just having a cuppa
   Sascha can work with anyone aged        and a chat and getting some help at
18 years and older, but specialises in     home, I’m more than happy to help
caring for older clients.                  with that.”
   Whether they need assistance with          Scenic Rim Nursing Care is based
daily living activities such as toilet-    in Canungra, fully insured and hours
ing and showering or more complex          are negotiable.
needs such as wound and medica-               For enquiries and more informa-
tion management, Sascha is happy           tion contact Sascha on 0409 021 527
to tailor a package to suit the client’s   or email            Sascha Watson. Photo: Katherine O’Brien


    ● NDIS Provider
    ● Aged care
    ● Disability care                                                                   Sascha Watson
    ● Activities of daily living
                                                                                            RN, GRAD CERT
    ● Socialisation & outings                                                        IN RURAL AND REMOTE HEALTH
    ● Wound management
    ● Medication                                                                    Phone: 0409 021 527
     FULLY INSURED • VETERAN                                                    E:
Page 14                                                                                                The Canungra Times – March 2022
People                                           Pets Some
                                                                                                                   LOCAL NEWS

                                                       Prepare to Leave,

                                                            Isolated for
                                                                by KATIE O’BRIEN

                                                                                             Seven Days
                                                                                      Residents in low lying       Sarabah said they had
                                                                                   areas in Canungra town-         received over 560mm of
                                                                                   ship were door knocked          rain over a week.
                                                                                   by emergency services              Debbie had no power
                                                                                   workers to prepare to           for two days but was well
                                                                                   leave as Canungra Creek         prepared with a gener-
                                                                                   rose during the evening         ator, food supplies and
                                                                                   on Sunday 27 February.          medication.
                                                                                      Some residents in Ca-           Landslides on Beech-
                                                                                   nungra Rise and River-          mont      Road    created
                                                                                   bend Estate evacuated to        problems for access on
                                                                                   friends and family, while       the mountain for sever-
                                                                                   the Canungra School of          al days but these were
                                                                                   Arts Hall was opened as
                                                                                                                   cleared quickly.
                                                                                   a Place of Refuge.
                                                                                                                      Disaster Recovery Al-
                                                                                      Cr      Virginia    West
                                                                                                                   lowance is available for
                                                                                   staffed the Hall over-
                                                                                                                   employees and sole trad-
                                                                                   night, with one family
                                                                                   using the facilities.           ers who experienced a
                                                                                      There were no homes          loss of income as a direct
                                                                                   flooded in Canungra             result of a major disas-
                                                                                   township, however sev-          ter. DRA is payable for
                                                                                   eral homes in Tamborine         a maximum of 13 weeks
                                                                                   suffered flood damage           and is taxable.
  Jack the Pinto horse is as local as it gets, born and raised in Canungra.        and many residents in              The Allowance can be
  Loved and spoiled by his owner, Shar Moana, Jack is as smart as he is            surrounding rural areas         claimed through myGov,
   beautiful. Jack is nine years young, enjoys trail rides, swimming and           including Sarabah were          for support phone 180 22
                         being centre of attention!                                isolated for seven days         66.
                                                                                   and at the time of print           For more information
    People and their Pets is about celebrating the animal friends in our           still not able to leave their   on support available, vis-
    lives. If you’d like us to feature you and your pet, please get in touch       properties.                     it
             with Katie by email to                        Debbie Geldard of            au/disaster

                                                                                                     OPENING HOURS
                                                                                           Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm
                                                                                          Saturday, Sunday 9am - 3pm
                                                                                            Ph: 07 5543 4042
                                                                                        29 Christie Street, Canungra

The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                      Page 15
What’s On? GUIDE
    ALL EVENTS SUBJECT TO COVID RESTRICTIONS                                The Long Sunset
                                                                            The Long Sunset music fes-
                                                                                                           and 3 July and 8 and 9 October.
                                                                                                             Canungra Library
      Car Boot Sale -                      Sportsperson of the           tival will be held on 30 April      Story Time in DJ Smith Park
                                                  Year                   2022.
        12 March                                                                                           with Rebecca. Next session is
    St Luke’s Car Boot Sale will         The Foodworks Sportsperson           Showjumping                  Wednesday 9 March @9.30-11.
                                                                                                             Book Club is held every first
 again be held in 2022. Why            of the Year awards will be held          Calendar                   Wednesday of the month. Call
 not come along on Saturday            on Sunday 20 March at 11am at
                                       Moriarty Park, Canungra.          Elysian Fields will be run-       the library for more information.
 12 March and enjoy what will                                          ning more Showjumping train-          Need to do your next Junior
 be on offer. You will be most            Vintage Brocante             ing days through 2022, check        read? Come and find our dis-
 welcome - at the grounds of St          At O’Reilly’s Canungra Valley their Facebook page for details.    play of First Book in the Series
 Luke’s Anglican Church, oppo-         Vineyards from 7am to 1.30pm on   Showjumping Competition           to start your next reading jour-
 site Canungra Hotel.                  17 April and 13 November.       dates are: 12 and 13 March; 2       ney.


 Monday                                Wednesday                          Showground. Ph: 0418 435         Saturday
                                       •   Show Society: First Wednes-    528.
 • Yoga: Monday: 9.30 -11am                                                                                • Mixed Competition Golf
                                           day of every month 7pm       • Bowls: Night Bowls, 6pm at         Day at Canungra Golf Club.
   Moriarty Park Community
                                           meeting at Showground. Ph:     Canungra Bowls Club. Ph:         • 1st Sat: QCWA Wonglepong
   Centre, Coburg Road.
                                           0403 278 556.                  John 0408 339 229.                 (except January) at 9.30am.
 • Fitness Training: Live Fit
                                       •   Bowls:       Social Bowls • Canungra Tip closed every             Ph: Joyce Libke 5543 5212.
   Studio 5.30pm. Steve 0431               ‘Scroungers’ from 9am ev-
   208 588.                                                               Thursday.                        • First Saturday Canungra Vil-
                                           ery Wednesday. Loan bowls
 • Moriarty Park Committee                 available. Ph: 5543 5223.    • Men’s Competition Golf Day         lage Garden grow, chat and
   Meetings: Every third Mon-          •   Fitness Training: Live Fit     at Canungra Golf Club.             share 9am Contact: thevil-
   day at 6.45pm. Phone Bren               Studio 5.30pm. Steve 0431 • Every 2nd Thursday Ca-                lagegardencanungra@gmail.
                                           208 588.                       nungra Craft Group. Show-          com
   0414 435 919.
                                       •   Orchid and Foliage Society:
 Tuesday                                   Beaudesert Districts Orchid
                                                                          grounds Art Hut. Ph: 5543        Sunday
                                                                          5528.                            • Church: St Luke’s Anglican
 • Canungra Golf Club - Ladies’            and Foliage Society meeting
                                           on the third Wednesday each • Play-time: Every Thursday           7.45am. Canungra Uniting
   Competition Golf Day.                   month at Canungra School of    (term time) 9.30-11.30am.          Church 10.30am. Dunamis
 • Fitness Training: 30 min                Arts Hall.      Free activities, all ages, tea     Church Yarrabilba 9.30am.
   High Intensity Fat Burning          •   Men’s Shed:        Canungra    and coffee provided. Ph:         • Second Sunday each month:
   Classes at Live Fit Studio.             Men’s Shed meets on the last   5545 3644 (option 3) Tambo-        Canungra Village Markets:
   Steve 0431 208 588.                     Wednesday of every month,      rine Mountain College, Early       8am - 1pm. Contact Emma
 • Fire Brigade: Third Tues-               5pm. Contact Col Ford 0428     Learning Centre.                   0457 096 397 or like Ca-
   day each month is Canungra              820 349.
                                                                                                             nungra Village Markets on
   Rural Fire Brigade monthly          Thursday                          Friday                              Facebook.
   meeting. Jamie 5543 5778.           • Craft: Canungra Craft Group • Fitness: 30 min Fat Burning         • Third Sunday each month:
 • Women’s Web: Meets each               meets fortnightly at 10am     Classes at Live Fit Studio.           Beechmont Markets from
   fortnight. Robyn 5543 4725.           on a Thursday at Canungra     Steve 0431 208 588.                   8am - 1pm at the Old School.

                            Send your event details to
                             Listings are FREE for not for profit groups and advertisers.
   Preference will be given to events within the Canungra district, all listings are dependent on space available.

            QBCC Licence no 1165 637

                                                                  GARAGES - CARPORTS
     we do the lot                                                PATIOS & INDUSTRIAL
     Ph (07) 5547 7133                                    Lot11 Euphemia Street, Jimboomba

Page 16                                                                                                    The Canungra Times – March 2022

New Doctors at Canungra Valley Medical
   By Keer Moriarty            get to know the people
                               and become immersed in
   Canungra Valley Med-        the community,” said Dr
ical has welcomed two          Cook.
new doctors to the sur-           Dr Mohammed Mukit
gery to support the grow-      graduated Medicine in
ing population of Ca-          2001 and moved to the
nungra and surrounding         UK to work with the Na-
districts.                     tional Health Service for
   Dr Carly Cook was
                               two and a half years be-
raised in the rural Darling
Downs area before mov-         fore immigrating to Aus-
ing to Sydney to study         tralia in 2005.
Medicine at University of         He has spent many
New South Wales.               years working in the
   She moved back home         hospital system where
to Queensland to do her        he gained extensive ex-
junior years at Toowoom-       perience in cancer man-
ba Base Hospital and           agement (including skin
then worked as a General       cancer), brain and spinal
Practitioner in Sarina in                                   Dr Mohammed Mukit and Dr Carly Cook join the Canungra Valley medical team.
                               injury rehabilitation med-
2021.                          icine, cardiology, and       mencing work as a Gen-      bulk billing for all pa-                5543 5688.
   Carly is passionate         mental health.               eral Practitioner.          tients.                                   Appointments can also
about all areas of rural          Dr Mukit also has cer-       Dr David Christensen        For appointments and                 be made through their
medicine       particularly                                                             more information, please                new web site
                               tification for Skin Cancer   said the arrival of Dr
chronic disease manage-                                                                 contact Canungra Valley                 nungramedicalcentre.
ment such as heart condi-      Medicine.                    Cook and Dr Mukit will
                                  He has worked at sev-     increase available ap-      Medical by phone on           
tions, diabetes and renal
conditions;      geriatrics,   eral Australian hospitals    pointment times for pa-
women’s health and men-        including Princess Alex-     tients significantly.
tal health.                    andra, Royal Brisbane           Canungra Valley Med-
   “I am excited to relo-      and Gold Coast Univer-       ical Centre is open seven
cate to this region and        sity Hospital before com-    days a week and provides

                                        Recipe courtesy of QCWA
                                                                                                ALL DOCTORS BULK BILL
                                                                                                   1 PINE STREET, CANUNGRA
                                         Country Kitchens Team
                                                                                                   Phone 07 5543 5688
      Recipe blurb                      Wonglepong Branch QCWA                            OPENING HOURS: M-F 7.30am to late
      The QCWA Country Kitchens program     is funded
                                        Or follow     by Facebook!
                                                   us on the Qld Gov-                            Sat, Sun 8am - 4pm
   ernment through HWQld. To find out more about the program visit
                                                                                          Scenic Rim Cat Lodge

                                                                                                 Rim Cat              EST.
                                                                                                                       EST. 2011

                                                    2 tablespoons extra virgin
                                                       olive oil
                                                    1 chorizo sausage, de-cased
                                                       and crumbled
                                                    1 brown onion, sliced
                                                    400g can chopped
                                                    2 400g can butterbeans
                                                    1 cup water
                                                    2 cups baby spinach leaves            Scenic Rim’s
                                                                                                 Rim’s Premier
                                                    Cracked black pepper                  Scenic       Premier Boarding
                                                                                                               Boarding Cattery
                                                                                                         H H H H H
 Heat oil in large saucepan over medium low heat. Add crumbled chorizo,                                      Bookings and
                                                                                                             Bookings and Enquiries
 allowing the oil to run into the pan. Add onion and cover with lid to cook
 until soft. Add tomatoes, beans and water. Stir well and bring to a simmer.                            0438  0104002
                                                                                                        (07) 5543 960
 Cook gently for 10 minutes with lid on. Add spinach leaves just prior to                91-99 Prosperity
                                                                                                   91-99  Dr,Prosperity
                                                                                                             Boyland QLD 4275
                                                                                                                      Boyland   QLD 4275
 serving, stir through and serve with cracked black pepper.                                  

The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                                 Page 17

Give Canungra a Stronger Voice
   The Canungra Times has Times to provide additional
launched a new, purpose built coverage such as video news
news website designed to give reports.

the community a                                 “Over the past
stronger voice.                              few years I have
   Editor,    Keer      We have been         often shared sto-
Moriarty said the        the voice of        ries or provided
site has been de-      this community        information to larg-
veloped to pro-
vide up to date
                                             er media outlets,
                     through bushfires, such as the ABC,
news and events floods and drought enabling                wider
for the local com-                           coverage for Ca-
munity.                                      nungra - but there
   “The current monthly news- is a demand for more frequent
                                                                    Keer Moriarty talks to ABC’s Michael Rennie on the anniversary of
paper is a much loved part of local news.”
                                                                                            the 2019 bushfires.
our community that will stay,”
she said.                        Keeping Local News                    “It is time now to take things     site.
   “However there have been         Free for Readers                to the next level and, while the         “Information is so important,
many instances over the past       Like The Canungra Times          advertising support from local        whether it is everyday updates
few years where more up to date newspaper, articles on the web-     businesses is fantastic, increased    on what is happening in town or
news reports have been needed.” site will be free, however there    news coverage comes at a cost.”       during crisis or emergency situ-
   “We have also worked hard is the option to become a Ca-             “We are asking the communi-        ations.”
to promote, cover and docu- nungra Times supporter and              ty to support us so we can give          “I don’t believe access to that
ment events since The Canungra support local news by making         Canungra a stronger voice.”           information should be depen-
Times started in 2005, ensuring a recurring donation if people         “This will help to cover issues    dent on someone’s ability to pay
the history of the township is choose to do so.                     such as increased development         a subscription, which is why we
preserved.”                        “We have been the voice of       and lack of water and road in-        decided on the philanthropic op-
   The new website helps bridge this community through bush-        frastructure more thoroughly.”        tion of a regular donation.”
the time frame between the hard fires, floods and drought and          Keer said she remains com-            The new Canungra Times
copy monthly publication, as we have seen some great results        mitted to free local news both        website is live now at
well as enabling The Canungra from our editorials,” said Keer.      in the print and on the new web-

          WOMEN’S DAY
            Glass of Bubbles

            Buffet Breakfast                                                                  CANUNGRA
            Incredible Setting                                        Thursday 1pm till 6pm (outside the LiveFit Gym)
            Amazing Speaker
                                                                                     MT TAMBORINE
            Networking Opportunities
                                                                        Wednesday 9am till 4pm & Saturday 9am till 2pm
               IWDB 2022                                                            (in the IGA car park)
       Thursday, 10 March 2022 7:00 AM                                                TAMBORINE VILLAGE
      O’Reilly’s Canungra Valley Vineyards
    Presented by the Chamber of Commerce
                                                                            Friday 1pm till 6pm (at the roundabout)
                                                                                   ORDERS WELCOME:
                     TICKETS $30 FOR MEMBERS
                                   $35 FOR NON MEMBERS
                                                                                    0423 082 988
                      Buy tickets at
                                                                       Follow us on Facebook or email to register and
                                                                           receive weekly fresh seafood updates!
Page 18                                                                                                  The Canungra Times – March 2022

Farm Gate Trail Is On          ers and share a bit of our    farmer Kay Tommerup
By Susie Cunningham
                               story. Visitors can expect    said it was a significant
   Locals are being encour-    to be welcomed into a         event for farmers in the
aged to get a taste of the     small family-owned estate     region.
farms on their doorstep at     that takes pride in grape        “Farm Gate Trail is im-
the next Scenic Rim Farm       growing.”                     portant to our business
Gate Trail which has been         Canungra and surrounds     because building connec-
postponed until 13 March.      farms opening for Farm        tions with our customers is
   Five farms on the out-      Gate Trail are:               at the core of our values,”
skirts of Canungra are         • Mountview         Alpaca    she said.
among 22 local producers          Farm. 852 Lamington           “We love being able to
who will participate in the       National Park Rd, Ca-      share our farm story, our
industry-led Destination          nungra.                    produce, and encourage
Scenic Rim event.              • O’Reilly’s     Canungra
                                                             visitors to take the time to
   Hannah Hughes from             Valley Vineyard. 852
Sarabah Estate said Farm                                     visit other amazing pro-
                                  Lamington      National
Gate Trail was a celebra-                                    ducers across the region.”
                                  Park Rd, Canungra.
tion of the people behind      • Sarabah Estate Vineyard        Farm Gate Trail has
local produce.                    (dog friendly). 46 Ry-     continued to grow in popu-
   “The Farm Gate Trail is        mera Rd, Sarabah.          larity since it was first held
so important as it allows us   • Pretty Produce. 704         in 2020, now attracting
to celebrate not only our         Lamington      National    more than 5000 visitors to
own small business but            Park Rd, Canungra.         the region.
allows us to support and       • Canungra Creek Fin-            The 6 March event will
celebrate other local busi-       gerlimes (dog friendly).   go from 9am to 3pm.
nesses who are passionate         72 Double Crossing Rd,        For more information
in what they do,” she said.       Canungra.                  including a map, visit
   “We love the ability to        Destination Scenic Rim     www.destinationsceni-            Mountview Alpaca Farm is part of the Farm Gate
interact with our custom-      board member and dairy                              Trail. Photo: Katherine O’Brien.

The Canungra Times – March 2022                                                                                                        Page 19
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