Page created by Luis Anderson
                                                                          wattnow | march 2017 | 1

   • Motor Control Centres
   • Containerised Control Centres
   • Power Distribution Boards
   • Sub-Distribution Boards
   • PLC/Automation Panels
   • Electronic Drive Panels
   • Control Desks
   • General Control Panels
   • E.P.C.
   • Project Consulting

                               Contact Megan Schoeman
                               011 979 4100
2 | wattnow | march 2017
22                        TECHNOLOGY
                                      THE WAY OF THE FUTURE

   FEATURES 28                        WIND POWER IN SOUTH AFRICA
                                      COMPARING WIND GENERATION TO POWER GENERATION

            36                        THE NUCLEAR PERSPECTIVE
                                      TAKING A LOOK AT GENERATION IV TECHNOLOGIES

                                 56                                                   36

                      wattsup     8
                                 64                                                   64

saiee   @saiee                                                      wattnow | march 2017 | 3
From the Editor's Desk | minx avrabos

                               Managing Editor
                          Minx Avrabos |

                                  TECHNICAL EditorS
                                     Derek Woodburn
                                 Jane-Anne Buisson-Street
                                                                                                         Now that the Festive Season is a
                                       Contributors                                                      distant memory and we seem to be
                                            M Cary
                                                                                                         back in the swing of things, it’s my
                                           D Basson
                                        J Buisson-Street                                                 pleasure to bring to you this issue of
                                                                                                         wattnow, featuring Technology.
                         Gerda Geyer |                                               On page 22 you will find our first feature article, showcasing the mind-
                                                                                                         blowing technologies currently being developed by DARPA (The
                         CPD & course accreditation
                          Sue Moseley |                                                Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) based in the US.

              MEMBERSHIP & TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP                                                         Mike Cary discusses Windpower in South Africa on page 28, comparing
                  Ansie Smith |                                                      South African winds with the rest of the world, asking the question,
                                                                                                         “How many wind farms does it take to generate the same electrical
                             Avenue Advertising                                                          output than Medupi?”
         T 011 463 7940 | F 086 518 9936 | E
                                                                                                         I bring to you a very interesting report, compiled by the Lloyd’s Register
                                                                                                         in the UK, on the Nuclear Perspective. Read this on page 36.
                 South African Institute of Electrical Engineers

                           SAIEE HEAD OFFICE                                                             The erstwhile Dudley Basson did it again, and wrote another informative
                    P.O. Box 751253 | Gardenview | 2047                                                  historical article about Quantum Computers. Read this on page 46.
                      T 011 487 3003 | F 011 487 3002
               E | W
                                                                                                         The 2017 SAIEE Smart Grid conference will be taking place on
                           Office Hours: 8am-4pm
                                                                                                         19 - 21 September. Registration is now open and we have an awesome
                                                                                                         line up of speakers. Visit our website, to
                                                                                                         register and qualify for a very nice early bird discount. Seats are limited,
                                                                                                         so book now to avoid disappointment!

                                                                                                         The wattnow is slowly but surely moving towards being online. I’ve
                 SAIEE 2016/2017 Office Bearers                                                          had numerous replies giving your preferences, and I thank you. If you
                          President T.C. Madikane
                   Deputy President Jacob Machinjike                                                     haven’t done so, please send an email to and
              Senior Vice President Hendri Geldenhuys                                                    include in the subject line YOUR SAIEE MEMBERSHIP NUMBER &
              Junior Vice President George Debbo                                                         wattnow online/print – your preference. Members, who opt for their
          Immediate Past President André Hoffmann
                                                                                                         printed copy, will still receive their copy in the post. If I do not receive
                Honorary Treasurer Viv Crone
            Honorary Vice President Chris Ramble                                                         an email from you by 31 March 2017 you will automatically receive the
             Chief Executive Officer Stan Bridgens                                                       online copy.
                                      ISSN: 1991-0452
    South African Institute of Electrical Engineers. All material is strictly copyright and all rights
     are reserved. Reproduction without permission is forbidden. The views expressed in this             Enjoy the read.
                     publication are not necessarily those of the SAIEE. E&OE

                                                                                                                     Visit to answer the questions
4 | wattnow | march 2017                                                                                             related to these articles to earn your CPD points.
Mobile High Mast Lights
                Our series of LED lights are perfect for a variety of industrial applications.

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                                                                                                                  wattnow | march 2017 | 5

                                         The SAIEE continues to support the             the 7-8 December 2017, in Johannesburg.
                                         initiative of the Bergville Community          I encourage our members who are in the
                                         Builders, which is led by our member,          control and automation space to diarise
                                         Nhlanhla Maphalala. We thank Zola              this and attend accordingly.
                                         Ntshangase, Vice Chairman and Chris
                                         Ramble, Past Chairman of SAIEE KZN             Continuing Professional Development
                                         Centre for attending the careers day on        (CPD) opportunities is one of the key
                                         11 February 2017, which featured more          activities which the SAIEE offers to
                                         than eighteen different organisations. The     its members as well as other electrical
                                         improvement in the matric results from         engineering practitioners. The Executive
                                         the area is noticeable. Okhahlamba High        Committee (EXCO) took a decision to
                                         School achieved 100% pass rate, with 90%       host the 2nd smart grid conference on the
                                         of learners receiving a bachelor pass. We      19-21 of September 2017, at the Eskom
                                         congratulate Wandile Sithebe, who passed       Academy of Learning, Midrand. We thank
                                         with flying colours, obtaining seven           Eskom in advance for their continuing
                                         distinctions. We hope that many of the         support and collaboration with SAIEE. I
                                         students will take electrical engineering as   encourage our members to diarise these
                                         a career choice.                               key dates, the details of which will be
                                                                                        shared on our websites and social media
                                         On 7 February 2017, I attended the special     in due course.
                TC MADIKANE              meeting of the KZN Human Research
        2016 SAIEE PRESIDENT             Development (HRD) Council where I              SAIEE continues to work closely with
                                         serve as a Council Member representing         the Engineering Council of South Africa
     This is my last message             the SAIEE. The Council is chaired by           (ECSA). Some of our members serve on
                                         the Premier of KZN. Attendees included         various ECSA committees and they will
      as the President of this           KZN HRD Council Members, KZN                   be part of the professional teams that will
      glorious movement for              MECs, Principals from Institutes of            undertake Accreditations of Universities,
                                         High Learning, Student Representatives,        scheduled for the first quarter of the year.
      Electrical Practitioners.
                                         Department of Higher Education and             In April, there will be President’s Forum
     On 30 March 2017, I will            Training (DHET), National Students             and SAIEE will also be represented. We
 hand over the leadership of             Financial Aide Scheme (NSFAS), as well         will keep our members abreast.
                                         as various other stakeholders. The main
 SAIEE to Jacob Machinjike,              aim of the meeting was to ensure that          Finally, in March I will visit Buffalo
   who is the current Eskom              there is no unrest at the Institutes of        City, East London as my last trip as the
                                         Higher Education in the forthcoming year.      President to help revive SAIEE’s Interest
  General Manager: Upkeep                Students shared their challenges regarding     Group in Eastern Cape. We have many
      of National Power Grid             the funding model.                             members from Water Sisulu University
                                                                                        (WSU), Eskom, Consulting firms and
       Transmission Assets. I
                                         The Institute’s growth strategy is to ensure   other industries in that part of the world.
    encourage our members,               that we work closely with other Voluntary      We will advertise the date and venue on
  their guests and members               Associations which serve Electrical            our website and social media once it is
                                         Practitioners. On 17 February 2017, I          finalised.
          of other constituent           attended the AGM of the South African
   societies to join us for the          Council of Automation and Controls
                                         (SACAC) at the Forum Homini, the
     Annual General Meeting              Cradle of Humankind, Letamo Game
       (AGM) at SA Museum                Estate, Mogale City. Members of SACAC
                                         include Universities and Measurement
           of Military History,
                                         & Control Companies. SACAC will host
               Johannesburg.             Control Conference Africa (CCA2017) on

6 | wattnow | march 2017                                                                                           TC Madikane
                                                                                                      Pr. Eng | FSAIEE | FSAAE
               There is a good deal of confusion and misunderstanding about technical and performance aspects of electrical products
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           SAFEhouse members have signed a code of conduct: Your assurance of commitment to offer only safe electrical products.
              SAFEhouse membership is suppliers’ assurance to customers of responsible behaviour and of customers’ safety as a priority. SAFEhouse members regulate themselves.
              SAFEhouse is primarily a communications association that informs customers of safety requirements and occurrences of non-compliance with such requirements.

                                                                                                              The SAFEhouse Association is a non-profit, industry organisation
                                                                                                            committed to the fight against sub-standard, unsafe electrical products.

                                                                                                                           For more information contact:
                                                                                                     Barry O’Leary: Tel: 011 396 8251 | Email:
As at 26/01/2017

                                                                                                       Pierre Nothard: Tel: 011 396 8140 | Email:

                                                                  A MEMBER OF THE   Hudaco   GROUP

                                                                                                                                                                                                wattnow | march 2017 | 7

   UJ global leader in Intelligent Systems
   awarded national funding
   Researcher Prof Qing-Guo Wang, from              The NRF awards funding for research that
   the University of Johannesburg (UJ), was         can benefit all South Africans. Prof Wang
   awarded an A-rating by the SA National           joined the Institute of Intelligent Systems
   Research Foundation (NRF) for his                (IIS) within the UJ Faculty of Engineering
   global leading research in Control and           and the Built Environment (FEBE) in 2016,
   Automation for Engineering and Financial         and working with IIS Director Prof Bheki
   applications on 27 February 2017.                Twala.

   Prof Tshilidzi Marwala, UJ Deputy                Prof Wang is planning several research
   Vice-Chancellor:        Research          and    projects funded by the NRF, at the UJ IIS.
   Internationalisation said: “Prof Wang’s          These include industrial projects for power
   research is on modelling, optimisation           systems, building automation, chemical
   and control. As we move into the fourth          and electrical systems, new batteries/
   industrial revolution where much of the          super capacitors, medical engineering and
   work that is done by people will be done by      flying drones mimicking the flying action
   machines, Prof Wang’s work becomes even          of birds; as well as theoretical projects on             Prof Qing-Guo Wang
   more important. His research to date touches     system identification and systems control.           University of Johannesburg (UJ)
   many sectors such as manufacturing,
   finance and construction. At UJ’s Faculty of     Early in his career, Prof Wang gained           has dominated the China market since then,”
   Engineering and the Built Environment, his       extensive industrial experience in paper        says Prof Wang.
   projects range across mechanical to electrical   mills in China. “During my Master’s and
   and electronic engineering.”                     PhD studies, I worked for three years at a      Prof Wang has collaborated with major
                                                    paper mill in the People’s Republic of China.   engineering control giants such as Siemens
   Prof Wang is an internationally renowned         There, my supervisor, a classmate and I         for dynamic load dispatch; Yokogawa for
   Electrical Engineering researcher in             developed the first-ever paper machine          multivariable decoupling control; Fisher-
   the areas of PID control, auto-tuning            computer control system in China. The           Rosemount/Emerson for PID controller
   of control systems, and multivariable            paper industry started using it in 1985.        auto-tuning; Honeywell for multivariable
   decoupling control. He is very well known        After that I helped to implement the system     control; Aspen Technology for model
   for his work in system identification, relay     in many mills for another five years until      predictive control; DuPont for real time
   feedback systems, time delay systems and         1990, at which time I moved to Germany.         optimal control; and Supercon Technology
   multivariable control.                           The spin-off company from this technology       for robust process identification.

8 | wattnow | march 2017
POWER-GEN & DistribuTECH Africa
                     mission is to identify top challenges in African power
POWER-GEN & DistribuTECH Africa                conference programme that goes beyond            were safety procedures and regulations
advisory board members and top executives      talk, to help address real challenges in the     for high voltage work, and the financing
have launched a series of African roadshows    sector. “To complement the Advisory Board        of electricity infrastructure expansion.
to consult power sector policymakers and       Meeting and the development of the draft         In Botswana, we found refurbishment of
industry leaders on the most pressing issues   programme for the July 2017 POWER-GEN            ageing assets, funding for privatisation and
in African power provision today.              & DistribuTECH Africa conference and             the development of an IPP programme to
                                               exhibition, a visit to other countries within    exploit solar resources to be key areas of
The missions to countries across sub-          Africa was regarded as very important. The       interest. Zimbabwe too, had concerns about
Saharan Africa are designed to support the     objective of the visit was to learn first-hand   managing risk and securing finance, and
development of a conference programme          from other utilities, policymakers, regulators   an interest in asset rehabilitation and CFB
that adds meaningful value to pan-Africa’s     and service providers regarding their            technology. Like a number of Southern
burgeoning power sector, and which             views, opportunities and challenges from         African countries, Zimbabwe is keen to
brings together key players from across the    an electricity supply industry perspective.      explore new market models and this is an
continent to the event.                        Furthermore the 2017 draft programme was         aspect the conference will address.”
                                               shared to gather inputs and to evaluate how
Nigel Blackaby, Director of Conferences at     best to adjust the programme to ensure that      Among the topics to be covered in
event organisers PennWell International        it address the requirements of Africa.”          POWER-GEN & DistribuTECH Africa
Power Group, says some of the industry’s                                                        2017’s Africa-focused agenda are finance
finest minds from across the continent have    De Beer added: “Without exception all            and investment, the digital technology
contributed to the programme for POWER-        of the site visits were very positive and all    revolution in power plant technology,
GEN & DistribuTECH Africa. “Building           indications are that the 2017 POWER-             decentralised energy solutions, models for
on our in-depth advisory board meetings,       GEN & DistribuTECH Africa conference             industry sustainability, asset performance
we recently staged the first of a number of    will address key industry challenges and         management, opportunities in renewable
missions to the sub-Saharan stakeholders       opportunities. It is important to note that      technologies, solar energy, bioenergies,
who play an active role in POWER-GEN           further visits to other Africa countries will    trends in utility management, lessons
& DistribuTECH Africa. It was reassuring       take place during 2017.”                         for Africa from world nuclear power
to note that many of the issues raised by                                                       programmes and a panel debate advancing
the utilities and power experts we met had     Among the issues African stakeholders            visions for Africa’s energy future.
already been identified as essential topics    touched on were renewables, the
by the advisory board and were scheduled       privatisation of state assets and challenges     As the leading Africa-focused power sector
for inclusion in the 2017 conference in        around financing for infrastructure              conference and exhibition, POWER-
Johannesburg.”                                 expansion.                                       GEN & DistribuTECH Africa also hosts a
                                                                                                70-strong sub-Saharan African delegation,
Dr. Willie de Beer, chairman of the            Blackaby reports: “In Namibia, our meetings      whose members engage in B2B meetings
POWER-GEN & DistribuTECH Africa                uncovered interest in baseload renewable         with the event’s delegates and exhibitors,
board, explains that POWER-GEN &               capacity and concentrating solar power           and exchange knowledge and best practice
DistribuTECH Africa strives to develop a       technologies. Other key issues mentioned         in Africa.

                                                                                                                    wattnow | march 2017 | 9

   Mini grid solutions for Africa in the spotlight at
   Energy Revolution Africa 2017
   An estimated 600 million people in              communities and households can benefit          such, Frank Rizzo (Partner and Technology
   Africa live without access to electricity,      from an investment in energy efficiency.        sector leader for Africa at KPMG) and Evan
   the majority of which are in remote             A case study of South Africa’s National         Rice (Business Development Manager,
   communities; requiring major capital            Business Initiative around tax incentives       Energy Products at Tesla, South Africa) will
   expenditure and time to get connected to        for energy efficiency will be presented by:     discuss exciting technology developments
   the grid. The role of the private sector is     • Karel Steyn, Senior Consultant on             for the African power industry and
   more and more important in reaching the            Energy Performance Verification at           renewable solutions to profitably reduce
   goal of giving people access to basic energy       Eskom                                        reliance on diesel. The technology session
   services. This is why Energy Revolution         • Barry Bredenkamp, General Manager,            will conclude with discussions about
   Africa 2017 has identified mini grids and          Energy Efficiency and Corporate              storage solutions to help utilities and
   new technologies as integral topics in their       Communications at the South African          grid operators manage the integration of
   programme for the co-located event at              National Energy Development Institute        renewables and meet their specific demand
   African Utility Week at the CTICC from 16          (SANEDI).                                    requirements.
   to 18 May.
                                                   Other speakers and topics on the                “We are very excited about the global and
   Energy Revolution Africa 2017 will bring          programme for 17 May include:                 African energy experts, ranging from
   insights from private and public sector         • Werner van Antwerpen of Growthpoint           solution providers and renewable energy
   experts involved in mini grid projects            Properties and Justin Smith of                producers, to financiers and policy makers
   across Africa as part of the three-day            Woolworths Holdings will present              who will be meeting at this event,” said
   strategic programme focused on renewable          examples from shopping centres, mines,        Evan Schiff, event director of African Utility
   energy and community scale projects.              farms and green buildings of how energy       Week and Energy Revolution Africa.
                                                     efficiency and sustainability practices are
   Andrew Tonto Barfour, project coordinator         tailored for various types of companies       “It will no doubt be of immense value to new
   for Ghana’s Ministry of Power, Benon Bena,      • Victoria Cuming, Head of Policy for           energy purchasers and large power users,
   head of off-grid renewable energy at the          Europe, the Middle East and Africa            from commercial property developers and
   Rural Electrification Agency of Uganda and        at Bloomberg New Energy Finance               the agricultural sector to mines and metros
   Faruk Yusuf Yabo, Deputy Director of the          in the UK will be one of the speakers         as well as anyone interested in the exciting
   Nigerian Federal Ministry of Power, Works         discussing the future direction for           opportunities in the renewable technology
   and Housing are among the speakers who            embedded power generation and how it          sector.” Schiff said.
   will discuss mini and micro grid projects         can reduce a country’s dependency on a
   that are currently underway and that are          single source of energy.                      Visit for
   anticipated for the future. This will include   • Alastaire Dick, Operations Lead for           more information about Energy Revolution
   discussions about the development of              Carbon War Room’s Sunshine for Mines          Africa or email to
   mini grids through public and private             in South Africa will present a case study     sign up for the newsletter with industry
   partnerships, including communities, and          on embedded power generation for the          updates.
   how government policy is accelerating this        mining sector.
                                                   New renewable energy markets in Africa
   On Wednesday, 17 May, the focus will            are already showing greater appeal to
   be on how businesses, governments,              international and local investors and as

10 | wattnow | march 2017
Nordland Lighting is celebrating its 50th     and dedication that have brought us to this
anniversary this year and it is surely a      height. We are also grateful to our clients
milestone for any company.                    and customers who have supported us
                                              to provide them immaculate services
What began as a small company in 1967 has     and products. Their demands, challenges
grown to be a leader in the manufacturing     and feedbacks have pushed us to go ahead
and supply of hazardous, Industrial           and improve vigorously. Our success story
and commercial luminaires. Nordland           remains incomplete without the support of
Lighting has countless achievements and       our clients and customers. They spread the
accomplishments, especially being the         word faster and in a better way than any of
first Lighting company in South Africa to     our promotional means could.”
be awarded an ISO 9001 : 2015 Certificate
early in 2017.                                Nordland Lighting are planning to keep
                                              their business and relationship growing
Johann Lamprecht, Sales Manager for           with all their current as well as future
Nordland Lighting says; “Without the          clients and customers and will continue to
support of our excellent team our success     provide the industry with nothing less than
in the industry would never have been         the best.
so big. Every one of you plays a very
important role in the development of our      Happy anniversary Nordland Lighting and
company. It is for your enthusiasm, support   here is to another 50 years !!!

                                                      USB Temperature Data Logger for Cold Chain
                                                       Monitoring (Transportation and Storage)
                                                       ebro Electronic GmbH, represented locally by Instrotech, has on offer the EBI
                                                       300, a data logger for temperature monitoring in transportation or during
                                                      storage. After using the logger the user can access the recorded data anywhere
                                                      with the EBI 300’s automatic PDF report generation capability and any commonly
                                                      available PDF reader software. This logger was designed to minimize training
                                                     requirements, user errors and IT costs for loggers that require proprietary software
                                                     to read the data. The data integrity is also ensured since no data manipulation is

                                                    The EBI 300 is specifically designed for the transporting or storage of food since a
                                              factory calibration certificate is included. Suitable applications would also be in catering
                                             or process monitoring, where flexible control measurements are crucial. This compact,
                                             high-quality logger can be used for ambient temperature as well as for core temperature
                                            measurement with an external probe. The user can easily change the battery, and the EBI
                                 300 is waterproof (IP65) with a measurement range of -30 °C to +60 °C, an accuracy of ± 0.5 °C, and
                                 a memory of 40,000 measurements.

                                   For more information on the ebro EBI 300, contact Instrotech on 010 595 1831, sales@instrotech.
                           or visit

                                                                                                                 wattnow | march 2017 | 11

   Legal concerns in mine roll-out of Proximity
   Detection Systems
   Moving machinery is the second highest cause       changed in the last decade from being very
   of fatalities in South African mines after falls   prescriptive to now being more reliant on the
   of ground, making the implementation of            ‘reasonable man’ test. The law does not say
   effective proximity detection systems (PDS)        exactly what activity must be carried out;
   a crucial step, but there are still perceived      rather, it says that the mine must mitigate the
   grey areas in mine safety regulations.             risk.”

   According to Anton Lourens, Managing               He says there was also confusion on the                             Anton Lourens
   Director of leading PDS supplier Booyco            issue of intervention. The Act deals with four                    Managing Director
   Electronics, the Department of Mineral             industry categories: underground electric                    DS supplier, Booyco Electronics.
   Resources has laid the groundwork for              machines; underground diesel equipment;                requirement will be enforced, but not right
   the wider application of PDS through the           surface diesel machines and mining plant               now.”
   February 2015 amendment to Chapter 8 of            like refineries and smelters.
   the Mines Health and Safety Act (MHSA).                                                                   Lourens says PDS technology is still
   It is now required that PDS be installed on        “The revised MHSA allows for intervention              being developed to fully cater for all
   all mobile equipment on mines. “Mines are          systems on diesel machines underground and             the requirements of the revised law;
   required to assess significant risk in terms of    on surface, but is currently excluded from the         hence the staged implementation of the
   moving machinery and people; and based on          promulgation so that’s where the confusion             various requirements. A global initiative
   that assessment an action plan needs to be in      comes in,” Lourens says. “Underground                  by large mining companies – the Earth
   place to mitigate that risk,” Lourens says. “But   electrical machines must have intervention             Moving Equipment Safety Round Table
   there is still some uncertainty about exactly      systems while underground diesel machines              – was facilitating collaboration between
   what mines must do, as the legislation has         don’t have to; it does appear that the                 stakeholders to help advance the technology.

   Elquip Solutions and Hoffman offer a catalogue of tooling excellence
   unmatched for its range and quality
   While all of South Africa’s tool importers         manufacturing-related products. Based in               or ancillary to maximise the productivity of
   have catalogues of their products, none of         Nuremberg, Germany, Hoffman features                   their businesses. Therefore, no matter what
   these online or print publications contain         Europe’s largest tooling logistics centre.             field of manufacture you are in, you will find
   nearly as wide a range of tools and ancillary      “By approaching the world’s best tool                  the right tool at the right price in the latest
   products which are contained in the                manufacturers to manufacture specifically              Hoffman catalogue,” continues Cronin.
   Hoffman Group catalogue, explains Elquip           for them, Hoffmann accesses vast experience
   Solutions Managing Director Mike Cronin.           and expertise for the benefit of its customers,”       With this colossal range, the catalogue only
   “Experience has taught us that manufacturers       explains Cronin. “We are proud to be able to           has sufficient space to list 65,000 of the
   prefer to source all their tool requirements       pass this on to our South African customers,”          500,000 listed tools that Hoffman supplies.
   from one highly reputable supplier who is          he adds. Every year, the Hoffman Group                 The catalogue is also able to offer a choice
   able to offer ready availability,” says Cronin.    issues a catalogue of the tools it is able to offer.   between premium, standard and economy
                                                                                                             brands of tooling.
   One of Elquip Solutions key overseas               “As an indication of the sheer extent of their
   principals is the Hoffman Group, a major           tool range, the most recent catalogue comprised        In the prevailing tough economic
   international company which supplies               some 1,655 pages. In these catalogues,                 conditions, flexibility in tool choice is a
   500 brands of tools, ancillaries and other         manufacturers will find every conceivable tool         strong advantage. Hoffman’s Garant brand

12 | wattnow | march 2017
FactoryTalk Batch
Software Introduces
Modern Approaches for
Batch Applications
Industrial    producers       with     batch
applications can now create more flexible,
reliable and productive operations with
the latest release of FactoryTalk Batch
software from Rockwell Automation. The
modern software enhances scalability and
responsive control of distributed, skid-level
phases with the integrity of plant-level co-
ordination, while delivering an improved,         Modern batch software from Rockwell Automation now improves batch responsiveness,
reliable user experience with built-in                          scalability and productivity, and supports mobile devices
                                                Integration with the SequenceManager            New mobile support can help create
“Rather than trying to force-fit applications   solution from Rockwell Automation               intuitive workflows, reduce procedural
into rigid batch control systems, producers     enables batch sequencing to occur at            steps and increase collaboration. With
can now customise a modern batch system         either the controller or server level. This     mobile devices, workers no longer need
to their application’s needs,” said Christo     allows machine builders to develop and          to be bound to control rooms and fixed
Buys, Business Manager for Control              deliver fully tested skids that end users       terminals. Instead, they can access real-
Systems, Rockwell Automation sub-               can integrate into their batch process with     time information, interact with processes
Saharan Africa. “These enhancements             minimal validation and commissioning            and secure approvals from anywhere in a
give batch producers greater flexibility        effort. It also minimises the rework            plant. A modern web interface also helps
when designing, operating and expanding         required when manufacturers with small,         reduce the number of clicks required to
batch systems. They also enable producers       controller-based batch systems expand to        access information.
to use mobile devices for a more intuitive      larger, server-based batch systems.
experience and improved workflows.”

 markets excellent products of optimum          Westfalen in Essen, Germany. A testament        African customer base, he recently
 quality which are guaranteed to exceed         to the scale of this achievement is that        attended intensive training at Hoffman’s
 expectations and offer the certainty of        competitors from 57 countries took part in      headquarters in Germany.
 an optimal cost/benefit ratio. However,        the competition with a total of some 5,200
 when pure functionality is a requirement,      products and innovations.                       “Elquip Solutions is much more than simply
 Hoffman - through the medium of its            “What is absolutely vital for Elquip            a supplier of tools,” Cronin elaborates.
 catalogue - is able to offer more affordable   Solutions is that we not only supply the best
 alternatives.                                  products and solutions, but also ensure our     “Through the tools and equipment we
                                                clients have the expertise to use our tools     have to offer, we are able to add real value
 Among the pages of the catalogue are           and equipment to maximum effect,” says          to our customers’ operations through a
 many award-winning tools. For example,         Elquip Solutions’ Internal Sales Engineer       strategy of innovation, product excellence
 Hoffman’s electronic torque wrench             Daniel Cox.                                     and unmatched support. We encourage all
 manufactured by Garant was the winner                                                          South African industrial manufacturers are
 of the coveted Red Dot Design Award            To this end, the catalogue contains             encouraged to contact Elquip Solutions to
 this year, an international product design     specifications for the optimal use of           get a complimentary copy of this extremely
 and communication design prize awarded         particular tools. In order to bring the         valuable tool reference and resource,” he
 by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein                latest tooling expertise to Elquip’s South      concludes.

                                                                                                                   wattnow | march 2017 | 13

   Omron mobile robots ramp up efficiency in
   African warehouse, distribution sector
                                                     Ideal for conveying goods throughout
                                                     warehouses, distribution centres, and
                                                      manufacturing facilities, the LD mobile
                                                       robot platform has a payload capacity of
                                                        up to 130 kg, depending on the model.
                                                        Compared to traditional Automated
                                                         Guided Vehicles (AGVs), Omron                      Evert Janse van Vuuren
                                                         mobile robots can self-navigate entirely       Omron Field Application Engineer
                                                         based on the natural features of the
                                                         facility.                                  technology can integrate seamlessly with
                                                                                                    the older systems that are quite prevalent in
                                                       No     costly    and    time-consuming       Africa, where technological development
   With supply-chain management and                  infrastructure modifications are necessary,    lags mature markets like Europe and the US
   logistics increasingly under the spotlight        which means no need for floor magnets,         by a significant margin.
   in Africa due to remote locations and time-       tapes or laser beacons, all typically
   consuming transportation, warehouses are          associated with classic AGV deployment.        Equipped with patented Acuity technology,
   turning increasingly to industrial mobile                                                        Omron mobile robots have a robust self-
   robot solutions to improve their efficiency       “The simpler the technology is to get up-      navigation system, even where there’s
   and turnaround times.                             and-running, the sooner the end user           constant movement of people, pallets, carts
                                                     can start to reap the benefits. This is of     and forklifts, and shelves being emptied
   This has resulted in Omron introducing its        particular importance in Africa, where skill   and restocked.
   first industrial mobile robot product line, the   levels in terms of automation and robotics
   LD platform, on 20 January 2017. “The fact        are scarce,” Janse van Vuuren highlights.      On-board intelligence allows them to not
   that this latest technology is now available                                                     only avoid obstacles, but also to choose the
   to the broader African market bears               Flexible factory layouts are now also          best path in order to complete a task. This
   testament as to how highly we regard the          possible, taking into account space and        ‘smart’ movement also makes them safe to
   opportunities presented by the continent to       size constraints in industrial areas. “This    operate alongside people.
   accelerate its uptake of innovation,” Omron       is now possible as delivery points can be
   Field Application Engineer Evert Janse van        modified for the mobile robots. Omron          A typical fleet can comprise up to 100
   Vuuren comments. Omron mobile robots              mobile robots also complement traditional      vehicles, which can now be managed
   provide a new level of efficiency and cost-       automation, such as conveyors, and provide     centrally by fleet-manager software, who
   savings when it comes to moving goods             traceable movement of goods,” Janse van        can interact with the factory or warehouse
   around large facilities. This unique family       Vuuren adds.                                   management software such as MES
   of mobile robots is developed for rapid and                                                      (Manufacturing Execution Systems) or
   reliable materials transport on a 24/7 basis.     This means that the latest Omron               WMS (Warehouse Management Systems).

      ENGINEERINGHUMOUR                                                BY | POPPA HOWARD
      A Truck Driver driving a high truck got stuck under a low bridge. First Traffic Cop on the scene: “So you got
      stuck hey”?!! Truck Driver: “No, I was delivering this Bridge and I ran out of petrol!!”

14 | wattnow | march 2017
Port Elizabeth office provides remote working opportunities
Software development company, New Media           According to Eagle, integrating the PE team
Labs, recently announced the launch of its       into the Cape Town office has not been a
office in Port Elizabeth (PE) in the Eastern     challenge. “The team integrated with our Cape
Cape, which opened in January this year.         Town team much quicker than what we had
The opening of the office forms part of the      hoped for. We now have a team of four members
company’s strategy to attract the best skilled   working in our PE office who are constantly in
developers across the country by providing       contact with our Cape Town teams to deliver
a remote working solution.                       quality work for our clients. The developers we
                                                 have found are fantastic,” he adds. The primary
This is according to New Media Labs’             intention behind establishing this new office
General Manager, Dave Eagle, who says the        was not to expand the company’s footprint
company had already hired a few developers       geographically, but rather use the office as a
from PE who had great skills and were            way to get to talent based in PE to work for the
culturally a good fit for New Media Labs.        company,” Eagle says.
“While some were open to relocate to Cape
Town to work in our head office, we also came    Eagle states that the new office is also
across a number of individuals, who would        working on further expanding its skills pool.
make great additions to our team, but who        “We want to make sure we have the right
were not prepared to relocate. This is when we   balance and structures in place in terms of
started thinking about an opportunity to hire    experience. We are still looking for individuals
some of these individuals to work remotely       with significant experience who can fulfil the
                                                                                                      Kweku Qansah, Simone Beets and
and bolster our already strong development       role of a technical lead and mentor to some
                                                                                                              Jean Joubert.
team.”                                           of our younger developers,” Eagle concludes.

Optical Data Transmission made Efficient and Simple
The Leuze DDLS 500 optical data transmission                  200 metres. All relevant information
photoelectric sensor is so much more than an optical          is precisely depicted on the control
sensor. This innovative sensing device offers many more       panel.
features that make it both efficient and simple to use.
And through continuous monitoring of the receiving            The device’s patented single hand
level, the user can be alerted to an impending failure in     adjustment process and integrated
good time.                                                    mounting plate with alignment
                                                              screws enables easy mounting by
Available from leading sensor solutions supplier,             just one person. This makes it easy
Countapulse Controls, the Leuze DDLS 500 enables the          to install, and the aid of an integrated
transparent, contact- and wear free transmission of data      laser alignment and level facilitates
over distances of up to 120 metres in 100 Mbit/s real-        rapid alignment, even over longer
time. This is achieved by using an invisible infrared laser   paths.
which communicates bi-directionally between devices.
                                                              The modular design of the Leuze DDLS 500 allows
The sensor is ideal for all applications where data needs     the base model to be easily expanded with additional
to be transmitted without cables, and more importantly        available functionality, and this allows it to be configured
without interference. It is favoured for applications         specifically for individual application requirements.
where mechanical systems are pushed to their technical
limitations.                                                  In addition, the sensor is web server integrated which
                                                              facilitates remote diagnostics, and it can be detected
To permit fast visual control, the Leuze DDLS 500 has         as a PROFINET participant. The device supports all
an LED display that is clearly visible from a distance of     commonly used Ethernet protocols.
                                                                                                                     wattnow | march 2017 | 15

   Time to stop digging trenches manually
   With the advent of trenching machines
   nearly seventy years ago, Ditch Witch the
   inventors, revolutionized the industry and
   put paid to manual trenching throughout
   most of the world.

   Yet in South Africa the chain gang
   still prevails with manual labour used
   to painstakingly dig our trenches and
   foundations, almost as if it were some kind
   of job creation strategy. Unfortunately,
   the truth is that manual trenching is not a
   form of job creation at all; and if anything,
   it cripples the base of construction and
   infrastructure delivery to the extent that
   it prevents workers from obtaining more
   meaningful and sustainable employment.           important in terms of quality of trenches or      “At this moment, there is massive call for
                                                    foundation to avoid failures where they are       trenches to be dug to lay fibre optics and with
   Take a look at the affordable housing            too shallow or too thin as is often the case      the addition of a Ditch Witch, contractors
   market where a backlog of nearly half a          building sites.                                   can lay more meters per day with a single
   million houses dogs the industry on a                                                              machine, with less mess than an entire crew
   monthly basis. So, what do well-meaning          “In terms of concrete usage alone, the savings    of 30 hardworking men can do in a day’s
   contractors who are trying to fill the gap       in concrete will more than cover the cost of      work” says Phillip.
   do? They throw more men at it in the             the machine when offset against money
   hope that 10 men can dig a foundation in         savings from accurate estimation and usage        He concludes that Ditch Witch has a long
   a day and help them start catching up the        of concrete. If a chain gang were to dig a        and proven track record in Southern Africa
   backlog. But, this is futile: a small ride-on    foundation just 100mm deeper or wider than        where it has been distributed and supported
   Ditch Witch RT45 trencher can dig up to          the specification then the entire calculation     by ELB Equipment for more than 25 years.
   25 or even 30 foundations a day. Redeploy        would be out and the foundation may need          “It is good to know the product has a
   the ten labourers per house and with a bit of    20-30% more concrete” says Keith.                 reliable track record locally and enjoys
   training they could be increasing housing                                                          some of the best aftermarket care and
   outputs 20-fold or more.                         Infrastructural mind shift                        support from our in-house team of experts
                                                    Phillip Mc Callum, ELB Equipment product          at ELB Equipment. But finding out which
                                                    manager agrees, adding that in the course         solution would best help your next project
   Speed and precision                              of modernising the building site, the Ditch       move faster, more accurate, profitable and
   Keith Smith, area sales manager of ELB           Witch RT-45 has far wider applications            smoother it would always be best to speak
   Equipment, local distributors of Ditch           where it can equally revolutionise the way        to a specialist about your requirement first.”
   Witch, says speed is just one reason to use      work is currently being carried out on
   a trencher, but there are many, even more        applications such as laying of water, electric,   ELB Equipment, Keith Smith, Tel: (011)
   compelling, reasons to add a Ditch Witch to      fibre optics and gas utilities. These can also    306 0700, Email:,
   the construction fleet. “It also digs trenches   be done more quickly and accurately with a        Web:
   and foundations to exact dimensions. This is     Ditch Witch.

16 | wattnow | march 2017
Standby power systems: Reliability boosted by ground-breaking local
In a bid to significantly improve the           concerned. If authorised, a service crew will
reliability and efficiency of standby power     be dispatched to any location country-wide.
systems in corporate environments,
Powermode, a leading Johannesburg-based         Powermode        boasts    a    nation-wide
power provisioning company, has launched        support infrastructure, complemented by
a locally designed and manufactured GSM         telephonic response for technical queries
cellular-based monitoring system.               and priority on-site response for emergency
                                                call-outs. Services are provided by trained
Dubbed the Powermode Monitoring                 and skilled technicians.
Portal (PMP), the Internet-linked system
is geared to monitor a company’s standby        “With the frequency of power outages and
power environment, reporting on a range         the critical nature of South Africa’s power
of critical parameters associated with          grid, it is important that standby power
uninterruptible power supply systems            plants, particularly in large enterprises, are
(UPSs) solar PV systems and generators.         safeguarded from threats that could disable
                                                                                                                Jack Ward
                                                them when they are needed most. In such
                                                                                                             Managing Director
Powermode MD Jack Ward notes that the           instances critical computer systems may be
PMP is a ‘first’ for the SA standby power       forcibly shut down and cash tills will become
market, being based on the now universally-     inoperable,” stresses Ward
                                                                                                 Ward highlights the operational reports
accepted principal of the Internet of Things
                                                                                                 from a successful, six-month pilot project
(IoT).                                          He says many millions of rand are lost
                                                                                                 involving the roll-out of the PMP at a large
                                                annually in South Africa through standby
                                                                                                 South African chain of 118 retail stores.
“The IoT is defined as a system in which        power systems failing to initialise on
the Internet is linked to the physical world    demand or as required. “By electronically
                                                                                                 They reveal that 44 stores were subjected
through any number of sensors which have        monitoring their status on a 24x7 basis using
                                                                                                 to 195 potentially costly power outages
the ability – and the power - to radically      Powermode’s ground-breaking technology
                                                                                                 during this period. More than 280 trading
change the way people manage their lives        this problem will be resolved.”
                                                                                                 hours and 250 non-trading hours were
and businesses, generally through resource
                                                                                                 affected. He says the results underline
optimisation,” he notes.                        He says one of the most significant
                                                                                                 the importance and value of having deep
                                                advantages of the PMP is no new
                                                                                                 insights into an organisation’s power
Focusing on the PMP, Ward says empirical        infrastructure has to be built or designed for
data is continuously streamed in real-time      its failure-proofing benefits to be realised.
to Powermode’s 24x7 Operations Centre in        Deployment is non-intrusive and does not
                                                                                                 Ward adds that the PMP is both cross-
Johannesburg where technicians will react       affect the operation of the standby power
                                                                                                 platform and vendor agnostic, meaning
to an alarm signalling a disparity in standby   device in any way. Users should therefore
                                                                                                 it can be retro-fitted to any backup power
power quality from accepted benchmarks          be able to see an immediate return on their
                                                                                                 system irrespective of brand or type.
by immediately notifying the company            investment.

Ericsson and Tigo partner with GSMA to connect rural Tanzania
Ericsson and leading Tanzanian mobile           This deployment is the offshoot of a             Sharing infrastructure and engaging the
network operator Tigo have partnered to         pilot infrastructure-sharing partnership         government on reduced taxes in these
launch the first of a series of rural pilot     brokered by the GSMA with Tigo, the              regions allows operators to reduce the cost
tower sites to provide mobile broadband         government of Tanzania, and two other            of deploying mobile broadband networks
coverage in parts of the Lindi Mtwara           major mobile network operators to connect        in places where it was previously not viable
region, a rural province where there was        the over 13 million underserved individuals      to do so.
previously no connection.                       living in rural parts of the country.

                                                                                                                    wattnow | march 2017 | 17

   Online banking fraud – consumers have a say and a responsibility
   Incidents of online banking fraud continue       service. Consumers are advised to find out              browser completely after each and every
   to rise in South Africa as more consumers        what security measures their bank has in                online banking session;
   become comfortable with transacting on           place to protect them when banking online,          •   Installing tools and security add-ons
   the internet. While cyber fraudsters are         what their bank’s online banking service                provided by the financial institution
   known to target companies – or financial         commitments are as well as their policy on              to make online banking features more
   institutions – in order to steal larger          unauthorised transactions.                              secure;
   amounts, individuals are frequently                                                                  •   Making sure that the IT security
   targeted for quick and easy wins.                “Consumers have the right to ask what                   software on computers and devices used
                                                    mechanisms their bank has in place to                   for internet banking are up to date;
   “Certainly, as we have seen in the past few      protect their personal information as well as       •   Avoiding the use of free WiFi hotspots
   years, banks can become the targets of cyber     their money when they transact online. Bear             to access the internet for online banking;
   hacker syndicates. However, a lot of the         in mind that cyber criminals make it their          •   Not opening attachments in unsolicited
   online banking fraud we see is the result of     business to stay a step ahead of their targets.         mails. This could activate the installation
   malware or spyware that has been installed       So choose a bank that takes its online security         of malware onto your computer.
   on a user’s computer or device unbeknown         very seriously. People should also take the         •   Using encrypted sites where possible;
   to the individual. Due to poor security          time to read their bank’s online banking or             check for the little padlock symbol in
   measures on consumers’ devices, hackers are      electronic access agreement to check that               the address bar. Banks’ official online
   able to access their banking details and steal   they are meeting all the bank’s requirements            banking sites are encrypted.
   their money. Social engineering however is       for when banking online. Some banks may             •   Never entering personal information
   another growing problem. People are tricked      require users to install a specific security tool       onto a website from an external link
   into giving away their personal or banking       or add on the computer or device they use to            or pop up. First open a new browser
   details via phishing emails or over the phone.   transact online” he says.                               window and type the URL directly into
   Fraudsters then use these details to gain                                                                the address bar to ensure the site is
   access to their bank accounts online.            On the flip side of this, it is the consumer’s          legitimate.
                                                    responsibility to always keep their banking         •   Making sure financial providers can
   “Financial institutions are obliged provide      information, user IDs, passwords and PIN                deliver information about the latest
   secure mechanisms for their customers to         numbers confidential.                                   security trends and security mechanisms
   conduct their banking safely online. But,                                                                in place to protect consumers from
   there is some onus on consumers to protect       “If you give your online banking details                being exposed to hackers.
   their personal information and interests.        to anyone, it comes with the risk of losing
   Therefore, it is important for everyone          whatever protection your bank offers                “It is also important to regularly check your
   transacting online to understand their           against unauthorised transactions. This             bank account for unusual or unexplained
   rights and responsibilities,” says Charl         could result in you being responsible for any       transactions. Report anything suspicious to
   Ueckermann, CEO at AVeS Cyber Security.          unauthorised transactions on your account,          your bank straight away. To keep tabs on the
   According to him, most financial                 and you won’t be refunded for your loss,”           money flowing in and out of your account,
   institutions offer stringent online security     warns Ueckermann.                                   register for sms notifications so that you
   on their websites as well as a commitment                                                            receive alerts when there is a transaction on
   that protects their customers while              Consumers can help make their online                your account. Credible financial institutions
   using their online banking features.             banking safer by:                                   will make these and other interventions
   These guarantees are created to protect          • Keeping PINs, passwords and personal              available to their customers in order to
   consumers if they suffer a loss from               verification questions secret;                    enhance the level of protection,” concludes
   unauthorised transactions made using             • Always logging off the banking website            Ueckermann.
   the financial institution’s online banking         properly, and closing the internet

18 | wattnow | march 2017
wattnow | march 2017 | 19
DEHN protects
                                        Two words, a big promise. The motto of DEHN has
                                       been both an obligation and an incentive for the past
                                     four generations of the family-owned company. These
                                      words represent an undertaking that the organisation
                                        keeps through its expertise and dedication – for the
                                         benefit of its customers, partners and employees.

                                     DEHN’s top priority is the reliable              Looking locally
      DEHNgroup at a glance:
                                     protection of persons, buildings, electrical     DEHN Africa was established as a local
 • Fourth-generation family-         and electronic devices, as well as systems,      subsidiary of DEHN + SÖHNE in May
                                     against the effects of lightning and surges.     2013, and has grown from strength to
owned company since 1910;                                                             strength over the past four years. The
                                     The company has been at the forefront of         Johannesburg-based company now boasts
                 • Approximately     developments within the fields of surge          a network of DEHNpartners across Africa,
1,700 employees worldwide;           protection, lightning protection and safety      from South Africa, Madagascar, Botswana,
                                     equipment for decades, offering a broad          Namibia and the Democratic Republic
                      • More than    range of systems, products and services.         of the Congo, to Zimbabwe, Mauritius,
                                                                                      Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya.
  120 employees within R&D/          DEHN’s research and development
                                     activities allow it to develop innovations
    Construction Department                                                           DEHN Africa’s mandate is to ensure that it
                                     and continuously improve the quality and         employs the best talent available within the
    and Quality Management;          ease of installation of its products. Feedback   local market and, as such, the organisation
                                     from standardisation committees, as well         now has a local team of 14 highly skilled
                 • Approximately     as cooperation with external research            staff members.
                                     institutions and universities, is also
                 150 apprentices;    considered for the new and further               Skilling up the industry
                      • More than    development of the company’s products.           through DEHNacademy
                                                                                      In response to the information gap identified
               4,000 devices and     More than 300 national and international         within the local market, DEHN Africa
                                     patents, inventions and awards underline         established DEHNacademy in late 2015, a
               components; and       the success of DEHN’s activities and quality     well-structured training and educational
                                     of its products and solutions.
    • Sales activities in more                                                        service,    facilitated   by    experienced
                                                                                      professionals in the field of lightning and
    than 70 countries, with 20       In line with its corporate philosophy,           surge protection and safety equipment.
                                     DEHN’s products are based on high and
subsidiaries and own offices         uniform quality standards. Product types         Through DEHNacademy, the company
                                     are adapted to normative framework               helps to educate fellow engineers and
                        worldwide.   conditions and the technical prerequisites       clients through the sharing of its wealth of
                                     of the relevant field of application.            knowledge.

20 | wattnow | march 2017
The academy offers weekly training              • Designing of a compliant and effective    The new and improved DEHN
sessions and quarterly seminars, aimed            lightning protection system (LPS)         Africa
at upskilling and informing engineers,            according to latest interpretations of    2016 saw DEHN Africa relocate to larger,
end-users, consultants, electricians, and         SANS 62305:2012 Part 3.                   more central premises, based in Midrand,
architects across Africa on lighting and        • Selecting compliant lightning and         Johannesburg. The new office features a
surge protection.                                 surge protection devices through          fully-fledged skills centre, accommodating
                                                  understanding the full requirements       up to 30 people per seminar, integral to the
DEHNacademy in Africa offers CPD                  of these devices according to SANS        organisation’s knowledge transfer pledge.
(Continuing Professional Development)             62305:2012 Part 4.
point seminars, training and workshops for      • The certification of an LPS using the
specific markets.                                 installation safety report as shown in
                                                  SANS 10313 Edition 3.2.                           For more information on
Seminars                                                                                        DEHNacademy and to access the
The organisation offers customer specific       Training                                         training schedule, please visit
seminars, as well as a SAIEE (South African     The DEHNacademy training comprises
Institute of Electrical Engineers) approved,    multiple topics, including the IEC/SANS
                                                62305 standard, DEHN’s Red/Line and
two-point CPD accredited seminar titled
“A comprehensive approach to lightning          Yellow/Line surge protection, lightning
protection” for engineers and consultants       protection, earthing, safety equipment as            DEHN AFRICA (Pty) Ltd.
looking to continuously develop their           well as DEHNconcept and DEHNsupport                     Physical address:
profession.                                     Toolbox software training.                         Unit 2, K101 Business Park
                                                                                                  Capital Hill Commercial Estate
Delegates will gain insight into:               Workshops                                                  Le Roux Road
• The characteristics of lightning, how it is   The workshops offered by DEHN Africa
                                                                                                     1685 Midrand, Gauteng
  formed and types of flashes that exist.       are industry and application specific.
• How to assess the risks associated to a       These include telecommunication sites,                      South Africa
  structure/building/plant and to apply         photovoltaic (PV) systems, wind power,                Tel.: +27 11 704 1487
  mitigation methods to protect personnel,      petrol stations, LED lighting, mining             E-mail:
  the structure and its equipment as per        industry, hazardous locations as well as                Website address:
  SANS 62305:2012 Part 2.                       earthing and bonding.                       


            Our vision is to protect the lives and the investments of the African people.
                                                                                                            wattnow | march 2017 | 21
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