Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants

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Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants

    OPE® - IPL
    A unique and patented
    combination technology that
    optimises the overall treatment
    of the Meibomian glands.
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
       The First Complete Strategy for Dry Eye Treatment

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or            Through the innovative design
more commonly known as Dry Eye is         and powerful synergy of Light
a chronic problem that affects several    Modulation® / LLLT and OPE®
patients and more commonly aging          / IPL technologies, Eye-Light®
adults. The eye naturally produces        becomes the first complete
tears, providing lubrication and          strategy for treating Meibomian
nourishment that’s necessary for          Gland Dysfunction providing
clear vision and overall eye health.      optimal treatment for both upper
Patients with dry eye may experience      and lower eyelids.
an imbalance in tear production or
have drainage problems. This results      Additionally,     treatments     for
in increased eye irritations, blurry      other related pathologies can
vision, and in more advanced cases,       be successfully done using Eye-
an impaired vision.                       Light®     including     blepharitis,
                                          chalazion, Demodex, dry eye
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology     caused by refractive and cataract
itself has proven insufficient to the     surgery, post-blepharoplasty, and
full treatment of Meibomian Gland         stye, as demonstrated by more
Dysfunction due to its limitations in     recent clinical findings.
treating both eyelids.

The comprehensive Eye Light® line         My Mask® has 1 to 4 required
comes with My Mask® home support          treatments, although 85% of
treatment options.                        patients reported significant
                                          improvement in their vision just
My Mask® treatment serves as the          right after their first procedure. It
next step of the overall procedure,       also comes in 3 different coloured
involving gentle stimulation of the       masks: red, blue, and yellow.
Meibomian Glands and the placement
of a mask on the patient’s face for
15 minutes. Light Modulation® /
LLLT technology stimulates cell ATP
production and endogenous heating
of the upper and lower eyelids.
Overall, the low-level light therapy
(LLLT) results in a more stabilized
tear lipid layer.

www.opticare.com.au | info@opticare.com.au | 1800 251 852
                                                                                  Envision the Possibilities
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
CONTENTS                                                 FOREWORD
                                                                                                            Welcome to the new and improved
     Ushering in a New Era of Modern Diagnostics                                                            edition of ODMA Eyetalk Equipment
     Solutions for Eye Care                                                                                 Magazine.
                                                                               For this special 2020 edition as

06   Q&A with Dr James Muecke AM
                                                                               well as all the latest technology
                                                                               and equipment from suppliers,
                                                                               reviews and testimonials, we have

10   ZEISS launches platform for 3D centration
                                                                               sourced new contributors. You can
                                                                               read about Emerging Technologies
     data determination                                  from regional optometrist Arthur Stevens and about some
                                                         historical developments including a pictorial history of the

12   Are you struggling to find the engravings
                                                         ophthalmoscope from Richard Keeler.
                                                         I had the pleasure of sitting down for an interview with
     on your latest progressive lenses?
                                                         Adelaide Eye Surgeon and Australian Of The Year Dr James
                                                         Muecke AM (which you can read on Page 6). The most

14   Refraction Reinvented
                                                         striking thing about him is just how passionate he is about
                                                         delivering his work in helping to prevent blindness with Sight
                                                         For All a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to fighting

18   Break the vicious cycle, treat the root cause
                                                         avoidable blindness in the world.
                                                         After reading the articles and reviews you may want to plan
     in Dry Eye Disease
                                                         a trip to OSHOW to view the equipment in full working order.
                                                         OSHOW will be held at the Hordern Pavilion Moore Park
20   Emerging Technologies in Optometry                  Sydney on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 May 2020. Remember
                                                         that the instant asset write off for businesses is now $30,000
                                                         per item so you can claim a deduction in your 19/20 tax return
32   Monaco and the ‘EyeMax Eye Scan Theatre’            for any purchases within the threshold.
                                                         If you would like to see a topic or product featured in our next

                                                         edition please do not hesitate to get in touch.
     Improved Ergonomics relieves the                    ENJOY!
     physical strain of Refraction                       Finola Carey, ODMA CEO

38   Raising Glaucoma Awareness
                                                                                                                    Shakeh Aivazian
                                                              EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE
                                                              2020                                                  Jen Stills
     Clinical Evaluation of MiSight® 1 day
     Contact Lens for Myopia Control: Three-Year
     Milestone Results

                                                                                                                    ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES:
     From Aphakia To Pseudophakia - A brief                           OPE® - IPL
                                                                                                                    Please contact Maria Gately
     history of cataract surgery and vision correction                                                              (Account Manager)
                                                                      A unique and patented
                                                                      combination technology that
                                                                      optimises the overall treatment
                                                                      of the Meibomian glands.

                                                                                                                    P: 0455 777 673

                                                                                                                    E: maria@eyetalk.com.au
     BOC Instruments, 100 years (1920 – 2020)
                                                         The EyeTalk Equipment Magazine is published by ODMA Eye Talk and distributed throughout Australia;
                                                         as well as subscribers in New Zealand, Fiji, Singapore, United Kingdom and Malaysia.

54   History of the Ophthalmoscope
                                                         Copyright © ODMA EyeTalk 2020
                                                         All rights reserved. Registered Trade Mark # 1329327
                                                         ODMA EyeTalk

                                                         PO Box 264, Terrey Hills NSW 2084 Australia
                                                         P: 02 9450 0765 F: 02 9450 0962 Email: eyetalk@eyetalk.com.au
     IPL – Transforming Lives of Dry Eye Patients
                                                         Twitter: @eyetalk_aust

                                                                                                        The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020      1
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
OPTICARE: Ushering in a
New Era of Modern Diagnostics
Solutions for Eye Care
For three decades, Opticare has become one of
Australia’s most trusted optical lens providers.
By focusing on quality service and top-notch
products, our company delivers a world-class
diagnostics approach that enables us to build lasting
relationships with many independent optometrists
nationwide. Today, Opticare clients are pleased to
share their own perspective on some of our standout
consulting room equipment and treatment tools
that not only added value to their optical clinic and
practice, but also made the diagnostics experience
for patients, better.


Eye Light® is the first known complete        “I run a dedicated dry eye clinic just outside
strategy for Dry Eye Treatment. Intense       the Adelaide CBD – we are about to
Pulsed Light technology alone has             celebrate our 4th birthday and the research
proven insufficient of Meibomian Gland        into and management of dry eye just
Dysfunction treatment, but through the        continues to grow. An important tool in
Eye Light® innovation, a powerful synergy     our ‘dry eye toolbox’ is IPL – intense pulsed
between Light Modulation® / LLLT and          light. As part of a strategic management
OPE® / IPL technologies, Eye-Light®           plan, the therapeutic use of this device
now enables full dry eye treatment.           to help manage the ocular inflammatory
Additionally, treatments for other related    response often associated with dry eye
pathologies can be successfully done          cannot be under-estimated. While there are
using Eye Light® including blepharitis,       several comparable units on the market, the
chalazion, Demodex, dry eye caused by         deciding factor for choosing the
refractive and cataract surgery, post-        Eye Light® from Espansione was twofold.
blepharoplasty, and stye, as demonstrated     Firstly, the ease of use. As the cooling fan     damaged cells, offering an intrinsic form
by more recent clinical findings.             system is in the head of the handle, there       of decreasing inflammation and promoting
                                              is no need for cooling gels. This means          healing. Our experience so far is that most
My Mask® treatment option serves              OPE® /IPL can be done in the comfort of          patients are only returning at around 12
as an economical introduction, only           a massage chair in a matter of a couple          months for their follow-up management
involving gentle stimulation of the           of minutes – there is no clean-up of             session – meaning patients are saving
Meibomian Glands. Light Modulation®           messy gel for the patient. Secondly – the        both time and money on their dry eye
/ LLLT technology stimulates cell ATP         use of the red photo modulation mask             maintenance. I am more than happy to
production and endogenous heating of          offers 15-minute extrinsic heating of both       recommend Opticare for more information
the upper and lower eyelids. Overall, the     upper and lower lids, making Meibomian           about and the supply of the Eye Light®.“
low-level light therapy (LLLT) results in     gland expression post-session much
                                                                                               *Dr. Jennifer Rayner is the Consulting
a more stabilised tear lipid layer. You       easier. Low-level light therapy is also          Optometrist at Alleve Eye Clinic – a dedicated
can always upgrade to Eye Light®.             thought to stimulate the mitochondria of         dry eye clinic in South Australia.

2    The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
“We recently purchased the Adaptica
                                                                                              2Win & VisionSC refraction system
                                                                                              from Opticare and couldn’t be
Adaptica’s VisionSC is a wearable,
                                                                                              happier with it. When we opened
wireless adaptive refractor - an
                                                                                              My Eye Care Centre in Hamilton, we
all-in-one system of lenses
                                                                                              wanted to stand out for having the
that performs subjective sight
                                                                                              latest and greatest in technology,
examination effectively replacing
                                                                                              but we also wanted equipment that
both the trial glasses and either
                                                                                              was easy to use, and also portable
manual or electronic phoropter
                                                                                              as we have a large client base in
functionality. It conveniently fits
                                                                                              the local nursing home nearby.
on the patient’s head, is 100%
                                                                                              The handheld 2Win Auto-refractor
wireless, and helps increase
                                                                                              makes for a great screening tool
peripheral vision. The 2WIN-S
                                                              for every patient and a good starting point for any refraction, and
enable the rapid measurement
                                                              it connects seamlessly with the VisionSC over our practice Wi-Fi
of binocular objective refraction
                                                              network, making for a smoother and quicker process with refraction
in natural visual conditions for
                                                              and leaving more time to investigate Ocular health and Dry Eye for
infants from 2 months up, seniors,
                                                              our patients.
impaired, even non-cooperative
patients. Designed by Adaptica                                The 2Win has many great features that come as standard like pupil
to be a non-invasive instrument                               size measurements and PD measurements, as well as add on
and very easy to use, the 2WIN-S                              features like dynamic pupillometry, lens centering and corneal reflex
mobile binocular refractometer                                testing for estimating phorias, and tropias under a modified cover
and vision analyser measure both                              test scenario.
eyes simultaneously in real life                              The wearable VisionSC makes the whole journey behind a phoropter
vision conditions. Together, the                              less cumbersome for the patient and is an impressive change to the
2WIN-S and VisionSC make up                                   usual refraction setups that most clinics have, it allows seamless
the mobile wireless refraction                                transition between lenses, has an in-built JCC with axis finder, but
system that comes in a convenient                             the main advantage is being able to have your patient walk around
combo carrying-case serving                                   straight away in the refraction you have found, and use it in a real-life
all outdoor eye-care activities                               setting in our clinic. It’s a great bit of kit and I’d definitely recommend
(from schools to nursing homes,                               it to any practice that’s interested in having that wow factor in the
to clinic and factories).                                     clinic, but the added benefit of having a portable system you can take
                                                              on the road with you as well.”
                                                              *Rory Dowdall is the Optometrist at My Eye Care Centre in Hamilton, Brisbane.


VisuScience’s Hidden LED Array Perimeter     IVS’ Blink Control enables patients to
IVS fulfill the needs for ophthalmological   avoid Dry Eyes and relax them enough to
uses by strictly conforming to the latest    stay focused. It automatically measures
perimetry standard. It offers a wide         the patient’s pupil diameter
range of test patterns and strategies        and prints it out. This benefits
including T30-2, T24-2, T10-2 for            comprehension of the correlation
glaucoma diagnosis and T-Macula for          between pupil size and perimetry
macula function assessment. Special          result to avoid wrong report
test patterns are also included such as      interpretation with very small
driver feasibility, monocular/ binocular     pupil size. IVS provides powerful
social security disability. The IVS series   benefits in one comfortable,
comes in a super silent design of chin       quick and accurate perimetry
rest and a fan-free power system             test. Not just economical,
that creates a quiet and comfortable         IVS is most importantly very
test. Its user-friendly UI and operation     reliable for optometrists.
process enable easy accessibility to
the system sans any instructions.

                                                                                             The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020           3
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
“A Visual Field Analyser has become essential equipment                   It is very user-friendly, allowing me to navigate and perform
in most optometry practices over the last decade. As more                 tests with ease. The eye-gaze tracking is easily viewed and
optometrists become therapeutically endorsed, monitoring                  centred on the user screen and patient centration to adjust the
the progression of glaucoma has become a major part of                    chin rest on the touchscreen. The 24-2 test, when performed
glaucoma co-management with ophthalmologists. Having                      on a healthy eye, can be completed in just under 2 minutes. The
worked at a number of different practices, it has allowed me the          report analysis, including the glaucoma progression analysis,
opportunity to experience different visual field perimeters such          can be viewed on the screen, printed or exported to Optomate
as the Humphrey Field Analyser 3, Humphrey Matrix, Medmont,               Touch with ease. I'm very happy with the wide choice of tests
Octopus 300 and Henson. As a new business owner on a                      including SWAP and Esterman Binocular test. There is an icon
tight budget and a faulty Octopus 300, patients were backing              tab on the testing screen with a lady explaining to the patients
up for field tests. I was very fortunate to be recommended                how to proceed with the test, which I find very helpful.
the VisuScience IVS-201A visual field perimeter by Des from               I am very happy with my purchase of the VisuScience IVS-201A
Opticare. I was sceptical initially as the equipment claims to be         from Opticare and would recommend this visual field analyser to
comparable to the HFA3 at half the price, but I was pleasantly            all my colleagues."
surprised! IVS is a standalone machine with a touchscreen.                *May Phuan is the Optometrist at Optical Connect in Brisbane, Australia.


The Huvitz OCT (Optical Coherence
Tomography) is a fully integrated system
combining OCT, full-colour Fundus
Camera and PC in one system. It provides
OCT and Fundus data in one screen,
and its built-in computer delivers direct
printouts. With just a click of one button,
it creates a high-speed scan and an HD
image quality, showcasing extensive
information such as the retina’s 3D
structure or Macula’s thickness and
separation in a single image. It provides
multi-purpose functions for diagnosis
and enables automatic data analysis,
including all modes of measuring e.g.
Radial, Raster, Grid, 3D, and Macular Line.
With the HUVITZ HOCT-1/1F, patients
get efficient and detailed results through
acquiring the anterior and posterior
measurements in one place. All these              “The Huvitz OCT is a very good machine. At a very good price. Being one unit, I have
powerful features come in an easy and             put it right next to my slit lamp on my chair and stand bench. It is quite intuitive to get
very intuitive interface suitably making the      started with measuring. It arrived tested and set up to use. The built-in touch screen
Huvitz all-in-one OCT, the icon for Optical       is excellent. The reporting features are also excellent and so I sit the patient next to
Coherence Tomography.                             me and we go through the results together. It needed one video conference to join
                                                  my Wi-Fi via an ethernet connection. Now the information goes to my laptop via a
Huvitz OCT ushers in the new era of               web browser and then the reports can be easily looked at and saved to files if need
retinal diagnosis with the Huvitz OCT             be. Another feature is a link to a macular database that uses artificial intelligence to
integration with Altris, a collaboration          analyse the results. The fee for this service has been well received and will pay for the
aimed at developing customised AI                 monthly lease payment. If you are thinking about an OCT do not waste any more time
solutions for higher-level detection              thinking about it. Get the Huvitz OCT. The team at Opticare will look after you.”
of retinal diseases. This integration
                                                  *Dr. Dion Stanbury is the Optometrist at Stanbury Optometrist in Salisbury, South Australia.
enables the detection of up to 50
retinal diseases which include
age-related macular degeneration,
degenerative myopia, retinitis                    To receive more information about the products mentioned in this article
pigmentosa, and diabetic retinopathy,             and to know more about our wide range of modern diagnostics solutions,
among others. HUVITZ HOCT-1/1F is                 visit www.opticare.com.au
exclusively distributed by Opticare.              You may also call 1800 251 852 or send an email at info@opticare.com.au.

4    The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
Envision the Possibilities

Huvitz OCT
                                                                 HRK 9000
                    I N N OVAT I V E

                 Post Blepharoplasty,
                 Dry Eye - MGD, Stye,                   2WIN S
                 Demodex, Chalazion,
  Eye-Light        and Blepharitis

    Visit www.opticare.com.au to learn more about our
           whole range of ophthalmic products.
      info@opticare.com.au | Phone: 1800 251 852 | Fax: 1800 789 110
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
Q&A             with Dr James Muecke AM

2020 Australian of the Year, Adelaide eye surgeon
Dr James Muecke speaks to ODMA CEO, Finola Carey
about his life and work in helping to prevent blindness
with Sight For All a not-for-profit organisation dedicated
to fighting avoidable blindness in the world.

When did you decide that                      of which were infective and imminently        Tumu Hospital, when Colin gave me the
you wanted to become an                       curable. The idea of being able to cure       wonderful and life-changing news that
ophthalmologist/eye surgeon?                  blindness in disadvantaged communities        I’d been accepted into the ophthalmology
I wanted to be a doctor for as long as I      using microsurgery was really appealing.      program in Adelaide.
can remember. There was no one single         It combined my growing love of public
                                              health and the lifelong appeal of using       What did you hope to achieve
experience that steered me toward                                                           when you set up Sight For All?
medicine. It was simply a desire to help,     my hands to do fine work. And so, I
                                              returned to Adelaide in 1990 to train as an   I co-founded Sight For All with colleagues
to cure, to make people’s lives better.
                                              ophthalmologist.                              from Royal Adelaide Hospital in 2009,
Following my internship in 1988, I spent
                                                                                            to better coordinate and fundraise for
a year as a volunteer general doctor at       Who was your greatest mentor/                 projects that we were undertaking in a
Tumu Tumu Hospital in central Kenya,          influencer?                                   number of countries in Asia. Little did I
where I had the privilege of helping
                                              When I was toying with the idea of            realise that it would become a consuming
patients with a range of diseases, most
                                              working in Africa for a year, most of the     passion and within a decade be impacting
                                              senior medical colleagues I consulted         on the lives of over one million people
                                              warned me against leaving the system.         every year.
                                              “You’ll never get back into specialty
                                              training programs.”, they exclaimed.          Which countries does Sight For
                                              Colin Moore, the Head of Ophthalmology        all service?
                                              at Royal Adelaide Hospital at the time,       Sight For All has completed projects
                                              gave me the opposite advice and               in nine countries in Asia (Bangladesh,
                                              encouraged me to follow my dream. I still     Bhutan, Cambodia, Lao, Mongolia,
                                              remember receiving the phone call whilst      Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam)
                                              I was in the operating theatre at Tumu        and two in Africa (Ethiopia and Kenya).

6    The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
Eyetalk 2020 EQUIPMENT MAGAZINE - Eye Talk Consultants
cause of blindness. We also found that         the ophthalmic complications of diabetes,
                                               it was a leading cause of blindness in         which is a huge, rapidly growing and often
                                               Cambodia in 2008 and Laos in 2013.             poorly managed cause of blindness in the
                                               To be surrounded by children in schools        low-income countries of the world.
                                               for the blind in each of these countries,
                                               who were permanently blind and horribly        Now that you have received the
                                               disfigured from measles, was the most          Australian Of The Year Award
                                               disturbing experience of my medical            will this alter any of the plans for
                                               life. It filled me with a passion to make      Sight For All?
                                               a difference and spearheaded Sight For         I’m hoping that the Award will raise
                                               All’s fight against childhood blindness in     awareness of the high impact work
                                               Asia. We have now trained and equipped         being undertaken by Sight For All, work
                                               paediatric ophthalmologists in eight           that’s being supported by the voluntary
                                               countries in Asia, in many the first for       expertise of nearly 170 ophthalmologists,
                                               their countries.                               optometrists, orthoptists, scientists and
                                                                                              nurse from across Australia, New Zealand
                                               What types of equipment does                   and further afield. I’m also using the
We also have initiatives in Australia
                                               Sight For All use in its work?                 platform to raise awareness of diabetes, a
which are primarily focused on raising
awareness of the major blinding diseases       All too often, we see equipment that’s         growing epidemic that’s now the leading
that afflict Aboriginal and mainstream         been donated to low income countries           cause of blindness amongst working age
communities.                                   and yet the doctors and their staff have       adults in Australia, and, at a cost of close
                                               no idea how to use them. Whenever we           to $20 billion annually, the greatest threat
What are the most common                       train an ophthalmologist, we ensure they       to Australia’s health system.
treatments you provide in these                receive the specialised equipment that
countries?                                     we’ve trained them on, and also a critical
Our projects are aimed at sustainably          training in the use of such equipment.
training and equipping colleagues              Our donated equipment is often brand
in poorer countries so that they can           new and spans the whole range of
comprehensively deal with all the blinding     subspecialty fields in our profession,
diseases that they encounter – cataract,       from argon lasers for retinal disease to
glaucoma, diabetic retinal disease, and        phacoemulsification for cataract surgery
the blinding conditions of childhood, just     and the highly specialised instruments
to name a few. We are a ‘teach a man to        required to treat the range of blinding
fish’ organisation rather than having a        diseases of childhood.
‘fly-in fly-out’ approach.
                                               What is the smallest most                       BACKGROUND
Do you receive government                      effective instrument that you                   James graduated with Honours from
assistance in addition to your                 use most?                                       the University of Adelaide in 1987
fundraising activities?                        Some of the finest eye surgeries                and trained as an ophthalmologist in
                                               involve the use of ultra-microsurgical          Adelaide from 1992 to 1994. Following
Sight For All has been accredited with the
                                               instrumentation to conduct procedures           a 12-month fellowship at St John’s
Australian Government’s Department of
                                               on the delicate tissue of the retina            Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem,
Foreign Affairs & Trade for three years.
                                               which lines the inside the back of our          James undertook subspecialty training
This gives us a small funding stream,
                                               eyes. Diabetic retinal disease usually          in oculoplastic surgery at Salisbury
however more importantly, has allowed
                                               presents late in poor countries and so          District Hospital in England in 1996 and
us to elevate our organisation to the
                                               restoring sight often requires the finest of    ocular oncology at Moorfields and St
highest level of international development
                                               instruments such as intra-ocular forceps,       Bartholomew’s Hospitals in London
                                               scissors, and suction tubes that can be         in 1997. He returned to Adelaide in
Richard Grills mentioned that                                                                  1998 to take up positions as Visiting
                                               manipulated inside the eye to remove
you told him measles is the                                                                    Ophthalmologist and Director of Ocular
                                               blinding scar tissue and blood.
number one cause of blindness                                                                  Oncology at the Royal Adelaide and
in children in Asia. How did                   What is the equipment you find                  Women’s and Children’s Hospitals.
this information come to your                  hardest to fund?                                James is a Fellow of the Royal
                                               Sight For All is needing to fund the next       Australian and New Zealand College
Sight For All has conducted childhood          generation of vitrector for use in a number     of Ophthalmologists and a member
blindness studies in five countries in Asia.   of our partner countries. This device           of the South Australian Institute of
During our study in Myanmar in 2007, we        powers the instrumentation discussed            Ophthalmology and the International
discovered that measles was the leading        above, that is so critical for dealing with     Society of Ocular Oncology.

8    The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
2020 – the perfect year to celebrate optics!



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                                                                      The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020   9
ZEISS launches platform
for 3D centration data
Taking digitalisation                                 ood vision requires more than         1000 platform with modules for trying on
to the next level: the                                just the right prescription lenses.   spectacles virtually and for customised
                                                      It is also crucial that the lenses    frame designs. ZEISS is already
new ZEISS system for
                                              are properly centered in the frame and in     offering a system today that will also
3D centration data                            relation to the eyes. Back in 1992, ZEISS     accommodate the greater customisation
determination is precise,                     launched ZEISS Video Infral, the first        and digitalisation consumers demand
quick and easy to use.                        video centration system. Therefore, ZEISS     tomorrow. This is possible thanks to more
                                              is a forerunner to the digitalisation of      than 20 years of expertise in centration
                                              centration data determination. The latest     data determination and intensive
                                              development, ZEISS VISUFIT 1000, stands       research and development involving an
                                              for precision and speed. In the future, it    interdisciplinary team of experts from
                                              will be possible to expand ZEISS VISUFIT      throughout the company.

10   The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
“It is a great relief that eye care
                                                                                            professionals can now create a
                                                                                            180-degree view of their consumer’s
                                                                                            face and the particular frames with just
                                                                                            a single shot. The consumer does not
                                                                                            even need to turn the head to the side,
                                                                                            and it is no longer necessary to attach
CENTRATION DATA                                                                             a calibration clip to the frames. With
DETERMINATION ON A                                                                          ZEISS VISUFIT 1000, we have made this
NEW LEVEL                                                                                   process quick and straight forward,” says
                                                                                            Wawerla. To capture the data without
ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 creates a 180-degree                                                     a calibration clip is remarkably quick,
view of the consumer’s face and the                                                         but also an extremely easy-to-perform
frames using nine cameras and 45 million                                                    technique that impresses the consumer.
reference points. The centration data
determination is based on 3D coordinates.                                                   THE DIGITAL FUTURE
This is an extraordinary addition to the                                                    AT THE EYE CARE
existing measurement points on the                                                          PROFESSIONAL’S
calibration clip for ZEISS i.Terminal 2, and                                                PRACTICE
it ensures the extremely precise capture
of measurement data for the frame, the                                                      Captures with different frames can be
eye, the pupil and the cornea. The back-                                                    created with ZEISS VISUFIT 1000, giving
vertex distance can be determined for                                                       the consumer the option of comparing
both sides, right and left. Furthermore, a                                                  these directly in a 180-degree view
3D digital reconstruction of the face can                                                   comprising nine angles.
be created and enables the back-vertex                                                      “This is a completely new kind of
distance to be captured, even with frames      might say that the eye care professional     purchasing experience, because
featuring very thick temples. This 3D          has decided to make the future part of       consumers can look at different images
reconstruction of the consumer’s face will     their practice today.”                       of themselves and even compare
provide the foundation for future ZEISS                                                     different frames,” adds Wawerla.
VISUFIT 1000 modules.                          ADVANTAGES FOR EYE                           Ametropic consumers, for example,
“With the ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 platform,         CARE PROFESSIONALS                           benefit from this functionality because
the eye care professional is making the        AND THEIR CUSTOMERS                          it makes the decision-making process
digital future a key part of their practice.                                                for a pair of frames significantly easier
The ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 will also support       A special fixation target provides a         for them. ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 enhances
forthcoming virtual functions, making          normal position for the eye’s distance       the expert consultation provided by
this far more than just a system for the       vision, even though the consumer is          the eye care professional by adding
determination of centration data,” says        no more than 30 to 35cm from the             a digital component and customising
Marc Wawerla, Chief Operating Officer          measurement system. Obtaining data           the shopping experience. This makes
at ZEISS Vision Care. “The data captured       with just a single shot ensures that the     the digital future a central part of the
with this system are so detailed that          measurement process is completed             eye care professional’s practice. ZEISS
it will be possible to use them to allow       quickly and easily, thereby allowing the     VISUFIT 1000 stands for precision and
consumers to try on spectacles virtually       eye care professional to concentrate         simplifies not only the centration process
as well as for customised frame designs.       more sharply on the consultation and         for the eye care professional, but also the
By opting for the ZEISS VISUFIT 1000, you      data processing.                             consumer’s purchasing decision.

                                                                                          The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020    11
“Are you struggling
                                               to find the engravings
                                               on your latest
                                               progressive lenses?”
                                               Hilco® - Progressive Lens Identifier
                                               • Verify progressive lens engraving marks
                                               • Quickly & effectively identifies
                                                 manufacturer model, material, and
                                                 reference points
                                               • Eliminate the possibility of errors in fitting
                                                 progressive lenses
                                               • Provides a clear view of etchings
                                               • LED Bulb
                                               • Inclination to optimise reading position
                                               The Hilco Progressive Lens Identifier
                                               identifies the lens manufacturer's marks.
                                               It identifies the extra power of the
                                               progressive lens for CR-39, Polycarbonate
                                               and high index lenses.

Deluxe Logic® Kit -
80% Fewer Parts, 100% Less Aggravation ...That’s Logic®
Hilco’s new Logic Mega Kit is a must           Logic Nose Pads, are made of premium
for any practice! Everything you need          no-slip silicone and feature a dual
in one small, compact kit organises            purpose design fitting both screw-on
our most innovative repair parts.              and push-on, reducing inventories
Everything you need for simple                 and enhancing the selection process.
repairs is at your fingertips, saving          The Logic Screw family consists of
countless trips to the back room.              one length and just 6 eyewire/hinge                Logic Nose Pad : Fits Screw-on and Push-on
                                               screws in various diameters and
The Logic Mega Kit includes 200
                                               colours that replace every other screw
pairs of Logic Nose Pads in the most
                                               type in your inventory. Together, that’s
popular sizes and 10 of each of
                                               one smart, simple parts system.
the most popular Logic Screws.

For more information contact customer care at:
AUS Toll Free phone: 1800 217 651
Email: customerservice@hilco.com.au
Website: www.hilcovision.com.au

12    The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
    Runner up/Fin
   in the OMEG
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                A -2 019
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   Optical Instru
   Dispensing Eq

The Bionic Thumb is the “World’s Best Frame Bending Tool.” Its ergonomic design alleviates hand stress while making a variety
of frame adjustments almost effortless. It also provides precise control for temple, pantoscopic, mastoid, and bridge adjustments
and offers protection from hot frame components when using a frame warmer and screwdriver slips when used as a “Portable
Bench Block.”

• Comfortable, ergonomic design
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• Natural suede bending surfaces prevents frame marring
                                                                                                      Scan here for a Tips & Tricks
     The Hottest
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20/450/0000    Bionic Thumb             $49.19         $46.75

    The Bionic Thumb's ergonomic design alleviates hand stress while
    making a variety of frame adjustments almost effortless. It also provides
    precise control for temple, pantoscopic, mastoid, and bridge adjustments,
    offers protection from hot frame components when using a frame
    warmer, and screwdriver slips when used as a “Portable Bench Block.”

    • Comfortable, ergonomic design

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    View the entire Hilco Vision company product linesSAVE 10%
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    Visit our website – www.hilcovision.com.au
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                                   AUS Toll Free       2020
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    For more information contact customer care at:
    AUS Toll Free phone: 1800 217 651
    Email: customerservice@hilco.com.au
Refraction Reinvented
Writer Alison Steer, Independent Optometrist, Albany WA.

I hadn’t thought much about the
background of our refraction process
since university...it just was ‘what you did’.

Essilor’s VR 800 digital refraction device
turns this past totally on its head. Many
years of research has produced a digital
refractor that is 10-20 times more
accurate than anything we have had to
date. Refracting down to 0.01 dioptres,
this takes prescribing the best solutions
for my patients to the next level.

New predictive algorithms make the               tested before they brought the new          Coupled with the evolutionary refracting
whole testing protocol much quicker              equipment to my practice. They              process, Essilor has developed the ECP
and I can spend more of my chair                 worked around my schedule and we            Companion and Consultation Suite.
time on discussing ocular health and             managed to keep one exam lane fully         Far from being the ‘little brother’ of the
vision care options with my patients.            operational and the practice busy whilst    process, this management system is an
                                                 we installed the new exam lane.             equal contender for being a significant
The Vision R800 is a compact device                                                          game changer. It has revolutionised the
that is easy to manoeuvre and is very            Our pre-testing has also been brought       practice workflow and has significantly
comfortable for the patient. Patients            into the 21st century and beyond with the   improved the patient journey. It really
say that they like the increased                 addition of the WAM700. This compact        produces the “WOW” that we are always
viewing angle and they feel less                 machine does a complete ‘wellness’          striving to achieve and that will set us
claustrophobic. It fits easily onto existing     visual analysis in around 90 seconds        apart from our competitors. It uses
chair and stand configurations.                  by combining wavefront analysis,            all the data collected to present easy
                                                 pachymeter, topographer, autorefractor,     recommendations to the patients and
The OptiMed team were a dream                    NCT and anterior chamber analysis. It       makes offering individualised solutions
to work with and made the whole                  is extremely easy to use by staff and       a simple and easy process. Using the
instillation process as streamlined              has been easily slotted into our pre-       Consultation Suite provides an amazing
and non- disruptive as possible.                 testing protocol and patient flow. The      visual demonstration of the consultation
                                                 results are then showed to the patients     results for the patients and has greatly
As it is a totally new install, the first in     on a large display screen and their         elevated the patient experience.
Australia, they had the whole layout set         total ocular health assessment can
up in their workshop and everything              be easily displayed and discussed.          Testimonial supplied by OptiMed.

14    The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
Thermaeye Plus.
  Next generation IPL for MGD.

 IPL has been shown to be a safe and efficient                                                  Advanced Cooling System
 treatment for MGD and with the advanced technology                                             The advanced integrated skin cooling system of the
 of Thermaeye Plus you can take treatment even                                                  device’s handpiece prevents excessive temperature
 further. The compact device comes with a host of                                               increases to the epidermis, assisting with patient
                                                                                                tolerance and safety. Interchangeable filters allow
 ground breaking features and it’s versatility allows you
                                                                                                                           you to easily select the
 to increase the scope of treatment for your patients.
                                                                                                                           appropriate wavelength
                                                                                                                           to match the application.
Maximum comfort for the patient
With Thermaeye Plus inbuilt Fractionated Pulse Technology, we                                                                         Target

                                                                                             Damage Threshold                         Temperature
see all the clinical benefits of IPL treatment for MGD delivered to
a higher degree of safety and efficacy. By breaking up each pulse                                                                     Skin
of light into multiple pulses, creating Thermal Relaxation Time,
the device can provide a greater range of energy and treat all skin
types (Fitzpatrick I-VI ) reducing the risk of thermal damage.
                                                                                            1” Pulse       2” Pulse        3” Pulse     Time

                                           Power Control
                                           The device continually       Advanced IPL Technology with cost savings
                                           monitors the number of       The next generation technology of Thermeye Plus even saves you
                                           pulses emitted and the       money. It comes with the first 30,000 shots included allowing you
                                        effectiveness of every light    to treat over 2000 patients before you need to replace the flash
                                      pulse, assuring the operator of   cartridge. Over time this can save your practice up to $100,000*
the efficiency and accuracy of the energy emitted during treatment.     in expensive consumables costs.       * Based on 4 shots per eye per treatment

         Available exclusively from OptiMed.
      Call 1300 657 720 or go to optimed.com.au
                                                                                                              MAKES YOUR PRACTICE PERFECT
                                                                                                        The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020           15
Ocular Instruments
       ptimed is proud to have a well-
       established relationship with             The clarity, quality of
       Ocular Instruments, a USA based          materials and coatings
designer, producer and manufacturer
of ophthalmic lenses of unparalleled
                                                  combined with great
sharpness and clarity. This range includes       value for money have
an innovative range of diagnostic,             helped many practitioners
treatment and surgical lenses which is             in their decision to
continuously improving and developing
                                                purchase Ocular lenses
with the changing needs of the industry.
Many ophthalmologists and a growing
number of Optometrists choose
Ocular lenses within their practices
as a testament to this innovation.

Ocular's growth within the Australian
market is due to the increased exposure
and availability of the product range
in recent years, along with a better
understanding of the quality and value
of the product. The clarity, quality of
materials and coatings combined
with great value for money have
helped many practitioners in their
decision to purchase Ocular lenses.

Ocular’s extensive range of Indirect lenses
offers the choice of various ring colours
for ease of reference, the option of
polymer or glass materials and Ocular’s
patented LaserLight AR coating. This high
quality LaserLight Antireflective coating
gives not only indirect, but laser lenses,
minimised reflection and maximised
image brightness. Its unique hydrophobic      The Gonio lenses available in the Ocular       specialist, it is an essential tool for
properties make it extremely easy to          range, like the Indirect lenses, have          diagnosis and management and is
keep clean and offer low reflectivity.        any design and size you need, such as          the only thing I take for my Outback
                                              various fissure sizes, flanges, lens angles,   Eye Service clinics in the bush.”
                                              materials and magnifications. From your
                                              standard Universal Three Mirror Gonio,         Optimed offer optional engraving
                                              to your wide field MagnaView lenses,           and a complimentary trial of any lens
                                              all your gonio needs are covered.              in the range, a 30 day money-back
                                                                                             guarantee and 1 year manufacturer’s
                                              Dr Ashish Agar, a leading Glaucoma             warranty on all lenses.
                                              specialist in Sydney says :
                                              “The Ocular Magnaview two (2)
                                              mirror goniolens provides the highest
                                              magnification and clearest view of
                                              any gonioprism I have used (as the
                                              name suggests!). As a glaucoma

16   The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020

   The R E V O-lution continues...

    The evolution of the fully automatic REVO continues with the      OCT-B (Biometry for myopia monitoring) and OCT-T (Corneal
    addition of a high-resolution fundus camera to complement         Topography), REVO is a must-have for any practice. REVO
    its powerful OCT imaging platform. Bringing true versatility      assists your glaucoma analysis and monitoring by combining
    to an OCT device, REVO now offers a whole spectrum of             a comprehensive reviewing and reporting platform* into its
    useful tools for your practice. The addition of a colour fundus   software features. This enables you to import data from the
    camera allows the overlay of your tomographic images              Optopol PTS 920, 925 and 2000 series of perimeters and
    with a fundus photo. With retinal, disc and anterior imaging      compare with the OCT analysis of optic disc and ganglion
    complemented with the options of OCT-A (Angiography),             cell tomography. Evolve your practice with new REVO FC.

                                                                                                                                    * Launching Q3 2019

    Available exclusively from OptiMed.
 Call 1300 657 720 or go to optimed.com.au
                                                                                                      MAKES YOUR PRACTICE PERFECT
                                                                                               The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020               17
Break the vicious cycle,
treat the root cause in
Dry Eye Disease
D   o your patients suffer from dry, itchy, red or burning eyes?
    Perhaps fluctuating vision? Dry Eye Disease (DED)
is one of the most common conditions seen by eye care
professionals. The disease can have a significant impact
on the quality of life of your patients, yet remains one of the
most underdiagnosed disease states in the average practice.

In its evaporative form, DED is mainly        simply alleviate symptoms when
caused by Meibomian gland dysfunction         you can treat. This will:
(MGD). In MGD, the Meibomian glands           • offer sufferers long-term relief from
are inflamed, blocked, displaced, or            DED symptoms                                  inflammatory mediators, inhibiting the
atrophied. As a result, the meibum is not                                                     progression of inflammation
                                              • improve patient satisfaction with your
adequately secreted, thereby destabilizing                                                 3. Reduces the tear film osmolarity to
                                                management of their condition
the tear film and increasing the rate                                                         normal levels
                                              • retain patients and the clinical income
of evaporation of the aqueous layer.
                                                earned from treatment                      4. Restores Meibomian gland’s
This exposes the cornea to pathogens,
                                                                                              morphology and functionality
hyperosmolarity, nutrient depletion and       • enhance your professional reputation
                                                with co-management opportunities           5. Decreases Demodex mites and
dehydration, which in turn leads to even
                                                                                              bacterial load stimulating infection
more inflammation. This vicious cycle is      • differentiate you practice from
                                                                                              leading to MGD.
the basis of the chronic inflammation that      competitors
underlies DED.                                                                             Safe, gentle and effective, the Optima
                                              • create a lucrative clinical offering for
                                                                                           IPL is the next-generation technology.
Key Facts:                                      profitability and business growth.
                                                                                           Combined with unique Optimal Pulse
1. The prevalence of DED symptoms             Lumenis, the inventors of Intense Pulsed     Technology (OPT), this gives users the
   ranges from 5% to 50% of presenting        Light (IPL), are proud to offer clinicians   ability to control the pulse shape and
   patients                                   the Gold Standard IPL system in market       provide reproducible results as well as
2. 25% of DED sufferers in Australia and      – the Optima IPL. With every pulse of        gentle, comfortable treatments. And
   New Zealand are undiagnosed                light, this energy-based therapy works       our patented Sapphire Cool chiller tip
                                              to control the inflammatory process and      provides patients with maximum comfort
3. Women are twice as likely as men to
                                              restore homeostasis in dry eye due to        during treatment while allowing users to
   have DED
                                              MGD. The intense pulses of non-coherent      reach higher levels of energy for optimal
4. Refractive surgery can trigger and
                                              light are distributed over a range of        results while treating the delicate skin
   aggravate DED
                                              wavelengths, from 400nm to 1200nm.           close to the eyes. Finally, our universal
5. 85% of DED sufferers have signs of         Specific wavelength ranges are achieved      IPL hand piece is validated with 100,000
   MGD                                        using interchangeable Expert Filters         shots, offering businesses exceptional
6. 80% of rosacea patients show signs         enabling clinicians to target various        value with no ongoing consumable costs.
   of MGD.                                    chromophores in the skin. In dry eye
                                                                                           Optima IPL is a drop-free, drug-free
Think outside the eye, break the vicious      treatment, IPL targets telangiectasia in
                                                                                           solution for periocular inflammatory
cycle and treat the root cause in Dry Eye     the eyelids and periorbital area. Clinical
                                                                                           conditions providing long-lasting relief
Disease with Optima IPL. The clinical and     research shows IPL treatment of DED:
                                                                                           from DE symptoms.
business opportunities are enormous!          1. Destroys the abnormal blood vessels
                                                                                           Advance and differentiate your practice,
And with the predicted growth in this            that are perpetuating the inflammation
                                                                                           create a profitable new clinic and up your
chronic and progressive disease, why          2. Decreases the level of pro-               dry eye game in 2020.

18   The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
                                              in Optometry
                                              Writer Arthur Stevens

In 1983 Gerald Hawkins, in his book "Mindsteps to the Cosmos", wrote about the different “mindsteps” that have,
 in conjunction with the accompanying technology, revolutionized the world and led to the inventions of writing,
mathematics, radios, spacecraft & computers.[1] He wrote that "The waiting period between the mindsteps is
getting shorter. One can't help noticing the acceleration." This notion that the rate of change in a wide variety of
systems increases exponentially was explored by Ray Kurzweil in his 1999 book “The age of Spiritual machines”
and referred to as the “Law of accelerating returns”.[2]

This article explores a brief moment in       continues to thrive in such a competitive      appointments[4]. Further studies, in
this accelerating progress and reviews        environment. The latest news, labelled a       comparative professions, have shown
some of the technologies that are             “retail apocalypse” coming into 2020, that     that “when primary care agents book
currently investigated and their impact       so many retail businesses have shut shop,      outpatient clinic appointments online it
in the optical industry in the coming         is of concern so any advantage we can          improves outpatient attendance”[5].
decades. The article is divided into          utilise to ensure we continue to thrive will   Some of the options available to the
3 sections:                                   be explored[3].                                optometric business include:
(i) Retail
(ii) Clinical                                 The areas that are discussed are by no         MyHealth1st[6] – Is the most used online
(iii) Business                                means exhaustive but ones coloured             appointment book and has been adopted
                                              by my own interests. There are many            as our method of online booking for our
The retail section will look into areas       other topics that I could have covered         customers at Kosmac & Clemens. One of
where we can improve the patient              and are missing from the review but            its major advantages is the ease to setup
experience from online appointments, to       one common theme is that as we head            and use and most importantly, integration
dispensing tools and consumer products.       into 2020 technological advances will          with PMS (Optomate & Sunix). Anyone
                                              only accelerate and make working in the        implementing this system needs to decide
The clinical section will look at the         profession even more exciting.                 how many and which appointments they
advances in technology that have recently                                                    will allocate to online booking.
been introduced or is hoped to be             RETAIL
introduced in the coming years to ensure                                                     Wordpress[7] - WPForms claims to be the
we can provide the best diagnosis and         (i) Online Appointments                        best WordPress contact form plugin. It
management for the patient.                   We live in an era where, as a result of the    provides you with the options of building
                                              huge amount of available information           your own forms that send the booking
The business section is specifically          and wanting to be in control of how            request as an email. The staff process the
tailored to the independent optometrist       we use that information, we prefer to          email and reply either by SMS or email.
and will explore how, as small business       book many of our appointments online           Unfortunately, there is no integration with
owners, we can embrace the new                rather than spend, potentially many lost       Optomate or Sunix. Their basics package
technologies to ensure that our business      minutes of our lives, calling and booking      is very good value and if you like to send

20   The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
marketing through email /SMS then their
plus package is even better value.

Apointuit[8] – is for medical practices only
and does not integrate with Optomate &
Sunix. It offers a smart phone app that
allows for online booking. Perhaps, the
optical industry can adopt the features
this package offers.
                                                                                             method), distance between lenses,
(ii) Patient tracking    [9]
                                                                                             back vertex distance BVD, inclination or
                                                                                             pantascopic angle & frame face form
Patient tracking (also referred to as PSI                                                    or wrap angle. The device is relatively
– patient identification system) is usually     Hoya's Yuniku system                         compact 64.5cm x 22cm x 3.5cm
used in hospitals for a healthcare provider                                                  (HxWxD). The software can be installed
to monitor the progress of a person in         b. Print your own frame[12] – As 3D           on a stationary or mobile electronic
their care. The healthcare professional        printers become more affordable               device, including smartphone and most
has access to the patient’s electronic         customers will be able to print their         operating systems are supported.
records, it can be used to store a patient’s   own frames based on templates
imaging files, as well as check-in and         readily available for free download           Hoya have also developed the binocular
check-outs.                                    or for a small fee. The potential for         harmonization technology (BHT)[15].
                                               3D printed frames comes from the              The technology claims to relieve eyestrain
In private practice, it can inform the         expression ““The only limit is your           while wearing standard progressive
healthcare professional if the patient is in   own imagination” and the fact that 3D         lenses, particularly if there is a difference
the clinic, can send SMS reminders about       printing allows for the creation of very      in prescription between the 2 eyes.
when a patient can take their medication       complex structures which would not be         The patented Binocular Harmonization
& by wearing additional smart devices          possible with traditional manufacturing.      Technology (BHT) recalculates and
can inform the practitioner if the patient     3D technology also makes screwless            adjusts the progressive power distribution
has taken their medication. This ensures       hinges more accessible[10]. Hoya has          according to the actual used positions
maximal compliance and the best                taken the process one –step further           on each lens so that both eyes will
possible outcome for the patient. The two      with its “Yuniku”[13] system where “the       experience the same binocular support.
major concerns relate to cybersecurity         world’s first vision-centric 3D eyewear,      The technology evaluates a Binocular
and interference with a patient’s privacy.     combines 3D scanner technology with           Clearness Index which takes into account
                                               advanced algorithms, to position the          Convergence Difference, Accommodation
In optometry, I can envisage the system        lenses for optimal vision and then 3D         Demand Difference, Magnification
being used to ensure the patient is taking     build the frame around the lenses.            Difference and Vertical Prismatic
their medication e.g. glaucoma drops,                                                        Difference between the two eyes. The
ensuring the patient turns up for an           (iv) Lenses                                   Clearness Index estimates how clearly
appointment and for marketing purposes.                                                      the wearer sees an image through
                                               a. Rx measurement                             the spectacle lens. Balancing this
(iii) Frames                                                                                 enhances binocular clarity throughout
                                               Lens measurements have advanced               the entire lens.
a. Materials – Up until now, frame             significantly from using a PD ruler to
materials have been limited to various         measure interpupillary distance and           A simpler version of the VisuReal Master
plastics, metal and wood. Technological        heights of a bifocal or multifocal. Some      system is Hoya’s Spectangle Pro and
progress and concerns with sustainability      of these include:                             Essilor’s Eyeruler 2. Both are very similar
means we will see biodegradable frames                                                       in that they use an ipad or equivalent
(e.g. made from castor beans[10]), high-       Hoya’s VisuReal Master system[14]             device e.g. EY-stick or parameter clip
tech lightweight frames and frames             has been designed to look like a              (that provides a reference that sits on the
incorporating various sensors, often           contemporary wall mirror. The patient         patient’s frame) to take pictures and make
referred to as “smart glasses”[11]. The        looks at themselves in the mirror. The        adjustments. These technologies are
introduction of 5G connectivity will see       dispenser operates an end device (e.g.        considerably faster and more accurate
this technology taken to the next level.       an iPad) which is connected via Wi-Fi         than the older systems that are available
There is a high possibility that smart         with the mirror. The 6 cameras behind         and should provide a point of difference
frames will compete with mobile phones         the mirror capture information such as        to the customer experience than simply
in their functionality.                        – PDs, fitting height, frame size (boxing     using a PD ruler to take measurements.

                                                                                           The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020       21
This is particularly true for the high end     to retain customers, in addition to            As Telehealth becomes more utilised
free-form lenses that the companies            eliminating remake errors this technology      it is predicted that more virtual clinical
provide. In addition to a measurement          offers exceptional “wow” factor.               trials occur, increased access to
module the app has a lens selection                                                           healthcare for remote communities,
module, a frame selection module and           b. Types of lenses                             development of paediatric platforms[27].
an augmented selection module that
allows patients to take certain lens           Lens materials have significantly
features for a test ride around your office    improved since the 1st half of the 20th
or pre-built environments. Taking the          century from crown glass with an index
lens selection process one step further        of 1.523 and a specific gravity of 2.54 to
and wowing them along the way.                 CR39 which is significantly lighter with a
                                               specific gravity of 1.32 but thicker with
                                               an index of 1.5. Polycarbonate, Trivex, &
                                               high-index materials ranging from 1.6 to
 Wesemann concluded that                       1.9 followed, each with their own benefits.     Image courtesy of health.qld.gov.au/telehealth

  “all tested video-based                      Looking forward we can expect advances
   systems measure the                         in coatings and even higher indices[19]        b. Vision
                                               up to 5.5 and only one two-thousandth
  PD to a higher precision
                                               the thickness of a human hair. Some of         i. Myopia
     than conventional                         these are already in production such as
        pupilometers”.                         permanent antifog coat[20], anti-scratch       Various studies have acknowledged that
                                               coats (that actually work)[21].                we are facing a global myopia epidemic
                                                                                              which may lead to various ocular
                                               In addition to advances in materials we        complications including vision loss[28, 29].
                                               will also see advances in design. One          There have been various technologies
Dr Wolfgang Wesemann[16] in 2010               of these already in circulation is the         available to combat this progression from
compared 4 high end video centration           Myosmart[22] lens from Hoya which uses         education, to specific myopia lenses and
systems Essilor: ‘Visioffice’, Rodenstock:     D.I.M.S. (Defocus Incorporated Multiple        contact lenses and medications[30]. The
‘ImpressionIST’, Ollendorf: ‘Visureal’ &       Segments) technology for myopia                science on the exact mechanism and
Zeiss: ‘Remote Vision Terminal (RVT)’          control A two-year clinical trial found that   treatment options is still unclear but is
with pupilometers. He concluded that “all      MyoSmart lenses were able to reduce            expected to make significant progress in
tested video-based systems measure the         myopia progression by up to 59% and halt       the coming decade[31].
PD to a higher precision than conventional     myopia progression by 21.5%.
pupilometers”. Furthermore, the “video                                                        ii. Amblyopia
centration devices present as ‘point of        It would be great if we can eliminate the
sale’ additional information on high-end       biggest bugbear of multifocal lenses,          Amblyopia is the most common
spectacle lenses and personalised lens         the distortions that are experienced           cause of monocular visual impairment
designs.” This argument holds true today       when changing viewing distances                affecting up to 5% of the population.
as it did 10 years ago and even more           from far to near. Electronic focusing          Traditional treatments have included
so as the technology has been refined          eyewear using liquid crystal display           penalisation of the non-amblyopic eye
to provide even more accurate results          technology has been studied over the           with either patching or pharmaceutical
with a reduction in error such as when a       last decade and some products are              penalisation[32-35]. Unfortunately, success
customer is not positioned accurately.         starting to appear[23,24]. Currently, they     as measured by visual acuity equalisation
                                               are price prohibitive for most people          or development of stereopsis has
Equivalent systems exist for Zeiss             at ~ US$2,220 a pair – plus tax.               been hampered by non-compliance
e.g. Visufit 1000[17], i.Terminal 2[18]. The                                                  contributing to treatment failures.
improved software eliminates the use           CLINICAL                                       Alternative therapies include: vision
of a frame calibrating clip and increases                                                     therapy, binocular therapy, and liquid
the accuracy of centration to maximize         a. Telehealth – This has probably              crystal display eyeglasses have only been
optical performance. Zeiss claims that         more applications in medicine than             sparingly used with moderate success.
taking measurements is up to 60%               optometry but optometry can certainly          The Pediatric Eye Investigative Group
faster for the i.Terminal 2 than using         benefit from expanded use of telehealth.       (PEDIG) has shown that age should not
manual measuring procedures and                Telehealth offers significant advantages       be a restrictive factor & that “even older
that the measurements are 84% more             especially in a country as large as            patients can show improvement in VA
accurate than a manual process. For            Australia with the remote areas having         in the amblyopic eye”. Recent studies
the small business owner who wishes            vastly isolated populations[25,26].            from Vanderbilt University have learned

22    The ODMA Eye Talk Equipment Guide 2020
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