REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses

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REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses

                                                                                                  S U R G E RY
REVIEW OF CORNEA                                                                                       ISSUE

Discover how long to monitor and treat symptoms before considering surgical interventions, PAGE 16

                                                    • GPs: A Reliable Post-PK Option, PAGE 8
                                                    • The Art of Corneal Transplantation, PAGE 20
                                                    • Post-cataract Surgery Inflammation: A Toxin or a Bug?, PAGE 26
                                                    • Transplantation for Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency, PAGE 30
                                                     (earn 1 CE credit)

ALSO: new lenses
   Also:         for 2019 • myopia
           Acanthamoeba            control
                             keratitis:    CYL advice
                                         A•Disease      anterior staphyloma
                                                    in• Disguise,  p. 36
REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses
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REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses
  Review of Cornea & Contact Lenses | January/February 2019

 departments                                                                             features

 4    News Review                                                     New Lenses for a New Year
                                                                      Highlights in 2019 will include toric
      Myopia Research Advances; CLs                                   multifocals, a photochromic contact
      and MGD: a Mixed Bag                                            lens and more.
                                                                      By Jane Cole, contributing editor
 7    My Perspective
      Perfecting the Art of Practice
      By Joseph P. Shovlin, OD


      The GP Experts
      A Reliable Post-PK Option
      By Robert Ensley, OD,
      and Heidi Miller, OD

      Corneal Consult
                                                        16            When and Why
                                                                      Discover how long to monitor and
                                                                      treat symptoms before considering
                                                                      surgical interventions.
                                                                      By James Esposito, OD

                                                                      The Art of Corneal
      Was it a Failure or Rejection?                                  Transplantation
      By Aaron Bronner, OD                                            Optometrists have several options
                                                                      when it comes to keratoplasties, each
38    Fitting Challenges                                              of which has its own pros, cons and
                                                                      management guidelines.
      Depth Charge                                                    By Andrew Steele, OD
      By Vivian P. Shibayama, OD

                                                                      Post-cataract Surgery
40    Practice Progress                                               Inflammation: A Toxin
      Don’t be Nearsighted About Myopia                               or a Bug?
      By Andrew Fischer, OD, Mile Brujic, OD,                         Although rare, TASS and
      and David Kading, OD                                            endophthalmitis are possible
                                                                      complications, and clinicians must be
                                                                      able to recognizing the difference.
42    The Big Picture                                                 By Barbara J. Fluder, OD
      Singing the Blues
      By Christine W. Sindt, OD

                                                                      CE —
                                                                      Transplantation for
                                                                      Limbal Stem Cell
                                                                      When severe disease
                                                                      calls for surgery, here’s how you can
                                                                      be prepared for the pre- and post-op
                                                                      By Cecelia Koetting, OD

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                                                         REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019   3
REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses
News Review

     ■ Researchers recently found that Afri-
                                                          Myopia Research Advances
     can Americans have five times higher

     odds of developing infectious uveitis                      wo recent studies shed more         UK, researchers analyzed a subset
     and 1.5 higher odds of developing                          light on the pathogene-             of the Twins Early Development
     non-infectious uveitis compared with
     Caucasians. The study used data from                       sis of this growing ocular          Study, a longitudinal evaluation of
     the National Inpatient Sample (NIS)                  condition:                                1,991 subjects recruited at birth
     and collected patient’s age, sex, race,                                                        between 1994 and 1996. Subjective
     median household income, payer status
     and ocular complications. Medicare pa-               MYOPIA BIOMARKER                          refraction was obtained from the
     tients have double the odds of having                A group of European researchers           twins’ optometrists, with myopia
     complications from infectious uveitis                recently found conjunctival ultravi-      defined as mean spherical equiva-
     compared with those with private
     insurance, and Medicaid patients have                olet autofluorescence (CUVAF) can         lent ≤-0.75 diopters. Mean age of
     a 1.7 higher risk. Medicare and Medicaid             show clinicians how much time pa-         subjects was 16.3 years.2
     patients also have twice the odds of                 tients spend outdoors, and that can          The team used a ‘life-course
     having complications from non-infec-
     tious uveitis compared with those with               translate into a myopia monitoring        epidemiology’ approach, which
     private insurance.                                   tool. They assert their study, pub-       considers the influence of gesta-
     Chauhan K, Scaife S, Rosenbaum JT. Uveitis           lished in Clinical and Experimental       tional and early childhood factors
     and health disparities: results from the National
     Inpatient Sample. Br J Ophthalmol. December 21,      Optometry, shows that the smaller         on long-term development, to
     2018. [Epub ahead of print].                         a patient’s area of CUVAF, the more       appropriately weight myopia risk
     ■ A new eye drop shows promise for                   time they spend outdoors.1                factors during critical periods of eye
     reducing corneal scarring after Pseudo-                 “These findings suggest that           growth. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs)
     monas aeruginosa infection, compared
     with traditional treatment. Developed                CUVAF measures are a useful,              for myopia were estimated at each
     by researchers from the University of                non-invasive biomarker of the time        life stage.2
     Birmingham, the eye drop consists                    spent outdoors in adults in northern         Factors significantly associated
     of a fluid gel that includes decorin, a
     naturally occurring protein that binds               hemisphere populations,” the study        with myopia included level of ma-
     to collagen in the corneal stroma and                reads.1                                   ternal education (OR 1.33), fertility
     regulates cell proliferation, survival and              To determine that, the team            treatment (OR 0.63), summer birth
     differentiation by modulating numerous
     growth factors. The drop acts similar to             looked at 54 patients (24 with my-        (OR 1.93) and hours spent play-
     a therapeutic bandage, creating a barri-             opia and 30 without) and examined         ing computer games (OR 1.03).
     er that protects the ocular surface from             their CUVAF as well as self-re-           In addition, the researchers noted
     further damage caused by blinking.
     Researchers found the eye drop result-               ported sun exposure preferences.          associations with socioeconomic
     ed in reduced corneal opacity within                 They also took the patients’ blood        status, educational attainment,
     16 days. Adding human recombinant                    samples to assess their vitamin D3        reading enjoyment and certain cog-
     decorin helped restore corneal epithelial
     integrity with minimal stromal opacity.              concentrations. While they found          nitive variable (particularly verbal
     Hill LJ, Moakes RJA, Vareechon C, et al. Sustained   no significant association between        cognition) at multiple points over
     release of decorin to the surface of the eye
     enables scarless corneal regeneration. NPJ Regen
                                                          sun exposure preferences or serum         the life course.2
     Med. 2018;3:23.                                      concentration of vitamin D3 and re-          “A greater understanding of
     ■ Researchers examined the benefits
                                                          fractive status, they did find that, in   contemporaneous, early life factors
     of toric contact lenses vs. sphericals on            nearly every case, CUVAF area was         associated with myopia risk is
     objective measures of visual perfor-                 negatively associated with myopia.1       urgently required, particularly in
     mance for patients with low-to-moder-
     ate astigmatism. High- and low-contrast
                                                             The researchers concluded that         younger-onset myopia,” the au-
     visual acuities significantly improved                the less cumulative ultraviolet B         thors wrote in their study, “as this
     with toric lenses compared with spher-               exposure from sunlight, the more          correlates with higher severity and
     ical lenses at both fitting and follow-up.
     Electromyography recordings showed
                                                          likely patients were to be myopic.1       increased complications in adult
     less orbicularis muscle activity, correlat-                                                    life.”2
     ing with less eyestrain, with toric lenses           PHYSIOLOGIC FACTORS
     compared with spherical lenses; howev-                                                         1. Kearney S, O’Donoghue L, Pourshahidi L, et al.
     er, the difference was only different at
                                                          A second study found a mix of en-         Conjunctival ultraviolet autofluorescence area, but
                                                          vironmental and physiologic factors       not intensity, is associated with myopia. Clin Exp
     the fitting visit.                                                                              Optom. 2019;102(1):43-50.
     Berntsen DA, Cox SM, Bickle KM, et al. A             give rise to myopia, some of them         2. Williams KM, Kraphol E, Yonova-Doing E, et al.
     randomized trial to evaluate the effect of toric                                               Early life factors for myopia in the British Twins Ear-
     versus spherical contact lenses on vision and        quite surprising.2                        ly Development Study. Br J Ophthalmol. November
     eyestrain. Eye Contact Lens. 2019;45(1)28-33.          In a new study conducted in the         6, 2018. [Epub ahead of print].

REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses

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                                                    CLs and MGD: a Mixed Bag

                                                            esearch now shows silicone       mian glands due to silicone hydrogel
                                                            hydrogel contact lens (CL)       CL wear, some of which could help
Jack Persico                            materials don’t cause cy-        clinicians detect early MGD.2
Rebecca Hepp                       tokine-driven inflammation for              Researchers examined 173 eyes
ASSOCIATE EDITOR                                    patients with meibomian gland            of 87 soft CL wearers and 103 eyes
Catherine Manthorp
ASSOCIATE EDITOR                                    dysfunction (MGD), but they can          of 55 controls, grouping them based
Mark De Leon                     affect morphological and functional      on duration of wear: less than three
Joseph P. Shovlin, OD,          changes to the meibomian glands.         years, between three and seven years
ASSOCIATE CLINICAL EDITOR                              One study evaluated MGD               and more than seven years.2
Christine W. Sindt, OD,
EXECUTIVE EDITOR                                    patients who had worn CLs for               They found significantly higher
Arthur B. Epstein, OD,    at least six months and found            upper and lower eyelid meiboscores
Milton M. Hom, OD,           silicone hydrogel CLs didn’t cause       in the CL wearers compared with
GRAPHIC DESIGNER                                    cytokine-driven ocular surface           controls, as well as higher mean
Ashley Schmouder
AD PRODUCTION MANAGER                               inflammation, but they may impact        OSDI scores, corneal staining
Scott Tobin                    tear function, which could still lead    scores, percentage of gland loss and
BUSINESS STAFF                                      to symptoms of dry eye disease           percentage of thickened and curled
PUBLISHER                                           (DED).1                                  meibomian glands in the upper and
James Henne
REGIONAL SALES MANAGER                                 The researchers found the mean        lower lids. Both the mean TBUT
Michele Barrett                 cytokine concentrations of CL wear-      and meibomian gland expressibility
Michael Hoster                   ers were not statistically significant   were lower in CL wearers compared
VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS                          compared with those of healthy           with the control groups.2
Casey Foster
                                                    controls. Even the concentrations           The study also found duration of
EXECUTIVE STAFF                                     of those with and without MGD            wear was important, considering
Marc Ferrara                 didn’t show statistically significant    meiboscores were higher in patients
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS                   variation.1                              who wore CLs for more than three
Jeff Levitz
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT,                                 According to the research team,       years compared with those wear-
Tammy Garcia
                                                    the TBUT and ocular surface stain-       ing lenses for less than three years.
VICE PRESIDENT,                                     ing in CL wearers with MGD were          The earliest change the researchers
Monica Tettamanzi
                                                    significantly worse compared with        documented was meibomian gland
VICE PRESIDENT, CIRCULATION                         controls, but they did not correlate     thickening in the upper eyelid—be-
Emelda Barea
                                                    with tear cytokine levels, suggest-      fore deterioration of meiboscores or
John Caggiano               ing other factors are to blame for       increase in gland dropout, the study
EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD                              the symptoms. “The abnormal              says. This was the only finding that
Mark B. Abelson, MD                                 interaction between the meibomian        had the highest diagnostic ability for
James V. Aquavella, MD
Edward S. Bennett, OD                               lipids and the contact lens surface      MGD, they noted.2           RCCL

Aaron Bronner, OD
Brian Chou, OD
                                                    is thought to result in thinning of
                                                                                             1. Yucekul B, Mocan M, Mehmet C, et al. Evaluation
Kenneth Daniels, OD                                 the tear lipid layer, accelerated tear   of long-term silicone hydrogel use on ocular surface
S. Barry Eiden, OD                                                                           inflammation and tear function in patients with
Desmond Fonn, Dip Optom, M Optom                    evaporation and dewetting as a           and without meibomian gland dysfunction. Eye &
Gary Gerber, OD
Robert M. Grohe, OD
                                                    result of the increased lens-surface     Contact Lens. 2019:45(1):61–6.
                                                                                             2. Uçakhan Ö, Arslanturk-Eren M. The role of soft
Susan Gromacki, OD                                  hydrophobicity,” the report reads.       contact lens wear on meibomian gland morphology
Patricia Keech, OD
Bruce Koffler, MD                                   “These changes are likely to be          and function. Eye Contact Lens. 2018 December 28,
Pete Kollbaum, OD, PhD                                                                       2018. [Epub ahead of print].
Jeffrey Charles Krohn, OD                           the underlying causes for reduced
Kenneth A. Lebow, OD
Jerry Legerton, OD
                                                    TBUT, higher ocular surface staining
Kelly Nichols, OD                                   as well as higher OSDI scores previ-       Advertiser Index
Robert Ryan, OD
Jack Schaeffer, OD                                  ously reported in CL wearers.”1            Art Optical...........................Cover 3
Charles B. Slonim, MD
Kirk Smick, OD
                                                       A second study recently docu-           CooperVision ......................Cover 2
Mary Jo Stiegemeier, OD                             mented several morphological and
Loretta B. Szczotka, OD                                                                        Menicon .............................. Cover 4
Michael A. Ward, FCLSA                              functional changes to the meibo-
Barry M. Weiner, OD
Barry Weissman, OD

                                                                           REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019                5
REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses
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REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses
My Perspective
                        By Joseph P. Shovlin, OD

Perfecting the Art of Practice
These seven steps might help you start off your new year on the right foot.

               o you have a New         know you plan on addressing each         practitioners become somewhat
               Years’ resolution? I’m   concern or complaint to the best of      hardened from our daily routine; we
               fairly certain some of   your ability in the future.              see so much pathology and visual
               you will have already       3. Assess the patient’s response      loss that we run the risk of forget-
               made and broken          to illness and suffering. We must        ting how devastating it can be. Dr.
one for the new year by the time        provide a precise diagnosis when-        Egnew highlights the need for being
you read this. If so, make a new        ever possible. Dr. Egnew says that       explicit in your understanding of
one! And if you haven’t yet made        patients suffer in ways other than       a patient’s problem; in doing so,
a New Year’s resolution, here is a      experiencing physical pain. We           it actually allows them to be more
suggestion.                             encounter patients with anterior         open in sharing both personal and
  I came across a fascinating article   and posterior segment anomalies          clinically important information.
about a year ago by Thomas Egnew,       that may not be painful physically
EdD. It deals directly with what we     but cause suffering from visual          CHECK IN
do daily in clinical practice—caring    compromise.                              One way to incorporate these skills
for patients. I hope you find the          4. Communicate to foster heal-        is to keep a list of patients you’ve
highlights striking enough to make      ing. Carl Rogers notes that anyone       seen over the past week who might
a new resolution to replace the one     who counsels patients needs to           benefit from a phone call to check
you didn’t adhere to already, or to     display congruence (being authen-        on their progress. I’ve done this
add to your list of resolutions.        tic), acceptance (valuing the patient    for years, and patients are always
                                        even if you don’t agree with their       amazed that you have taken the
THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN                   actions) and understanding (being        time to call and are grateful for
Here are the seven skills for mastery   sensitive to what they are experi-       your concern. It goes a long way in
of practice that the author refers to   encing). However, on occasion, we        saying, “I really care about you.” Of
as “the magnificent seven:1             are forced into confrontation. For       course, there’s some risk that it may
   1. Take a moment to focus before     example, “You have thyroid eye           get you more than you bargained
you enter the examination room.         disease—you must stop smoking!”          for, but the pluses seem to always
It’s important to clear your mind          5. Use the power of touch. Of         outweigh the minuses.
from the last encounter or recharge     course, we do not recommend any-            Many of these seven skills may
after the morning’s tribulations.       thing that can be misconstrued as        seem straightforward and even
Then, it’s time to focus on the next    an unwanted gesture, but this article    obvious, but I find it always good
patient. As Dr. Egnew stresses, be-     recommends a warm handshake.             to reflect on how your patients
coming mindful of the details of the    If you get the sense that a patient      and their families might perceive
next patient outside the consultation   is uncomfortable with any touch          you. Carefully reflecting on each of
room is a precursor to being mind-      because of their cultural or religious   these areas should serve us all well
ful inside the examination room.        beliefs, avoid it.                       to be better care providers. I thank
   2. Establish a connection with the      6. Laugh a little. “Humor can         Dr. Egnew for his seven skills to
patient, develop rapport and agree      be helpful in establishing rapport,      promote mastery in clinical practice.
on an agenda. This initial interac-     relieving anxiety, communicating a       I hope you also find them helpful.
tion gives you a chance to connect      message that you care, enhancing         And if this is one New Year’s reso-
with the patient interpersonally        healing and providing an acceptable      lution you can adopt—an attempt
and intellectually. Spending a small    outlet for any anger and frustra-        to master the art of practice—I hope
amount of time socializing and lis-     tion.” Gentle self-deprecation also      it’s one you keep for the remainder
tening is a worthy investment. Also,    has worked well for all of us from       of your career. Wishing all a happy
set an agenda. You don’t need to        time to time.                            and healthy New Year!               RCCL

address all of their concerns on the       7. Show some empathy. This            1. Egnew TR. The art of medicine: seven skills that pro-
first visit, but be certain that they   is seldom practiced, especially as       mote mastery. Fam Pract Mangag. 2014;21(4):25-30.

                                                            REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES | JANUARY/FEBURARY 2019                  7
REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses
The GP Experts
                                By Robert Ensley, OD, and Heidi Miller, OD

    A Reliable Post-PK Option
    Scleral lenses are growing in popularity, but GPs have long been a mainstay in managing the
    complex corneas of these patients.

                 ince 2005, the annual                                                             topography will help
                 number of penetrat-                                                               dictate the proper
                 ing keratoplasty (PK)                                                             contact lens fit.
                 procedures performed                                                                 Regular astigmatism
                 in the United States                                                              has two principal me-
    has decreased by 56%.1 When                                                                    ridians perpendicular
    transplantation is required, more                                                              to each other in a bow-
    selective procedures, such as                                                                  tie pattern. Depending
    anterior lamellar keratoplasty and                                                             on the power of each
    endothelial keratoplasty, have                                                                 half of the bowtie, reg-
    contributed to the reduced need                                                                ular astigmatism can
    for full-thickness grafts. However,                                                            be classified further as
    PKs are still performed in cases                                                               symmetrical or asym-
    of advanced corneal disease or            Post-PK, the cornea can take on a steep-to-flat       metrical. When the
    opacification.                            pattern where the graft is tilted.                   cornea is non-uniform
       A full-thickness PK replaces all                                                           or principal meridians
    layers of the cornea with a donor         may be minimized, careful observa- are not 90 degrees apart, the astig-
    button, typically 7.5mm to 8.5mm          tion for signs of hypoxia is critical. matism is considered irregular, with
    in diameter, sutured in place to          Scleral lenses are made with highly    several pattern subtypes.7 Irregular
    the host tissue.2 Newer surgical          oxygen permeable (DK) materi-          astigmatism is the most common
    techniques such as using a femto-         als, but they must also take into      indication for fitting GP lenses
    second laser to create the donor          account the diffusion of oxygen        post-transplantation.8
    button have improved postopera-           through the post-lens tear layer. If      Corneal shape is typically
    tive wound stability and reduced          excessive hypoxic stress is placed     classified into three basic pat-
    healing time.3 However, refrac-           on the endothelium, corneal edema terns: prolate, oblate and mixed.
    tive outcomes are still variable,         may occur and increase the risk of     Prolate-shaped corneas are steeper
    and are largely impacted by the           rejection. Smaller-diameter corneal    centrally and flatter in the periph-
    amount of astigmatism that the            GP lenses use the same high DK         ery, while oblate-shaped corneas
    graft produces. High amounts              materials and also benefit from a      are flatter centrally and steeper
    of astigmatism are not uncom-             greater tear exchange beneath the      in the periphery. Mixed-shape
    mon, with one large cohort study          lens. This improves oxygen tension     features both prolate and oblate
    reporting at least five diopters of       and is suggested to play a role in     areas of the cornea. Post-PK, the
    astigmatism in 20% of grafts.4            the lower risk of microbial keratitis cornea can also take on a steep-
    If spectacles do not provide a            with GP lenses.5,6                     to-flat pattern where the graft is
    successful visual outcome, contact                                               tilted, steep on one side and flatter
    lenses, specifically gas permeable        THE CORNEAL PROFILE                    towards the other side.7,9
    (GP) lenses, may be required for          The goal of fitting GP lenses is to
    vision rehabilitation.                    align the lens’s back surface to the   FITTING STRATEGY
                                              anterior curvature of the cornea.      A well-fit GP lens will minimize
    LENS CONSIDERATIONS                       With a normal cornea, eyelid posi- mechanical trauma to the graft,
    Because of their ability to vault         tioning and keratometry measure-       optimize vision and be comfortable
    over the corneal surface, scleral         ments are used to select diameter      to the patient. Maintaining proper
    lenses are becoming an increasingly       and base curve. For PK patients,       centration and distributing weight
    popular lens choice for post PK           analyzing astigmatism and corne-       equally on the cornea can achieve
    patients. While mechanical stress         al shape with the aid of corneal       these objectives.

REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses
In general, larger-diameter in-      alignment. If the graft is tilted, a    post-surgical corneas. The
tralimbal lenses (10mm to 12mm)          GP lens will tend to center over        SynergEyes UltraHealth lens is
are preferred because their back         the steepest part of the cornea.        designed using a hyper DK reverse
optical zone diameter will extend        Larger-diameter lenses help with        geometry GP lens and a high DK
beyond the graft-host junction.9,10      centration, although in these cases     SiHy skirt. The GP lens vaults over
If small-diameter lenses must be         scleral lenses may indeed be the        the cornea with minimal touch
used, care must be taken to avoid        preferred choice.                       and the soft skirt maintains centra-
heavy bearing, especially on the                                                 tion with minimal movement.
junction.                                OTHER OPTIONS
    Choosing a back surface design
for the lens is dependent on the
corneal profile. Prolate corneas
                                         Discomfort and decentration can
                                         potentially derail the success of GP
                                         lenses. A piggyback system may
                                                                                 T     he versatility of scleral lenses
                                                                                       makes them a popular choice
                                                                                 for the post-PK patient; however,
with regular astigmatism and a           be an effective option to correct       they are not without risk. If a graft
normal eccentricity can often still      both complications. A soft sili-        patient cannot tolerate or afford
be fit in a conventional spherical       cone hydrogel (SiHy) lens can be        a scleral lens, they have options.
lens. If the regular astigmatism is      placed under the GP lens to reduce      Don’t be afraid to put your GP
2.5D or more, a bitoric design can friction on the cornea. The power             fitting skills to the test!       RCCL

be fit to avoid lens rocking and ar- profile of the soft lens can help
                                                                                 1. Eye Bank Association of America. 2016 Eye
eas of heavy touch. When the graft manipulate centration. A high my-             Banking Statistical Report.
is steeper, a keratoconic design,        opic powered soft lens will act as      wp-content/uploads/2017/04/2016_Statistical_
                                                                                 Report-Final-040717.pdf. Accessed December
which typically has a steeper base       a carrier for the GP lens to rest on,   23, 2018.
curve and smaller optic zone size,       while a high plus lens may “fill in”    2. Richard JM, Paton D, Gasset AR. A Comparison
                                                                                 of penetrating keratoplasty and lamellar kerato-
can be used. Proud grafts that pro- an oblate cornea.10 In a piggyback           plasty in the surgical management of keratoco-
trude more from the host cornea          design, the soft lens will provide      nus. AM J Ophthalmol. 1978;86(6):807-11.
                                                                                 3.Farid M, Pirouzian A, Steinert RF. Femtosec-
may require a quadrant specific          only 20% of the total optical           ond laser keratoplasty. Int Ophthalomol Clin.
peripheral curve design if there is      power of the system.11 Because          2013;53(1):55-64.
excessive edge lift. A reverse ge-       oxygen must now diffuse through         4. Kelly TL, Williams KA, Coster DJ. Corneal trans-
                                                                                 plantation for keratoconus: A registry study. Arch
ometry lens, in which one or more two lenses, careful monitoring for             Ophthalmol. 2011; 129(6):691-7.
peripheral curves are steeper than       corneal hypoxia is warranted.           5. Weissman BA. Corneal oxygen: 2015. CL Spec-
                                                                                 trum. 2015;30:25-29,55.
the optical zone curvature, can             Contemporary hybrid lens
                                                                                 6. Fleiszig SM. The pathogenesis of con-
also reduce peripheral edge lift.9       designs are also available for          tact lens-related keratitis. Optom Vis Sci.
   Reverse geometry lenses                                                       2006;83:E866-73.
                                                                                 7. Karabatsas CH, Cook SD, Sparrow JM. Proosed
are also useful for oblate                                                       classification for topographic patterns seen
corneas. A conventional                                                          after penetrating keratoplasty. BR J Ophthalmol.
GP would exhibit excessive
                                                                                 8. Wietharn BE, Driebe WT Jr. Fitting contact
central clearance, at risk                                                       lenses for visual rehabilitation after penetrat-
for bubble formation,                                                            ing keratoplasty. Eye & Contact Lens 2004;
mid-peripheral bearing and                                                       9. Szczotka LB, Lindsay RG. Contact lens fitting
edge lift. Flattening the base                                                   following corneal graft surgery. Clin Exp Optom.
curve to match the central
                                                                                 10. Louie DJ, Kawulok E, Kauffman M, Epstein A.
cornea and steepening                                                            Postsurgical contact lens fitting. In: Bennett ES,
the peripheral curves                                                            Henry VA, eds. Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses.
                                                                                 4th Ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams &
will better match corneal                                                        Wilkins; 2014:578-608.
contour, with a fluorescein      A well-fit GP lens will minimize mechanical
                                                                                 11. Woo M, Weissman B. Effective optics of
                                                                                 piggyback soft contact lenses. CL Spectrum.
pattern appearing to be in       trauma to the graft.                            2011;26(11):50.

                                                                REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019              9
REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES - Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses
New Lenses for a
        New Year
       Highlights in 2019 will include
   toric multifocals, a photochromic
                 contact lens and more.

                                                                                   By Jane Cole, Contributing Editor

               ot too long ago, the          SUN PROTECTION                            them from the sun’s brightness
               contact lens marketplace      For the first time, photochromic          without carrying sunglasses has
               seemed a bit stagnant.        technology is coming to the con-          been on patients’ minds for some
               Practitioners had a sta-      tact lens platform, with a new lens time. Specifically, at least once a
   ble line-up of offerings that served      under the Transitions banner from month for as long as I have been
   patients well, but it was essentially     Johnson & Johnson Vision (JJV)            in practice, I’ve gotten the ques-
   the same product lines year in            slated to hit the market in the first     tion about photochromic contact
   and year out with some incremen-          half of this year. Formally named         lenses. There is clearly a desire,
   tal updates. For 2019, however,           Acuvue Oasys with Transitions             and I am excited to answer ‘yes’ to
   industry has some ambitious new           Light Intelligent Technology, the         this question several times a year,
   ideas to debut. Here, we offer a          lens is a two-week reusable prod-         and possibly more, as awareness
   sneak peek of what’s expected in          uct that continuously adapts from         increases once the product is
   the coming months, and optome-            clear to dark and back, according         available.”
   trists weigh in on how these new          to the company. The
   lenses might fit into what’s cur-         lenses become dark
   rently available.                         in 45 seconds when
      “In general, the lenses will be        exposed to UV or
   a stab at what doctors and pa-            HEV light and fade
   tients have been asking for over          back to clear within
   the last several years,” says David       90 seconds in dark-
   Anderson, OD, of Miamisburg,              er lighting. The lens
   Ohio. “We will see toric mul-             also provides 100%
   tifocals, lenses to treat medical         protection against UVB
   conditions and lenses that change         rays, JJV says. The lens
   color like Transitions glasses. For       is the result of a joint
   the longest time, the lens advanc-        partnership between
   es have been all health driven,           JJV and Transitions
   addressing compliance with daily          Optical.
   disposables or more oxygen with              “This lens has been
   silicone hydrogel lenses. Now, the        long awaited for,”         Fig. 1. and Fig. 2. The Acuvue Oasys with
                                                                        Transitions Light Intelligent Technology lenses
   companies are making an effort to         says Dr. Anderson.         become dark in 45 seconds when exposed to
   focus on the cosmetic and medical         “The idea of both          bright light and fade back to clear within 90
   arenas to help solve some needs           protecting your eyes       seconds in darker lighting, according to the
   that patients have had for years.”        from UV and shielding company.

Mile Brujic, OD, of Bowling         an increase in astigmatism as          Are CL Developments
Green, Ohio, likens this new lens     they age, which alone can cause        Meeting ODs’ Needs?
option to a “sunglass contact         dropout,” Dr. Anderson adds.
                                                                             We asked experts from the Centre
lens.” Although it doesn’t provide       “This is the first time we’ve       for Ocular Research & Education
ocular tissue protection, athletes    had access to a toric contact          (CORE) at the University of
who may not be able to wear           lens that has presbyopia-cor-          Waterloo to weigh in on wheth-
sunglasses, for example, will be      recting options available in our       er the new contact lenses being
able to see comfortably in this       office without having to special-      developed are bridging doctor and
new lens. “In my mind, that’s the     ty order them,” says Dr. Brujic.       patient needs.
bigger thing than the actual pro-        While a multifocal for astig-         At a basic level, contact lenses
tective factors of the potential UV   matism has existed for many            need to enable patients to see
protection in the lens.”              years, it is a custom-fit lens,        clearly, with all-day comfort, while
                                                                             maintaining the health of the
  Adds Glenda Secor, OD, of           which presents myriad clinical
                                                                             wearer’s eye, they say. For practi-
Huntington Beach, CA, “This           and logistical barriers. “The
                                                                             tioners, lenses need to be quick and
lens should be great. Patients are    process is lengthy because it is a     predictable to fit. “Many changes in
anxious to try them.”                 made-to-order lens,” says Justin       contact lens design and technology
                                      Bazan, OD, of Park Slope Eye           over the last few years have helped
NEW PRESBYOPIC OPTIONS                in Brooklyn, NY. “It can take          us move closer to being able to
Last fall, Alcon launched its         a couple of weeks just to get          provide those basics for a greater
monthly replacement Air Optix         the first trial lenses. More times     number of patients,” they say.
plus HydraGlyde Multifocal            than not, a second or third              For example, silicone hydrogel
contact lens, giving the company a    trial is needed, adding several        materials provide the cornea with
new monthly option to round out       weeks to complete the fit. This        sufficient oxygen for daily wear,
                                                                             and, in many cases, adequate
its multifocal product line. The      drawn-out process often leads
                                                                             oxygen for overnight wear also.
HydraGlyde component is said to       to frustration and many patients       Materials have been engineered to
improve moisture retention and        are lost to follow-up.”                try and maintain comfort through-
thus contact lens comfort, accord-       Also, the fitting process for       out the day, and choice of design to
ing to the company.                   custom lenses is complicated           correct astigmatic and presbyopic
   Other companies are also plan-     and the visual outcome isn’t           prescriptions has increased.
ning new multifocal offerings for     always satisfactory, Dr. Bazan           Yet, there are still improvements
this patient population:              says. “For me, the complication        to be gained in delivering enhanced
   Astigmatism. Bausch + Lomb is      stems from numerous add pow-           comfort for the many patients who
gearing up to debut a multifocal      ers and power designs. It’s rare       experience contact lens-related
toric lens, the Ultra Multifocal      to get a patient who is happy          dryness, they add. “We need to
                                                                             understand more about the interac-
for Astigmatism. The monthly          with their visual outcome.”
                                                                             tion of contact lenses with both the
replacement silicone hydrogel            The forthcoming lens from           tear film and contact lens solutions,
lens can correct near or distance     B+L may help to resolve these          and we would benefit from technol-
vision, astigmatism and presby-       issues, Dr. Bazan says. “It com-       ogy which enables the incidence of
opia and has an expected release      bines technology that has been         both microbial keratitis and corneal
of mid-2019.                          proven successful, it is easy to       infiltrative events to be reduced.”
   This lens may help patients with   fit and will be available on the        Acquisitions of instrument and
uncorrected astigmatism stay in       spot in an in-office fitting kit.      therapeutic device intellectual
contact lenses because they won’t     From our spherical presbyopic          property by some of the major
need to wear readers over their       patients, we have learned that         vision care companies over the past
distance vision contacts or rely      multifocal contact lenses are the      few years demonstrate the focus
                                                                             that exists in this area, they add. “A
on monovision to help with near       preferred way to handle pres-
                                                                             better understanding of the tear
vision, says Dr. Anderson. “A         byopia, and now we are finally         film and how it interacts with the
multifocal option to also correct     able to offer it to our astigmatic     contact lens should lead to new
astigmatism offers an opportunity     presbyopic patients.”                  technology and treatments which
to help more patients as they lose       “It will be like fitting a spher-   can help maintain, or even enhance,
their near vision, and provides       ical multifocal lens, and the          ocular surface health,” the CORE
an option as many patients have       Ultra material is a comfortable        researchers explain.

                                                             REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019   11

   platform,” Dr. Brujic adds. “This                                                            pathway for their innovation. An      line extensions added correction
   is one I’m excited about.”                                                                   accommodating contact lens still      for astigmatism and presbyopia.
      Dynamic refraction. Presbyopic                                                            appears to be on Alcon’s product      The company also has a non-SiHy
   patients may one day have ac-                                                                roadmap, too, according to public     workhorse lens in the Dailies Aqua
   cess to a self-powered smart lens                                                            documents.                            Comfort Plus product line.
   designed to dynamically change                                                                 Though a product launch won’t          In 2019 or perhaps 2020, look
   focus. The subject of much spec-                                                             make it into 2019, clinicians may     for the company to add a third
   ulation for years, this concept                                                              be able to hear more about these      category in between those two,
   is being pursued by at least two                                                             technologies as plans proceed at      reportedly to be called Precision1.
   companies, Alcon and JJV. Both                                                               both companies.                       Few details are available, but the
   have publicly discussed their plans                                                                                                company expects the silicone hy-
   to develop a lens that adjusts its                                                           A MID-TIER SiHy LENS                  drogel contact lens to use what it
   shape to change the refractive                                                               Back in 2011, Alcon planted a flag    calls ‘advanced aqueous extraction
   index as needed. JJV says it has                                                             at the high end of the daily dis-     and surface treatment,’ which it
   overcome many technical hurdles,                                                             posable market with the launch of     believes will help the contact lens
   including onboard battery tech-                                                              its DailiesTotal1 silicone hydrogel   compete with other mainstream
   nology, and it is working closely                                                            (SiHy) lens, using a water gradient   silicone hydrogel options currently
   with the FDA on the regulatory                                                               lens matrix. Subsequent product       on the market.

   Happy 20th, Silicone Hydrogels!
   By Lyndon Jones, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, Jill Woods, BSc (Hons), MCOptom, Karen Walsh, BSc (Hons), MCOptom,
   and Doerte Luensmann, PhD, Dipl. Ing.
   In 2018, silicone hydrogel (SiHy) contact lenses cele-                                                          epithelial microcysts, limbal hyperemia and corneal
   brated their 20th birthday. Now that these lenses have                                                          neovascularization were significantly reduced. However,
   been available for two decades, we at CORE offer a                                                              mechanical complications arose from the combination
   walk down memory lane. Here is a look at SiHy’s mile-                                                           of increased modulus and original base curve designs.
   stones and challenges, from balancing properties for                                                            These included contact lens induced papillary conjunc-
   comfortable daily wear to increased understanding of                                                            tivitis, mucin balls, epithelial splits and discomfort.
   how the lenses interact with the ocular surface and tear
   film, plus a glimpse into the future:                          ELEMENTARY YEARS: 2004-2009
                                                                 This was a period of great advancements for SiHy with
   INFANT/TODDLER YEARS: 1998-2003                               the launch of the first reusable SiHy lens with a daily
   Prior to SiHy lenses, frequent replacement soft hydro-        wear-only indication. This material, galyfilcon A, had
   gel lenses were available, but hypoxia-related compli-        a bound internal wetting agent to achieve wettability.
   cations existed with full-time daily and extended wear.       Further innovation saw the release of comfilcon A, an
   The potential benefits of silicone were known, but             inherently wettable material. Practitioners had access
   researchers and manufacturers faced significant tech-          to an increased choice of spherical lenses, along with
   nical challenges when incorporating the hydrophobic           the addition of toric and multifocal options across a
   element into a lens. The first generation of SiHy lenses       number of new materials for both extended and daily
   were balafilcon A, with a plasma ox-                                             wear. The first daily disposable SiHy
                                           Photo: Jeffrey Sonsino, OD, and Shachar Tauber, MD

   idation surface treatment that cre-                                             lens, narafilcon A, was launched in
   ated silicate “islands’ on the surface                                          2008-2009.
   of the lens, and lotrafilcon A with                                                Balancing the material properties
   a plasma coating. Both required                                                 of oxygen transmissibility, modulus,
   surface modification to create a                                                 coefficient of friction and wetta-
   suitably hydrophilic surface.                                                   bility was a focus through these
    The first years of the SiHy era                                                 years to drive increased comfort for
   delivered both a leap forward in                                                daily wear. Packaging solutions also
   oxygen delivery and some initial                                                received attention, with comfort-en-
                                            Researchers are investigating contact
   physiological challenges. Hypoxic        lens materials that may reduce the     hancing agents added to the blister
   responses, such as corneal striae,       incidence of microbial keratitis.      pack of several SiHy materials.

In statements to financial ana-      also see an advance that builds          professor and university research
lysts, the company said Precision1      upon the Dailies Total1 lens matrix      chair, and includes Jill Woods,
“will be a daily disposable, SiHy       technology. Investor presentations       BSc (Hons), MCOptom, clinical
contact lens intended to compete        note a “next generation water            research manager and senior clin-
within the mainstream subcatego-        gradient” material in the works,         ical scientist at CORE; and Karen
ry of the global daily disposable       though no release date is specified.     Walsh, BSc (Hons), MCOptom,
contact lens market” and it “will                                                CORE clinical scientist.
be engineered for the highest           INNOVATION ON                              Myopia. They predict an
visual clarity of any contact lens in   THE HORIZON                              expansion of myopia control
its class.” Positioned between the      Researchers from the Centre for          designs, including the MiSight
high-end Dailies Total1 and the         Ocular Research & Education              (CooperVision) design they have
non-SiHy Dailies Aqua Comfort           (CORE) at the School of                  been working with in clinical tri-
Plus, this new, mid-tier lens could     Optometry & Vision Science at the        als. This soft lens for myopia con-
strike a balance between perfor-        University of Waterloo offer their       trol has been available in Canada
mance and cost that helps grow          insights on what’s ahead on the          for a year and even longer in some
the daily disposable category as a      contact lens horizon. This research      East Asian and European markets.
mass-market product.                    team is led by Lyndon Jones, PhD,        “It will be interesting to see the im-
   Further down the road, we may        DSc, FCOptom, CORE director,             pact of this lens in the US market

 However, adverse reactions still occurred, including        tions remain and are the subject of ongoing research.
the potentially sight-threatening complication of micro-     Hopefully innovation will result in lenses with reduced
bial keratitis. Additionally, reusable SiHys were found to   complication rates and improved all-day comfort.
be two times more likely to result in corneal infiltrative
events compared with hydrogel lenses.1-4                     COLLEGE YEARS: 2018 AND BEYOND
                                                             Today, researchers are looking into the development of
HIGH SCHOOL: 2010-2017                                       materials to reduce the incidence of infective (microbial
New research and development resulted in an in-              keratitis) and inflammatory (corneal infiltrative) events.
creased understanding of the interaction of SiHys            This may involve the addition of antimicrobial coatings
with the tear film. This included establishing protein        to contact lens materials. In addition, improving com-
and lipid deposition profiles, and the relevance of the       fortable wear times is another goal, and researchers
conformational state of those tear components once           are studying the controlled interaction with the tear
adsorbed onto, and absorbed into, the contact lens.          film, which would encourage uptake of “good” proteins
Further investigations also explored other variables         and lipids while resisting deposition of “bad” tear film
that may impact comfort, such as the effect of contact       components. Investigators believe the conformational
lens wear on the ocular inflammatory response and             state of deposits is important, with materials ideally
the interactions that occur between SiHy materials and       being able to minimize the denaturation of proteins and
contact lens care systems.                                   oxidation of lipids. Further comfort enhancements may
  Key milestones during this era included a new lens         also involve differential deposition on the front vs. the
material, delefilcon A, with a silicone core and a hydro-     back of the lens and the delivery of comfort enhancing
gel-like surface, updated designs from the original 1998     components that could help to stabilize the tear film
lenses, and the emergence of color SiHys. By the end of      and enhance wettability.
2017, more than 40 SiHys were available in all prescrip-      Although an important area of development, no myo-
tions and modalities, including daily disposables for        pia-control designs are available in SiHy materials, but
astigmatism and presbyopia. By 2017, two-thirds of all       researchers expect this to change. They also anticipate
soft fits were SiHys, with the greatest use of this mate-     innovation for presbyopia with the addition of novel
rial occurring with reusable contact lenses.5                optical designs for multifocal contact lenses.
  While understanding SiHy materials and their ocular         With 20 years of lens advancements, the future looks
interactions increased during this time, some ques-          promising for SiHy lenses.

                                                               REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019   13

   once it gains the necessary FDA           Sensimed’s Triggerfish, a contact
   approvals to launch,” the CORE            lens designed to evaluate changes
   team says.                                in intraocular pressure, is commer-
      Another new soft myopia                cially available in Europe and has
   control lens that could hit the US        FDA clearance.
   market in the future is NaturalVue           “Biosensing technologies are a
   (Visioneering Technologies), which        focus for many manufacturers and
   was available in some global mar-         research institutions,” the CORE
   kets in 2018.                             researchers say. “Parties are ac-
      “Given the worldwide recogni-          tively exploring the possibilities of
   tion of the myopia epidemic, and          this technology in a contact lens,
   the real sight-threatening pathol-        as well as with other ocular and
   ogy associated with high myopia,          systemic applications, including
   the focus on myopia control is            detection of cancer markers, blood      Fig. 3. Patients with astigmatism now
   crucial. We are excited by the rate       pressure monitoring, measuring          have a monthly replacement silicone
                                                                                     hydrogel lens option in the form of
   at which our collective knowledge         tear film osmolarity and markers        Bausch + Lomb’s new Ultra Multifocal
   grows in this area and the fact           of dry eye disease.” While biosens-     for Astigmatism, which is designed
   that optical designs really do seem       ing contact lenses are an exciting      to provide stable, consistently clear
   to have an impact,” CORE says.            possibility, most technologies are      vision and spherical aberration
   “While it is true that there is much      still quite a few years away from       control in both axes to help reduce
                                                                                     halos and glare.
   we don’t understand, this is a fast       being commercially available, the
   moving area of research, with new         CORE team adds. Developers
   evidence being generated, and new         have several hurdles to overcome        through the approval process,
   contact lens and spectacle designs        before bringing anything to mar-        optometrists still hope additional
   being tested and released with            ket. In November 2018, Verily           advances will help to fulfill their
   increasing regularity.”                   (Alphabet) and Alcon announced          patient needs.
      In addition to these products,         that they shelved development of a         “A daily disposable toric multi-
   the group is aware of alternate           diabetes-monitoring contact lens,       focal lens is next on my wish list,”
   myopia management approaches              citing difficulties with obtaining      Dr. Anderson says. “I have more
   via the use of orthokeratology,           consistent measures of glucose          than 65% of my patients wearing
   pharmaceutical treatments and the         levels in tears.                        daily disposable lenses. The next
   future potential of combination              Drug delivery. The CORE              area needed is the daily toric mul-
   therapies that may bring together         researchers also see growth in          tifocal lens.”
   contact lens optical designs and          drug-delivering contact lenses to          There are still two key areas
   drug delivery.                            treat specific conditions, including    where patient needs could be
      Light moderation. Light man-           glaucoma, inflammation, allergy         better met, the CORE team says.
   agement will be of interest in            and to aid ocular surface healing.      “First are the rates of infection
   2019, the CORE team says. In                 One such product in the pipeline     and inflammatory events.” Daily
   addition to the photochromic              is a JJV contact lens that includes     disposables are the best way to
   lens on the way from JJV, there           the medication ketotifen fumarate.      minimize risk of these adverse
   is much interest around eyestrain         This drug-eluting contact lens is       events, they say, but reusable con-
   from digital device use.                  designed to help patients with          tact lenses could benefit from the
      “This has led to modifications to      itchy eyes due to ocular allergies,     addition of antimicrobial proper-
   the optical designs of some contact       according to the company. JJV           ties to help reduce the incidence of
   lenses, targeted to reduce digital        says it is on track to bring the        these complications. “Secondly, we
   eyestrain. It is also possible that       product to market within five           are striving to minimize dryness/
   the digital light management tech-        years.                                  discomfort, which remains the
   nology offered in certain spectacle                                               main reason for ceasing contact
   designs may translate into the            CONTACT LENS WISH LISTS                 lens wear. New technologies that
   contact lens market,” they add.           Even though several new contact         can enhance the comfort of the
      Biosensing. A growth in special-       lenses are set to launch this year      contact lens, such as release of
   ty medical lenses is also expected.       and others are working their way        tear-film type components when

Earn up to
                                                      18 CE                                                                              &T
                                                                                                                                          TREATMENTS IN

                                                      Credits*                                                                           EEye
                                                                                                                                           yyee Care
                                                                                                                                                C rre
worn, would be welcome,” the
                                                                                                                                                 REVIEW’S COMMITMENT TO
                                                                                                                                                 C O N T I N U I N G E D U C AT I O N

CORE team says.
   One example is the Tangible
Hydra-PEG coating (Tangible
Science), which recently gained
FDA approval for use on daily
disposable silicone hydrogel lenses.
This coating is designed to im-

prove wettability, increase surface
water retention and lubricity, and
minimize lens deposits. Tangible
Science had previously licensed its
technology for use with Bausch +
Lomb’s rigid gas permeable and
scleral contact lenses.
   “We have a standing order with
our gas permeable lenses right
                                                                                      MAY 17-19, 2019
now to put Tangible on every-                              Join Review’s New Technologies & Treatments in Eye
thing,” Dr. Brujic says. “That’s                                 Care on May 17-19, 2019 in Nashville, TN.
how good it’s actually been.”
                                                             This meeting provides up to 18* COPE CE credits
  Additionally, while research
continues in the area of myopia
                                                                     including interactive workshops!**
control, new lens options for                                                      GAYLORD OPRYLAND
this patient population would be                                                    2800 Opryland Drive
welcome sooner rather than later,
                                                                                 Nashville, Tennessee 37214
doctors say. “Myopia manage-
ment is a hot topic in optometry,”                                             DISCOUNTED RATE: $209/night†
Dr. Bazan says. “I would like to
                                                                                                         PROGRAM CHAIR:
see more contact lens companies
develop options to help with the
myopia epidemic.”

W      hile everyone waits for their
       contact lens dreams to come
true, ODs are looking forward
                                                                                             Paul M. Karpecki, OD, FAAO

trying several new lenses this year                                                                              FACULTY:
and sharing them with patients.                RCCL                                               Ben Gaddie, OD, FAAO
                                                                                                 Jay M. Haynie, OD, FAAO
1. Szczotka-Flynn L, Diaz M. Risk of corneal inflam-
matory events with silicone hydrogel and low dk
hydrogel extended contact lens wear: a meta-anal-

                                                                          THREE WAYS TO REGISTER
ysis. Optom Vis Sci. 2007;84(4):247-56.
2. Radford CF, Minassian D, Dart JK, et al. Risk
factors for nonulcerative contact lens complica-
tions in an ophthalmic accident and emergency
department: a case-control study. Ophthalmology.
3. Chalmers RL, Wagner H, Mitchell GL, et al. Age
and other risk factors for corneal infiltrative and
inflammatory events in young soft contact lens
wearers from the Contact Lens Assessment in
                                                                      CALL: 866-658-1772
Youth (CLAY) study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.
4. Chalmers RL, Keay L, McNally J, Kern J. Multi-                     Administered by
center case-control study of the role of lens mate-
rials and care products on the development of cor-
neal infiltrates. Optom Vis Sci. 2012;89(3):316-25.
                                                                          REVIEW’S COMMITMENT TO
                                                                          C O N T I N U I N G E D U C AT I O N
                                                                                                                             *Approval pending
5. Morgan PB, Woods C, Tranoudis I, et al. In-
ternational contact lens prescribing in 2017. CL                                                                    Partially supported by an unrestricted
Spectrum. 2018;33(January):28-33.                                                                                           educational grant from
                                                                                                                           Bausch & Lomb
                                                      **Subject to change, separate registration required. See event website for complete details. †Rooms
                                                                                 REVIEW OF CORNEA & CONTACT LENSES | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 15
                                                      limited. RGVCE partners with Salus University for those ODs who are licensed in states that require
                                                      university credit. Visit for any meeting changes or updates.
                           WHEN AND WHY
               Discover how long to monitor and treat symptoms before considering
                                     surgical interventions.
                                                  By James Esposito, OD

            urgeons perform corneal          history and clinical exam are nec-        keratoplasty. Questioning a patient
            graft surgery for a wide         essary before referring patients for      on their visual symptoms is a crucial
            variety of indications, in-      cataract surgery. The next two most       first step.
            cluding stromal opacifica-       common pathologies for corneal               • Blurred or variable vision
   tion, corneal ectasias and persistent     graft surgery are repeat graft surgery    associated with corneal edema often
   corneal edema due to endothelial          after failure and keratoconus.3           has a diurnal nature—worse upon
   failure. Worldwide, four-and-a-half          Currently, the United States has       waking and improved later in the
   million individuals have moder-           the highest rate of corneal trans-        day. This is due to prolonged eyelid
   ate to severe vision impairment           plants per capita.4 In the 2016 EBAA      closure and a relatively hypotonic
   secondary to the loss of corneal          report, endothelial keratoplasty          tear film, which reverses throughout
   clarity and more than 200 million         (EK) compromised 57% of surgeries         the day with greater exposure.
   are visually impaired.1 Corneal           performed in the United States, and       Symptoms of photophobia, glare,
   disease is the fifth leading cause of     full-thickness penetrating keratoplas-    redness, tearing, pain or foreign-
   blindness after cataract, uncorrect-      ty (PK) was performed in 38% of pa-       body sensation are also commonly
   ed refractive error, glaucoma and         tients.3 Anterior lamellar keratoplasty   associated with corneal edema.
   macular degeneration.1 Here we            (ALK) and deep anterior lamellar             • Most conditions associated with
   review common graft indications           keratoplasty (DALK) procedures            corneal edema present gradually
   in the United States, clinical pearls     accounted for the small portion of        over weeks, months or even years.
   for a timely and correct diagnosis        remaining surgeries.                      Symptoms may be so gradual at
   and recommendations on when to               Since EK’s introduction in 1999,       times that the patient is able to func-
   obtain an initial surgical consult        there has been an impressive growth       tion surprisingly well and at a much
   for keratoplasty.                         in the number of surgeries and litera-    higher level than would be expected
                                             ture publications, supplanting PK as      based on a slit-lamp biomicroscopy
   COMMON INDICATIONS                        the mainstay.5,6 In contrast, ALK and     exam. Exceptions to this general rule
   AND PROCEDURES                            DALK surgeries were first introduced      would be edema caused by acutely
   The Eye Bank Association of               in 1959, but their popularity has         elevated intraocular pressure (IOP),
   America’s (EBAA) 2016 report              waned, primarily due to the lack of
   revealed that the most common indi-       properly trained ophthalmic sur-               ABOUT THE AUTHOR
   cation for any corneal graft surgery      geons.7 ALK and DALK also require                        Dr. Esposito is an
   in the US is endothelial cell failure     a more prolonged operating room                           attending provider and
                                                                                                        clinical researcher at the
   secondary to either Fuchs’ endotheli-     time and carry a high risk of perfora-                     New Mexico Veterans
                                                                                                        Administration Health
   al dystrophy or cataract surgery [e.g.,   tion in older patients.                                    Care System Eye
   pseudophakic bullous keratopathy                                                                    Clinic in Albuquerque,
                                                                                                     New Mexico. He is an
   (PBK)]. Be aware that a significant       CASE HISTORY PEARLS                                   adjunct clinical professor
   portion of PBK patients also have         Many factors come into play when           at the University of Houston College
                                                                                        of Optometry, the Pacific University
   undiagnosed Fuchs’ endothelial            monitoring patients for corneal            College of Optometry and the New
   dystrophy.2 Therefore, a detailed case    edema and considering referral for         England College of Optometry.

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