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                                                                          wattnow | april 2014 | 1
This product is unsafe!

                                                                                                                                              Make a choice

                   This product is distributed In South Africa under the “Goldstone” label. It
                   fails the following regulatory tests: SANS 164 – 1, SANS 164 - 2 and SANS
                   164 - 6.                                                                                                                                         TM

                   Collectively, the consequences are possible loss of proper electrical
                   contact, possible damage to the pins of the inserted plug and possible
                   exposure of a live plug-pin, leading to overheating and fire and
                   electrocution of the user.

                   This instance has been reported to the National Regulator for Compulsory                                 Suppliers you can trust
                   Specifications (NRCS) and the National Consumer Protection Commission.

                   There are many sub-standard products and services provided in South Africa, usually at lower prices than their compliant
                   competitors. Beware when purchasing electrical products and services!

                   The provision of products and services by members of the SAFEhouse Association is your assurance of responsible behaviour:
                   SAFEhouse members undertake to supply only products and services that comply with regulations and that are safe
                   and fit for purpose. Ask for products and services supplied by SAFEhouse members.

                    Be Safe. Recommend and use SAFEhouse members’ products and services:

                                                 A MEMBER OF THE   Hudaco   GROUP

                                                                                                                                                      TVE LECTRIC
                                                                                                       PRETORIA MOTOR CONTROL GEAR PRODUCTS
As at 05/01/2014

                   *For participating members please see the Safehouse website www.safehousesa.co.za
2 | wattnow | april 2014
6   Letter from the SAIEE President
     Mr Paul van Niekerk.
8    Vote of thanks to the SAIEE President
     Mr Mike Cary.

8   wattshot
     A gadget, tool and gizmo for everyone...
12   wattsup
     Current Affairs.                                                                                  page 12
24   Engineering Nuggets
60   Angela's Opinion
62   Calendar of events

26 Utilities can overcome the "Death Spiral"
     Companies and regulators need to work together to find solutions.                                 page 34
30   Solar-aided power generation vs concentrating solar power
     Renewable energy resources can provide effective energy solutions.
34   Eskom urges customers to use electricity wisely
     The electricity grid will remain constraint until generating capacity comes online.
38   2014 outlook on power and utilities
     Tech-savvy candidates will serve the industry well in the 21st century.

                                                                                                     page 42
42 An energy efficient approach to housing
     This concept was created more than 40 years ago.

48 The use of mobile data for substation commissioning
     This provides greater visibility to an organisation's electrical network.

                                                                                                        page 58
52 "Decades of Engineering Excellence" - chapter 4
     A synopsis of the fourth chapter of du Toit Grobler's book.

56 April
58 The denationalisation of the Power Supply Industry in SA
     Opinion piece by Paul van Niekerk.

                                                                                           wattnow | april 2014 | 3
From the Editor's Desk | minx avrabos

                                                                                                               ith April lurking
                                                                                                              around the corner, we
                                                                                                             feel the days getting
                                                                                                           shorter and a bit nippier
                                                                                              and with this comes the huge
                                                                                              power demand with warming up
                                                                                              our homes. Therefore I feature
                                                                                              ‘Utilities’ in this issue.

                                                                                              Let me take a step back and tell
                                                                                              you about my very productive 3-day visit to the PowerGen Africa
                                                                                              and Distributech Conference and Exhibition in Cape Town. I’ve met
                                                                                              absolutely wonderful people from across the world, made some lucrative
                                                                                              plans for the wattnow and the SAIEE, with engineers very interested in
                                                                                              joining this professional institute and what we offer.

                                                                                              I am working on a paper, which I will present at a wattnow breakfast in
                                                                                              the near future, and I will share it with you all. Something that is very
                                                                                              dear to my heart and I believe you, as professionals in your own rights,
                                                                                              can join me in this venture. Watch this space.

                                                                                              Getting back to this, the Utilities issue of wattnow, we feature an article
                                                                                              on how Utilities can overcome the ‘death spiral’, on page 26. We also
                                                                                              feature an article from Warrick Pierce, an energy consultant who shares
                                                                                              with us his take on solar-aided power generation vs concentrating solar
                                                                                              power. This article appears on page 30.

                                                                                              On page 34 I took the liberty in featuring a press release from Eskom
                                                                                              where they urge consumers to use electricity wisely.

                                                                                              I have a beautiful and very interesting paper from Ludwig Everson who
                                                                                              wrote about an energy efficient approach to housing on page 42. This
                  SAIEE 2013 Office Bearers                                                   gave me some food for thought and it goes to show that just a few minor
                     President                    Paul van Niekerk                            adjustments in our homes can save us money.
             Deputy President                     Pat Naidoo
         Senior Vice President                    André Hoffmann
         Junior Vice President                    T.C. Madikane                               In our Technology section on page 48, I feature a paper from Shadil
      Immediate Past President                    Mike Cary                                   Singh about how Distribution Automation provides greater visibility to
          Honorary Treasurer                      Viv Crone                                   an organisation’s electrical network.
       Honorary Vice President                    Sarel Schoombie

                                 ISSN: 1991-0452                                              There is big things happening in the Institute – look out for next month
    South African Institute of Electrical Engineers. All material is strictly copyright and
     all rights are reserved. Reproduction without permission is forbidden. The views         issue where I will be sharing more news with you.
         expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the SAIEE. E&OE

                                                                                              Have a wonderful April, until next time, enjoy the read.

                                                                                                            Visit www.wattnow.co.za to answer the questions
4 | wattnow | april 2014                                                                                    related to these articles to earn your CPD points.
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                     Suite 1, Heritage Park
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 Telephone: 0861-357732 0861-ELSPEC
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                                                                                                                       wattnow | april 2014 | 5

                                                         reetings to        The strategy which has been developed over the past few
                                                        everybody          years was confirmed, and it was agreed that the SAIEE
                                                      from the desk        constitution requires some minor tweaking and modification
                                                     of the 2013           to create an enabling environment aimed at modernizing the
                                                   SAIEE President.        Institute to do more for our current members and encourage
                                                                           membership growth.
                                         This will be the last letter
                               from me as the 2013 President of the        Thanks to the efforts of Past President Mike Cary, who had
         SAIEE, I will hand over the reins to Dr Pat Naidoo in April       agreed to chair the committee, the constitution has now been
         2014.                                                             amended by a majority vote of members to provide for the
                                                                           introduction of an Executive Committee and Corporate
         In March 2013, I was given the honour to take up the              partners.
         prestigious position as the President of the South African
         Institute of Electrical Engineers, to follow on from the          Eligible organisations that support the aims and objectives
         enormous presence and great minds of my predecessors that         of the SAIEE and are involved in an industry that is relevant
         have taken care of our institute over the past 105 years.         and applicable to the Institute can now apply to the SAIEE to
                                                                           become Corporate Partners of the Institute.
         My year of office has flown by, and I am now writing my last
         column as the President of our proud Institute.                   Finances
                                                                           The assets of the SAIEE been enhanced by the construction of
         The SAIEE is a dynamic institute and must continuously            the beautiful new SAIEE house, and Innes house has been fully
         strive to keep up with all developments, and as such is always    restored to the magnificent building that it once was, and will
         looking for new challenges, and improved ways and means           eventually house all the SAIEE historic artifacts for display.
         to serve its members.
                                                                           Despite this large capital expenditure over the past few years,
         The following is a summary of some of the changes that have       the total assets have once again grown to close to R40 M by
         occurred during the past year:                                    means of judicious investment.
         The SAIEE Office bearers introduced a restructuring
         committee, this committee was made up of the current office       In general, I can report that the SAIEE is in a very sound
         bearers, together with the available past presidents with         financial position, and is well managed by the Executive staff
         a specific brief to examine the aims and objectives of the        of the SAIEE.
         SAIEE, and to assess if the current structure and organisation
         will meet the strategic objectives in the future.                 Professional Development
                                                                           The Professional Development committee has been
         As strategy comes before structure, the first function was        responsible for a record number of CPD training courses
         therefore to reassess the strategic objectives of the SAIEE and   and the validation of conferences. This service has grown
         to determine if we are meeting the needs of our members,          dramatically, and is now being offered in all centres, my
         and what should be done to correct this if required.              appreciation to Sue Moseley for efficient running of this

6 | wattnow | april 2014
programme. In addition, this committee            The lecture was well advertised and over      This year, the previous administration
is responsible for the coordination and           800 people attended at the Wits Medical       building of the SAIEE in Johannesburg,
monitoring of interviews and registration         School lecture auditorium. Vint’s lecture     Innes House was completely renovated and
of Professional Engineers in cooperation          was amazing, he appealed to young and         brought back to its former glory when it
with ECSA, and some 269 new Professional          old, the internet geeks and those of us       was built as the Astronomer’s home. The
Engineers have been registered during this        that are still struggling with modern         design of this building was influenced by
year.                                             communication media like me - for those       Herbert Baker, and during next year it will
                                                  of you who missed it, it is still available   be equipped with artifacts as the SAIEE’s
The Professional Development Committee            on the SAIEE website which can be found       museum to assist in our endeavour to
has identified a shortcoming in the               at    http://www.saiee.org.za/Default.aspx.   encourage the development of learners to
system for registration of Engineers, in          Thanks Vint.                                  become engineers.
that insufficient training and practical
experience is obtained during their               My appreciation to Dr Angus Hay and           My thanks and appreciation to Max
candidacy phase. Consequently a new               Gerda Geyer who made all arrangements         Clarke and the historical section for their
function has been introduced for the              to get him to South Africa in liaison         enthusiastic hard work in this regard.
mentorship of candidate Engineers. The            with Google SA. Unfortunately, Vint is a
executive staff of the SAIEE has waded            busy Executive and much in demand for         For many years now, the SAIEE has
through mountains of red tape to secure           speaking engagements around the world,        published the African Research Journal,
limited CETA funding for the mentorship           so he was not available to travel to the      which has grown from strength to strength.
of engineers which we see as a service to         various centres.
our members and civil society.                                                                  In November 2011, we decided to take
                                                  The Office Bearers then agreed to have a      over the publishing of the SAIEE monthly
Membership                                        second lecturer, and with the help of Vice    magazine wattnow. Thanks to our
As reported last year, the SAIEE                  President Andre Hoffmann, we managed to       Managing Editor, Minx Avrabos, this has
membership had grown from 4952 to 5993,           secure good sponsorship and arranged for      now become a very successful publication,
and thanks to a concerted membership              17 year old Easton La Chappelle, also from    which I look forward to read every month.
drive, by our Director and staff the numbers      Colorado in the US to conduct a whistle
have once again increased considerably, to        stop tour to all SAIEE centres in South       My thanks to the Office Bearers and
over 6000.                                        Africa and do a lecture and demonstration     Council, who have kindly shared their
                                                  of a neuro-controlled artificial hand and     collective knowledge and experience and
Education & Training                              arm that he had designed and built in         assisted me during my term of office.
Committee                                         his bedroom. Over 750 people attended
The SAIEE Education and Training                  Easton’s lectures around SA.                  Particular thanks to Stan Bridgens, and
committee, have introduced an updated                                                           the SAIEE staff, who ensured that all
marketing video to encourage young                In addition, a very interesting President’s   events and meetings ran successfully. A
people to enter the field of Engineering,         Invitation Lecture was presented by           special word of thanks to Gerda Geyer
and have this year awarded ten under-             Professor Justin Jonas on 20 June 2013        who uncomplainingly assisted and guided
graduate bursaries to deserving students,         entitled "The SKA South Africa project -      me with all of the arrangements during the
in addition, this committee administers           mega-science in Africa" thank you Justin.     year.
the ISH post-graduate bursary scheme,             The annual SAIEE banquet took place on
and is available to offer this service to other   the 1st November 2013 at the Wanderers        Kind regards,
organisations.                                    Club where members and their guests were
                                                  treated to a most enjoyable evening.
The Bernard Price memorial lecture this           Centres
year was presented by Dr Vincent Cerf,            During the year I was privileged to
who is sometimes known as the father of           visit the SAIEE centres on two different
the internet, but with the day job title of       occasions. We established a new centre in
Vice President and Chief Evangelist of            Bloemfontein, to be known as the Central
Google, and is internationally well-known         Centre. These Centres are providing a                Paul van Niekerk | Pr. Eng | FSAIEE
as the face of Google.                            great service to members.                                    2013/2014 SAIEE President

                                                                                                                      wattnow | april 2014 | 7

                                  Vote of thanks to the
                                   outgoing President,
                                  Mr Paul van Niekerk
                                                 Paul has also paid attention to the skills      Paul also hosted the second part of
                                                 pipeline, and presented prizes to top           the lecture with Easton La Chapelle at
                                                 learners at the Bergville Community             six different venues throughout South
                                                 Building Programme, which is supported          Africa. The 17-year old Easton hails from
                                                 by the SAIEE.                                   Colorado, USA. At his tender age, he is
                                                                                                 making waves in the robotics industry,
                                                 Paul is also concerned that the Electrical      and had full attendance at all the venues.
                                                 Engineering community is fragmented.
                                                 The SAIEE, with in excess of 6000               During Paul’s year as President of the
                                                 members, is the dominant Institute              SAIEE, the refurbishment of Innes House
                                                 representing electrical engineers.              was completed – a real assets to the
                                                                                                 Institute. The first room of our museum
                                                 However, there are a number of other            was recently introduced to SAIEE Council
               t is my pleasure to propose       organizations such as the Computer              and staff, this all due to Paul’s support.
             a vote of thanks for Paul for his   Society of South Africa, the South African
           contributions to the Institute        Institute of Measurement and Control            In conclusion, I wish on behalf of the
         during his year of office.              and the Certified Engineers, which also         SAIEE, to propose a vote of thanks to
                                                 have electrical engineers amongst their         Paul for his able leadership and all of his
   The following quote from Paul                 membership.                                     contributions during his term. I wish him
   encapsulates his contributions: “Although                                                     every success in his future endevours.
   my theme for the year started out as          He has initiated       talks   with    these
   “Independent Power Production and             organizations.                                  Thank you!
   Infrastructure Development”, it has
   evolved to concentrating on Infrastructure    Paul traveled to all of the centres during
   development, and more particularly, “Skills   his Presidency. Towards the end of 2013,
   Development” as required for the National     he and other Office Bearers attended the
   Development Plan.”                            establishment of a centre in Bloemfontein.

   To this end he participated vigorously in a   The Bernard Price lecture took a different
   number of ECSA forums, and amongst the        form this year, mainly due to the
   initiatives, he supported the engineering     availability of lecturers. The first part was
   skills survey in conjunction with the         a lecture from the father of the Internet
   Council for the Built Environment, and        – Vincent Cerf, and proved to be very
   the “Thought Leadership Project.”             successful.                                     Mike Cary | Immediate Past President

8 | wattnow | april 2014
wattnow | april 2014 | 9

     Herewith showcasing some of the latest cool gadgets nd tools for men that are
                now available. A gadget, tool and gizmo for every one...
            whether it is a gift or just a self-spoil - go ahead, you deserve it!

   The doorbell for Smartphones                    Fluke 805 Vibration Meter                             Flap Discs For Industrial Use
   Doorbot is Wi-Fi enabled, a video doorbell      The 805 Vibration Meter is an easy-                   A new range of abrasive flap discs are now
   that allows you to see and talk with visitors   to-use tool for technicians performing                in stock. These items come in boxes of 10.
   through your smartphone from anywhere           preventative bearing inspections.                     www.acdcexpress.com
   in the world. Price: R3,350 (incl. VAT)         www.comtest.co.za

   FLIR's Measurement tools                        Low-cost current transducers                          New Electrochemical Sensors
   The new product lineup includes an              LEM introduces a cost-effective and                   SGX Sensortech announced the launch
   advanced digital multimeter, two clamp          technically superior alternative to resistive         of eight new sensors to complement their
   meters, NCV detector, moisture meter, and       shunt/optocoupler.                                    range of industrial and commercial gas
   videoscope. www.flir.com                        denvertech@pixie.co.za                                sensing products. www.denvertech.co.za
10 | wattnow | april 2014                      All the products featured on pages 8 & 9 are available from www.mantality.co.za unless specified differently.
NudeAudio keeping you on the move and connected                                    Espresso for the car
Thanks to this incredible portable speaker you have the opportunity to share music, videos      Handpresso Auto helps you optimize
and gaming with those around you.The NudeAudio portable speakers are now available at           your coffee break wherever you are.
leading retail outlets nationwide (Musica & Look & Listen) from R 299.99 to R 1,299.99.         Price: R2 399.00 (incl. VAT)

Rechargeable power backup                      Space coaster DIY                               Mobile projection keyboard
                                               With this Space Coaster you can build a Through the unique technology, the
Safety protection designed for the safety of
                                               spectacular, gravity-defying rollercoaster for revolutionary answer to the demands of
your mobile device Price: R1 799 (incl. VAT)
                                               marbles! Price: R399.00 (incl.)                today’s mobile society. Price: R1 699.00 (incl)

Bluebeards Revenge                             Combat Gyrocopter flight                         The AOC 16” USB Monitor
Slice through stubble the Bluebeards way       Seize this opportunity for a unique              16" class USB monitor, 1366 x 768
with this truly stunning, bespoke double       aerobatic aerospace adventure.                   resolution and folded stand.
edge safety razor! Price: R895 (incl. VAT)     Price: R1 099.00 (incl. VAT)                     Price: R1 480.00 (incl. VAT)
                                                                                                                   wattnow | april 2014 | 11

   SAIEE Partners evening
   A rainy Saturday evening found the SAIEE playing host to its
   council members and their partners to a sumptious dinner at
   the Johannesburg Country Club. It was an evening where we
   networked and got to know the women behind their men and
   vice versa. The 2013 SAIEE President shared a few anecdotes
   about his year as president which had the guests in stitches. The
   evening came to a delightful end with Angela Price sharing her
   experience on how it is to be living with an engineer.

   It was an evening enjoyed by all and the ladies each walked
                                                                          L – R: Paul van Niekerk (2013/4 SAIEE President), Roger Price,
   away with a gift.
                                                                                      Angela Price and Elizabeth van Niekerk.

                Pat & Maureen Naidoo                       Viv Crone & Bea Laquet                      Andreas & Minx Avrabos

                  Liz & Wayne Fisher                      Stan & Margaret Bridgens                      Margaret & Mike Cary

               Hermann & Julie Broschk                   Jan-Harm & Anlia Pretorius                     du Toit & Elize Grobler

12 | wattnow | april 2014
Sy & Dawie Gourrah        Mzwandile & Refilwe Buthelezi      TC & Mahle Madikane

 George & Sharon Debbo        Derek & Jeanette Woodburn          Anton & Gerda Geyer

  Michelle & Angus Hay         Ian & Melonie McKechnie       Viv Cohen & Hermann Broschk

Kiki Meneses & Craig Smith       Jacques & Ansie Smith           Calvin & Sue Moseley

Jacob & Gladys Machinjike    Hendri & Elmari Geldenhuys       Patrick & Bianca O'Halloran

                                                                             wattnow | april 2014 | 13

   New CEO appointed at PTSI
   Power Technologies (Pty) Ltd (Powertech), a wholly owned subsidiary of the JSE listed
   Altron Group has appointed Mr. Hennie Du Plessis as the new Chief Executive Officer
   of Powertech System Integrators (PTSI) with effect from 3 March 2014.

   Du Plessis is registered as a professional Engineer (Pr Eng) with the Engineering
   Council of South Africa. He joined the Altron Group as the CEO of Bytes Healthcare
   Solutions (BHS) from 1999 to 2010. Subsequently, he became CEO of Bytes Document
   Solutions (BDS) in 2010 to 2012. He then moved into private consulting where he had
   many clients including Bytes, Powertech and Altron. Du Plessis was instrumental in
   the amalgamation of Strike Technologies, TIS and Powertech IST into what is now
   known as Powertech System Integrators.

   Neil Kayton, CEO of the Powertech Group, says, “Du Plessis is not new to PTSI. His
   knowledge of our business, markets and business structure as well as his proven record of
   leading teams in Project Management, gives us great confidence of his ability to take PTSI
                                                                                                             Mr Hennie du Plessis
   to new heights. The team has welcomed him and he is receiving the necessary support to
                                                                                                      CEO | Powertech System Integrators
   enable him to re-position the PTSI business.”

   Altaaqa Global wins at Middle East Electricity Awards

     Peter den Boogert (front row 2nd from left), GM Altaaqa Global & Khalil Abdul Malik (front row 3rd from left), GM PEC & winners of Middle
                                                             East Electricity Awards 2014

   Altaaqa Global, as a global temporary           According to the judges, “Altaaqa Global        installation and an exceptional commitment
   power and energy solution specialist,           played a critical role in the electric power    to provide support to its client.”
   recently won ‘Power Project of the Year’ for    industry. This award category is given to
   its Yemen power project and was highly          a company that offers the best planning,        The 54 MW temporary power plant was
   commended for its role in innovation,           delivery and execution of any power plant in    built in just 23 days from signing the
   social responsibility and impressive delivery   the Middle East region."                        contract and has the capacity to supply
   during the Middle East Electricity Awards                                                       up to 150,000 homes with electricity,
   2014, held at the Dubai International           "Altaaqa Global won in this category for its    benefitting more than half a million people
   Convention Centre in Dubai, United Arab         excellent design, innovative power solutions,   in the city of Aden.
   Emirates.                                       fuel savings, record-breaking project
14 | wattnow | april 2014
Helukabel makes clean sweep
A special range of cables designed to repel dirt and prevent the accumulation
of material on its surface has dramatically improved hygiene in “clean room”
environments such as hospitals, restaurants and food manufacturing facilities
throughout the world.

As a result Helukabel’s specially developed Nanoflex product range was recently
awarded the international Wire and Cables Technology award for excellence in
the cabling and connectors category. The prestigious award showcases the best
products available worldwide in the wire and cabling sectors.

Nanoflex cable technology from Helukabel was recognised for its technologically
advanced antimicrobial insulation materials that prevent the spread of harmful
organisms through the wiring harness and thereby contributes towards the
                                                                                                         Doug Gunneweg
improvement of hygiene standards throughout the world.
                                                                                                  Managing Director | Helukabel SA

South African
entrepreneurs conquer UK
Fourteen entrepreneurs comprising of
12 businesses returned to South Africa
recently, following a successful International
Trade Programme (ITP) to the UK. This is
the third such trade trip for South African
entrepreneurs in two years and the results
for their businesses and job creation back
home are proving to be very positive.

                                                                MEDO entrepreneurs return to SA following a successful ITP trip
The ITP aims to stimulate trade between
South African entrepreneurs and UK                                                                and ideas and connections were then
                                                 this one I would say anywhere between 70
partners, fast tracking the growth of local                                                       brainstormed with the experts at Coventry
                                                 to 80%.”
entrepreneurial businesses which are key to                                                       University.”
economic growth and job creation.
                                                 The success is due to a number of factors.
                                                 “The entrepreneurs are more prepared for         “This was also the first time that BT sent two
Hundreds of entrepreneurs from across the                                                         representatives on the tour and it was very
                                                 the tour every year and as tour facilitators
country applied with the most successful                                                          helpful to have them along” says Gotfredsen.
                                                 we have also learnt where to go and we have
being chosen during a rigorous selection and
                                                 built up better connections. For example,
training process at the end of 2013.                                                              Rodney Heubner, Contract Manager, Sub-
                                                 where we stayed this time was better for the
                                                 entrepreneurs in terms of getting around as it   Saharan Africa, BT Global Services, was
Made possible by MEDO - which connects                                                            one of the representatives on this tour.
                                                 didn't take as much time as before.”
large companies (annual turnover above                                                            “The success of the tour for me was on the
R35 million) with emerging and smaller                                                            faces of the entrepreneurs when they had a
                                                 He also says their partners in the UK
enterprises - and sponsored by British                                                            meeting and secured a deal or contract. I was
                                                 are better prepared. “Our UK partners
Telecom Global Services (BT), this tour                                                           impressed with all of them as they did their
                                                 put in a big effort and they have been
yielded its best success rate ever. Success is                                                    homework before we went over.”
                                                 building on the momentum from the first
based on actual agreements concluded.
                                                 tour. Coventry University was extremely
                                                 insightful for example, hosting 10 lecturers     The next MEDO tour will be in September
Bjarke Gotfredsen, Joint CEO & Co-
                                                 presenting not just on technology, but also      this year. Interested entrepreneurs can find
founder, MEDO, says: “Our first tour had
                                                 on entrepreneurship. Each entrepreneur also      out more information closer to the time on
a success rate of 20%, our second 50% and
                                                 gave a short presentation on their businesses    www.medo.co.za
                                                                                                                        wattnow | april 2014 | 15

                                                                       Construction of Ntabankulu’s new
                                                                       district hospital gets underway
                                                                       Construction work on a new Eastern Cape Department of
                                                                       Health (ECDOH) project in Ntabankulu has begun in earnest
                                                                       and was marked by a sod turning ceremony in February 2014.

                                                                       Major earth and civil works construction is already underway
                                                                       as building is about to start at the Sipetu District Hospital
                                                                       where a new hospital facility is planned.

                                                                       “This hospital marks the Eastern Cape Department of Health’s
                                                                       dedication to service delivery and providing decent health
    MOVING EARTH: Officials from the Eastern Cape Department of
   Health and the Coega Development Corporation break ground on the
                                                                       services to our people,” said Eastern Cape MEC for Health,
                     Sipetu District Hospital project.                 Sicelo Gqobana.

   Innovation key to economic growth 2014 Valeo Innovation Challenge
   In light of government’s multi-trillion infrastructure spend        This year, 1412 students around the world are participating in the
   in coming years, innovation is key, according to international      Valeo Innovation Challenge, with a large contingents from every
   consulting firm Royal HaskoningDHV CEO Nyami Mandindi.              continent. A total of 969 teams of engineering students from 55
                                                                       countries and representing 455 universities have submitted their
   In 2012, President Jacob Zuma announced a R4-trillion               projects, with the goal of winning the €100,000 first prize.
   infrastructure spend over a 15-year period in order to boost
   economic development and growth. Government is expected             Sixty Valeo experts and a number of independent scientists will
   to spend R845 billion in the next three years. The massive          review each of the submitted projects to select the 20 teams that
   infrastructure drive opens a bigger role for private sector         will continue on to the next stage of the contest. The 20 short-listed
   participation in the economy.                                       teams will be announced on April 15, 2014, and Valeo will grant each
                                                                       of them €5,000 to create a functioning prototype.
   Speaking at a function in honor of Royal HaskoningDHV’s
   clients in Pretoria recently, Mandindi said: “We need to be         The six teams that submit the most innovative projects will be chosen
   innovative in the way we operate. Our appeal is that our clients    on September 16, 2014. They will be invited to Paris a month later
   encourage initiative and innovation by adopting design processes    to present their projects to a jury chaired by Jacques Aschenbroich,
   that embrace and promote better solutions and best practices.       Valeo Chief Executive Officer, and comprised of members of the
                                                                       Group’s senior management team, as well as eminent figures from
   Meanwhile, there is evidence that the commitment to green           the worlds of science and design. The jury will designate the winning
   buildings is gaining momentum in South Africa. Local                team, which will receive €100,000, with the second and third-place
   companies expect levels of green buildings levels to more than      teams each receiving €10,000.
   triple in the next three years, says Green Building Council South
   Africa (GBCSA) CEO Brian Wilkinson. Speaking at the same            The goal of the Valeo Innovation Challenge is to invite students to
   function, Wilkinson said the share of South African firms highly    imagine equipment that, between now and 2030, will make cars
   dedicated to green buildings was growing at a faster rate than      more intelligent and intuitive. Students taking part in the Challenge
   anywhere else in the world.                                         are asked to develop bold, revolutionary solutions for the cars of the
16 | wattnow | april 2014
SAIEE Fellow receives prestigious award
Maj Gen J.M.Dippenaar (Rtd) Chairman of the Council of Military Veterans
Organisations of SA (CMVO) handing SAIEE Fellow, Lt Col Bill Bergman (Rtd)
the Award of Appreciation for exemplary services rendered in the furthering
the activities and aims of the CMVO and military veteran affairs.

The CMVO looks after the interests of military veterans particularly with
respect to the registration of military veterans whose names are on the military
veterans data base. This list is compiled by the Dept. of Military Veteran Affairs.
Veterans are entitled to certain benefits such as medical, housing, education,
employment and pension.
                                                                                      Maj Gen J.M.Dippenaar (Rtd) (left) handing the Award of
                                                                                      Appreciation to SAIEE Fellow, Lt Col Bill Bergman (Rtd).
Congratulations Bill, the SAIEE salutes you!

More Postmasburg learners set to benefit from Kumba bursaries
Kumba Iron Ore’s Kolomela mine                   courses throughout the year will also be         achievement in order for them to study
announced another 20 bursaries to learners       provided to enable them to, among other          after school.
in Postmasburg at the end of February to         things, motivate themselves and effectively
join the Kolomela Scholarship Bursary            cope with pressure. Furthermore, in order        Aart van den Brink, general manager
Programme. On the programme they will            for them to develop their career interest        of Kolomela mine, notes that Kumba
receive the necessary support to equip           and provide exposure to engineering,             is committed to furthering social
them for their future studies and careers.       geology and surveying, they will attend the      development of the communities around
                                                 University of Pretoria’s engineering week,       its operations.
Kolomela has given 54 bursaries to learners      go on a mine tour and do career guidance
from the Blinkklip, Ratang Thuto and             psychometric       assessments.      Health      “We are committed to contributing to
Postmasburg high schools since 2011 to           assessments are also provided as part of         the steady supply of suitably qualified
develop, prepare and enable them for tertiary    physical support.                                professionals from Postmasburg in future
studies to follow any career they dream, and                                                      as well as providing access to high-quality
hopefully, to join the Kumba talent pool         This year, the programme is available            training, which is a key attraction and
when they complete their studies.                to any learner from these schools from           retention tool for us as a company.
                                                 Grade 9 to Grade 12 who achieved 60%
As part of the bursary programme,                for Mathematics and physical science at          Uplifting the youth by providing a bursar
participants will do a reading course            the end of the previous year. With this          programme like this, is one of the Kumba’s
as well as English, mathematics and              scholarship, learners have the opportunity       strategic initiatives, and we are proud of the
science classes to aid their cognitive           to receive cognitive, emotional and social       successes that this programme has already
development. Emotional development               support that will aid in improving school        demonstrated.”

Aurecon sustains excellence with six PMR awards for 2014
Aurecon has once again excelled in the            •   Structural consulting engineers              They are also a good measure of the level of
national survey of consulting engineers           •   Civil and structural consulting engineers    service we provide our clients and Aurecon’s
undertaken by the management journal              •   Electrical consulting engineers              ability to serve our clients’ best interests,” said
Professional Management Review Africa             •   Mechanical consulting engineers              Albert Geldenhuys, Managing Director
(PMR.africa).                                     •   Combined electrical and mechanical           RSA.
                                                      consulting engineers.
The company achieved six Diamond Arrow                                                             “We are humbled by the fact that our
Awards (highest rated in sector) for the          “PMR awards are highly recognised in             dedication and commitment to these
following sectors:                                industry and are a good measure of both          aims are being recognised by our clients,”
• Civil consulting engineers                      technical excellence and brand awareness.        concludes Geldenhuys.
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                        Highlights and
                      outcomes of the
                 Africa Energy Indaba
                      The 6th Africa Energy Indaba, which took place at the Sandton
               Convention Centre from 18 - 20th February, attracted over 400 South
             African, African and global energy leaders to what is the leading energy
                   conference on the continent. Africa Energy Indaba 2014 provided
                 a platform for robust discussions between private and public sector
                        energy players on finding suitable energy solutions for Africa.

                dopted by the World Energy            solidified Gauteng’s status as a world     positive steps have been taken during
                     Council (WEC) as its African     class African city. Over 400 national      the meeting to build a new consensus
                     regional event, presented by     and international energy experts and       for the region. The World Energy
                    the South African National        professionals came together to plan        Council stands united with African
                     Energy Association (SANEA)       Africa’s energy landscape for the next     leaders to support the continent’s
             a n d supported by the African           10 years and beyond.”                      drive to deliver the necessary policy,
             Union and the NEPAD Planning and                                                    regulatory, and market environments
             Coordinating Agency, delegates were      Energy Minister, Dikobe Ben Martins        for sustainable development.”
             exposed to energy discussions at the     opened the 2014 Energy Indaba
             highest levels.                          and told delegates that Parliament         Africa’s wealth of energy resources and
                                                      had been instructed to "fast-track"        untapped potential was highlighted at
             The Gauteng Growth & Development         proposed legislation to level the          the conference, as was the need for
             Agency has a strategic partnership       playing field between utility Eskom        more enablers that can unlock energy
             with the Africa Energy Indaba. GGDA      and independent power producers.           access for the broader population
             CEO, Siphiwe Ngwenya commented           He further made the bold statement         and new markets. The event brought
             on this year’s event, “Our mandate as    that Eskom could not be "player,           together these enablers, whilst also
             the Gauteng Growth & Development         referee and linesman".                     investing in the next generation of
             Agency is to be the premier catalyst                                                energy leaders through the World
             for innovation, business growth and      Marie-José Nadeau, Chair of the            Energy Council’s Future Energy
             socio-economic development within        World Energy Council, the largest          Leaders’ Programme.
             the Southern Africa region. It is        non-aligned energy body in the
             therefore important that Gauteng         world, attended the event and              “The Africa Energy Indaba has its own
             Province hosts world class business      remarked: “I have seen first-hand          energy about it. Six years strong, it gets
             events and conferences that bring        how the Africa Energy Indaba has           better and better making it the most
             world leaders to Gauteng, to catalyse    been able to bring policymakers and        authentic African Energy conference
             business deals, spark new partnerships   business leaders together to act on the    on the planet,” said Greg Nott, Africa
             and drive business growth in the         goals of accelerating energy access in a   Energy Indaba steering committee
             region. The 2014 Africa Energy Indaba    sustainable way, and I am pleased that     member.

18 | wattnow | april 2014
Emerging from the discussion on the           beyond business as usual. The energy              will take much longer than it has in the US
results from the 2014 WEC Issues Monitor,     trilemma is more poignant to developing           because all the associated infrastructure will
it was clear that the role of governments     countries within the African continent than       need to be put in place,” said Wright.
is the most critical component in solving     ever before; we need to develop energy policies
energy challenges.                            which decisively address the conflicting          Demetri Pappadopoulos, Special Adviser at
                                              challenges of energy security, social equity      Cennergi, a key sponsor of the event, was
The discussion on the ‘energy trilemma’       and environmental sustainability - we need        very positive: “It was great to see the growth
(the three challenges of energy security,     a cohesive solution".                             and increase in attendance of the event. The
social equity and environmental impact                                                          quality of the sessions was very high and we
mitigation) highlighted the challenges for    Dave Wright, member of the African                can see the event maintaining its flagship
Africa in providing reliable, equitable and   Energy Indaba steering committee                  status as the leading energy conference on
affordable electricity access with minimum    highlighted two important points that             the continent,” said Pappadopoulos.
impacts on the environment.                   emerged during the VIP, invitation-only
                                              Energy Leaders’ Dialogues Session, which          “As an organisation sponsoring and
MEC for infrastructure Development, Ms        was co-hosted by Eskom’s Brian Dames and          participating, we were encouraged to
Qedani Mahlangu joined international          WEC’s Secretary General Christoph Frei.           see the discussion contents widening,
energy gurus in calling for a global          “More work needs to be done to understand         especially when it comes to shale gas. A lot
paradigm shift to achieve a sustainable       what the South African shale gas resource is      of misinformation was dispelled, and it’s
solution to the 'energy trilemma'.            capable of (how big it is, and how much gas       evident that the disparate parties have come
                                              it can produce). Secondly, the development        closer together through the Africa Energy
MEC Mahlangu said, “We need to move           of the shale gas resources (if it is worth it)    Indaba,” he said.

                                                                                                                      wattnow | april 2014 | 19

                    Eskom power
         emergency wake-up call
            to large businesses to
         look at energy efficiency
                  and going green
                                                                African Utility Week to focus on helping large
                                                                        power users be more energy efficient

                  t is our responsibility to use       efficiency solutions. The expo floor is       Energy management
                  power responsibly” – that was        also host to two days of free, practical,     systems
                  the response from Nicolette          CPD-accredited technical workshops for        “The developed world is experiencing
                 Pombo-Van Zyl, African Utility        all electrical engineers, technicians and     a decline in energy demand whereas
               Week programme director on              contractors working in the power and          developing countries are expected to
             Eskom’s declaration of a power            water industry. Topics include renewable      experience an acceleration in energy
        shortage emergency last week citing a          energy and energy & water efficiency.         demand”, according to Alf Hartzenburg,
        risk that rotational load shedding could                                                     Senior Project Manager Western Cape
        be implemented.                                Pombo-Van Zyl continues: “not only            - Industrial Energy Efficiency Project,
                                                       looming power shortages, but also the         National Cleaner Production Centre
        “We know we’re in a tight spot capacity-       implementation of a carbon tax, coming        of SA, CSIR and chairman in the large
        wise, and winter is on its way. We need        into effect in January 2015, should be a      power users track at African Utility Week.
        to make sure that by the time the season       spur for businesses to explore alternatives
        changes, we are thinking differently about     to carbon production and improve their        He continues: “as economic growth
        how we use electricity, so that we don’t put   internal energy efficiency. While it is       in African countries is set to take off
        ourselves or Eskom under undue pressure,”      Eskom’s responsibility to provide power,      corresponding energy demand is expected
        Pombo-Van Zyl, continued.                      it is ours to make sure that we use it        to balloon. Any business seeking to remain
                                                       responsibly. Wastefulness around any          competitive in the new world of declining
        African Utility Week, taking place in Cape     resources, especially one we know to be       energy reserves and seeking a sustainable
        Town from 13-14 May has a strong focus         finite, should be actively discouraged. We    solution must seriously consider the
        on large power users in Africa, helping        all remember the 2008 blackouts and load      implementation of the ISO 50001 aligned
        them reduce costs while increasing             shedding vividly and desperately want to      energy management system.”
        productivity through energy and water          avoid a repeat of that situation.”

20 | wattnow | april 2014
ArcelorMittal saved                               University. He is also a speaker at Clean          Discussions, workshops, exhibits and site
R90-million in energy bill                        Power Africa, which forms part of African          visits will focus on the industry disciplines
The ISO50001 energy management system             Utility Week, and explores greener and             of metering, clean power, water, large power
was implemented with great success at             cleaner technologies for the utility industry.     users, investment and finance, transmission
ArcelorMittal’s steel plant in Saldanha,          Says Prof Dinter: “CSP has the big advantage       & distribution, smart grids and generation.
the single largest electricity consumer           to collect and store heat to produce electricity
in the Western Cape, and resulted in an           on demand, meaning also after sunset and           The energy & water efficiency and the
astounding R90 million energy bill savings        during the night. South Africa has started         renewable energy workshops are presented
in one year.                                      to add solar thermal power plants to its           by the South African Renewable Energy
                                                  existing power plant park. Soon everybody          Technology Centre (SARETEC) and the
According to General Manager, Dhesan              will recognise CSP plants as having real           Southern Africa Association for Energy
Moodley, Saldanha launched a focused              capacity and that it fits perfectly into the       Efficiency.
energy management strategy in 2010, with          South African grid.”
resources allocated both in terms of people
and capital expenditure. He adds: “initially      The award winning 14th African Utility
the potential was determined through an           Week and Clean Power Africa conference
existing project list and doing an energy audit   and expo is taking place at the CTICC in
on the plant to determine further possible        Cape Town from 13-14 May 2014. It is
savings. After ISO 50001 was implemented,         attended by more than 5000 power and
energy management is now part of our daily        water professionals from more than 30
routines. Energy saved: baseline value 160        African countries and 70 worldwide, at
MW (saved 10.6MW on baseline in 2012) or          what is the largest utility gathering of its
6.6%.”                                            kind on the continent.

Going green
“Concentrating Solar Power or CSP is
the best technology for South Africa for
future electricity production. It is already
cheaper than new coal fired power stations,
if you include all the costs for fuels during
a lifetime”, says Professor Dr.-Ing. Frank
Dinter, Eskom Chair in CSP and Solar
Thermal Energy Research Group (STERG)
at the Department of Mechanical and
Mechatronic Engineering, Stellenbosch
                                                                                                                          wattnow | april 2014 | 21

               A new lease on life
                 for NamPower’s
                  Van Eck Power
             Namibia, like its fellow Southern African Power Pool
              members is currently facing an electricity shortage.
        Namibian generation capacity is only around 380MW with
        a demand of over 450MW. At the moment the shortfall is
        made up by electricity imports but member countries are
            struggling to meet their own needs so these imports
                                            are no longer reliable.

               n evaluation of the countries options for      and more cost efficient “green coal” integrated
              increased power generation, an attractive       with normal imported coal to fire the four
           option was to rehabilitate NamPowers Van           boilers. This “green coal” is derived through a
        Eck Station situated in Windhoek. This 120MW          torrefaction process of harvested invader bush
        Coal fired plant was built in the early seventies     which is then pelletized and distributed into the
        and is very close to the end of its life. Virtually   furnace along with coal.
        all major equipment needed to be replaced,
        not only that but in its condition and with the       South African company MBH Energy Pty
        cost of coal constantly increasing, operating the     Ltd was contracted by NamPower to do the
        plant had become completely uneconomical.             rehabilitation job which included renewing
                                                              and improving the firing equipment on all four
        After a comprehensive feasibility study was           boilers to ensure successfully and efficient firing
        completed by American company Black &                 of the mixed fuel.
        Vetch NamPower took the decision to embark
        on a N$ 300 million project to restore the aging      The scope of work included a range of new
        power station to its former glory. In addition        and modernized equipment. Firstly in order to
        new and modernised equipment would be                 successfully introduce the more brittle green
        added to ensure on-going economic efficiency          coal into the furnace area without pulverising
        and reliability.                                      it, the decision was taken to replace all the old
                                                              mechanical coal feeder spreaders with new
        A decision was also taken to install equipment        DSC underthrow feeders. The new feeder
        that could operate with a locally manufactured        design combines air assist with an Underthrow

22 | wattnow | april 2014
rotor mechanism. This unique design           Another upgrade to the Van Eck                system will ensure better performance
discharges the fuel in the underside of       Power Station is the replacement and          and less down time for the plant which
the rotor, enabling the blades to contact     modernisation of the moving DSC Roto          will give increased annual productivity
the coal for a longer period of time. This    Grate system. Modernisation of this           and efficiency of the boilers.
design feature, in conjunction with the       includes a new support beam structure,
pneumatic distributor plate, facilitates      air seals, chains and grate bars as well as   MBH Energy will return two boilers back
a more horizontal trajectory of the fuel,     a new arrangement for the rear tuyeres,       into service for NamPower in January
which distributes the fine particles more     all of these components have developed        2014 with the other two expected to be
consistently onto the bed area. This          and drastically improved over the last two    back in service by June. The van Eck
promotes better combustion efficiency by      decades. The grit re-firing system has also   Power station is expected to be running at
reducing the carbon content of the ash.       being rebuilt and optimised with 10 new       its full capacity of 120 Mega Watts before
This system is ideal for distributing fuels   re-firing lines inclusive of cinder return    2015 allowing the country to reduce
of inconsistent size and is a first for the   nozzles and return pick up assembly. The      its energy imports from neighbouring
African continent.                            changes made to the grate and furnace         countries.
                                                                                                                  wattnow | april 2014 | 23

    Political Insecurity Barricades                      In addition to the security issue, the power          Ian McKechnie, director of specialist
          much needed Foreign                            sector also has to deal with restricted               consulting and forensic engineers
     Investments in the Northern                         financing, unfair subsidies for conventional          INNOPRO, noted this in advising that
         African Power Sector                            (fossil fuel) energy, and inadequacies in             an integrated and holistic approach was
    Renewable energy appears the most feasible           regulatory frameworks (non-cost-reflective            essential to ensure both lightning safety of
     solution to bail the region out of a power          electricity tariffs).                                 people, as well as protection of property,
                       crunch.                                                                                 plant and equipment.
   Electricity demand in North Africa is                 “Each of the five Northern African countries
   escalating as a result of extreme climatic            has outlined a strong pipeline of power               “An effective and properly considered
   conditions, economic development and                  generation capacity expansion projects,               lightning safety and protection plan lies
   rising living standards, as well as sustained         including ambitious renewable energy                  at the core of this approach”, commented
   population growth. Supply of electricity,             projects,” notes Frost & Sullivan Industry            McKechnie. “Such a plan must consider
   however, is plunging. Hot summers                     Analyst for Energy & Environment Celine               the risks, and the resultant safety and
   are driving the extensive use of air                  Paton. “However, the pace of implementation           protection approach applicable to the
   conditioning, which has led to sharp surges           of these projects will depend on the ability          particular situation, and must be integrated
   in peak electricity demand. The challenge             of each government to stabilise security              with other related plans and policies related
   of operating with grossly inadequate power            and implement the required political and              SHEQ, OHS, maintenance and engineering,
   supply infrastructure is compounded                   economic structural reforms.”                         and the like, depending on the particular
   by political instability, which has stalled                                                                 circumstances.” He added that the risks to be
   progress on many power generation                     With the exception of Morocco, a resource-            considered are not just lightning exposure
   capacity expansion projects, especially in            strained country that uses mainly coal,               risks, but also those related to, for example,
   Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya.                            all Northern African countries strongly               maintenance and operational factors and
                                                         depend on natural gas for electricity                 the consequence of non-compliance or
   In this environment, the implementation of            generation. Despite a sturdy impetus from             system failure.
   structural reforms, such as the establishment         each government within the region to
   of independent electricity regulatory bodies          develop renewable energy power projects, it           McKechnie noted that Innopro has
   and the revision of fossil fuel/electricity tariffs   is expected that natural gas will remain the          developed a structured and integrated
   subsidies, is expected to be a priority. Further      primary feedstock for electricity generation          approach to lightning safety and
   development of the sector will depend on              until at least 2020.                                  protection. He commented that “such a
   the success of the political and economic                                                                   structured and integrated approach ensures
   transition process that is occurring in each          “The potential of renewable energy is deemed          that a systematic process of assessment and
   country. Foreign investors have adopted a             strong in North Africa, with numerous                 evaluation is followed by a sound design and
   wait-and-watch approach in countries where            feasibility studies confirming the abundant           implementation stage. It is also important
   violence rose unexpectedly.                           potential for solar and wind power,” states           that the ongoing maintenance of the system is
                                                         Paton. “In the case of renewable energy               properly planned and implemented, to ensure
   New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Power             installed capacity, Egypt is the most                 the ongoing performance of the installation”.
   Infrastructure Tracker in Northern Africa,            advanced, followed by Morocco, with both              He commented that the approach is
   analyses the existing and projected power             countries exhibiting a keen desire to develop         applicable across various sectors, including
   infrastructure of North Africa and finds              renewable energies.”                                  aviation, telecommunications, mining,
   that the total power installed capacity in                                                                  petrochemical (oil & gas) plants and other
   the region amounted to 61,623.3 MW in                    Proactive And Systematic                           infrastructure, as well as educational,
   2012 and estimates this to reach at least              Approach Needed For Lightning                        sporting and agricultural facilities, as some
   120,000 MW in 2020 (if the political                              Safety                                    examples.
   situation stabilises in countries like Egypt          “A proactive and systematic approach to
   and Libya).The renewable energy installed             lightning safety is essential to mitigate the risks   He added that their assignments and
   capacity amounted to 5,929.1 MW by the                to people, communities and animals posed by           projects are performed or supervised by
   end 2012; approximately 9.6 percent of the            lightning. Data reportedly indicates that there       registered, highly qualified and experienced
   total installed power generation capacity.            are up to 100 lightning related fatalities each       professional engineers, which ensures that
   The study covers Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia,           year in South Africa, with a reported probable        their clients benefit from a uniquely high
   Libya and Egypt.                                      injury rate of many times that”.                      level of expertise in this sector. “Our clients

24 | wattnow | april 2014
can be secure in the knowledge that they are    SMEC’s Power and Energy services extend          the best electrification options for the
dealing with a team of professionals who        through all stages of project delivery,          community,” explains van der Walt.
can provide them with objective and sound       including: feasibility studies; front-end
advice and solutions, irrespective of the       engineering; modelling and analysis;             SMEC Power and Energy’s technical and
solution implications” he enthused.             engineering design; procurement; contract        consulting engineering expertise are mainly
                                                management;construction       supervision;       focused on servicing the transmission
He commented further that as specialist         quality-assurance and operation; and             &distribution, hydropower, renewables
consulting and forensic engineers, and          maintenance services.                            and industrial sectors within Africa.
not contractors, they were often able to
include the client’s own personnel and          “With the service offering that SMEC Power       “Our Transmission & Distribution business
contractors in implementing the solution,       and Energy is able to offer and the medium-      is the most active of our market sectors
thereby ensuring knowledge transfer and         term outlook for the sector looking promising    given the huge need for expansion and
“ownership” of the implementation, as well      with significant infrastructure capital spend    refurbishment of the power supply network
as effective use of existing resources. “This   on the cards, SMEC Power and Energy is           in South Africa – mainly through Eskom
can have huge benefits in terms of ongoing      looking forward to at a bright future,” states   and Municipal authorities,” explains van
maintenance and integrity of the solution”      van der Walt.                                    der Walt.
he concluded.
                                                Speaking on infrastructure development           “As a team we are aiming high. There are a
INNOPRO’s lightning solutions have been         within South Africa, van der Walt says:          number of existing opportunities that we are
effectively applied not only in South Africa,   “The key to unlocking the infrastructure         pursuing that would get us to the position of
but also internationally in diverse countries   expenditure lies with the Presidential           one of the leading players in the power and
such as Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Sierra         Infrastructure Coordinating Commission’s         energy market. The division is attracting
Leone, and their services are offered on a      ability to enable the roll out of the National   fantastic talent and we are well-positioned
world-wide basis.                               Infrastructure Plan (NIP). The NIP, which        for continued growth in the coming future.
                                                was adopted in 2012, intends to transform        Our medium-term target is to grow the
    World class consultancy                     the economic landscape while simultaneously      business by approximately 20% per year
   services’ Power and Energy                   creating a significant number of new jobs and    for the next three years. We believe that we
   division looks forward to a                  strengthening the delivery of basic services.    are taking a realistic, aggressive approach to
             good year                          SMEC Power and Energy is well placed to          growing the new division,” concludes van
                                                take advantage of the NIP, as it comes to        der Walt.
  With the current state of the power and       fruition.”
  energy market, SMEC South Africa has                                                           SUNCybernetics appoints young
 positioned itself well by introducing a new    Currently, SMEC Power and Energy is                     design engineer
addition to its functional groups, the Power    involved in two significant South African
            and Energy division.                energy projects. The larger of the two
                                                projects is being developed by a local
SMEC functional head of Power and               developer for submission in Round 4 of the
Energy, Andre van der Walt, notes that          Department of Energy’s Renewable Energy
since establishing the Power and Energy         Independent Power Producer Programme
division in July last year, the division has    (REIPPP). On completion, the project will
already acquired measurable success and         provide power to more than 13 000 mid-
is working on major projects within the         income households.                               SUNCybernetics, the partnership venture
power and energy sector.                                                                         between German-based SUNFarming and
                                                “In addition, we are working on a community      South African consulting company, Energy
With its holistic approach to business and      electrification project in the Mogalakwena       Cybernetics, is creating job opportunities
projects, the SMEC Power and Energy             Municipal area, in the Limpopo province,         for the youth of South Africa. The most
division is able to see projects through from   whereby we will be providing our services to     recent appointment is that of Junior
inception right through to completion,          ultimately supply some 1440 household with       Technical Design Engineer, Faure van
providing customers with tailored local         electricity. We are currently in the design      Schalkwyk, a B.Eng graduate from the
solutions backed by Global expertise.           phase of the project and need to investigate     North West University engineering faculty.

                                                                                                                       wattnow | april 2014 | 25
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