IBUS SEMINAR 2018 Emphasis on high risk lesions with consensus conference

Page created by Gregory Harper
IBUS SEMINAR 2018 Emphasis on high risk lesions with consensus conference
                        Emphasis on high risk lesions
                        with consensus conference

                        MARCH 9-10, 2018
                        TECHNOPARK Zürich

                        PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

                        A seminar held under the patronage of the

                        Secretariat Office
                        meeting·com Congress Organisation
                        info@meeting-com.ch • T 021 312 92 61

                        Scientific board
                        Florian Dammann, Bern / Zürich, Switzerland
                        Rahel Kubik, Baden, Switzerland
                        Alexander Mundiger, Osnabrück, Germany
                        Christoph Rageth, Geneva, Switzerland
                        Christoph Tausch, Zürich, Switzerland
                        Zsuzsanna Varga, Zürich, Switzerland

Online registration www.meeting-com.ch / Conferences & Meetings / 2018

                                                                                                            Dear Colleagues,
                                                                                                            In the name of the organizing committee and the IBUS faculty members, we wish you a very warm
                                                                                                            welcome to Zürich, and to this IBUS : Advanced Breast Ultrasound course.
                                                                                                            This program will again demonstrate the top standards in comprehensive breast diagnosis and is
                                                                                                            designed to circulate actual information concerning the whole scope of breast imaging. It is directed to
                                                                                                            sonographers (radiologists, gynecologists and surgeons) who accept the importance of having a conclu-
                                                                                                            sive diagnosis before any open surgery.
                                                                                                            You will find yourself in the middle of a rejuvenated area of the city with many new facilities such as
                                                                                                            cinemas, restaurants, hotels and also a number of shops. The Hardbrücke is the next town trains stop
                                                                                                            approximately 800 meters from the meeting venue, and from there you can reach downtown by train
                                                                                                            within a few minutes.
                                                                                                            After having already met in Zürich for eight IBUS programs in the Technopark and the facilities of the
                                                                                                            University Hospital of Zürich, we decided again for the Technopark, where teaching, learning and friend-

KliniK Hirslanden
                                                                                                            ship could be best brought together under the one roof.
                                                                                                            This part of the Technopark was built 25 years ago, and since 1993 hundreds of motivated, future-ori-

                                                                                                            ented people have been working within the Technopark site in different fields which include industrial,
                                                                                                            commercial and service enterprises and also in industry-oriented research teams.
                                                                                                            The main goal will be to have again a consensus meeting and consensus statements regarding B3

HiGHesT sTandards                                                                                           lesions – this will (after 2016) be the second official international consensus conference on B3 lesions.
                                                                                                            We wish you an enjoyable stay in Zürich, and hope that you will benefit from the expert faculty which
                                                                                                            has come to share their knowledge with you.
                                                                                                            We thank all the faculty members, sponsors, the European School of Oncology (ESO) and the Swiss
Klinik Hirslanden is one of Switzerland’s leading private hospitals and is part of the Hirslanden Private
                                                                                                            Society of Senology who all support this IBUS meeting.
Hospital Group. Our patient-oriented approach and cutting-edge medicine informed by the latest
research shape our day-to-day activities. Hirslanden’s interdisciplinary network of experienced
medical specialists and the knowledge of our specialised centres of expertise ensure patients receive
integrated and comprehensive medical care. Patients can expect professional and personalised
assistance provided by our qualified nursing staff. Exceptional comfort, privacy and hotel-style service
round off the Hirslanden experience. For more information, please visit
                                                                                                            Christoph Rageth (Chairman)
                                                                                                            Local Organizing Committee

Organisation & Speakers                                                                                 General information
                                                                                                        Congress office
Friday, March 9, 2018, 09.00-12.55 & 13.50-18.20
                                                                                                        meeting·com Congress Organisation
1st day of IBUS 2018 Seminar
                                                                                                        Rue des Pâquis 1 • 1033 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne
                                                                                                        T + 41 (0)21 312 92 61 • F +41 (0)21 312 92 63 • E info@meeting-com.ch
Saturday, March 10, 2018, 09.00-13.05 & 14.00-16.00
2nd day of IBUS 2018 Seminar
                                                                                                        Online registration
                                                                                                        www.meeting-com.ch / Conferences & Meetings
Technopark Zürich, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich                                                     Registration fees                                      Until 18.02.18                   From 19.02.18
info@technopark.ch – www.technopark.ch                                                                                                                           early bird                        & onsite
                                                                                                        2 Days
Main speakers                                                                                           9 & 10.3.18                                             CHF 600.00 ❒                     CHF 850.00 ❒
Elizabeth A. Morris, MD, FACR, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York (US)                    9 & 10.3.18 – SSS members                               CHF 450.00 ❒                     CHF 700.00 ❒
Elizabeth A. M. O’Flynn, MBBS, MRCS, FRCR, Consultant Radiologist, St. George’s Hospital, London (GB)   9 & 10.3.18 – residents*                                CHF 400.00 ❒                     CHF 520.00 ❒
                                                                                                        1 Day
Scientific board
                                                                                                        9.3.18                                                  CHF 400.00 ❒                     CHF 500.00 ❒
Florian Dammann, Bern / Zürich
                                                                                                        10.3.18                                                 CHF 400.00 ❒                     CHF 500.00 ❒
Rahel Kubik, Baden
Alexander Mundiger, Osnabrück (DE)                                                                      Residents
Christoph Rageth, Geneva                                                                                9.3.18                                                  CHF 270.00 ❒                     CHF 350.00 ❒
Christoph Tausch, Zürich                                                                                10.3.18                                                 CHF 270.00 ❒                     CHF 350.00 ❒
Zsuzsanna Varga, Zürich                                                                                 * In order to benefit from the reduced fee for residents, you are required to send a document of your em-
                                                                                                        ployer to the Seminar Secretariat by fax (+41 21 312 9263) or scanned (inscriptions@meeting-com.ch)
Invited speakers                                                                                        within 7 days from the date of application. The registration fee includes : access to the scientific sessions,
Pascal Baltzer, Vienna (AT)                                                                             certificate of participation, coffee-breaks and lunches.
Andreas Boss, Zürich
Thomas Decker, Neubrandenburg (DE)                                                                      Payment / Confirmation
Sophie Dellas, Basel                                                                                    Upon registration you will receive a written confirmation together with the banking details for the payment.
Michael Knauer, St. Gallen
Claudia Kurtz, Lucerne                                                                                  Cancellation
Caroline Malhaire, Paris (FR)                                                                           In case of cancellation 30 days prior the event, the refund of the amount paid will be done net of
Martin Sonnenschein, Bern                                                                               CHF 60.00 for administrative costs. Thereafter, no refund possible. Any registration made within the
                                                                                                        “early bird” time must be paid during this period. It not the case, the invoice is automatically updated at
Seminar language                                                                                        the current price. Administrative costs will be charged to no shows. Legal jurisdiction is Lausanne.

In demand to the following societies :
Swiss Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Swiss Society of Radiology
Swiss Society of Pathology
Swiss Society of Surgery

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Friday March 9, 2018                                                                  Friday March 9, 2018

              IBUS 2018 – Emphasis on high risk lesions with consensus conference     11.15-11.30   Breast density : assessment and clinical implications
                                                                                                    Elizabeth A. M. O’Flynn, London (GB)

                                                                                      11.30-11.45   The dense breast : how to image     Elizabeth A. Morris, New York (US)
08.50-09.00   Welcome Scientific Board
                                                                                      11.45-11.50   Comments on dense breast imaging        Andreas Boss, Zürich
09.00-09.15   New developments in ultrasound imaging       Andreas Boss, Zürich
                                                                                      11.50-11.55   Comments on dense breast imaging        Martin Sonnenschein, Bern
09.15-09.30   The new BI-RADS : what has changed & why
              Elizabeth A. Morris, New York (US)                                      11.55-12.10   Intraoperative ultrasound and integration of ultrasound into surgical
                                                                                                    practice Michael Knauer, St. Gallen
09.30-09.45   Imaging of recurrence (all modalities) Florian Dammann, Bern / Zürich
                                                                                      12.10-12.15   Comments on intraoperative ultrasound        Christoph Tausch, Zürich
09.45-09.55   Detection of lymphnodes     Martin Sonnenschein, Bern
                                                                                      12.15-12.20   Comments on CEM      Elizabeth A. Morris, New York (US)
09.55-10.10   Needle biopsy of lymphnodes – when (after the Z0011 trial) and how
              Michael Knauer, St. Gallen                                              12.20-12.35   Tomosynthesis : ethical not to perform ?    Elizabeth A. Morris, New York (US)

10.10-10.25   How to manage the axilla initially N+ and clinically negative           12.35-12.45   Tomosynthesis new technical considerations        Claudia Kurtz, Lucerne
              after neoadjuvant chemotherapy - the radiologists’ view
                                                                                      12.45-12.55   Discussion
              Sophie Dellas, Basel

10.25-10.40   How to manage the axilla initially N+ and clinically negative           12.55-13.50   Lunch break
              after neoadjuvant chemotherapy - the surgeons’ view                     13.50-14.05   New developments in MR imaging Pascal Baltzer, Vienna (AT)
              Christoph Tausch, Zürich
                                                                                      14.05-14.20   Non mass like enhancement in MRI Rahel Kubik, Baden
10.40-10.50   Discussion
                                                                                      14.20-14.25   Comments on non mass like enhancement in MRI
10.50-11.15   Coffee break                                                                          Pascal Baltzer, Vienna (AT)

                                                                                      14.25-14.40   Second look Ultrasound after suspicious MR        Sophie Dellas, Basel

                                                                                      14.40-14.45   Comments on second look Ultrasound after suspicious MR
                                                                                                    Pascal Baltzer, Vienna (AT)

                                                                                      14.45-14.55   Discussion

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Friday March 9, 2018                                                                       Saturday March 10, 2018

14.55-15.10   DCIS – imaging Claudia Kurtz, Lucerne                                                      IBUS 2018 – Emphasis on high risk lesions with consensus conference

15.10-15.25   Ultrasound imaging of DCIS - update of new insights                          09.00-09.15   Does ABUS have a role in preoperative staging ?
              Alexander Mundinger, Osnabrück (DE)                                                        Alexander Mundinger, Osnabrück (DE)

15.25-15.35   DCIS – pathology (pathological aspects of margins and size)                  09.15-09.30   New clinical decision rules to avoid MRI-guided biopsies
              Thomas Decker, Neubrandenburg (DE)                                                         Pascal Baltzer, Vienna (AT)

15.35-15.45   BI-RADS 3 - scourge of screening ?      Elizabeth A. Morris, New York (US)   09.30-09.45   Indications of preoperative MRI : what are the best
                                                                                                         Elizabeth A. M. O’Flynn, London (GB)
15.45-16.00   Review on pathological estimation of size and margins of DCIS
              in surgical specimens Elizabeth A. Morris, New York (US)                     09.45-10.00   Advanced functional MRI techniques Elizabeth A. M. O’Flynn, London (GB)

16.00-16.15   DCIS – surgery (margins, surgery vs. observation)                            10.00-10.05   Discussion
              Michael Knauer, St. Gallen
                                                                                           10.05-10.20   Deep learning : artificial intelligence for mammography assessment
16.15-16.30   High incidence of DCIS in screening - high risk of overdiagnosis ?                         Andreas Boss, Zürich
              Thomas Decker, Neubrandenburg (DE)
                                                                                           10.20-10.30   Breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma
16.30-16.40   Discussion                                                                                 Caroline Malhaire, Paris (FR)

16.40-16.55   Evolution of benign breast lesions under neoadjuvant chemotherapy for        10.30-10.45   Can we avoid surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy ?
              breast cancer and the difficulty to manage multiple breast additional                      Christoph Tausch, Zürich
              lesions at MR staging of breast cancer before NAC
                                                                                           10.45-10.50   Discussion
              Caroline Malhaire, Paris (FR)
                                                                                           10.50-11.10   MIBB database (VAB’s in Switzerland) update       Christoph Rageth, Geneva
16.55-17.05   Can MRI predict reponsiveness of breast cancer to neoadjuvant therapy ?
              Thomas Decker, Neubrandenburg (DE)                                           11.10-11.25   Risk lesions in minimally invasive biopsies: same pathological results –
                                                                                                         different management Martin Sonnenschein, Bern
17.05-17.25   Coffee break
                                                                                           11.25-11.55   Coffee break
17.25-17.40   MRI as a problem solving tool a critical assessment of the evidence
              Pascal Baltzer, Vienna (AT)                                                  11.55-12.15   Introduction to the voting system and introductory questions
                                                                                                         Christoph Rageth, Geneva
17.40-17.55   Multimodal ultrasound - where do we stand?
              Alexander Mundinger, Osnabrück (DE)                                          12.15-12.30   Wrap up of the newest literature in lobular neoplasia
                                                                                                         Zsuzsanna Varga, Zürich
17.55-18.10   Addition of ultrasound to mammographic screening
              Florian Dammann, Bern / Zürich                                               12.30-12.40   Consensus finding

18.10-18.20   Elastography   Claudia Kurtz, Lucerne                                        12.40-12.55   Wrap up of the newest literature in flat epithelial atypia
                                                                                                         Zsuzsanna Varga, Zürich

                                                                                           12.55-13.05   Consensus finding

                                                                                           13.05-14.00   Lunch break

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Saturday March 10, 2018                                                           Kind thanks to our sponsors

14.00-14.15   Wrap up of the newest literature in Phyllodes tumors
              Zsuzsanna Varga, Zürich

14.15-14.25   Consensus finding

14.25-14.40   Wrap up of the newest literature in papillomas
              Zsuzsanna Varga, Zürich

14.40-14.50   Consensus finding

14.50-15.05   Wrap up of the newest literature in radial scars
              Thomas Decker, Neubrandenburg (DE)

15.05-15.15   Consensus finding

15.15-15.30   Wrap up of the newest literature in atypical ductal hyperplasia
              Zsuzsanna Varga, Zürich

15.30-15.45   250 cases of ADH in CNB and VAB - experience of the Zurich breast
              center Christoph Rageth, Geneva

15.45-15.50   Discussion

15.50-16.00   Consensus finding

16.00         Take home message & Farewell
              Scientific Board

16.15         END OF IBUS SEMINAR 2018
              & handout of certificates of attendance

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Registration form IBUS SEMINAR 2018
To be faxed or mailed back to
meeting.com Sàrl • Rue des Pâquis 1 • 1033 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne
Fax +41 (0) 21 312 92 63 • Tel. +41 (0)21 312 92 61 • E-mail info@meeting-com.ch
Registration and payment online through

Title _______________________________ (Prof., Dr, Mrs, Mr )
Family name _________________________ First name ________________________________
Institution ___________________________________________________________________
Street / Adresse _______________________________________________________________
Postal Code ______________ City ___________________ Country ________________________
Email ______________________________@_______________________________________

Registration fees                                      Until 18.02.18                   From 19.02.18
                                                         early bird                        & onsite
2 Days
9 & 10.3.18                                             CHF 600.00 ❒                     CHF 850.00 ❒
9 & 10.3.18 – SSS members                               CHF 450.00 ❒                     CHF 700.00 ❒
9 & 10.3.18 – residents*                                CHF 400.00 ❒                     CHF 520.00 ❒
1 Day
9.3.18                                                  CHF 400.00 ❒                     CHF 500.00 ❒
10.3.18                                                 CHF 400.00 ❒                     CHF 500.00 ❒
9.3.18                                                  CHF 270.00 ❒                     CHF 350.00 ❒
10.3.18                                                 CHF 270.00 ❒                     CHF 350.00 ❒
* In order to benefit from the reduced fee for residents, you are required to send a document of your em-
ployer to the Seminar Secretariat by fax (+41 21 312 9263) or scanned (inscriptions@meeting-com.ch)
within 7 days from the date of application. The registration fee includes : access to the scientific sessions,
certificate of participation, coffee-breaks and lunches.
Seminar Language
Payment / Confirmation
Upon registration you will receive a written confirmation together with the banking details for the payment.
In case of cancellation 30 days prior the event, the refund of the amount paid will be done net
of CHF 60.00 for administrative costs. Thereafter, no refund possible. Any registration made within the
« early bird » time must be paid during this period. It not the case, the invoice is automatically updated
at the current price. Administrative costs will be charged to no shows. Legal jurisdiction is Lausanne.

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