HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...

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HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association • Volume LII • No. 12 • December 2021

HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HUNTING DOG
ONLY ON E                                                                                                                                                                                      NAVHDA International
                                                                                                                                                                                                Officers & Directors
                                                                                                                                                                                        David A. Trahan        President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Volume LII • No. 12 • December 2021

BR A N D F U E L S                                                                                                                                                                          Bob Hauser
                                                                                                                                                                                         Angie Coenen
                                                                                                                                                                                           Richard Holt
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mark Whalen
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Director of Judge Development

                                                                                                                                                                                            Andy Doak          Director of Promotions
                                                                                                                                                                                          Dan Wittman
                                                                                                                                                                                               Tim Otto
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Director of Testing
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Director of Publications                     4 NAVHDA’s Newest VCs!
                                                                                                                                                                                             Lisa Pehur        Registrar
                                                                                                                                                                                         Angie Coenen          Invitational Coordinator                     6 Women & The NAVHDA Invitational • by Michael L. Neiduski
S PORT I N G D O G                                                                                                                                                                            Versatile Hunting Dog
                                                                                                                                                                                                Publication Staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10 Expertise And Empathy: Being An Invitational Judge • by Nancy Anisfield
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mary K. Burpee        Editor/Publisher                            18 	Images From The Invitational
CH A M P I O NS                                                    *                                                                                                                    Sandra Downey          Copy Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                       Rachael McAden          Copy Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mark Whalen          Contributing Editor                         24 2021 Invitational By The Numbers
                                                                                                                                                                                            Patti Carter       Contributing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                        Nancy Anisfield        Contributing Editor/Photographer
                                                                                                                                                                                          Marion Hoyer         Social Media Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                            Erik Raynes        Social Media Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                           Maria Bondi         Advertising Coordinator

                                                                                                                                                                                             Advertising Information                                          President’s Message • 2
                                                                                                                                                                                Copy deadline: 45 days prior to the month of
                                                                                                                                                                                publication. Commercial rates available upon                                  About The Cover • 6
                                                                                                                                                                                request. All inquiries or requests for advertising                            NAVHDA Updates • 26
                                                                                                                                                                                should be addressed to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     NAVHDA                                                   Versatile Chef • 28
                                                                                                                                                                                                    PO Box 520
                                                                                                                                                                                           Arlington Heights, IL 60006
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Forum • 30
                                                                                                                                                                                    Voice 847/253/6488 • Fax 847/255/5987                                     Kennel Registrations • 30
                                                                                                                                                                                          Email                                          Classifieds • 31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NAVHDA Test Results • 32
                                                                                                                                                                                   See our web site or call for current rates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Testing Calendar • 37
                                                                                                                                                                          Please submit all articles for and questions pertaining to the
                                                                                                                                                                          VHD (other than advertising) to, with ATTN
                                                                                                                                                                          VHD Editor in the subject line or by mail via the postal ser-
                                                                                                                                                                          vice to NAVHDA, PO Box 520, Arlington Heights, IL 60006.

                                                                                                                                                                                     © 2021 The North American Versatile
                                                                                                                                                                               Hunting Dog Association, Inc.• All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      DENISE HEATH © 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                Printed in the USA

                                                                                                                                                                          The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association does not discrim-
                                                                                                                                                                          inate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion,

                                                                                                                                                                          sexual orientation or age in its programs, activities, or in its hiring and
                                                                                                                                                                          employment practices.                                                                10
                                                                                                                                                                          The Versatile Hunting Dog is published monthly and is the official
       CHOOSE PURINA® PRO PLAN®.                                                                                                                                          publication of The North Amercian Versatile Hunting Dog Association
                                                                                                                                                                          (NAVHDA), a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to fostering,
                                                                                                                                                                          improving, promoting and protecting the versatile hunting dog in North
                                                                                                                                                                          America and to the conservation of all game.
                                                                                                                                                                           The basic annual membership dues are $60 (US Funds.) Membership
                                                                                                                                                                          benefits include a monthly subscription to the Versatile Hunting Dog
                                                                                                                                                                          magazine, decal, participation in all NAVHDA events (at membership
         HELPS OPTIMIZE                                                                       30% PROTEIN /                                                               discount rates) and full voting privileges. All contributions are tax-de-
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       OXYGEN METABOLISM                                                                        20% FAT                                                                     A copy of NAVHDA’s most recent financial report can be obtained by
                                                      IMMUNE SYSTEM                                                                                                       contacting: NAVHDA, 120 W. Eastman St, Arlington Heights, IL 60006-5950.
         FOR INCREASED                                                                       HELPS MAINTAIN                                                                The Versatile Hunting Dog reserves the right to reasonably edit or refuse
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          ENDURANCE                                                                           LEAN MUSCLE                                                                 opinions herein expressed are not necessarily those of the publication
                                                                                                                                                                          staff or of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, Inc., its
                                                                                                                                                                          officers or Directors.                                                                                                                                                                      TM
                                                                                                                                                                           The material contained in this publication is intended to provide ac-
                                                                                                                                                                          curate and authoritative information on the subject covered. By their
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                                                                                                                                                                          complete and detailed guidance required by every individual in every
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EXCLU S I V E LY AT P ET S P E C IA LT Y A N D O N L IN E R ETA I LE R S                                                                                                  intent of the publisher, the editors, or the authors to render professional                                                           NANCY ANISFIELD © 2021
                                                                                                                                                                          counsel on the matter covered and said person(s) cannot be held liable
                                                                                                                                                                          for any use thereof. If specific assistance is required, the services of an
*Based on 2020 National, World & Invitational Champions and Purina Award Winners.                                                                                         expert authority should be sought.
 The handlers or owners of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors.   Purina trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.                                                                                             The Versatile Dog denotes that this feature or story is an original article by a NAVHDA member.
                                                                                                                                                                          The Versatile Hunting Dog magazine (USPS number 016-491, ISSN: 1099-
                                                                                                                                                                          0577) is published monthly for $60.00 per year by the North American
                                                                                                                                                                          Versatile Hunting Dog Association, 120 W. Eastman #302, Arlington Hts,
                                                                                                                                                                          IL 60004-5950. Periodical postage paid at Arlington Hts, IL and additional                                 Visit the Versatile Hunting Dog magazine online at
                                                                                                                                                                          entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NAVHDA, PO Box
                                                                                                                                                                          520, Arlington Hts, IL 60006-0520.                                                                                 
HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
President’s Message
By Dave Trahan
Deerfield, New Hampshire
                                                                                                                             STRONG CONNECTION. STRONG BOND.

                                       A Catalyst
                                    For Development
           NANCY ANISFIELD © 2021

      et me begin by once again congratulating all of            a modernization of the admittedly outdated store, en-
      the handlers who ran their dogs in the 2021 Invi-          hancing communication with our many Chapters, and
      tational. It was an exceptional year in many ways.         maximizing our visibility. The Managing Director will
Because we did not hold the Invitational last year, we           also serve as a liaison between the all-volunteer Execu-
had a record number of dogs run this year over a full            tive Committee and the office, which is managed by the
week of testing, which presented a number of logisti-            amazing Maria Principato and her tremendous staff:
cal challenges to the Hawkeye Chapter, the Invitational          Linda Weber, Cheryl Sziel, and Ellie Anton. As we con-
Committee, and all of the volunteers. The persistence            tinue to grow, so does the volume and complexity of
and selfless dedication shown by all volunteers at all           the work by our incredible office staff. We expect that
levels was remarkable; we simply could not have pulled           the Managing Director will play an important role in
this off without the many thousands of hours of volun-           simplifying some of the tasks that are currently very
teer effort, so THANK YOU ALL!                                   time consuming, including a means of more efficiently
  On another note, we began the process of hiring a              submitting forms online. All of these responsibilities of
Managing Director. All members were sent an email                the Managing Director will ultimately enhance mem-
describing the position along with a link to view the            bers’ experience with NAVHDA. Thus far we have had
job ad. As described in the email you received, the pri-         well over 500 applicants for the position, which is ob-
mary role of the Managing Director will be to work               viously a huge job for the members of the EC serving
with the Executive Committee to serve as a catalyst for          as the hiring committee. We hope to have the position
the development of several key initiatives that are de-          filled by the end of the calendar year.
signed to maintain NAVHDA’s position as the premier                 I hope you all are having a fantastic hunting season
training and testing organization for versatile hunt-            and reaping the rewards of your hard work and hours
ing dogs in North America. These initiatives include             training this year!

                                                                                                                             ALPHA® 200i                                            GPS TRACKING WITH SATELLITE COMMUNICATION
                                                                                                                             FEATURES INREACH® SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY* WITH TWO-WAY MESSAGING AND SOS ALERTS, A SUNLIGHT-
                                                                                                                             READABLE, 3” DISPLAY AND A SIMPLE, DOG-FOCUSED DESIGN FOR TRACKING AND TRAINING.

                                                                                                                             *Jurisdiction restrictions may apply. Subscription required.
                                                                                                                             ©2020 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries.

2                                        Versatile Hunting Dog   •                          December 2021
HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
      VERSATILE CHAMPIONS!                                                                           VC MORGAN CREEK FARM’S SPEEDY SABINA
                                                                                                         VC NO LIMITS WHISPER IN THE WIND
                                                                                                             VC OAK CREEK ARBOR JAMES
                   VC ARLO VOM LEETHER-MOOR                                                                       VC OSCAR MORENO
                    VC AUX LAKE RUM TUM RUDY                                                            VC PM’S BEEBE’S RINGNECK WRANGLER
                     VC AV BUCKHILL’S GUNNER                                                                 VC PRAIRIE WIND’S DERAILED
                     VC AXEL VOM HUNDEHAUS                                                                 VC PRO SHOT MAN ABOUT TOWN
                       VC BACON HILL FIONA                                                                   VC QUANTUS VON BURKHART
                       VC BLUE COLLAR HANK                                                                VC RED OAK’S BORN TO FLY PIEPER
               VC BRUEDERSTHAL’S GENERAL COPPER                                                        VC RIMROCKS WINTER RAINBOW ARWEN
                   VC CEDARWOODS PI P R TEXAS                                                            VC RIPSNORTER’S OUTLAW GROUNDS
                    VC DANKAR’S SUBER PFEFFER                                                                VC ROCK CREEK DELTA DAWN
                   VC DARK SIDES THE LAST JEDI                                                          VC ROCK CREEK EDMUND FITZGERALD
           VC DARK STARS HAILEY COMET MUDDY PAWS                                                            VC ROCK CREEK NO NONSENSE
                  VC DRUMMING WOODS FEDERAL                                                                         VC ROUSE’S OZ
                    VC DRUMMING WOODS LUNA                                                                VC RUGGED EDGE’S GUNS N ROSES
                 VC DRUMMING WOODS MAXIMUS                                                                       VC SAIGE GUENTHER
               VC DUCHASSEUR NADIA DE LA POINTE                                                      VC SCHULHAUS’S JAGDVOGEL EDEL KRIEGER
            VC DUTCH HOLLOW TRAIL BLAZIN BRAEDEN                                                              VC SCHWARZWALD’S GABBY
            VC DUTCH HOLLOW’S GONE WITH THE WIND                                                        VC SCHWARZWALD’S HAND OF KING’S
                      VC ELEVEN HILLS CEDAR                                                               VC SCHWARZWALD’S ICE COLD YETI
                       VC FANCY ROSE PETRA                                                           VC SCHWARZWALD’S LONG JOURNEY HOME
                       VC FOOTHILLS BENELLI                                                           VC SHARP SHOOTERS AGAINST THE WIND
                   VC FOURWINDS ANOTHER VICE                                                              VC SHARP SHOOTERS ARCHANGEL
                 VC GRETCHEN VOM SCHLUSSSTEIN                                                           VC SHARP SHOOTERS DAWN TIL DUSK
                VC GROUSE BAY’S ANDIAMO ABNER                                                       VC SHARP SHOOTERS I BRING THE LIGHTNING
          VC HIGH CAL’S LEVI VON STRAUSS OF ABBE LANE                                              VC SHARP SHOOTERS LITTLE SECRET DEMI DELIT
             VC HUNT’EM UP’S ELEVATED STANDARDS                                                          VC SHARP SHOOTERS ON THE BRINK
          VC HURRICANE GALE FORCE CHLOE’S LITTLE ZOE                                                     VC SHARP SHOOTERS ONE TOO MANY
          VC HURRICANE MY NAME IS BOCEPHUS “HANK”                                                          VC SHARP SHOOTERS POINT MAN
                   VC HURRICANE PORTER JAMES                                                          VC SHORE SHOT’S WRANGLE-EM-UP RIPLEY
                  VC IKE GAMBLES MATERKOWSKI                                                                VC SILVER BULLET’S SIR WESTIN
                  VC IVO VON DER MERRYMEETING                                                      VC TAYLA N FIREMARK’S STAY WITH ME TITANIA
              VC IWILLADIA VON DER MERRYMEETING                                                                 VC TC’S SONNENSCHEIN
                VC JEPSEN’S PRARIE CACTUS HAZEL                                                          VC THUNDERHILL’S HARDWIRE HANK
             VC JUMPING BROOK HARD AS WOOD TEAK                                                              VC TKO DETERMINED “MOXY”
                  VC JUMPING BROOK TC WILLOW                                                          VC TRILLIUMS DRUMLIN OVER PIKES PEAK
           VC JUMPING BROOK WILLOW V INDIAN BROOK                                                            VC VANTAGE POINT’S DRAKE
                       VC KILLBUCK’S II JAVA                                                              VC WALL CANYON FIERY RED RUBY
                   VC KRYSTAL CREEK’S GUNNER                                                                 VC WICKS WILD GOOSE CHASE
                      VC LACACCIA’S B SERGIO                                                          VC WILD FIELD’S SOAR’N UNDER THE SEAZ
                   VC LIBERTAS SUR LE DELAVAN                                                               VC WILLOW CREEK’S TRUE GRIT
                  VC LIESEL VOM CORASCHATTEN                                                             VC WYOWIRES’ TOO HOT TO HANDLE
                  VC LOST HIGHWAY’S NOBLE PETE                                                     VC ZOLDMALI ECLIPSE HUNGARIAN ARISTOCRAT
             VC MOLLYS FOLLY TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL                                                                  VC ZOLDMALI IBIS

                                                                                                                    PHOTO CHARLES COULTER © 2021

4                     Versatile Hunting Dog   •   December 2021   December 2021             Versatile Hunting Dog   •   5
HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
About The Cover
  Photo by Denise Heath
                                                                                                                                                                                                              in 2019’s Invitational, but she’ll readily tell you that ex-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              perience doesn’t make your heart beat any slower.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Echoing Megan’s advice, Stacy advocates for finding
                                                                                                                                                                                                              a group, asking for advice and offering to help out, no

                  WOMEN &
                                                                                                                                                                                                              matter how small the task. Stacy practices what she
                                                                                                                                                                                                              preaches, working with several women at her home
                                                                                                                                                                                                              chapter in North Carolina. This extra time and effort re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              warded Stacy with an extra-large cheering section from

                 THE NAVHDA
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the Tarheel Chapter as the words “and the next VC”
                                                                                                                                                                                                              were said after Porter’s score.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                What’s next for Stacy? Hunting as much as she can
                                                                                                                                                                                                              this fall with Porter on one side and her husband, Blake,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and his new VC, who passed a day later, on the other.

                INVITATIONAL                                                               By Michael L. Neiduski
                                                                         RGS & AWS Regional Director of Development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   STACY HORST & PORTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MOISHE RAGIEME © 2021

                                                                                                                                         MEGAN HELMUTH AND
                                                                                                                                         ONE OF HER VIZSLAS

                                                                                                                                         CHARLES COULTER © 2021
    t may as well have been clockwork, point-back-flush-                 theirs. I wished them luck as they left the field for the
    shot-retrieve. That’s how it went for the 60-minute                  water tests and anxiously waited for scores on the day’s
    field run. As her field gunner, I dutifully followed                 close to learn if they passed. It’s a feeling all volunteers   her short NAVHDA journey to the Invite. When asked
Hazel, a black roan German Shorthaired Pointer, and                      feel at the Invitational. You hear it in the crowd’s cheers    what advice she might have for those starting, she
her handler Alli Morris with that scene on repeat, only                  and groans at the end of the day – everyone wishes for         made a point to encourage questions. She noted the
inserting myself to pull the trigger when a bird flushed                 all the dogs to pass.                                          welcoming nature of her chapter and how success at
my way.                                                                    Alli and Hazel represent a growing demographic               any level is an achievement.
  It’s a scene we can all relate to, or, at least, one we                among the ranks with NAVHDA and the upland hunt-                 Unfortunately, Jetta and Bentley had some hiccups
all hope for in our pursuits of fields and forests. One                  ing world in general. More and more women are getting          on test day, keeping them from passing. But Megan is
where we hope the conversation with our dog involves                     versatile hunting dogs, training them and achieving that       undeterred. “The biggest reward is how much stronger
“hunt ‘em up” followed by a recurring “fetch” and                        sought-after invite to be among the top of the top in the      as a team we’ve become,” she said, “Regardless of the
“atta girl,” and closed out with a “kennel up” at the                    NAVHDA world, to be a Versatile Champion.                      outcome, they’re so much better trained.”
end of the day – easy. No screaming, no pleading, none                     With over 210 dogs run at this year’s event, almost            Megan also stressed to enjoy the ride, and while she
of the run-of-the-mill annoyances those less prepared                    double a normal Invitational to make up for 2020’s             and her two entrants fell just shy of earning the VC title,
experience in the field. And trust me, at this level, there              COVID cancelation, the uptick in female handlers               she already has a pup waiting in the wings to keep her
is no lack of preparation.                                               was obvious. A few were kind enough to speak with              on her journey.
  The NAVHDA Invitational is the top of the top for                      me about their journey to Iowa this year. Pass or fail,
the dogs and handlers privileged enough to earn the                      all agree they have immeasurably better dogs from              HANDLING A HURRICANE
coveted Utility Test Prize I score, and thus, an invita-                 the experience.                                                Hurricane Porter James, call name Porter, sat at the heel
tion to the big show. About 3% of dogs tested in a year                                                                                 of his owner and handler, Stacy Horst, and stared across              A MUPPET TRIES HIS LUCK
qualify, and the pass rate hovered just more than 40%                    DOUBLE TROUBLE                                                 the 100 or so yards of open water. Upon command, he                   Desiree Stormont grew up in southern Wisconsin, but
of those running this year. With tasks including a 100+                  Megan Helmuth brought not one but two Vizslas to               unloaded the coiled springs in his legs and hit the water             she didn’t start hunting until she graduated from law
yard blind water retrieve, an intricate double-mark re-                  this year’s Invitational, Bentley and Jetta. When Megan        at a distance that would make a long jumper jealous,                  school. She quickly fell into bird hunting with a German
trieve in water, honoring another dog’s retrieve and a                   first started hunting, it was just for deer, but then Bent-    and off he swam.                                                      Shorthaired Pointer named Hazel and then added Ru-
60-minute field run with a bracement where the dog is                    ley came along, and the focus shifted to waterfowl and           Stacy didn’t want to start at the water, but after the              pert, a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, shortly thereafter.
expected to be steady to wing, shot and fall, as well as                 pheasant, with occasional trips for grouse and wood-           luck of the draw, that’s where she found herself. Clad                Rupert, affectionately known as Muppet by Des and her
back it’s bracemate without influence, it’s a stringent                  cock near her home in North Central Wisconsin. Bitten          in her lucky testing outfit, the same one she wore for                closest training partners, earned his invitation in 2020,
test for any dog, a mental see-saw between raw desire                    by the bird dog bug, Jetta came along two years later.         Porter’s Natural Ability and Utility Prize I runs, it was             and they came ready to show their stuff.
and total obedience.                                                     Both dogs qualified for the canceled 2020 Invitational.        all she could do not to jump out of her skin as Porter                  In addition to running Rupert, now four, Des also
  Alli and Hazel finished the field flawlessly. I gunned                    Megan credits her husband and her North Central             made his way back to her with the duck in his mouth.                  served as Assistant Test Marshal, working every day she
a handful of braces that week, but none as smooth as                     Wisconsin Chapter members with helping her along               Stacy is an experienced handler, having run another dog               didn’t run her dog to ensure a smooth test experience

  6                                              Versatile Hunting Dog    •                            December 2021   December 2021                             Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                             7
HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
wanted a male, not a female, and was dead set on a liver
                                                                    dog, not a black one. But after fostering Hazel for a few
                                                                    weeks as Michael’s condition worsened, she knew Hazel
                                                                    wasn’t going anywhere.
                                                                      When we spoke, Alli talked a lot about keeping an
                                                                    open mind in training, taking in as much advice as you
                                                                    can, and knowing when to follow your gut and adapt
                                                                    to the dog in front of you. Sometimes there’s what we
                                                                    want, and then there’s what we get.
                                                                      Alli will tell you that the biggest reward earned in
                                                                    preparation for NAVHDA’s Invitational is the bond
                                                                    made between handler and canine companion. I assure
                                                                    you, she and Hazel are bonded pretty tight.
                                                                      I sat fidgeting in the hot afternoon Iowa sun as scores
                                                                    were read. I found Alli in the crowd as the judge started
                                                                    down the list of events, reading off the earned scores af-
                                                                    ter each category. With every “4,” the look of disbelief
                                                                    on Alli’s face grew.
                                                                      Alli and Hazel earned 200 points at the Invitational,
                                                                    the maximum score any dog can achieve. With Michael
                                                                    along in spirit, they put all the pieces together. They got
                                                                    over the hump.

for all handlers and judges. She particularly enjoys this
role because it gives her a front-row seat to all the sup-
port and camaraderie at the heart of the Invitational,
the desire for everyone to succeed.
  Unfortunately, Des and Rupert didn’t pass this go-
round, but she has a strong takeaway from the event.
“Be kind to yourself,” she said, “Pass or fail, I love that
dog, and this whole process has made both of us better.”
  She has plans to requalify Rupert this coming year in
hopes of another Invitational run. If they make it, there
are sure to be many in her corner cheering her on along
the way.

Alli Morris’ journey with Hazel was anything but ordi-
nary. Jepson’s Prairie Cactus Hazel started as Michael
Jepson’s get-over-the-hump dog. Michael was known
amongst fellow North Central Dakota chapter members
for running the Utility test many times and repeatedly                                                             ALLI MORRIS & HAZEL
falling short. When Hazel came along, he knew she was                                                               MOISHE RAGIEME © 2021
different, and he knew she would make the grade when
it counted.
   Unfortunately, Michael was only present in spirit for
Hazel’s Utility run with Alli – Michael succumbed to                       This article is being co-published in Covers, the quarterly
cancer in August 2018.                                                     publication of NAVHDA’s conservation partner Ruffed
   Alli wasn’t looking for another dog, and especially not                 Grouse Society (Winter 2022, Volume 33, Issue 4).
this one. She wanted a puppy, not a one-year-old. She

  8                                         Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                       December 2021
HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
Expertise and Empathy:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    days when it is freezing cold and driving rain. I’m not
                                                                                                                                                                                                    sure which is worse,” Tracey said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       The other hard part of judging the field is the mental
                                                                                                                                                    TRACEY NELSON                                   challenge. “There is so much going on so fast,” Curt

Being an Invitational Judge
                                                                                                                                                                                                    explained. “You might have one dog you’re watching
                                                                                                                                                                                                    for steadiness at the same time another is backing. I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                                    done field trials watching two dogs, but NAVHDA is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    so much more detailed. There are many more specific
                                                                               By Nancy Anisfield                                                                                                   things we have to watch. Everything can happen so fast;
                                                                                Hinesburg, Vermont                                                                                                  you have to be on your mental game which goes back
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to the physical. You have to be as fresh at the end of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    day as you were for the first brace.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Flipping to the brighter side, we asked these four
                                                                                                                                                                                                    judges to share a highlight, a special moment that
                                                                                                                                                                                                    sticks out their minds from the years they’ve judged
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Invitational.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Curt Fry offered two stories from a personal perspec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    tive “The year the Invitational was held in Missouri, I
                                                                                                                                                                                                    was an alternate, judging with Bob West who has been a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    great influence on NAVHDA. At the end of the day Bob
                                                                                                                                                                                                    said to me, ‘You’re going to be an excellent Invitational
                                                                                                                                                                                                    judge.’ That has always stayed with me as a highlight.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                       The other story Curt told involved a specific handler,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mark Whalen, who currently is NAVHDA’s Director of
                                                                                                                                            RICK HOLT © 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Judge Development.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       “I was judging the shackled duck in Ohio. There was
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a huge staircase down to the water. Mark’s dog totally
                                                                                                                                     treeline to keep it out of trouble.” Not as easy are things    missed the duck when it was thrown from the winger
                                                                                                                                     like dealing with an aggressive dog at the start or work-      and started a duck search. Mark had had a clean run
                                                                                                                                     ing with a poor dog that might create a worse situation,       up to then, his last event. He stood there looking dumb-
                                                                                                                                     possibly needing to call in a bye dog.                         founded. We could see the duck right across from us in
                                                                                                            NANCY ANISFIELD © 2021
                                                                                                                                       “Writing low scores can be especially hard if you            the weeds, but his dog was out on a search. I suggested
                                                                                                                                     know the dog could pass but just isn’t meeting the stan-       to Mark that he call his dog back and give him a line.

           hen asked what is the hardest part of being             be their day. It’s hard to watch, especially because once         dard that day,” Rick said.                                                         Mark set him up, and sent him on a
           an Invitational judge, Curtis Fry, Tracey Nel-          you’ve been there a few times you know exactly what                 Tracey summed it up well saying,                                                 clear line to the mark for the retrieve.
           son, Mike O’Donnell, and Rick Holt pretty               they’ve been doing all summer and how much of their               “It’s a hard test. Everyone knows go-                                              He got a three there but passed the
much agree.                                                        heart and their time they put into this,” Tracey said.            ing in that a small percentage will pass,                                          Invitational. Afterwards, Mark said,
  “From an overall perspective, the hardest part of be-              Mike pointed out that getting the Utility Test Prize            but we are still always hoping for the                                             ‘Thank you so much for that advice.’
ing an Invitational judge is putting a failing score on a          I then training for months is an admirable level of               best for everyone.”                                                CURTIS FRY      We judges are there to help handlers
scorecard,” Curt explained. “We’ve all run dogs at the             commitment.                                                         The field is the hardest specific part                                           get the best possible score, and it
event and know what goes into getting there. Having to               “Every judge knows the amount of time, money,                   of the test for most judges for two rea-                                           means a lot to have a handler appre-
write a low score is part of our job and the integrity of          stress and routine upheaval that the handlers have been           sons. One is the physical demands. It’s                                            ciate that.”
the test, but it’s very hard when you see a dog come up            through, and when things go off track for the handler,            a “physically grinding task,” as Mike                                                Mike O’Donnell said judging Mar-
short that day.”                                                   and because most of us have experienced that ourselves,           described it. Six or more one-hour                                                 sha Reifsteck in 2019 was without a
  Tracey also pointed out that the judges all understand           we feel it too,” Mike said.                                       braces per day usually over hilly ter-                                             doubt the most special experience he’s
the tremendous amount of training required just to get               Rick agreed that making the right call can be the hard-         rain, often in rough weather. To keep                                              had as an Invitational judge.
to the test, which is why it is so tough to score a dog            est part. “It’s so subtle sometimes, the need to be fair          the test running smoothly, the judges                                                “Marsha is wheelchair-bound, and
when it is having a bad day.                                       to the other dog, a dog doing well, to avoid negatively           rarely take more then 10-15 minutes                                                the connection and teamwork between
  “For sure the worst part, for me, are the times when             impacting that dog and not letting a situation get worse          between braces.                                                                    her and her German shorthair VC
things aren’t going right for a handler. Sometimes you             in the hopes of saving a dog with good promise.”                    “I’m not going to lie. Sometimes the                                             Grouse Points Paradise was amazing to
can step in and help them get things straight either with            As Rick explained, some calls are easier than others.           weather is horrible. We’ve had days                                                witness,” Mike said. “Her dog went
their mind or their dog. And sometimes, unfortunate-               “Sometimes it’s as simple as telling the handler to heel          when it’s about 94 degrees in the field                     NANCY ANISFIELD © 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        from heeling tightly and calmly at her
ly, you can tell pretty quickly that this is not going to          their dog when there are 20 chukars up ahead on the               with no shade. Then we’ve also had                                                 side to putting on a great performance

 10                                        Versatile Hunting Dog   •                          December 2021         December 2021                             Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                   11
HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
                                                                MIKE O’DONNELL
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                                                                                                         NANCY ANISFIELD © 2021

                                                                                 MOISHE RAGIEME © 2021

                             in the field. Her dog would go on point and remain focused and steady during
                             the extra amount of time that it would take for Marsha to get to her and to
                             then maneuver with her track chair to flush the bird. Even more amazing was to
                             watch as her dog would bring back the shot bird and deliver it to her by putting
                             it into her lap! Just a very inspiring run from start to finish for everyone that
                             saw it.”
                                Rick Holt chose watching and judging Marsha as his favorite special moment,
                             too. “It was so much fun. One retrieve in particular, the bird was shot and sailed
                             easily 100 yards into heavy cattails on the other side of the pond. The dog clear-
                             ly had the mark. Long, difficult retrieve. Marsha and her dog did so well,” Rick
             RICK HOLT
                             said then added that to him first time handlers are also special. “We all work so
                             hard, but that first time, early in the morning, you can’t help getting choked up.”
                                Tracey Nelson picked early morning as one of her many favorite moments.
                             Tracey first judged the Invitational in 2007 and has judged 442 Invitational dogs.
     MOISHE RAGIEME © 2021
                             “I have to say that every opening ceremony hits me pretty hard. I go right back to
                             1998 watching it for the first time and hoping that someday I’d be up there also. I
                             have been blessed over the years with many fine dogs that have gotten me to that
                             line, but getting to walk that line as a judge and see everyone’s excitement at the
                             beginning of the day is a pretty great thing.”

12                                  Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                December 2021       December 2021            Versatile Hunting Dog   •       13
HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
      09/12/2021            2021-0257                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                  FIELD       T/OUT Pts        Prz        Owner                              Handler
      ATTICUS DEL RIO CONCHO AVE BURLANDO              M GS-015439             7-5     44444 33424 44 33               178 None            MARK P SANTOS                     MARK P SANTOS
      VC AV BUCKHILL’S GUNNER                          M GS-018759             4-5     44444 44444 44 44               200      Pass       GERARD J CHIUSOLO                 KYLE T HOUGH
      VC BACON HILL FIONA                              F      GS-016198        7-4     44434 44444 44 44               196      Pass       MATTHEW LORELLO                   MATTHEW LORELLO
      GOOSE THE WIGGLEBUTT                             M VI-001804             4-8     44141 42443 44 22               157 None            MICHAEL ROBERT HAUCK              MARY BRIDGET NIELSEN
      LW FLATLANDS GUS ON POINT                        M GS-015861            7-10     44203 34433 43 33               152 None            WESLEY J EVERMAN                  WESLEY J EVERMAN
      MARTINSEN’S WEST BOUND FOR MYLES                 M VI-001866             2-3     34233 34233 44 33               161 None            DEREK S BAUNE                     DEREK S BAUNE
      REYNOLDS LILIAN ROSE                             F      GS-018947       4-10     44344 42344 44 33               177 None            ROBERT J ELLISON                  ROBERT J ELLISON
      SCHWARZWALD’S JUST N TIME RUN RIVER RUN          F      GW-011516        2-5     44414 44343 43 33               171 None            TERRY J WILSON                    TERRY J WILSON
      SHARP SHOOTERS HOW SWEET THE SOUND               F      GS-018500        4-6     04144 44444 43 32               166 None            JOSEPH LOOKE                      CLYDE E VETTER
      SHARP SHOOTERS PIT BOSS                          M GS-020188             3-3     44442 44443 44 43               190 None            MARK A WHALEN                     MARK A WHALEN
      VC WALL CANYON FIERY RED RUBY                    F      VI-001763        3-7     34334 44444 44 33               184      Pass       MARY BRIDGET NIELSEN              MARY BRIDGET NIELSEN
      09/12/2021            2021-0258                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                  FIELD       T/OUT Pts        Prz        Owner                              Handler
      BORDER COUNTRY’S WONDERFUL WINNIE              F      GS-019940        3-6     44444 32422 44 33              167 None             JOSEPH D LAKE                       JOSEPH D LAKE
      VC DARK STARS HAILEY COMET MUDDY PAWS          F      GW-010528        4-3     44444 44444 44 44              200      Pass        MISTY D KLUG                        MISTY D KLUG
      VC JUMPING BROOK WILLOW V INDIAN BROOK         F      GS-019901        3-5     44343 44444 44 44              194      Pass        ROBERT T SWEZEY                     ROBERT T SWEZEY
      VC LIBERTAS SUR LE DELAVAN                     F      BS-001343       5-10     44434 44334 44 34              187      Pass        JACOB D BARTELLS                    JACOB D BARTELLS
      VC QUANTUS VON BURKHART                        M GS-014572             8-4     44443 44434 44 43              192      Pass        ALAN P BURKHART                     ALAN P BURKHART
      VC RUGGED EDGE’S GUNS N ROSES                  M GS-017403            5-11     44444 44444 44 44              200      Pass        DAVE J DULAK                        R CAREY MCMILLAN
      SAWYER VON BURKHART                            M GS-017243             6-4     44204 44444 42 22              154 None             ALAN P BURKHART                     ALAN P BURKHART
      VC SHARP SHOOTERS ARCHANGEL                    F      GS-020281        3-2     44444 44334 44 34              191      Pass        KENNETH L MCADOW SR                 KENNETH L MCADOW, SR
      SHARP SHOOTERS BLACK MAGIC WOMAN               F      GS-016996        5-9     44434 44423 44 32              178 None             DARYL D TOBIAS                      TATE W MARTINSEN
      SHARP SHOOTERS LET’S ROLL                      M GS-016559             6-4     44434 34443 44 22              176 None             DANIEL L SNIDER                     DANIEL L SNIDER
      VC VANTAGE POINT’S DRAKE                       M GW-011078             3-5     44433 44344 44 44              191      Pass        MATT J KUHBACHER                    TATE W MARTINSEN
      ZOLDMALI SZALMA                                M WV-000776             5-0     44414 44444 43 33              177 None             ALISON M STEBBINS                   ALISON M STEBBINS
      09/12/2021            2021-0259                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                  FIELD       T/OUT Pts        Prz        Owner                              Handler                                                                                                                 NANCY ANISFIELD © 2021
      AJAX HURRICANES BIRD FINDING MACHINE            M BS-001347            6-2       44434 44042 44 22              166 None           RICHARD J JAROSINSKI                RICHARD J JAROSINSKI
      BRUSH DALE’S TRIPLE THREAT                      M SM-004365            4-4       44424 43434 43 33              173 None           HUNTER KAMM                         HUNTER KAMM
      CLADDAGH’S COUNTDOWN TO MIDNIGHT                M GW-009866            5-8       34130 33013 44 22              128 None           BETH A SCHMIDT                      WILLIAM T BASTIAN          MARISSA JENSEN © 2021
      VC DRUMMING WOODS MAXIMUS                       M BS-001305            6-5       44434 44444 44 44              196     Pass       BRENT E CATURA                      BRENT E CATURA
      VC ELEVEN HILLS CEDAR                           M GS-018413            5-2       44344 44444 44 44              196     Pass       RON L GREESON                       RON L GREESON
      VC HURRICANE MY NAME IS BOCEPHUS HANK           M GS-018849            4-4       44344 44444 44 44              196     Pass       RODNEY PETERSON                     PAUL J COENEN
      VC IWILLADIA VON DER MERRYMEETING               F      GS-020279       3-4       44434 44434 44 44              193     Pass       BLAINE T CARTER                     BLAINE T CARTER
      SHARP SHOOTERS BREAKING BAD                     F      GS-020114       3-3       44444 33334 44 33              178 None           GEOFFREY D FERRER                   GEOFFREY D FERRER              09/13/2021           2021-0261                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
      SHARP SHOOTERS REMI POINT ADLER                 F      GS-020189       3-3       44443 44144 44 34              186 None           TIMOTHY J LEWIS                     TIMOTHY J LEWIS                ASPEN HILL STANDING INVICTUS ONE              M GS-020237             3-4     24303 34243 44 22             148 None           ROBERT J ELLISON                 ROBERT J ELLISON
      VC WICKS WILD GOOSE CHASE                       M GS-019375            4-2       44444 44444 44 44              200     Pass       LOGAN J WICKENHEISER                JOHN P WICKENHEISER            VC AUX LAKE RUM TUM RUDY                      M GR-006439             6-5     44444 44443 44 43             194      Pass      JERRY D FREEZE                   JERRY D FREEZE
                       JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, STEVE GREGER, STEVEN E KOSMICKI, DONALD L OLSZEWSKI, LISA PEHUR, JEFFREY S RHODES, RONALD J STOTT, SHERYLE J TEPP, JASON M WADE                                VC DUTCH HOLLOW’S GONE WITH THE WIND          M GS-016891            5-11     34344 44344 44 33             185      Pass      RENEE A PERETTO                  DANIEL G GANNON
                                                                                                                                                                                                            FRIEDELSHEIM’S HANS-SCHULTZ REXTER            M GS-021320             2-5     44444 33424 44 33             178 None           MICHAEL GIOVANNANGELO            MICHAEL GIOVANNANGELO
      09/13/2021            2021-0260                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                  FIELD       T/OUT Pts        Prz        Owner                              Handler                        HUN HILL FINNIGAN                             M GR-007957             4-4     44444 44323 44 33             182 None           CHRIS TRINA                      CHRIS TRINA
      VC ARLO VOM LEETHER-MOOR                           M GW-010533            4-6       44344 44434 44 43            190     Pass        THONG LOR                         THONG LOR                      MOUNTAINS FURY BLACK BRIAR                    F      GS-019067        4-4     44444 44144 44 33             185 None           JEFFERY L BORDWELL               JEFFERY L BORDWELL
      CAPTAINS ERNST VOM LADWIG                          M GW-009565            6-4       44420 44113 43 22            146 None            MICHAEL A LADWIG                  MICHAEL A LADWIG               RIVERSEDGE QUIGLEY                            M BI-000373             4-4     44434 34244 44 43             182 None           STEVE R HANSEN                   STEVE R HANSEN
      VC DUTCH HOLLOW TRAIL BLAZIN BRAEDEN               F      GS-016972      5-10       34444 44433 44 44            192     Pass        JOHN WOLFE                        JOHN WOLFE                     VC SCHULHAUS’S JAGDVOGEL EDEL KRIEGER         M GS-017496             5-4     44444 44444 44 44             200      Pass      DAVID A STINGL                   DAVID A STINGL
      VC GROUSE BAY’S ANDIAMO ABNER                      M GR-006417            6-4       44443 44444 44 44            198     Pass        JOHN A MACNEAL                    JOHN A MACNEAL                 VC SCHWARZWALD’S ICE COLD YETI                M GW-011069             3-4     44443 44444 44 44             198      Pass      JEFF ADAMS                       KYLE T HOUGH
      KAJA OD TYRSE                                      F      CF-000123       6-6       44344 43043 44 33            170 None            ANDREW OGDEN                      ANDREW OGDEN                   SHARP SHOOTERS OVER THE LIMIT                 F      GS-015129        7-8     24212 44323 42 32             141 None           LANCE T VERNAM                   LANCE T VERNAM
      VC KILLBUCK’S II JAVA                              F      PP-004225       5-4       44344 44443 44 34            190     Pass        RYAN D BYRD                       RYAN D BYRD                    VARICK VOM BEAVER CREEKS                      M GS-019681            3-10     34442 44113 44 33             167 None           RICHARD A MCPHALL                RICHARD A MCPHALL
      MAXIMUS LOR VOM LEETHER-MOOR                       M GW-010615            4-6       44444 44243 44 44            191 None            SHOUA LOR                         SHOUA LOR                      WINDCHIME’S SHINY COPPER BULLET               M GS-018432             5-0     44244 44444 44 42             186 None           STACIE L SMITH                   KYLE T HOUGH
      VC PRAIRIE WIND’S DERAILED                         F      GS-014308       9-4       44444 34443 44 44            192     Pass        KEITH RICHARDSON                  ROBERT T SWEZEY                                JUDGES: ROY W AMES, CHIP E BONDE, STEVE GREGER, KEITH H KEMMER, DONALD L OLSZEWSKI, TIMOTHY A OTTO, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE, MARK A WHALEN
      SANDOR CLEGANE DIT CHIPPEWA GS                     M GR-007291            5-4       44444 34243 43 34            178 None            BILL KELLERMAN                    BILL KELLERMAN
      VC TAYLA N FIREMARK’S STAY WITH ME TITANIA         F      WM-001612 5-11            44444 34444 44 44            195     Pass        GRETCHEN C STEPHENSON             GRETCHEN C STEPHENSON          09/13/2021           2021-0262                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
      VC TC’S SONNENSCHEIN RAY KEELING                   M GW-010129            5-1       44444 44344 44 44            197     Pass        DANIEL K KEELING                  TATE W MARTINSEN               ALPINE’S GOLDEN HOUR                           M VI-001917            3-1      44423 34043 43 23              156 None           CODY ABBOTT                       MARY BRIDGET NIELSEN
      VC TRILLIUMS DRUMLIN OVER PIKES PEAK               M GS-021616            2-3       34344 34344 44 44            186     Pass        STEPHANIE M HARRISON              STEPHANIE M HARRISON           CEDARWOODS CL ALLAGASH JAKE                    M PP-005452            3-0      44444 44044 44 33              182 None           WILLIAM T THOMAS                  WILLIAM T THOMAS
                         JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, CURTIS P FRY, STEVE GREGER, ROBERT HAUSER, KEITH H KEMMER, DONALD L OLSZEWSKI, SHERYLE J TEPP, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE                                  COCOA DUCORBEAU                                M GS-019698            3-8      44444 33212 44 22              157 None           NORMAN J LICHT                    NORMAN J LICHT
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC DRUMMING WOODS FEDERAL                      M BS-001077           10-6      44334 44444 44 43              189      Pass      BRENT E CATURA                    BRENT E CATURA
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC HURRICANE PORTER JAMES                      M GS-021076            2-5      44444 34343 44 33              183      Pass      STACY L HORST                     STACY L HORST
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC JUMPING BROOK HARD AS WOOD TEAK             M GS-019900            3-5      44434 44434 44 44              193      Pass      TIMOTHY S CLARK                   TIMOTHY S CLARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC JUMPING BROOK TC WILLOW                     F     GS-019899        3-5      44434 44444 44 44              196      Pass      GERARD J CHIUSOLO                 TIMOTHY S CLARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                            NORTHWATERS GUNNY                              M GS-017543            5-5      44333 44024 44 22              160 None           ROBERT A ASUMA                    ROBERT A ASUMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                            SHARP SHOOTERS SOMETHING SPECIAL               F     GS-019288        4-0      44424 44233 44 33              174 None           CECIL J LOOKE                     CLYDE E VETTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                            STONYRIDGE ZANNA                               F     GR-008428        3-7      34244 44444 44 43              187 None           RICK J HUBER JR                   RICK J HUBER, JR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, STEVE GREGER, KEITH H KEMMER, STEVEN E KOSMICKI, DONALD L OLSZEWSKI, JEFFREY S RHODES, DAVID A TRAHAN, JASON M WADE, PETER B WADE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            09/14/2021           2021-0263                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
                                                                                                                                                                                                            AUTUMN BREEZES CHASING THE DREAM               M GS-020243            3-2        43413 44444 43 33            173 None           TIMOTHY J KEHOE                              TIMOTHY J KEHOE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CACHE-GARBONITA WALKER                         M GS-018212           4-10        44424 44444 44 33            186 None           RON L GREESON                                RON L GREESON
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC IKE GAMBLES MATERKOWSKI                     M GS-019650            6-1        44444 44444 44 44            200      Pass      TIMOTHY J MATERKOWSKI                        TIMOTHY J MATERKOWSKI
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC MOLLYS FOLLY TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL            M GS-019536            4-2        34334 44444 44 33            184      Pass      DIANE JECKER                                 BRIAN D JECKER
                                                                                                                                                                                                            PP DUCORBEAU RAMBLING ROSE                     F     PP-005048        3-7        44443 43334 44 33            181 None           JAMES THORNTON                               JAMES THORNTON
                                                                                                                                                                                                            RED LETTER DAY                                 F     VI-001802        4-0        34444 44244 44 33            186 None           MARA D FIZDALE                               MARA D FIZDALE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC RIPSNORTER’S OUTLAW GROUNDS                 F     PP-004331        5-0        44344 44344 44 34            190      Pass      KIRK GROUNDS                                 KIRK GROUNDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                            RONNIE VON BURKHART                            F     GS-016027        7-5        34413 44344 43 33            170 None           ALAN P BURKHART                              ALAN P BURKHART
                                                                                                                                                                                                            SHARP SHOOTERS LIKE IT OR NOT                  F     GS-018499        4-6        44444 44044 44 33            182 None           MARK NORMAN                                  MARK NORMAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             JUDGES: ROY W AMES, CHIP E BONDE, ANGELA L COENEN, CURTIS P FRY, ROBERT HAUSER, KEITH H KEMMER, STEVEN E KOSMICKI, SHERYLE J TEPP, DAVID A TRAHAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                            09/14/2021           2021-0264                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
                                                                                                                                                                                                            BEAVERS RUDE MEMPHIS SLIM                       M GS-021357             4-5        34340 44343 44 33              174 None           JAY D WADE                               JAY D WADE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            BLACK MAGIC BELLE OF THE BALL                   F      BS-001527       5-10        44133 44232 43 33              156 None           RICHARD J TAGLANG JR                     RICHARD J TAGLANG, JR
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CATHANCE’S JACKED UP TILLIE                     F      GS-017589        5-3        44312 44034 44 33              159 None           JUSTIN A DODGE                           JUSTIN A DODGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CLADDAGH’S HEAD’S UP                            F      GW-010055        5-2        43404 44444 43 33              171 None           MICHAEL J MATHIAS                        MICHAEL J MATHIAS
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CRYSTAL’S OAKLEY HANZ ZIRCON                    M GS-021533             2-2        34444 44243 44 33              183 None           MARK W CROSS JR                          MARK W CROSS, JR
CHARLES COULTER © 2021                                                                                                                                                                                      DE JAC’S PIECE OF MY HEART ITASCA               M GR-008354             3-8        44413 44324 43 23              163 None           JOSEPH R MIX                             JOSEPH R MIX
                                                                                                                                                                                                            HIGH POWER ALL FOR GLOREE                       F      PP-005017        3-5        33423 44344 44 33              177 None           PAMELA S PATTON                          PAMELA S PATTON
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC OAK CREEK ARBOR JAMES                        F      GS-020270        3-1        44334 44444 44 34              189      Pass      BLAKE E HORST                            BLAKE E HORST
                                                                                                                                                                                                            TALL GRASS PIPER II                             F      GR-007593        5-3        44412 34144 43 23              156 None           KURT W ADAMS                             KURT W ADAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                            VC ZOLDMALI ECLIPSE HUNGARIAN ARISTOCRAT        M WV-000821             6-4        44444 44444 44 34              197      Pass      DENISE DOLL-KIEFER                       DENISE DOLL-KIEFER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              JUDGES: ROY W AMES, CHIP E BONDE, TIMOTHY S CLARK, CURTIS P FRY, ROBERT HAUSER, SHERYLE J TEPP, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE, MARK A WHALEN
                                                                                                                                                                     TERRY ANN FERNANDO © 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WATER-Heel, Steady @ Dbl. Mark, Dbl. Mark Duck Ret., Blind Ret., Honor-Blind, FIELD-Search, Point, Backing, Steady, Retrieve Bird T/OUT-Nose, Desire, Coop, Obed.

 14                                                                      Versatile Hunting Dog            •                                                           December 2021   December 2021                                                        Versatile Hunting Dog              •                                                                                 15
HUNTING DOG - SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LII No. 12 December ...
09/16/2021           2021-0270                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BRUEDERSTHAL’S GLEEFUL GABBY                    F     PP-004194       5-5      42443 44032 44 33              167 None            MARK R JONES                      CHARLES G GUYER, III
                                                                                                                                                                                                         IRMA ON POINT                                   F     GS-019151       4-5      34314 44443 33 33              162 None            JOANNA K KORTE                    JOANNA K KORTE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC KRYSTAL CREEK’S GUNNER                      M GS-018139            5-2      44434 44444 44 44              196    Pass         NICK BOEHMKE                      NAOMI BOEHMKE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         KYLOE’S TREKKING EK MAGNUM PI                  M GR-009534            4-6      34214 24043 43 22              136 None            PHILLIP HIGGINS                   PHILLIP HIGGINS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         RUSTLING MEADOWS COUNTRYSIDE DANCER            M GS-019924           3-10      24302 24433 43 22              139 None            WAYNE R WILLIAMS                  WAYNE R WILLIAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC SCHWARZWALD’S HAND OF KING’S                M GW-010582            4-3      43444 44444 44 34              195    Pass         JERRY R WESTERHOLM                KYLE T HOUGH
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC SHARP SHOOTERS I BRING THE LIGHTNING        M GS-019141            4-2      44444 44444 44 44              200    Pass         MATT E NICHOLS DVM                CLYDE E VETTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC SHARP SHOOTERS ON THE BRINK                 M GS-019282            4-0      44444 44444 44 44              200    Pass         SEAN P TIMMENS                    SEAN P TIMMENS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         SUPREME POINT’S COLTER’S RUN                   M GR-008404            4-3      44313 34444 43 22              160 None            BRIAN J GERTISER                  BRIAN J GERTISER
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC THUNDERHILL’S HARDWIRE HANK                 M GW-011514            3-1      44444 44344 44 44              197    Pass         JEFFREY R PAULUS                  KYLE T HOUGH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CHIP E BONDE, TIMOTHY S CLARK, CHRISTOPHER J HALL, MICHAEL A O’DONNELL, TIMOTHY A OTTO, LISA PEHUR, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         09/16/2021           2021-0271                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BACON HILL GEMSTONE’S AUGGIE                    M GS-015926            7-1      34303 33323 43 22             137 None            CHRISTOPHER L HAIRIE                        CHRISTOPHER L HAIRIE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC BRUEDERSTHAL’S GENERAL COPPER                M PP-004189            5-5      44444 44344 44 44             197      Pass       TIMOTHY W SILBAUGH                          DANIEL M GRACHEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                         CEDARWOODS JAEGR TEXAS                          M PP-004355            5-5      44444 43114 44 33             171 None            STEPHEN W LUNDY                             STEPHEN W LUNDY
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC CEDARWOODS PI P R TEXAS                       F    PP-005152        3-5      44444 44444 44 44             200      Pass       STEPHEN W LUNDY                             STEPHEN W LUNDY
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC DRUMMING WOODS LUNA                           F    BS-001265        7-1      44444 44443 44 43             194      Pass       GORDON PAULSON                              GORDON PAULSON
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC FOOTHILLS BENELLI                            M PP-003530            7-1      44444 44344 44 33             191      Pass       MICHAEL F FARINA                            R CAREY MCMILLAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC PM’S BEEBE’S RINGNECK WRANGLER                F    WM-001525        6-7      44334 44434 44 33             183      Pass       ALMA BEEBE                                  RALPH B BEEBE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC ROCK CREEK NO NONSENSE                        F    PP-004687        4-4      44444 44444 44 43             197      Pass       EDWIN O NUZUM                               EDWIN O NUZUM
                                                                                                    WAYLON LUNN © 2021                                                                                   SANDSTONES RIDING THE CUSHION                   M BS-001415            5-3      44314 44144 43 23             161 None            MICHAEL A MOSER                             MICHAEL A MOSER
        NANCY ANISFIELD © 2021                                                                                                                                                                           STANDING STONES HIGH DESERT STAR                M GS-017124           5-10      44344 44014 44 23             166 None            CHRISTOPHER W WINCH                         ANTHONY R BRIDGMAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CHIP E BONDE, RICHARD W HOLT, KEITH H KEMMER, KAREN N KRAUTZ, TIMOTHY A OTTO, LISA PEHUR, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         09/17/2021           2021-0272                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
     09/14/2021            2021-0265                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                 FIELD       T/OUT Pts         Prz        Owner                            Handler                        ARNE VON KIEFERNBLICK                           M GS-019784           3-6      44443 43014 44 32             163 None             JAMES F ZEMAN                               ANTHONY R BRIDGMAN
     ASPEN GLO JED                                   M GR-007889              4-5      23143 44444 44 33             174 None             DESIREE H STORMONT              DESIREE H STORMONT             DARK STAR’S DIAMOND RIO                          F    GW-009677       6-3      34421 33433 43 33             157 None             ALBERT W WATSON                             ALBERT W WATSON
     CHAMBERS CREEK LITTLE DUDE                      M GW-010784             3-11      34203 44344 43 23             155 None             MICHAEL A LADWIG                MICHAEL A LADWIG               VC HIGH CAL’S LEVI VON STRAUSS OF ABBE LANE M GS-020662              5-10      44344 44444 44 33             190       Pass       LYNN M TAYLOR                               LYNN M TAYLOR
     FM AUTUMN VOM DARZ BO’R                         F      GS-017509        5-8       44404 44434 43 33             170 None             WAYLON J LUNN                   WAYLON J LUNN                  VC RED OAK’S BORN TO FLY PIEPER                  F    VI-001676       4-8      44344 44443 44 44             193       Pass       LISA POTTS                                  LISA POTTS
     VC LACACCIA’S B SERGIO                          M SM-003975              5-5      44334 44443 44 33             183      Pass        TONYIA BARTHOLOMEW              TONYIA BARTHOLOMEW             RIPSNORTER’S SHOOT AND MISS                     M PP-004802           4-1      44424 44443 44 33             183 None             DARRYL E PERNAT                             DARRYL E PERNAT
     LEIA’S PADME V REITERALM                        F      WM-001532        6-4       34104 43113 42 22             122 None             VALERIE M ARRIS                 VALERIE M ARRIS                RNR HEYWIRE LIVIN’ THE ALASKAN DREAM            M GW-010443           4-7      24313 44032 43 22             140 None             RAY QUENNEVILLE                             RAY QUENNEVILLE
     VC NO LIMITS WHISPER IN THE WIND                F      GS-020670        2-9       44444 44444 44 44             200      Pass        MATT E NICHOLS DVM              MATT E NICHOLS, DVM            VC SAIGE GUENTHER                                F    GS-018067       5-3      44444 44443 44 44             197       Pass       RANDY S GUENTHER                            RANDY S GUENTHER
     PRAIRIE WIND TAKEN CARE OF BIZNESS              M GS-020537              3-0      33143 44034 43 33             156 None             RYAN A HABERKORN                ROBERT T SWEZEY                TOP SHELF’S THE TROOPER                          F    GW-011826       2-3      44444 44224 44 33             182 None             CHRIS GAY                                   CHRIS GAY
     VC PRO SHOT MAN ABOUT TOWN                      M GS-018405              4-7      44434 44444 44 44             196      Pass        JEFF WAMSLEY                    JEFF WAMSLEY                                    JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CHIP E BONDE, ANGELA L COENEN, ROBERT HAUSER, RICHARD W HOLT, TIMOTHY A OTTO, SHERYLE J TEPP, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE
     REBEL ROUSER ET’S BORN AGAIN TARMO              M VI-001482              7-1      34444 43034 44 33             172 None             VICTOR MARK KAILANEN            VICTOR MARK KAILANEN
     SHORE SHOT’S KEEPER OF THE STARS                M GS-018568              4-5      44414 44344 43 33             174 None             GARY D HOUGHTON                 GARY D HOUGHTON                09/17/2021           2021-0273                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
                       JUDGES: ROY W AMES, CHIP E BONDE, CURTIS P FRY, ROBERT HAUSER, DONALD L OLSZEWSKI, RONALD J STOTT, SHERYLE J TEPP, DAVID A TRAHAN, JASON M WADE                                   VC AXEL VOM HUNDEHAUS                           M GS-018322            4-9       34444 44444 44 34             195    Pass       GINA JONES                        GINA JONES
                                                                                                                                                                                                         CIPRESSETO BROOKE                                F     SP-002776       5-8       44344 24432 43 33             166 None          NORMAN R PRIMA                    NORMAN R PRIMA
     09/15/2021            2021-0266                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                 FIELD       T/OUT Pts         Prz        Owner                            Handler                        DOUBLEREED BELLA FLARE                           F     GW-011131       4-2       44434 44234 44 33             181 None          JEFF L JALBERT                    JEFF L JALBERT
     BORDER COUNTRY’S RUN’N RAGGED                    F      GS-019348       4-2      44404 44044 43 33               161 None             SEAN P TIMMENS                 SEAN P TIMMENS                 HARBOR WEST TOPPER!                             M WM-001550 6-10                 44414 43444 43 33             172 None          TERRY L GROMAN                    TERRY L GROMAN
     CLADDAGH’S RACING FOR GOLD                      M GW-010109             5-1      24403 44344 43 33               164 None             CHRISTOPHER J MOKLER           CHRISTOPHER J MOKLER           LAWLER’S LIL PERFECT STORM                       F     GS-019983       3-5       44324 44434 43 33             174 None          BARRY P LAWLER                    BARRY P LAWLER
     VC DANKAR’S SUBER PFEFFER                        F      GS-020658       3-2      43434 44444 44 33               188     Pass         CRAIG BRAATZ                   CRAIG BRAATZ                   VC ROCK CREEK EDMUND FITZGERALD                 M PP-004245            5-6       44444 44333 44 33             185    Pass       SCOTT A KOSSAN                    SCOTT A KOSSAN
     VC DUCHASSEUR NADIA DE LA POINTE                 F      GR-008181       4-2      44444 44444 44 44               200     Pass         WIESLAW JEDRZEJCZYK            WIESLAW JEDRZEJCZYK            ROCK CREEK LEIF                                 M PP-004819            4-5       44402 44443 43 33             166 None          SCOTT A KOSSAN                    ERIN M KALPIN
     KUNO VOM TROCKEN BACH                           M GS-014328             8-6      32240 44333 44 32               160 None             JAVIER A ARZE                  JAVIER A ARZE                  VC SHARP SHOOTERS AGAINST THE WIND              M GS-016992            5-9       44444 44444 44 44             200    Pass       SARAH LONDON                      SARAH LONDON
     VC MORGAN CREEK FARM’S SPEEDY SABINA             F      GS-019871       4-0      44444 44444 44 44               200     Pass         JOHN C MORGAN                  JOHN C MORGAN                  VC WILD FIELD’S SOAR’N UNDER THE SEAZ            F     VI-001490       6-4       44444 44443 44 43             194    Pass       DEBORAH M FIELD                   DEBORAH M FIELD
     PW INDIAN BROOK ELI                             M GS-016414             6-5      44444 43044 44 33               177 None             ROBERT T KOEHLER               ROBERT T KOEHLER               VC WYOWIRES’ TOO HOT TO HANDLE                   F     GW-010839       3-9       44444 44444 44 34             197    Pass       LISA J UHRICH                     TERRY L UHRICH
     RIMROCKS BLACK RIVER BIRCH                      M GS-014742             8-3      34313 44444 43 33               169 None             BARBARA A KOSKOS               BARBARA A KOSKOS                                JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CHIP E BONDE, TIMOTHY S CLARK, ANGELA L COENEN, RICHARD W HOLT, KEITH H KEMMER, MICHAEL A O’DONNELL, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE
     VC RIMROCKS WINTER RAINBOW ARWEN                 F      GS-016280       6-7      44444 44444 44 44               200     Pass         ANNE M KERNAN                  ANNE M KERNAN
     SILVERPOINT’S BUZZARD ALLEY BLUES               M WM-001733 4-10                 44444 34134 43 33               172 None             ALAN VISINTAINER               ALAN VISINTAINER               09/17/2021           2021-0274                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
     VC ZOLDMALI IBIS                                 F      WV-000764       6-3      44444 34444 44 44               195     Pass         EMERY P MERSICH                EMERY P MERSICH                ABBE LANE’S A BOY NAMED SUE                     M GS-015593           7-4      44344 43323 44 33              173 None           SARA CHISNELL                                SARA CHISNELL
     ZOLDMALI JAVA                                    F      WV-000882       4-4      44432 44444 44 43               189 None             C CORNELIA HANSEN              C CORNELIA HANSEN              VC DARK SIDES THE LAST JEDI                     M GS-019037           4-2      44344 44344 44 44              193     Pass       TRAVIS R BISCHOF                             TRAVIS R BISCHOF
                      JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CURTIS P FRY, STEVE GREGER, STEVEN E KOSMICKI, LISA PEHUR, JEFFREY S RHODES, RONALD J STOTT, ROBERT T SWEZEY, PETER B WADE                                  VC FOURWINDS ANOTHER VICE                       M GS-018158           4-9      44344 44444 44 44              196     Pass       KRISTINA C MOTT                              CLYDE E VETTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                         HAMILTON’S HUNTING                              M GR-009227           3-5      44334 33043 44 33              161 None           STEVEN R BUCK                                STEVEN R BUCK
     09/15/2021            2021-0267                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                 FIELD       T/OUT Pts         Prz        Owner                            Handler                        HUNT’EM UP’S FANCY BLACK PEARL                   F    GS-018374       8-8      44024 44444 42 22              154 None           KAJ M LARSON                                 KAJ M LARSON
     BRUSH DALE’S OPEN SEASON                       M SM-003836           5-10       34444 42334 43 33               171 None          SCOTT L GREEN                    SCOTT L GREEN                    VC HUNT’EM UP’S ELEVATED STANDARDS              M GS-017181           6-3      44444 44444 44 44              200     Pass       KAJ M LARSON                                 KAJ M LARSON
     COPPERSHOT’S BRASH HUCKLEBERRY                 M GR-004521            9-9       34114 34232 43 32               140 None          MICHAEL J BROOKER                MICHAEL J BROOKER                VC OSCAR MORENO                                 M GS-018443           5-2      44444 44444 44 44              200     Pass       HEIDI W ATKINSON                             HEIDI W ATKINSON
     DIVA VOM GUSSEISEN                             F     SM-004528       3-10       44412 44444 44 33               178 None          DAVID GOLFETTO                   DAVID GOLFETTO                   OUTLANDERS DAUNTLESS O’DELLE                     F    GS-017880       5-1      44414 44043 43 22              156 None           TIMOTHY A GRIFFIN                            TIMOTHY A GRIFFIN
     DOUBLE LL’S REDDINGTON O DUKE                  M GW-010832            4-2       44312 44343 43 33               163 None          LONNIE J MEYER                   LONNIE J MEYER                   RIMROCKS BLACK PEARL OF DUTCHESS                 F    GS-014678       8-3      44304 44444 43 33              169 None           BRIAN M MIHANS                               BRIAN M MIHANS
     PAGESKA’S IB BATMAN                            M GR-006704            6-2       44304 44343 43 34               166 None          DONALD TODT                      DONALD TODT                      XENA DUKE SURLY                                 M GW-009855           5-8      44444 44244 44 34              191 None           SPENCER R INGALDSON                          SPENCER R INGALDSON
     ROCK CREEK LITTLE JOE                          M PP-005895            2-3       44420 33134 33 22               139 None          MICHAEL A LADWIG                 MICHAEL A LADWIG                                  JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CHIP E BONDE, ANGELA L COENEN, RICHARD W HOLT, KAREN N KRAUTZ, TRACEY NELSON, RONALD J STOTT, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE
     SCHWARZWALD’S DUNWISHINN FERNE                 F     GW-009822        5-6       44124 44344 43 33               166 None          T GREGORY HALL                   T GREGORY HALL
     VC SHARP SHOOTERS DAWN TIL DUSK                F     GS-020329        3-2       44444 44344 44 44               197     Pass      MARK NORMAN                      MARK NORMAN                      09/18/2021           2021-0275                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
     VC SHARP SHOOTERS LITTLE SECRET DEMI DELITE F        GS-021055        2-6       44444 44433 44 44               194     Pass      DALANEE MATERKOWSKI              TIMOTHY J MATERKOWSKI            AURORA DAKOTA VOM DARZ BO’R                      F    GS-017184       5-8       44402 44434 43 32             163 None            BRIAN M MIHANS                      BRIAN M MIHANS
                      JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, ANGELA L COENEN, STEVE GREGER, STEVEN E KOSMICKI, TIMOTHY A OTTO, LISA PEHUR, ROBERT T SWEZEY, PETER B WADE, MARK A WHALEN                                  DRIFTING FEATHER’S ANNIE GEM                     F    SM-004716       3-5       44414 33224 43 32             152 None            C DIANE SIMMONS                     C DIANE SIMMONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         VC GRETCHEN VOM SCHLUSSSTEIN                     F    GS-017626       5-9       44444 44434 44 44             197      Pass       NICHOLAS MASCELLINO                 NICHOLAS MASCELLINO
     09/15/2021            2021-0268                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                 FIELD       T/OUT Pts         Prz        Owner                            Handler                        HURRICANE TOP TIER’S DAISEY                      F    GS-016396       6-5       44424 44443 44 33             183 None            MATTHEW C DODD                      MATTHEW C DODD
     VC BLUE COLLAR HANK                            M GW-009484            6-4      44444 44444 44 44              200    Pass        ARTHUR T TRUJILLO                  ARTHUR T TRUJILLO               VC ROCK CREEK DELTA DAWN                         F    PP-003954       6-0       44344 44343 44 34             187      Pass       SCOTT A KOSSAN                      SCOTT A KOSSAN
     BROOM STRAWS FASTEST DRAW                      M GS-019166            4-2      44414 44444 43 33              177 None           CHASE LOVE                         KYLE T HOUGH                    VC SILVER BULLET’S SIR WESTIN                   M GS-018897           4-5       44344 44343 44 33             184      Pass       CARSON WILSHIRE                     CARSON WILSHIRE
     FREESTONES STORM MAN 101                       M GS-018248           4-11      44314 44122 44 22              151 None           MARK G EHRENBERG                   MARK G EHRENBERG                                 JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CHIP E BONDE, ROBERT HAUSER, MICHAEL A O’DONNELL, JEFFREY S RHODES, RONALD J STOTT, SHERYLE J TEPP, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE
     HUNTING HILLS’ BULLET SAM                      M SM-003764            6-1      44334 44244 44 33              180 None           RICHARD T OWENS                    DAVID E LYON
     VC IVO VON DER MERRYMEETING                    M GS-020275            3-4      44434 34344 44 33              182    Pass        FRANCES S MOORE                    FRANCES S MOORE                 09/18/2021           2021-0276                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
     VC LOST HIGHWAY’S NOBLE PETE                   M BS-001600            4-1      44334 44343 44 34              183    Pass        CHARLES G GUYER III                CHARLES G GUYER, III            VC FANCY ROSE PETRA                             F     GS-020038       3-4      44444 34434 44 33              186     Pass        DAVID H BOHM                       CLYDE E VETTER
     VC SCHWARZWALD’S LONG JOURNEY HOME             F      GW-011517       2-5      44444 44444 44 44              200    Pass        KYLE T HOUGH                       KYLE T HOUGH                    SCARECROW’S BELLE OF BOULDER CREEK              F     GS-019543       3-9      34433 44424 44 32              177 None            THEO STEIN                         THEO STEIN
     VC SHARP SHOOTERS ONE TOO MANY                 M GS-020187            3-3      44443 44344 44 34              192    Pass        RICHARD W HOLT                     RICHARD W HOLT                  SHARP SHOOTERS WEIGHT OF THE WORLD             M GS-020326            3-2      44443 34214 44 32              169 None            JOEL HEUSCHELE                     OTTO HEUSCHELE
     VC SHARP SHOOTERS POINT MAN                    M GS-020273            3-3      34444 44444 44 44              198    Pass        RANDALL A WILLIAMS JR              RANDALL A WILLIAMS, JR          TIKKA NORTHPOINT VONTHURBER HEGEHAUS            F     GS-018576       5-4      44433 44422 44 42              176 None            NATHANIEL K AKEY                   NATHANIEL K AKEY
     VC WILLOW CREEK’S TRUE GRIT                    M GS-019815            3-7      44444 44444 44 44              200    Pass        BRIAN KARR                         BRIAN KARR                      WINDHEIMS FIONA DAISY LEE                       F     GS-014702       8-5      44444 44332 44 33              182 None            JOHN A SCOZA                       JOHN A SCOZA
     09/16/2021            2021-0269                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                 FIELD       T/OUT Pts         Prz        Owner                            Handler                        09/18/2021           2021-0277                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD       T/OUT Pts          Prz         Owner                                Handler
     AUX LAKE MOLLY                                  F    GR-005623        8-1       44444 34033 44 33               171 None           LARRY D WOODWARD                  IAN C MOODY                    CACHE-GARBONITA MISCHIEF                         F    GS-019537        4-2      44444 44244 44 34              191 None            MARK E DULLY                               MARK E DULLY
     FANCY ROSE ELEANOR                              F    GS-017608        5-4       33442 44434 44 33               183 None           DAVID H BOHM                      TRACEY NELSON                  DANKARS WISKONSIN STURZ SCHONE                   F    GS-015901        7-1      44444 44244 44 34              191 None            DANIEL G GANNON                            DANIEL G GANNON
     GAMBLE’S GAMBLIN MAN                           M GS-019398            4-0       44444 44343 34 43               185 None           JOSEPH A HUNT III                 JOSEPH A HUNT, III             GRIFFS RANGELANDS PERFECT ZENA                   F    GW-010650        4-0      34444 44244 44 33              186 None            LOUIS J MARTELL                            TATE W MARTINSEN
     VC LIESEL VOM CORASCHATTEN                      F    GL-000294        4-2       44444 44444 44 44               200     Pass       JOSEPH M WAPENSKI                 JOSEPH M WAPENSKI              VC HURRICANE GALE FORCE CHLOE’S LITTLE ZOE       F    GS-018847        4-4      44443 44433 44 33              186     Pass        ANGELA L COENEN                            ANGELA L COENEN
     LONG LAKES HOLLY                                F    GS-020127        3-5       44424 44343 44 33               180 None           ROSANNA L CARPENTER               RODGER LINTON                  VC JEPSEN’S PRARIE CACTUS HAZEL                  F    GS-019107        4-2      44444 44444 44 44              200     Pass        ALLI M MORRIS                              ALLI M MORRIS
     RED RIVER SMOOTHBORE’S GET IT IN GEAR           F    VI-001801        3-5       44324 44344 44 33               179 None           MEGAN HELMUTH                     MEGAN HELMUTH                  VC SCHWARZWALD’S GABBY                           F    GW-010242       4-10      44443 44344 44 34              192     Pass        THOMAS MCCLAFFERTY                         THOMAS MCCLAFFERTY
     VC ROUSE’S OZ                                  M GS-020234            3-6       44444 44433 44 44               194     Pass       KURT D ROUSE                      KURT D ROUSE                   VC SHORE SHOT’S WRANGLE-EM-UP RIPLEY             F    GS-018728        4-5      34344 44444 44 43              191     Pass        JOHN FRANK                                 JOHN FRANK
     SHIPPY RANCH’S CINDER ELLA                      F    SM-004055        5-3       44423 44134 43 33               167 None           JOSEPH E GILROY                   JOSEPH E GILROY                VC TKO DETERMINED MOXY                           F    GS-018819        4-4      44444 44444 44 44              200     Pass        BRADLEY L WEETS                            BRADLEY L WEETS
     SMOOTHBORE’S BLACK HAWK                        M VI-001550            5-5       44424 44444 44 33               186 None           TAYLOR HELMUTH                    MEGAN HELMUTH                                   JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CHIP E BONDE, KEITH H KEMMER, TRACEY NELSON, TIMOTHY A OTTO, JEFFREY S RHODES, SHERYLE J TEPP, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE
     WINNIE VOM BEAVER CREEKS                        F    GS-020933        2-9       44104 44444 43 33               161 None           CALEB M JONES                     CALEB M JONES
                     JUDGES: GLENN A BASKO, CHIP E BONDE, HERBERT H CHRISTIAN II, ANGELA L COENEN, TIMOTHY A OTTO, LISA PEHUR, RONALD J STOTT, DAVID A TRAHAN, PETER B WADE                                                         WATER-Heel, Steady @ Dbl. Mark, Dbl. Mark Duck Ret., Blind Ret., Honor-Blind, FIELD-Search, Point, Backing, Steady, Retrieve Bird T/OUT-Nose, Desire, Coop, Obed.

16                                                                     Versatile Hunting Dog            •                                                          December 2021   December 2021                                                       Versatile Hunting Dog              •                                                                                 17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CIPRESSETO BROOKE, SPINONE, OWNED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       AND HANDLED BY NORMAN PRIMA.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DENISE HEATH © 2021

                                                                                                 VC RUGGED EDGE’S GUNS N ROSES, GERMAN SHORT-
                                                                                                 HAIRED POINTER, OWNED BY DAVE DULAK AND HAN-
                             VC LIBERTAS SUR LE DELAVAN,                                         DLED BY CAREY MCMILLAN, AND ZOLDMALI SZALMA,                            VC HIGH CAL’S LEVI VON STRAUSS OF
                             BRITTANY, OWNED AND HANDLED                                         WIREHAIRED VIZSLA, OWNED AND HANDLED BY                                 ABBE LANE, GERMAN SHORTHAIRED
                             BY JACOB BARTELLS.                                                  ALISON STEBBINS. DENISE HEATH © 2021                                    POINTER, OWNED AND HANDLED BY
                             DENISE HEATH © 2021                                                                                                                         LYNN TAYLOR. DENISE HEATH © 2021

                                                                           VC DARK STARS HAILEY COMET MUDDY
                                                                           PAWS, GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER,
                                                                           OWNED AND HANDLED BY MISTY KLUG.
                                                                           WAYLON LUNN © 2021

                  RED LETTER DAY, VIZSLA, OWNED
                  AND HANDLED BY MARA FIZDALE.
                  MOISHE RAGIEME © 2021
                                                                                                                                                                        BORDER COUNTRY’S WONDERFUL WINNIE,                 REYNOLDS LILIAN ROSE, GERMAN
                                                                                                                                                                        GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED                  SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED
                                                                                                                                                                                AND HANDLED BY JOSEPH LAKE.                AND HANDLED BY ROBERT ELLISON.
                                                                                                                                                                                             DENISE HEATH © 2021           WAYLON LUNN © 2021

                                                                                                                                                  VC QUANTUS VON BURKHART, GERMAN     VC IVO VON DER MERRYMEETING GERMAN
                                                                                                                                                  SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED AND      SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED AND
                                                                                                                                                  HANDLED BY ALAN BURKHART.           HANDLED BY FRANCES S MOORE.
                                                                                                         KAJA OD TYRSE, CESKY FOUSEK, OWNED                                           DENISE HEATH © 2021
                                                                                                                                                  DENISE HEATH © 2021
                                                                                                             AND HANDLED BY ANDREW OGDEN.
                                                                                                                            DENISE HEATH © 2021


    18                                             Versatile Hunting Dog    •                                December 2021          December 2021                             Versatile Hunting Dog   •                  19
VC THUNDERHILL’S HARDWIRE HANK,                                                                                                                                                                           VC SHARP SHOOTERS AGAINST THE WIND,
GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER, OWNED                                                                                                                                                                          GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED
BY JEFFREY PAULUS, HANDLED BY KYLE                                                                                                                                                                        AND HANDLED BY SARAH LONDON.
HOUGH. WAYLON LUNN © 2021                                                                                                                                                                                 DENISE HEATH © 2021

                                                                            VC CEDARWOODS PI P R TEXAS, PUDELPOINTER,
                                                                            OWNED AND HANDLED BY STEPHEN LUNDY, AND                             SCARECROW’S BELLE OF BOULDER CREEK,
                                                                            VC DRUMMING WOODS LUNA, BRITTANY, OWNED                             GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED
                                                                            AND HANDLED BY GORDON PAULSON.                                      AND HANDLED BY THEO STEIN.
                                                                            DENISE HEATH © 2021                                                 DENISE HEATH © 2021

                              VC SHORE SHOT’S WRANGLE-EM-                   VC ROUSE’S OZ, GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER,
                              UP RIPLEY, GERMAN SHORTHAIRED                 OWNED AND HANDLED BY KURT ROUSE.
                              POINTER, OWNED AND HANDLED BY                 WAYLON LUNN © 2021
                              JOHN FRANK. MICHELE TANTALA © 2021

                                                                                                                                               VC PRAIRIE WIND’S DERAILED, GERMAN SHORTHAIRED
                                                                                                                                               POINTER, OWNED BY KEITH RICHARDSON, HANDLED BY
                                                                                                                                               TOM SWEZEY. DENISE HEATH © 2021

           VC DUCHASSEUR NADIA DE LA                                            ALPINE’S GOLDEN HOUR, VIZSLA,                                            VC ROCK CREEK EDMUND FITZGERALD, PUDELPOINTER,
          POINTE, WIREHAIRED POINTING                                            OWNED BY CODY ABBOTT, HAN-                                                         OWNED AND HANDLED BY SCOTT KOSSAN.
      GRIFFON, OWNED AND HANDLED BY                                                  DLED BY BRIDGET NIELSEN.                                                                          DENISE HEATH © 2021
                WIESLAW JEDRZEJCZYK.                                                        MOISHE RAGIEME © 2021
                     DENISE HEATH © 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VC SILVER BULLET’S SIR WESTIN, GERMAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HANDLED BY CARSON WILSHIRE.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MICHELE TANTALA © 2021

 20                                             Versatile Hunting Dog   •                               December 2021   December 2021                                Versatile Hunting Dog   •                            21
                                                                                                       POINTING GRIFFON, OWNED AND HAN-                   SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED AND HANDLED BY                      WEIMARANER, OWNED AND HANDLED
                                                                                                                    DLED BY STEVEN BUCK.                  STEPHANIE HARRISON. DENISE HEATH © 2021                        BY ALAN VISINTAINER. WAYLON LUNN © 2021
                                                                                                                        DENISE HEATH © 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HUN HILL FINNIGAN, WIREHAIRED
                                                                        VC ZOLDMALI IBIS, WIREHAIRED VIZSLA,                                                                                                                            POINTING GRIFFON, OWNED AND
                                                                        OWNED AND HANDLED BY EMERY MERSICH.                                                                                                                             HANDLED BY CHRIS TRINA.
                                                                        MOISHE RAGIEME © 2021                                                                                                                                           MOISHE RAGIEME © 2021

            WINDHEIMS FIONA DAISY LEE, GERMAN SHORTHAIRED                                                                                                                    VC BLUE COLLAR HANK, GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER,
               POINTER, OWNED AND HANDLED BY JOHN SCOZA.                                                                                                                              OWNED AND HANDLED BY ARTHUR TRUJILLO.
                                          MICHELE TANTALA © 2021                                                                                                                                               DENISE HEATH © 2021

WEIMARANER, OWNED AND HANDLED BY                     TIKKA NORTHPOINT VONTHURBER HEGEHAUS,                                                                    SANDSTONES RIDING THE CUSHION, BRITTANY,
GRETCHEN STEPHENSON. DENISE HEATH © 2021             GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED                                                                        OWNED AND HANDLED BY MICHAEL MOSER.
                                                     AND HANDLED BY NATHANIEL AKEY.                                                                           DENISE HEATH © 2021
                                                     DENISE HEATH © 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CLADDAGH’S HEAD’S UP, GER-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MAN WIREHAIRED POINTER,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      OWNED AND HANDLED BY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MICHAEL MATHIAS.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DENISE HEATH © 2021

      22                                              Versatile Hunting Dog   •                      December 2021           December 2021                                  Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                                 23
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