HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing

Page created by Cathy Castro
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
 Jonathan Lord, Interim Head of Engagement, North Area – HS2
 Andy deBell, Stakeholder Manager - BBV
 Nick Cuming, Engagement Manager – BBV
 Katrien Goossens, Community Engagement Lead- LM
 Melanie Ryan, Engagement Manager - LM

12 July 2021
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
HS2 Project Update

      Phase 2b Update

      Procurement for a contractor to build Interchange Station will commence this year, and
      the successful contractor will be appointed in 2022.

      Planned distribution of Contact Cards for elected members
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
Enabling Works Update
Interchange area
Fiona Woolston, LM Engagement Manager
July 2021

        *Dates and works outlined in this presentation have the potential to change; all timeline/work changes will be communicated
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
The Interchange area                            Toby

      Quartz Point          Centre                          A45
      Business Park


Birmingham Business Park
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
Holiday Inn

                                                              Birmingham Business Park



        Melbicks Garden Centre

                                 Quartz Point Business Park

Area A & B
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
Highways bridges Traffic Management
                                                                  Description of works
              When the future HS2 Interchange Station is operational, four new highways bridges will connect the current road
              network to new routes we are creating. The first of these new highways bridges was safely installed in August 2020
              over the M42. In Summer 2021, we’ll carry out various activities to fully reinstate this road.

              Temporary, overnight lane closures on the M42 for two nights to complete street lighting.

              We’ll inform you of the full details of these traffic measures before they take effect via our usual notification process.
August 2021
              When the future HS2 Interchange Station is operational, four new highways bridges will connect the current road
              network to new routes we are creating. The second of these new highways bridges was safely installed in October
              2020 over the A446. In July 2021, we’ll carry out various activities to fully reinstate the A446 and A452.

              Temporary, overnight road closures on the A446 for two to three nights for the barrier reorientation.

              We’ll inform you of the full details of these traffic measures before they take effect via our usual notification process.
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
Highways development
programme in focus
•   To date, LM has carried out several successful weekend
    closures in the Interchange area to connect parts of the
    existing network to the new routes that have been created,
    and installed new pedestrian footpaths, kerb lines and
    central reservations in the area. The next weekend closure is
    scheduled for August 2021.              London
•   Upon completion, a new T-junction will replace Northway
    Island, which is currently located over the M42. A new
    ‘longabout’ is already in operation outside the Holiday Inn
    Express NEC, on the way to the National Exhibition Centre
    (NEC). In the future, you will be able to safely access all
    routes east of the motorway by using HS2’s highways bridge
    over the M42.
•   As part of this programme, LM is also improving pedestrian
    routes, central reservations and kerb lines.
•   This programme will conclude July 2022 before the
    Commonwealth Games.
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
Highways development
    TM lookahead
•   From Monday 19 July to Thursday
    26 August, two short sections of
    Northway Island will be closed.
    Depending on your direction of
    travel, you will no longer be able to
    travel around the whole of the
    Island. You may be redirected from
    Northway Island, along the A452 or
    B4438, and back.
•   You will still be able to access all
    routes, there will just be a short
    diversion from some parts of
    Northway Island. Direction of travel
    along the B4438, A452 and
    Northway will be unaffected.
•   After 26 August, the direction of
    travel outlined on slide 8 will be
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
Other works
        TM lookahead
•   Vegetation clearance (subject to
    obtaining the relevant consents).
•   Temporary lane closures from
    9.30am to 3.30pm each weekday,
    between Thursday 8 July to
    Friday 16 July, along a short
    section of the A446 northbound
    near Northway Island.
•   These traffic measures will be
    carried out in conjunction with a
    new direction of travel for road
    users around Northway Island,
    which commenced on Monday 24
    May (see slide 8).
HS2 Solihull IAG Briefing
Other works
        TM lookahead
•   Bat surveys (subject to obtaining
    the relevant consents).
•   Temporary, phased lane closures
    from 9.30am to 3.30pm each
    weekday between Monday 12
    July to Thursday 15 July, and
    Monday 19 July to Tuesday 20
    July, along sections of the A446,
    A452 and A45 near Stonebridge
•   Throughout these works, varying
    stretches of the road network will
    be affected along the highlighted
    routes for varying durations of
    time. Works will be phased to
    avoid overburdening the network.
Communicating our TM and work
1 January - 25 June 2021

                                  Public   Stakeholder      comms
   Notifications       Meetings   events     content      campaigns
        23                 50       3          6          with SMBC,
                                                         HE and TfWM
Kenilworth Greenway progress

 Existing                 Diversion from            Opportunities for
 Kenilworth               Burton Green to           small community
 Greenway                 Berkswell                 projects

 • Clearance complete     • Construction complete   • Community murals
 • Preparing for main     • Schedule 17 ‘bringing   • Planting/landscaping
   works                    into use’
 • Handed over to         • Communications plan
   Balfour Beatty VINCI     – including cycling
   (BBV)                    stakeholders
Clearance and green corridor update

• Clearance continues along the railway route as we
  prepare for main works
• In some areas, we need to return to places we
  previously started to clear but couldn’t finish due
  to environment/ecology requirements and
• 2021 has been a successful year for maintaining
  and growing the green corridor, and investing
  cleared items back into the community
Park Lane / A452 roundabout progress
  Park Lane widening                      A452 roundabout                    Community
  and main works                          construction at                    Engagement for
  compound                                Park Lane                          ongoing works

 •   Majority of the vegetation       •    Remobilised works in June     •    Regular face-to-face visits to
     clearance complete along              2021.                              local residents and businesses.
     Park Lane and A452.              •    Programme of works being      •    Notification giving an overview
 •   Park Lane widening complete           finalised.                         of roundabout works and
     some minor works                 •    Now until the end of August        remobilisation dates
     outstanding for footpaths.            2021 - constructing central        distributed in May 21.
 •   Compound and majority of              running lane.                 •    Ongoing advance notifications
     Park Lane area handed over       •    Post August – constructing         sent to stakeholders, local
     to Balfour Beatty VINCI (BBV).        roundabout. Majority of            residents, businesses and
                                           works using single lane            Parish Councils etc. to be sent
                                           closure in central                 with changes in traffic
                                           reservation.                       management.
Community investment successes
1 January - 25 June 2021

 Around Again charity        Meriden Adventure Playground

  Welcome Community Garden

                                                            Meriden Parish Council,
                                                             Leys Lane allotmentt
Nick Cuming, Stakeholder and Communications Manager
Overview of works in Solihull

 Mid/Late 2021
 • Construction of the Coleshill Heath Road Laboratory, Workshop and Concrete Batching Plant
 • Earthworks Poole Brook Embankment. Stockpiling of aggregate for the ground improvement work
 • Complete demolition works of Top Hat and Tales A45 with crushing of concrete for reuse in the works
 • Works at main and satellite compounds
 • Earthworks for Interchange roundabout. Topsoil strip and place drainage starter layer under the footprint of
   the embankment and then continue with main earthworks
 • Continuation of Ground Investigation (GI) works to aid design
 • Surveys of the existing carriageway drainage A45/East Way/Service with night time traffic management
 • Creation of piling platform at Top Hat and Tales site for Service Road bridge
 • Mobilisation to Heath Park work area for bridge works over Coleshill Heath Road and M6
Compound –
    Coleshill Heath
•    Work to construct the
     compound began in June
     2020 and we are currently
     building the foundations
     for the temporary buildings

•    Preparation work is also
     progressing for the
     Concrete Batching Plant

•    Site location identified by
     red line
Location of Coleshill
Heath Road compound
Earthworks for

• BBV has started topsoil
  strip for the embankment
  construction for the
  interchange A446/A452
• A drainage starter layer to
  be placed followed by the
  main earthworks
Park Lane haul

BBV have created an
internal haul route starting
from the Aston Martin
roundabout on the A452
heading south towards
Park Lane. BBV have
completed 80% of this
work which will
accommodate site traffic
when complete
Notifications for July 2021

1. Berkswell Station nighttime closures under possession
June/July/August to erect hoarding at interface with HS2 bridge site

2. Truggist Lane, Berkswell Station 4 way traffic lights for plant
crossing works

3. A45/East Way/Service Road night time lane closures to clean and
survey existing carriageway drainage where HS2 goes under the A45
HS2 Additional update
CEF & BLEF update
By Local Authority area, Solihull Metropolitan
Borough Council have received the 6th highest
number of awards out of all Local Authority areas
across the line of route for Phase One.

To date 12 awards have been approved totallingjust
over £486,000. These are on the map and are
therefore in the public domain.

2 projects are not yet on the map as they are in the
process of agreeing their terms and conditions.
                                                                Map key;
                                                                Blue - Existing projects
                                                                Yellow - New projects added this month
                                                                Green - Completed projects
                                                                Square – Strategic projects

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