How to Treat MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS - Chronic fatigue syndrome Cathy Stephenson & Rose Silvester - New Zealand Doctor
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Online reading and accredited assessment Free Access Code: available at DOCTOR CFS How to Treat MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS Chronic fatigue syndrome Cathy Stephenson & Rose Silvester
COMPLETE YOUR FREE EDUCATE MODULE ONLINE ➤Go to and use How much do you the access code given on the cover of this reprint. already know? Try this quiz 1 CR 1. There is a biomarker currently DOCTOR available that can confirm or refute a diagnosis of ME/CFS. True/False EARN CPD CREDITS WITH 2. Post-exertional malaise is an NEW ZEALAND DOCTOR RATA AOTEAROA EDUCATE increase in symptoms resulting from the patient exceeding their This continuing medical education activity has energy envelope. True/False been endorsed by the RNZCGP and has been 1 CR approved for up to 1 CME credit for the General 3. Deconditioning is a significant Practice Educational Programme and continuing contributor to the severity professional development purposes. This activity of symptoms in ME/CFS. will take up to 1 hour to complete (1 credit/hour). True/False 4. ME/CFS is a leading cause Simply complete the online quiz-based assessment of long-term school absence. True/False at 5. Approximately 95 per cent of children with ME/CFS are undiagnosed. True/False Educate is the clinical education content provided by 6. In order to diagnose ME/CFS, a viral illness must precede New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa, published by The Health Media. the onset of fatigue. © The Health Media Ltd, 2021 True/False Answers on page 7 Cover image: – xavigm
DOCTOR +HOW TO TREAT Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome Fraz Pull quote Pull quote pull quote pull quote pull quote pull quote pull quote Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a common, debilitating and costly disease. Diagnosing and managing complex chronic conditions such as this is not easy with a 15-minute consultation, but this article, by Cathy Stephenson and Rose Silvester, provides a framework of evidence-based information for GPs working with patients with ME/CFS M yalgic encephalomyelitis/ 1980s as the “Tapanui flu”. After an ini- predominance of autonomic nervous Cathy Stephenson chronic fatigue syndrome is a tial flurry of research, and concern for the system abnormalities. ME/CFS became is a GP in debilitating, chronic, multisys- fate of the New Zealanders who became a marginalised and neglected disease Wellington and tem disease that affects the neurological, unwell, interest waned. However, many a health column- with dramatic underfunding of research autonomic, immune, endocrine, cardiac of these people remain unwell today, over ist. She has had Continued on page 4 and energy metabolism systems. It is diag- 30 years on. the privilege of nosed with clinical criteria in the absence Although ME has been included in the learning about of alternative diagnoses. International Classification of Diseases ME/CFS from her EARN RNZCGP Though chronic fatigue is a symp- since the late 1960s, in 1988, the Centers patients, and is CME CREDITS tom of ME/CFS, it is by no means the for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) grateful to one of This continuing only one. Core symptoms also include renamed it chronic fatigue syndrome. them for sharing medical education their story here. activity has been post-exertional malaise (PEM), cogni- Unfortunately, this name erroneously el- endorsed by the tive impairment, orthostatic intolerance evated fatigue to be the defining symptom Rose Silvester RNZCGP and has been approved for up (OI) and unrefreshing sleep. Importantly, and labelled it a syndrome rather than a to 1 CME credit for the General Practice is a clinical most people who present to general prac- disease. The supposition that aligned with psychologist and Educational Programme and continuing tice with the symptom of chronic fatigue this was that CFS was a psychological carer of a person professional development purposes do not fit the definition of ME/CFS. issue, not a physical one. with ME/CFS. She (1 credit/hour). To claim, complete the The disease is known to occur both as This idea was compounded by the ab- is on the steering assessment at Click on individual cases and in outbreaks. It first sence of a biomarker, the variable nature group of M.E. the Educate button. came to Aotearoa’s attention in the early of the multisystem symptoms and the Awareness NZ HOW TO TREAT 3
→ME / CFS DOCTOR A wide range of seemingly unconnected symptoms that vary by day or week I first met Amber a few years ago. She becoming increasingly difficult for her to neurological screen, I sent Amber for was a 19-year-old student nearing attend her classes, and despite seeing a some blood tests. Of course, investiga- the end of her first year at universi- range of doctors over the past two years, tions will vary from patient to patient, ty. At our initial appointment, there were she was gradually getting worse. She de- but a basic screen would include: no obvious clues as to what was going on scribed feeling like her body was a clock with her: there was nothing in the way she that could not be wound up and was tick- Routine blood tests – complete blood greeted me, or in the way she walked or ing more slowly each day. count, C-reactive protein, ferritin, electro looked, to indicate how unwell she was She reminded me of a few patients I lytes, renal and liver function tests, feeling. had met before who had similar expe- calcium, magnesium, blood glucose, thy- She gave a two-year history of a wide riences – they all described a collection roid function tests, vitamin B12, folate, range of symptoms, covering just about of seemingly unconnected symptoms vitamin D and coeliac antibodies (unless every part of her body, without any ob- clustered around a central experience patient is on a gluten-free diet). vious pattern to them. She talked about: of variability and a feeling of deep and • fatigue ranging from mild to severe ongoing fatigue. I wondered whether Other tests if clinically indicated – im- (sometimes so extreme she was bed- Amber, like them, might be experiencing munoglobulins, antinuclear antibodies, bound) ME/CFS, and we discussed the steps we rheumatoid titres, creatinine kinase and • “brain fog” or cognitive impairment could take to explore this possibility. cortisol. • sleep problems – unrefreshing sleep and insomnia Investigations If associated with a viral illness, • muscle pains, aches and leg cramps – While there are clinical criteria that can consider – Epstein-Barr virus, cytomeg- “as if I had run a marathon” help diagnose ME/CFS, it is important to alovirus and HIV testing. Also consider • frequent cold and flu-like symptoms exclude other differentials – these are nu- testing for Lyme disease in patients who She was with chills merous and range from common things have travelled outside New Zealand, pale, slow • dizziness and weakness on standing we come across all the time in primary and a little if symptoms indicate. • food sensitivities care, to obscure conditions we may have unsteady Amber returned the following week to • urinary symptoms, including frequen- barely heard of (Panel 1, see page 5).2 on her feet, the news that all her blood tests were nor- cy, urgency and pain After an unremarkable physical and reported mal, apart from a couple that were mildly, • gastrointestinal problems. examination, including standing and feeling but not significantly, out of range. She did Amber was worried because it was lying blood pressure and pulse, and a exhausted not look as well as she had the previous week – she was pale, slow and a little un- steady on her feet, and she reported feeling Continued from page 3 Impaired oxygen consumption and acti- exhausted. When I remarked that she vation of anaerobic metabolic pathways didn’t look well, she told me this was how and lack of accurate training for medical in the early stages of exercise have been it was for her – the symptoms varied huge- professionals. This vacuum of knowledge revealed in adults with ME/CFS. ly throughout the day and over the week. allowed a proliferation of speculation that We discussed what she had done since ME/CFS is a somatic symptom disorder. Neuroendocrine disturbances – dys- the previous appointment. She described There is no evidence for this, however, regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary– spending a night away with some friends, and multiple pathophysiological chang- adrenal axis. Some patients have flat- and then being so shattered she was barely es across multiple systems invalidate tened diurnal cortisol profiles compared able to get out of bed for two days. any suggestion of malingering. with healthy people, despite normal I wondered if she was depressed, but Research studies describe the following cortisol levels. although she described low energy, im- pathophysiological changes, although it paired concentration, poor sleep, altered is not known whether these occur before Blood pressure or heart rate regulation appetite and (on that day at least) had the onset of the illness or because of it:1 abnormalities – many patients with ME/ quite marked slowing of speech and move- CFS, particularly adolescents, experience ment, she did not describe low mood. Immune system abnormalities – im- symptoms of OI – symptoms typically Also, she demonstrated a clear drive to paired natural killer cell function and/or worsen when in an upright posture and do more, be in class and engage with peo- T cell function, chronic increased pro- improve with recumbency. ple around her. She was clearly worried, duction of inflammatory cytokines and, but objectively, her mood did not sug- in some cases, slightly elevated levels of Many promising studies are cur- gest depression. Furthermore, depression some autoantibodies (rheumatic factor, rently underway and will likely see our wouldn’t adequately explain the other antithyroid antibodies, anti-gliadin understanding of pathophysiology symptoms she was describing (Table 1).3 antibodies, anti-smooth muscle antibod- substantially expanded in the next year. ies and cold agglutinins). Focus is on establishing a biomarker, to specifically test for ME/CFS, and sub It was as if my D-sized battery had Cellular metabolism abnormalities typing of the condition – things that been taken out and replaced with a very – impaired ability of cells to produce would certainly make life easier for health inadequate AA energy from the usual “fuel” they use. providers and patients alike. 4 HOW TO TREAT
DOCTOR +HOW TO TREAT Table 1 S ymptom comparison between depression/anxiety disorders Panel 1 and ME/CFS in children and adolescents3 Differential diagnosis2 Symptoms Depression/ ME/CFS Comments anxiety Active medical conditions: disorders u hypothyroidism/ hyperthyroidism Fatigue, lack of Yes Yes In ME/CFS, fatigue tends to fluctuate u primary adrenal insufficiency energy, difficulty during the day and from day to day u diabetes sleeping, cognitive u iron deficiency anaemia problems, weight gain or loss u vitamin B12 deficiency u iron overload syndrome Absence Yes Yes ME/CFS is the most common medical u Cushing syndrome from school cause of prolonged absence from school u coeliac disease u depression Depression, Yes Sometimes Patients with ME/CFS might be sad, feeling sad for discouraged and fed up. Clinical depres- u infectious diseases no apparent sion is more likely in those who encounter (HIV, Epstein–Barr virus, reason disbelief in the reality of their illness cytomegalovirus, Lyme disease). Anxiety Yes Sometimes In ME/CFS, anxiety can be associated with having an undiagnosed illness, Rheumatological conditions: ignorance about ME/CFS, and/or u rheumatoid arthritis scepticism about the reality of the illness u polymyalgia rheumatica from family members, physicians or u systemic lupus school staff. Panic attacks are occasion ally seen. There is a higher degree of u Sjögren syndrome. anxiety in patients with comorbid OI and joint hypermobility Other conditions: u fibromyalgia Feelings of Yes No Occasionally, young patients with u mast cell activation worthlessness, ME/CFS feel guilty because the illness syndrome guilt, low has caused family disruption. These u orthostatic intolerance self-esteem feelings are secondary to the illness u small fibre polyneuropathy Anhedonia Yes No Patients with ME/CFS often wish to u food intolerances (lack of interest engage in, and still enjoy, previous u complex regional pain and/or pleasure in activities but are limited by their energy syndrome activities previously levels. Patients with depressive illness do u Ehlers–Danlos syndrome enjoyed) not wish to engage in previous activities (hypermobility or but are physically able to do so vascular type) Severe Yes No Severe depression with suicidal thinking u underlying conditions depression with is not present in ME/CFS without causing dysautonomias suicidal thinking comorbid major depressive disorder u connective tissue conditions (eg, Marfan syndrome) Lack of interest Yes No Patients with ME/CFS often want to u multiple sclerosis in friendships/ socialise but are physically and cognitively u cardiovascular conditions relationships unable to do so. Patients with depressive u inflammatory bowel disease illness often do not wish to socialise u sleep disorders Post-exertional No Yes A hallmark of ME/CFS. Patients with (eg, obstructive sleep symptom depression/anxiety often feel better apnoea, narcolepsy) worsening after exertion u craniospinal instability u spinal stenosis Orthostatic Occasionally Sometimes Much more common in patients with intolerance ME/CFS u cervical spinal fluid leak u Chiari malformation Hypersensitivities No Sometimes Common in patients with ME/CFS. u toxic substance exposure to light, noise, Can contribute to feeling anxious and u malignancy odours and overwhelmed u iatrogenic conditions such medications as medication side effects Difficulty with No Sometimes Common in young patients with or interactions. thermoregulation, ME/CFS low body temper- Italicised conditions are ature, intolerance commonly comorbid to heat and cold HOW TO TREAT 5
→ME / CFS DOCTOR An evidence-based approach to diagnosis and classification is not easy U ntil other methods of diagnos- ing ME/CFS become available, Post-exertional malaise is we rely, to a large degree, on the a worsening of symptoms that history we gain from our patients. In my occurs after patients exceed conversations with Amber, it became clear their energy envelope that she, like many others, was wary of the ME/CFS label. This is not only because of the historical stigma but also because of the uncertainty around impact and prognosis. Considering this, I think it’s incredi- bly important that, as doctors, we take a thoughtful, considered and, where possible, evidence-based approach to diagnosis. In practice, this isn’t easy, with inconsistencies between documents and guidelines, and a plethora of other obsta- cles getting in the way (Panel 2, see page 7). Diagnostic criteria When researching how best to proceed with Amber, I came across the Institute of Medicine’s (now the National Academy without cardiac arrhythmia, dyspnoea, just physical – for people at the severe end of Medicine) 2015 revision of evidence sleep disturbance (hypersomnia, insomnia, of the spectrum, it could be as “minor” as and proposal of diagnostic criteria. While sleep/wake reversal), small fibre neuro- brushing their teeth or having a conver- this document has not been without pathy, OI, loss of thermostatic stability, sation with a friend. its critics (some saying it oversimplifies sweating episodes, feverishness, acrocyan PEM is the symptom responsible for a very complex problem), it has at least osis, chest pain, hypoglycaemia, PEM, the “push–crash” cycle: on a good day, a provided a point from which ME/CFS can recurrent sore throat, flu-like symptoms, person may push themselves to do a little be discussed, diagnosed and managed.4 new sensitivities to food/medications/ more, then crash afterwards, experienc- If you want to look in more detail a di- chemicals,food allerg y, other allergic ing a worsening of symptoms as a result. agnostic criteria, the CDC has published reactions/mast cell activation syndrome, This was exactly what Amber described a useful summary of the symptom- widespread muscle pain, pelvic pain, allo after she spent a night with friends. Some based case definitions that have been dynia, chest pain, joint pain, headaches, people report that this cycle results in an used in clinical practice and research since unrefreshing sleep, swollen or tender ever-lowering baseline with each crash 1994 ( lymph nodes, depression, anxiety/panic, joint (stepwise decline). While the mecha- While the Institute of Medicine’s hypermobility, cold extremities and severe nisms of PEM are not well understood, diagnostic criteria form the core fea- fatigue. exercise physiology researchers (some tures of ME/CFS (Panel 3, see page 7), here in New Zealand) have shown that patients will often have a multitude of Patients What is post-exertional ME/CFS patients have marked abnor- additional symptoms and recognisable will often malaise? malities on two-day cardiopulmonary syndromes that may require attention. have a While fatigue is often thought of as the exercise testing. When two sets of tests These may represent underlying con- multitude defining symptom, it is obviously not are performed two days apart, patients ditions that initially drove the patient of additional unique to ME/CFS. What is unique to with ME/CFS show a characteristic towards ME/CFS, be contributing condi- symptoms ME/CFS is PEM. deterioration in exercise capacity on the tions that perpetuate the problem, and/or PEM describes the unique energy pro- second day. This has helped to debunk be part of the muddy downstream effect duction deficit of people with ME/CFS. any notion that ME/CFS is caused by of the illness and of living with a chronic It is defined by a marked worsening of deconditioning.5,6 condition. symptoms (not just fatigue) in the period If we highlight the diagnostic criteria following physical, mental or emotional among the multitude of other symptoms exertion. A delay of 24 to 72 hours after Some days, I would have little-to-no that sometimes cloud our vision, it can be exertion is usual, and symptom exacer energy and be confined to the sofa easier to understand: bation may last days, weeks or much or bed. Other days, I had a decent Perceptual and sensory disturbance, atax longer. For more information about PEM, amount of energy. I used to think, ia, muscle weakness, fasciculations, visual refer to the M.E. Awareness NZ website wow, I have energy today – I must make disturbance, cognitive impairment (brain ( and https://bit. the most of it! I’d go out and get things fog), extreme pallor, nausea and gastro ly/3alBPoC). done, but then the next day, I would intestinal symptoms, urinary frequency/ Note that the exertion required to trig- crash big time bladder dysfunction, palpitations with or ger PEM can be mental or emotional, not 6 HOW TO TREAT
DOCTOR +HOW TO TREAT Prevalence, onset and course of the disease – ME/CFS does not discriminate P rior to meeting Amber, I had ME/CFS is a spectrum disorder encountered only a handful of pa- Patients at the mild end of the spectrum At my worst, I remember being bedridden, having my tients with ME/CFS, yet it’s not a can continue with their lives, albeit with flatmates bring me dinner, and attempting to eat while rare disease. While prevalence estimates significant curtailing of usual activity. still lying down because I didn’t have the energy to sit up – vary, ME/CFS is thought to affect 0.85 Patients who are moderately impaired the plate centimetres from my face, struggling to lift the per cent of the population, and around have difficulty maintaining study or fork the short distance from the plate to my mouth 60 per cent of those affected are women. work, or standing or sitting for prolonged We know that many people affected nev- periods. er get a diagnosis (some estimates put this The approximately 20 per cent of ME/ as high as 91 per cent), which means many CFS patients who are severely affected are Panel 2 thousands of people are deprived of in- generally wheelchair-dependent, house or Obstacles to diagnosis1 terventions that may help and, sadly, are bed-bound and in need of full care. This frequently recommended interventions level of severity can persist for months For healthcare providers, diagnosing ME/CFS that can cause real harm.4 or even years. Those with severe ME/CFS can be complicated by the following factors: Children are not spared, with adoles- may require home visits and/or Skype/ u As yet, there is no lab test or biomarker for ME/CFS. cence being one of the two peak times of telephone contact to enable them to u Fatigue and other symptoms of ME/CFS are onset (the other being in the 30s). A rigor- access healthcare. Read more about the common to many illnesses. ous 2020 study in the US found prevalence care of severely ill patients on the CDC u For some patients, it may not be obvious to health- rates of 0.75 per cent for children aged five website ( care providers that they are ill. to 17. Less than 5 per cent of these young It surprised me that, although Amber u ME/CFS has an unpredictable pattern of remission people had been diagnosed.7 ME/CFS is a had been on a reduced schedule of study and relapse. leading cause of long-term school absence, and had all but eliminated other inter- u Symptoms vary from person to person in both yet this is often misread by parents and ests, her presentation was considered frequency and severity – the most severely affected authorities as school refusal. mild because she was still able to “func- may not seek care because they are too ill to go to On further discussion with Amber, she tion” most of the time. However, she did a clinic. described a fairly typical onset. She was describe periods of more severe exacerba- u The complexity and duration of the illness or an active, healthy student in high school tions when study had not been possible prior healthcare experiences can contribute to when she contracted a viral illness. While and she spent prolonged periods in bed. communication difficulties between patients and she did gradually recover from this vi- She commented that the doctors she healthcare providers. rus, a subsequent mild upper respiratory had seen previously appeared to minimise u There is a lack of adequate education about, and tract infection saw her largely confined her reports of the severity of her symp- acceptance of, ME/CFS in the medical community. to bed for many months. The respiratory toms. Yet at her worst, she had been too symptoms were gone, but concomitant unwell to leave the house. Her symptoms symptoms of malaise, body aches, chills during these times were invisible, as they and dizziness on standing persisted. are for many others with ME/CFS. Panel 3 Though Amber’s viral illness was nev- Similar to many chronic conditions, Diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS4 er identified, common illnesses that recovery is possible for some patients correlate with an acute onset of ME/CFS (around 5–10 per cent). Others improve Diagnosis requires the following include herpesviruses (Epstein–Barr, cy- and are able to manage their illness to a three symptoms: tomegalovirus, human herpesvirus 6 and point of minimal impact. The largest 1. a substantial reduction or impairment in the ability 7), enteroviral infections (eg, Coxsackie B) group, however, remains functionally dis- to engage in pre-illness levels of occupational, and influenza. Less common triggers abled and significantly restricted by their educational, social or personal activities, which include non-infectious immune prov- symptoms. A further group do not improve persists for more than six months and is accom ocations (eg, anaesthetics), physical or may worsen over time. While there is panied by fatigue (often profound, of new or definite or psychological trauma, and chemical or little research evidence, most experts agree onset, not the result of ongoing excessive exertion toxin exposure. children have a slightly better outcome.1 and not substantially alleviated by rest) Around 25 per cent of people will de- The impact of this condition should not 2. post-exertional malaise* scribe a gradual or stepwise onset with be underestimated. Studies have shown 3. unrefreshing sleep.* no obvious trigger. Although no gene has that patients with ME/CFS are typically At least one of the two following manifestations yet been identified, genetics does play more impaired in their functioning than is also required: a role. Twenty-seven per cent of people those with other chronic and disabling ill- 1. cognitive impairment* with ME/CFS have first-degree relatives nesses, including congestive heart failure, 2. orthostatic intolerance. diagnosed with ME/CFS or chronic depression, multiple sclerosis and end- fatigue of unknown etiology.8 stage renal disease (Figure 1, see page 8).4,9 * Frequency and severity of symptoms should be assessed – the diagnosis of ME/CFS should be questioned if patients do not have these symptoms Quiz answers at least half of the time with moderate, substantial or severe intensity. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. False HOW TO TREAT 7
→ME / CFS DOCTOR Targeted management when no pharmacological solutions are available I SOURCE: Falk Hvidberg M, et al. PLoS One 2015;10(7):e0132421. CC BY 4.0 t was hard to know where to start to help Amber. As health professionals, we are trained to “treat”, yet there are no pharmacological solutions for ME/CFS. However, there are a range of management strategies that are sup- portive for patients with ME/CFS. There is both evidence and experience to show that patients do better when their di- agnosis and management is timely and appropriate. Validate the patient’s experience Amber commented a few months after we first met that the most helpful thing I did for her was to validate and affirm her experience. This may sound simple, but like many people with ME/CFS, Amber had found it difficult to be heard. It had been suggested to her that she was de- pressed, overly focused on her symptoms, and that she needed to “push through” the fatigue. It felt important to partner with Amber, and support her as best I could – together, we would figure out what might work for her. Pacing During the first few months after meet- ing Amber, there remained considerable uncertainty about what was causing her symptoms. There was a lot to investi- gate, and it was important to be thorough. My hunch that this was ME/CFS was sufficient to advise her to begin pacing im mediately. Over the past few years, there has been a fair amount of misunderstand- ing about the role of pacing, largely due to the popularity of a now debunked strat- egy for managing ME/CFS called graded exercise therapy. Pacing is a strategy that reduces the frequency and severity of PEM and poten- tially mitigates longer term deterioration. It involves determining the threshold at which exertion (physical or cognitive) elicits PEM, and then ensuring the sum of all daily activities stays well beneath that threshold (for more information: As opposed to graded exercise therapy (which promotes a rigid incremental in- crease in exercise and is now known to be harmful for those with ME/CFS), levels of activity should only be very cautious- Figure 1. A study by Falk Hvidberg and colleagues in 2015 reported that patients with ME/CFS ly increased if the patient experiences have the lowest unadjusted EQ-5D-3L-based health-related quality of life compared with 20 improvement in energy levels. It is im- other conditions, including multiple sclerosis and stroke9 portant to note that energy increase may 8 HOW TO TREAT
DOCTOR +HOW TO TREAT Patients with Panel 4 severe ME/ Symptoms and CFS may rely signs of orthostatic on a wheelchair intolerance and carers for months or even OI presents as a worsening of years symptoms on becoming upright (in severe cases, this may be just moving from fully to partially recumbent) and on prolonged standing. Symptoms include: u dizziness/light-headedness u tachycardia u changes in vision u headache u breathlessness u syncope or presyncope u pain, tingling or numbness in feet (primarily), but also in hands and face u chest discomfort/pain u acrocyanosis (discoloured ex- tremities due to blood pooling) u nausea u distress/agitation u loss of cognitive acuity. 1. PEM 2. OI 3. SLEEP 4. PAIN 5. BRAIN FOG Screen for OI using the NASA Lean Test ( This requires 30 minutes or longer Most troubling symptom Least troubling symptom to carry out, a bed for the patient to lie on and repeated measure Figure 2. Amber’s stepwise symptom management ments of blood pressure and heart rate, so needs planning if to be done in a busy clinic. OI can be never occur and should not be the goal. least troubling (Figure 2, above), which highly variable and may require The variability of ME/CFS within a can be a really helpful way to prioritise multiple assessments to under- day and across days/weeks, and the de- an approach when managing multiple stand the pattern. Patients may lay between activity and the appearance symptoms. be able to conduct lean tests at of PEM (up to three days), can make estab- Sleep, pain and cognitive issues are home, at different times of day lishing the pacing threshold difficult. For common problems in general practice over several days, by recording Amber, keeping a diary was helpful, as was populations, and GPs are well versed in heart rate with a fitness tracker a heart rate monitor. Amber found main- how to manage them. We should approach or heart rate and blood pressure taining her heart rate below 120 beats our symptom management for ME/CFS using a home device. per minute was a useful way to minimise patients in the same way we would for In adults, postural orthostat- PEM. anyone else, although these symptoms Energy ic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) tend to be more persistent and resistant increase is defined by an increase in heart to treatment in this group. may never rate of 30 beats per minute or Since getting ME/CFS, I have had to As many people with ME/CFS find, occur and more within the first 10 minutes adapt small things in my daily life, to Amber was very sensitive to medications, should not of standing, in the absence of save energy where I can. Examples so the rule of “go low and slow” had to be be the goal hypotension. In children and include using light cutlery, wearing carefully applied. As with other complex, adolescents, an increase of 40 clothes that are not too heavy or multisystem conditions, it was tempting beats per minute or more is used. restrictive and wearing incredibly to prescribe medications for all her prob- Orthostatic hypotension is comfortable shoes (to avoid muscle lems, but polypharmacy may have further defined by a decrease in systolic aches). I also have short hair, so it’s complicated her situation. We stuck to blood pressure of 20mmHg or easy to maintain and doesn’t take too tackling one thing at a time, in line with a decrease in diastolic blood much energy to wash the symptom hierarchy. pressure of 10mmHg within three One of Amber’s more troubling symp- minutes of standing. toms was that of orthostatic intolerance Patients should be referred for Stepwise symptom hierarchy (Panel 4). She described a cluster of symp- a tilt table test if results are well Together, Amber and I agreed on a step- toms when standing still, which tended outside these limits or if symptoms wise symptom hierarchy. This hierarchy to worsen on getting up from sitting or are unclear or severely disabling. simply lists symptoms from most to lying. She felt light-headed, puffed, weak HOW TO TREAT 9
→ME / CFS DOCTOR and muddled, with tingling/aching in While Amber did not meet the thresh- unable to attend full-time, support for her feet. old for a diagnosis of POTS, she did learning can come from the Regional OI is an abnormal autonomic nervous experience mild tachycardia on the NASA Health Schools ( system response to orthostatic challenge, Lean Test (she had a sustained increase nz). Strong advocacy from a GP can sup- and it is thought to be the most over- of 25 beats per minute with stable blood port families and can assist the RHS to looked, yet potentially manageable, pressure) and reported that her symp- understand the capabilities and limita- feature of ME/CFS. While OI does occur toms improved on resuming a recumbent tions of the child. in adults with ME/CFS, it is almost uni- position. I am aware that this is coming last, versal in adolescents, with >90 per cent The standard first-line strategy for which is ironic given its importance – of young people experiencing it. Common managing OI is to increase daily fluid in- mental health. Adjusting to the losses variants of OI are orthostatic hypoten- take (to 2–4L), and increase salt if blood that came with ME/CFS was hard for sion, neurally mediated hypotension pressure is normal (Panel 5). This is of- Amber, and depression and anxiety sat and postural orthostatic tachycardia ten enough to moderate the symptoms. alongside her at times, as they often do syndrome. with chronic conditions. We worked to Advocacy and support adapt the things she enjoyed – to bring Although getting diagnostic clarity can be them within her “energy envelope” – Panel 5 helpful as it enables us to use a targeted, and to find value in other manageable Managing orthostatic intolerance evidence-based approach to management, things. It will be an ongoing adaptation ME/CFS is a diagnosis that carries an un- – although Amber’s condition has stabi- Advise the patient that they may benefit from: certain prognosis and has no definitive lised and she is able to predict and rely u Being out of bed, as tolerated by fatigue (lying down treatment. Understandably, it is often upon her health a lot more, there are for long periods will exacerbate postural symtoms), very difficult for our patients to accept. constant reminders that some things and raising the head of the bed by 20cm. Patients with ME/CFS need the triad of are simply out of reach. u Avoiding weight loss, but having regular, small support to optimise stability: clinical, meals with smaller portions of carbohydrate. emotional and practical. u Increasing fluid intake – begin with 2L per day and Most major centres have support net- Before the onset of ME/CFS, I had assess response. This may be increased to up to works or groups for people with ME/ never struggled with mental health 4L per day. Water is best. Avoid caffeine drinks or CFS. These groups provide invaluable issues, but suddenly my ability drinks with high sugar content as these may cause opportunities to connect with, and learn to carry out everyday tasks was further dehydration. Drink a glass of water (at least from, others with ME/CFS. Some centres reduced and my life was impacted 400ml) to stimulate blood pressure control before also have field workers who can support in so many ways. It’s like losing any orthostatic challenge, such as getting up in and advocate for patients. Information a limb – you have to learn how to the morning, going shopping or showering. about these organisations can be found live within your new limitations u Increasing salt intake if blood pressure is normal or on the M.E. Awareness NZ website and to cope with the strain it puts low (in combination with increased fluid intake). ( or the Associated New on your mental health Dose–response is individual but, as a guide, 5g salt Zealand ME Society website (anzmes. per day is commonly required. Salt can be added to food or salty snacks can be introduced. Salt capsules NZcare4ME is an online, closed net- Referral for specialty (eg, SaltStick) can provide a useful supplement and work of carers of young people with ME/ assessment and intervention minimise nausea associated with high salt. These CFS. Entry to the group is via Facebook ME/CFS is complex and there is so are costly, so consider including them in a disability ( much yet to be discovered about this allowance. Electrolyte drinks can substitute for some In terms of financial support, because disease. Making things more difficult salt. Enerlyte can be obtained on prescription and ME/CFS is long-term, many people over for practitioners is that we receive combined with a little lemon juice, or similar, to age 16 will be entitled to the Supported remarkably little training about it, enhance taste. Sport shops stock electrolyte tablets Living Payment ( given it is a condition that is so preva- that can be added to water. Avoid electrolytes Eligibility is not means tested, and the ap- lent and disabling. The need to make containing high levels of sugar (eg, Powerade). plicant can be in part-time study or work differential diagnoses and to clarify u Performing counter manoeuvres on standing/ to qualify. Care Plus, a programme that comorbid conditions can certainly prolonged standing – these are manoeuvres that supports GPs and people with chronic stretch our capacity (particularly in a increase muscle action in the legs and pelvis to health conditions, caters for higher needs 15-minute consultation), so referral enhance blood flow against gravity (eg, walking on ( to secondary care is almost certainly the spot, foot raises prior to standing, crossing legs As Amber was functioning reason- going to be required. in scissor fashion). ably well, she didn’t require home help or Ideally, there would be multidisci- u Avoiding overly long or hot showers, or standing equipment. For patients who do, access is plinary teams of specialists to refer or sitting for prolonged periods. via the somewhat convoluted Long Term to – ones that are able to integrate the u Wearing pressure garments – over-the-counter Support-Chronic Health Conditions complexity of the multiple body sys- garments can be trialled (ideally, toe to waist) or pathway, rather than through Disability tems involved – but the reality in New medical-grade garments can be obtained on Support Services. This LTS-CHC fund- Zealand is that this is currently rarely, if prescription. ing is administered by DHBs and accessed ever, available. The best advice I can give u Encouraging recumbent exercise within limits of through Needs Assessment Service is to check your local HealthPathways, pacing (eg, swimming, recumbent cycling). Coordination agencies. Unfortunately, to see if the pathway for ME/CFS has u Reducing or stopping relevant medications. availability is limited to patients with been localised. If it has, refer according “very high needs”. to their advice. If it hasn’t, discuss with If the above strategies are ineffective, consider Young people with ME/CFS will usual- your colleagues or at your peer review secondary referral where fludrocortisone, midodrine, ly require some support in their learning. group, and find out if there is a local beta-blockers and pyridostigmine may be considered. For mildly affected children, school ac- specialist (physician, paediatrician commodations may suffice.10 For those or rheumatologist) who has a special 10 HOW TO TREAT
DOCTOR +HOW TO TREAT interest in these patients. Final thoughts All too often, upon entering second- ary health services, patients with ME/ This exploration of ME/CFS may have thrown up more questions than it has References CFS report being passed from special- answered, but hopefully it can provide 1. Centers for Disease Control ty to specialty and being reassessed a framework for working with this com- and Prevention. Myalgic through a lens of doubt, speculation munity of patients. It is a challenging Encephalomyelitis/Chronic or minimisation. Others report being diagnosis. Fatigue Syndrome: Information told there is no help to be had. Add to Our obligation is to steer our patients for Healthcare Providers. April that the infrequency of appointments, as away from interventions that have clear 2021. well as patients being unable to be seen harm and towards an understanding 2. US ME/CFS Clinician Coalition. in their own home by secondary spe- that is based on evidence. However, we Diagnosing and Treating Myal- cialists, and it is easy to see how many need to remain mindful that research has gic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic patients can find it confusing, frustrating been scant, and the recommendations Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). and unrewarding. of experienced clinicians and researchers July 2020. As GPs, we have the privilege of know- may precede the published evidence by 3. Rowe PC, Underhill RA, ing our patients well, and we have the as much as 10 years. Friedman KJ, et al. Myalgic opportunity to support and advocate It is likely that patients with ME/CFS encephalomyelitis/chronic for them as they navigate this system will be immersed in this emerging infor- fatigue syndrome diagnosis – ensuring their concerns are well repre- mation. From walking alongside Amber and management in young sented, that myths or misunderstanding over the years, I have learnt a huge amount people: A primer. Front Pediatr about the condition are not perpetuated – not only about my approach to the diag- 2017;5:121. There is both and that plans are progressing in a time- nosis and management of this condition 4. Institute of Medicine of the evidence and ly manner. At this stage, this may be the but also about the strength and resilience experience National Academies. Beyond most valuable thing we can offer. of those whose lives are so affected by it. n to show that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ patients Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: do better Redefining an Illness. 2015. when their Useful resources diagnosis and management 5. van Campen CMC, Visser FC. The abnormal cardiac index u Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ is timely and and stroke volume index Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. January 2020. appropriate changes during a normal tilt u Friedman KJ, Bateman L, Bested A, et al. Editorial: Advances in table test in ME/CFS patients ME/CFS research and clinical care. Front Pediatr 2019;7:370. compared to healthy volunteers, u Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Beyond Myalgic are not related to decondition- Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness. ing. J Thrombo Circ 2018:107. 2015. 6. Hodges L, Nielsen T, Cochrane u International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic D, et al. The physiological time Encephalomyelitis. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: line of post‐exertional malaise A Primer for Clinical Practitioners. 2014. in myalgic encephalomyelitis/ u Rowe PC, Underhill RA, Friedman KJ, et al. Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis and management in young people: (ME/CFS). Transl Sports Med A primer. Front Pediatr 2017;5:121. 2020;00:1–7. u Two RNZCGP-endorsed education modules on ME/CFS have been 7. Jason LA, Katz BZ, Sunnquist created by ThinkGP: M, et al. The prevalence of pediatric myalgic encephalo myelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in a community- This publication has been reprinted by based sample. Child Youth Care M.E. Awareness NZ to provide an update Forum 2020;49(4):563–79. on the diagnosis and management of myalgic 8. Chu L, Valencia IJ, Garvert DW, encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. et al. Onset patterns and course The content is entirely independent and based of myalgic encephalomyelitis/ on published studies and the author’s opinion. chronic fatigue syndrome. Front Pediatr 2019;7:12. 9. Falk Hvidberg M, Brinth LS, M.E. Awareness NZ,, Olesen AV, Petersen KD, Ehlers L. The health-related quality of This article has been reprinted from New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa newspaper, life for patients with myalgic en- 3 February 2021. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or sponsor. cephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). PLoS One Produced by The Health Media, publisher of New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa, 2015;10(7):e0132421. PO Box 31905, Milford, Auckland 0741. Ph (09) 488 4286, Fax (09) 912 9257. 10. CDC. Myalgic Encephalomyeli- tis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: © The Health Media (NZ) Ltd, 2021. Pediatric ME/CFS: Fact Sheet For full details of our Terms of Use, visit for Healthcare Professionals. July 2018. HOW TO TREAT 11
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