Review Serological assessment of type I collagen burden in scleroderma spectrum disorders: A systematic review

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Review Serological assessment of type I collagen burden in scleroderma spectrum disorders: A systematic review
             Serological assessment of type I collagen burden in
            scleroderma spectrum disorders: A systematic review
             M. Dziadzio1,2, R.E. Smith1, D.J. Abraham1, R.J. Stratton1, A. Gabrielli2,
                                   C.M. Black1, C.P. Denton1

 Centre for Rheumatology and Connective      ABSTRACT                                     severity, in view of their low specificity
Tissue Diseases, Royal Free and University   Rationale: The aim of the study was to       and the heterogeneity of the results of
College Medical School, University Col-      evaluate the validity of collagen type I     various studies. Lack of standardized
lege, London, UK; 2Istituto di Clinica       metabolites as markers of disease acti -     routine evaluation of SSc patients in
Medica, Ematologia ed Immunologia
Clinica, Università di Ancona, Italy         vity in scleroderma (SSc), through a sys -   clinical studies might have accounted
                                             tematic review of the literature and by      for the variability of the findings. How -
Magdalena Dziadzio, MD, PhD; Roy E.
Smith, PhD; David J. Abraham, PhD;           validating the results by measuring col -    ever, due to the small sizes of most pub -
Richard J. Stratton, MD, FRCP; Armando       lagen type I metabolites in well charac -    lished studies, demonstration of no ef -
Gabrielli, MD, Carol M. Black, MD,           terized patients with scleroderma spec -     fect should come from large-scale ran -
PRCP; and Christopher P. Denton,             trum disorders and in Raynaud’s pheno -      domised trials. Longitudinal serial an -
PhD, FRCP.                                   menon.                                       alysis of these molecules in individual
This work was in part supported by the       Methods: A systematic review was per -       patients may play a future role in the
grant from the Scleroderma Society, UK.      formed of studies of collagen type I me -    evaluation of the response to fibro -
We would also like to acknowledge gener-     tabolites in scleroderma spectrum dis -      blast-targeting therapeutic strategies
ous support from the Raynaud’s and Scler-
                                             orders published from 1980 to 2003.          in scleroderma patients.
oderma Society, UK and the Arthritis
Research Campaign.                           The collected results from the literature
                                             were compared with our own measure -         Introduction
Please address correspondence and reprint
requests to: Dr Christopher P. Denton,       ments of collagen type I metabolites         Type I collagen excess is a hallmark
Centre for Rheumatology, Royal Free          (PINP and ICTP) in a small number of         pathological feature of established scle-
and University College Medical School,       well characterized patients within the       roderma (systemic sclerosis, SSc) (1).
University College London, Rowland Hill      scleroderma spectrum and in patients         Collagens are the major fibrillar proteins
Street, London NW3 2PF, U.K.                 with primary and “autoimmune” Ray -          in extracellular matrix (ECM) and colla-
E-mail:               naud’s phenomenon. Peptide concen -          gen type I (Col I) is the main component
Received on August 1, 2003; accepted         trations from all sources, including the     of ECM in the skin, bones and ligaments
in revised form on March 4, 2004.            present study, were compared. Report -       (2, 3). Increase in Col I synthesis by le-
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2004; 22: 356-367.        ed correlations between peptide con -        sional dermal and lung fibroblasts is
© Copyright CLINICAL AND EXPERIMEN-          centrations and clinical variables were      characteristic for SSc (4-5). Several ef-
TAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2004.                       also analysed.                               forts have been made to identify the
                                             Results: Of 19 papers identified by an       mechanisms of upregulation of Col I in
Key words: Scleroderma,systemic;             extensive Medline search, 12 were eli -      SSc in vitro and many signal transduc-
Raynaud’s disease; collagen type I;          gible for systematic analysis. There was     tion factors involved in this process have
biological markers; radioimmuno-             a considerable heterogeneity in the re -     been identified (6-7). Increased rates of
assay; review literature; confounding        sults with a wide range of metabolite        collagen gene transcription (6-7) and in-
factors (epidemiology); severity of          concentrations. Values from disease          creased levels of tissue inhibitors of
illness index; sensitivity and               groups and healthy controls overlap -        matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1)
specificity.                                 ped. These findings were confirmed by        (8) seem also to account for elevated
                                             our study where, similarly, there was a      levels of Col I in SSc.
                                             large range of values in all groups, but     Excessive collagen synthesis and depo-
                                             particularly in the diffuse SSc subset.      sition in SSc was a rationale for mea-
                                             When the correlation between peptide         surements of Col I turnover in the as-
                                             levels and clinical variables was asses -    sessment of SSc activity and severity in
                                             sed, large discordance between the stu -     vivo. Collagen metabolites reflect the
                                             dies was observed.                           dynamic nature of the ECM (2-3). Pro-
                                             Conclusions: We have not found suffi -       collagens are secreted by the fibro-
                                             cient evidence to support the use of ser -   blasts in the ECM space where the N-
                                             um markers of collagen turnover in the       terminal [PINP] and C-terminal [PICP]
                                             assessment of scleroderma activity and       propeptides are cleaved by specific pro-

Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.                                                                 REVIEW

teases; N- and C-terminal telopeptides        ria: direct assessments expressed as con-     mented our systematic review with an
are cross-linked products of collagen         centration of Col I peptides (PINP,           investigation of the differences between
degradation, released to the circulation      PICP and/or ICTP) in body fluids of pa-       the collagen peptide concentrations:
(2,3,9-11). Specific methods have been        tients with a diagnosis of systemic scle-     mean and/or median concentrations
developed to measure these peptides in        rosis, localised scleroderma or Ray-          (with range and/or standard deviations,
body fluids (9-10, 12). Their concentra-      naud’s phenomenon; research involv-           where available) were compared be-
tions have been measured in the serum,        ing only humans (in vitro studies were        tween the sources for PINP, PICP and
plasma, urine, blister fluid or broncho-      not included); only primary studies (and      ICTP and the data expressed in a graph-
alveolar lavage of patients with SSc          not reviews of studies) were analysed.        ical form. Correlations between the
and found elevated by some authors,           Both prospective and retrospective stu-       variables (serological versus clinical)
who suggested their utility as surrogate      dies were eligible. The presence of a         were analysed and tabulated for single
markers of disease activity (13-25).          healthy control group was not part of the     studies (Table I).
Discordant results from earlier studies       inclusion criteria. There was no mini-
meant that measurements of collagen           mum sample size, since most available         Method
metabolites in SSc patient sera have          studies were very small. The main ob-         Study of type I collagen peptides
not been recommended for routine eva-         jective of the analysis was to evaluate       Patients
luation of SSc severity and activity          the validity of Col I peptides as mark-       Patients were recruited from the outpa-
(26-29). In fact, Col I metabolites have      ers of disease process in SSc as well as      tient clinic at the Rheumatology De-
not been included in the proposed non-        the assessment of the variability and/or      partment, Royal Free Hospital over a
organ based laboratory markers in SSc         repeatability of the assay results be-        24-week period. Ten patients for each
(26) for clinical investigation studies and   tween different studies. The eligible         disease group (primary Raynaud’s phe-
clinical practice recommended by the          papers were analysed; key data ele-           nomenon, “autoimmune” Raynaud’s
European Scleroderma Study Group              ments included: patient group charac-         phenomenon, limited cutaneous SSc and
(28) and recent Consensus Conference          teristics, material studied, peptide type,    diffuse cutaneous SSc) as well as for
on scleroderma (27).                          measurement technique used, mean and/         healthy control (HC) group, were enrol-
The purpose of this work was a system-        or median peptide concentrations, re-         led into the study (Tables IIa and IIb).
atic review of major published studies        ported clinical and biochemical corre-        Ethical committee approval was obtain-
of collagen type I metabolites in pa-         lations and conclusions. As there were        ed and patients gave written consent to
tients with scleroderma spectrum disor-       a limited number of studies with clear-       participate.
ders, in order to gain more insight into      ly reported peptide concentrations, re-       Systemic sclerosis: Patients were diag-
the significance of Col I measurements        sults that required extrapolations from       nosed with SSc, according to the Amer-
in vivo. We validated our findings by         graphs or derivation from figures or          ican College of Rheumatology (for-
measuring Col I peptides in a small           tables were also captured; results that       merly, the American Rheumatism As-
number of well characterized patients         were only given for a single patient          sociation) preliminary criteria for the
with scleroderma spectrum disorders,          were not analysed.                            classification of SSc (30). According to
stratified by disease subsets, as well as     Meta-analysis or systematic literature        the classification system proposed by
in healthy controls, and rationalized         review are used to examine the relevant       LeRoy et al. (31), 10 patients (8 females,
our data in the context of published stu-     literature for general trends and pat-        2 male) had diffuse cutaneous systemic
dies which used high sensitivity radio-       terns. Meta-analysis refers to the statis-    sclerosis and 10 (9 female, 1 male) had
immunoassay.We also attempted to va-          tical analysis of a large collection of re-   limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis.
lidate our measurements against the re-       sults from preferably homogeneous in-         Epidemiological and clinical variables
cent consensus descriptive disease var-       dividual studies for the purpose of inte-     of each SSc patient have been investi-
iables (disease activity and severity in-     grating the findings. In our case, the        gated, following guidelines formulated
dices) (27, 29).                              heterogeneity of study designs, very          recently (29). In particular, the presence
                                              small samples, insufficient clinical          of organ involvement, disease activity
Systematic review strategy                    characterisation of patient groups, lack      and severity has been assessed follow-
The published literature from January         of control groups in some studies and         ing the recent guidelines (27, 29).
1980 to January 2003 was searched.            different materials analysed by various       Duration of SSc was defined as time
The search started with a broad Med-          methods meant that meta-analysis was          from diagnosis (years).
line search using terms “systemic scle-       not an adequate tool for our purposes.        Raynaud’s phenomenon: Raynaud’s
roderma” or “localised scleroderma”           Systematic literature review was, there-      phenomenon (RP) was diagnosed on
and “PINP”, “PICP”, “ICTP” and “hu-           fore, chosen as a more appropriate ana-       the basis of a history of episodic digital
man”. The electronic searches were sup-       lytical method; it uses a method of           vasospasm with triphasic colour chan-
plemented by a thorough search of the         qualitative rather than quantitative mani-    ges and confirmed by thermography.
reference lists of all eligible studies.      pulation of the published information         Capillaroscopic abnormalities were
The review process was based on the           with subjective rather than statistical       scored using the commonly accepted
following pre-defined inclusion crite-        analysis of the results. We have supple-      capillaroscopy scale (32). Patients were

REVIEW                                                                       Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.

investigated for the presence of antinu-    Table I. Analysis of the published literature.
clear antibodies, anti-centromere anti-
                                            Reference                             Patients                      Peptide        Method                Results
bodies, anti-dsDNA antibodies, anti-
ENA antibodies including anti-Scl-70,
anti-PM-Scl, anti-nRNP, anti-Jo-1, anti-
Ro and anti-La, anti-Sm, and anti-poly-
merase I and III antibodies as well as
for rheumatoid factor. Patients with RP,
no significant nailfold capillaroscopic
abnormalities (32) and absent autoanti-
                                            Scheja et al. (14)          54              30        24              S            ✓           SSc = HC
bodies were defined as having primary                                                                                                      dcSSc > lcSSc
Raynaud’s phenomenon (PRP). Patients
with capillaroscopic abnormalities, pos-
itive for one or more autoantibodies stu-
                                            Zachariae et al. (15)       No               4        3               S            ✓           SSc = NR
died and no clinical signs or symptoms                                                                                    S    ✓           SSc = NR
of underlying connective tissue disease
were defined as “autoimmune Ray-            Kikuchi et al. (16)         30                             39         S                  ✓     Localised > HC
naud’s phenomenon” (ARP). Ten pa-                                                                                                          GM > LM
tients were included in each group, their
characteristics are shown in Table IIa.
                                            Kikuchi et al. (17)         21              28        33              S                  ✓     SSc > HC
Healthy controls: Control samples were                                                                                                     dcSSc > lcSSc
obtained from ten healthy age and sex
matched volunteers (Table IIa).             Kikuchi et al. (18)         10         3     8                        S                  ✓     SSc> HC
                                                                                                                  Fb                       dcSSc > lcSSc

Serum markers (samples)
Blood samples were taken from each
subject in the morning. Serum was ob-       Heickendorffe ta l.(19)     40                   25                   S            ✓           SSc = HC
tained by centrifugation of whole blood
at 3000 G for 10 minutes and aliquots                                                                                                      SScuninvolvedskin=
were stored at –20ºC until assayed.                                     11                   11                  BF            ✓           HC; SSc involved
Levels of type I aminoterminal propep-                                                                                                     skin>SSc uninvolved
tide of collagen type I [PINP] and car-                                 36                   25                           S    ✓           SSc = HC
boxyterminal telopeptide of collagen
type I [ICTP] were evaluated using          Sondergaardetal .(20)       11              10        3               P            ✓           SSc = HC
commercially available radioimmuno-                                                                              BF            ✓           SSc > HC
assay (RIA) (Orion Diagnostica, Es-
poo, Finland). There is no documented
cross-reaction with propeptide of type      Hunzelmann etal.(21)        No              10        22   6    S                  ✓          SSc = NR = localised
III procollagen in these assays (Orion                                                                                    S    ✓          SSc > NR
Diagnostica).                               Valat et al. (22)           No               22 SSc
In brief, 50 µl of appropriate standards,                                                no ILD;                  S                  ✓    SSc = NR
controls and serum samples for PINP                                                      23 SSc                                           ILD +ve = ILD -ve
assay were mixed in 2-ml Eppendorf                                                      with ILD
tubes with 200 µl of PINP antiserum
                                            Dziadzio et al. (23)        No   25         18        9         S                  ✓           SSc = PRP
IgG (rabbit) and 200 µl of 125I-labelled
PINP. For the ICTPassay, the appropri-
ate samples were of 100 µl, the rest of
the procedure was identical. After a 2-     Scheja et al. (24)          31        12    23        13        S                  ✓           SSc = HC
                                                                                                                  S            ✓           SSc = HC
hour incubation at 37ºC 500 µl of a sec-                                                                                  S    ✓           SSc > HC
ond antibody (goat anti-rabbit IgG                                                                                                         dcSSc > lcSSc
bound to solid particles in order to pre-
cipitate the antigen-antibody complex)                                                                            S                  ✓     SSc = HC
                                            Allanore et al. (25)        25              14        19                     S           ✓     SSc > HC
was added and tubes were thoroughly                                                                                    CTX-I               dcSSc > lcSSc
mixed and then left to stand for 30 min-
utes at room temperature. Tubes were        HC: healthy controls; NR: normal range; GM: generalised morphoea; LM: linear morphoea;
subsequently centrifuged for 15 min-        ILD: interstitial lung disease; P: plasma; BF: blister fluid; S: Serum; Fb: Fibroblast culture medium;
utes at 2000 G at 4ºC. The supernatant      CTX-1: Carboxyterminal telopeptide region of Col I.

Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.                                                                            REVIEW

                                                                                                            was then removed and the sediment
                                                                                                            containing the precipitated antibody-
                 Correlations                          Conclusions and authors’comments
                                                                                                            antigen complex was counted for 1 min-
                                                                                                            ute per tube in a gamma counter (Wal -
                                                                                                            lac). Standard curves were produced
                                                                                                            by calculating the binding of six stan-
                                                                                                            dards as a percentage of the maximum
                                                                                                            possible binding and by plotting these
                                                                                                            values. The sensitivity of this method
                                                                                                            was 2 µgl-1 for PINP and 0.5 µgl-1 for
                                                       ✓         In HC [PICP] was significantly higher
                                                                 in men than women (p < 0.001) and          ICTP; the inter- and intra-assay coeffi-
                                                                 was related to height (p < 0.001) and      cient of variation was about 5% for
                                                                 weight (p < 0.02).                         both assays (Orion Diagnostica).
                                               ✓                 PUVAtreatment reduces [PICP].
                                                       ✓         PUVAtreatment has no effect on [ICTP].
                                                                                                            Statistical analysis
                                                                                                            Statistical analysis was carried out on
Y                      Y        Y      Y       ✓                 Positive correlation between the           non-transformed data using the Mood
                                                                 presence of autoantibodies and [PICP]      median test (non-parametric equivalent
                                                                 in localized scleroderma.
                                                                                                            of one-way analysis of variance) and
                                                                                                            pair-wise comparison using Mann-
Y                      Y                       ✓
                                                                                                            Whitney. Logarithmic transformation
                                                                                                            was subsequently applied in order to
                                               ✓                 Positive correlation between serum         normalize the data. One-way analysis
                                                                 [PICP] and [PICP] in the fibroblast
                                                                 culture media (Fb) from the same
                                                                                                            of variance (ANOVA) was carried out
                                                                 patient with SSc.                          and individual group comparisons were
                                                                                                            made using unpaired t-test assuming
                                                       ✓         Treatment with D-penicillamine,            unequal variance. Significance was set
                                                                 steroids and cyclophosphamide reduces      at 5%. Analysis was performed for HC,
                                                                 [PICP], suggesting their use for SSc
                                                                 treatment.                                 RP and SSc as well as for patient sub-
                                               ✓                                                            groups (HC, PRP, ARP, lcSSc and
                                                                                                            dcSSc), Multiple regression on log-
                                                       ✓                                                    transformed peptide concentration data
                                                                                                            was used to investigate the correlations
                                                       ✓         Fibrogenetic process takes place in the    between patient demographics (age,
                                               ✓                 transitional zone of SSc skin. Blister     duration of Raynaud’s phenomenon,
                                                                 fluid (BF) can be used to monitor the      duration of disease and patient sub-
                                                                 progression of SSc skin lesions in vivo.
                                                                                                            group) and peptide concentrations. Li-
N               N               N      N               ✓                                                    near regression was also carried out for
Y               Y      N               Y       ✓                                                            clinical variables (defined as disease
                                                                                                            activity and severity scores (27, 29))
                                                                                                            and log-transformed [PINP] and
                N               N                      ✓                                                    [ICTP]; again, correlations were per-
                                                                                                            formed for the scleroderma subsets (lc-
                                                                 12-week treatment with losartan led        SSc and dcSSc). Regression was also
                                                                 to a significant reduction in [PINP],      used to investigate any correlation be-
                                                                 suggesting this drug’s disease
                                                                                                            tween [PINP] and [ICTP]; in this ana-
                                                                 modifying properties.
                                                                                                            lysis all subgroups were pooled togeth-
N       N       N      N        N                      ✓                                                    er. The Minitab statistics package
N       N       N      N        N                      ✓
                                                                                                            (Minitab Inc, PA) was used.
N       N       Y       Y       N              ✓
N               N               N                      ✓         No difference in [PICP] and [CTX-I]        Literature review
Y               Y               Y              ✓                 between patients receiving and those
                                                                 not receiving steroids and/or              The search identified nineteen reports.
                                                                 D-penicillamine.                           Twelve papers were considered eligi-
Correlation between clinical variables and peptide concentration:Y(yes) if found
                                                                                                            ble for systematic analysis (14-25).
and N(n) if no correlation.                                                                                 The results are shown in Table I. Stud-
                                                                                                            ies selected were heterogeneous for pa-

REVIEW                                                                                      Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.

Table II (a). Characteristics of scleroderma patients, Raynaud’s phenomenon patients, and healthy controls.

                                 Healthy              Primary          Autoimmune                 Raynaud’s           Limited            Diffuse             SSc
                                 Controls            Raynaud’s          Raynaud’s                phenomenon          cutaneous          cutaneous         (lcSSc +
                                                    Phenomenon         phenomenon                (PRP+ ARP)              SSc              SSc              dcSSc)

Number of subjects                 10                   10                 10                        20                 10                  10               20
Sex (Female: Male)                 8:2                  8:2                9:1                      17:3                9:1                8:2              17:3
Age (years)
    Median (Range)          42.9 (28-64)            40.3 (24-59)       38.5 (16-58)              39.5 (16-59)       46.4 (22-72)       47.1 (18-73)     45.2 (18-73)
    Mean ± SD                41.0 ± 11.8            40.3 ± 12.2        36.1 ± 14.8                39.1 ±13.1         44.6 ± 10.5       48.1 ± 15.6      46.2 ± 12.7

RP      Duration (years)
        Median (Range)             NA                11 (1-30)          6 (1-43)                  6.5 (1-43)        17.5 (2-50)         3.5 (1-35)       9 (1-50)
        Mean ± SD                                   13.6 ± 10.4        11.3 ± 14.0               12.4 ± 12.1        20.8 ± 14.3         7.9 ± 9.5       14.3 ± 13.6

SSc Duration
    Median (Range)                 NA                   NA                 NA                        NA              10 (2-24)          3 (1-24)          6 (1-24)
    Mean ± SD                                                                                                        11.9 ± 7.6         6.6 ± 8.7         9.3 ± 8.4

Autoantibody profile
     ANApositive                    0                    0                 10                        10                 10                  10               20
     ACApositive                    0                    0                 0                         0                  8                   0                8
     Anti-Scl70 positive            0                    0                 0                         0                  1                   6                7

ANA: antinuclear antibodies; ACA: anti-centromere antibodies; NA: not applicable.

Table II (b). Scleroderma activity and severity scores (29).

Scleroderma activity                     Limited cutaneous SSc                   Diffuse cutaneous SSc                              SSc (lcSSc + dcSSc)
Active: inactive                                  3:7                                     4:6                                               7:13

Organ involvement          Y/N                Severity                   Y/N               Severity                      Y/N                 Severity
                                   median (range)    Mean ± SD                   median (range)     Mean ± SD                      median (range) Mean ± SD

General                    7/3           1 (0-3)         1.20 ± 1.14     6/4           1 (0-2)        0.70 ± 0.67        13/7         1 (0-3)         0.95 ± 0.94
Peripheral vascular        9/1           2 (0-3)         1.80 ± 0.79     10/0          1 (1-3)        1.50 ± 0.71        19/1         2 (0-3)         1.65 ± 0.75
Skin                       9/1           1 (0-2)         1.10 ± 0.57     10/0          2 (1-4)        2.00 ± 0.94        19/1         1 (0-4)         1.55 ± 0.89
Joint/tendon               3/7           0 (0-2)         0.40 ± 0.70     3/7           0 (0-3)        0.60 ± 1.07        6/14         0 (0-3)         0.50 ± 0.89
Muscle                     3/7           0 (0-1)         0.30 ± 0.48     1/9           0 (0-1)        0.10 ± 0.32        4/16         0 (0-1)         0.20 ± 0.41
GI tract                   9/1           1 (0-3)         1.10 ± 0.74     8/2           1 (0-1)        0.80 ± 0.42        17/3         1 (0-3)         0.95 ± 0.60
Lung                       5/5          0.5 (1-2)        0.70 ± 0.82     7/3           1 (0-4)        1.30 ± 1.25        12/8         1 (0-4)         1.00 ± 1.08
Heart                      2/8           0 (0-1)         0.20 ± 0.42     1/9           0 (0-1)        0.10 ± 0.32        3/17         0 (0-1)         0.15 ± 0.37
Kidney                     1/9           0 (0-3)         0.30 ± 0.95     1/9           0 (0-2)        0.20 ± 0.63        2/18         0 (0-3)         0.25 ± 0.79

Severity score                           6 (3-12)        6.80 ± 3.05                 7 (4-15)         7.40 ± 3.10                    6.5 (3-15)       7.10 ± 3.01

Scleroderma activity is scored between 0-11: active disease is denoted by a score ≥ 3 (27). The severity of organ involvement is scored between 0 and 4,
with 0 denoting no involvement. The median and range shown is for all patients in a group. Scleroderma severity score ranges from 0 to 36 (27).

tient characteristics, study design, ma-                  ments) or enzyme-linked immunoab-                     87% increase in [PICP] in dermal blis-
terials studied (serum, plasma, blister                   sorbent assay (ELISA) (6 out of 19 mea-               ter fluid from SSc patients as compared
fluid, supernatants), methods used (RIA,                  surements). There was discordance re-                 to healthy controls; this was not observ-
ELISA) and the presence of healthy                        garding the correlation(s) between pep-               ed for plasma. Carboxyterminal telopep-
control group as opposed to reference                     tide concentrations and different clini-              tide region of Col I (CTX-I), biologi-
normal values. Healthy control groups                     cal parameters between the studies (Ta-               cally similar to ICTP, was studied by
were not included in 4 out of 12 studies;                 ble I). [ICTP], [PINP] and [PICP] in                  Allanore et al. (25) and its levels were
in these papers, the reference range pro-                 SSc were raised in 2 out of 5, 1 out of 3             found increased in SSc patients.
vided by the manufacturer of the kit was                  and 3 of 9 papers, respectively. For                  Comparative analysis of the mean and/
used as a normal control range. Peptide                   [PICP], the same research group per-                  or median [PICP], [PINP] and [ICTP]
concentrations have been measured usi-                    formed all three positive studies (16 -               values was performed and is shown in
ng either RIA (13 out of 19 measure-                      18). Sondergaard et al. (20) found an                 Figures 1 - 3. It was carried out on 11

Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.                                                                     REVIEW

out of 12 papers; no numeric values were
provided for either [PICP] or [ICTP] in
one paper (15). Data were presented as
median (with range) by most authors
due to a non-normal distribution of the
values. In fact, very large ranges can be
seen (Figs. 1- 3), in particular in the dc-
SSc groups. In the graphical represen-
tation each symbol represents either the
mean or the median and the horizontal
lines are the group standard deviations
(SD) or range; for the “manufacturer’s”
reference ranges a thick horizontal line
is used.

Study of type I collagen peptides
                                              Fig. 1. Comparison of the concentrations of PICPreported by different authors.
Characteristics of healthy controls and
patients are summarized in Tables IIa
and IIb. Groups were matched by age
with no significant differences between
them (Table IIa). Sex differences were
ignored in all analyses as there was a
42:8 F:M ratio, reflecting naturally
occurring female preponderance for RP
and SSc. All ARP patients had abnor-
mal capillaries on capillaroscopy and
had positive autoantibodies (ANA pre-
sent in a titre ≥ 1:1000 in 8 patients,
with a homogeneous pattern in 1 pa-
tient, and fine speckled and cytoplasmic
pattern in 7 patients, and ≥ 1:100 in 2
patients, with a fine speckled pattern).

PINP and ICTP concentrations
Mean (±SD) and median (and range)
serum PINP and ICTP concentrations            Fig. 2. Comparison of the concentrations of PINPreported by different authors.
(µgl -1) are shown in Table III. Single
patient measurements are shown in
Figure 4 [PINP] and Figure 5 [ICTP].
In Figures 4 and 5 we have shown non-
transformed data to allow ease of com-
parison with other published results; p-
values on these graphs derived from the
analysis of log-transformed data.
A large range and standard deviations
were observed for both [PINP] and
[ICTP]. The largest scatter was seen for
[ICTP] in the dcSSc group. One-way
ANOVAon log-transformed data (in or-
der to normalise the data) was signifi-
cant for PINP (p
REVIEW                                                                                  Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.

Table III. PINPand ICTPconcentrations in serum (µg/l).

                        Healthy            Primary            Autoimmune              Raynaud’s         Limited           Diffuse              SSc
                        Controls          Raynaud’s            Raynaud’s             Phenomenon        cutaneous         cutaneous       (lcSSc + dcSSc)
                                         Phenomenon           Phenomenon             (PRP+ ARP)           SSc               SSc
                         (HC)               (PRP)                (APR)                  (RP)            (lcSSc)           (dcSSc)

Mean ± SD              52.7 ± 6.6          39.8 ± 4.3          50.7 ± 15.2           45.2 ± 12.2      70.1 ± 26.2       72.7 ± 35.2        71.4 ± 30.2

Median                    51.8               40.3                  49.3                 42.0              66.1              60.4              62.9
  range                42.2 - 61.5        34.2 - 47.7           31.1 - 85.6          31.1 – 85.6      47.4 - 137.8      39.9 - 156.5      39.9 – 156.5

                                          p < 0.0002                                   p < 0.02        p < 0.0003      p < 0.01 versus p < 0.02 versus HC;
                                          versus HC                                   versus HC       versus PRP;           PRP          p < 0.002 versus
                                                                                                     p < 0.03 versus                            RP

Mean ± SD              5.4 ± 3.6           3.4 ± 2.8             5.2 ± 5.0             4.2 ± 4.0        5.1 ± 3.5       13.4 ± 12.9        9.5 ± 10.1

Median                    3.5                  2.4                 3.3                   2.5              4.8                5.2               4.8
  range                2.3 - 12.4           0.9 - 8.2           0.6 - 14.7            0.6 – 14.7       1.3 - 13.9          2.9 - 33          1.3 - 33

                                                                                                                       p < 0.05 versus   p < 0.01 versus
                                                                                                                            ARP;               RP
                                                                                                                       p < 0.02 versus

Note: all group t-tests performed on log-transformed data.

for PRP (p
Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.                                                                          REVIEW

                                                                                                     abundant components of the extracellu-
                                                                                                     lar matrix (ECM). Col I is a heterodi-
                                                                                                     mer of two alpha1(I) and one alpha2(I)
                                                                                                     collagen polypeptides (chains). Each of
                                                                                                     these chains is coiled into a left-handed
                                                                                                     helix; the three helical chains are then
                                                                                                     twisted around each other into a right-
                                                                                                     handed super-helix. The collagen mole-
                                                                                                     cule is rich in proline and hydroxypro-
                                                                                                     line, which are rigid, cyclic aminoacids
                                                                                                     and contribute to the stability of the
                                                                                                     triple helix. The synthesis of both
                                                                                                     chains is highly regulated by different
                                                                                                     cytokines at the transcriptional level.
                                                                                                     Col I is first synthesized intracellularly
                                                                                                     as a longer molecule, procollagen, which
                                                                                                     contains additional “propeptides” (2-3)
Fig. 5. ICTPlevels of individual subjects.                                                           (Fig. 7). The procollagen polypeptide
Key: ✧ = individual subjects; horizontal bar = median; long vertical bar = interquartile range.      chains are produced by the fibroblasts
Ten subjects in each group: HC = healthy controls, PRP= primary Raynauds’s phenomenon; ARP =
                                                                                                     and then secreted in the extracellular
autoimmune Raynaud’s phenomenon; lcSSc = limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis; dcSSc = diffuse
cutaneous systemic sclerosis. For explanation of p-values, see text.                                 space where the N-terminal [PINP] and
                                                                                                     C-terminal [PICP] propeptides are
                                                                                                     cleaved by specific amino- and car-
                                                                                                     boxy- proteases (Figure 7)(11). Mature
                                                                                                     collagen molecules aggregate into sta-
                                                                                                     ble, cross-linked collagen fibrils and
                                                                                                     form the ECM. Col I is degraded in nor-
                                                                                                     mal remodelling associated with physi-
                                                                                                     ological processes such as morphogene-
                                                                                                     sis, growth, wound healing and physio-
                                                                                                     logical bone turnover (2,3). Also, cell –
                                                                                                     cell and cell–matrix interactions in-
                                                                                                     clude ECM proteolysis. There are four
                                                                                                     major enzyme classes involved in Col I
                                                                                                     degradation: aspartate, cysteine, serine
                                                                                                     proteases and matrix metalloproteinases
                                                                                                     (MMPs). Proteolytic activity of these
                                                                                                     enzymes leads to the formation of vari-
                                                                                                     ous degradation fragments including
                                                                                                     several triple-helical peptides as well
Fig. 6. Correlation between ICTPconcentration ([ICTP]) and PINPconcentration ([PINP]) in the cur-    as telopeptides, which are small amino-
rent study, shown as a log-log plot.
Notes: Pre-transform units: µg/l. Best fit straight line shown; correlation r2 = 0.175, p < 0.003.   acid sequences originating from the
                                                                                                     non-helical ends of collagen molecules.
                                                                                                     Normal Col I production, deposition in
roderma sera. However, due to large                    ously. For educational purposes, we           ECM and its degradation is regulated at
variability in the data from previous stu-             discuss briefly the principles of colla-      many levels. Abnormalities at any level
dies looking at collagen metabolites in                gen metabolism, its alterations in SSc,       may cause defective synthesis, accumu-
SSc, these molecules are not currently                 the significance and clinical application     lation or degradation leading to fibrosis
recommended as standard laboratory                     of collagen pro- and telopeptide mea-         (3,6,7).
markers of disease activity (26), des-                 surements. Subsequently we discuss
pite their obvious relevance to the bur-               the results from the published clinical       Collagen type I in scleroderma
den of fibrosis. With clear criteria for               studies and compare them to our find-         In fibrotic diseases there is a disturbed
descriptive studies in SSc we felt confi-              ings.                                         balance between the process of synthe-
dent in adding our own dataset using                                                                 sis and degradation, with net gain in
optimal assays in very well defined dis-               Type I collagen biosynthesis and              collagen and fibrotic tissue (6-7). Scle-
tinctive disease groups, including “auto-              metabolism                                    roderma fibroblasts in vitro continue to
immune” Raynaud’s, not studied previ-                  Collagen type I (Col I) is one of the most    synthesize increased amounts of colla-

REVIEW                                                                      Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.

gen for several passages (4). Elevated
levels of Col I in scleroderma skin (5)
is primarily due to the increased rate of
collagen gene transcription, regulated by
various factors including PDGF, TGF-
beta and CTGF to name but a few (4, 6-
7). The transcriptional rate of genes en-
coding pro-alpha2(I) collagen is in-
creased in SSc fibroblasts, suggesting
alterations in transcription factors. Data
regarding the catabolism of collagen in
SSc are heterogeneous. Tissue inhibi-
tors of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1)
may contribute to increased collagen
burden in SSc; in fact serum concentra-
tions of TIMP-1 were found raised in
SSc (8).

Type I collagen propeptides and telo-
peptides: assessment of the rate of
Col I synthesis and degradation
Procollagen type I contains N-terminal
and C-terminal propeptides (PINP and
PICP) which are cleaved off by specif-
ic proteases belonging to a family of
zinc-dependent metalloproteinases in a
stechiometric relationship with colla-
gen biosynthesis (2,11). PINP has a
molecular weight of 35 kDa and con-
tains three distinct structural domains:
a globular amino-terminal domain, a
central collagen-like domain and an-
other short-globular domain. PICP has
a molecular weight of about 100 kDa
and globular conformations without
any collagen-like domains. Both pro-
peptides contain cysteine and sugars, not
                                             Fig. 7. Schematic representation of type I collagen synthesis and degradation.
found in type I collagen. The propep-
                                             Key: PINP: N-terminal propeptide of type I collagen; PICP: C-terminal propeptide of type I collagen;
tides account for one-third of the bulk      MMPs: matrix metalloproteinases; PYD: pyridinoline; DPD: deoxypyridinoline.
of the procollagen molecule. They pre-
vent premature fibril formation and help
to direct assembly of the protein into       stant temporal or disease-specific cor-             They are the most immunogenic parts
fibrils. After they are cleaved from the     relation exists between these molecules             of the type I collagen and play a crucial
molecule they also seem to play a role       (3). Recently, extremely high PICPlev-              role in fibrillogenesis. They are prima-
in the control of the amount of procol-      els have been described as a familial               ry sites of covalent cross-linking which
lagen synthesized by the cells (33).         case and determined genetically as an               stabilises the fibrils. N-terminal telo-
PINP is degraded via the scavenger re-       apparent autosomal dominant condi-                  peptide is cleaved by cathepsin K (a
ceptors of liver endothelial cells, which    tion, with no effect on survival and nor-           cysteine protease) that is also involved
are not hormone–sensitive and there-         mal concentrations of PINP and ICTP                 in generating a C-terminal telopeptide
fore the regulation of the clearance of      (34). The assays (RIA or ELISA) use                 [ICTP]. MMPs are not implicated in
PINPis less dependent on different fac-      polyclonal antibodies against the pro-              the release of either N-terminal telo-
tors including sex, age and treatment(s)     peptides for PINP and PICP and have                 peptide or ICTP (35). One molecule of
(33). In contrast, PICP is degraded in       been widely used to assess the rate of              telopeptide is composed, of either an
the liver through the mannose-6-phos-        collagen synthesis (9-10).                          N- or a C-terminal fragment from the
phate receptors on endothelial cells.        Telopeptides are small aminoacid se-                alpha1 (I) chain, one helical segment
Despite the fact that PICPand PINPare        quences originating from the nonheli-               from the alpha1 or alpha2 chain of col-
derived from the same molecule, no con-      cal ends of collagen molecules (10, 34).            lagen and a cross-linker (pyridinoline

Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.                                                                 REVIEW

(PYD) or deoxypyridinoline (DPD)).           corticosteroids, commonly used in scler-     The evidence for the connective tissue
N-terminal and C-terminal telopeptides       oderma, decrease the rate of collagen        constantly undergoing remodelling is
are small molecules (about 10 kDa) and       synthesis (2,3,37-39). Also, collagen        clearly demonstrated by the heteroge-
are released into the circulation after      telopeptides are cleared by the kidneys      neity of the findings in the literature.
the degradation of several mature col-       (10, 36) but the presence or absence of      Collagen turnover seems to be diverse
lagen molecules. They are eliminated         SSc-renal involvement was not dis-           among patients with scleroderma spec-
by the kidneys and tend to accumulate        cussed in the series of patients in most     trum disorders and is related to disease
in patients with renal failure (36).         studies (Table I). Renal impairment is       course, severity and many phenotypical
Old methods for evaluating collagen de-      not rare in SSc: glomerular filtration       features and possibly genetic factors
gradation include measurements of ur-        rate was found reduced in about 60% of       yet to be well characterised. The posi-
ine hydroxyproline and urine and ser-        SSc patients and the prevalence of re-       tive correlation between lung fibrosis
um cross-link analyses (PYD and DPD).        nal crisis is about 10% in patients with     and raised levels of collagen metabolite
Hydroxyproline estimation is limited         SSc (40). Correlation patterns between       concentrations has been suggested as a
by the fact that it is derived from any      collagen metabolite levels and various       reflection of lung involvement; similar-
collagen type; only 10% of hydroxypro-       clinical parameters were very heteroge-      ly, extent of skin involvement and
line is excreted in the urine and a pro-     neous between the studies. Diffuse SSc       raised collagen concentrations were sug-
portion of it derives from PINP, which       was most commonly associated with            gested as a reflection of disease activi-
contains a collagenous domain. Simi-         high [PINP], [PICP] or [ICTP]. Discor-       ty. In our view this interpretation is not
larly, assays of PYD and DPD cross-          dant results were found for the correla-     that straightforward: assessment of dis-
links are not specific for Col I and re-     tion between peptide levels and disease      ease activity is complex and should be
quire tedious HPLC analysis (10). About      activity, organ involvement and the ex-      based on more than a few variables, as
ten years ago new immunological as-          tension of skin involvement (Table I).       recently indicated (27).
says have been developed for the mea-        Substantial heterogeneity, both among
surements of ICTP antigen (10). These        different patients at presentation and       Pitfalls of the clinical studies of
assays are superior to the previous ones,    among diverse phases of the disease          collagen metabolites in SSc
as they are Col I specific and, because      course in the single patient, is a basis     SSc is a rare disease (with a prevalence
the ICTP antigen is cross-linked, it is      for these inter-individual variabilities;    of 12.4/100,000 in the UK (41)) and it
known to derive from collagen fibrils.       however, lack of standardization in the      is not surprising that most published re-
                                             evaluation of these epidemiological          sults derived from small or very small
Measurements of collagen type I              and clinical features of SSc patients in     studies. Also, the presence of “publica-
metabolites in clinical studies in SSc       the studies analysed here makes the          tion bias” indicates cautious interpreta-
Several groups have measured the con-        interpretation of these results difficult.   tion of the results. The small number of
centrations of collagen metabolites in       Efforts by the scientific community to       patients studied did not permit an ana-
the serum, plasma, bronchoalveolar lav-      identify a core set of clinical and labo-    lysis with stratification by potential
age or blister fluid from SSc patients       ratory variables for organ assessment        confounding factor(s). Various studies
with heterogeneous results; correlation      and for their inclusion in research stud-    showed skewed data: stratification by
with disease subset, disease activity or     ies should promote future production         disease category has not eliminated the
organ involvement also varied between        of high-quality data (26-27).                heterogeneity of the results. Also, sta-
the studies (Table I). There was a wide      The results of our study had a similar       tistical subgroup analysis (based on the
range of values, especially in the dcSSc     trend to the studies reviewed in this        disease subset) lacks in precision and
groups and for high concentrations (Figs.    work. Although [PINP] and [ICTP] were        can be misleading, producing spurious
1-3).                                        elevated in SSc, there was a large inter-    results, which can be at risk of both type I
Also, there was no clear separation of       individual variation in the values, espe-    or type II errors. However, demonstra-
the values between healthy controls and      cially in the dcSSc group, which also        tion of no effect should come from
disease groups, with overlapping values      overlapped with healthy controls (Figs.      large-scale randomised trials.
in all studies. Although it is known that    4, 5). Interestingly, we have found posi-
radioimmunoassay loses its sensitivity       tive correlation between [PINP] and          Type III collagen
with low levels of radioactivity, which,     the age of onset and the duration of RP;     Type III collagen (2, 3) is not a subject
in the case of collagen metabolite mea-      these findings should be confirmed in a      of our analysis. Briefly, unlike Col I
surements using competitive assays,          larger study. Collagen peptide levels        metabolites, N-terminal type III colla-
corresponds with high concentrations,        were not increased in patients with          gen peptide (PIIINP) has been propos-
other factors can also play a role. Clini-   ARP; lower levels of both [PINP] and         ed by the Consensus conference (26) as
cal parameters such as skin score, dis-      [ICTP] were found in the PRP group.          one of the candidate non-organ based
ease subset, disease stage, number of        Therefore it does not appear that colla-     laboratory markers in SSc. Although
organ-based complications or treat-          gen peptides can be used as predictive       collagen type III has been considered
ment(s) might have accounted for the         markers of progression to CTD in pa-         more specific than type I collagen for
variability of the results. For example,     tients with ARP.                             connective tissue turnover due to its

REVIEW                                                                         Type I collagen burden in scleroderma / M. Dziadzio et al.

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