HIV and TB in the context of universal access: What is working and what is not? - Report of an international open consultative meeting held in ...
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WHO/HTM/TB/2007.382 HIV and TB in the context of universal access: What is working and what is not? Report of an international open consultative meeting held in conjunction with the XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto, Canada, 12–13 August 2006
Summary A meeting was co-organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the International AIDS Society, the Treatment Action Group and the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research on behalf of the Global TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership in conjunction with the XVI International AIDS Conference in Toronto, Canada, on 12–13 August 2006. The objective of the meeting was to accelerate an effective and joint response to the epidemic of HIV-related tuberculosis (TB) by facilitating the sharing of information and experiences, networking and strengthening the partnership between TB and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) communities in a forum environment. Lively and interactive dis- cussion was promoted by a very successful marketplace, where participants presented and promoted their experiences, results, views, opinions and country-level findings in poster and display formats. The meeting was attended by almost 300 participants, mainly representing the HIV community, who were also attending the International AIDS Conference. A tribute was paid to Dr Lisa Onyemobi, WHO TB/HIV National Professional Officer in Nigeria, who died suddenly earlier in 2006. The meet- ing was followed by a TB/HIV satellite symposium on the afternoon of 13 August 2006, which was held as part of the International AIDS Conference. The International AIDS Society, Forum for Col- laborative HIV Research, co-organized the satellite symposium with the Stop TB and HIV Depart- ments of WHO. Achievements applauded but still more to be done T he goals, principles and achieve- ments of the Global TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB in some countries, implementa- tion at country level fell far short of planned achievement. Moreover, Partnership since its establishment the limited engagement of the HIV in 2001 were reviewed by Dr Paul community in the global response Nunn, Coordinator of the WHO to TB/HIV, and in the activities of team in the Stop TB Department the Working Group, was repeatedly concerned with TB/HIV and anti-TB cited as a key barrier. Dr Kevin De drug resistance. The development of Cock, Director of the HIV Depart- TB/HIV policy and implementation ment at WHO, echoed this limited tools and the inclusion of TB/HIV in engagement of the HIV community the new Global Plan to Stop TB, the in TB/HIV activities, saying “TB is Patients’ Charter and Stop TB advo- the single biggest threat to the suc- cacy activities were highlighted. The cess of antiretroviral therapy scale Working Group promoted effective up. We [the TB and HIV communi- and integrated TB and HIV preven- ties] often take a risk by not talking tion, treatment and care through to each other and not engaging civil development of all necessary tools society.” He affirmed that linking and systems, advocacy and partner- the meeting of the Working Group ship building and technical sup- with the International AIDS Con- port to countries. Although, there ference provided the opportunity was a rapid scale-up of activities for greater involvement of the HIV
community in TB prevention, diag- work more closely with the TB/HIV nosis and treatment, particularly in Working Group and to raise the pro- the wake of the emergence of exten- file of TB in their work and future sively drug-resistant TB (XDR TB), conferences in order to reduce the which had the potential to com- impact of TB in people living with promise the gains of antiretroviral HIV. The role that the International therapy programmes in those HIV- AIDS Society played in organizing and TB-prevalent settings. this preconference and the satellite A number of challenges for scaling meetings was greatly appreciated. up collaborative TB/HIV activities were acknowledged, including lack of appreciation of the link between Universal TB and HIV, weak health systems to deliver the interventions, limited access and financial and human resources, dif- the Millennium ficulties in coordinating or integrat- Development ing TB and HIV services, cultural differences between the two com- Goals munities and lack of effective tools to prevent, diagnose and treat TB in I n July 2005, the G8 leaders made a commitment in Gleneagles to achieving universal access to HIV people living with HIV. Increased TB/HIV leadership was needed prevention, treatment, care and from key HIV stakeholders, includ- support for all those who need it ing WHO, UNAIDS, the Office of by 2010, a target that was further the Global AIDS Coordinator in endorsed by the United Nations the United States of America, the General Assembly in October 2005. International Aids Society and oth- Dr Cate Hankins of UNAIDS pre- ers, to ensure the implementation sented the universal access concept of collaborative TB/HIV activities and its importance and contribu- and ensure lives are saved. Dr De tion to TB prevention, diagnosis and Cock reiterated the commitment treatment services. of the WHO HIV Department to Rather than setting global tar- those goals by announcing that his gets, UNAIDS had been coordinat- department, in close collabora- ing regional consultation to enable tion with the Stop TB Department, countries to set their own ambitious would organize in due course a con- and time-bound targets for universal sultation meeting to address and access and to monitor and evaluate give clear guidance on implementa- their progress through the selec- tion of the elements of TB/HIV that tion of appropriate key indicators. were primarily the responsibility of Although universal access could the HIV side, notably TB prevention contribute significantly towards for people living with HIV (isoniazid achievement of Millennium Devel- preventive therapy and TB infection opment Goal 6 (to combat HIV/ control), intensified TB case finding AIDS, malaria and other diseases), and delivery of TB prevention, and many HIV activists and advocates diagnosis and treatment services expressed their concern at the lack within the context of HIV services. of ambitious global targets, which In concluding the meeting, Craig would have stimulated countries to McClure, Executive Director of the quickly set their targets and also held International AIDS Society, rein- the global community accountable forced the society’s commitment to for the achievement of those targets.
trol Strategic Plan, which intended included cross-referral between TB to test at least 80% of all TB patients clinics (TB diagnosis), clinics deal- for HIV and provide cotrimoxazole ing with sexually transmitted infec- preventive therapy and antiret- tions (HIV testing) and general roviral therapy for 80% of those hospitals (antiretroviral therapy, TB patients who were found to be cotrimoxazole preventive therapy, HIV-infected. It had established a and treatment for opportunistic comprehensive policy framework, infection). The project facilitated an guidelines and tools for TB/HIV organized system for recording and control at national, provincial and reporting of TB and HIV without district levels. The revision of the additional infrastructure or man- routine TB recording and reporting power support. form, which now included HIV test Russia was another country with results, CD4 cell counts and provi- a rapidly spreading HIV epidemic, sion of cotrimoxazole preventive and a twofold increase in TB inci- therapy, had been useful to docu- dence and mortality had occurred ment the range of activities. HIV in the last decade. The specific chal- testing in TB patients increased lenges for scaling up collaborative from 32% to 41% to 50% over three TB/HIV activities included the ver- quarters in 2005 and 2006, of whom tical and rather isolated TB and HIV 56% were HIV-positive in the first control programmes, the tendency quarter of 2006. Cotrimoxazole for longer inpatient management preventive therapy was provided to and weak links between nongovern- 84% of HIV-infected TB patients mental organizations and the public and antiretroviral therapy to a third health system. Although HIV test- of the patients. However, isoniazid ing among TB patients was almost The recent African Union Common preventive therapy had not been universal, proper counselling was Position on universal access to HIV/ widely implemented due to slow often not conducted, compromising AIDS, TB and malaria services by progress in the screening of people the quality and implementation of 2010 was applauded. This included living with HIV for TB. The expe- collaborative TB/HIV activities. targets of screening for TB 100% of rience of Kenya demonstrated that all clients accessing HIV care and nationwide scale-up of routine HIV support services to ensure early testing for TB patients was possible Civil society detection and treatment; giving and useful for HIV surveillance in TB patients and was greatly facili- engagement for 100% of TB patients access to HIV testing and counselling services; tated by a revised TB recording and the better T and giving 100% of HIV-positive reporting system. he role of nongovernmental TB patients access to antiretroviral In Myanmar, another country organizations and affected com- therapy. The international commu- with a high TB burden, the HIV pre munities was crucial in expanding nity must support these ambitious valence among TB patients was esti- collaborative TB/HIV activities, targets as the region bears the brunt mated at 7%. The response to TB/HIV particularly through strengthened of the global TB/HIV burden. by the Ministry of Health included partnership with the public health development of treatment guide- system. Experiences of involvement lines for TB/HIV, establishment of of nongovernmental organizations Headlined coordination group with cross- training of staff of the national TB in TB/HIV were presented. For country stories programme and national AIDS pro- example, in Myanmar the Union had established a model of inte- E xperiences from Kenya, Myan- mar and Russia were presented during the plenary session. Kenya gramme, TB/HIV service delivery in five pilot projects and establish- ment of a TB/HIV sentinel surveil- grated HIV care for TB patients, which included routine offers of HIV testing for TB patients and free had a National Five-Year TB Con- lance system. The pilot projects diagnosis, treatment and prevention
services, including cotrimoxazole preventive therapy and antiretrovi- Looking beyond ral therapy. The model involved the patient I standardized HIV treatment and t was noted that expanding the patient follow-up and recording and range of TB care beyond the indi- reporting. The Government of vidual patient would help improve Myanmar was planning to scale up the quality of care for HIV-infected this model, pending the availability TB patients. For example, in Myan- of funds. In India the LEPRA Soci- mar overall care was shown to be ety, a nongovernmental organiza- improved by offering HIV testing for tion that collaborated with the partners and family members of TB Revised National Tuberculosis Con- patients, followed by post-test coun- trol programme in urban and rural selling and home-based care. Simi- areas, had educated various stake- lar experience was also documented holders from both the public and from Ghana, where an antiretrovi- private sector in TB/HIV and ral therapy clinic was instrumental involved them in related activities. in improving the quality of life for Nongovernmental organizations HIV-infected TB patients and their working on HIV and AIDS needed families through provision of com- to include TB as a core considera- prehensive prevention, care and tion and their involvement in treatment services. Pediatric clin- national responses to TB/HIV ics were held on the same premises, should be strengthened. making it easy for families to be In general, it was noted that the managed together. The exemplary involvement at global and national experience was mentioned of Khay- levels of civil society in advocacy elitsha District in South Africa, and implementation of collabora- where a 24-hour social and foren- tive TB/HIV activities needed fur- sic service to assist women who had ther improvement. Public Health been raped was installed, and which tion among key TB stakeholders. He Watch research in five countries resulted in increased prosecution of said increasing activism on human found that few mechanisms existed rapists. These experiences called for rights and social justice grounds to encourage broad public partici- broader involvement of the health had brought a new paradigm to pation in the development and eval- sector in a holistic approach towards international public health and had uation of TB and TB/HIV policy at solving the problems of patients, influenced the implementation of the domestic or international level. even if they were not strictly in the programmes including treatment The need for succinct and clear health domain. access for HIV and TB (Figure 1). advocacy and communication mes- He viewed the new Stop TB strat- sages to enhance the engagement egy as a response to this changing of civil society in TB/HIV was dis- What direction global paradigm. However, despite cussed. Primary messages should be extracted from the key milestones for TB? the importance of simplified tools for clinical decision-making and and planned achievements of the Strategic Plan of the Global TB/HIV Working Group (2006–2010) to D r Jim Yong Kim of Harvard University presented the his- torical perspective of international standardized case management, he was concerned that clinicians had been so dominant in the early stages inform civil society decision-mak- TB advocacy and the DOTS (directly of HIV treatment scale-up. He also ers on what needed to be achieved observed treatment, short-course) cited the controversy and the lack of and to indicate what was needed strategy, contrasting it with the pub- consensus around HIV testing poli- from civil society. lic health approach of antiretroviral cies as an issue with the potential therapy scale-up. Although DOTS to limit the implementation of col- was a clear strategy he recalled the laborative TB/HIV activities. early resistance to its implementa- The role of activism for HIV was
Figure 1. The emerging paradigm in global health ism and advocacy were and TB and increased collaboration not yet adequately devel- between the two programmes. Doc- oped despite emerging umentation of the programmatic positive experiences. impact of the nationwide roll-out More resources should be of the isoniazid preventive therapy leveraged for TB and TB/ programme in Botswana should HIV research and imple- be urgently assessed and dissemi- mentation. One partici- nated. pant contrasted the successful leveraging of United States resources TB/HIV pre- for HIV/AIDS and malaria through the President’s service training also noted by Dr Michel Kazatchk- ine, who chaired the session that dis- Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the presidential malaria initiative with the lack of P re-service training for health- care workers should include collaborative TB/HIV activities. cussed the TB/HIV Working Group’s resources being committed to TB. The experience from Zambia on Strategic Plan. He said intense activ- how revising the curriculum for ism and greater treatment literacy in pre-service training contributed to the developing world helped to changes in the practice of doctors reduce antiretroviral drug prices by Isoniazid was cited as a good example. Along 95%, increase funding for HIV preventive with designing and revising the cur- research and programme implemen- therapy for early ricula of health cadres, continuing tation, and had resulted in antiretro- viral therapy adherence rates that HIV infection education and in-service training were also emphasized. were as good or better than in indus- trialized countries. TB/HIV activ- T hough evidence existed for the efficacy of isoniazid preventive therapy, it was noted that imple- Debating the mentation had been slow in many countries, primarily due to con- targets cerns about screening protocols for TB and resistance to isoniazid. The role of chest X-rays in ruling out D uring the discussion on the 10- year Strategic Plan of the TB/ HIV Working Group, the time- active TB was significantly reduced bound targets included in the plan in those settings where infrastruc- were debated. Proponents of the tar- ture was poorly developed and gets mentioned the “3 by 5” initia- health systems were weak. Imple- tive, which had been criticized for mentation of isoniazid preventive being introduced without proper therapy by HIV services was called consultation with partners but had for, with an emphasis on screening resulted in changes of mindset and for TB in HIV counselling and test- demonstrated that antiretroviral ing centres, where clients were more therapy scale-up programmes could likely to have early HIV and screen- happen in resource-constrained set- ing for TB was easier. TB screening tings. Moreover, it had triggered a should be strengthened in all service strong reaction and forced stake- delivery areas, including outpatient holders to discuss accountability. departments and antiretroviral Similar movement was crucially therapy programmes, to increase needed to rapidly scale up the imple- early detection and treatment of TB. mentation of the collaborative TB/ This would entail cross-training of HIV activities of the Strategic Plan, health-care workers in both HIV which were in line with the univer-
sal access concept. A participant cussed. However, it was emphasized mentioned the case of Eastern that increased focus was needed to Europe, where targets were com- ensure the delivery of integrated monly used to ensure implementa- HIV and TB services through pri- tion and progress, and where mary health care to the extent pos- progress might be hampered by the sible. There was agreement on the absence of such targets. importance of documenting and Those opposing the targets, how- disseminating successful experi- ever, argued that the lesson of the ences and developing generic mod- “3 by 5” initiative was that targets els of service delivery that took into should be set realistically at coun- consideration variations across try level with due consideration for regions and health systems. local situations and context. They expressed concern that the TB/HIV targets in the Strategic Plan were Research: Great too ambitious and might therefore needs and little deter global HIV stakeholders. They called for more consultation and investment discussion about the TB/HIV tar- gets, particularly within the global HIV community. The importance T he key research directions iden- tified in discussions were inten- sified TB case finding, the diagnosis of having time-bound country-level of smear-negative TB among peo- targets as critical steps to accelerate ple living with HIV, TB preventive the implementation of collaborative treatment, clear understanding of TB/HIV activities was reiterated. It the incidence and risk factors for was also noted that massive invest- immune reconstitution syndrome ment in health systems was required and its clinical definitions and diag- to make them strong enough to nosis, the link between poor nutri- deliver the services. However, it was tional status and mortality among agreed that more detail was needed HIV-infected TB patients and the to underpin discussions of health collective population-based impact systems, particularly to highlight of the implementation of the 12- how specific efforts related to TB point collaborative TB/HIV activi- and HIV could contribute to the ties as a package. Researchers (in overall efforts of strengthening the TB and HIV) and donors needed to health system. prioritize these research areas. Effective advocacy and activ- ism were needed to ensure a great Models for increase in investment not only in options HIV-related TB but also for research into TB prevention, diagnosis and T he meeting was agreed that dif- ferent models implementing collaborative TB/HIV activities had treatment in general. This was dis- cussed by Mark Harrington, a long- time HIV activist who was partly been shown to work. The health sys- responsible for the notable increase in tem structure, including human and investment in basic science research financial resources, and the disease into HIV infection to ensure better burden determined the way serv- HIV treatment and improved access ices were delivered. The difficulty in to antiretroviral therapy globally. defining one ideal model of delivery, He shared his experience to illus- applicable across all regions, was dis- trate the important role that activ-
XDR TB: the windows, having outdoor waiting areas and cough hygiene. emerging threat A presentation was made of a sur- vey that had been carried out New tools, in rural KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, among 1539 patients. but more still The survey had detected multidrug- needed resistant (MDR) tuberculosis in 221 patients, of whom 53 had extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis. A n overview was presented of the diagnostic pipeline, particularly the work pioneered by the Founda- Prevalence among 475 patients with tion for Improved New Diagnostics culture-confirmed tuberculosis was (FIND) to improve TB diagnosis 39% (185 patients) for MDR and among people living with HIV. 6% (30) for XDR tuberculosis. All FIND’s work on improving TB diag- 44 patients with XDR tuberculosis nosis in people living with HIV who were tested for HIV were co- included development, evaluation infected. 52 of 53 patients with XDR and demonstration of new molecu- tuberculosis died, with median lar techniques, and demonstration survival of 16 days from time of projects for the liquid culture myco- diagnosis.1 It was noted that the find- bacteria growth indicator tube ing had the potential to undermine (MGIT) system. A new fluorescent achieved successes in TB control and microscope that was more sensitive, compromise the benefit of the intro- low costing, robust and user friendly, duction of antiretroviral therapy for and did not require use of a dark HIV-infected TB patients. room, was being developed with a ists could play through engagement The circumstances that led to the competent manufacturing partner. in the coordination and policy deci- emergence of XDR TB in KwaZulu- Feasibility studies using the loop- sions of research at all levels. He also Natal needed to be investigated mediated isothermal amplification presented the preliminary results of in detail and the lessons learned (LAMP) technique had been funded a survey that was conducted by the shared with other countries. Fur- in Peru, Tanzania and Bangladesh. Treatment Action Group among thermore, it was noted that the Additional diagnostic methods 100 institutions involved in fund- emergence of MDR and XDR TB based on rapid antigen detection ing TB research and development in called for improvement of basic TB that had been supported by FIND 2005.The survey found that US$393 control programmes and for greater included a test to identify lipoarabi- million had been invested in TB integration of TB and HIV services, nomannan (LAM) in urine (Tanza- research and development in 2005. with specific measures to address nia) and the evaluation of interferon Intensified action was required to transmission of TB to co-infected gamma release assays (studies of the increase investment in TB research patients. Improved diagnostic Consortium to Respond Effectively and, at the same time, to increase methods and treatment should be to the AIDS/TB Epidemic; CRE- the visibility of the needs for TB an additional priority for manage- ATE). The efforts of FIND in devel- research. Special initiatives were ment of XDR TB in people living oping new tools to improve TB needed to attract young researchers with HIV. XDR TB and the related diagnosis were acknowledged and into TB research. high mortality had also exposed the need for more effort and invest- the importance of improving infec- ment to ensure the speedy develop- tion control, for example by using ment of the new tools was relatively simple methods to control emphasized. hospital infection, such as opening 1 Lancet 2006, 368:1575–80.
Addressing HIV testing: PMTCT regimens for HIV-positive women and the feasibility and effi- neglected areas Still barriers ciency of symptom-based screening C H ritical issues that had been IV testing was the gateway for TB at pretest counselling and at neglected in the global through which HIV-infected all antenatal clinic visits. response to HIV-related TB were TB patients could receive HIV treat- highlighted, including the optimal ment, care and support services. treatment regimens to use when However, scale-up was slow. Lack Marketplace treating TB and HIV at the same time, mainly due to the interactions of operational details on how to perform diagnostic counselling and presentation: between rifampcin and nevirapine. testing, particularly for TB patients, Experiences Although the current WHO antiret- the perceived stigma associated from countries roviral therapy guidelines were with the testing and the scarcity of Brazil permissive for the concurrent use human resources were cited as criti- Data from the THRio study, of these drugs where liver enzyme cal barriers. designed to determine whether the testing was readily available, the routine detection and treatment of meeting participants reiterated that TB infection found in HIV-infected the message was not clear enough PMTCT services: patients in HIV clinics in Rio de to promote nevirapine as first-line drug for TB patients. Missed Janeiro reduced TB incidence in The Working Group should opportunity for the clinic population receiving HIV care, showed that combining maintain its focus on sub-Saharan TB/HIV? isoniazid preventive therapy with Africa, which carried the brunt of E xperiences from South Africa antiretroviral therapy significantly the problem. However, the rising and Zambia on the integra- reduced the incidence rate (IR) of burden of HIV in Asia and Eastern tion of TB prevention, diagno- TB. It was found that compared to Europe also needed more attention, sis and treatment into prevention particularly to address HIV-related of mother-to-child transmission TB in injecting drug users. HIV- (PMTCT) services were reported related TB in children also required and discussed. TB was increasingly an intensified action in the global a cause of maternal mortality, par- response. ticularly in HIV-prevalent settings. New diagnostic tools were re The risk of vertical transmission quired, particularly to prevent the of maternal TB, and the associated deaths from undiagnosed TB of higher rate of premature births, people living with HIV. In the mean- low birth weight and intrauterine time it was important to ensure that growth retardation, was also noted. existing tools were widely available However, certain obstacles impeded and used appropriately. Mobilizing the mainstreaming of TB preven- financial and human resources to tion, diagnosis and treatment serv- strengthen the TB and HIV capa- ices into PMTCT services, such as bilities of laboratories remained a low coverage of antenatal care and challenge but remained crucial to PMTCT services, and the short cli- mounting an effective response. ent contact time typical of routine antenatal services, which did not allow enough time for TB screening. It was also likely that most pregnant women presented late for their fist visit. Several research issues that needed to be addressed urgently were noted, including alternative
patients receiving neither isoniazid Cambodia in an existing chest clinic in a hos- preventive therapy nor antiretroviral Special approaches were needed for pital. It had been instrumental in therapy (IR=3.6/100 person-years), the implementation of the National improving the quality of life for patients with only antiretrovi- Framework for TB/HIV in urban HIV-infected TB patients and their ral therapy had a decreased risk areas. A mobile voluntary and confi- families through provision of com- (IR=1.7/100PY); patients with only dential counselling and testing serv- prehensive prevention, care and isoniazid preventive therapy had ice by a TB/HIV coordinator at health treatment services. further decreased risk (IR=0.7/ centres had been implemented, and Haiti 100PY); and patients receiving both the number of TB patients taking a Work done to determine whether isoniazid preventive therapy and HIV test had increased. Similarly, a chronic cough (≥3 weeks) could be antiretroviral therapy had the low- formal referral system between TB used as an effective public health est risk (IR=0.6/100PY). and HIV services through a home- tool to identify patients with active based care team and a mechanism tuberculosis was presented. Among to share information and reporting people who presented for HIV vol- systems had been established. untary counselling and testing 10% reported chronic cough, and a third Democratic Republic of were diagnosed with active tuber- the Congo culosis. The majority (60%) had Experience from Kinshasa showed smear-negative tuberculosis and the that most HIV-positive TB patients HIV co-infection rate was 54%. The were started either on cotrimoxazole approach allowed for rapid diagno- preventive therapy or antiretrovi- sis and treatment of individuals with ral therapy while on TB treatment. tuberculosis, prevention of nosoco- However, an evaluation carried out mial transmission of tuberculosis, one year later found that this HIV and provision of prophylaxis for care stopped after patients had com- HIV-infected individuals without pleted their TB treatment, indicat- active TB. ing the need for continued HIV care and support groups at TB clinics or India better functioning HIV care cen- The LEPRA Society, a nongovern- tres. mental organization based in And- hra Pradesh collaborated with the Dominican Republic Revised National Tuberculosis Con- In 2003 the Dominican Repub- trol programme to sensitize and lic started a joint plan for TB/HIV involve various stakeholders from activities, including setting up a both public and private sectors in technical coordination body, deter- order to improve the quality of mining national HIV prevalence care provided for HIV-infected TB among TB patients, and defining patients. TB/HIV care packages. Isoniazid preventive therapy and intensified Nigeria TB case finding had been estab- The experience of the National TB/ lished. Mechanisms for human HIV Working Group, which was resource training, budget and mon- revitalized during a national consen- itoring and evaluation plans, and sus-building meeting held in March obtaining regular reports had yet to 2005, was presented. The experi- be established. ence highlighted the importance of a functional, broad-based TB/HIV Ghana working group at all levels to roll Experience was presented of an out collaborative TB/HIV activities. antiretroviral therapy clinic housed The experience also showed that 10
strengthening the health delivery Ukraine system was an important factor for A study conducted by the Program successful and sustainable imple- for Appropriate Technology in mentation of collaborative activi- Health (PATH) found that aware- ties. ness about TB among people living with HIV was low, and due to mis- Senegal conceptions about TB people living A survey that was conducted among with HIV were often discouraged regional and district medical offic- from seeking care, resorting instead ers in Senegal about universal access to self-treatment. Remedial meas- to HIV and TB prevention, treat- ures being undertaken included TB ment and care found low levels of education targeting people living awareness and absence of specific with HIV; strengthening the qual- policies. Although both antiretrovi- ity of TB care for people living with ral therapy and TB treatment were HIV; and training in TB for medical free, they were not readily accessi- personnel caring for people living ble to patients due to distance from with HIV. health facilities and financial con- straints making it difficult to afford Zambia diagnosis and treatment services A presentation was made of a hos- (for example chest X-rays). pital-based model for integrated TB and HIV services. First, an assess- Sudan ment had been made of existing out- The Omdurman voluntary counsel- patient, voluntary counselling and ling and testing and clinical man- testing, TB, HIV, laboratory and agement clinic was established in pharmacy services to map a strategy 2002 by the Sudan National AIDS for services integration. A two-day Control programme. It had been clinic-based training workshop was observed that many of the patients then conducted to cross-train health attending the clinic had TB, stimu- staff from various departments on lating collaboration with the Epi- TB/HIV. Patient flow algorithms collaborative TB/HIV activities, demiological Laboratory Centre, and reformatted registers were and meeting the costs for CD4 test- the National Tuberculosis Control developed for each department. A ing and transportation costs. This programme and the Stop TB Board, second clinic-based training work- helped HIV-infected TB patients to and improved provision of quality shop was held to introduce revised benefit from antiretroviral therapy. care for HIV-infected TB patients. algorithms and registers. The model Another experience presented involved HIV diagnostic counsel- from Sudan was the outcome of brainstorming sessions on TB/HIV ling and testing, immediate CD4 measurement for newly diagnosed Marketplace held with people living with HIV HIV-infected TB patients, and spot presentation: and TB. Socioeconomic status, sputum sampling in several clinic Experiences stigma, education, medical care, departments (voluntary counsel- from partner rights and psychological well-being were identified as the core concerns ling and testing, HIV clinic, outpa- tient). organizations of both groups. However, while Another experience presented Public Health Watch stigma was of particular concern for from Zambia was the collaboration Findings were presented of research people living with HIV, it had little of Zambart, part of CREATE, with conducted by civil society research- importance for a TB patient. Chongwe District health manage- ers of the Public Health Watch of the ment team in helping to construct Open Society Institute in Bangla- a room to offer HIV testing and desh, Brazil, Nigeria, Tanzania and strengthen the implementation of Thailand. The research monitored 11
Research Institute of could assist countries in addressing Tuberculosis, Japan the epidemic only if their support The institute had been conducting supplemented national government international courses in TB control funding and commitments. and HIV prevention and care in Asia. TB/HIV was one of the core Tuberculosis Control components of the TB course and Assistance Program TB/HIV operational research had This funding mechanism, sup- been introduced recently. Partici- ported by the United States Agency pants were encouraged to develop for International Development action plans on TB/HIV opera- (USAID), was operated by the TB tional research. The institute would Coalition of Technical Assistance, introduce TB/HIV and operational which comprised eight technical research as core components of the agencies. TB/HIV featured as an AIDS course and planned to receive important element in its area of participants from both HIV and TB work, with scaling up being the pri- programmes to promote TB/HIV ority. The comparative advantage of collaboration in Asia. the programme was that it formed a coalition of major TB agencies and World Health thus comprised expertise in all areas Organization of the Stop TB strategy, including The WHO Integrated Management TB/HIV. of Adult Illness (IMAI) toolkit con- sisted of simplified, operationalized ZAMSTAR (Zambia South guidelines; clinical and manage- Africa TB and AIDS ment training materials; and patient Reduction) study self-management and educational ZAMSTAR, part of the CREATE governmental policies to control aids to support scale-up. A new draft consortium, aimed to evaluate TB, and advocated improvements. guideline module, TB Care with TB- interventions to reduce TB at the HIV Co-management, supported community level by means of a com- Centres for Disease effective clinical co-management of munity randomized trial in Zambia Control and Prevention TB and HIV by primary care work- and South Africa. The cooperation A presentation was made on the ers. The guideline module had been of all stakeholders, although impor- Routine Diagnostic Testing and adapted for use in several coun- tant for the successful implemen- Counselling in TB Clinical Settings tries, including Tanzania, Ethiopia, tation of the study, was difficult to Trainer’s Manual, which provided Namibia, and Haiti. achieve, and greater collaboration a standardized approach through The WHO Regional Office for between the TB and HIV control which programmes could imple- Europe, in a presentation, said its programmes was needed. ment and scale up routine diagnos- priorities included technical assist- tic HIV testing and counselling. It ance for countries in policy devel- included a curriculum and four-day opment, strengthening TB/HIV training package for health-care surveillance, training in operational providers. research for TB/HIV, training in TB/HIV management, organization of regional TB/HIV conferences and the development of guidelines. Many interventions, however, remained vertical in nature, and there was limited interaction between HIV and TB activities. It was concluded that financial and technical partners 12
Conclusions including those related to TB/ HIV; and recommen- n Include PMTCT policy-makers dations and service providers in Working T he following conclusions and recommendations emerged from the meeting, categorized here Group membership and reach out more to the reproductive and maternal health community; according to the organizations and n Urgently develop technical guid- programmes to which they were ance on how to conduct diagnos- most applicable. tic HIV counselling and testing, particularly for TB patients. Global TB/HIV Working Group, including partner National policy-makers, organizations HIV and TB control n Pay greater attention to the TB/ programmes HIV situation in Eastern Europe n Introduce programmatic issues and Asia, and focus on address- on TB/HIV and collaborative ing structural and health systems activities in pre-service training barriers; of all health cadres, including n Design improved ways of deliver- medical schools; ing isoniazid preventive therapy, n Include TB prevention, diagnosis especially to those with early HIV and treatment in national HIV infection. The experience in Bot- strategic plans. TB strategic plans swana in rolling out a nationwide needed to include HIV preven- ties. However, the pilot projects isoniazid preventive therapy pro- tion, treatment and care serv- needed to be scaled up with speed gramme had to be assessed and ices; once their effectiveness is dem- experiences shared; onstrated; n Whenever feasible take up TB n Promote the use of fixed drug services and provide HIV pre- n Prioritize, in all countries, the combinations of antiretroviral vention and treatment, including crucial activity of HIV surveil- drugs for HIV-infected TB antiretroviral therapy, for HIV- lance among TB patients. WHO- patients by identifying the most infected TB patients; recommended guidelines should effective types of drugs and sup- be applied and used for conduct- porting their registration by n Emphasize the implementation ing the surveillance; national authorities; of isoniazid preventive therapy for early HIV infection through n Define clear and time-bound n Prioritize national planning pro focusing mainly on HIV coun- national targets for implemen- cesses that set national TB/HIV selling and testing centres, where tation of collaborative TB/HIV targets; clients were likely to have early activities; n Accelerate efforts towards ensur- HIV, and when it was easier n Mainstream TB prevention, diag- ing rapid scale-up of collaborative to screen for TB. Likewise, TB nosis and treatment services into activities and ensure adequate screening should be strength- existing PMTCT services in HIV- progress towards the 2007 TB/ ened in all service delivery areas, prevalent settings. Discussion HIV milestones of the Global such as outpatients departments between PMTCT and TB policy- Plan (2006–2015); and antiretroviral therapy pro- makers and service providers at grammes, to increase early detec- global and national levels was n In the case of the Stop TB Part- tion and treatment of TB; essential. nership, give more prominence to health system strengthening n Use pilot and demonstration as an important means of achiev- projects for national scale-up ing the targets in the Global Plan, of collaborative TB/HIV activi- 13
Civil society, including Other related XVI International AIDS nongovernmental Conference organizations events: During the Conference there was n In the case of nongovernmental Summary greater support than at any previ- ous Conference for inclusion of TB organizations working on HIV TB/HIV satellite symposium in the service delivery, policy and and AIDS, include provision of The symposium was held on the advocacy response to HIV. TB/HIV TB prevention, diagnosis and afternoon of 13 August 2006 and was addressed in an abstract ses- treatment services as their core was attended by about 400 par- sion, a non-abstract session, post- function, and actively engage in ticipants. The International AIDS ers, late breaker sessions, and in the national and local response Society and the Forum for Collabo- passing references in several high- to TB/HIV in the countries in rative HIV Research co-organized visibility presentations and talks, which they were working; the symposium with the Stop TB such as the speech by ex-president and HIV Departments of WHO. n In the case of global and national of the United States Bill Clinton, The symposium was chaired by advocates, activists and civil Dr De Cock’s plenary talk, and the Dr Kevin De Cock, Director of the society organizations, press for rapporteur sessions, particularly HIV Department of WHO, and Dr inclusive formulation of TB/HIV the clinical research, treatment and Helene Gayle, the outgoing Chair targets, and be aware of them care section. The late breaker ple- of the International AIDS Society. when holding governments and nary presentation on MDR/XDR The keynote address was given by institutions accountable for their stimulated considerable reaction, Stephen Lewis, the United Nations achievements; including media coverage. Results, Secretary-General’s Special Envoy n Develop clear messages at coun- an advocacy organization based in for HIV/AIDS in Africa. The sympo- try level to mobilize all stakehold- Washington, D.C., United States, sium highlighted the importance of ers, including community groups organized two sessions on TB/HIV TB prevention, diagnosis and treat- and patients, in an unprecedented advocacy, which encouraged a high ment as a care issue for people living scale-up of implementation and level of discussion. The Stop TB with HIV through sharing experi- resource mobilization; Department of WHO also organ- ences and strategies that worked, ized a skills building workshop on n Extract primary messages from demonstrated the potential role of the use of a simple questionnaire to the key milestones and planned TB control programmes in scaling screen people living with HIV/AIDS achievements of the Strategic Plan up HIV prevention, treatment and for TB. of the Working Group (2006– care services, and shared the pri- 2015) to inform civil society orities and the recent advances in decision-makers on what needed research on TB/HIV issues. to be achieved and on what was needed from civil society. 14
Acknowledgements Overall organization of the meeting Haileyesus Getahun (WHO), with contributions from Mamadou Diallo (International AIDS Society), Carole Francis (WHO), Charlie Gilks (WHO), Cate Hankins (UNAIDS), Veronica Miller (Forum for Collaborative HIV Research), Paul Nunn (WHO), Fabio Scano (WHO) and Javid Syed (Treatment Action Group). Administrative and secretarial support Lynne Harrop supported by Leslie Angeles and Rosaline Edma. Charipersons, presenters and moderators Slim Abdool-Karim, Richard Chaisson, Kevin De Cock, Gerry Friedland, Haileyesus Getahun, Peter Godfrey-Faussett, Mark Harrington, Michel Kazatchkine, Jim Kim, Rick O’Brien, Elizabeth Madraa, Neil Martinson, Bess Miller, Paul Nunn, Kwame Shanaube, Soumya Swaminathan and Isabelle De Zoysa. Rapporteurs Lisa Nelson, David Cohn, A. Reid, Jeroen van Gorkom, Alwyn Mwinga and Michael Kimerling. Photos by Lynne Harrop and Glen Thomas Written by Haileyesus Getahun. WHO/HTM/TB/2007.382 © World Health Organization 2007 All rights reserved. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recom- mended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by WHO to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. This publication does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the World Health Organization. 15
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