Homework Policy Lincoln Castle Academy

Page created by Mathew Spencer
Homework Policy Lincoln Castle Academy
Homework Policy
                   Lincoln Castle

This Policy has been approved by the Headteacher

Signed………………………………………                    Date: ………………………..

This Policy has been approved by the Governing Body

Signed………………………………………                    Date: ……………………......

Reviewed June 2020 by TPW

Next Review Date of Policy – June 2021
Home learning /Enrichment tasks

Home learning or an Enrichment task is any work or activity which students are asked to do outside
lesson time either on their own or with parents or carers. Home learning will be differentiated where
necessary to take into account of individual needs.

The purpose of home learning

    •   To encourage students to develop the confidence and self-discipline to work on their own, an
        essential skill for adult life.
    •   To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding.
    •   To extend Academy learning, for example through additional reading.
    •   To enable students to devote time to demands such as coursework or project work.
    •   To support the home/Academy relationship.

The amount of home learning

The Academy does not have a fixed home learning timetable with time allocated for different subjects
on different evenings. Students will need to learn to manage their time so that they do some home
learning each evening. Teachers will not set home learning to be completed for the next day, but will
give students at least two days to complete the work. The time devoted to home learning should
increase as the student progresses through the Academy.

Key Stage 3

Home learning is set to pupils in all forms and is an essential part of the process of learning. All pupils
are required to do home learning. In Year 7 pupils will most likely have 1 -2 subjects per night each of
approximately 20 – 30 minutes’ duration for every 2 lessons taught of that subject.

In Years 8 home learning will increase to 2 – 3 subjects per night, each of at least 30 minutes per 2
hours taught of that subject. All home learning set is to be attempted and parents are asked to co-
operate by ensuring that sufficient time is devoted to home learning and that if possible, a quiet room
is made available. In addition to these tasks, pupils can expect to be asked to do additional appropriate
tasks to help reinforce their learning or help prepare for future lessons (e.g. vocabulary learning in
Modern Foreign Languages). Pupils have no reason to tell parents that they do not have any home

If a pupil fails to hand in the work on the day in which it is expected the subject teacher will allocate
the appropriate consequence points on Go4 Scls and parents are informed via an automatic
notification to their email.

There will be no homework for ASPIRE and PE in KS3.
Key Stage 4 & 5

In Years 9, 10 and 11 students can expect to spend approximately 1 hour per subject per week on

In Years 12 and 13 students are expected to do a considerable amount of private study. For both GCSE
/ Vocational subjects and A level, homework may be work set by teachers and sometimes it will be
consolidation or extension work generated by the students themselves.

If a pupil fails to hand in the work on the day in which it is expected the subject teacher will allocate
the appropriate consequence points on Go4 Scls and parents are informed via an automatic
notification to their email.

There will be no homework for ASPIRE and core PE in KS4.

Types of homework

Homework might include such things as:

1. Writing assignments.

2. Learning assignments.

3. Preparing an oral presentation.

4. Reading in preparation for a lesson.

5. Finding out information/researching a project.

It is important that students should have frequent and increasing opportunities to develop and
consolidate their competencies as independent learners.
Organisation of home learning / recording of homework tasks

It is Academy policy to record each piece of home learning set on an online web based package
called SHOW MY HOMEWORK (SMHW - satchel:one)

Student responsibilities

    •   Each students and parent/guardian is given log in details at least twice per year to enable
        them to log in and access the home learning tasks. It is the responsibility of the student to
        use this web based package to access all tasks and additional resources to enable them to
        successfully complete work set by the deadlines. Facilities to gain web access are available
        during the working day at the Academy including after school hours when appropriate. They
        could also use the SMHW APP on android / apple to enable quick access to the information
        for their home learning.

*If new log in details are required for whatever reason then the student must request these from
                                  their form tutor /Head of Year*

    •   In addition all students have a planner which they should carry with them at all times to
        record their work. Tutors and parents/carers are asked to check and sign these on a weekly
    •   Problems with home learning should be resolved before the deadline. If necessary students
        should see the member of staff concerned for help.

Teacher responsibilities

    •   To ensure that they have a log in to SMHW that works. These can be gained from the SMHW
    •   To set home learning in line with the guidelines within this policy and taking direction from
        the HOD to comply with departmental SOLs and protocols.
    •   To set each piece of home learning on SMHW using the resource attachment and website
        facility to good effect to ensure that all home learning is fully understood by all students
        and that deadlines set are within the policy guidelines and are fair and practical.
    •   To demonstrate that home learning has been set on SMHW by showing students in lessons
        on the whiteboards whenever practical to do so to reinforce the use of the system
    •   To ensure time is given for students to also record the work in their files

HOD responsibilities

    •   To monitor the setting of home learning and the quality of work set on SMHW through the
        QA process and using the proforma to record these findings so that best practice can be
        shared and development areas identified and addressed quickly
    •   To ensure that a department protocol and expectation is clear for home learning to all
        teachers so that it can be followed by all
    •   To sufficiently train new members of staff on how to use SMHW so they are confident users,
        always demonstrating best practice
    •   To ensure that all teachers in their department are marking home learning in line with the
        assessment policy
Non-completion of home learning

When home learning has not been done, appropriate action will be taken by the department in line
with the behaviour system of the Academy. This could include a break time, lunchtime or an after-
school Academy restorative session as long as it conforms to Academy behaviour policy and
guidelines for consequences. Home learning effort grades are recorded every data drop and their
use illustrated within the assessment, marking, feedback & MEG policy.

Parents’/Carers’ role in home learning

   •   Parents/carers should support students with their home learning but accept that their role
       will become less important as students become more responsible and independent.
   •   Parent should log in to SMHW using the log in information provided at least twice per year.
       They could also use the SMHW APP on android / apple to enable quick access to the
       information for their child.

 *If new log in details are required for whatever reason then the parent should request these via
their child from the form tutor/ Head of Year or alternatively email the Academy to request a new
                                  SMHW log in letter be sent home*

   •   Parents/carers should try and provide a reasonable place where students can work or
       encourage them to make use of the Academy’s facilities.
   •   Parents/carers should encourage students to meet home learning deadlines.
   •   If parents/carers feel that insufficient or too much home learning is being set, they should
       contact the form tutor who will investigate the situation.
   •   Parents/carers should encourage students and praise them when home learning is
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