Homecoming Week 2021 Pillars of Prospect Park Homecoming Week Program Guide - The Pillars | Senior Living

Page created by Ellen Coleman
Homecoming Week 2021 Pillars of Prospect Park Homecoming Week Program Guide - The Pillars | Senior Living
    Week 2021

Pillars of Prospect Park
    Homecoming Week
      Program Guide
Homecoming Week 2021 Pillars of Prospect Park Homecoming Week Program Guide - The Pillars | Senior Living
Monday, 09/20 - Storybook & Character Day                         Tuesday, 09/21 - Back to The 50's
Dress up as your favorite character in a book or movie            Dress up in 50's attire and join us for a great day!
today. Join as we kick-off Homecoming 2021!
                                                                  9:30am - Coffee Social, 1st Floor Café - Join us for a tasty coffee
10:00am - Intergenerational Walking Storybook,                    social! Get fueled up before our Pound extravaganza.
Front Entrance - Join us outside for a special storybook stroll
with The Pillars Child Care. You can participate by walking       11:00am - Pound with Mike,
with a classroom or by helping at a station. No need to sign-     Front Entrance - Mike will be leading a fun and
up, join us outside staring at 9:45am to join in the fun!         interactive Pound class for you to enjoy! Stop outside
                                                                  to check it out.

                                                                  12:00pm - ‘50s Lunch on the Deck: Come to the rooftop deck to
                                                                  enjoy lunch together! Cheeseburger on Brioche, French Fries and
                                                                  Chocolate Malt. Please sign-up through the front desk to reserve
11:00am - Pillars Book Club - A Yellow Raft in Blue Water         a spot on the 7th floor Deck.
by Michael Dorris, 7th Floor Community Room - This is The
Pillars monthly book club. If you'd like to join the group for    12:00pm - *Virtual* Unlocking Your Path to Purposeful Aging,
the October discussion, they will be reading The Last             7th Floor Community Room - Gain a new mind-reset and learn
Runaway by Tracy Chevalier. Library copies of the book are        practices to grow whole, not old. Join us for this webinar with
available for pick-up at the meeting.                             Richard Leider, founder of Inventure - The Purpose Company, and
                                                                  internationally bestselling author and coach.
12:00pm - Storybook Lunch: Green Eggs & Ham, Croque
Madame and Magic Bean Salad. Please sign-up through the           1:00pm - Bridge, 1st Floor Café - If you play bridge or are
front desk to reserve a spot in the Dining Room.                  interested in learning how, you are welcome to join this weekly

                                                                  3:00pm - UMN PT Class - Fitness Assessments,
                                                                  7th Floor Community Room. Please join the students for their
                                                                  weekly class and free fitness assessment. If you'd like to come to
2:00-4:00pm - Homecoming Kick-Off & Yearbook Photos,              the Tuesday class, please sign-up at the front desk.
1st Floor Café - We will be kicking off The Pillars
Homecoming Week with Yearbook Photos! Please stop by              3:30pm - Car Show & Live Music with The Floras,
the anytime from 2-4pm to get your photo taken by our             Front Entrance - We will have some fabulous live music and a
talented team.                                                    few classic cars! Come down the the front entrance to check it all
                                                                  out. If you have friends or family that would like to bring their
7:15pm - Outdoor Movie: Moonrise Kingdom,
                                                                  car, please let us know.
7th Floor Deck - Moonrise Kingdom is a 2012
Wes Anderson film. Synopsis - A pair of young
                                                                  7:15pm - Pillars Cinema - Grease,
lovers flee their New England town, which
                                                                  7th Floor Community Room - Synopsis - Good girl Sandy Olsson
causes a local search party to fan out to find
                                                                  and greaser Danny Zuko fell in love over the summer. When they
them. (IMDb)
                                                                  unexpectedly discover they're now in the same high school, will
                                                                  they be able to rekindle their romance?
Homecoming Week 2021 Pillars of Prospect Park Homecoming Week Program Guide - The Pillars | Senior Living
Wednesday, 09/22 - Uffda Day!                                         Thursday, 09/23 - Carnival Day
Cheers to all things Minnesota! Dress in your favorite plaid          We are creating a special day for Child Care. Please wear
or MN sports gear and join us for very Minnesotan day!                black pants and a white shirt or whatever you wish!

9:00am - Cribbage, 1st Floor Café - A Minnesotan way to start         10:30am - Grandfriends Music for Life with MacPhail,
your day - a cup of coffee and a great game of cards. New to          Dimensions, 2nd Floor - MacPhail will be here to lead their
cribbage? No problem! Erin will be there to teach you the ropes.      weekly intergenerational program! Ring the doorbell in the 2nd
                                                                      floor vestibule to get let in.
11:00am-1:00pm - UMN Alumni Day at Malcolm Yards Market
Join other friends and UMN alumni at the The Market at                11:00am - Balance Class with Hillary, 7th Floor Community Room
Malcolm Yards at this year's Senior Alumni Homecoming                 - Work on strength, balance and endurance in this 45 minute
Celebration! No need to sign up, just head over to Malcolm Yards      exercise class.
Market. Kristen and Jay will both be there!
                                                                      12:00pm - Thursday: Carnival Lunch, Corn Dogs, Onion Rings
1:00pm - Chair Yoga with Jessica, 7th Floor Community Room -          and Ambrosia Salad. Please sign up through the front desk to
Jes will be at The Pillars to guide you through a gentle chair yoga   reserve a spot in the Dining Room.
flow. Move and breath to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and
improve mental clarity.                                               1:00pm - Pillars Cinema: The Greatest Showman,
                                                                      7th Floor Community Room - Synopsis - Celebrates the birth of
POSTPONED! - UMAA Travel Program Information Session,                 show business and tells the story of a visionary who rose from
7th Floor Community Room - Audra, UMAA Director of                    nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation.
International Alumni and Travel, will be at the Pillars to share      (IMDb)
more about their programs.
                                                                      3:00pm - Child Care Carnival Day, Front Entrance - Help us
3:00pm - Meet Your Neighbor | Minnesota Social Hour,                  create our own outdoor carnival! We will have fun stations for the
7th Floor Community Room - Join us for a special, MN themed           kids to enjoy - photo booth, arm painting, and ring toss to name a
social hour. Beverages will be provided.                              few. If you'd like to volunteer at a station, please let Erin know.

5:00pm - Minnesota Dinner: Tater Tot Hot Dish, Green Beans,           3:00pm - UMN PT Class - Fitness Assessments,
Wild Rice Pilaf and Raspberry Jell-o Dessert. Please sign-up          7th Floor Community Room. Please join the students for their
through the front desk to reserve a spot in the Dining Room.          weekly class and free fitness assessment. If you'd like to come to
                                                                      the Thursday class, please sign up at the front desk.
6:00pm - Prospect Park Neighborhood Event, Meet & Greet
about Urban Agriculture & Parks. This is located at The               7:00pm - *Virtual* LWVMpls - Civic Buzz, 7th Floor Community
Community Garden (near the light rail). If you'd like to walk over    Room - This virtual presentation will feature the Committee's
as a group, please meet in the lobby at 5:45pm.                       study results and how the charter amendment proposed by Yes 4
                                                                      Minneapolis aligns (or does not align) with LWVMpls positions.
7:15pm - Pillars Cinema: Grumpy Old Men,
7th Floor Community Room - Grumpy Old Men was filmed in               7:00pm - Kristoff the Magician & Cocktail Hour,
various locations throughout Minnesota! Synopsis - A lifelong         7th Floor Community Room. We are excited to share our mystery
feud between two neighbors since childhood only gets worse when       cocktail for you to enjoy during the magic show!
a new female neighbor moves in across the street. (IMDb)
Homecoming Week 2021 Pillars of Prospect Park Homecoming Week Program Guide - The Pillars | Senior Living
Friday, 09/24 - Pillars Day!                                        Saturday, 09/25 - Game Day!
Wear your Pillars gear or red and black attire and join             Wear your favorite UMN Gear to cheer on the Minnesota
us for our annual Homecoming Parade at 11am.                        Gophers!

11:00am - Pillars Parade, Front Entrance - We are very excited      9:30am - Coffee Social, 1st Floor Café - Join us for coffee
to share our Pillars floats with you! Join our teams,               and a relaxing Saturday morning before the big game!
homecoming king & queen and the child care to help us
celebrate this awesome community. If you'd like to have a float     11:00am - UMN Football vs Bowling Green, 7th Floor Club
in the parade, please let us know!                                  Room & Deck - We will watch the UMN Homecoming game
                                                                    together on the big screen!
12:00pm - Special Pillars Lunch: BBQ Smoked Brisket on a
Kaiser Roll, Coleslaw and Watermelon. Please sign up through
the front desk to reserve a to-go lunch, which is on The Pillars!
Seating will be available throughout the first floor and

2:00pm-4:00pm - Jazz Music & Social Hour,
7th Floor Club Room & Deck - Batume and his jazz group will
be back (they were here for the Pride event in June) to play on
the Rooftop deck! Drinks will be provided.

                                                                           Thank you for joining us for Homecoming Week!
                                                                                Have a relaxing evening & Sunday.
Homecoming Week 2021 Pillars of Prospect Park Homecoming Week Program Guide - The Pillars | Senior Living
Thank you for joining us
 for our second annual
  Homecoming Week!
   We hope you find
something you enjoy and
appreciate all you do for
    our community.
Homecoming Week 2021 Pillars of Prospect Park Homecoming Week Program Guide - The Pillars | Senior Living
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