St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School

St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School
St Paul’s Catholic School
                                     Thursday 12th August, 2021

Vision: At St Paul’s we know, love and serve God.
St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School
This Sunday, we will celebrate “The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary”.
This means that Mary was taken to heaven body and soul. As Catholics, we
place special value on Mary as being very holy. Some other religions have
misconceptions about Catholicism and they think that we “idolize” Mary. This
isn’t the case. As Catholics, we hold Mary in high esteem because she was born
sinless. Mary was Jesus’ mother and lived a very holy life. We celebrate her life
and that she was bestowed this special privilege of being taken to
heaven both body and soul. Because this is such an important day in the
church, it was often considered a Holy Day of Obligation, which means that all
Catholics are expected to attend Mass on this feast day.

                                 Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
                                        Blessed are you among women
                                          and blessed is the fruit of
                                               your womb, Jesus.
                                          Holy Mary, Mother of God.
                                        Pray for us sinners now, and at
                                            the hour of our death.

         This week’s focus, Fruit of the Holy Spirit, is

                   We are called to be “faithful” to Jesus. This means
                    living our lives in the name of Jesus Christ. Being
                     kind and caring to others, giving to the poor and
                  showing mercy when we can. Faithfulness is praying
                       my daily prayers to Jesus and going to Mass.
                             Even in times when I have it hard,
                           how do I show faithfulness at school?

                         TEACHER ONLY DAY.
   Please be reminded that Monday 20th September is a teacher only day.
                           School will be closed.
   You will need to make alternative arrangements for you children on this
                day as there will be no supervision at school.

              SUNDAY MASS — St Paul’s Church — 10.30am
                  Children’s Liturgy every 2nd Sunday. All Welcome
      Being present at the celebration of Sunday Mass is the highlight of our week.
               We encourage Parents & Caregivers to bring their children along.
                      Altar servers for this Sunday, 15th August are
                      Nevaeh McRoberts         Ariki Utikere Vakatini
St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School
Yummy Stickers                                    Friday Assembly:
   Keep collecting those Yummy                     Tomorrow Friday 13th August..
              Stickers.                         Please join us in the hall at 2.30pm.
    To get house points, please
  bring them along to school and
     give to the class teacher.

IS: ASB TeRapa 12-3454-0056352-01. Please put your family name in
particulars and what the payment is for in the reference.

It has come to our attention that there are more and more children
arriving at school after the bell has gone in the mornings and being picked up
early afternoon before school finishes at 2.55pm. Some are late every or
almost every day. It is good for your children to learn the habit of being on
time and not always running a little late. As a parent, it is your responsibility
to make sure your child is at school on time. It is disruptive to your child’s
classroom to come in when everyone else is settled and working.
Please make appointments for your children in the school holidays or out of
school hours.
Students that are late or collected early are missing out on learning and can
be a disruption to others. If a student is regularily late or collected early, it
will affect his learning at school.
Arriving on time at 8.40am is a habit for success


Please be reminded that the Bell Times for 2021 are:
School commences at 8.55 am and finishes at 2.55 pm daily. Children should arrive
at school in sufficient time to be ready to start at this time.
The School Office hours are 8.30-3-15pm, Monday to Friday.
School Bell Times:   8.15 am     Teacher Reflection (Staff room)
                     8.25 am     Earliest time c hildren can be at school
                     8.55 am     Start of Classes
                     10.30 am    Morning tea Interval
                     10.50 am    Class
                     11.50 am    Second Interval
                     12.00 pm   Class
                     1.00 pm     Lunch
                     1.50 pm     Class
                     2.55 pm     End of Class
St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School
We are noticing that some children are still coming to school with the incorrect uniform.
Shoes are to be plain black school shoes, not running or fitness style black and white, or
coloured sneakers. Socks are to be knee high-Grey for boys and Navy for girls, or tights.
    Hair ties and clips must be black, navy or maroon. Earings should be plain studs.
Boy’s should be in winter weight grey shorts. Maroon polar fleece or black school jacket
 only. You child may wear plain navy beanie, scarf or gloves to school, but are taken off
                                  during the school day.
      We do sellACCOUNT
                 almost all itemsDETAILS         FOR
                                  of uniform, except     DIRECT
                                                     footwear,          CREDIT.
                                                                at the school office.
We have  a good supply  of second hand  uniforms , which you
IS: ASB TeRapa 12-3454-0056352-01. Please put your family name in
particulars and what the payment is for in the reference.
                                   WINTER ILLNESS
          We have quite a lot of illness at school at the moment. We have a few children
          with Chicken Pox and, of course, colds and flu are rife. If your child has a sore
          throat, they need to be seen by a doctor and excluded from school. Strep Throat
is very contagious and can make your child, and staff, very unwell.
Please ensure you keep your child/ren at home if they are unwell. It has come to our attention that
students are arriving at school unwell. While staff are trained in general first aid, they are not
trained or available to look after your sick child. We would appreciate your support
in this matter.
The best things you can do to stop the spread of illnesses.
• Stay at home and away from others if you are sick.
• Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue. (Tissues are supplied in every class-
• Put used tissues into a rubbish bin.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth - germs spread that way.

UNIFORM - Beanies & Scarves
Don’t forget we have Navy Beanies & Scarves available at the school office. Please note
they are only an option and not a requirement. The prices are: Beanies $6.50 and
Scarves $11 .

                     Karamu Class has been writing about their
                           favourite Olympics moment.

 Maddison: The Olympic moment that I enjoyed best was when Emma
 Twigg was rowing in the final race in the women’s single sculls and won a
 gold medal. What she did was try her hardest and never gave up.
 I liked this moment because this was the 4th time Emma has competed in
 the Olympic Games and she has never won a gold medal before.
 This year she has brought back a gold medal from her rowing event.
 Thomas: The Olympic moment I enjoyed most was when NZ won against
 another Rugby team in Rugby 7s, 50 to 5.
 We scored 2 tries then they scored one. We scored one then they got it all the
 way down the field but we got the ball and ran it all the way down the field and
  That is why that Rugby game is my favourite Olympic moment.
St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School
B.O.T.Meeting Dates
                                                   Terms 3 & 4, 2021
                                             Our next BOT meeting will be
                                             held on Monday 16th August
                                             2021. Other meetings for the
                                                  year will be held on
                                                    27th September,
                                                   8th November and
                                                     3th December.
                                                Meetings are at 6pm and
                                                 everyone is welcome .

                             Week 2- Term 3, 2021

Student of the Week                  Other Awards
Yr 0-1 Rito     Renee             Rito       Katherine Pendergrast,
                  Strichen                   For fantastic reading, writing and
Yr 1-2          Malachi
Pohutakawa       Ormsby
                                  Pohutakawa Kolby McDonald,
                                             For his speed and accuracy in learning
Yr 3-4          Evelyn                       his Maths basic facts
Kowhai            Kennedy
Yr 4-5          Adam              Kowhai
Karamu            McLaughlin
Yr 6, 7 & 8     Taina Heward      Karamu     Treyzee McRoberts,
Kawakawa        Manaia Heward                For starting to show progress at sitting
                Karlia Baird                 calmly during Meditation

Charism         Jayden Smith      Kawakawa   Ava Mawkes,
                                             For helping others with their learning.
                                             Davey Cummings,
                                             For being an important team member.
Peer Mediator
St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School
St Paul’s Catholic School Ngaruawahia                                    Singing Lessons
CALENDAR TERM 3, 2021                                                         Guitar/Ukuele Lessons
                                                                                                      - Mondays

Week       Mon             Tue               Wed         Thu            Fri                Sat           Sun
             16             17                 18         19             20                  21            22

           BOT                         School Mass                                                       Love
 4                                     To celebrate

             23             24                 25         26             27                  28            29

                                      Kowhai Mass      Manual          MUFTI                             Love
                                                                    End of Month

                                                                    Daffodil Day

             30             31               1 SEPT        2             3                   4             5

                                         Rito &                     CIS X-Country                         Joy
 6                                                                                                     Fathers
                                         Mass                                                           Day

             6               7                 8           9             10                  11            12

                                       Kawakawa        Manual                                             Joy

             13             14                 15         16             17                  18            19

                                         Karamu                        Cricket                           Holy
 8                                                                                                    Communion
                                          Mass                        Lessons

                                        St Paul’s

             20             21                 22         23             24                  25            26

                        Interschool   Kowhai Mass      Manual          MUFTI                          Gentleness
 9         TOD
                                       Student Led
                         X-Country                                  End of Month                        Daylight
                                       Conferences                                                    Saving Starts
        No School                         1-6pm

             27             28                 29         30           1 OCT                 2             3

10         BOT                        End of Term     Yr 7&8 Self    MUFTI Day
          Meeting                        Mass          Defence      End of Term

                                       Yr 7&8 Self
St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School St Paul's Catholic School - Vision: At St Paul's we know, love and serve God - St. Pauls School
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