Holiday Programme May - June 2018 - A. CREATIVE WRITING PROGRAMMES - Squarespace

Page created by Sally Butler
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Holiday Programme
May - June 2018

* Each class will be implementing our innovative flashcards method to help your child
learn compositions more effectively and efficiently.

With the revised PSLE syllabus being implemented for about 4 years now,
composition topics tested and done in schools are increasingly varied. There are 3
main difficulties faced by students in composition writing based on this revised

 #1: Challenging Scenario       #2: Tricky Theme                 #3: Simplistic Theme

 Most students would            At times, the theme can be       Students may struggle to
 struggle when given            rather tricky. For example, in   come up with a plot that is
 scenarios that they have not   a theme such as “Unfair          interesting when the theme
 been exposed to before, and    Punishment”, some students       given seems rather simplistic.
 find it difficult to come up   may not focus on the             As such, their compositions
 with a good plot               punishment being ‘unfair’        end up too short and without
 immediately.                   and simply write about any       sufficient build up.
                                punishment. Also, students
                                may not know how to resolve
                                a punishment that seems
                                unfair. Some students may
                                also go off-topic by writing
                                about getting into a fight or
                                hurting someone, which
                                would not justify the
                                punishment as being ‘unfair’.

With these challenges and demands of topics and plots tested, we hope that this
Holiday Programme will offer your children greater exposure to approach different
topics and scenarios. This would equip them with more ideas and techniques to
effectively tackle the composition segment in their examinations.                                              

1. CREATIVE WRITING + ORAL (Primary 1 - Primary 3)
The following topics will be covered in our Primary 1 - Primary 3 Creative Writing and
Oral classes:
 Level            Composition Topics

 Primary 1 / 2    (1) Theme: Dangerous Act
                  Pictures: Boy jumping from high place / Swinging on curtain / Boy injured

                  Possible plots:
                  (A) You were watching a Spiderman cartoon on television and decided to try "flying"
                  by jumping from your double decker bed.
                  (B) You were watching a Tarzan cartoon on television and decided to try swinging
                  around by using the curtains in the living room.

                  (2) Theme: Doing the Right Thing
                  Pictures: Fingers on lips / Someone littering / Teacher praising student

                  Possible plots:
                  (A) You heard your classmates making a lot of noise in the school library and
                  reminded them to keep quiet.
                  (B) You saw someone littering in the canteen and went to pick up the rubbish.

 Primary 3        (1) Theme: Brave / Heroic Act
                  Pictures: Boy trapped under tree / Two people fighting / Teacher praising student

                  Possible plots:
                  (A) You and your classmates went to help a boy trapped under a fallen tree
                  (B) You and your classmates went to stop a fight in school

                  (2) Theme: Rash Act
                  Pictures: Boy pushing his brother / Old lady falling down / Boy looking scared

                  Possible Plots:
                  (A) You fought with your younger sibling and pushed him/her down the stairs in anger
                  (B) You were running in down the escalator and pushed an old lady down in your

Each student will receive four model compositions throughout our two-day
programme. We will also be covering other creative-writing techniques. They include:
   • Varied sentence structure
   • Good vocabulary
   • Building tension

Part of the class will also be focused on teaching skills for the students’ Oral exams.                                             

2. PURE CREATIVE WRITING (Primary 4 - Primary 6)

Each student will learn six different composition topics (four model compositions +
two additional application worksheets). These application worksheets teach students
how to apply the phrases and plots they have learnt across similar compositions. This
is important because the new syllabus encourages students to think more in depth
and bring in moral values into their stories. Because of that, the topics that can be
tested on are much more varied and students can no longer just rely on memorising
model compositions. Learning how to apply their phrases and plots allow for a wider
range of topics a student can cover in their revision.

The following topics will be covered in our Primary 4 – Primary 6 Pure Creative Writing

 Level            Composition Topics

 Primary 4        (1) Theme: Brave / Heroic Act
                  Pictures: Boy trapped under tree / Two people fighting / Teacher praising student

                  Possible plots:
                  (A) You and your classmates went to help a boy trapped under a fallen tree
                  (B) You and your classmates went to stop a fight in school

                  (2) Theme: Rash Act
                  Pictures: Boy pushing his brother / Old lady falling down / Boy looking scared

                  Possible Plots:
                  (A) You fought with your younger sibling and pushed him/her down the stairs in anger
                  (B) You were running in down the escalator and pushed an old lady down in your

                  Additional Material: Composition Application Worksheet for ‘Brave/Heroic Act’

 Primary 5 / 6    (1) Theme: Unfair Treatment
                  Pictures: Old man at hawker centre / Construction worker / Lady shouting

                  Possible plots:
                  (A) You witnessed a cleaner at the hawker centre being shouted at / verbally abused
                  (B) You witnessed a foreign worker being shoved and bullied

                  (2) Theme: Regretful Incident
                  Pictures: Rollercoaster / Homeless man / A boy looking sick

                  Possible plots:
                  (A) You ate too much and thought you could go for a roller coaster ride at the theme
                  (B) You walked past an old homeless man who needed help but ignored him. When
                  you remembered and went back, it was too late.

                  Additional Material: Composition Application Worksheet for ‘Regretful Incident’                               

B. PAPER 2 PROGRAMMES (Primary 5 - Primary 6)
Between levels, certain jumps may be more pronounced than others. This is
especially true for the new Primary 5 and 6 students who will find that much more is
required of them in their respective levels.

As such, we have planned special intensive classes to help students specifically for
their Paper 2 component.

Segments such as Grammar and Synthesis will be broken down into specific topics, so
that students will learn the respective techniques and rules necessary to answer the
questions. Special ‘challenging’ questions will also be set, so as to give the students a
foretaste of the challenge to come.

We will also be going through the Comprehension segment. Many times, students
lack precision in their answers, or they fail to recognise the requirements of the
questions. Sometimes, they simply struggle with the passage. We aim to show them
that Comprehension, while seemingly abstract, can actually be broken down into
concrete strategies and techniques.

Aside from Grammar, Synthesis and Comprehension Open-Ended, we will also be
covering the following components:
   • Comprehension Cloze
   • Editing
   • Visual Text                                        

1. Every programme will run for TWO days only.
2. The maximum number of students per class is 12.
3. All class timings are from 9.30am - 1.30pm (4 hours). This includes a 30-minute
   lunch break for all students.

                                       Programmes (9.30am - 1.30pm)

        Level             Days / Dates (2018)               Day                   Venue
    P1 Creative                                                           AMK 702 / Parkway /
                              31st May - 1st June     Thursday - Friday
  Writing and Oral                                                           Bukit Timah
                              28th May - 29th May    Monday - Tuesday            AMK 702
    P2 Creative
                              31st May - 1st June     Thursday - Friday     AMK 702 / Parkway
  Writing and Oral
                              7th June - 8th June     Thursday - Friday   Parkway / Bukit Timah

                              28th May - 29th May    Monday - Tuesday       AMK 702 / Parkway
    P3 Creative
                              31st May - 1st June     Thursday - Friday    AMK Hub / Clementi
  Writing and Oral
                              4th June - 5th June    Monday - Tuesday      AMK Hub / Parkway

                              28th May - 29th May    Monday - Tuesday      AMK Hub / Parkway
      P4 Pure                                                             AMK 702 / Parkway /
                              4th June - 5th June    Monday - Tuesday
  Creative Writing                                                           Bukit Timah
                              7th June - 8th June     Thursday - Friday          Clementi

                              28th May - 29th May    Monday - Tuesday       AMK 702 / Parkway

                              31st May - 1st June     Thursday - Friday          Clementi
      P5 Pure
  Creative Writing            4th June - 5th June    Monday - Tuesday             Parkway

                              7th June - 8th June     Thursday - Friday   AMK Hub / Bukit Timah
     P5 Paper 2
                              31st May - 1st June     Thursday - Friday     AMK 702 / Parkway
                              28th May - 29th May    Monday - Tuesday      AMK Hub / Parkway

                              31st May - 1st June     Thursday - Friday         Bukit Timah
      P6 Pure
  Creative Writing            4th June - 5th June    Monday - Tuesday            AMK 702
                                                                          AMK Hub / Parkway /
                              7th June - 8th June     Thursday - Friday
                              31st May - 1st June     Thursday - Friday    AMK Hub / Parkway
     P6 Paper 2
      Intensive                                                           AMK Hub / Parkway /
                              4th June - 5th June    Monday - Tuesday
                                                                             Bukit Timah                                           

                                                     Price# (Before GST)
     Programmes                                                         Group ^          Early Bird
                               Normal             Early Bird*
                                                                      (4 people)        + Group *^
    All programmes              $265.00             $250.00            $255.00              $245.00

# Prices listed are for one student and are subject to 7% GST.
* All Early Bird promotions are eligible only until 4th May 2018. To enjoy Early Bird Discount, all
payments must be made by the 4th May 2018. An enquiry via email does not make one eligible for an
early bird discount. A full registration is required for one to be eligible for the discount.
^ Students forming the group has to be 4 different students. Group discounts will be eligible across all
levels, programmes and locations.

All registration can be made online via the following link:

Registration will end on 23rd May 2018. Do note that our administrators will reply
you with a confirmation email within THREE working days. You will receive an email to
confirm your child’s registration.

All payment should be made via Cash or NETS only at any of our branches. We will
not be accepting any cheque payment / bank transfers.

Details of our branch addresses and operating hours can be found on our website at

Payments must be made within one week upon receiving the confirmation email
from our administrators. Otherwise, TAS reserves the right to release your slot to
others on the waiting list. In order to enjoy Early Bird discounts, payment must be
made by the 4th May 2018.

• No cheque payments will be accepted at our branches.
• Registrations beyond the registration date may also be given to you if slots are still
  available. In such cases, payments must be made in Cash / NETS only within 3
  working days.                                              

Lunch will be provided from McDonalds for both days of the Holiday Programme.
                                                    Food Choices

                                  Cup of corn /
     Filet O Fish             +   packet of fries
                                                        +                 A packet of Ribena


Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any special request or changes to the meal.
Parents may choose to opt out of this lunch option and prepare their own meals from
home. However, prices for our Holiday Programme will remain the same. Students will
not be allowed to leave the centres to purchase food or drinks from nearby eateries.

                                         PRIMARY 1 - 2             PRIMARY 3          PRIMARY 4 - 6

 Pencil and Eraser                              ✔                     ✔                        ✔

 Pen and Correction Tape                                                                       ✔

 Green Pen (for corrections), Red               ✔                     ✔                        ✔
 Pen (for marking purposes)

 A4 Size Whiteboard, Marker,                    ✔                     ✔                        ✔
 Duster (for class participation)

 Other stationery (for e.g.                     ✔                     ✔                        ✔
 highlighter, stapler, ruler)


(i) No refunds will be given for any cancellation once payment has been made as a
slot has already been reserved for you. However, materials used for the Holiday
Programme will be provided for you. These materials can be collected from 28th May
2018 onwards at the respective branches according to our opening hours (stated on
our website).

(ii) We highly recommend registered students to attend the full two-day course he/she
has registered for to prevent a disruption in your child’s learning environment. However,
a make-up class can be arranged depending on the availability of the slot. TAS will not
be liable if any materials taught are repeated in the make-up class. Every class is taught
at a pace suitable for the class.

For further enquiries, you may email us at

Yours sincerely,
The TAS Team
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