HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church

Page created by Leo Welch
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church

                        Gather • Grow • Live • Launch
                                 "The In-Between"
Over Presidents’ Day weekend my wife and I visited our oldest child in Washington, D.C. We left in a
blizzard and came back to rain and flooding. But as is often the case, it is what happens in the “in-
between” that we will cherish the most. For us, that meant, not only being with Emma, but marveling
at the flowers that were springing up in our nation’s capital.

As we walked the streets and took in the sights we constantly came across signs of new life and the
coming of spring. And just in case you were wondering, spring officially begins this year on March 20
at 11:33 a.m. EDT.

March is also the beginning of Lent in the Christian calendar. It begins on March 2 with Ash
Wednesday and ends on the Saturday before Easter, April 16. The word Lent is derived from an
Anglo-Saxon word meaning “spring.” Traditionally, it is a time of self-examination, penance, and
preparation. The goal of the season is to prepare us for the celebration of Easter, as well as the
second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Of course, the temptation is to try and hurry through Lent or see it as unnecessary as we make that
journey toward Easter. After all, Easter is the high point of the Christian calendar. It is the day we
gather to remember, with praise and thanksgiving, Christ’s victory over sin and death. Not only that,
but typically we will walk out of church that day to a world that is mirroring Jesus’ new life with
budding trees, blooming flowers, and warmer weather. But please, please don’t skip over the next six
plus weeks of Lent.

Cherish the “in-between.” “I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to observe a holy Lent:
by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and
meditation on God’s Holy Word” (The United Methodist Book of Worship, p.322, 1992).

If you are looking for some resources to use throughout this special season, the following are some I
would recommend:

   The United Methodist Churches of Indiana 2022 Lenten Devotional. This includes daily
   devotionals and was written by Indiana United Methodists. You can find a copy at
    We will also put a link on our website.
   If your marriage needs a little spring (or resurrection) read together “You and Me Forever:
   Marriage in Light of Eternity” by Francis & Lisa Chan.
   “Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers” by Dane C. Ortlund.
   Download the “YouVersion” Bible App on your phone or tablet and click on “Plans” at the bottom.
   Go to “Find Plans” and use the search word “lent.” Several different Lenten plans will be available.

God Bless,
Pastor John
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church
Pastor John will be starting a new Lenten Bible Study called, “The Case for Easter” by Lee Strobel.
This "investigation" into Christ's death answers three crucial questions seekers ask: Was Jesus' death
a sham? Was his tomb really empty? Was he seen alive after his death on the cross?
Pastor John will lead this study starting Wednesday, March 9th at 6:30 pm for 4 weeks. You are
invited to join this study, no sign up required, just show up!

Starting Monday, April 11th, Janet Miller will begin a new Bible Study on The Chosen. Together
you’ll journey through the first season of The Chosen. During this study you will to delve more
deeply into each episode as you explore the life of Jesus. You'll come to realize that you are called,
cherished, and carried; have been made new and established; are now his witness; and more. Study
will take place Monday mornings at 10am beginning April 11th . To sign up, check the bulletin board
in the Narthex, or contact Pastor Sarah.
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church
BREAKTHROUGH STUDENT MINISTRY                                        Stewardship Report:

                                                                   Annual Budget:      $ 698,571
                                                                   Year to Date Need: $ 107,472
     March 6: Youth Group 5-6:30 pm                                Year to Date Rec'd: $ 117,448
     March 13: Youth Group 5-6:30 pm
     March 20: Youth Group 5-6:30 pm
                                                                          Ways to give:
     March 27: Activity TBD Watch your weekly emails!
                                                                   Mail (we collect mail each day)
 This month we are back to a normal weekly meeting! February       Online (
 was a great month, we ran the Souper Bowl Fundraiser and          Text "give" to 833-942-1919
 raised about $1000, started confirmation, and hired a new Youth
 director, Tyler Dew! This month we are going to spend some        Online & Text options can be set
 time getting to know Tyler, keep plugging away at Confirmation,   up as a one-time or recurring gift.
 and begin preparing for our summer trips!

                                      Tyler, Jessica                     Worship
                                Brooklynn & Gracelynn
                                                                          8:30 a.m. Traditional
                                                                       9:45 a.m. Growth Studies
                                                                       10:45 a.m. Contemporary
                                                                   10:45 a.m. Breakout (Grades K-6)
                                                                    The first Sunday of each month is
                                                                     Family Worship. (No Breakout)

                                                                   We will continue to live stream a
                                                                   full service online at 10:45 a.m.
                                                                    You will find these through
                                                                    Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo,
                                                                    and at
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church
STEPHEN MINISTRY                                                               submitted by Linda Schrock, SM Leader

Lent starts March 2, 2022. Traditionally it is a time to “give up” something such as chocolate, sweets, etc., etc. If I recall
correctly, Pastor John challenged us last year to think of Lent as a time to add something to our daily routine, such as time
dedicated to prayer, study of scripture, writing letters or notes of encouragement to another, or sharing one’s time and
talents with others. However, as you interact with your friends and acquaintances during this season of Lent, if you
perceive that a one-time contact is not sufficient, remember the caring Stephen Ministry resources available within FUMC.

There has been a significant amount of change and loss within our church family and community. For those times when an
occasional note or phone call does not meet the need on a longer-term basis, the care and support from a Stephen
Minister, who has been trained to listen without judgement and to maintain confidentiality, can make the difference in
either getting “stuck” in the pit of despair or putting events into perspective and begin to identify new way to cope with life
challenges. The mission of Stephen Ministry is: Christ caring for all people through His disciples for the transformation of
our congregation and community. Our Stephen Ministers have completed many hours of training to provide support, listen
without judgement and to bring the love of Christ to one who is having difficulty coping with whatever stresses, losses, or
life changes they are encountering.

If you want to refer a friend or relative to Stephen Ministry for Christian care and support, please obtain his or her
permission to provide their name and phone number to the Referral Coordinator so that an appropriate referral for care
can be made. The Referral Coordinators at FUMC are: Pastor John at 574-875-4438 ext. 105 or Vicki Shoemaker at 574-
226- 6903. One of them will meet with the potential Care Receiver to review the role of the Stephen Minister and listen as
he or she very briefly describes what their needs are so that the best resources can be made available.

Currently FUMC has 10 active Stephen Ministers. We also have access to the South Bend Stephen Ministry network and
Goshen Stephen Ministers for those times when all our Stephen Ministers have an assigned Care Receiver, and/or if there
is a need to reach outside our own group due to the personal desires of the potential Care Receiver.

                      This year we are promoting 3 different weeks of camp for our three age groups.

                             Elementary (grades 3-5) @ Camp Lakewood week of June 26-July 1
                                Jr. High (grades 6-8) @ Camp Adventure week of July 10-15
                                         Sr. High @ Epworth Forest week of July 3-8

 We have been blessed to be able to continue offering to contribute 75% of the cost for your child to attend. In order to
receive this discount, you’ll need to call the church office to receive a discount code. Payment plans for the balance are
also available through the camp registration site.

Sr. High students will need to register through a personalized link to our rented cabin which is available now from
Pastor Sarah. Payment will be collected at a later date. If you have any questions about the camping ministry or
registration, please contact Pastor Sarah.
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church
March Missions
Birthdays                                                             Loose Coins for Faith UMC
March   1:  Mahra Chris                                                 Missions Scholarship
March   2:  Rich Brewton • Suzan Mortrud • Danielle Thompson         In memory of Dale Stickel, we have

March   3:  Vanessa DuBois                                            the Missions Scholarship fund to

                                                                      assist those going on their first
March   5:  Roger Niccum
                                                                          Faith UMC Mission Trip.
March   6:  Marilyn Anderson • Veradine Berkey • Jeremiah Clark
March   7:  Terry Alber • Dave Long                                  Church Community Services:
March   8:  Mandy Chris • Marv Clark • Missy Coleman                           Infant Diapers

            Richard Gorsuch • Craig Stiver                               Adult Incontinence Products

March   9: Payton Starzyk                                                   Nonperishable Food
March   12: Brenda Horein • Louise McDowell
March   13: Pat Griffey
March   14: Jean Hilligoss                                               Kingdom Kids
March   16: Tiffany Roa
March   17: Becky Nelson • Dan Null • Dale McDowell • Pat Shaffer     Thank you to the staff and

March   21: Christy Niccum • Pat Robertson • Laura Stout              volunteers from Faith that
March   23: Elaine Fair • Jan McBride
                                                                     have been visiting, working,
March   24: Irene Weesner
                                                                       and supporting Kingdom
March   25: Jessica Buckmeier • Laura Radeline
March   26: Larry Miller • Sandy Trindle                               Kids. We are growing and
March   27: Bruce Van Dyke • Phyllis Wood • Christianna Youngblood
                                                                       would love to have more
March   29: Matt Simon
                                                                     folks come read to the kids!
March   30: John Southern
March   31: Marilyn Smith

                                 Anniversaries                            Children's
                                 March 15: Todd & Sheila Tice
                                 March 21: Richard & Mona Gorsuch          Sunday
                                 March 24: John & Cathy Southern
                                 March 24: Kent & Sherri Stauffer          School
                                 March 25: Randy & Joanne Hirsh
                                 March 25: Dean & Jan McDowell
                                                                       We are ALMOST ready
                                                                         to offer Children's
                                                                        Sunday School classes
                                                                       again. We have enough
                                                                       children for 3-4 in each
                                                                         of four classrooms,
                                                                       which is very exciting!

                                                                          Why are we only
                                                                      "almost" ready? Because
                                                                        we need YOU! If the
                                                                      needs of our children are
                                                                        laying on your heart,
                                                                       contact Karen Lockhart
                                                                      to ask how you can help!
HNEWS - Elkhart Faith United Methodist Church
In Our Prayers
Cancer                   Medical                         Medical (cont.)                 Other
Becky Adams              Cody, Wife & Infant Twins       Tim & Michelle Jones            Mary Karon
Scott Armold             Jaxson (8yrs old)               Remington Juday                 Joann Vance
Jim Bellamy              Alex Alber                      Ramona Kelly                    Marcus Weldy
Rudy Chapman             Phil & Tonda Alwine             Tyler Knudson                   Persecuted Christians
Becky Cline              Bruce & Lynda Atkinson          Diana Mathewson                 Our Youth & Children
Don Dailey               Harry Bennett*                  Ian McMillan                    Stephen Ministers
Brittany Gasper          Chelsea Burgess                 Larry & Karen Miller            Susanna's Kitchen
                                                                                         Kingdom Kids Daycare
Mona Gorsuch             Brayden Baker                   Bailey Morgantown
Ed & Deb Kiefer          Maureen Bellamy                 Kevin Myers
Tim Kris                 Virginia Bennett                Wendy Myers
Alyssa Lintz             Karen Bohn                      Steve Page                                  JOYS!*
Betty Love*              Lynn Brooks*                    Betty Plaisted                    Josie Butler is doing well.
Deb Michael              Bob Buckey                      Dawn Rider                        "Thank you for prayers.
Howie Morgan             Allan Carlson*                  Nicole Robinson Surg. 3/3*       Delbert Schrock is healing
Kelly Nielsen            John Clark                      John Ruderschmidt                          well."
Doug Nickell             Christina Cook                  Carley Schenk                   "Thank-you so much for the
Joyce Parker             Gene Cook                       Bob Schlobohm                    prayers for Kevin Weldy's
                                                                                          recent cancer surgery. We
Cassandra Peters         Diana Cunningham                Pat Sharkey
                                                                                           are very grateful that the
Timmy Phillips           Alex Derenak                    Lori Shay                         Lord has blessed us with
Jeremy Schutz            Cecil Dixon                     Marilou Snell                        answered prayer."
Molly Smith              Edward Dowd                     Kaitlin Snyder                      Welcome Tyler Dew
Cathy Spry               Kathy Eash                      Savannah Speer                          & Family!
Christina Stevenson      Sue Everett                     Judy Stickel
Joel Taylor              Jeff Fecher                     Darlene Stiver
Carol Tice               Carol Fort                      Alicia Sullivan
Linda Utley              Sam Gratz                       Ramona Sutphin
Glen Wade                Carolyn Greenwood               Kurt Teggee
Marlene Whitehead        Austin Groves                   George Valdez
Joe Williams             Dwight Hamilton                 Ginger Vilmure
Lori                     Karen Hartung                   Joan Wagner*
                         Benitta Herman                  Chuck & Kit Waite
                                                                                              *New this month
                         Scott Hinman                    Shirley Weaver
                         Lloyd Hochstedler               Sue & Paul Weesner
                         Eugene Huang                    Sue Weldy
                         Alain Huff                      Sherrill Wenger
                         Everett Jamison

Losses: Linda Hapner (Mark); Jim Harrington (Kathy Riker); Dorothy Kissel

                Please update the office about those you have added to the prayer list. Thank you.

         Military: Josh Eash, Jr. • Chris Fisher • Stephanie Hempel • Caleb Toler
                                 Vanessa Toler • Aaron Zigler
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