Welcome to Historic - St Joseph Church

Page created by Cindy Brady
Welcome to Historic - St Joseph Church
Welcome to Historic

May 15th, 2022
Fr. Timothy P. Andres, O. Carm., Pastor
Deacon Doug Starasinich
416 N. Chicago Street
Joliet, IL 60432 | 815‐727-9378
Weekend Assistants
Fr. Joe Atcher, O. Carm.
Fr. James Lewis, O. Carm.
Fr. Jeff Smialek, O. Carm.
Rectory Hours
Monday — Thursday, 7:30AM—3:30PM
Friday, 7:30AM—1:00PM
Fr. Timothy P. Andres, O. Carm., Pastor
Deacon Doug Starasinich
Cheryl Gimbel, Coord. of Parish Services
Judy Halsne, Office Manager
Jen Meredith, Office Assistant
Scott Pucel, Facilities Manager
Richard Cabay, Cemetery Sexton/ Park Mgr.
Cemetery: 815-722-6016
               Social Media
Parish Website
Facebook, Under ‘Pages’
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Joliet, Illinois
St. Joseph Joliet Museum
Twitter, @stjosephjoliet

                                                              St. Joseph Parish Mission Statement
                                                “As living members of the Body of Christ, the people of St. Joseph Parish
                                                      embrace the Traditions of the Church as given to us by Christ.
                                               Empowered by the Holy Spirit we teach, live, and love one another as broth-
                                                        ers and sisters in Christ, and celebrate the Word of God as a
                                                       faith-filled community that welcomes all who seek the truth.
                                                We celebrate the presence of God in our midst through worship, service,
                                                    and catechesis. In accordance with the teachings of the Church,
                                                we work to assist all parish members in discerning the truths of our faith
                                                  and the moral obligation to which we are called to live the Gospel.”
Welcome to Historic - St Joseph Church
Flame of Faith
                                                                                                    In Memory Of
                                                                                                Walter Lustik
                                                                                            Joseph & Mary Vidmar
Saturday, May 14 — Vigil
 4:00 p.m. Margaret T. Andres (Knights of Columbus, Holy
           Trinity #4400)                                          Fr. Tim Selected to Receive the Victor Cardosi Award
 4:00 p.m. John & Mary Chaloka (Family)                            The Joliet Diocesan Chapter of the Knights of Columbus
 4:00 p.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Halsne Family          annually holds a Recognition Dinner for those individuals,
 4:00 p.m. Ray & Nan Horvatin, Wedding Anniversary (Family)
                                                                   selected to be recipients of the Victor Cardosi Award. The
 4:00 p.m. Ty Miller (Santiago Family)
                                                                   selected individuals are those who, as Knights, have exem-
 4:00 p.m. Bernice Nemanich (Michael Nemanich)
                                                                   plified Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism in Family,
Sunday, May 15 —Fifth Sunday of Easter                             Community, Church, and Council Activities above and be-
 8:30 a.m. Frank & Theresa Buldak (Family)                         yond that of the average council member. The award is
 8:30 a.m. William Govednik (A & B) (Family)                       named for Victor Cardosi who was a lifelong resident of
 8:30 a.m. Richard & Mary Kubinski (Peggy Kubinski)                Kankakee. He received the Order of the Star of Solidarity
 8:30 a.m. Margaret Lucenta (Frank & Rosemary Markun)              by the Italian government for his anti-communist activities
 8:30 a.m. Richard Morelli (Your Heavenly Buddy, Jack)             in the 1950's, and was named a Knight of St. Gregory by
10:30 a.m. For the People of St. Joseph (Pro Popolo)
                                                                   Pope John XXIII in 1959. The award was created by the Di-
10:30 a.m. Margaret T. Andres (Mary Mihelich)
                                                                   ocese of Joliet Chapter and recognizes outstanding achieve-
10:30 a.m. Frank Borrego, Sr. (B) & Daniel Duffy (A) (Borrego
                                                                   ment and service to the parish and community.
10:30 a.m. Salvadore Michael Magana (Mother)                       We extend our hearty congratulations to Fr. Tim, who was
10:30 a.m. Delores Wilson (B) (Tom & Bev Kotowicz Family)          chosen as a recipient of the Cardosi Award. Fr. Tim is a life-
Monday, May 16 — Easter Weekday                                    time, 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus, and
 8:30 a.m. My Dear Sister, Diane (A) (Sister)                      is the chaplain of Holy Trinity Council 4400 in Joliet. As
 8:30 a.m. Alyssa Shields (Family)                                 chaplain he has brought new parish members to the coun-
Tuesday, May 17— Easter Weekday                                    cil enabling the council to increase its work to the parish
 8:30 a.m. Thank You, St. Jude (Richard & Georgia Lenzen)          and community with more services and activities. He is
                                                                   truly devoted to the Catholic Church and the Knights of
Wednesday, May 18— St. John I                                      Columbus.
8:30 a.m. Patrick James Quigley (James Sefcik)
Thursday, May 19— Easter Weekday
                                                                   Congratulations and God bless you in all you do, Fr. Tim!
 8:30 a.m. Domingo Baldivia, Sr. (A) (Wife and Family)
 8:30 a.m. Shirley Micklich (Craig & Pam Dixon)
Friday, May 20 — St. Bernardine of Siena                           St. Joe’s School Alum in Need of Bone Marrow Donor
 8:30 a.m. Pauline Russ (Mollie Gregorash)                         A twenty-six-year-old former St. Joseph School student is
                                                                   in need of a bone marrow donor, as his leukemia has re-
Saturday, May 21 — Vigil                                           turned.
 4:00 p.m. Theresa Esler (Fenoglio Family)
 4:00 p.m. JoAnne Horvat (Gaylord Faull)                           If you are between the ages of 18 to 40, please consider
 4:00 p.m. Walter Lustik (A) (Wife & Family)                       becoming a member of Be The Match’s bone marrow/
 4:00 p.m. Safety of American Troops (Julia Sarcletti)             blood stem cell donor registry. Click on the Be the Match
 4:00 p.m. Mario Smoglian (Jim & Joan Pedersen)                    link on our parish website, www.stjosephjoliet.org and
Sunday, May 22 —Sixth Sunday of Easter                             answer the questions that follow. Based on your respons-
 8:30 a.m. Margaret T. Andres (Deacon Dave & Jo Raskowski)         es, a determination will be made if you are a fit for Be The
 8:30 a.m. Audrey Churnovic (Dufour Family)                        Match’s registry at this time. If you are a fit, you will be
 8:30 a.m. Amalija Kaluza (Frank & Lillian Cepon)                  mailed a cheek-swabbing kit to determine your human
 8:30 a.m. Chester Rutkowski (Bernardine Rutkowski)                leukocyte antigen (HLA) type and will then be entered into
 8:30 a.m. Emerzia Shroba (Frank , Lillian & Cepon Family)         the organization’s registry.
 8:30 a.m. Mildred Slobodnik (B) (Bernie Russ)
                                                                   As Be The Match (bethematch.org) states on their website,
10:30 a.m. For the People of St. Joseph (Pro Popolo)
10:30 a.m. Yolanda Borrego (A) (Borrego Family)
                                                                   “Join the registry and help someone live a life full of possi-
10:30 a.m. Robert & Barbara Hoyt, 50th Wedding Anniversary         bilities.” Don’t forget - there is always a chance that your
10:30 a.m. Sophie Kolakowski (A) (Lorraine Belom)                  generosity will end up helping a Joliet community member
10:30 a.m. Salvadore Michael Magana (A) (Mother)                   or a family member of someone within the St. Joseph Par-
10:30 a.m. Virginia Papesh (B) (McGinnis Family)                   ish family.

                                                2 Page | St. Joseph Catholic Church
Welcome to Historic - St Joseph Church
Ministry Schedule                            Feast of Maria Pomagaj Mass
May 14th & 15 th                                                   The Joliet KSKJ Lodges will have a Mass on Wednesday,
Lectors:                                                           May 25th, 2022 at 6 PM for the Feast of Maria Pomagaj,
 4:00 PM S. Planinsek                                              Our Lady of Brezje, the Patroness of Slovenia and the KSKJ.
 8:30 AM D. Dodson                                                 The Mass will be offered for all living and deceased KSKJ
10:30 AM C. Kadela                                                 members. Everyone is invited to attend Mass and a social
Extraordinary Ministers:                                           gathering after Mass in Ferdinand Hall. Please come and
 4:00 PM B. Gimbel, L. Michalak                                    celebrate an important part of our Slovenian heritage.
 8:30 AM D. Dodson, S. Walters
10:30 AM C. Kadela, H. Snyder
                          May 21st & 22nd
                          Lectors:                                 The Joyful Again! program is for both men and women (all
                           4:00 PM B. Schelli                      ages) who have been widowed and are still trying to find
                           8:30 AM J. Kraus                        hope and new joy in life. All are welcome.
                          10:30 AM D. Mackley
                          Extraordinary Ministers:                 What: Retreat/Workshop for Widowed Men & Women
                           4:00 PM B. & M. Schelli                 When: June 25 & 26, 2022 (2-day program)
                           8:30 AM B. & D. Zelinski                Where: St. Julie’s Parish, Tinley Park, Illinois
                          10:30 AM C. Frieders, D. Mackley         For further information, please call 708-354-7211, e-mail
                                                                   us at joyfulagain7211@gmail.com, or visit our website
                    Our Weekly Offering
May   8th,   2022
   Weekly Offering………………………………..               $    9,309.50         If you would like to take up the Offertory Gifts
   Additional Donations………………………..             $    1,115.00           at Mass, please let the ushers know at least
      May God bless you always for your generosity                           15 minutes before Mass begins.
           and support of St. Joseph Parish!

             Pray for Those Who Serve...                           05/15/22: Acts 14:21-27/Ps 145:8-13/Rv 21:1-5/Jn 13:31-35
                                                                   05/16/22: Acts 14:5-18/Ps 115:1-4, 15-16/Jn 14:21-26
 Spec. Rafael Arias, Andrew Bender, Sgt. Nikolas Borrego,
                                                                   05/17/22: Acts 14:19-28/Ps 145:10-13, 21/Jn 14:27-31
 Lindsey Carroll, Matthew Carroll, Cpt. Peter Collins,
 LTC David M. Conner, Michael A. Elmore, Michael J. Elmore,
                                                                   05/18/22: Acts 15:1-6/Ps 122:1-5/Jn 15:1-8
 Mitchell Elmore, LTC Donald Erickson, Holly Erickson,             05/19/22: Acts 15:7-21/Ps 96:1-3, 10/Jn 15:9-11
 Mia Erickson, Anthony Gayton, Melissa Gonzalez,                   05/20/22: Acts 15:22-31/Ps 57:8-12/Jn 15:12-17
 Jessica Juarez, Miguel Juarez, Sgt. John M. Khandzhayan,          05/21/22: Acts 16:1-10/Ps 100:1-5/Jn 15:18-21
 Sgt. Mariela Sanchez-Khandzhayan, Wyatt Lawson,
 Jared Anthony Mason, Tony Mosher, Andres Nunez,                   Live the Liturgy– Inspiration for the week
 Charles B. Ritzler IV, Augie Spoto, Drake Urbancic                The resurrected Christ gives us the strength to do things we
                                                                   can never have imagined. Life will often give us mountains
                                                                   to climb, and we wonder how we will find the energy,
                    Pray for Our Sick                              ability, and determination to forge ahead. But, with a good
 Walter Adamic, Joe Babich, Anthony Bendy, John Block, Erica       dosage of faith and a fervent life of prayer we find ourselves
   Ceballos, Nuree Chirachaisingh, Jack Chua, Jack Facinelli,      succeeding and ascending to heights that once frightened
       Veronica Fairman, Walter Ferguson, Irene Gordan,            us. What we realize after we have reached the other side is
       Carolyn Grady, Jean Haas, Kris Horn, Barbara Hoyt,          that this hardship we once saw as an obstacle has become a
         Joe Jonish, Dorothy Kabara, Bob & Phyllis Keca,           vehicle for something better and greater. We are stronger.
 John Konopek, Benjamin Lawson, Terry Meyer, Greg Munich,          The same is true with the Gospel. The prospect of loving
  Mary Papesh, Theresa Papesh, Donna Popek, Charles Raub,          one another may seem idealistic or unobtainable. Yet, when
    Joan Reeves, Pat Riley, George Rozman, Genevieve Russ,         we risk moving beyond just looking out for or helping each
  Jonita Ruth, Julia Sarcletti, James Sefcik, Gavin Springsteen,
                                                                   other to actually LOVING each other, miracles happen.
         Nancy Sraj, Marlene Starasinich, Helen Stewart,
       Doris Tadey, Leo Tibbitts, Joy Tinsman, Diana Tyda,         There is something wonderful that occurs with love. We see
     Joyce Vicich, Ann Vidmar, Edmund Zelko, Marge Zobel,          people in ways we never saw before, understanding and
       and for all those who have no one to pray for them.         appreciating each other’s journey. Love leads to reverence.
                                                                   Faith is strengthened and we move on to try again.

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Welcome to Historic - St Joseph Church
We need YOU!!                                  Kids Corner— May 15th, 2022
Volunteers are still needed for the for the annual Parish        Jesus gave his disciples a new rule. He told them they had
Picnic & Homecoming Fair on Sunday, June 26th.                   to love each other, just like he loved them. What did Jesus
                                                                 mean? Jesus was very patient with his friends. He forgave
It takes many volunteers to make the parish picnic a huge        his friends when they let him down. Jesus comforted them
success. There are many areas in which to volunteer:             when they were afraid. Most of all, he helped them grow
Bingo, children’s games, the bar, ticket sales, inside/outside   closer to God.
kitchen, basket booth, and much more!
Click the link under the Fair flyer on our parish website or     Dear God, help me to love my friends like Jesus did.
call the rectory to reserve your time slot. Thank you!
                                                                 Mission for the week
                                                                 I will follow Jesus and forgive those who have hurt me.

                                                                                 A Prayer for Ukraine
                                                                                 God of peace and justice,
                                                                         we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
                                                                   We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.
                                                                      We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,
                                                                  that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.
        Parish Picnic & Homecoming Fair News                        We pray for those with power over war or peace,
 Basket Booth Donations Being Accepted                                  for wisdom, discernment and compassion
We are accepting donations or completed baskets to be                            to guide their decisions.
raffled. Please call Liz Engelman (815-236-8084) with any           Above all, we pray for all your precious children,
questions. All donations can be brought to the rectory.                             at risk and in fear,
                                                                          that you would hold and protect them.
2022 St. Joseph School Class Reunions
This year we are celebrating the Class of 1947, 75th reun-          We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
ion; Class of 1972, 50th reunion, and the Class of 1997,
25th reunion. We will also be having a Museum Open House
on Saturday June 25th.
The following pictures are missing from the museum:
Class of 1972 - 1st Communion (1966)
Class of 1997 - Graduation & 1st Communion (1991)
If you have any photos or memorabilia you’d like to display
                                                                                                      Archbishop Justin Welby
at the Fair, please call Ray & Annette Koncar, 815-726-
                                                                                                   Archbishop Stephen Cottrell
5119 or email us at rfjma@yahoo.com.

                                             4 Page | St. Joseph Catholic Church
Welcome to Historic - St Joseph Church
St. Joseph Seniors News
                                                                   St. Joseph Seniors will meet on Wednesday, May 18th at
                                                                   Noon at St. Joe’s Park. Lunch will include Slovenian
Saturday, May 14th                                                 smokies, sauerkraut, potatoes and more. Cost is $7 for
Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Litany, & Rosary, 3—3:45 PM               members and caretakers. Birthday celebrants are free!
Confessions, 3:00—3:30 PM                                          Please RSVP to Mary at mfbarrett@sbcglobal.net or call/
Mass, 4:00 PM                                                      text Barb at 815-690-7038, no later than May 15th and be
Rocket Pro Wrestling Event, 4:00 PM, St. Joe’s Park Hall           sure to include names of all attending. Free membership is
Sunday, May 15th                                                   available to all parishioners, ages 50 and over. Please come
Masses, 8:30 & 10:30 AM                                            and meet with old friends and make new ones, too! We
                                                                   hope to see you there!
Monday, May 16th
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM
Adoration Chapel, 9—11:00 AM                                       St. Joseph Prayer Shawl to Meet
                                                                   Members of the Prayer Shawl ministry will meet in
Tuesday, May 17th                                                  Ferdinand Hall on Friday, May 20th at 9:30 AM. New
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM                                                members are always welcome!
Adoration Chapel, 9:00 AM —12:00 PM
Wednesday, May 18th                                                 Food Pantry Collection
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM                                                 We will collect non-perishable food, toiletries, and paper
Adoration Chapel, 9:00 AM —12:00 PM                                 products for the St. John’s Food Pantry next weekend,
St. Joseph Seniors, Noon, St. Joe’s Park Hall                       May 21st & 22nd. Thank you for your continued support!
Thursday, May 19th
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM                                                Altar and Rosary Spring Party
Adoration Chapel, 9:00 AM —12:00 PM                                Just a reminder that the Spring Party raffle drawing will be on
                                                                   Saturday, May 21st at 1 PM in the Legion Room at St. Joe’s
Friday, May 20th                                                   Park. Please have your raffle tickets turned in by Wednesday,
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM                                                May 18th. Our member response has been great.
Adoration Chapel, 9— 11:00 AM
Rosary, immediately following Mass                                 We are also accepting donations for prizes. If you have a prize
                                                                   donation, I can pick it up. Just call me at 815-690-7038.
Prayer Shawl, 9:30 AM, Ferdinand Hall
                                                                   Thank you! Barb Guardia
Saturday, May 21st
Altar & Rosary Spring Party, 1:00 PM, Legion Room
Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Litany, & Rosary, 3—3:45 PM               Parish Picnic & Homecoming Fair News
Confessions, 3:00—3:30 PM                                          The next and final Chairperson meeting will be held on
Mass, 4:00 PM                                                      Monday, May 23rd at 6:30 PM in the Park Hall.
St. John’s Food Pantry collection
Sunday, May 22nd                                                   Your Gift to the CMAA Makes a Difference!
Masses, 8:30 & 10:30 AM                                            Our parish goal is $48,600. If you have not done so already,
St. John’s Food Pantry collection                                  please prayerfully consider supporting the CMAA. Don’t
                                                                   forget, once we have reached our goal, we receive a 70%
                                                                   rebate of any amount over to use as the parish needs.
Homecoming Fair Raffle Tickets
All tickets sold and returned by Sunday,                           A gift to the CMAA, no matter the amount, will make a
June 5th will be eligible for the Early Bird                       difference! Together, we can continue to spread the Gospel
drawing with a cash prize of $250.                                 message in our diocese through our ministries and help
                                                                   others in need. Thank you for your support!

                                                                                       Memorial Day Mass
                               Save the Date!                                          Please mark your calendars! We will
                           Pancake breakfast at                                        celebrate morning Mass at 10 AM on
                                                                                       Monday, May 30th at the Cemetery
                                St. Joe’s Park
                                                                                       Grotto. Please remember to bring your
                      Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th                                  own chairs. There will be no morning
                                                                                       Mass in Church on this day.

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