HIGHLIGHTS Summer 2018 - Badrutt's Palace Hotel

HIGHLIGHTS Summer 2018 - Badrutt's Palace Hotel
Summer 2018
Credits: swiss-image.ch / Andreas Kern
HIGHLIGHTS Summer 2018 - Badrutt's Palace Hotel
#BADRUTT‘S EVENTS                                                                              #SUMMER SEASON 2018
                     S P E C I A L F L I G H T S O F FA N C Y

                                                                                                   OPENINGS                                 CLOSURES
                                                                                                   Summer Opening                           Season Closure
                                                                                                           of Chesa Veglia with Pizzeria            of Badrutt’s Palace Hotel
Summer in St. Moritz, breathtakingly beauti-       Champagnes, burgers and milkshakes. Or visit            Heuboden, Patrizier Stuben and
                                                                                                           Bar Carigiet.                    Date:   Monday, September 3rd, 2018.
ful, multifaceted and rich in variety. Summer      our wine cellars with the sommelier and be
2018 is no exception – many culinary, sporting     amazed by over 30,000 different bottles. And    Date:   Friday, June 15th, 2018                  Allegra Winter Season 2018/19,
                                                                                                           from 12.00 noon.                         as of December 1st, 2018. In the
and cultural highlights are just waiting to be     something new for this summer – at the Des-                                                      meantime follow us on our social
discovered. Summer captivates with a magni-        sert Party you can get a close-up view of our                                                    media channels for updates and
                                                                                                   Summer Opening                                   news.
ficent programme of events, whether tried          Patissiers at work and enjoy some eccentric,            of Badrutt’s Palace Hotel
                                                                                                                                            Season closure
and tested or completely new, set against          dreamy desserts.                                Date:   Friday, June 22nd, 2018                  of Chesa Veglia with Pizzeria
                                                                                                           from 12.00 noon.                         Heuboden, Patrizier Stuben and
the incredible mountain scenery. The stuff
                                                                                                                                                    Bar Carigiet.
of dreams. Marvel at the old classic cars on       Summer in Badrutt’s Palace Hotel. Your base
                                                                                                                                            Date:   Sunday, September 16th, 2018.
Via Serlas right in front of Badrutt’s Palace or   for unrivalled excursions, unforgettable mo-
visit one of the high altitude Festival da Jazz    ments and select highlights. Flights of fancy
concerts in an intimate club ambience. This        at 1800 metres above sea level.
year Badrutt’s Palace has come up with some
extra special highlights; visit our Garden Res-    We look forward to welcoming you.
taurant in the one-of-a-kind Krug Pergola and
enjoy the Krug Burger Party with exclusive
HIGHLIGHTS Summer 2018 - Badrutt's Palace Hotel
                Summer 2018
                                                                                                                                                      Sun, 22 Palace Garden Lunch Party:
                                                                                                                                                              Our semi-buffet in the green.
                                                                                                    Thu, 5    48th Engadin Gold Cup Golf Week:                Enjoy live music, summer

                                                         HIGHLIGHTS                                           This tournament stands for the                  specialities and entertaiment
                                                         JUNE                                                 values of tradition and sporting                for kids from 11.30 a.m. until
                                                                                                              spirit. Until July 8th, 2018.                   4.00 p.m.
REGULAR EVENTS                                                                                                www.engadin-golf.ch                             For further information and
                                                                                                                                                              reservations please contact
Wine Cellar Visit and Dégustation:             Fri, 22   La Diala Garden Restaurant and             Thu, 5    25th British Classic Car Meeting:               culinary@badruttspalace.com
        Join head sommelier Daniel Kìs                   Lounge: Enjoy the breathtaking                       Elegance and class come together
        on a tour of the hotel’s impressive              scenery, sunshine and a light		                      when the finest British classic cars    Fri, 27   La Tavolata: Culinary event on
        cellar with over 30,000 bottles                  summer menu with Mediterranean                       meet for a historic rally. Until July             Via Maistra, various food specia-
        of wine followed by a dégustation.               dishes and barbecue at weekends.                     8th, 2018. www.bccm-stmoritz.ch                   lities are served on a 300-meter-
        Meet at 6.30 p.m. in Le Grand Hall.              Open daily until September 3rd, 2018.                                                                  long table. Until July 29th, 2018
        For further information and                                                                           Festival da Jazz: World class jazz                from 11.00 a.m.
        reservations please contact:                     Krug Pergola: Discover the cosy                      artists play at different locations.              www.tavolatastmoritz.ch
        culinary@badruttspalace.com                      pergola in the garden and enjoy                      Until August 5th, 2018.
                                                         specialties from the sea paired with                 www.festivaldajazz.ch                   Sat, 28   78th Engadin Festival: Various
Dates: Every Saturday                                    the world’s finest Champagne.
        from June 23rd – September 1st, 2018                                                                                                                    concerts with classical and folk
                                                         Available daily until August 10th, 2018.   Sun, 8    Engadin Cycle Marathon: 		                        music highlights, performed at
                                                         For further information and                          The biggest marathon in the                       beautiful venues between Sils
Saira Svizra:     			                                    reservations please contact                          canton of Graubünden has be-                      and La Punt-Chamues-ch.
        Enjoy a cosy Swiss style dinner                  culinary@badruttspalace.com                          come a classic and attracts                       Until August 11th, 2018.
        at our Patrizier Stuben savouring                                                                     2000 sportsmen and women                          www.engadinfestival.ch
        a variety of typical Swiss dishes.               2018 FIFA World Cup Russia: Enjoy                    from all over Europe.
        The menu is served in family                     the soccer game on the big screen                    www.rad-marathon.ch                     Sun, 29 Piz Nair Sunrise: Witness the early
        style complemented with authen-                  in the Embassy Ballroom, accom-                                                                      sunrise on Piz Nair before anyone
        tic live music from the Engadin.                 panied by drinks and a snack menu.                   British Car Concours: 		                        else gets up to the 3056 metre
                                                                                                              The brightly polished and sophis-               peak, an exclusive train will take
Dates: Every Thursday from 6.30 p.m.           Fri, 29   Engadin Bike Giro:                                                                                   you up before the official opening
        onwards. From July 19th until                                                                         ticated British cars stage an
                                                         Until July 1st professional and                      elegant parade starting at 10.30 a.m.           time of the railway. Breakfast on
        September 13th, 2018.                            amateur Mountain Bikers compete                                                                      top included.
Summer Market:              		                           in this 3 day race.                                                                                  www.sunrise-piznair.ch
        Exhibition of local products and                 www.engadin-bike-giro.ch                   Fri, 13   Delicacies from the Middle East:
        crafts in the pedestrian area of                                                                      A selection of Middle Eastern
        St. Moritz-Dorf, from 10.00 a.m.                                                                      specialties prepared by Guest
        to 3.00 p.m.                                                                                          Chef Mohamad Barafi from the
        www.stmoritz-dorfverein.ch                                                                            Madinat Jumeirah Hotel Dubai.
                                                                                                              Daily until Sunday, August 5th,
Dates: Fridays, July 20th                                                                                     2018 at Le Grand Hall from
        August 3rd / 17th / 31st, 2018                                                                        12.00 p.m. onwards.

                                                                                                    Sat, 14   The Mad Hatter Afternoon Tea:
                                                                                                              For Adults and Children –
                                                                                                              an Afternoon Tea wonderland
                                                                                                              prepared by Executive Pastry Chef
                                                                                                              Stefan Gerber and his team.
                                                                                                              From 3.00 p.m. onwards.
HIGHLIGHTS Summer 2018 - Badrutt's Palace Hotel
Sun, 19 39th Engadin Summer Run:
                                                                                                        The main race over 25 km starts in
                                                                                                        Sils along the deep blue lakes and

         AUGUST                                                                                         leads to its finish in Samedan.

                                                                                                Thu, 23 Art, Litarature and Culture
                                                                                                        Days Sils: Visit one of the sites or

Wed, 1   Swiss National Holiday:                         5th St. Moritz Open-Triathlon:                 attend a tour to learn about the
         Enjoy a Swiss speciality dinner                 Starting with a swim through                   artists and writers that chose the                 HIGHLIGHTS
         buffet to celebrate the birthday of             Lake St. Moritz, a scenic bike ride            region for their inspiration.                      SEPTEMBER
         the Swiss Confederation. Tradi-                 through neighbouring towns and                 Until August 26th, 2018.
         tional entertainment by Huus-                   a sprint off around Lake Staz.                 www.kubus-sils.ch
         musig Kollegger will guide you                  www.homeoftriathlon.ch                                                                 Sun, 2   Game Specialities with traditional
         through the evening.                                                                   Fri, 24   Passione Engadina Classic:                     Swiss recipies are served daily in
         Cocktail at 7.30 p.m. in Le Grand     Fri, 10   Rocky Mountain Trail Games:                      St. Moritz is going to host the                addition to our menu at Patrizier
         Hall, dinner at 8.30 p.m. in                    The Moutainbike Adventure where                  6th edition of Passione Engadina,              Stuben until September, 15th, 2018.
         Le Restaurant.                                  different stages of group competi-               a gathering exclusively reserved to            For further information and
         For further information and                     tions have to be conquered. Until                Italian-manufactured historic cars             reservations please contact
         reservations please contact                     Sunday, August 12th, 2018.                       produced before 1980.                          culinary@badruttspalace.com
         culinary@badrutts-palace.com                    www.trailgames.ch                                Until August 26th, 2018.
                                                                                                          www.passione-engadina.ch                       Season Closing Brunch:
         125 Years Golf Club Engadine:         Sat, 11   A Sweet Summer Night:                                                                           A sumptuous brunch with
         Jubilee Tournament. Prize giving                Take a peak behind the scenes                    17th National Park Bike Marathon:              live jazz in Le Restaurant.
         and anniversary dinner will take                and visit the Badrutt’s Palace                   The nature run through the
         place at Badrutt’s Palace Hotel.                Patisserie where Executive Pastry                Swiss National and Stelvio Park.      Thu, 13 Saira da Chatscha:
         club.engadin-golf.ch                            Chef Stefan Gerber awaits with                   www.bike-marathon.com                         In celebration of the hunting
                                                         a breathtaking dessert buffet                                                                  season, enjoy a cosy dinner at
                                                         and music from 10.00 p.m.		            Sun, 26 Kid’s Afternoon Tea: 		                         Patrizier Stuben savouring a variety
                                                         onwards.                                       A fun-filled afternoon at Le Grand              of typcial game specialties. All ser-
                                                         For further information and                    Hall for kids and adults with a                 ved family-style and complemen-
                                                         reservations please contact                    special kids’ afternoon tea created             ted with authentic live music from
                                                         culinary@badruttspalace.com                    by Executive Pastry Chef Stefan                 the Engadin from 6.30 p.m.
                                                                                                        Gerber.                                         onwards. For further information
                                               Sun, 12   Palace Garden Lunch Party:                                                                     and reservations please contact
                                                         Our semi-buffet in the green.                    Piz Nair Sunrise: Witness the early           culinary@badruttspalace.com
                                                         Enjoy live music, summer                         sunrise on Piz Nair before anyone
                                                         specialities and entertaiment for                else gets up to the 3056 metre
                                                         kids from 11.30 a.m. until 4.00 p.m.             peak, an exclusive train will take
                                                         For further information and                      you up before the official opening
Sun, 5   Via Serlas Sommerfest: 		                       reservations please contact                      time of the railway. Breakfast on
         In cooperation with the exclusive               culinary@badruttspalace.com                      top included.
         boutiques, the shortest luxury                                                                   www.sunrise-piznair.ch
         shopping mile Via Serlas will be      Mon, 13 41st Engadinwind: The legendary
         transformed into an outdoor                   Surf and Kite Marathon and the           Fri, 31   Sailing Champions League:
         venue with a temptingly presented             Swiss Windsurfing Championship                     International clubs compete in
         and inviting variety of buffets for           take place on Lake Silvaplana.                     an exciting regatta series on Lake
         a wine and dine afternoon with                Until August 19th, 2018.                           St. Moritz.
         live music from 12.00 p.m. onwards.           www.engadinwind.ch                                 Until September 2nd, 2018.
         For further information and
         reservations please contact           Fri, 17   21st Celerina New Orleans Jazz:
         culinary@badruttspalace.com                     Until August 19th, 2018.
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