Highlights of Fleischmanns First Community Meeting, April 2, 2022 - Fleischmanns New York
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May-June 2022 ***Fleischmanns First Flyer 15th Anniversary*** Highlights of Fleischmanns First Community Meeting, April 2, 2022 The Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. Presentation on Catskills Scenic Byway by Carol O’Beirne-Carol gave a thorough review of the byway's history (it was started by several municipalities in 2008) and its current status. Hurley and Roxbury have recently been added to the byway. Fleischmanns has participated in the past and she would like it to do so again, includ- ing having a rep on the Chamber of Commerce to replace Larry Reilly, who has stepped down. She noted that the "state-approved" byway is focused on communities in the Watershed and the Cats- kills Park as being attractive to visitors and that communities along the byway could make more use of its resources in their own mar- keting efforts. Marketing Committee-Raina Stoutenberg encouraged people to join the Fleischmanns First Facebook group. She said she would post a call for Memorial Day Street Fair volunteers on the group's page in mid-April. Continued on page 3 Fleischmanns Street Fair is Back to Memorial Day Weekend After a year’s hiatus and then last year as the Labor Day Street Fair, our first of the Season Street Fair is back to Memorial Day Week- end. May 29th from 10am-4pm, Main Street will be lined with as many as 50 vendors offering collectibles, antiques, jewelry, wood- working, clothing, arts, and crafts and of course, Maple syrup, sugar and cream etc. Community not for profits will also have displays which will undoubtedly be of interested. Country Express will be back providing musical entertainment throughout the day. Children will have the opportunity to ride up and down Main Street in a vin- tage car, bounce again at the Bounce House, be entertained by not one but two Street Performers and attend a theater performance at The Arts Inn at 11am or 2pm. The Food Court set up with tables and chairs will have plenty of tasty offerings. Following the Street Fair from 5-10pm will be the Vaudeville Variety Show, free to all. So come one and all for the Fleischmanns Memorial Day Weekend Street Fair where a good time will be had by all! May 29 th, 10-4
Page 2 - FLEISCHMANNS FLYER MAY-JUNE 2022 Fleischmanns Elections Under Investigation MUSEUM OF MEMORIES COLLECTION The Village of Fleischmanns held an election for two seats on the Village Board of Trustees on March 15, 2022. There were three candi- A look at the rich baseball history here in Fleischmanns dates on the ballot, Elizabeth Hughes, John Hoeko and Yesmin Sara- bia. In addition, two write-in candidates, Daniel Halpren and Aaron In 1895, the Fleischmann family, which summered in Fleisch- Goldring, attracted support. On the evening of the election, after manns at their family compound above the depot, created a fanta- voting had closed and the tabulation of votes had commenced, chal- sy-land for enthusiasts of the sport of base ball. (Then considered lenges were lodged to the large number of absentee ballots that two words!) There was a were cast. Subsequently, the village clerk re-canvassed the ballots fine ball field, complete and certified Yesmin Sarabia and Aaron Goldring as the winners. The with opulent grand- two winners each received approximately 120 absentee votes. They stands. They built a team, staffed with many profes- were promptly sworn in as members of the Village Board of sionals (mostly playing Trustees. under assumed names.) A petition was filed in the Supreme Court for Delaware County on More than a few future March 25, 2022 by Daniel Halpren and Elizabeth Hughes alleg- Hall of Famers played here. The Fleischmann ing "Widespread and Serious Election Irregularities in the March 15, boys, Julius and Max, 2022 Election". The petition alleges that numerous individuals who were at the heart of this are not bonafide residents of the Village voted in the election by endeavor. In 1903, there was a absentee ballot, and that absent those votes, the petitioners would famous game between the Moun- have won. The petition also alleges that Aaron Goldring is not a bo- tain Athletic Club (the home team) nafide resident of the village and was therefore ineligible to run for and the visiting Cuban Giants. the Board of Trustees. The petition seeks, among other relief, that Supposedly 'Cubans', the team the Court order the Delaware County Board of Elections and the Vil- really consisted of American lage Clerk to strike any absentee ballot cast by a person found not blacks, bending the rules of the to reside in the Village, and to re-canvass the ballots. color bar then in existence. When the Fleischmann family left the area for good in 1914, they donated the ball field to the Village, which renamed itself in their honor. (Up until that point, it had been the hamlet of Griffin Corners.) Baseball, and Flower Barrel Planting other sports continued to be played there Friday, May 27, 10am over the years. Of course Fleischmanns at the Gazebo High School fielded teams. There just Bring your gloves and trowel! weren't thousands of spectators any more. Starting in 2007, a group of enthusi- asts has The Greater worked to Fleischmanns recreate Museum of the Mountain Athletic Club, playing base ball by 19th centu- Memories ry rules. They succeeded in Opens for its getting the ball field added to 45th Season the National (and State) Regis- May 29th ter of Historic Places, and have recently added a great new (but old-fashioned) score board. More detailed history, and details of their current season, can be found at their web- The Village East Café-Tuesday Tea Talks site: macvintagebaseball.org Don’t miss, May 17th, Bokashi Composting Composting at Home for Gardens and Grow Tents Turn your fruit and vegetable waste, coffee grounds, tea Congregation B'nai Israel News leaves, and other organic matter into an odorless compost that will enrich your soil. Weekly Shabbat services will resume, both in person and via Zoom, Friday, June 17 at 7pm with Cantor Shai Simonson. Sat- urday services will start at 9:30am followed by a kiddush. New This Year at Memorial Day Street Fair Come join our welcoming and vibrant community (children are welcome!) Activities include movies, cooking classes, lectures, and other events. Children’s Theater performances of Lee and the Tallest Tree, You do not have to speak Hebrew. an original, 30 minute presentation with Brazilian folk music, To register for Zoom events (including services) and/or to get a calendar of events email: bnaiisraelfleischmannsny@gmail.com story-telling and puppetry will take place at the Arts Inn, 923 On Facebook and Instagram @bnai israel catskills. Main Street during the Fleischmanns Memorial Day Street CBI is located at 347 Wagner Ave. (845) 254-9945 Fair, on May 29th at 11:00am and 2:00pm.
Page 3 - FLEISCHMANNS FLYER MAY-JUNE 2022 FF Meeting Highlights Continued…. A Great Day for Community and a Great Day for Fleischmanns Events Committee-Yvonne Reuter said the food court will be in front of the gazebo, as last year, and that there should be plenty With winter weather finally breaking and the sun shining, several Earth of parking with the extra lot at Wagner and Main. Tickets for the Day related cleanup activities sponsored by Fleischmanns First, and 50/50 raffle are available for sale -- at one for $1 and 10 for $5. The Mountain Athletic Club, MAC, were completed the weekend of Country Express will play and a 1947 Cadillac will traverse Main April 22-24. Street for children to ride in. Yvonne is seeking volunteers to put On Earth Day, Friday April 22nd, Fleischmanns up about 30 posters in the area at the beginning of May, as well First leadership and volunteers, along with Mel as signs along Route 28 (which will also need to be taken down). Bellar of Zone4 Landscaping prepared the Ga- There will be an organizational meeting for the fair on May 7, zebo Garden for the summer season ahead. A 9:30, at Yvonne’s house at 111Wagner Avenue. Rob Boykoff large turnout of volunteers assisted Zone4 and volunteered to help with setting up tables and chairs and will buy the results look terrific. and deliver watermelons for the Fleischmanns First table. Mari- lyn said she would tell the local police about the fair. On Saturday, April 23rd starting at 8:30, MAC Cauliflower Festival-Rob Boykoff will seek a permit for giving lead by Collin Miller, took to Route 28. The away food (for a suggested donation) at the Cauliflower Festival MAC was celebrating their new sign installation (just outside the village in September. eastern entrance) and stewardship of the Flower Barrell Planting-Rob Alverson reported that 30 flower highway from Highmount to the Fleisch- barrels will be planted along Main Street on Friday, May 27 manns’ Eastern entrance. Many thanks also (Memorial Day weekend). Volunteers will meet at the Gazebo at to the DOT for providing bags, final collec- 10:00 a.m. tion and removal of the many trash bags and Village Zoning Committee-Elizabeth Hughes reported the com- other debris collected by MAC. mittee is focused on helping businesses by developing more Fleischmanns First’s over 20 volunteers un- streamlined approval procedures, proposing more rules for short der the direction of Rob Alverson, cleaned -term rentals, and figuring out how to enforce those rules, and the village streets with Trash bags and ensuring that rules for businesses aren't arbitrary. A major issue gloves, provided by the Catskill Watershed is the unrealistic parking requirements for Main Street business- Corporation. Numerous bags of winter and roadside debris were col- es. lected and hauled away by Billy Haynes. Economic Development Committee-Francia Miles reported the committee recently met with Sean Mahoney, Executive Director At noon all groups assembled at Village ballfield to deposit their collec- of the Hunter Foundation, regarding potential grant opportuni- tions and enjoy a barbecue sponsored by Village Mayor, Winifred ties for the Maxbilt Theater which the Village owns. Justin noted Zubin and Trustees, Jasmin Sarabia and Stewart Cohen. A baseball that it took 12 years for the Phoenicia Festival of the Voice to get scrimmage hosted by MAC took place following the barbecue. any big money. Thank you to all the volunteers for making the Village of Fleischmanns Grant Applications-Jon reported on the three arts grants with shine. Fleischmanns First as fiscal sponsor. A grant for a series of free, public artists presentations at the 1053 Main Street Gallery, cu- rated by Amy Masters, has been approved, as has a grant to the East Branch Delaware River Plein Air Painters for a pop-up gallery in Main Street, Fleischmanns. A grant proposal for an artist-in- residence program with Miguel Martinez-Riddle was not success- ful. Fleischmanns First has received a grant from Delaware Tour- ism Development for Street Performers at Fleischmanns Memo- rial Day Street Fair. The meeting ended at 11:25 a.m. The next Fleischmanns Community meeting is June 4, MAC Season 2022 After a series of road games to start the sea- son, the Mountain Athletic Club will return to Fleischmanns Park for their home opener versus the Bovina Dairymen on Saturday, May 28th at 2pm. Admission is free and do- nations are always welcome. Pre-game ceremonies will include a tribute to Fleischmanns native and former Major Leaguer, Judson Fabian “Jay” Kirke who played for the M.A.C. as a teenager around 1905 before going on to a 23 year run in professional baseball. During the event, the M.A.C. will be making a donation of a permanent exhibit to the Fleischmanns Museum of Memories to honor Kirke and his many accomplishments in baseball during the dead ball era.
Page 4 - FLEISCHMANNS FLYER MAY-JUNE 2022 May/June 2022 Calendar Fleischmanns First Leadership Fleischmanns’ Events ~ Save the Date! Board of Directors May 27th Friday, Flower Barrel Plating, Gazebo, 10am Jon Frank President Alan Sidrane May 28th Saturday, MAC vs Bovina Dairymen, Fleischmanns Park, 2pm Treasurer and Secretary Francia Miles May 29th Sunday, Memorial Day Street Fair, Main Street, 10-4pm Todd Pascarella Sunday, Vaudeville Variety Show, The Arts Inn, 5-10pm Leadership Committee/ Sunday, The Greater Fleischmanns Museum of Memories Opens for its Committee Chairs 45th Season Elizabeth Hughes-Belzil Economic Development May 30th Monday, Fleischmanns Memorial Day Parade, Main Street, 9:00am Yvonne Reuter Events June 4th Saturday, Fleischmanns Community Meeting, Skene Library, 9:30am Alan Sidrane/Jon Frank Fundraising Michelle Sidrane June 13th Monday, Village Board Meeting, Skene Library, 6pm Marketing/Communication Kathleen Green Village Board meets 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00pm, Skene Memorial Library Marilyn Ringel Village Planning Board meets as needed, (1st Monday), of each month at 6:00pm, Skene Memorial Library. Irene Vazquez Zoning Board meets as needed, (3rd Thursday) at 5:30 pm at the Skene Memorial Library Library Board meets 4th Thursday of the month at 3:30pm, Skene Memorial Library Isabel Vazquez Fire Department meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm Fleischmanns Flyer Check with the Village Clerk regarding meeting status & agenda. Michelle Sidrane For Village Info, please contact the Village Clerk’s Office at 845.254.5514 John Duda Jeanne Malaxos To have your activity posted here, please contact the Fleischmann's Flyer. If you have something you’d like to submit to be included in the Fleischmanns Flyer please write to: Printing and distribution of the Fleischmanns Flyer is made possible fleischmannsfirst@gmail.com or in part by grants from The Pasternak Family Foundation. PO Box 111, Fleischmanns, NY 12430 POSTAL PATRON PERMIT NO. 44 Fleischmanns, NY 12430 KINGSTON NY US POSTAGE PAID PO Box 111 NONPROFIT ORG Fleischmanns First
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