Page created by Gloria Ayala

                                                                 BEAUTY FORUM
                                                               1 + 2 October 2022

Review BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2021 · Facts & figures
We did it! The success proved us right – a great trade fair in a challenging time.

    More than 15,000 trade visitors                       Intensive talks, high visitors                                   Branches
       from over 25 countries                              quality – our visitors are…                                   of the visitors
                                                                                                                                        Wellness & Spa 2.0 %
                                                                                  7%                                                Footcare/
                                                               Employed                                                             podiatry
                                                               21.2 %                                            Nail-Design
                                                                                      Students                   19.0 %             15.0 %                   Doctor
                           International                                              7.7 %                                                      Hair        1.0 %
                           visitors                                                                                                              5.0 %
                           19.0 %                                                                                                                            Pharmacies/drugstore
                                                                                    Others 5.7 %                                                             1.0 %
              Visitors from                                        Self-employed                                    Professional cosmetics                   1.0 %
                Germany                                                 58.4 %                                              55.0 %
                  81.0 %

Dates from the visitors analysis BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2021. Execution of the fair in compliance with the Bavarian Covid-19 safety and hygiene rules as well as under strict 3G
control and mask requirements.

The halls
                     C6                                           C5                                           C4
                     Exhibition areas:                            Exhibition areas:                            Exhibition areas:
                     • Nail                                      • Cosmetic exclusiv                         • Cosmetic exclusiv
                     • HairForum                                 • Foot                                      • Cosmetic direct
                     • Salon Accessoires                         • PMU/Lashes                                • Natural cosmetics/

                                                                  FOOT POINT                                   BEAUTY POINT

                                                       FIRST FLOOR: CONGRESSES · WORKSHOPS

                  ENTRANCE NORTH/OST                                                                                        ENTRANCE NORTH

Our services for you
-    Attractive sponsoring possibilities as part of congresses
-    Individual invitation possibilities to your customers for your effective planning
-    Digital Exhibitor Service Center
-    Extensive and various advertising materials (Publishing date service booklet advertising: May 2022)

The planned fringe progamme
- Anti-Aging congress & podiatry congress – live on location & online via Livestream
- Workshop programme
- Lectures, company presentations and shows at the meeting points

Your contacts
                     Michaela Buchheister                                                                    Tamara Felice
                     Project Manager Trade Fairs                                                             Project Assistance
                     Phone +49 (0)7243 7278-195                                                              Phone +49 (0)7243 7278-359
                     michaela.buchheister@                                                                   tamara.felice@
                     health-and-beauty.com                                                                   health-and-beauty.com
36. BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH · 1 + 2 October 2022

Please fill out and send back.

Health and Beauty Germany GmbH
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 2
76275 Ettlingen

                                                                                               Planning period starts: 1 February 2022
                                                                                               Project management:                            Project assistance:
                                                                                               Michaela Buchheister                           Tamara Felice
Fax +49 (0)7243 7278-227                                                                       Phone: +49 (0)7243 7278-195                    Phone: +49 (0)7243 7278-359
                                                                                               michaela.buchheister@                          tamara.felice@
                                                                                               health-and-beauty.com                          health-and-beauty.com

 Address for correspondence and invoicing*                                                      Prices and conditions

                                                                                               Prices for the exhibition area                       Disposal fee**
                                                                                               Row stand           144 EUR / sqm                    up to 25 sqm:  90 EUR
 Contact person                                                                                Corner stand        152 EUR / sqm                    26 to 59 sqm: 140 EUR
                                                                                               Head stand          159 EUR / sqm                    60 to 99 sqm: 190 EUR
 Street / Number
                                                                                               Island stand        164 EUR / sqm                    over 100 sqm: 240 EUR
 Post code / Town
                                                                                               Co-exhibitor fee: 400 EUR
 Country                                                                                       Addition Cosmetic exclusive: 360 EUR
 Direct phone
                                                                                               Media fee: 349 EUR
 Direct fax
                                                                                               Publication of exhibitor data/information (basic entry in alpha-
 Direct e-mail                                                                                 betical list of exhibitors, product index, enlist of brands) in digital
                                                                                               media and printed catalogue.
 VAT identification number/VAT number
                                                                                               Prices with the addition of statutory VAT.
*Third party authorized signatory for all legally binding actions for the exhibitor (inclu-
 ding authority to accept legal documents). Third party authorized signatory cannot            ** Disposal fee: Applies to all waste during the fair. The waste products during set-up
 however be considered as the exhibitor. Prices are also subject to VAT at the legally            and dismantling have to be disposed separately. Please order necessary containers
  prevailing rate.                                                                                via the service booklet technique or bring it with you.

 Type of stand                                                                                  Positioning information exhibitors – cosmetics area
Q Row stand (1 side open)                        Q End of row stand (3 sides open)
                                                                                               Q	Cosmetic exclusiv (order area)
Q Corner stand (2 sides open)                    Q Island stand (4 sides open)                 Q Cosmetic direct (direct sale)
It is compulsory to build the selected number of open sides open on the
ground. All sides booked as ”open sides” may not be closed.
Minimum requirement for the stand construction are rear and side pa-                           Please fill in this section only if you were an exhibitor at the
nel and carpet (according terms and conditions).                                               35. BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH.
Ordering forms under: www.beauty-fairs.de/munich
                                                                                               Q	We were satisfied with our stand location.
Q	We have our own stand.
                                                                                               Q	We would like to be in a different location.
Q	Stand with two floors: Q yes                  Q no

 Stand size                                                          Minimum size 12 sqm       Advertising options – please contact us
                                                                                               Q	We are interested in the possibility of supporting the
 Length in metres
                                                                                                  36. BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH as a sponsor (championships,
 Width in metres
                                                                                                  congresses etc.)
                                                                                               Q	We are interested in booking a 30 minute slot at the
 Overall size in sqm   0,00                                                                       BEAUTY POINT for the price of EUR 750.
                                                                                               Q	We are interested in booking a 30 minute slot at the
 Planned construction height
                                                                                                  FUSS POINT for the price of EUR 480.
Address for official entry in the exhibition catalogue*                                        We are     (please tick the applicable)

 Initial letter for publication
                                                                                                     Distribution Company
 Street / Number
                                                                                                     Publishing company
 Post code / Town
                                                                                                   _ Member of the following association/s ������������������������������

                                                                                                We represent the following brands
 General phone
                                                                                                           Manufacturer                              Distributor
 General fax
                                                                                                Brand: __________________________	____________________________
 General e-mail
                                                                                                Brand: __________________________	____________________________
 Website                                                                                        Brand: __________________________	____________________________
*Please note that all data is necessary for your entry in the trade catalogue and online.       Brand: __________________________	____________________________

 Address Co-Exhibitor

 Company                                                                                         General phone

 Contact                                                                                         General fax

 Street / Number                                                                                 General e-mail

 Post code / Town                                                                                Website


 Product & service directory
COSMETICS                                                       SALON FIXTURES AND FITTINGS                                    HEALTH FOOD
□  Apparative cosmetics                                         □  Workwear and textiles                                       □  Nutritional consultancy
□  Essential oils & fragrances                                  □  Decoration                                                  □  Nutritional supplements
□  Decorative cosmetics
                                                                □  Business concepts and treatment
□  Epilation / Depilation
                                                                   cabin concepts                                              MEDICAL BEAUTY
□  Body care
                                                                □ Interal fittings and installations
□  Natural cosmetics                                                                                                           □  Aesthetic plastic surgency
□  Vegan natural cosmetics                                      □ Cabin equipment                                              □  Medical cosmetics
□  Perfume                                                      □ Packaging                                                    □  Dental aesthetics
□  Studio equipment                                                                                                            □  Dermatology / dermacosmetics
□  Permanent make-up                                            SERVICES                                                       □  Medical instruments
□  Skin Care
                                                                □  Training opportunities
□  Lashes
                                                                □  Consulting / advertisement                                  SALON ACCESSOIRES

                                                                □  EDP and cash systems                                        □  Accessoires and jewellery

□  Hair cosmetic products
                                                                □  Style consulting

□  Tools of the trade
                                                                □  Trade fairs / congresses                                    TANNING
□  Wigs and Hairpieces                                          □  Publishing house / organisations                            □  Tanning systems and equipment
                                                                □  Insurance                                                   □  Sun care cosmetics
                                                                □  Audio / Media / Video                                       □  Spray-Tanning
□  Foot care equipment                                          □  Specialist literature
□  Foot care                                                                                                                   WELLNESS & SPA
□  Podology accessories                                         FITNESS                                                        □ Wellness treatments
                                                                □ Body shaping                                                 □ Whirlpool and accessoires
NAIL                                                            □ Fitness / training equipment                                 □ Wellness and therapeutical equipment
□  Nail care                                                    □ Equipment for rehabilitation                                 □ Wellness equipment and installation
□  Nail design / NailArt                                        □ Personal Training                                            □ Wellness products and treatments

The whole of the above event, and in particular the application for entry, acceptance, conclusion of the contract and management of the event, is subject exclusively to the condi-
tions of participation as laid down by the Health and Beauty Germany GmbH. By submitting this form the applicant signals his or her acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Any other conditions that are contrary to or vary from these conditions of participation are not valid. The relevant terms and conditions can be found on the Internet at
www.health-and-beauty.com on the Trade Fairs pages. Should any applicant not have access to the Internet then the terms and conditions can be requested by mail. The place of
performance and jurisdiction for all mutual obligations is Karlsruhe or, at the request of the organizer, the jurisdiction of the exhibitor’s place of business. This also applies the com-
plains arising from cheques or drafts.
Additional part of the contract of BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2022 are in addition to the General Terms and Conditions of Health and Beauty Germany GmbH the Corona
regulations of Messe München, to see under www.messe-muenchen.de
By signing this document I accept the terms and conditions. Health and Beauty Germany GmbH, Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 2, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany.
Legally registered in Mannheim, HRB 108901 Mannheim, VAT ID: DE813440463, Taxation number. 31192/37758, company director: Roberto Valente
                                                                                                                                                                                              (Status: December 2021)

 The application form should be filled in and signed, and returned to the organisers.

 Date and place                                                                                 Company stamp and signature legally binding on the company
Inquiry stand construction
 Stand construction – tailor-made solutions for a stress-free exhibition

”Komfort-Beauty” stand                               New: ”Standard-Beauty” stand                                       ”Business-Beauty” stand
55 Euros per sqm plus VAT                            59 Euros per sqm plus VAT                                          72 Euros per sqm plus VAT
Rental including building-up and                     Rental including building-up and                                   Rental including building-up and
dismantling.                                         dismantling.                                                       dismantling.
Minimum size: 9.0 sqm                                Minimum size 9.0 sqm                                               Minimum size 12.0 sqm
Does not include electricity.                        Does not include electricity.                                      Does not include electricity.

Basic fittings                                       Basic fittings                                                     Basic fittings
- Rips exhibition roll carpeting, available in      - Rips exhibition roll carpeting, available in                    - Rips exhibition roll carpeting, available in
   various colours                                      various colours                                                   various colours
- Wall cladding – white (height 2.5 metres)          - Wall cladding – white (height 2.5 metres)                        - Wall cladding – white (height 2.5 metres)
- Triangular display nameboard – white               - Display white                                                    - Towers white (Height: 3.5 metres)
- Lighting – per 3.0 sqm one LED spotlight          - Lighting – per 3.0 sqm one LED spotlight                        - Lockable cabin with cloakroom
                                                        as well as one LED arm spotlight                                   (0.5 sqm), door white
                                                                                                                        - Open storeroom 0.5 sqm
                                                                                                                        - Lighting – per 3.0 sqm one LED spotlight
                                                                                                                           as well as one LED arm spotlight per tower

Please quote us for a complete stand to the following specification:
   KOMFORT (55 Euros/sqm)                                BUSINESS-BEAUTY (59 Euros/sqm)                                    BUSINESS-BEAUTY (72 Euros/sqm)
  (minimum 9 sqm)                                       (minimum 9 sqm)                                                    (minimum 12 sqm)

Please name your type of stand:
Row stand                                Corner stand (left)                  Corner stand (right                                  Head stand
                            ______ m

                                                               ______ m

                                                                                                             ______ m

                                                                                                                                                         ______ m
_______ m                                _______ m                            _______ m                                            _______ m

Please select your colours:
Rips (ribbed carpet off the roll, brand new unused)
   grey                   anthracite   dark blue                                                                           rot          gelb           hellgrau
   light blue             green        red             black                                                               grün         dunkelblau

 Please give us your company details

 Exhibitor                                                                      Event          BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2022

 Contact                                                                        Hall

 Street / Number                                                                Stand

 Post code / Town, City                                                        Please give us the address for invoicing:

 Phone                                                                           Your contact for stand construction
                                                                                 Max Rappenglitz GmbH           Tel.: +49 (0)8142 2952-0
                                                                                 Palsweiser Straße 50           Fax: +49 (0)8142 2952-99
                                                                                 D-82216 Maisach/Gernlinden info@rappenglitz.de

 Date and place                                                                Company stamp and signature legally binding on the company

                                                                                                                                           Send via Mail
BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH is an event by                A company of                 Part of

Health and Beauty
Germany GmbH
Contact: Phone +49 (0)7243 72 78-0 – info@health-and-beauty.com – www.beauty-fairs.de/munich
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