Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove

Page created by Donald Blake
Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove
Hides Hill House
   Beaulieu, Hampshire
Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove
Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove
Hides Hill House
                                  Beaulieu, Hampshire

                Charming detached period house
                  in an idyllic private setting.
                                        Lymington 7 miles. M27 10 miles
                                         (All distances are approximate)

 Entrance hall | Drawing room | Sitting room | Sun room | Family room/study | Kitchen | Utility room | Cloakroom

Principal bedroom with en suite bathroom | 3 further bedrooms | 2 en suite shower/bathrooms | Family bathroom

        Garage with planning permission for garage/ studio | Swimming pool | Plunge pool | Tennis court

              Lymington                                                              Winchester
     Beaufort House, 69 High Street                                           14 Jewry Street, Winchester
         Lymington, SO41 9AL                                                           SO23 8RZ
          Tel: 01590 675875                                                        Tel: 01962 677234
    jeremy@caldwellsnewforest.com                                          george.clarendon@knightfrank.com
           caldwells.uk.com                                                       knightfrank.co.uk
Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove
Hides Hill House
The attractive entrance porch opens into the spacious
atrium hallway with cloakroom, large under stairs cupboard
and staircase to the first floor. The family sitting room is
on the left hand side with a stripped wood floor and an
extensive range of built-in bookshelves and the spectacular
central feature open fireplace sits back to back with the
glass conservatory which overlooks the terrace and pool.
From here, the slate floor runs through to the kitchen/
breakfast room which is fitted with a range of units
incorporating an Aga, Smeg Calor Gas hob with extractor
over, twin Belfast sink, integrated dishwasher and space for
a fridge/freezer. Adjacent to this is the utility room which has
a range of matching units with a sink, space for a wine fridge
and washing machines and a stable door opens to the patio.
From the hall, three steps lead up to the drawing room which
has a beautiful beamed ceiling and wood burning stove. The
room overlooks the woodland and a connecting door opens
into the study/family area with an open fire and French doors
to the terrace and garden with a return door to the kitchen.
Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove
On the first floor there are four bedrooms and four
bathrooms with the principal bedroom enjoying a wood
burning stove and built-in wardrobes with lovely views over
the garden. The en suite bathroom has been beautifully
appointed comprising a vanity unit with his'n'hers wash
basins, bidet, WC and bath. Bedrooms two and four also
enjoy en suites and bedroom three is serviced by the family
bathroom which comprises a panelled bath, wash basin
and WC.
Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove
Gardens and grounds                                             Directions (SO42 7GZ)
Outside, from North Lane the property lies 400m up the          From Lyndhurst take the A3056 towards Beaulieu. After
gravel track (which is owned by the Beaulieu Estate) and this   about 5.8 miles turn left onto North Lane towards Ipley
leads past the garage which has planning permission for a       Cross. Take the first right into Hides Hill Lane and continue
garage/studio. The property is immersed in the woodland         along the lane and the house will be found on the left hand
and offers privacy and seclusion, with the front of the         side.
house providing an attractive garden stocked with a variety
specimen shrubs and trees. The rear garden faces south
and has a large paved terrace with pool and plunge pool,
pool house, BBQ area and from here, steps lead up to the        Mains water and electricity. Private drainage. Calor gas.
tennis court.                                                   EPC rating: F
Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove
Reception                                                                                                        Approximate Gross Internal Floor Area
                                                                                                                             3,603 sq ft / 334.7 sq m
     Bedroom                                                                                     This plan is for guidance only and must not be relied upon as a statement of fact.
     Bathroom                                                                                 Attention is drawn to the Important Notice on the last page of the text of the Particulars.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Connecting people & property, perfectly.
Fixtures and fittings: A list of the fitted carpets, curtains, light fittings and other items fixed to the property which are included in the sale (or may be available by separate negotiation) will be provided by the Seller’s Solicitors.
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Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove Hides Hill House Beaulieu, Hampshire - Rightmove
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