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HHL LEIPZIG GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT FALL 2020 Biggest Intake Ever page 03 New MSc Finance Track page 04 Executive Education: Two New Programs page 10 … and many more insights Coaching Offers for our Alumni into HHL’s research, teaching page 21 and campus activities
02 HHL NEWS FALL 2020 EDITORIAL Dear HHL Community, HHL has always been a place where individuals can tive experiences and profound learning also in a digital develop their fullest potential. But it is also a place which environment. many call home far away from home, where you meet friends, inspiring personalities and where – despite all the The first iteration of our triple hybrid approach allowed diversity amongst our student body, faculty and staff – us to enable all of our students to continue their studies people share a common mindset which is the foundation during the first lock-down. It also made it possible that we for our community, our HHL spirit. could start with on-campus teaching again in September. And I am sure, that also during the second closing of our This spirit has helped us to master the challenging devel- study locations since the beginning of November, we will opments of this year with an astounding level of resil- be able to continue to deliver world-class teaching, ser- ience. When we pulled the plug on on-campus teaching vice and research. on 12 March as one of the very first universities in Ger- many, we all hoped, but didn’t really know, that this deci- The HHL experience is much more than on-campus sion would not only be the best and safest one for the courses. During the pandemic we were reminded that health of our community, but that we could still manage to becoming part of a community, that lifelong networks provide high quality teaching and service to our students. and friendships are an even bigger part of our HHL value proposition. The journey itself, combined with the actual Within 24 hours we delivered the first 100 % online course learning is what constitutes the first steps into a lifelong and swiftly moved to digital services for our students and relationship with HHL. And in a time of digital learning, we aspirants. Since then, we have developed what we call aim to provide the possibilities to build and nurture these our “triple hybrid approach” to teaching. We learned that networks as well. doing online courses is a very different experience for all involved parties and that you need to approach online and I wish you all a safe and healthy time and invite you to hybrid courses with new methods. Through weekly align- share your stories with us for our next HHL News. Our HHL ments within the faculty, continued support through our News is a place to share updates about our community, digital learning experts, frequent benchmarks, trainings, inspire each other and to get impulses for our daily lives. feedback sessions, mistakes and successes we derived three dimensions in which we aim to excel in the future: Yours sincerely, “ we first need the right technology to support teaching, e. g. multimedia screens, high definition cameras and microphones and tech-enabled tools such as gamification This is a quote from this text and polling apps. We secondly have to adapt our s yllabi to create a lively impression. to reflect the different formats which require another angle on structuring learning and we finally have to adapt Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner our teaching styles to ensure lively discussions, interac- Dean of HHL Table of Content 02 Editorial 03 Welcome to HHL 04 Academic Developments 05 Welcome Week 06 Entrepreneurship 08 Faculty Cooperations 10 Executive Education 12 Faculty & Research Imprint 19 HHL Alumni Association Publisher: HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig, Germany 20 Program Anniversary +49 341 9851-60 info@hhl.de @hhlnews #hhl www.hhl.de Contact HHL News: hhlnews@hhl.de Publication Date: November 2020 21 Alumni Offers ISSN: 1433-934X ISSN (online): 1867-8017 V.I.S.D.P.: Executive Management of HHL: Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner, Dean of HHL, and Dr. Marcus Kölling, 22 Anniversaries and New Supervisory Board Member Chancellor of HHL Editor: Sigrid Fischer Photos: Michael Bader, Iona Dutz, 24 Event Calendar HHL, Daniel R eiche, Jens Schlüter, Jean-Marie Tronquet, Dominik Wolf Cover Images: Daniel Reiche Layout: Stefanie Bader Thank you to all contributors and proof readers of this edition. This edition of HHL News has been produced 100 % climate neutrally.
www.hhl.de HHL NEWS FALL 2020 03 WELCOME TO HHL Hybrid Enrollment Ceremony for the Fall Term 2020 Record enrollment in times of coronavirus HHL was the first university to move they received an introduction into their completely to online teaching in March journey at HHL and followed the key- 2020 and was now the first university in note speech for this occasion. Thus, we Saxony to resume teaching on campus. reached a new milestone with the big- gest student intake ever. Enabled by the On 7 September 2020, we welcomed experiences made during the summer, our new students in the official enroll- students will have classes in a variety ment ceremony held at the HYPERION of formats, including presence, online hotel in Leipzig. Almost 200 students and with a special emphasis on hybrid joined in person or watched online as courses. Louise McKay, winner of the DAAD prize, with the Australian deputy ambassador Simon Clayton (right) and HHL’s Dean Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner (left) DAAD prize 2020 awarded to cellist Louise McKay The DAAD prize honors outstanding international students or doctoral can- “ When my class enrolled for the didates who have distinguished them- MBA, I was quite worried that I’d selves both through special academic really have what it takes to turn my achievements and remarkable social or life around from being a classical Hybrid enrollment ceremony in early September 2020 intercultural commitment. This year’s musician into an MBA graduate. prize was awarded to Australian-born This award really means a lot Louise McKay, former professional cel- to me and I am grateful for the list turned MBA student, who thereby opportunities it provides New students welcomed Keynote by the ranks within the top 0.1 % of all interna- by the Dean Member of the Board, tional students across Germany. Louise McKay, M20 student Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner Deutsche Bank HHL’s Dean Prof. Dr. Stephan Stub- The keynote speech was held by Bernd Reaching 50 % female enrollment ner personally welcomed all new stu- Leukert, Chief Technology, Data and dents and guests to the start of a new Innovation Officer at Deutsche Bank. mark in current MBA class life chapter. In his speech, he reminded Focusing on the current economic crisis the students to strive for more than a and its effects on the students’ future, This year’s full-time MBA class is one to attract more female students to our prosperous career and financial ben- he stressed the importance of reacting of the largest intakes bringing 59 stu- various programs, we are also proud efits. “It is about developing your per- quickly to change in order to be suc- dents to HHL. It is also a very interna- to have 60 nations represented on our sonality, developing your network”, he cessful. He urged his listeners to use tional group, spanning 18 nationali- campus. This is just a snapshot and we emphasized. “I strongly believe that this data and appropriate algorithms to ties (excluding Germany), therefore will be working towards steadily increas- is what you can take out of your studies understand the company structure and providing the perfect opportunity to ing our diversity amongst our student at HHL.” customer needs. “There is one single experience the creative energy born out body as well as our members of staff. element that matters”, he believes, “and of different perspectives and mindsets. that is speed.” We are especially excited to welcome Further, HHL has set a new record with many future female leaders to this MBA 65 full-time students for the Master in program reaching a 50 % female enroll- Management program. In spite of the ment mark. pandemic, HHL has seen a sharp rise across all of its programs. The part-time Diversity at HHL has reached new levels Master in Management program wel- which is a result of the constant efforts comes 66 new students to its three loca- undertaken. Not only have we been able tions in Leipzig, Cologne and Munich. “ HHL is a very personal busi- “ If people reinvent themselves “ As an international student, ness school. That means, we it does not mean that these I look forward to meeting the are small, we are individual. people are leaving their past, internationals from all over We are focused on premiere their characteristics, their the globe and to become learning experiences and that talents, their abilities behind. part of a diverse community we care for you – and your It is the foundation, the basis at HHL where we can create personal development. of shaping the future of new a future together and work ideas. together as a team. Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner Dean of HHL Bernd Leukert Yin Shan Mao, MSc21 student Member of the Board, Deutsche Bank
04 HHL NEWS FALL 2020 ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENTS Launch of new Master in Management (M.Sc.) | Finance Welcome Finance Track! With the arrival of the 2020 Fall Term, we warmly “ Engage in a like-minded and committed welcome our first generation of MSc Finance Track community willing to shape the future across all students. These 28 new members of the MSc family industries. Learn how to negotiate and navigate (13 full-time and 15 part-time) have chosen an innova- based on quantitative findings in a VUCA world. tive study program that sits at the crossroad of finance Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann, Professorship in M&A and strategic management. We believe that combining strategic thinking and quantitative skills will create an exciting program of high practical relevance. “ Our program goes beyond imparting Corporate Finance tools to analyze business challenges: We educate future leaders in deducing responsible decisions and in entrepreneurial execution. Dr. Maximilian Schreiter, Assistant Professor & Executive Director IFU … connects corporate finance … strengthens informed … builds entrepreneurial, Our Finance Program expertise with management skills decision making responsible and effective leaders Our Vision Building the continent’s most renowned corporate finance program Curriculum Learn how to: Make profound General Management Essentials FINANCE FOCUS THESIS Make optimal investment financing decisions decisions FINANCE PREP COURSES (ONLINE) Selected modules, e. g.: Write your thesis on _ Coding & Data Literacy Financial Decision Advanced Financial Add-ons, practically relevant _ Negotiation Making Challenges e. g. topics or develop an Understand and _ Problem Solving & Communication academic paper Analyze & value evaluate capital business models structure choices Financial Analysis & Financial Instruments & Advanced Excel Modelling Asset Pricing Modelling Design Financial General Management Competencies Capital Market Risk Management Big Data Analytics Structure efficient Contracts and Theory & Investments of Corporations in Finance portfolios unravel their value impact _P ractical experience, e. g.: Corporate Advanced Corporate Case Study S eminar with student consulting projects, internships Finance & Taxation Finance Executives Valuation & M&A _ International experience: Understand and Link financing & in- Study abroad at one of of 140+ partner Entrepreneurial price financial Economics of Note: Select two of the vestment decisions universities instruments for Finance & Venturing offered Add-Ons Finance managing risks Use modern tools as big data & machine learning Get involved Key facts First batch statistics _ Recruit our students Who enrolls: young professionals with a bachelor in business-related _ Send your top talents subjects and the ambition to pursue a career in finance _ Propose co-teaching ideas Study options: full-time (ft) or part-time (pt) Duration: 21–24 (ft)/24–30 (pt) months (90 ECTS credit points) Degree: M.Sc. Language of instruction: English Option: study abroad Start: September Study location: Leipzig (ft/pt), Cologne (pt), Munich (pt) Application deadline: 20 June 2021 (Early bird deadline: 28 February 2021) Participants per class: 35–55 (ft)/15–25 (pt) Average age: 25 years Contact: Average work experience: 2.5 years Dana Prahl Tuition: EUR 29,500 (Early bird rate: EUR 27,000) 53 % Financial Industry Corporate Relations & Transfer 33 % Consulting d.prahl@hhl.de 14 % Corporate
www.hhl.de HHL NEWS FALL 2020 05 WELCOME WEEK Kicking off a new life chapter at HHL The “Welcome Week” offers a dive into dents were split into small groups and Team rally takes students the #hhlspirit. Our students get to know the activities were spread out over mul- across campus classmates from all of our programs and tiple days. from all corners of the world, both virtu- The team rally is a special welcome in Leipzig. Guided by the questions ally and on-site. This community event The overall objective of the “Welcome event, where faculty and staff make the teams explore the department lays the foundation for a powerful net- Week” is to attune our new students time to answer the new students’ offices, collecting answers and navi- work that will support them not only into the highly diverse environment that questions. As a small business school, gating the university grounds. Some through their studies but far beyond. HHL is offering. In order to achieve that, HHL is a tight-knight community with questions encouraged the students we discussed what diversity means for short distances between offices and to make educated guesses, which This year’s “Welcome Week” was par- each individual. Further, we mixed our direct communication flow. The team often lead to interesting conversa- ticularly special as it was one of the first teams across the programs for students rally gives new students the oppor- tions with the staff and the adminis- chances for many to experience an in- get to know each as much as possible tunity to get to know their class- trative team. person event since the pandemic out- already at that point. During this week, mates as well as the main campus break. New students gathered in Leipzig they were also introduced to the Leipzig to tour the campus and explore the city. Leadership Model, HHL’s model for gen- In line with health regulations, the stu- eral management. Voices from our class of 2020 “ The first weeks have been great, “ Starting at HHL has been a really especially the Welcome Week events exciting and fun experience. Even where we have started to develop though the current situation does our team spirit and got the chance not allow all events to take place, we Bike tour through to get to know the city of Leipzig. had great events organized and the I am thankful that HHL developed a chance to really get to know each Clara-Zetkin-Park hybrid model in these challenging other as fellow students. We as the A few days later, the fun continued share leader, the students gath- times and made it possible to meet my students are really grateful for the for all students enrolled. With sup- ered to go on a bike tour of the classmates in person. The MSc class 21 organization by HHL. The team spirit port from Nextbike, Europe’s bike Clara-Zetkin-Park. is shaped by smart, ambitious students that evolved within the past weeks and a supportive environment. HHL is amazing. In the third week into students inspire you to think out of the the program, everyone is working box and think about what you want to together as a team and helping achieve during the next two years, and each other out. A spirit that is really further. I am looking forward to work inspiring. [I am looking forward to] in a passionate, international class and many challenging and instructive conquer the upcoming challenges of courses with great personalities. Of lectures and case studies as a team – course, the nights with cold drinks it will make us all not only to grow and fun discussions will not come professionally but also personally. too short as well. Sina Nöding, MSc21 student David Luxenhofer, MSc21 student
06 HHL NEWS FALL 2020 ENTREPRENEURSHIP HHL DIGITAL SPACE – Where entrepreneurs grow Welcome to HHL DIGITAL SPACE Take-off, Market & Launch Days Leipzig has a new player in its vibrant tion program developed by HHL. With Take-Off Days for Batch #1 started on the upcoming entrepreneurs will be the entrepreneurial ecosystem with the inspiring facilities on campus of HHL 10 September in the new facilities of the Launch Day at the HYPERION hotel in HHL DIGITAL SPACE tech incubator. enhanced by virtual offerings, the early- HHL DIGITAL SPACE. Leipzig on 8 December 2020. Thanks to the joint efforts of the HHL stage founders receive tailored support team, its supporters and alumni as on their entrepreneurial journey such as After five weeks the event called Mar- The teams will pitch their idea and well as the EXIST Potential Program consulting on the EXIST grant, a net- ket Day attracted mentors and sup- receive feedback from a jury and con- by the Federal Ministry of Econom- work of experts within HHL and from porters in a special hybrid format with nect with other entrepreneurs, investors ics and Energy (BMWi) the first batch the start-up ecosystem plus events and regards to COVID-19. The highlight for and partners. of 11 start-up teams kicked off in Sep- workshops with established companies tember 2020 with the 12-week incuba- and partners. The DIGITAL SPACE team Dean Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner giving a speech during the Market Day The start-ups of our first batch The 12-week incubation program Online marketplace with unique Instagram features for At its core, there is a structured and DIGITAL SPACE tech incubator, points is described in a “double-diamond” vendors free of charge 12-week incubation out: “We especially invite teams with that is divided into four sprints giving Cloud based, innovative program for early-stage founders a technical background in IT or engi- room for ideation and regular feed- SaaS platform for MS-Office with digital business models. Appli- neering as well as mixed teams of back loops to prepare the entrepre- automation cations for participants of Batch #2 buinsess and IT founders to apply.” neurs for realizing their idea. Effortless grill-experience starting in January 2021 are open until delivered to everyone 20 November 2020. During the intensive program, the Reward program for independ- start-ups concretize and validate their ent hotels helping small play- Everybody is welcome to apply, while business idea regarding the “problem- ers to survive and frequent Sophie Kuhl, Managing Director of the solution fit”. The structured approach travellers to experience a unique stay A holistic approach enabling the vertical integration of large software systems for the insurance industry to further enhance ongoing digital trans- formation and automation Technology platform to con- nect (local) retailers with con- sumers, unifying the advan- tages of both online shopping and traditional, stationary retail Platform for second-hand bicy- cles and bicycle components for kids First of its kind loyalty program for green and responsible shops and brands Sonoday allows advertisers to bundle thousands of pod- casts into one strong voice and enables podcasts to get sponsorships A platform to boost product sales and visibility on various e-commerce platforms B2B platform focused on building meaningful con- nections between conscious brands and local businesses
www.hhl.de HHL NEWS FALL 2020 07 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Appointment of the Junior Professor Financial Times Global Masters in Strategic Entrepreneurship as part of Management Ranking 2020 EXIST project DIGITAL SPACE start-up HHL ranked TOP 25 worldwide Coming from the strategy consult- demic background with several awards The new ranking by the Financial ing Boutique Stern Stewart & Co as a and scholarships enriched with practical Times, which assesses Master in Man- manager to HHL in 2018, Jun.-Prof. Dr. experience characterize his profile. agement programs from universities Dominik Kanbach first supported to around the globe, has awarded top drive forward HHL’s key strategy projects Being appointed Junior Professor for positions to the education offered that amongst others led to the success- Strategic Entrepreneurship in April at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of ful launch of DIGITAL SPACE with its tech 2020 and acting as Academic Lead for Management. incubator program. Initially as a Post- the DIGITAL SPACE, Dominik’s main Doc he developed and implemented new responsibilities are to transfer research HHL graduates were ranked 3rd in teaching formats like the course Disrup- tive Technologies and Business Models and established himself as an aspiring results into practical startup support, to develop contents of the 12-weeks incu- bation program and to drive the success Europe and 7th worldwide for their sal- aries. HHL’s Career Service was also ranked very high, achieving 7th place “ HHL was the best decision scholar through publications in acknowl- of the initiative together with Sophia worldwide. In the global ranking, I could make as it provided edged journals such as the Harvard Busi- Kuhl, Managing Director of the DIGITAL which includes a total of 90 universi- me with the tools for my ness Review. Overall, his strong aca- SPACE tech incubator. ties, HHL came in 2nd in Germany and current position as a business 23rd worldwide, improving our posi- development specialist. With tion for the second time. its well-structured curriculum, a “ vast choice of student initiatives Investors Day International Study and its excellent Career Service, Trip – Excursion HHL was a key factor for success The HHL SpinLab Investors Day took We are delighted to see we place on 17 September 2020 and in to Poland improved our position in the in my personal development. a joint format SpinLab and HHL pre- latest Financial Times ranking The friendships I formed at the sented first class early-stage start-ups From 18–21 September 2020, 27 stu- even more. We are able to offer school continue to flourish. to investors while discussing industry dents from various HHL programs our students one of the world’s Richard Schramm, HHL alumnus trends with startups and VC experts. visited the WSH University in Business leading Master programs. Es- (Business Development Customer Center DIGITAL SPACE Managing Director in Wroclaw, Poland. During an inten- Porsche Leipzig GmbH) pecially in times of crisis, it is Sophia Kuhl moderated the Best of Mit- sive weekend in Wroclaw, students “ teldeutschland Award and Meshmerize were exposed to a blend of manage- important for young people to from Dresden won 1,500 € for their pitch rial and cultural insights. In addition to enjoy high-quality and widely granted by the Karl-Kolle-Stiftung. lectures by Prof. Dr. Tobias Dauth, Prof. respected education. Compa- HHL was the best choice for Dr. Alexander Lahmann and Jun.-Prof. nies have let us know that they me as it combines a great Dr. Dominik Kanbach let the students are thankful to be able to find education with tremendous work on a customized case study to get high-powered and responsible opportunities. Besides close a better understanding of the specific junior leaders here. Achieving ties to alumni, the university perspectives in the place of residence. top ranks once again confirms provides numerous chances to Moreover, guest speakers provided our approach and motivates us get in touch with prospective insights into the vibrant region of Cen- in our daily pursuit of excellence employers. Especially the group tral and Eastern Europe, especially of in instruction and research. projects with companies and the Polish start-up scene from a histori- cal perspective. For instance, Dr. Bar- Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner, Dean of HHL the contact with top consulting tosz Gonczarek (co-founder of Explain firms through the HHL-Career Everything) explained specifics of start- The FT Global Masters in Manage- Service helped me on my way to ing a business in a growing economy. He ment Ranking 2020 is considered to a career in consulting. also highlighted the impact of cultural be one of the most comprehensive Benjamin Kühl, HHL alumnus differences on start-ups and presented and significant of its kind internation- (Consultant at McKinsey & Company) key takeaways for future entrepreneurs. ally for Master in Management pro- A city tour and evening events brought grams. The ranking combines data in some “Polish flavor” and success- from two surveys. One polls alumni We are proud of the work our HHL fully added to an exciting weekend for from the universities who graduated community has done to maintain a the HHL students. HHL Alumnus Artur three years ago. The other one uses world-class educational provision. Tomys (M8), CEO of EQUIQO, hosted the information provided by the univer- Thanks to your dedication and efforts group at his company’s facility. EQUIQO sities themselves, such as diversity of HHL again is ranked among the demonstrating great HHL spirit. the student body or internationality TOP 25 Business Schools worldwide! Establishment of of the programs. the Research Group Strategic Entrepreneur- ship with more than Coaching, mentoring and know-how 20 researchers from women for women on their way to their own businesses Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Kanbach and and the Free State of Saxony we are Voice of a participant: Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner lead the new successfully organizing a female found- “For me the female founders class is a Research Group Strategic Entrepre- ers class. The class has a duration of real blessing. Especially in these uncer- neurship. In this research group, the Por- six months and includes workshops, tain times of COVID-19, I almost lost sche AG Chair of Strategic Management coaching and mentoring from women my courage in believing my foundation and Digital Entrepreneurship and the for women on their way to their own could succeed. The continuous support, Junior Professorship in Strategic Entre- business. Rossitza Ivanova, research the fun workshops and the broad net- preneurship join forces to add to HHL’s associate at the Chair of Innovation work is giving me an orientation struc- research excellence in the interface of Management and Entrepreneurship, is ture. I gained important knowledge Strategic Management and Entrepre- the new project leader since April 2020 about various methods and approaches neurship research. With already more and has implemented the founders’ around building my business. I am than 20 internal and external Ph.D. can- Since 2017 the SMILE project team at class as an online program. For detailed thankful for the connections to other didates the research group aims to sig- the Chair of Innovation Management information please visit our website: female entrepreneurs because this is a nificantly contribute to the academic and Entrepreneurship is accompanying versatile enrichment to all of us. Thanks discussion on international top-level young women on their way to become https://www.hhl.de/ to all this support, I now know not only and at the same time derive practical a founder. With the support of the Euro- experience/initiatives/ how I am going to start up, but also that applicable insights. pean Union, the European Social Fund female-founders-initiative/ I am going to start up!”
08 HHL NEWS FALL 2020 FACULTY COOPERATIONS Student Consulting Projects 2020 No. Chair/Professorship Project Partner/Company Topic Student Consulting Personalized 1 Prof. Dr. Iris Hausladen DHL Leipzig “Optimization of digitalization approaches for the cross- Project with kicker therapies from functional controlling of the operations of the DHL Hub Leipzig GmbH” the 3D-printer – 2 Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg DHL Leipzig In Spring Term 2020, the Chair students help with “DHL HUB LEIPZIG – als Arbeitgeber der ersten Wahl – nachhaltig und attraktiv in der Region” of Accounting and Auditing sup- business planning ported the probably most pop- 3 Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg Gewandhaus Leipzig “Was ist die Marke ‘Gewandhausorchester’ wert? – Entwicklung ular German sports magazine, eines Markenbewertungsansatzes für ein internationales kicker, in its reorientation within The founding team NEXT3D of the Spitzenorchester” the scope of a student consult- Leipzig University Hospital pro- 4 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann Dr. Oetker ing project. Especially in the year duces personalized 3D-printed “Idea- & Innovation-Program" of its 100th anniversary, kicker implants and instruments using 5 Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann L-Foren is more than ever challenged to patient-specific data. The aim is “Establishing a local ecosystem to create a sustainable customer value in living” think about the market environ- to provide patients with improved ment, the general development therapies. At the end of 2019 the 6+7 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Erik Maier VNG “Market Potential Assessment: Future Developments in Urban trends in sports reporting, the founding team was awarded the Development, Infrastructure and Housing” changed (also social) framework IQ Innovation Prize of Central 8 PD Dr. habil. Dorian Proksch EnviaM conditions as well as the future Germany. This year a team of HHL “Public WiFi as Enabler for Smart Cities” market positioning in a very emo- students from the MSc program 9 Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner Porsche tional business like professional was asked to support the process “Sportscar Ranch” football. A team of six HHL Mas- of Business planning. Therefore 10 Prof. Dr. Andreas Suchanek PWC FS Tax ter’s students was able to accom- the students analyzed the mar- “Exploration of (options, opportunities and limits of) suitable pany those responsible for the ket for 3D-prints in the fields of metrics to measure trust(worthiness) in the context of tax and legal consulting on behalf of banks, insurance and investment kicker for part of the way. The stereotaxy and vascular surgery companies” results of this cooperation will be and developed commercializa- 11 Prof. Dr. Vivek Velamuri Schöck Bauteile visible in the future. tion strategies. “Especially for “Augmented reality on the construction site” small companies with very lim- 12 Prof. Dr. Arnis Vilks everphone ited financial resources, the stu- “Digitizing the non-desk work force – productivity increase dent consulting projects offer the through mobile devices and apps in the hotel industry” opportunity to work on an urgent 13 Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Althammer Aicura Medical (Spinlab) “Market strategy for healthcare AI platform” problem at high level”, says Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler from the 14 Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler Uniklinikum Leipzig (Neurosurgery) “3D-printing for personalized medicine” (business cases) Chair of Financial management, 15 Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch Kicker who supervised the project. “Der ‘kicker’ als B2B-Marke” 16 Prof. Dr. La Mura HDT “Understand the data and needed structure leading to the identification and steering of the success drivers in the recruiting and headhunting industry” 17 Prof. Dr. Vivek Velamuri Suncoal “Development of sustainable rubber goods” Student Consulting Student Consulting Student Consulting Wanted: Partners for Project of HHL and Project with Project with the Student Consulting VNG shows: Around the DHL Hub Leipzig Gewandhaus Projects 60 % of East German Leipzig Orchestra An important element of study- municipalities ex- ing at HHL are the “field projects”, A group of HHL students con- The project with the world- pect corona effects ducted a study for the DHL renowned Leipzig Gewandhaus student consulting projects super- vised by a Chair. Students run for years to come Hub in Leipzig with a focus on Orchestra, which was supervised these projects independently employer branding on a qualita- by Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg’s while receiving coaching from a 83 percent of East German tive as well as quantitative basis. Chair of Marketing, revolved respective Chair. Many well-known municipalities expect lower tax In a first step, the student team around the question of what large corporations, medium-sized revenues as a result of the corona interviewed internal and exter- value cultural institutions, such as companies and start-ups have crisis. In contrast, 39 percent nal stakeholders of the DHL Hub the Gewandhaus Orchestra, can already benefited from the results see accelerated digitization as a Leipzig in order to identify central develop in their target group. Up of HHL’s student consulting pro- jects. This cooperation format is positive effect of the pandemic- drivers of a successful employer to now, so-called brand valua- offered to companies that look for related crisis. This is the result of branding campaign. In a second tion approaches have rarely been fresh ideas, profound research and a student consulting project car- step, the student team imple- applied to cultural institutions. sound solutions to current man- ried out by HHL, supervised by mented a structured survey in However, brands are known to have agement challenges. Project top- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Erik Maier’s Chair order to derive recommendations a huge magnetic effect on cus- ics can be derived from all busi- of Retail and Multi-Channel Man- for the areas of employer brand- tomers and thus, play a crucial role ness areas, e.g. strategy, finance, agement, and VNG AG, a holding ing, recruitment, development for the successful maintainance of marketing, business development, of multiple energy-related busi- and talent management as well companies but also cultural insti- HR, logistics etc. For three to six nesses headquartered in Leipzig. as retention management for the tutions. Within the scope of the months teams of four to six stu- In the framework of the project a DHL Hub Leipzig management field project, the use of brand val- dents work in the role of manage- team of four students conducted team. uation approaches was examined ment consultants under the sci- entific guidance of a faculty chair. in-depths interviews with rep- in order to gain long-term indica- Next projects will start in mid- resentatives of 36 East German tions for the successful orientation March 2021. Companies interested municipalities. and communication of the Leipzig in participating are welcome to Gewandhaus Orchestra. contact HHL: Kathrin Schmidt Manager Employer Relations | Dept. Career Development T +49 341 9851-882 k.schmidt@hhl.de
We Empower Leaders HHL prepares you to be successful in a constantly changing world. Company-specific programs in: _ S trategy & Scenario Planning _ D igitization, IT & Innovation _ Finance _ L eadership & Communication Open-enrollment programs: _ Management & IT _ M erger Integration Management _ G eneral Management Program _ Company Succession Contact: Jana Näther State-of-the-art education +49 341 9851-838 jana.naether@hhl.de for managers Excellent lecturers with an impact-oriented a pproach ECTS credits transferable Networking with to our MBA successful leaders program HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig, Germany, +49 341 9851-838, www.hhl.de/executive
10 HHL NEWS FALL 2020 EXECUTIVE EDUCATION Successful completion of the 1st edition of the Merger Integration Management Program In September 2020, the first class of to successfully manage the complexity the Merger Integration Management and dynamics of M&A integration pro- Program (MIM) ended very success- jects and how to realize merger poten- fully. The participants were very satis- tials. The program concluded with the fied with the joint program of HHL and certificate “Merger Integration Profes- the frankfurter gruppe, with the per- sional (HHL)”. The next cohort starts on sonal exchange they could experience 25 February, 2021. with lecturers and participants and the professional experience of the course at HHL. The participants learned how www.hhl.de/merger-integration “ The program of HHL and “ What is unique about the frankfurter gruppe is not program is the combination only unique in the German- of theory and practice, the speaking world, but also transfer of knowledge from great. The energy, know-how HHL and frankfurter gruppe. and power in the seminar The breadth of topics bundles room with other experienced holistically issues that arise colleagues is enriching. The in every days life of one lecturers get to the heart of working on integration. the matter. I liked the discussion with the Rico Hänel participants who came from Managing Director, various companies and with be-terna GmbH different questions. From the beginning, the setup of 3 x 3 days made it possible to proof in practice what had been learned and to take the resulting questions into the next session. Anke Dewitz-Grube Director Bosch Inhouse Consulting, Robert Bosch GmbH Participants of the 1st MIM Program General Management Program with largest intake ever The 16th edition of the General Man- This year, HHL Executive Education one’s own repertoire, and to convey agement Program (GMP) started with offered a new female scholarship for scientifically sound as well as prac- the largest intake ever. In six modules, this program and was delighted to tice-relevant knowledge to fill the 16 participants from various indus- promote four successful women to leadership role as best as possible.” tries and sectors gain state-of-the- the GMP. art knowledge on flexible strategies Lea Waskowiak adds: “Since in times of uncertainty, problem solv- Nina Kilian, Director Controlling of I work in corporate communica- ing, marketing in the digital world, Deutsche Rückversicherung AG, one tions, I would like to use the GMP to leadership, value-based management of the scholarship holders said: “The deepen my existing management and strategic innovation and thereby General Management Program offers knowledge, but above all to specifi- expanding their management and excellent opportunities to deepen cally close gaps, e. g. in the area of “ leadership skills. Many participants management competencies in the financial management. In addition, value the fact that the modules can light of our dynamic and fast-moving I would like to broaden my horizons. be credited to the HHL Part Time MBA times, to build a long-term network The GMP Women’s Scholarship is The lecturers cleverly Program. for the continuous development of the ideal starting point for this and offers me the opportunity to learn combine teaching content from and with other women.” with self-development of working techniques in the More about the GMP please see here: group. I’ve gained valuable experience and loads of www.hhl.de/gmp inspiration. Thanks for that! Dr. Christian Mayer Head of Compliance, thyssengroup Steel Europe AG
www.hhl.de HHL NEWS FALL 2020 11 EXECUTIVE EDUCATION HHL offers new Executive Education certificate program Management & IT “ The HHL Executive programs are designed to deliver relevant and In the course of digitization, companies online teaching to ensure compatibility impact-oriented executive skills. are in strong need of qualified specialists with job obligations. I invite you to take advantage who have competencies in the fields of of our wide range of programs management and IT as it is the only way HHL works with renowned partners to and seminars for your personal to take full advantage of the opportuni- convey the program content. The lec- ties associated with the digital transition. turers come from HHL, the Institute for development. Applied Computer Science at the Uni- Prof. Dr. Tobias Dauth In this 10-month certificate program, versity of Leipzig (InFAI) and the Berlin Academic Director Executive Education participants will quickly gain up-to-date start-up scene. knowledge and develop necessary skills in the fields of management and IT in Management & IT is open to all candi- order to work at that interface. dates that are either working or would Upcoming Executive like to work at the interface between Participants will work on real business Management and IT or dealing with IT- Programs and Seminars cases for all modules in order to apply related management projects. the core elements of the digital business All our scheduled programs and seminars will either in a practical manner. The part-time pro- At the end of the program, graduates take place face-to-face or in a hybrid format. gram combines on-campus phases and will receive a HHL university certificate. 25 February–19 June 2021 | Leipzig Merger Integration Management For executives and project managers who are responsible for the successful planning and realization Hot of the press: brandnew certificate of merger integration projects www.hhl.de/merger-integration program for company succession 24–25 March 2021 | Hamburg University of Münster and HHL cooperate on initiative Purpose Seminar – Lead Effectively with Purpose of IHK North Westphalia For senior leaders who want to hone their purpose for themselves and their organization On 6 October 2020, the deans of com- sors for their new role, enable senior www.hhl.de/purpose pany sucession HHL Leipzig Graduate entrepreneurs to plan and control the School of Management (HHL), Prof. Dr. process at an early stage and help to 26 March 2021 | Leipzig Stephan Stubner, and the Westphalian determine the value of the company. Corporate Valuation Wilhelms University (WWU) of Mün- We are happy to make this contribution For business owners, board members, managing ster, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, signed to ensure that companies are preserved directors, executives, auditors and consultants a cooperation agreement for the new for the future.” who want to learn more about corporate valuation certificate program “Company Succes- methods used in business practice sion – Succession Management in times The compact certificate program for the www.hhl.de/unternehmensbewertung of digital transformation” at the educa- holistic structuring of company succes- tion center of IHK North Westphalia. The sion prepares successors for the upcom- 15–16 April 2021 | Leipzig aim of the new program is to prepare ing changes, for their new tasks and Leadership Communication Seminar successors for the upcoming change supports companies on the path to a For participants who want to sharpen their of leadership in the company and at successful handover. In interactive semi- understanding for convincing and successful the same time to provide them with the nar concepts, participants not only learn leadership communication tools for the digital transformation of the basics on the topics of succession www.hhl.de/fuehrungskommunikation their companies. management, family governance, cor- porate management and digital trans- 22 April–17 December 2021 | Leipzig In the IHK district North Westphalia formation in medium-sized companies, Management & IT alone, which covers the Münsterland but apply them to their own companies For graduates and career changers who want to and Emscher-Lippe regions, around together with the other participants. The deepen their knowledge and develop necessary skills 35,000 companies are due to be content on the subject area of “Manage- in the fields of management and IT handed over within the next ten years. ment” is conducted by HHL, the subject www.hhl.de/management-it Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner explains: area of “Digitization” by WWU. The cer- “Handing over a company, that is often tificate program extends to 15 program 20–21 May 2021 | Leipzig the lifetime achievement of a person, is days over a period of almost six months. Negotiation Seminar a special challenge. We are pleased that It can be done individually or in tandem For participants who want to improve their ability to HHL, with its expertise in management, (successor + entrepreneur). The pro- master negotiations of any kind is able to support entrepreneurs in this gram is scheduled to start next summer www.hhl.de/negotiation process. We prepare potential succes- at the IHK education center. 6 May–8 November 2021 | Leipzig/Madrid Leadership for Experts in Medicine and Health Care For physicians and (prospective) managers from various healthcare sectors who want to deepen their management and leadership skills www.hhl.de/lmh 4 June–27 November 2021 | Münster Company Succession For potential business successors and (senior) entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized companies in North Rhine Westphalia who want to successfully manage the succession within their company www.hhl.de/unternehmensnachfolge 19 September 2021–5 February 2022 | Leipzig General Management Program For managers and senior leaders who want to deepen their management and leadership knowledge www.hhl.de/gmp Signing of the cooperation. fltr: Dr. Fritz Jaeckel (MD IHK North Westphalia), Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner (Dean of HHL), Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels (Dean at WWU Münster)
12 HHL NEWS FALL 2020 FACULTY & RESEARCH Chair of Accounting and Auditing 2020: Capital market communication in Germany is required – the pandemic forces us to rethink The Chair of Accounting and Auditing companies’ crisis management (meas- Deutsche Telekom, as the winner of this at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Man- ures, communication, risk management, year’s competition and Investors’ Dar- agement, in cooperation with man- etc.). ling 2020, is currently overperforming ager magazin and Bankhaus Metzler, these expectations for transparent, sus- awarded the Investors’ Darling – the best The trend towards sustainability is tainable and digital financial communi- capital market strategist of the year – stronger than ever. In this context, SAP cation and is setting a best practice on for the seventh time on 17 September SE was identified as a best practice the German capital market in terms of 2020 in Hamburg. Capital market com- company in the competition, which is financial communication. munication is facing three decisive chal- very successful in understanding sus- lenges in the coming years, which can tainability as an integral part of its own be expressed in three key factors: trans- business model. https://live.manager-magazin. Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch, holder of the Chair of parency, sustainability and digitization. de/investorsdarling2020/ Accounting and Auditing at HHL Successful and credible companies will In the future, digital communication have to be measured against these three will become a comparative competitive terms in the future, particularly in terms advantage: The quality of digital com- of their communications. munication expressed in the presenta- Aktuelle Herausforderungen tion and availability of decision-relevant Die Transformation der Kapitalmarktkommunikation hat drei wesentliche Treiber Transparency in financial reporting is company information on the compa- more important than ever due to the ny’s website varies greatly on the Ger- ongoing corona pandemic. Especially man capital market, depending on index Die Corona-Pandemie und ihre in these times, crisis communication is membership. The companies listed on 1 Auswirkungen auf das Unternehmen becoming a critical success factor on the DAX have a lead here over the com- the capital market. How German listed panies listed on the MDAX and SDAX. firms are performing in their Corona In addition, too few companies in all Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte (ESG) in crisis communication has been deter- indices make use of the opportunity to 2 Reporting und Investor Relations mined in a “Corona Score” analysis, spe- channel their financial information via cially developed for the Investors’ Dar- social media. Consequently, the German ling 2020 competition. This takes into capital market is not yet fit for the digi- Die Digitalisierung in der account both the companies’ communi- talization trend in capital market com- 3 Kapitalmarktkommunikation cation (through reporting and investor munication. Companies need to invest relations) and the analysts’ view of the here. Trends in corporate reporting, The German Bundesliga clubs and communications and perception their future: An outlook on the at the capital market robustness of the clubs in times of COVID-19 (The HHL Bundesliga Study) The Chair of Accounting and Auditing the capital market within their (cumu- In cooperation with Odgers Berndt- at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Man- lative) doctoral or post-doctoral stud- son, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of agement and the Chair of Communica- ies. During the one-day workshop, par- Management has conducted an anal- tions Management at the University of ticipants had the opportunity to present ysis of the robustness of clubs in the Leipzig invited to the 6th RIC Confer- and discuss current research projects 1st and 2nd Bundesliga on the basis of ence on “Trends in Corporate Reporting, in a constructive atmosphere. Further- publicly available data on the market. Communications and Perception at the more, the event helped to stimulate the The study was published on 12 May Capital Market” on 10 September 2020 ongoing exchange between the par- 2020 and was able to stimulate the at HHL. The aim of the one-day work- ticipants and to promote the constitu- existing discussion in this field. shop was to promote scientific research tion of long-term research networks on the frontiers between accounting, and research cooperations. At the same According to this study, five clubs tively) good financial condition over- finance, and communication sciences. time, the cooperation between HHL and had to be classified as flagged: Three all. From a financial perspective, it is The workshop was primarily aimed at the University of Leipzig in the field of clubs from the first division and two the most solid league in Europe. doctoral and post-doctoral students financial market communication could clubs from the second division. The who are working on topics of commu- be further intensified. deficits are specifically due to ques- But: In the future, the league’s cred- nication and information processing at tionable indicators in the areas of ibility must be enhanced through liquidity and/or solvency. In addition, increased transparency. The German seven more clubs in the second divi- Bundesliga can emerge stronger sion need to be reformed in the long from the crisis thanks to its insti- term. The professional clubs show a tutional set-up and its fundamen- need for professionalization, espe- tal data, provided that appropri- cially in the areas of finance, manage- ate reform measures are taken. The ment, and youth player development. future actions of the clubs should Remarkably, the Bundesliga, espe- be effective, innovative, transparent, cially the first division, has the most and responsible, and should follow a diversified revenue mix compared clearly defined club purpose. to the top leagues from Spain, Eng- land, Italy and France. This means: the dependence on TV contract rev- https://www.hhl.de/ enues is not yet as pronounced as in app/uploads/2020/07/ the other European top leagues. Per- Executive-Summary- sonnel expenses are also the lowest The-German-Bundes in a European comparison. The Bun- liga-Clubs-and-Their-Future. desliga is therefore in a (compara- pdf Seminar participants from the University of Leipzig (Communication Management) and HHL (Chair of Accounting and Auditing)
www.hhl.de HHL NEWS FALL 2020 13 FACULTY & RESEARCH Chair of Business Psychology and Leadership Fifth anniversary: New Leipzig Talents moves ahead Every year in November, about 20 newly coachee for more over six month, are the program, and for the first time an NLT coordinator at the Dr. Arend Oet- enrolled MSc and MBA students join the well-chosen professional coaches and NLT alumnus has become a coach him- ker Chair of Business Psychology and New Leipzig Talents coaching program, coaching experienced personalities self. Ron Gabay studied design and Leadership. nicknamed NLT. With individual coach- from business, culture and society, such holds an MBA from HHL where he has ing sessions and group workshops, it as from RB Leipzig, the gallery for con- been an NLT coachee in 2016–2017. In 2020 there was yet another reason to opens up opportunities to broaden stu- temporary art GfZK, a Zurich advertis- Today he is Head of Innovation and Ven- celebrate: New Leipzig Talents started dents’ perspectives and personal skills. ing agency and XING. They have been ture Design at Joy Ventures in Tel Aviv. cooperating with the BMW Group Plant committed to supporting HHL students Looking ahead, New Leipzig Talents Leipzig as a new partner. “We are proud Throughout the coaching period stu- on a voluntary basis for many years now. aims to involve more NLT alumni in sup- and thankful that in BMW we have a dents also intensively reflect on what Meanwhile, the number of coaches, who porting young students at HHL. “This partner on campus for whom regional the Leipzig Leadership Model means for support young personalities at HHL in way New Leipzig Talents can contribute integration and a leadership oriented their own path with regard to leadership the spirit of the New Leipzig Talents to connecting academic generations towards the common good is visibly an oriented to the common good and key approach, continues to grow. and offer NLT alumni the opportunity to important concern”, says Prof. Dr. Timo professional competencies such as soci- gain experience as a coach themselves, Meynhardt who supervises NLT together etal mindfulness, entrepreneurial spirit, On the occasion of its fifth anniversary an ability which is becoming increas- with Martina Beermann, Director Career earning trustworthiness and self-reflec- NLT has good reason to celebrate: Over ingly important in professional life”, Development. tion. NLT coaches, who accompany the 80 students have already gone through comments Christina Stockmann-Zipfel, Public Value Atlas Leipzig Paving new ways in teaching: The Public Value Atlas examines organ- such a local setting, specifics of Leipzig Responsible entrepreneurship izations’ contribution to the Common Good. It has been conducted both in or to the ongoing corona crisis. When asked about the effects of the corona for the common good Switzerland and in Germany. In 2020, crisis, 60 out of 100 respondents said the world’s first Public Value Atlas on a that the common good had gained in Sixteen students from HHL, fifteen and pupils centered around issues like city level has been conducted in Leipzig. importance for them as a result of the teenagers (between 14 and 16 years) how to measure a start-up’s public value, But why here? Leipzig is one of the most corona crisis. All of them emphasize from three schools in Leipzig, Dresden how to transform HR policies or pub- dynamic cities in Germany. For centu- that companies must pay more atten- and Sebnitz, two start-ups, two guest lic value-oriented innovation. While the ries, civic and entrepreneurial thinking tion to morals. As Prof. Dr. Timo Mey- speakers and almost countless ideas students’ professional skills and expe- for the common good have shaped the nhardt sums it up: “The city’s current came together in the brand-new semi- rience facilitated access to the seminar, city’s mentality. growth dynamic is also reflected in the nar “Responsible Entrepreneurship for the pupils enriched the group works Public Value Atlas. The basic optimism the Common Good”, kindly supported with a new, sometimes more unbiased Consequently, Leipzig has international of Leipzig’s population is a pound with by the Peter Curtius foundation. The perspective. In addition to the compre- standing regarding innovative develop- which to grow. The future of all players overall aim: Discussing day2day impli- hensive appreciation and joy about the ments in business, culture, education in the city will depend decisively on how cations of a public value-oriented busi- results achieved, all partners declared and sports. they demonstrate their relevance to ness models for real start-ups. The chal- themselves willing to participate in the the common good on the ground and, lenges were posed by “besser zuhause” seminar again in the upcoming academic As in the previous surveys at the federal in particular, how they get involved in and MOIO, two winners of the EY Public year. “It is amazing to see how students level, the frontrunners consist of public their core tasks for the benefit of Leip- Value Award for start-ups. take care of the ‘younger brothers and institutions and associations. On aver- zig. There is no right to neglect the com- sisters’ and how the latter are able to age, Leipzig’s citizens rate their organi- mon good. Only together can we grow The kick-off event for the seminar took contribute to an academic seminar. A key zations significantly higher than the fed- meaningfully.” place in Winter 2020 at HHL’s premises, insight: teaching is to provide a challeng- eral population. This could be attributed the actual seminar took place in Summer ing context, to empower and to trust in to the higher subjective proximity in www.gemeinwohlatlas.de via MS Teams. The discussions in the ple- young people”, says Prof. Dr. Timo Meyn- nary or the six mixed groups of students hardt, co-lecturer of this seminar. Chair of Digital Innovation and Service Industries Science meets practice: LF Group sponsors new Professorship for digital innovation in service industries at HHL HHL established a new professorship growth and provision of digitally ena- cess towards digitalization and how they and is proud to announce that Prof. Dr. bled services and business models. can be taken along the journey”, Prof. Claudia Lehmann has accepted her first Dr. Claudia Lehmann says. professorship for digital innovation in The transfer of research results into service industries. As HHL’s first pro- practice is of particular importance: The application and training of agile fessorship in this field, the objective of The professorship is intended to help management tools, the development the “LF Group Professorship for Digi- tal Innovation in Service Industries” is to develop methods and tools for the German companies in the service sec- tor to discover and use digitization for themselves. It will thus form an impor- of digital competencies and the net- worked collaboration of diverse teams are at the center of her teaching meth- “ Our goal is to develop tant interface between research and ods. Asking Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann services that would not practice. what is essential when it comes to col- have been conceivable laboration with companies and organi- without new technologies. “Digitalization is changing markets and zations, she states: “From my point of customer needs and competition is view interactive communication across Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann becoming fiercer – especially for Ger- diverse disciplines and backgrounds is man small and medium sized compa- the key to form innovation competence gram which involves employees, across nies. Our goal is to develop services that for service engineering.” the globe, and various idea channels would not have been conceivably with- in the innovation process to prioritize, out new technologies. And we are going Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann and her team select and implement innovation in a one step further: we are also creating the are working on different projects with more sustainable way. Signing the contract for the LF Group Professor- appropriate business models for these over 33 companies. In one of the latest ship for digital innovation in service industries: new services. I am particularly interested projects with Dr. Oetker, a student team For more information please follow: Markus Rosenbaum (Managing Director LF Group), Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner (Dean at HHL), in the question of how employees can be created together with Prof. Dr. Claudia Dr. Marcus Kölling (Chancellor at HHL) integrated into the transformation pro- Lehmann an idea and innovation pro- www.hhl.de/blog/
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