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Common Academic Focus - Sustainability Research - Leipzig Graduate School of ...

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… and many more insights into HHL’s research, teaching and campus activities
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02   HHL NEWS         FALL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HHL NEWS          FALL 2019    03

INTRO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EDITORIAL

We Are Proud Of                                                                                                120+
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dear HHL Community,

              #1                                             #2
                                                                                                               More than 120 years of
                                                                                                               experience and innovation in
                                                                                                               entrepreneurial education.
                                                                                                               Founded in 1898, HHL is the                                                            We publish our summer edition of the 2019 HHL news on          And we create awareness for the importance of leader-
                                                                                                               1st and oldest business                                                                the morning we celebrate the graduation of 220 HHL stu-        ship in this context. We need business leaders that shape
              Entrepreneurial                                Second highest                                    university in Germany.                                                                 dents from 65 nations. My sincere congratulations to all of    organizations and societies, that help to identify entre-
              University                                     starting salary of its                                                                                                                   you! From now on you are HHL alumni and ambassadors            preneurial opportunities and motivate people to collabo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      for your alma mater, wherever your careers will take you!      ratively build on these opportunities. To do this, we have
                                                             graduates worldwide                                                                                                                      This year’s graduation is accompanied by a very special        for example developed our HHL Leipzig Leadership Model
                                                             (USD 77,236)                                                                                                                             ceremony. We are proud and delighted to award the hon-         as a discussion framework to reflect on good leadership.
              Startup Radar 2018                             The Economist Masters in Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                      orary doctorate Dr. rer. oec. h.c. to the German Chancellor    And as a result from these elaborations, we have also rec-
              Founder’s Association for German Science       Ranking 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dr. Angela Merkel for her leadership accomplishments and       ognized the tremendous impact Angela Merkel has on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      her resulting impact on management science.                    scientific and professional discussion on leadership – and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     hence we have decided to award her with an honorary doc-

                                                                                                             #2 #4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     torate from HHL.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      As many of you are aware, at HHL Leipzig Graduate School

 280 +                                 25,000 +                                                                                                                                                       of Management we have a special focus on entrepreneur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ship. With five unicorns – startups valued at more than
                                                                                                                                                                                                      1 billion US dollar – amongst our over 280 HHL startups
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The current edition of the HHL news in your hands gives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     you a small insight into the wide portfolio of activities in
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and over 25,000 jobs that our alumni directly created, we      research, teaching and service that HHL offers. You will
                                                                                                                                                                                                      feel that this focus has an impact on business and soci-       learn about initiatives for regional companies helping them
                                                                                                             Program                                    Facilities and                                ety. In addition, we have many family firm owners, lead-       in the challenge of digital transformation, you will get
 Companies set up                      Jobs created                      Range of access
                                                                                                             content                                    other services                                ers in small- and medium sized enterprises and managers        an insight into latest changes in our curriculum like new
 by alumni of HHL                      by HHL founders                   to overseas
                                                                                                                                                                                                      in large companies and non-profit organizations amongst        courses on disruptive technologies and you will get sum-
                                                                         study programs
                                                                        The Economist Masters in             The Economist Masters in                   The Economist Masters in
                                                                                                                                                                                                      our students and alumni. They all spent an important and       maries of recent research as the work of Junior Professor
                                                                        Management Ranking 2019              Management Ranking 2019                    Management Ranking 2019                       defining time with us which – as we hope – helped them to      Erik Maier on mobile product search. Above all, we want
                                                                                                                                                                                                      become the personalities they are today.                       to give you an idea of what HHL contributes to a great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     student experience, insightful and relevant research and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      When we teach entrepreneurship and support the devel-          development of companies in Saxony and beyond.

                                                                        #2 #1
                                       5 Unicorns                                                                                                                                                     opment of an entrepreneurial spirit, we integrate a strong
                                                                                                                                                                                                      long-term perspective on the triple bottom line. The deci-     I hope you enjoy our HHL news.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      sions of business leaders have a significant impact on busi-   Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      nesses, but also on ecology and society, and we encour-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      age our students to reflect on the wider consequences
                                                                                                                                                                                                       This is a quote from this text
                                                                                                                                                                                                      their decisions have. We discuss with them that economic
                                       HHL startups                      Master in Management                                                                                                          to create a lively impression.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      objectives cannot be the only guiding principles but that
                                       valued at more than               globally                              Most popular                                                                           they have a bigger responsibility than to just focus on        Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner
                                       USD 1 billion
                                                                         THE Ranking 2019 of “Times Higher     business school                                                                        short-term financial gains.                                    Dean of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
                                                                         Education & Wall Street Journal”
                                                                                                               in Germany

                                                                                                               trendence Graduate Barometer

                                  Table of Content

                                   02 Intro
                                   03 Editorial
                                   04 People
                                   06 Faculty
                                    12        Publications
                                    14        Teaching
                                    18        Campus                                                         Imprint
                                   22         Services                                                       Publisher: HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management,
                                                                                                             Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
                                                                                                             +49 341
                                   23 Event Reviews                                                          Contact HHL News: Publication Date: August 2019
                                                                                                             ISSN: 1433-934X ISSN (online): 1867-8017 V.I.S.D.P.: Executive Management

                                   24 Event Calendar                                                         of HHL: Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner, Dean of HHL, and Dr. Marcus Kölling,
                                                                                                             Chancellor of HHL Editors: Daniela Neumann, André Hädicke
                                                                                                             Photos: Michael Bader, Iona Dutz, HHL, Steffen Kugler (Bundes-
                                                                                                             regierung/Bundespresseamt), Daria Nepriakhina (,
                                                                                                             andreas160578 (, Daniel Reiche, Jens Schlüter, Dominik Wolf
                                                                                                             Cover Image: Daniel Reiche Layout: Stefanie Bader
                                                                                                             Thank you to all contributors and proof readers of this edition.
                                                                                                             This edition of HHL News has been produced 100% climate neutrally.
Common Academic Focus - Sustainability Research - Leipzig Graduate School of ...
04       HHL NEWS          FALL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         HHL NEWS          FALL 2019           05

  PEOPLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PEOPLE

      Honorary Doctorate Awarded
      to Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel

                                                                  On August 31, 2019, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of
                                                                  Management confers an honorary doctorate on the Ger-
                                                                  man Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. On the occa-                        Lennard Schmidt                                New Manager of                            Marie Schwimmer –                                 Dijana Galijasevic –                          Claire Briatore –
                                                                  sion of the 2019 graduation of 220 Master and doctoral                    Receives DAAD Research                          Alumni Relations With                     New Research Associate                           For More Presence, Purpose                   Online Marketing Manager
                                                                  students, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the                    Grant For Digital Marketing                         HHL Experience                        With a Penchant for Fashion                            and Compassion                              With Open Doors
                                                                  International Monetary Fund and designated President                         Research in the UK
                                                                  of the European Central Bank, holds the laudation after                                                             In June 2019, Sigrid Fischer took over       The Chair of Economics and Business              Dijana Galijasevic joined the Chair of       Claire Briatore joined HHL in March from
                                                                  the welcome address of Saxon Prime Minister Michael                   Lennard Schmidt, research associate           the role of Manager Alumni Relations.        Ethics has gained a new member in                Economics and Business Ethics in June        the online marketing agency Projecter.
                                                                  Kretschmer.                                                           at the Junior Professorship in Retail         She previously worked in HHL’s Execu-        May 2019 – Marie Schwimmer. She was              to pursue her doctoral studies in the area   She is responsible for HHL’s online mar-
                                                                                                                                        and Multi-Channel Management, was             tive Education Department and prior to       awarded a Karl Schlecht Foundation               of ethics and responsible leadership in      keting and our schools visibility on all rel-
                                                                  HHL decided to confer the degree based on the impact                  awarded a one-year research grant from        that was a member of the Career Devel-       scholarship and is a member of the Wit-          business. She is a member of the Witten-     evant digital channels. In addition, she
                                                                  that Angela Merkels’ leadership style and achievements                the German Academic Exchange Ser-             opment team. Before joining HHL, she         tenberg Center for Global Ethics, pursu-         berg Center for Global Ethics, and holds     looks after the maintenance and further
                                                                  have on the ongoing academic and professional dis-                    vice (DAAD). The grant gives him the          gained extensive international experi-       ing her doctoral studies in the field of         a Karl Schlecht Foundation scholarship.      development of the HHL website and
                                                                  cussion on leadership. Thus, she contributes to the fur-              opportunity to conduct research pro-          ence, having earned her B.A. at Indiana     business ethics. Her dissertation focuses        Her dissertation is titled “Kindness Vir-    manages HHL’s social media accounts.
                                                                  ther development of leadership science which also was                 jects on digital marketing at the Alli-       University Bloomington (USA) and her         on ethics in the garment industry, with          tue in Business Leadership: From Micro-      She especially likes to develop online
                                                                  highlighted by four esteemed reviewers: Prof. Dr. Bar-                ance Manchester Business School in            M.Sc. at the University of Edinburgh in      the working title “The Requirements for          to Mid-Level Implications”. With her         campaigns to support HHL’s strategic
                                                                  bara Kellerman from Harvard University, Prof. Dr. Dieter              the UK. At Alliance MBS, ranked 2nd           Scotland (UK). She has gained national       Obligatory Due Diligence for Companies           diverse professional background, from a      aims through a sustained increase in
                                                                  Frey from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich as                   in the UK for research power, Lennard         and international work experience in         in the German Garment Industry”. Dur-            governmental role to building a startup,     reach.
                                                                  well as Prof. Dr. Timo Meynhardt and Prof. Dr. Andreas                Schmidt will work in close collaboration      key account and project management           ing her postgraduate studies at Ernst-           she has managed to realize her true pas-     With her privately-run project Wohn-
                                                                  Suchanek from HHL.                                                    with Prof. Dr. Florian Dost to investigate    as well as in the field of career and tal-   Abbe Hochschule Jena, she created The            sion in bringing more presence, purpose      zimmerdinner (Living Room Dinner),
                                                                                                                                        phenomena of consumer privacy, spa-           ent development. In close collaboration      Happy Market – a secondhand-market               and compassion to the business setting       Claire Briatore combines her passion for
                                                                  In partnership with the Opera Leipzig and its Intendant               tial analytics and ad consumption. Pro-       with HHL Dean Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner      concept. As a volunteer at Fashion Rev-          and has been successfully running the        good food with her online know-how. Via
                                                                  Prof. Ulf Schirmer and the Gewandhaus Orchestra, the                  fessor Dost is a longstanding research        and Chancellor Dr. Marcus Kölling, Sigrid    olution Leipzig, she draws attention to          Positive Business Lab and Exponentially      the
                                                                  ceremony is embedded in a historic and festive setting                partner of the Junior Professorship, and      Fischer will be making sure that HHL’s       the impacts of the fast fashion industry.        Human initiatives.                           website, she invites people into her
                                                                  with over 1,200 guests.                                               has authored multiple articles in lead-       close connection to our alumni will be                                                                                                     home, cooks a loving 3-course menu
                                                                                                                                        ing journals (e.g., Journal of Market-       maintained and cultivated even more                                                                                                        for her guests and hopes that they will
                                                                  We will provide you with an in-depth coverage of the                  ing, International Journal of Research in     extensively.                                                                                                                               no longer be strangers when they go
                                                                  occasion in our next HHL news.                                        Marketing). The joint work will deepen                                                                                                                                                   home. Her desire is to pass on her pas-
                                                                                                                                        the relationship with both Professor          Contact                                                                                                                                    sion for leisurely dinners with good con-
                                                                                                                                        Dost and with Alliance MBS.                   Sigrid Fischer                                                                                                                             versations and to create a place where
                                                                                                                                                                                      +49 341 9851-752                                                                                                                           Leipzigers from all corners can meet in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       cozy atmosphere.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Advertisement: Homefeelio is a startup company founded by HHL students

                                                                                                                                        people-oriented strategies for ongoing
                                                                                                                                        transformation in organizations. In addi-
                                                                                                                                        tion, I look at the role of HRM as a value
                                                                                                                                        driver for the design and implementa-
                                                                                                                                        tion of new digital business models.

                                                                                                                                        What are the challenges of using AI in
                                                                                                                                        human resource management?
                                                                                                                                        One issue is that HRM is a very sensitive
                                                                                                                                        topic because humans are involved and
                                                                                          Prof. Dr. Anne-Katrin Neyer –                 each of them is special and very hard to
       Welcome Back to                          M.Sc. Student Laura Faaß                                                                put into bits and bytes. The challenge,
 Maria Gebhardt From PwC as                     Featured in Video Series                   New Academic Director at
                                                                                                                                        especially in HRM, is much more com-
 a Part-Time Doctoral Student                      “Deutschlandjahr”                      the Center for Leading Inno-                  plex. We need new problem-solving
                                                                                          vation & Cooperation (CLIC)                   methods, where efficiency and effec-
Welcome back! Maria Gebhardt has            The MSc19 student and participant of                                                        tiveness play a key role: The fewer cal-
rejoined the Chair of Accounting and        the Female Founders initiative Laura             “Digitization Is                           culations needed, the better. To make it
Auditing as a research associate. Dur-      Faaß was featured in a video for the                                                        short: Problems must be made steera-
ing her studies at Leipzig University,      “Deutschlandjahr” video series funded          Changing the Future                          ble. This is a key competence industry
she was a student assistant at the chair,   by Auswärtiges Amt. The short film will             of Work”                                and research has to develop in order to
headed by Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch, and      showcase a day in the life of her balanc-                                                   have more time for decisive people man-
supported the “Investors’ Darling” and      ing the life of an HHL student, found-      Prof. Dr. Neyer, a warm welcome to you          agement, creativity, social needs and to
“Austrian Financial Communications          ing her own business and enjoying life      as the new academic director at CLIC!           develop innovative business models.
Award” projects. Gebhardt majored in        in Leipzig in the process. The film was     It is a great pleasure to be part of the
business administration and joined PwC      produced by Bertelsmann Foundation          CLIC Academic Board alongside Prof.             What is your mission, Professor Neyer?
after her semester abroad at the Univer-    North America and will be available on      Dr. Anne Huff, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Möslein        AI will reflect the values of its creators.
sity of Nebraska Omaha. She is currently    Youtube in the fall of 2019.                and Prof. Dr. Ralf Reichwald. A long aca-       We are on our way to deploying data-
working with the auditing company                                                       demic journey has connected us for              driven tools in all areas of our work.
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) in its                                                     years and over the past decade, I’ve            I want to contribute my part to ensure
Capital Markets and Accounting Advi-                                                    been watching closely as the center has         that the decisions AI in HRM is making
sory Services (CMAAS) department                                                        evolved and to see which topics it has          will take into account data from all parts
in Munich. The department focuses on                                                    focused on, so I’m even more excited to         of the population, otherwise those deci-
helping clients with financial reporting                                                support CLIC with my expertise in digi-         sions will impact those whose data is
needs, as well as on M&A, capital market                                                talization on the future of work.               not included in the system. The first role
activities and the implementation of a                                                                                                  of AI is to be personalized and make life
new accounting standard. Thus, she has                                                  CLIC is doing a lot of research in this         better for everyone.
hands-on experience that she can lever-                                                 field, could you give us some insights
age for the chair’s main research areas:                                                on your special focus?                          Professor Neyer, thank you for the
reporting, investor relations and capital                                               Sure. My work and research focus on             interview.
markets.                                                                                analyzing the linkages of artificial intelli-
                                                                                        gence (AI) and human resource manage-         
                                                                                        ment (HRM). I develop and implement                     anne-katrin-neyer
Common Academic Focus - Sustainability Research - Leipzig Graduate School of ...
06       HHL NEWS            FALL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HHL NEWS         FALL 2019          07

  FACULTY RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FACULTY RESEARCH

Doctoral Summer Meeting Showcases                                                                                                              Developing the                                The Changing                           Management Quality of German Football Clubs
HHL’s High Performance in Sustainability Research                                                                                           DIGITAL SPACE – HHL’s                       Landscape of Corporate                      and Prediction of Success – The FoMa Q-Score 2018
                                                                                                                                            Contribution to Digital                         Accelerators in
On July 1–2, 2019, doctoral students           vey are twofold: First, research on sus-      For HHL Dean Prof. Dr. Stephan                    Transformation                           Germany – a Porsche AG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Goes to Lisbon and Hamburg
from HHL Leipzig Graduate School of            tainability and corporate responsibility      Stubner, a special quality of sustaina-                                                     Chair Research Project
Management gathered for this year’s            is widespread and diverse at HHL, and         bility research at HHL is how well it is
summer meeting on “Growth and Sus-             second, it is highly successful.              aligned with the school’s core compe-         In the time since the concept of HHL’s       Corporate accelerator programs engag-       The HHL Chair of Accounting and Audit-        The European Academy of Manage-              age, including Professor Zülch’s online
tainability”. Besides enjoying lectures                                                      tencies. Professor Stubner explains:          DIGITAL SPACE impressed the jury of          ing with entrepreneurial startups have      ing, represented by chairholder Prof. Dr.     ment, founded in 2001, is a learned          column in the manager magazin (2019,
from leading thinkers in the field, includ-    Carl Weuster, the research associate in       “Sustainability is about considering the      the “EXIST-Potentiale” competition run       become a worldwide, cross-industrial        Zülch and research associate Sébast-          society that aims at advancing the aca-      7/8, “Der Transferwahnsinn erreicht die
ing Dr. Johannes Meier, CEO of Xi GmbH         charge of the survey, elaborates: “Over       triple bottom line: people, planet and        by the German Federal Ministry for Eco-      phenomenon. Dr. Dominik Kanbach and         ien Jost, attended the annual European        demic discipline of management in            Bundesliga”).
Gütersloh, participants also got new           45 publications on sustainability topics      profit. HHL, of course, has a lot to say      nomic Affairs and Energy earlier this        Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner conducted         Academy of Management (EURAM)                 Europe. With members from 49 coun-
insights into HHL’s greater contribution       in five years – that is quite an achieve-     in this regard. But if I had to name just     year, the project team has made sig-         the first corporate accelerator study of    conference held in June in Lisbon, Por-       tries in Europe and beyond, EURAM
to research on the topics of sustainabil-      ment! HHL’s Sustainability and Compet-        one recent example from the survey, it        nificant progress in detailing the future    the German market in 2015. Since then,      tugal. Both were invited within the scope     has a high degree of diversity and pro-
ity and corporate social responsibility.       itiveness academic group provides the         would be Tobias Dauth’s work on frugal        entrepreneurial support from HHL to          the landscape of corporate accelerators     of EURAM’s Sport Management Strate-           vides its members with opportunities to
                                               majority of our scientific and academic       innovation.” In his 2018 case study from      founders and established companies.          has changed rapidly as a large num-         gic Interest Group (SIG) to jointly pre-      enrich debates over across a variety of
                                               output, of course, but many other chairs      Brazil, Prof. Dr. Tobias Dauth, Holder of     Combining the forces of the Porsche          ber of new accelerator programs has         sent a paper on football management. In       research

                                               have been complementing its work              the Chair of International Management,        AG Chair of Strategic Management and         emerged while many existing programs        their study, the authors developed and
                                               through their own studies in recent           and his co-authors explore how frugal         Digital Entrepreneurship, the Stiftungs-     have been significantly adapted or even     operationalized a strategic management        Just prior to the conference in Lisbon,
                                               years or plan to do so in the near future.”   approaches to innovation – that is, inno-     fonds Deutsche Bank Chair of Innova-         closed down.                                framework to assess the management            Professor Zülch attended the annual
  It is about being successful                                                               vations that lower the costs of existing      tion Management and Entrepreneur-            Therefore, researchers from the Porsche     quality of professional football clubs        Spielmacher conference in Hamburg,
  in the long term.                                                                          goods or services to make them more           ship, and the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe        AG Chair of Strategic Management and        using the “FoMa Q-Score”. A rebooted          where he presented his assessment on

                                                                                             available to the poorest of the poor –        Professorship in M&A of Small- and Mid-      Digital Entrepreneurship are currently      and customized version of the well-           “Predictability in Professional Football”
                                                                                             can be used as affordable and envi-           sized Entities has been a decisive factor    conducting a new study that assesses        known balanced scorecard as well as 60+       to high-level practitioners from pro-
In a preliminary survey, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm                                                   ronmentally sustainable alternatives to       for pushing forward this strategic pro-      how existent accelerators have adjusted     key performance indicators (KPIs) were        fessional football clubs. The clubs face
Althammer, Academic Director of HHL’s
                                                 Over 45 publications on                     established water heater systems. Their       ject for HHL. With the DIGITAL SPACE,        their design and program focus over         implemented within the study in order to      high volatility with regard to sport-
doctoral program, together with Vice-            sustainability topics in five               work shows that such approaches rep-          HHL will further strengthen the estab-       time.                                       broaden views on the meaning of “suc-         ing success, and therefore he assessed
Dean Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch and his             years – that is quite                       resent viable alternatives for developing     lishment of startups with digital busi-      In a multiple case study approach, all      cess” for professional football clubs and     the extent to which professional foot-
team from the Chair of Accounting and            an achievement!                             circular products and can contribute to       ness models as well as assist small and      26 corporate accelerator programs in        compare these along four distinct dimen-      ball clubs can be managed in such a
Auditing, gathered information on the                                                        a socially inclusive form of environmen-      medium-sized enterprises with the chal-      Germany are analyzed in order to estab-     sions. Moreover, the study offers avenues     way that the success is predictable. In
major scientific publications issued by                                                      tally-friendly domestic energy use. Pro-      lenges associated with the digital trans-    lish a holistic understanding of each       for further research to provide a better      the best European leagues, investment
the HHL chairs over the past five years.       Sustainability-related research at HHL        fessor Stubner summarizes: “To solve          formation. To this end, in the past few      individual corporate accelerator.           understanding of critical success factors     volumes have risen to spectacular lev-
“Sustainability is not just about being        covers a wide range of topics, rang-          social and environmental problems with        months, the specific needs of entrepre-      This empirical study represents one of      within this highly volatile industry. This    els. As in any other industry, strategic
environmentally-friendly as an end in          ing from sustainable consumption and          entrepreneurial spirit, through innova-       neurs with digital business models and       the most comprehensive studies in the       illustrates the authors’ interest to foster   management skills are prerequisites for
itself,” says Professor Zülch, “there is an    effective emission regulation to social       tion. To me, studies like these showcase      of regional small and medium-sized           corporate entrepreneurship field. The       interdisciplinary research and close the      predictability. The Spielmacher confer-
entrepreneurial, a leadership quality to       entrepreneurship. Most encouraging,           that entrepreneurship, leadership and         enterprises have been analyzed in detail,    study findings also guide managers          gap between accounting, financial com-        ence is an event that connects the lead-
it. It is about being successful in the long   says Weuster, was to see how impact-          sustainability go hand in hand.”              building the basis for HHL’s future offer-   within corporate innovation in how to       munication and strategic management.          ing managers and executives within the
term. Our motivation was to assess how         ful a lot of the projects proved to be:                                                     ings. The detailed concept will be sub-      align accelerator design configurations     “We would be very delighted to pursue         European football ecosystem. The pres-
we, as a leading business school, are          “Many of the studies made it into highly                                                    mitted to the EXIST program later this       with corporate innovation goals and ena-    the discussion further at the next EURAM      entation was met with a very positive
performing in this area.” According to         renowned journals – both in German                                                          year and the DIGITAL SPACE is slated to      ble decision-makers to build more effec-    conference in Dublin 2020”, Professor         response by the practitioners’ commu-      
Professor Zülch, the results of the sur-       and international rankings.”                               go live in 2020.                             tive corporate accelerator programs.        Zülch concluded.                              nity, and there has been media cover-

“Just Charge Me Up” – Charging                                                               Agile Work Does not Work Top Down –                                                        EAA Annual Congress 2019: Insights                                                        Digital Transformation –
Infrastructures in the Age of E-Mobility                                                     How to Transform Ideas Into Innovation                                                     Into Corporate Reporting Trends                                                           Time to Leave Your Comfort Zone
                                                      cessful implementation of these        The Center for Leading Innovation &           and guidelines replace fragmented            The Annual Congress of the European                                                       Digital transformation is one core           will constitute the basic technologies
                                                      infrastructures, “symbiotic” busi-     Cooperation (CLIC) is participating in        planning and enable rapid responses to       Accounting Association (EAA) is one                                                       area within the research activities at       for Logistics 4.0 in terms of localiza-
                                                      ness models are de facto prereq-       the AGILHYBRID project funded by the          changes and unexpected events. The           of the world’s most renowned confer-                                                      the Heinz Nixdorf Chair of IT-based          tion, identification and other functional
                                                      uisites for operator models that       German Federal Ministry for Education         control function takes over the agile        ences in the field of accounting. Prof.                                                   Logistics. “Increasing support of for-       aspects. On the cross-functional side,
                                                      meet these requirements. Sym-          and Research and the European Social          work of the team itself. As various inter-   Dr. Henning Zülch and research associ-                                                    mer analogous processes, by more and         technological paradigms such as cloud
                                                      biosis here means a direct inter-      Fund. The project aim is to understand        viewees stated, this is nothing that can     ate Sophie Winter (both from the Chair                                                    more interlinked information and com-        computing and analytical methods like
                                                      linking of strategy, stakeholder       how the challenges of digitization can        be imposed top down: “I think the most       of Accounting and Auditing) had the                                                       munication technologies, has shifted         business intelligence will be a main
                                                      requirements and technology use        be met with the right competencies and        important step is that the employees         outstanding opportunity to present                                                        the action fields and functions within       focus. A third essential point will be on
                                                      as well as social and security-rel-    skills to create new and smart products       are involved at all. If this idea [… agile   and discuss their recent research on                                                      logistics”, says Prof. Dr. Iris Hausladen.   the organizational design and change of
                                                      evant requirements.                    and services in hybrid and agile work         work …] is not yours, I’m more likely to     materiality conceptions and on strat-                                                                                                  business models and processes.
                                                                                             systems. In four leading companies from       be afraid of this new approach, of what      egy disclosure at the 42nd EAA Annual                                                     Professor Hausladen, what does digital-
                                                       The Heinz Nixdorf Chair of IT-        the building services engineering indus-      is expected of me, is my job maybe in        Congress, which was held in Paphos,                                                       ization mean for logistics in particular?    What are exemplary use cases and
                                                       based Logistics, represented by       tries (WILO SE, BLANCO GmbH + Co KG,          danger?” said an employee of one of          Cyprus, from May 29–31, 2019. Profes-                                                                                                  applications of digital logistics?
                                                       Prof. Dr. Iris Hausladen, cooper-     Viessmann Digital GmbH, Kölling Glas          the industry partners. Based on this ini-    sor Zülch presented the paper “Wildcat                                                    Obviously, there is a significant impact
                                                       ates with the “Netzwerk Ladein-       GmbH + Co. KG), CLIC, together with           tial study, CLIC and the project partners    Inc. – A modular case on materiality con-                                                 on logistics activities and services. The    The traditional fields within logistics
“Just charge me up” – that could be the        frastrukturen” (Charging Infrastructure       other academic partners (Martin-Luther-       implement, test and validate teaching        ceptions and reporting strategies” (co-                                                   concept of “Industry 4.0” is one of the      are well-suited to describe a potential
slogan of intelligent electromobility. But     Network) to examine potential busi-           University Halle-Wittenberg, Karlsruhe        and learning modules to enable employ-       authors: Saskia Erben, Carl W. Weuster,                                                   main drivers behind this impact, leading     application of digital logistics. An exam-
currently it’s far off the mark, due to the    ness models for the operation of charg-       University of Applied Sciences, SupraTix      ees to independently develop digitally       Sophie Winter) and Winter presented                                                       to what we also call “Logistics 4.0”. Tra-   ple would be distribution logistics. Here,
lack of an adequate network of charg-          ing infrastructures, which is one specific    GmbH), conducted an in-depth inter-           networked business models for intel-         her latest study “What determines the                                                     ditional and further developed technol-      software solutions in combination with
ing stations that would make this pro-         field of the chair’s research focus on dig-   view study. The findings show that agile      ligent, individual and hybrid solutions.     quality of voluntary strategy disclosure                                                  ogies are no longer isolated, but rather     localization and navigation technolo-
cess as easy as charging a smartphone.         ital transformation. A first guest presen-    companies have to shift responsibility        This method toolbox for work-inte-           in German management reports?”. Fur-                                                      connected to the Internet of Things,         gies allow automated route planning to
However, it is precisely the provision of      tation has already taken place, enabling      away from management and delegate it          grated competence development will           thermore, Winter served as the session      Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch and Sophie Winter     enabling the digitalization of logistics     determine the best route for the cargo
a nationwide, user-oriented charging           a subsequent discussion concerning the        to work teams. The teams take respon-         be based on social learning in gamifica-     moderator of a discussion on financial                                                    due to a complete change within the          distribution. Without digital technolo-
infrastructure that serves as an impor-        current status of the development of an       sibility for their own actions. Clear goals   tion approaches.                             reporting and investor protection. The      ference and had inspirational discus-         value creation philosophy.                   gies, this wouldn’t be possible. The “last
tant incentive for the purchase of elec-       intelligent charging station to be con-                                                                                                  congress was an excellent platform for      sions during symposia on topics such                                                       mile” within logistics is regarded as the
tric vehicles in both the private and          sidered from the perspective of poten-                                                                                                   our researchers to expand their network     as “The Impact of Technology on Man-          Which fields of activities constitute        most expensive part along the supply
commercial sectors.                            tial business models.                                                                                                                    by meeting academics from all around        agement Accountants”, “Blockchain             logistics in the digital age?                chain, as consolidation effects are rela-
                                                                                                                                                                                        the world.                                  and the Future of Accountancy” and                                                         tively low. Concepts like DHL’s “Packsta-
Charging infrastructures must be               The Netzwerk Ladeinfrastrukturen is                                                                                                                                                  “Challenges in Corporate Reporting”.          We will experience a concentration on        tion”, automated kiosks for self-service
planned, implemented, operated and             a cooperation network, in which small                                                                                                    This year’s Annual Congress of the EAA      The research results of Prof. Dr. Zülch       automation technologies like robot-          pickup of parcels, would not be feasi-
maintained according to local, regional        and medium-sized enterprises together                                                                                                    focused on the overarching topic of         and Winter provided a valuable con-           ics and autonomous driving within the        ble without sensor and technological
and supra-regional requirements. This          with research institutions deal with pro-                                                                                                new developments and opportunities          tribution to the topics discussed in the      next years, which will improve the effi-     connections to other systems and the
requires a concrete development plan           cedures and methods for the cross-sec-                                                                                                   in accounting research in light of new      community. Winter also attended the           ciency of logistics processes. Another       customer.
for electromobility and the logistical         toral integration of intelligent charging                                                                                                technologies and reporting concep-          PhD Forum and got new insights into           important field of activity is informa-
supply of users with precisely tailored        devices for electric vehicles in technical                                                                                               tions. More than 1,100 delegates from       the current trends in empirical financial     tion and communication technologies.         Thank you very much for the interview,
charging infrastructures. For the suc-         infrastructures.                                                                                              52 different countries attended the con-    accounting research.                          Functional and cross-functional tools        Professor Hausladen.
Common Academic Focus - Sustainability Research - Leipzig Graduate School of ...
08        HHL NEWS              FALL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HHL NEWS               FALL 2019              09

  FACULTY TALKS & PRESENTATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FACULTY COOPERATIONS

Young HHL Researchers Impressed                                                                        Discussing Corporate Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Student Projects With                                                                              HHL Students With
at International Conference on Resource                                                                Research With Prospective HHL                                                                      Porsche AG: Concept                                  Opportunities in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unique View on New
Sustainability in Adelaide                                                                             Students and HHL Alumni in Shanghai                                                                of an Out-of-the-Box                                 the Smart Waste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Business Models in
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Product and Shaping                                Management Market –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Consulting Project with
Sustainability is not only an integral part             sibilities of sustainable water supply,        On June 27, Dr. Dominik Kanbach, Assis-            with young startups, a phenomenon that           Employee Services                                  enviaM Meets HHL
of HHL’s DNA, but also “lives” in our                   land use, mobility and resource produc-        tant Professor at the Porsche AG Chair             has been growing worldwide in recent                                                                                                               Deutsche Telekom
research. The Deutsche Post Chair of                    tion of a region. The conference contri-       of Strategic Management and Digital                years. Insights into the latest research
Marketing has been home to the "Sus-                    butions from various disciplines (civil        Entrepreneurship, discussed current                projects in this field of the Porsche AG      From March to July 2019, the Porsche              In the 2019 spring term, HHL realized           The Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank
tainability Marketing" research area                    engineering, chemistry, econometrics,          research in the field of corporate entre-          Chair were presented and case studies         AG Chair of Strategic Management                  its first student consulting project with       Chair of Innovation Management and                      Cooperating With EY
since its establishment more than 20                    etc.) all dealt with the question of how       preneurship at the Tongji University in            from various industries and companies,        and Digital Entrepreneurship mentored             energy provider enviaM. Since digi-             Entrepreneurship successfully com-                      and McKinsey on the
years ago.                                              to make urbanization more sustainable.         Shanghai, China. The interactive session           including BMW, Telefónica and SAP,            two student teams from the M.Sc. and              talization and the Internet of Energy           pleted a student consulting project with
                                                        Sustainable consumption behavior is            held at the Shanghai Youth Innovation              were discussed with prospective HHL           MBA classes to work on consulting pro-            are firmly embedded in the strategy of          Deutsche Telekom from April to June                      Pulse of Logistics
Three researchers from the Sustaina-                    also a central goal here.                      and Entrepreneurship Institute at HHL’s            students from China and with the local        jects for the premium car manufacturer.           the company and its parent company,             this year. The student team, consisting
bility Department, headed by Dr. Anja                                                                  partner university focused on how                  alumni community of Shanghai. Thanks          The MBA team worked on an innova-                 Innogy SE, the consulting support and           of Raphael Asamer, Lucas Costantino,                Enabling students to experience out-
Weber, are focusing in particular on sus-                                                              established companies work together                to Tongji University for hosting us!          tion project and developed a strategic            expertise from HHL was highly appre-            Daniel Kanaan, and Benedikt Tostmann,               standing but also practice-oriented
tainable consumer behavior in an inter-                 The HHL researchers                                                                                                                             concept for an “out-of-the-box” prod-             ciated. Four M.Sc. students success-            worked on new business models in the                and transfer-based teaching has always
national context. Thus, the International               contributed to the discussion                                                                                                                   uct that provides additional benefits to          fully analyzed the potential of the smart       entertainment field and presented their             been a focus at HHL. The Heinz Nix-
Conference on Resource Sustainability,                  within two presentations and                                                                                                                    Porsche customers and addresses the               waste management market and came                results twice to an audience of Telekom             dorf Chair of IT-based Logistics has set
held in Adelaide, Australia, from July 1–3,             a moderated session with                                                                                                                        blind spots of the car. They presented            up with interesting business cases and          employees at the Telekom headquarters               up different forms of cooperation with
gave the researchers a unique opportu-                                                                                                                                                                  the product prototype and its ideal use           possible market entry strategies. Dur-          in Bonn. The project was a great suc-               excellent business partners to connect
                                                        interesting research results.
nity to reflect on their findings with col-                                                                                                                                                             case at the Porsche headquarters in               ing the market analysis, the students           cess. The students were able to present             scientific know-how with real-life busi-
leagues from around the world.                          Anna-Katharina Jäger’s presentation                                                                                                             Stuttgart. The M.Sc. team developed               identified several pain points, e.g. inef-     a unique view on the field and created              ness requirements. Since 2014, Ernst &
                                                        (“Construal level and construal fit                                                                                                             a comprehensive concept on how to                 ficient logistical processes as well as the     highly innovative concepts and high-                Young has collaborated with the chair
The central topic of the conference was                 between sustainable products and envi-                                                                                                          strengthen the employee services eco-             wrong mixing of different waste types.          quality project documentation. The pro-             to develop practical case studies to be
the ever-progressing global trend of                    ronmental messages: Evidence from an                                                                                                            system at Porsche Leipzig. The team               The results opened up a large num-              ject was supervised by HHL alumnus                  taught in class.
urbanization and its effects on the eco-                implicit association test and a field exper-                                                                                                    identified gaps in the service portfo-            ber of opportunities for feasible busi-         Johannes Deubener from Telekom and
logical, social and economic sustainabil-               iment”) was even awarded the “Best Oral                                                                                                         lio, derived a benchmark analysis with            ness models. After the first success-           PD Dr. habil. Dorian Proksch from the               Furthermore, since 2018, a research and
ity of our life. Today, more than 50% of               Presentation Award” by the conference                                                                                                           offers from other companies, and finally          ful cooperation between enviaM and              Chair of Innovation Management and                  teaching cooperation with McKinsey &
the world’s population lives in cities, by              management. By participating in such                                                                                                            came up with an extensive concept that            HHL, we are looking forward to contin-          Entrepreneurship.                                   Company has produced several case
2030 that figure is likely to rise to 75%.             interdisciplinary conferences, HHL is able                                                                                                      included a variety of scenarios on how            uing to work together on the future of                                                              studies for in-class teaching as well as
The emerging megacities do not grow                     to promote the worldwide exchange of                                                                                                            to shape the employee ecosystem at                smart cities. HHL alumna Claudia Tänzer                                                             a paper submitted to the Journal of Air
sustainably, but instead exceed the                     research and to provide impetus for a                                                                                                           Porsche. The solutions were presented             from enviaM and the Stiftungsfonds              To start a cooperation, please contact:             Transport Management. In 2019, another
“urban carrying capacity”, i.e. the pos-               more sustainable future.                                                                                                                        to the top management board. The two              Deutsche Bank Chair of Innovation Man-          Martina Beermann                                    promising cooperation with BaXian
                                                                                                                                                                                                        projects underline the close partnership          agement and Entrepreneurship super-             Director Career Development/                        Group, an IT security consultancy firm,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        between Porsche AG and HHL Graduate               vised the project.                              Employer Relations                                  started by providing HHL students with
                                                                                                                   Dr. Dominik Kanbach (center in 2nd row) together with workshop participants          School of Management.                                                                             +49 341 9851-887                                    the latest insights and practical guest
                                                                                                                                               at Tongji University                                                                                                                                                          lectures.
International Outreach for
CCTPE Research on Diversity and
Performance in Private Equity                                                                            It’s all About Values:                                                                         New Service Offerings to Support                                                                  Private Equity Think Tank CCTPE
                                                                                                          Teaching Corporate                                                                            SME Corporates and Individuals                                                                    Wins Two More Prestigious Consulting
                                                                                                         Digital Responsibility
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The digital transformation, with all              decided to extend his advisory and edu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Companies as Sponsors
                                                                                                       One of many forms of how HHL aims for                                                            its required structural and cultural              cational service offerings to the area of
                                                                                                       excellent teaching is the combination                                                            changes, fixed asset investments and              corporate finance.                              The    Center   for    Corpo-
                                                                                                       of co-teaching and choice of highly rel-                                                         its need for research and development                                                             rate Transactions & Private
                                                                                                       evant topics. In the M.Sc. course “Global                                                        is and will remain the key challenge              The new “Corporate Finance Practi-              Equity (CCTPE) has achieved
                                                                                                       Governance and Corporate Responsi-                                                               for small and midsized entities (SMEs).           tioner Portfolio” comprises advisory            another milestone on the
                                                                                                       bility”, Prof. Dr. Andreas Suchanek and                                                          According to the Creditshelf investment           services for value-based manage-                way to becoming Europe’s #1
                                                                                                       Dr. Martin von Broock, CEO of the Wit-                                                           study “Finanzierungsmonitor 2019”, two            ment, transaction support and financ-           think tank for private equity.
                                                                                                       tenberg Center of Global Ethics (WCGE),                 Trust Requires the                       third of SMEs in Germany worry about              ing choices. Maximilian Schreiter, who          One of the largest interna-
                                                                                                       discussed issues concerning corporate                  Organization of Trust                     being overextended by the transforma-             oversees the project, points out: “We           tional consulting firms and
                                                                                                       digital responsibility – a topic which has                                                       tion ahead. Executives are insecure to            help SMEs in setting up an investment           one of the Big Four – EY –
                                                                                                       gained momentum due to various inci-                                                             make strategic, investment-heavy deci-            decision process that reflects the uncer-       recently joined the prestig-
                                                                                                       dents involving Facebook, Google, and              On June 19, the Wittenberg Center for         sions and are uncertain about establish-          tainty they face, the financing that is         ious pool of CCTPE support-
                                                                                                       other tech firms.                                  Global Ethics (WCGE) held a sympo-            ing innovative partnerships. The reasons          available and the opportunity costs they        ers alongside Andersch AG, a
                                                                                                                                                          sium titled: Change, Trust, Responsibil-      are manifold: hesitant leadership, inno-          have, in particular when it comes to less       leading restructuring consul-
                                                                                                       YouTube, with its pedophilia problem,              ity – The Role of the Economy in Times        vation-unfriendly corporate cultures,             tangible digital investments. Beyond            tancy firm based in Germany.
                                                                                                       and Google’s Dragonfly project in China,           of Social Upheavals. Prof. Dr. Andreas        a shortage of technical know-how, but             that, we contribute to HHL’s Executive                                                From left to right: Dr. Benjamin Hammer, Executive Director
                                                                                                       are just two of many examples show-                Suchanek, together with Katharina de          also “a lack of expertise and tools in            Education initiatives by offering semi-         Dr. Benjamin Hammer, Exec-        CCTPE; Michael Kunz, Market Segment Leader Private Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Germany, Switzerland, Austria, EY; Cord Stümke, TAS Leader
                                                                                                       ing that even the biggest global cor-              Biasi, who successfully completed her         financial decision making”, as Alexander          nars to practitioners and we are also           utive Director of the CCTPE:      Private Equity Germany, Switzerland, Austria; Prof. Dr. Bernhard
                                                                                                       porate players do not always practice              doctoral studies at HHL last year, dis-       Lahmann, Professor of Mergers & Acqui-            going to provide free online tools for          “We are very much look-           Schwetzler, Academic Director CCTPE
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler and Dr. Benjamin Hammer                                                  their corporate values. Based on stu-              cussed the necessity of keeping an eye        sitions of Small- and Midsized Entities,          some first indicative assessments and to        ing forward to working with
                                                                                                       dents’ presentations, these two cases              on continuity in times of change. One         explains. “The reflection of uncertain-           raise awareness of critical levers.”            these top-notch consulting compa-
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler and                       and Returns”. Dr. Hammer continued to          were extensively discussed and ana-                of the main findings of the discussion        ties, the assessment of flexible decision                                                         nies and are grateful to Michael Kunz            Zeitung, Boston Consulting Group,
Dr. Benjamin Hammer were recently                       present his papers at conferences this         lyzed. A thought from student Maximil-             was that the more trust there is, the         paths or a clear value-based investment           Contact                                         and Cord Stümke from EY as well as               Carlsquare, Handelsblatt, Neuberger
invited to present the latest CCTPE                     year in Chicago and Birmingham (USA)           ian Rudolph fits perfectly to this point:          more willingness there is to be open          process have not been established for             Maximilian Schreiter                            Dr. Martin Schneider and Ralf Winzer             Berman, Nordic Capital, Palero, as well
research at the Invest Europe CFO                       as well in Munich and Trier.                                                                      to an uncertain future. But trust needs       the majority of SMEs.” Together with              +49 341 9851 632                                from Andersch AG for their support.              as the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Forum, held in Valencia, Spain, from June
11–12, 2019. The event brings together
CFOs, COOs and senior finance and fund
                                                        Three more conferences in the USA
                                                        and Asia will follow this year. Exter-
                                                                                                         The speed and complexity
                                                                                                                                                          familiarity and thus rules, routines as
                                                                                                                                                          well as people who ensure that serious
                                                                                                                                                          disadvantages will not arise during the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        his team, Alexander Lahmann therefore

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Corporate Finance Practitioner Portfolio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Our sponsors give us valuable insights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          into practice, which often leads to rel-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          evant research questions. On the other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Meagher & Flom and ValueTrust.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bernhard Schwetzler, Academic Director
operations executives from the private                  nal doctoral students Suleiman Naiem,                                                             change process. Here, as it is often the                                                                                                        hand, we offer academic support and              of the CCTPE adds: “Our pool of spon-
                                                                                                         of today’s accelerated
equity industry to discuss their rapidly                Sven Mettner and Norbert Wünsche                                                                  case, leadership plays a central role. As a       Value-based Management       Transactions Support               Financing Expertise           a lively exchange with the current stu-          sors not only comprises private equity
                                                                                                         and globalized business
evolving roles amid ongoing regulatory                  presented their papers at the INFINITI                                                            useful support tool, Professor Suchanek                                                                                                         dents from one of the most renowned              funds and investors, but also lawyers,
and economic developments. Professor                    Conference on International Finance
                                                                                                         environment requires                             presented the ethical compass for good               Financial Planning            Commercial Due Diligence          Capital Structure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          business schools in Europe.”                     advisers, media representatives and
Schwetzler gave a talk on “The (R)evo-                  in June in Glasgow. Julian Kaboth and            companies to follow a                            leadership, whose central principle is                                             Financial Due Diligence                                                                                       services providers. This offers a unique
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Liquidity Management
lution of Value Creation Strategies in Pri-             Maximilian Schreiter gave presentations          holistic value system to                         “Do no harm”. Particularly with respect                                            Target Identification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Debt Planning and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Besides the two new partners, the group          setting for collaboration and exchange
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Risk Management
vate Equity”. Dr. Hammer spoke about                    at the 23rd Real Options Conference in           carefully consider social,                       to change processes, leaders should
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Investment Decisions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Corporate Valuation                                          of sponsors includes several compa-              that is unprecedented in Europe and will
“Gender Balance and Performance:                        London, which took place from June               environmental and moral                          be encouraged to be aware of possible                Economic Value Added
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Corporate Tax Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               within Groups
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          nies active in the private equity sector,        enhance public understanding of this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Deal Structuring
Exploring the Link Between Diversity                    26–29, 2019.                                     implications of decisions.                       harm and limit it as far as possible.                                                                                                           including AssetMetrix, Astorius, Börsen-         asset class in the long-run.”
Common Academic Focus - Sustainability Research - Leipzig Graduate School of ...
10      HHL NEWS           FALL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HHL NEWS              FALL 2019      11

  FACULTY GENERAL NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FACULTY REGIONAL OUTREACH

      First Spinoff at                               Public Lecture                                                                                                                 HHL and Konsum Leipzig –                                                                                            Smart Infrastructure Ventures –
    the Deutsche Post                               at the Source of                                                                                                                Two Local Heros Cooperate                                                                                           First Private Venture Capital Fund in
    Chair of Marketing:                               the Blue Nile
     Mission2Impact                                                                                                                                                                 Two local heroes are working together                      ers have to say and agile to implement,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the New German Federal States
                                                                                                                                                                                    more closely: Konsum Leipzig eG and                        but also provides us with rich field exper-
In April, the Deutsche Post Chair of Mar-                                                                                                                                           HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Man-                        tise and a deep understanding of the
keting marked the first company founda-                                                                                                                                             agement are now cooperating through                        local retail landscape.”

                                                                                              RICHARD WAGNER’S
tion in its 20-year history. With Mission-                                                                                                                                          student consulting projects, in execu-
2Impact, Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg,                                                                                                                                              tive education and applied research. The                   The initial result of the cooperation was a
Dr. Silko Pfeil and Rico Manß are pursu-                                                                                                                                            cooperation, championed and enabled                        project in which students consulted Kon-

ing the idea of “translating” the latest                                                                                                                                            by the Leipzig Chamber of Commerce,                        sum in the development of a tool to eval-
findings, approaches and methods from                                                                                                                                               was formally signed for three years.                       uate prospective store locations. “Open-
science into feasible concepts and mak-                                                                                                                                             “We can achieve a lot if two institutions                  ing new stores is of key importance for
ing them accessible to practitioners.                                                                                                                                               so deeply rooted in Leipzig join forces”,                  Konsum’s continuous growth. In only
The company’s name results from its                                                           In compositional order                                                                says Dirk Thärichen, spokesman of the                      three months, HHL students developed
two aims: to generate a practical impact                                                                                                                                            Management Board of Konsum Leip-                           an excellent tool with which we can score
from academic knowledge acquisition                                                           In just over three weeks                                                              zig, describing the agreement as a “way                    prospective store locations.                                         From left to right: Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner (Dean of HHL), Dirk Frohnert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (CEO Smart Infrastructure Ventures), Thorsten Kasten (Head of Retail, VNG),
and to take a holistic approach starting
from the mission statement and strat-        During the last week of June, Professor
                                                                                              In his birthplace of Leipzig                                                          for an increased knowledge transfer
                                                                                                                                                                                    between theory and practice.” Konsum                       We already use the tool and it helps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dr. Eric Weber (CEO SpinLab), Björn Bauermeister (CEO Smart Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ventures) and Bodo Rodestock (Member of the Board of VNG)
egy of a company up to its implementa-       Vilks from the Chair of Microeconomics                                                                                                 Leipzig, HHL students and the region will                  us a lot,” says Michael Faupel, Manag-
tion. To meet these goals, Mission2Im-       visited Bahir Dar University in the capi-                                                                                              profit from this. Thärichen adds: “Thanks                  ing Director of Konsum. In turn, the stu-                The “Smart Infrastructure Ventures”                    quality deal flow which leads to attrac-
pact provides access to a network of         tal of Ethiopia’s Amhara region, located                                                                                               also to Leipzig’s Chamber of Commerce                      dents also appreciated the cooperation:                  fund is investing throughout Germany,                  tive investment opportunities – also out-
about 60 experts, including 10 profes-       at Lake Tana and close to the source of                                                                                                for bringing us together.” Erik Maier, Jun-                “We loved the project because we could                   especially in teams focusing on smart                  side of SpinLab,” explains Dr. Eric Weber,
sors, all of whom come from the same         the Blue Nile. Professor Vilks discussed                                                                                               ior Professor of Retail and Multi-Channel                  work hands-on with Konsum and do                         cities, energy & eHealth. The new fund                 founder of SpinLab, which is also part of
school of thought, but have a diverse
knowledge and experience profile. Cor-
                                             several research projects with faculty
                                             and doctoral students at Bahir Dar Uni-                                                   SAVE THE DATE                                Management at HHL seconds this: “In
                                                                                                                                                                                    retail, we should not only worry about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               something data-oriented and technical,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               which is directly used by the company,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        will have a volume in the double-digit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        millions and is still open for new inves-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the Digital Hub Initiative of the German
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Federal Government, where SpinLab
porate clients benefit from this diversity
by involving these experts in tailormade
                                             versity and gave a public lecture enti-
                                             tled “Reflections on the Markets’ Invis-                                                  20. 06. ––––                                 giants like Amazon, but move step-by-
                                                                                                                                                                                    step to improve the competitiveness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               says M.Sc. student Bernhard Krum.                        tors/limited partners.                                 coordinates the Smart Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hub. In addition, HHL Leipzig Gradu-

                                                                                                                                       14. 07. 2022
consulting projects or coaching ses-         ible Hand”, which drew an audience of                                                                                                  of our own local businesses. In the pro-                   A recent discussion between Saxony’s                                                                            ate School of Management, which its
sions as required.                           economists and management scholars,                                                                                                    cess, we need to confront teaching and                     Minister-President, Michael Kretschmer,                  Supported by SpinLab –                                 focus on entrepreneurship and whose
                                             but also academics from neighboring                                                                                                    research with the reality. Konsum is an                    Konsum Leipzig and HHL at Saxony’s                       The HHL Accelerator and                                graduates have already founded five                fields such as political science. The lec-                                                INFORMATION & TICKETS: WWW.OPER-LEIPZIG.DE   ideal partner for us: The company is inter-                Retail Day showed that a local coopera-                                                                         unicorns, belongs to the closer network
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a Strong Network
                                             ture critically examined the theoretical                                                                                               ested in what our students and research-                   tion can also help to put matters on the                                                                        of the fund. Therefore, Prof. Dr. Stephan
                                             foundations of claims about competi-                                                                                                                                                              political agenda. The discussion cen-                    Smart Infrastructure Ventures has a                    Stubner, Dean of HHL and co-founder of

                                             tive markets which are widely attributed                                                                                                                                                          tered on retail concepts for urban and                   strong network of partners: SpinLab –                  trivago, agreed to join the Smart Infra-
                                             to Adam Smith, and discussed their                                                                                                                                                                rural areas, but also on retailers’ need to              The HHL Accelerator, has won multiple                  structure Ventures Advisory Board.
    Female Founders                          impact in academia and politics.                                                                                                                                                                  innovate and acquire employees. All in                   awards and has successfully supported
                                                                                                                                                                                       We can achieve a lot if two
  Initiative Workshop                                                                                                                                                                                                                          all, both Konsum and HHL are looking                     more than 50 startups since 2014.
                                                                                                                                                                                       institutions so deeply rooted                           forward to continuing their joint work in                “Based on our own organically grown                    Successful Entrepreneurs and
 With Leadership Coach                                                                                                                                                                 in Leipzig join forces.                                 the region.                                              networks, we are able to achieve a high-               Business Angels: Investors in
   Annekatrin Michler                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the Fund as its Decision-Makers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               These unique conditions convinced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               internationally experienced investors as
                                                                                                                                                                                    Entrepreneurial Succession in Saxony –                                                                                                                                     well: Weber initiated Smart Infrastruc-
                                             HHL Female Founders Initiative                                                                                                         an IFU Theme Evening With State Minister Martin Dulig                                                                                                                      ture Ventures together with ex-Lon-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               doners Björn Bauermeister, previously
                                             Welcomes 4th Class of Participants                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                an investment banker at BNP Paribas,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Dirk Frohnert, formerly a portfolio
                                             HHL, represented by the Chair of Inno-       applications for competitions and pub-        founders have participated and been                                                                                                                                                                                    manager at JPMorgan. Those two gen-
                                             vation Management and Entrepreneur-          lic funding.                                  mentored by more than 15 experienced                                                                                                                                                                                   eral partners have been successful busi-
                                             ship, and the local university network                                                     women entrepreneurs. We are excited                                                                                                                                                                                    ness angels and invested in the unicorn
                                             SMILE offer a special semester-long          In June 2019, three female entrepre-          to continue offering this program and                                                                                                                                                                                  Revolut, among other startups. Bauer-
                                             program designed to support women            neurs from our program successfully           hopefully convince more women to real-                                                                                                                                                                                 meister and Frohnert will be supported
                                             entrepreneurs on their way to establish-     participated in the Saxon idea contest        ize their business ideas.                                                                                                                                                                                              by a powerful team with a great deal of
                                             ing their own company. Each semester,        “Sächsischer Mitmach-Fonds” and were          The program is funded by the European                                                                                                                                                                                  experience, which is invested in the fund
                                             up to eleven women are selected for          delighted to receive prize money and          Social Fund, the State of Saxony, and                                                                                                                                                                                  as well. These include founders of and
                                             the “Gründerinnen-Initiative” (Female        support to help put their ideas into prac-    HHL and thus can be offered for free.                                                                                                                                                                                  investors in: AdytonSystems, brands-
                                             Founders Initiative). In April 2019, HHL     tice. Since the start of the initiative in                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4friends, con|energy, E-world, Inter-
                                             welcomed the 4th class of female             October 2017, over 40 potential female                From left to right: Dr. Marcus Kölling, Chancellor of HHL; Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner,   Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann, Professor in M&A of Small- and Mid-sized Entities     shop, ipoque, Lieferheld/Delivery Hero,
                                             founders to the program with an initial                                                                                                Dean of HHL; Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann, Professor in M&A of Small- and                (left) and Martin Dulig, Minister of State discuss current succession challenges   Pixaco, smow, Spreadshirt, etc. Frohnert
                                                                                                                                                                                    Midsized Entities; Martin Dulig, Saxon State Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor       of Saxonian SMEs
                                             idea workshop, where the participants                                                                                                  and Transport                                                                                                                                                              summarizes: “The startups we will invest
                                             discussed their ideas and got to know                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in will highly benefit from this unique
                                             each other. The women were matched                                                                                                     On May 14, 2019, the third theme even-                     financing options. Utilizing the insights                to bridge expectations and lay the foun-               combination of successful serial entre-
The Female Founders Initiative at            with experienced female entrepreneurs                                                                                                  ing focused on entrepreneurial suc-                        of studies on entrepreneurial succession                 dation for a comprehensible corporate                  preneurs and investors, as well as from
HHL welcomed Annekatrin Michler,             and managers for one-on-one business                                                                                                   cession in Saxony took place at HHL in                     conducted by Prof. Dr. Lahmann and his                   value that both can agree upon. The dis-               our external network of experts.”
the “Ändertainerin” (“entertainer of         coaching and mentoring.                                                                                                                Leipzig. It was organized by the Insti-                    team, ongoing trends were at the heart of                cussants agreed that succession readi-
change”) and Vice President of the                                                                                                                                                  tute for Family Businesses & Entrepre-                     the evening. One such detrimental trend                  ness is the decisive topic to work on
Leipzig Chamber of Commerce, to a            In further workshops, seminars, and                                                                                                    neurial Succession (IFU), led by Alexan-                   is the diminishing number of successors                  currently, as finding funding or financial             VNG AG and SAB:
workshop on “Women in Leadership”            events, they will enhance their busi-                                                                                                  der Lahmann, Professor of M&A of Small                     that are ready to take over a company.                   support is widely covered by numerous                  Anchor Investors
held on June 20, 2019. By using acting       ness skills, discuss problems related to                                                                                               and Midsized Entities. Addressing this                     Recent findings show that only 0.6 suc-                  programs and institutions.
and examples, Michler gave the partici-      building their own company, network,                                                                                                   year’s topic “Midsized firms, the back-                    cessors are available for each company                                                                          Investors in Smart Infrastructure Ven-
pants very interesting insights into per-    and challenge each other’s ideas. The                                                                                                  bone and future of the Saxon economy”,                     in dire need of one. The panel guests and                The IFU offers independent support to                  tures include energy and real estate
ceptions of status, communication, and       goal is to move the participants out of                                                                                                over 70 representatives from regional                      the state minister focused on the willing-               entrepreneurs and their potential suc-                 companies, banks, as well as busi-
the different ways of effective (female)     their comfort zone to bring them closer                                                                                                companies, banks, associations, advi-                      ness and readiness of companies to be                    cessors throughout the preparation for                 nesspersons, entrepreneurs and busi-
leadership. With her longstanding expe-      to realizing their own potential, despite                                                                                              sory firms and auditors participated in                    succeeded. Together they identified that                 succession, for estimating the corpo-                  ness angels. Anchor investors are the
rience, hands-on approach to portray-        the challenges of combining work, fam-                                                                                                 a lively discussion with the Saxon State                   generating transparency through read-                    rate value, for establishing a purchase                energy group VNG, which is headquar-
ing day-to-day situations and a conta-       ily and personal interests, the lack of                                                                                                Minister, Martin Dulig, as well as our                     ily available data and the existence of a                agreement, and for structuring financ-                 tered in Leipzig, and the Sächsische
gious sense of humor, she encouraged         role models, or simply fear of failing.                                                                                                esteemed panel guests.                                     mid- and long-term integrated financial                  ing options to support the prosperous,                 Aufbaubank Development Bank (SAB).
participants to reflect on themselves        Moreover, the initiative supports the                                                                                                                                                             projection are key factors for succession                sustainable economic development of                    “It is our goal to leverage the opportuni-
and ask specific questions about situ-       participants in finding the right type                                                                                                 The main points of the discussion                          readiness.                                               the greater region of Saxony.                          ties surrounding smart infrastructure as
ations they faced and also provided          of financing for their startup projects                                                                                                revolved around the topics of entrepre-                                                                                                                                    well as to use our special access to inter-
detailed advice through roleplaying and      by providing contact to investors and                                                                                                  neurial succession, fair company valu-                     Such a degree of information helps                                                      esting startups in the new German fed-
acting exercises.                            business angels as well as assisting with                                                                                              ations, preparation for succession, and                    entrepreneurs and potential successors                                                                          eral states,” emphasizes Bauermeister.
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